Friday, June 23, 2006

Siapa “Pihak Ketiga” Itu?

A Kadir Jasin

[Update, 25 Jun]

SEORANG Menteri Kabinet yang dilantik di zaman Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi memberitahu seorang pemimpin veteran Umno dari sebuah negeri di utara Semenanjung bahawa Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad “is finished.”

Dalam bahasa Melayu yang mudah, Dr Mahathir dah habis, dah tak laku, dah tak ada guna.

Sentimen sedemikian, yang datangnya daripada seorang menteri yang sedemikian tidaklah memeranjatkan.

Kalau dia melayan kemungkinan bahawa Dr Mahathir “is not yet finished” – masih belum habis, masih laku dan masih berguna – menteri itu akan menghadapi keadaan serba salah, dilema yang tidak berkesudahan.

Bagi anggota kabinet lantikan Abdullah, yang kebetulan tidak besar bilangannya, sokongan mereka terhadap beliau mungkin boleh dikategorikan sebagai “sokongan yang tidak berkualiti” kerana mirip kepada sentimen dan emosi.

Pada 24 Jun, dalam dialog umum di dewan Century Paradise, Taman Melawati, anjuran 26 badan bukan kerajaan dan akhbar Internet Malaysia, bekas Perdana Menteri menyifatkan sokongan anggota kabinet dan pemimpin Umno kepada Abdullah sebagai “tidak berkualiti” kerana tidak diasaskan di atas landasan yang kukuh.

Lantaran itu, beliau, secara berseloroh, berkata sokongan anggota kabinet dan pemimpin Umno kepada beliau ketika memimpin negara juga tidak berkualiti.

Ini, unjur D Mahathir, terbukti apabila satu demi satu dasar dan rancangan yang mendapat sokongan kabinet pada zaman beliau kini dipinda atau digugurkan langsung sedangkan kebanyakan anggota kabinet Abdullah adalah juga anggota kabinet beliau.

Antara kesimpulan ucapan beliau dan dialog selama dua jam itu adalah pengaruh “pihak ketiga” ke atas Perdana Menteri, Umno dan kerajaan. Malah Dr Mahathir mendedahkan siapa mereka.

Kesimpulan yang beliau buat itu secara kebetulan selari dengan prognosis Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Seri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin seperti yang dihuraikan di dalam posting asal di bawah, iaitu Dr Mahathir tidak bermusuh dengan Abdullah tetapi mensyaki ada pihak ketiga yang cuba menguasai kerajaan.

(Laporan lanjut ucapan dan dialog Dr Mahathir boleh dibaca, antara lain, di Malaysia,, dan Tiada sebuah pun akhbar arus perdana menyiarkan berita ucapan beliau kerana mendapat arahan daripada seorang pegawai pejabat nombor satu Putrajaya yang dicam dengan singkatan KK).

(Posting Asal)

Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Seri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, sahabat akrab Perdana Menteri dan bekas orang kanan bekas Perdana Menteri membuat kejutan.

Dia berkata di Bangi pada 20 Jun dan dilaporkan oleh Berita Harian pada 21 Jun bahawa Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tidak bermusuhan denganPerdana Menteri walaupun melemparkan kritikan terhadap kerajaan.

Sebaliknya, Abdul Aziz yang pernah menjadi Setiausaha Politik kanan dan orang kepercayaan Dr Mahathir mendakwa, masalah itu berlaku kerana ada pihak ketiga cuba mengawal kerajaan sekarang.

In simple English, the problem between Abdullah and Dr Mahathir arises “because there is a third party which tries to control the present government.”

Sehubungan itu, Abdul Aziz memuji Perdana Menteri kerana tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan pihak ketiga itu, tetapi terus menjalankan tugas diamanahkan.

Tetapi jika benar seperti kata Abdul Aziz iaitu Abdullah “tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan pihak ketiga” itu, mengapa masalah berlaku juga antara Dr Mahathir dan Abdullah?

Kalau niat Dr Mahathir baik seperti yang Abdul Aziz katakan dan pihak ketiga itu tidak berpengaruh ke atas Abdullah, mengapa kerajaan berdolak-dalik menjawab pertanyaan dan kemusykilan bekas Perdana Menteri itu dan mengapa beliau dibelasah begitu teruk oleh media massa milik Umno?

Dimudahkan cakap, dipendekkan cerita, kita minta Abdul Aziz, sebagai salah seorang operator politik veteran yang paling akrab dengan Abdullah dan Dr Mahathir, menyatakan siapa pihak ketiga itu.

Jika misteri “pihak ketiga” itu tidak dihuraikan, pelbagai spekulasi negatif dan merugikan akan tercetus, yang mungkin tidak adil kepada personaliti dan pihak yang disyaki.

Jadi eloklah identiti “pihak ketiga” itu dimaklumkan kepada umum supaya gerak-geri mereka boleh diawasi atau tindakan yang berkesan boleh diambil agar mereka tidak terus menjadi duri dalam daging.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Salam Dato',

    Fist time nak cuba komen sikit.

    I agree with you 100% identiti pihak ketiga perlu didedahkan demi kepentingan parti, bangsa Melayu dan negara Malaysia.

    We all know dah terlampau banyak spekulasi, sudah sampai masa we put a stop to it by bringing to the fore in the court of public opinion who these people are, kalau a group or who s/he is kalau individu.

    It is not enough to just say or put in glossy document that we are going to be transparent blah blah, but when it comes to the cruch, macam mengelak dari responsibility and accountability pulak.

    Sampai ada yang komen dalam setengah laman web yang menyamakan elegant silence dengan elegant incompetence?

    Effective Malay leadeship is important since the ruling Malays are supposed to lead not just the Malays, but also the whole nation.

    So first steplah I think, let's be honest and open about it. We all have the right to know siapa pihak ketiga berkenaan.


  2. Dato,

    Kalau pihak ketiga itu terdiri dari orang kepercayaan Pak Lah sendiri; contoh seperti, Khairy Jamaludin dan Kalimullah yang segala nasihat mereka diikut bulat-bulat oleh Pak Lah sendiri, maka persoalan "pihak ketiga" tidak timbul kerana mereka-mereka ini masih dalam kategori "pihak kedua" iaitu "pihak Pak Lah" sendiri. Kalau Pak Lah tidak beri lesen, masakan mereka ini boleh ada "kuasa perdana".

    Yang membimbangkan kita, siapa "dalang" dibelakang "orang kedua atau orang ketiga" ini. Apakah Pak Lah mengetahui dan merestui kewujudan "dalang" ini.

  3. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Kalau ada Pihak Ketiga sudah tentu ada Pihak keempat.Pedulikanlah siapakah pihak ketiga itu.
    Yang saya nak bagitahu ialah tentang pihak keempat.Mungkin Pihak keempat itu rakyat seperti kami. Kerana Orang seperti kami lah yang amat membenci perangai pemimpin yang tanpa takut-takut menaikkan harga minyak sehingga kuasa beli kami yang berpendapatan rendah berkurangan sehingga memungkinkan keluarga bercerai berai kerananya!



  5. The PM did call for tranparency under his leadership. If he really wants to prove he's running a transparent administration then Aziz Shamsudin should be given the thumbs up by Pak Lah to disclose the identity of the 3rd wheel.

    Anyway, I think we've all learned not to expect Pak Lah to practice what he preaches. But judging from which young punk is controlling what in his office as well as the GLCs I think we all know pretty well who the third wheel is in this fiasco.

    Well, PAS has "kepimpinan melalui ulamak" while Pak Lah has "kepimpinan dengan cakap budak-budak".

  6. Anonymous12:03 AM

    senario begini agak lazim... andailah dalang itu betul-betul wujud nescaya dalang itu akan menjaga segala kepentingannya dengan sebaik mungkin.

  7. assalamualaikum...
    pening aa..belit2 lebih dari ulau melengkau atas pagau.
    jgn sampai nanti dah tersadung kaki, terseret muka ditanah..lepas tu kena gelak dgn monyet2 yg bertenggek di atas pokok ...
    baik2 je tak boleh ker?
    duit boleh bawak mati meh???
    tak nampak ke mereka2 yg bergaduh sesama sendiri sampai tergadai negeri?

  8. Anonymous1:21 AM


    saya pun setuju...dedahkah sapa pihak ketiga itu dan kalu ada bukti..dedahkan jugak sapa kat belakang pihak ketiga itu...dan saya sudah dapat mengagak sapa pihak ketiga tersebut...masa akan mendedahkannya...saya hanya tunggu masa tersebut

    pendapat peribadi saya, dedah atau tak dedah...kepimpinan sekarang sudah tercalar imej...saya mungkin bias tapi macamana dgn org kampung saya yang tak pernah buka internet..yg tak baca newspaper yg hanya tengok tv boleh sampai kepada membezakan diantara mantan perdana menteri dengan perdana menteri sekarang....saya tak boleh bayang pulak golongan middle class yang ada access semua tu....golongan atasan tak matters....

    saya sudah sampai ketahap kelam tengok masadepan malaysia...kalau keaddan tak berubah....

    is there still a light at the end of the tunnel....i hope so...

  9. kemelut yang berlaku sekarang sukar diatasi lagi kerana Abdullah Badawi bersikap talam dua muka (berpura-pura) dan tidak ikhlas.

  10. Pak Lah mempunyai kuasa penuh. Pihak ketiga atau kedua. Kata putus adalah ditangan Pak Lah sendiri

  11. Anonymous6:01 AM

    few days before the last umno meeting on monday, few senators did a make calling towards their contacts including me asking to which principal do we support.

    i said the Tun team.

    was there even pak lah team? the third party or the second party?

    how i wish to say, being kind(PM) is not enough if we do not know how to do work properly.

    third party or second party or whoever, could it be tan sri nor yaakob, KJ or/and Kallimullah and bussiness associates?

    or out of human desire? (nafsu)

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Assalammualaikum Dato'.

    "With a great power comes a great reponsibility" - Spiderman

    Hampir 3 tahun yang lepas saya berharap dengan kuasa yang diberikan kepada Pak Lah, beliau tidak lupa pada tanggungjawabnya kepada orang Melayu dan rakyat sekalian.

    Rakyat masih boleh hidup dengan baik walaupun Pak Lah ditegur dengan keras oleh Tun M. Rakyat tidak marah pada Pak Lah walaupun Tun M kata Pak Lah bukan pilihannya. Namun apa yang berlaku sekarang nampaknya rakyat semakin dibebani dengan langkah kerajaan yang mengundang pelbagai masalah. Dengan isu minyak, gula, inflasi, IFC, IPCMC, kedangkalan sesetengah Menteri dan sebagainya. Rakyat makin susah.

    Apa yang kita lihat, pihak kerajaan dan media lebih mementingkan imej Pak Lah berbanding menyelesaikan masalah rakyat. Semuanya Pak Lah. Kelemahan kerajaan tenggelam dek kerana isu menjawab soalan Tun yang masih lagi tidak terjawab. Kepada Pak Menteri. Jangan sampai menang sorak kampung tergadai.

    Saya harap, Pak Lah takkan lupakan janjinya sewaktu beliau menerima tanggungjawab tersebut. Kerana pada saya, tanpa sokongan rakyat. Pak Lah semakin hari popularitinya semakin merundum. Walaupun dengan sokongan penuh Menteri, media dan pihak ke-3.

  13. Drmuzi said...

    Quote:"...I think the time will come, when every single Malaysian, will know who is who either the 3 rd party behind AAb or even the parties behind th e3rd parties behind AAB..."unquote.

    My question is: Until then, what are members of Umno, the party & backbone of the BN government in power, doing?

    Ironic aint it? The backbone of the Government, yet majority of the Umno cabinet members seem so spineless.

    Tak kan ahli-ahli umno yang lain masih nyenyak tidur & oblivious to what is happening to the country?

  14. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Sesiapa yang mempunyai kepentingan
    dengan Singapore sepatutnya dihumban ke Selat Tebrau. Mereka tidak layak untuk menjadi adviser atau dalang dibelakang kepimpinan Barisan Nasional.
    Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri perlu menyiasat.

  15. Anonymous10:16 PM

    kementerian dalam negeri menterinya ialah perdana menteri...siasat pun tak guna....buat kertas kerja 10 guni pun akhirnya dibakul sampah...

  16. Anonymous10:18 PM

    minta maaf datuk salah fakta...Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad ...dia ni pihak kedua kot...

  17. Anonymous2:43 AM

    I was in Taman Melawati this morning, For the first time in my life, I shed tears for this man.

    To Dr M, if you're reading this, let me tell you again, you're not alone! Kalau saya tak mampu membantu dari segi lain, saya akan sentiasa mendoakan Dr.M!

    Hantu Gigi Jarang.

  18. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Pak Lah and his team did a great job in geting the right messages across to us before the election. We bought the whole show as well Pak Lah's promises and with that we gave him 92% majority. IMHO the force behind that success was given more trust and say by Pak Lah after all they made him win 92%. Unfortunately they made some mistakes, one being the sand offer to Singapore which means they are not so transparent or less corrupt than others. But their biggest mistake is they thought the knew all and can handle Dr.M whom they made angry due to the cancelled bridge project.

    Now they have to face the Dr.M and unfortunately for them their 92% support is down cos of their own doing(not delivering promises).People are unhappy and are moving to the corner of Dr.M. Round two is on.

    BTW Malaysia today has the video on the dialogue with Dr.M.

  19. Anonymous4:17 AM

    saya sokong penuh Tun Dr. M dalam banyak isu2 sebelum ni, tapi kali ni rasanya Tun dah melampau. kecewa saya melihat Tun berdialog di pentas anjuran pembangkang di hadapan pemimpin2 PAS,DAP dll.

    Tun pernah cakap melayu mudah lupa la, umno akan berpecah akibat drpd perpecahan dalaman lah, itu ini dll, tapi sekarang ni nampaknya Tun yang melakukan apa yang dia cakap. dialah yg kelihatan dah lupa apa yg dia cakapkan sebelum ni.

    Beliaulah yg nampaknya bakal menjadi punca perpecahan dalaman umno.

    Ini bukan soal mencari siapa yg betul, siapa salah, tapi apa yg Tun lakukan sekarang memang langsung membawa kebaikan kepada UMNO, malah menguntungkan PAS & DAP saja yg memang sentiasa suka mengambil kesempatan.
    Cuma Anwar dan penyokong keAdilan je senyap.

    Kalau UMNO kalah teruk pada pilihanraya 2008 bolehlah dikatakan, Tunlah antara punca utamanya.

    siapa lebih penting? pemimpin atau parti?

    Sejarah pilihanraya 1969, 1990 dan 1999 akan terus berulang kembali pada tahun 2008.

  20. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Pada jangkaan saya, pihak ketiga atau third party itu lebih daripada gabungan khairy-kalimullah hassan. pihak ketiga ini besar dan berbagai. khairy-kali-kamal adalah core kepada pihak ketiga ini. melalui merekalah kawalan, kekuasaan atau control ke atas Pak Lah dilaksanakan seperti yang dikatakan oleh Aziz Shamsuddin (AS).

    Saya percaya penuh analisis AS. Dia kawan lama dan akrab PM; dari zaman GPMS kepada BTN dan Team B. Tapi Dr Mahathir tahu dia boleh guna AS untuk spying ke atas saki baki Team B. Jadi dia lantik AS jadi Setpol dia. AS benci Anwar Ibrahim dan mahu Abdullah Badawi jadi PM. Dia masuk Team B kerana dia juga rapat dengan Tun Musa Hitam (MH). Bila Dr Mahathir ambil tindakan ke atas AI pada tahun 1998, bagi AS ia merupakan pucuk dicita ulam mendatang.

    AS kecewa kerana dia dan golongan politik yang sekian lama menyokong Pak Lah gagal kuasai PM. PM dirampas oleh anak-anak, kroni anak-anak, oleh menantu dan kroni menantu, oleh kalimullah hassan dan konco-konco korporatnya dan oleh kakitangan peribadi macam mat zaki yang ada cita-cita politik. Dia main politik wang, didapati bersalah tapi Pak Lah simpan juga dan dilantik pula pengarah MRCB. Tak pernah jadi pengawai pejabat PM jadi pengarah syarikat swasta.

    Kemudian oleh golongan liberal yang anti-Melayu dan anti-ulama macam MH, Sisters in Islam dan NGO liberal bukan-Melayu.

    Jangan lupa Annuar Zaini! Dia tidak sebulu dengan KJ dan Kali. Dia kenal PM sejak zaman berparawisata menyebarang Benua Amerika Utara dan zaman BTN. Dia proxi Vincent Tan. Dia dengan Vincent Tan baru saja dapat lesen cap duit (security printing) dan sebuah bank kerajaan "diarahkan" beri modal RM400 juta hingga RM600 juta, macam AI arah EPF bagi hutang RM500 juta kepada Realmild.

    Melalui kelompok kuasa yang didalangi oleh kj, kali, kamal dan nori inilah korporat macam Ananda Krishnan, Francis Yeoh YTL dan Vincent mendapat habuan. Melalui mereka juga kuasa-kuasa asing seperti Amerika Syarikat dan Singapura mempengaruhi kerajaan mengenai FTA dan melalui kelompok ini juga idea menjual pasir kepada Singapura dihidupkan semula. Ia cara KJ memancing pengaruh di Johor yang penting kepada ambisi politiknya.

    Penjualan pasir dan pembukaan ruang udara Johor kepada Singapura adalah pakatan politik-bisnis di antara KJ dengan orang politik tertentu di Johor yang kini membaling batu dan sembunyi tangan.
    Minta Ghani Othman dedah pengkhianat -pengkhianat ini. Sampai bila nak jadi kembiri?

    Bukan Pak Lah tak mahu jawab Dr Mahathir atau berdamai dengan orang tua politik tanahair itu, tetapi dia disekat dan disabotaj oleh konspirasi khairy-kali yang nyata pro-Singapura, anti-Umno dan anti-Melayu.

    Saya cabar Aziz Shamsuddin sahkan analisis ini. Elegent silence atau tak jawab akan dianggap setuju.

  21. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Hantu Gigi Jarang,

    You shed tears the first time for Tun M when you listen to his talk @ Melewati. I shed tears occasionally when Tun was the PM and I still shed tears now. Tun is a great leader. Tun is wise. Tun is visionary. If not for his foresightedness, we would not be able to blog here. Infact Tun is paying a hefty price for his own good deeds. Mereka yang mengutuk Tun menerusi blog ini adalah mereka yang memanfaatkan wawasan Tun! Jadi berterima kasihlah kepada Tun dengan menyatakan sokongan kepada beliau for the sake of our country and our children future.


    You are right. Kata putus adalah di tangan Pak Lah. Orang kedua, orang ketiga atau orang ke berapa pun tak penting sebab Pak Lah adalah orang yang mempunyai kuasa penuh to put a full stop to everything. But unfortunately we have a Prime Minister who just couldnt think beyond what he knows and the most unfortunate thing is to have a team of advisors (sesuai ke perkataan ni?) yang dangkal, buta dan tiada wawasan. Again, this is the price Tun M has to pay for his own decision of making AAB as his successor. Yes, Tun M has make many mistakes during his tenure as PM (who doesnt? after all he is only a human and to err is human) but he has also contribute many good deeds. But he ended it up with an unforgiven mistake by putting AAB as the PM. I had once covered AAB assignment when he was the Foreign Minister, aduss siksanya nak jawab soalan yang mudah, jawab banyak kali sebab tak puas hati dengan jawapan sendiri!


    Sebab itulah orang Melayu mudah dituduh kaum moron. You tidak tahu membezakan antara hasrat seorang pemimpin yang hendak memperbaiki keadaan yang kacau-bilau dek kerana seorang yang cetek pemikiran dan sekumpulan orang lagi yang gila wang dan kuasa dan perbuatan golongan yang rakus menggadaikan maruah bangsa dan negara. I wonder how old are you? If you are a young man, I shall forgive you but if you in the senior citizen group, than I can foresee the dark future my children would have.

    Ibu Dara

  22. masih berlaku lagi kah kata-kata inggeris "Silence is Golden"? atau kata-kata Melayu "Diam Ubi Berisi"? atau "Diam Untuk Dihargai"?

  23. Dato'

    Apabila Tun menyatakan "sokongan daripada Menteri dan MB terhadap PM adalah tidak berkualiti" bermakna menteri dan MB yang berkenaan adalah tidak berkualiti.

    Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun memandangkan sokongan berkenaan hanya dibuat secara membabi buta dan bukan berdasarkan kepada merit sokongan itu.

    Saya sokong Tun di dalam tindakannya sekarang ini. PM perlu segera menunjukkan "kejantanannya". Paling tidak pun jawablah segala persoalan yang ditimbulkan secara gentlemen dan bukannya menyerahkan kepada menteri dan kementerian berkenaan. Sebab menteri dan kementerian berkenaan mempunyai kepentingan terhadap isu yang dibangkitkan. Contohnya pertanyaan Tun terhadap AP yang diberikan kepada Dato' Hanif yg merupakan bekas pegawai khas Rafidah dan tidak mempunyai walau sebuah pun showroom kereta tetapi mendapat banyak AP. Rafidah tidak berminat untuk menjawab soalan Tun walaupun PM telah mengarahkan Rafidah/kementerian berbuat demikian.

    Apabila ini berlaku, PM nampak tak ada kuasa terhadap menteri/kementrian di bawahnya. Dalam keadaan ini bukan sahaja Tun akan marah, saya sebagai rakyat biasa pun marah sebab menteri/kementerian tidak mengambil tanggungjawab untuk menjawab/membetulkan keadaan oleh kerana mereka sebenarnya di pihak yg salah.

  24. Anonymous3:15 PM

    U hit the nail right on the head. Tak payah susah2 nak siasat lagi...parti ketiga ke, keempat ke!Damn right, it's Singapore! of course it's the proxies that we are talking about..., who else if not KALI, KJ, Hishamuddin Aun, Brendan Preira. Empat orang pengkhianat ini patut dihumban ke Selat Tebrau, suroh berenang balek ke Singapore. The NSTP Group perlukan overhaul...lock,stock dan barrel.

    Jangan nak berlagak...cakap tu macam awak nak bertanding dalam PR 2008 akandatang. Siapa yang menjadi punca dulu? Buka minda, bersikap lebeh terbuka dan lihat bagaimana manipulasi oleh pihak tertentu i.e. pihak ketiga menghancurkan negara kita.Mengenai demi kepentingan bangsa Melayu dan negara Malaysia tidak ada yang lebeh patriotik daripada TDM.

    Ketika ini rakyat amat menderita akibat pentadbiran ekonomi negara yang tidak cekap. Sebut apa saja, semuanya menjejaskan kualiti hidup rakyat jelata daripada harga minyak, tarif letrik hingga lah ke kekurangan gula baru-baru ini. Kepentingan kita dalam GLCs habis terhakis akibat tamak haloba, di baham oleh Singapura. Pengerusi Proton Holdings juga menduduki dalam Lembaga Pengarah SCOMI. Sri Perdana yang baru di bena tak sampai 3 tahun, diubahsuai menelan belanja 15 juta, syarikat mana yang dapat projek Low Cost Terminal berharga 100 juta. Terlalu banyak kepincangan,...hak keistimewaan orang melayu dan kedudukan ugama Islam turut tercabar, SamiVellu membelakangkan PAC. Di Era TDM mertabat Melayu tinggi, tidak ada yang berani mempersoalkan isu begini dimana2. saya gerun memikirkan apa yang terjadi pada negara ini?

  25. Shah kata: "Kalau UMNO kalah teruk pada pilihanraya 2008 bolehlah dikatakan, Tunlah antara punca utamanya."


    Kalau UMNO kalah teruk pilihan raya nanti sebab dasar dan pentadbiran hari ini sudah tidak diterima rakyat.

    Sama juga semasa BN menang besar 2004 sebab dasar dan pentadbiran sebelum 2004 diterimna rakyat.

    Kalau Pak Lah baguih, cekap dan bijak mentadbir, Tun cakap setiap hari atas pentas Pas pun tak jadi masalah.

    Sebenarnya di Century Club tu Tun bukan bercakap atas pentas Pas. Bukan Pas yang anjurkan pun. tetapi kepimpinan Pas meminta untuk hadir.

    Mereka mendakwa sebagai rakyat Malaysia, mereka juga berhak mengetahui situasi semasa negara hari ini.

    Bolehkah Tun sebagai negarawan menolak pandangan ini?

    Selebihnya bukankah UMNO sudah menutup pentas untuk Tun?

  26. Sunday Column, June 25, 2006 pg 21.
    By Kalimullah Hassan

    Editor's Note: This will be the last regular Sunday Column. The writer has decided to focus on "the important things in life" and will be spending more time with his family and on an education foundation set up by his friends and him to help underprivileged Malaysians. He will continue to write occasionally. We wish him hell.



    Nampak gaya macam Dato K sudah kena "korban", atau dia sudah jadi askar pengecut cabut lari dari perang ... ataupun dia tukar taktik ... lebih bergiat cergas di belakang takbir yang semestinya kaedah yang mahir dijalankan oleh golongan-golongan perisik sahaja.

    Perkembangan terbaru ini agak mengejutkan juga. Dikala rakyat masih tertanya-tanya siapa "pihak ketiga" yang disebut-sebut oleh Dato Aziz Shamsuddin itu, salah seorang individu yang "tertuduh" telah "angkat kaki" dan cuba lari dari "crime scene". Lebih menarik apabila isu "pihak ketiga" ini dimulakan oleh Dato Aziz, iaitu "rakan dan penasihat lama" Pak Lah. Apakah Pak Lah sudah mula menerima kembali nasihat-nasihat dari "rakan-rakan dan penasihat-penasihat lama" beliau dan dalam proses "menyahkan" penasihat-penasihat "jahat" yang ada agenda tersembunyi ini? Kita sedia maklum, sejak pertelingkahan Pak Lah dan Dr M ini meletus, suara Dato Aziz langsung tidak kedengaran hinggalah sampai ke isu "pihak ketiga" ini. Entah apalah yang dibincangkan oleh Dato Aziz dan Pak Lah semasa sama-sama menaiki helikopter minggu lepas melawat satu kawasan "hulu-banat di Sabah" (minta maaf, tiada niat menyinggung)

    Dari aspek yang lain pula, apakah "pengorbanan" Dato K ini adalah "langkah pertama" Pak Lah untuk "reconcile" dengan Dr.M dan seterusnya "concede defeat" dan bersiap untuk turun secara terhormat? Kalau begitu, macam mana caranya nak korbankan menantu yang disayanginya sendiri iaitu "My Khairy"?

    My Khairy pun sekarang semakin menyepi dan cuba keep low profile. Kolum beliau di NSTP pun sudah tidak segarang dulu; lebih menulis mengenai isu yang entah apa-apa. Kerja menghentam DrM diserah pada tonto-tonto sahaja.


    Seperkara lagi Dato,

    Orang lain jadi editor suratkhabar 2, 3 tahun sudah boleh ada "foundation" sendiri. Dato bila lagi?

  27. During Mahathir's rule it was a one man dictaorship. He wanted unquestioning loyalty from his men. The feudal minset was established by Mahathir himself so that everyone will say "Yes" to what ever he uttered. Not a single soul dared go against any of his proposal. F1 circuit, no objection. Putrajaya/Cyberjaya, no objection. Twin Tower, no objection. Sack Anwar, no objection. Sack Salleh Abas, no objection.
    So what have we? Total subserviance and blind obedience to the chief.
    That is what we have today. Ministers who know which side of the bread is buttered. Right or wrong is irrelevant. The bottom line is position, power and wealth.

  28. kamal khalid. hahaha dulu kerjakan Khir Toyo sekarang TDM pun dia nak kenakan. Inilah masalahnya bila hingus dok meleleh lagi dah jadi Board Director Utusan.

    kat pejabat Pak Lah ni tak ada banyak kerja kot? PA pak lah semua sibuk jadi board Director.

    p/s Datuk: boleh tak kalau update aja bubuh tajuk baru la. pening baca bercampur-campur.

  29. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Tidak kira sapa yg menghentam sapa, tidak kiralah jua siapa pun pihak ketiga, masalah utamanya sekarang kita sebagai rakyat makin tertekan... mungkin org2 yg disogokkan dgn akhbar2 aliran perdana sahaja tidak mengetahui hal2 sebegini...

    Rakyat perlukan ketelusan dari pemerintah... perlukan pemerintah yg memerintah atas tiket pengundi2nya bekerja keras demi kesenangan rakyat... bukan utk kesenangan org2 golongan atasan yg langsung tidak tahu betapa peritnya membayar duit petrol, elektrik, air, bersesak2 dalam kesesakan jalanraya/lrt, membanting tulang siang dan malam hanya untuk membayar duit sewa rumah dan pendidikan anak2...

    Pak Lah dgn bisunya... Dr M dgn kritikan kerasnya... alangkah lebih baik jika Pak Lah membuka mulut (dan berbuat sesuatu) membela nasib rakyatnya... dan alangkah baik juga Dr M gunakan platformnya untuk mengkritik demi rakyatnya juga...

    Kita bicarakan tentang syarikat2 dan org2 besar dibelakang syakirat2 itu... mereka sudah hidup senang... bagaimana dengan golongan pendapatan rendah dan sederhana ini?


  30. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Pejabat Pak Lah ni pejabat Perdana Menteri Malaysia ka atau pejabat perniagaan?
    Kalu dah semua kakitangan pengarah syarikat, tukar saja lah jadi pejabat enterprise macam saya di Tunjang atau syarikat sendirin berhad.
    Tak heranlah sampai semu kontrak kena lawan dengan depa. Pak Lah tak tahu ka kami kontraktor kampung la lin dok lelah?
    Sapa-sapa tolong minta dedah budak-budak pejabat Pak Lah dan apa yang depa meniaga! Mahathir dengan Anwar dulu pun tak teruk macam ni. Bila ada IPO tak banyak sikit depa hantar juga mai ke kampung. Bolehlah kami tumpang rasa.
    La ni dah lah IPo tak banyak, harga pula tak tentu hala. Lepas tu Putrajaya sendiri bolot.
    Pak Lah, tolonglah! Ni negeri anak menantu dan member atau ni negeri rakyat jelata?

  31. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Dato, the Cabinet Minister whom you said made the conclusion that Tun M is finished is guilty of only one thing - that of wishful thinking.And it is also apparent that he made the remark as possible insurance for his political career. Furthermore, he thinks that the PM will believe his statement outright. The PM is not likely going to believe in what his junior colleague says because Pak Lah knows that Tun M is far from finished. Pak Lah knows Tun better than the Minister who made the statement.

    The fact that the whole Government machinery is now huddled in corridors trying to respong to Tun's queries can only mean one thing - that Tun is as relevant as ever, even when he no longer wields power.

    The comment by Aziz Shamsudin is also interesting. As a member of the present Cabinet, Aziz must be commended for being 'brave' when making the statement. He's taking the PM's policy to the letter ie to openly discuss issues. He must be taking a risk by making that statement. But to his credit, the PM has not censured Aziz for making it. Aziz was Tun M's political secretary but he's also a member of Pak Lah's cabinet. I wonder how many more Cabinet members dare to declare their stand publicly.

    One commentator in your blog said Tun M will be the cause of a split in UMNO. Just because Tun criticises the govt doesn't mean Umno will be split. At some point in time, Umno's unity will be tested more by issues than by Tun M's scathing comments.As has been said before, even without Tun M, the issues will still have to be addressed by the Government.the sooner the better.

  32. Dato,

    Minta perbetulkan "typing error" dalam editor's note Dato K.

    Sepatutnya rangkap terakhir disebut "we wish him well" bukannya "hell".

    mohon maaf

  33. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Shah saudaraku,

    Di antara UMNO yang ada sekarang dengan Si Cantek, lembu tua kesayanganku, aku lebih sayangkan Si Cantek. Banyak jasa-jasanya kepada kami sekeluarga!

    Hantu Gigi Jarang

  34. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Datuk, satu aspek sampingan kejayaan besar dialog NGO/Malaysia Today.Net dengan Tun Dr Mahathir pada 24 Jun ialah penerimaan rakyat Malaysia, khususnya orang Melayu, terhadap peranan media alternatif, akhbar Internet dan blog.
    Mengapa saya kata begitu ialah kerana maklumat mengenai dialog itu tidak disiarkan oleh media massa arus perdana. Ia disebarkan keseluruhannya oleh akhbar alternatif, surat khabar Internet dan blog macam bolg Datuk ini.
    Nampaknya rakyat Malaysia tidak lagi bergantung seratus peratus kepada media massa arus perdana yang semakin terkawal dan sensasi sekarang. Tahniah NGO, tahniah RPK dan semua para blogger tanah air.

  35. Datok

    Other than cerita "pihak ketiga" the following excerpts from KMU is disturbing. Its abt your ole company, dato'. Care to confirm on this.

    Pemegang saham misteri dari Chicago beli Media Prima

    Media Prima adalah syarikat holding untuk TV3 dan punya saham juga dalam NST. TV3 dulu di bawah MRCB dan mereka menguasai Malakoff yang ada IPP.

    Lepas lepas krisis kewangan dan politik 97/98, MRCB bertukar rupa dan TV3 dan NST letak bawah Media Prima. Semua TV percuma private di bawah TV3 sekarang, satu kuasa media TV yang kuat.

    Pada update april 29hb, 2005, pemegang saham utama Media Prima adalah berikut:

    Gabungan Kesturi Sdn Bhd - 85,036,990 saham - 15.7% (mungkin UMNO)
    EPF - 68,784,811 saham - 12.7%
    MRCB - 21,000,000 3.88%

    Secara tak sedar, pada 8/9/2005, seorang pemegang saham baru membeli 29,595,000 saham. Ini bermakna mereka melebihi MRCB.

    Saya selidik dan dapati saham itu dibeli oleh satu Fund Manager dari Chicago bernama Harris Associates L.P. Blok sebesar ini selalunya bukan beli dipasaran tetapi blok purchase.

    Sejak itu, Harris Associates L.P. Chicago sentiasa ada membeli saham Media Prima. pegangan terbaru sudah mencapai 65,972,800 saham melebihi sedikit 21%

    Misterinya adalah:

    1. Fund manager kadang2 mengurus non discretionary fund. Siapa yang empunya dana yang diuruskan Harris Associate. Pasal kalau nominee di malaysia, kena cakap siapa yang beli. Walaupun mereka pengurus, mungkin pengurus dana hanya ambil instruction dan berperanan sebagai nominee.

    2. Mengapa mereka perlu beli sebanyak saham dalam Media Prima memandangkan mereka bukan syarikat media yang dinamik. Business funfair. NTV7 over price purchase. EGM melenting shareholders. Banyak saham media yang lebih baik yang boleh di beli dalam dunia, kenapa beli begitu banyak saham Media Prima

    3. Adakah kumpulan pelabur dari Amerika ini akan tuntut peranan pengurusan dan menyusupkan orang2 mereka di dalam TV3? Ini mungkinberlaku pasal Datok Farid ni seorang ketua corporate yg bangang. Orang advertisement, what can you aspect kebolehan perancangan corporatenya. Mesti akan desperate selepas bail out NTV7.

    4. Mengapa pelabur dari Chicago? Bukan pelabur yang beribu pejabat di Boston (Pusat Insuran dan Fund Manager America) atau New York (Pusat Kewangan)? Saya tanya ini pasal baru difahamkan bahaw penasihat2 Bush yang War Criminal belajar di University Chicago dan berguru di bawah ideologis "dajjal" War Criminal bernama Carl Schwartz. Salah seorang anak muridnya adalah seorang bernama Paul Wolfowitz. Mereka ini berpaksi pada Likud Party, Israel.
    Apa kemungkinan pertalian ini?

    Namun pengaruh asing sudah di buka lagi pintu masuk dalam media kita.


  36. Anonymous2:49 PM

    siapa jantan?Dr.M is taking on the whole freaking cabiner plus the Oxford graduate. Jantan lah itu? If you have balls Nazri, sack the old man. If you dare. see how many malaysians will support you after that. The police have 95,000 votes an you are afraid of them. Guess how many ppl still support Dr.M?more than 95,000 bro.

    if Pak Lah is really brave and sure if his support, hold an election now. This will put a stop to all this. Now are you guys jantan enought to call an election now?

  37. Anonymous5:14 PM

    imagine, in one of the future session TDM has with the rakyat, he will be surrounded by the FRUs and the secret police (Malaysian Special Branch officers), ready for action.

    imagine, TDM being dragged into lock up and the audience chased with water cannon, sticks and batons.

    imagine, TDM is imprisoned under ISA

    imagine, the hues and cries of the rakyat, thereafter.


    the FRUs/Special Branch/police force, just like Nazri Aziz, answers to no one but the current Boss. Only the current boss...


  38. Afternoon dato' dan rakan2 blog yang lain.

    Panas nampaknya isu kali ini, sampai ada yang memaki dan ada yang mencabar kejantanan orang. nasib baik jantan saya masih terpelihara dan khusus untuk benda lain.

    Isu orang ketiga ini sudah banyak diperkatakan. KJ dan Kali orang yang paling banyak di tuding. ada kaitan mungkin. ada persamaan watak dengan mamak bendahara di zaman melayu lama. kerana memenuhkan peti harta di rumah melaka tergadai.

    KJ dan kali jauh atau dekat adalah rapat bersama PAKLAH. masalah pengaruh dan kedudukan ini disia-siakan. mesti dipergunakan.

    penjualan banyak kepetingan negara kepada singapura perlu dipantau dan dihalusi oleh Paklah. Rakyat Thai yjuga marah atas perluasan kuasa Temasek Holding ( CEOnya orang yahudi) ke atas syarikat thai. tapi dimalaysia semuanya ok bisa di atur. tidak ada bangkangan dan halangan untuk syarikat singapura mengambilalih.

    TDM amat berani mendedahkan peranan KJ dan Kali, syabas Tun, jasa mu akan dikenang hingga ke akhir hayat.
    Buat KJ dan Kali ingat melayu bukan cepat lupa dan bukan anda sahaja yang ada peluang ke OXford..

  39. Anonymous9:20 PM

    this is an open message to dr m. for the sake of your legacy and this country, pse stop the remorseless running down of the administration. you have your grouses but is this the way to further your cause? you run the risk of losing your credibility.

  40. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Datuk dan saudara, saudari, apa agaknya satu kes rasuah yang Dr Mahathir rekomen dibicarakan tetapi tidak dibuat oleh kerajaan sekarang?
    Ramai menteri yang disiasat. Mungkinkah kes yang mantan PM cakap pada hari Sabtu lalu itu mengenai seorang menteri yang didakwa ada 3,000 teksi di Kuala Lumpur?
    Minta Nazri Aziz yang isytihar perang ke atas Dr Mahathir jawab soalan ini. Saya rasa dia berani jawab semua soalan!

  41. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Apa dah jadi dengan Si Nazri ni? Dah mabuk ka? Jadi macam gajah Tok Miah tumpah minyak.
    Pak Lah kata dia ok dengan kritikan Dr Mahathir. Dia kata kerajaann akan jawab, tapi kalu Dr Mahathir tak pecaya juga, dia tak buleh buat apa-apa. Ini cara oghang gentleman.
    Tapi menteri dia macam lain pulak. Pangge orang tua jantan. Ni la bila manusia pikiax macam keghebau. Kegrebau dia ada jantan dengan betina. Kengebau pun beguna kalau kita ajax betui-betui boleh buat mengala bendang. Kalu tak makan ajax, kita semelih makan dagin.
    Tapi bila menusia jadi macam kerbau, dia asyik nak belaga saja. Ni pun keghebau yang mengawan. Kenghebau gila betina.
    Kalu macam ni zaman bebas, zaman hadhari, zaman telus, zaman tanggungjawab, tak payahlah kita bebas. Dok zaman diktator lagi baik.
    Dah lah nak cari makan susah, ada pula menteri yang celupar, panas baran, cakap mengapu. Lain Pak Lah kata, lain depa buat. Benci kat Dr Mahathir tak pa lah. Ni kehendak Pak Lah pun depa lawan.
    Drmuzi, aka penin kepala. Jon kita pi siam, kena tomyam asli!

  42. nstman,

    The one who is gradually losing credibilty is our dear Prime Minister, Pak Lah Badawi, who has been maintaining his "elegant silence."

    Certainly not Tun Dr Mahathir!

  43. Anonymous12:27 AM

    aku tak perlu mintak maaf tak sebut gelaran engkau sebab engkau ajar aku menjadi biadap. Kalau engkau tak pikir emak bapa yang melahirkan engkau, pikirlah bini dan anak-anak yang pandang tinggi kat engkau (tapi sekarang engkau dah sama rendah dengan anak-anak engkau). Sidang akhbar engkau di tempat yang mulia terhadap seorang negarawan yang turut menyumbang kepada kesenangan hidup engkau jelas membuktikan engkau seorang yang tak ada budi bahasa langsung. What say you Dato' Rais? Is this the result of your Kempen Budi Bahasa? What a shame!
    Engkau ada rupa, engkau ada gaya. Tapi sayang engkau tak cukup ilmu di dada dan akal engkau pun pendek rupa-rupanya walaupun mengaji tinggi sampai ke Lincoln Inn tempat terpuji.
    Ya, Tun seorang diktator tapi diktator dia berilmu. PM kita seorang yang terbuka tapi keterbukaan dia menghuru-harakan. Ya, Tun seorang tua tapi tua dia penuh ilmu di dada. PM kita pun tua jugak tapi tua yang tak tau apa-apa.
    Last sekali, satu je soalan aku, apa sebenarnya tujuan engkau sampai sanggup menggadai maruah dan harga diri untuk menjadi kambing hitam kepada khairy?

    Che Ros

  44. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Seronok juga tengok orang bergaduh fasal Pak Lah dan Dr Mahathir. Dr Mahathir buka mulut satu Malaya melatah. Pak Lah elegantly silent, kata Musa Hitam. Apa fasal?

    Ada yang sampai hendak lari ke siam macam Mat Tunjang Enterprise. Ni lah Melayu yang tak ada ambition. Lain dari Siam tak ada ka?

    Kalau nak lari juga, lari ke Singapore. Takkanlah hari-hari nak makan tomyam.

    Ajak Drmuzi budak Joho tu kita pergi Singapore. Kita buat parti. Kita buat orgy. Ini sikit-sikit siam. Sikit-sikit tomyam, urut tradisional, body massage.

    Ikut aku ke Singapore kita buat party, kita buat orgy. Che Ros dan Budak Padang Rengas, aku kata orgy bukan ogy anak Mat Daud tu. Orgy ni ada seks ramai-ramai.

    Aku belanja kamu semua fine wine. Apa kamu mau -- 1975 vintage? 1954 vintage pun aku ada.

    Aku apa peduli, aku tauke carpet. Hutang banyak, tapi apa susah kalau tak kena bayar. Kawan aku Ayoyoooooo ada 3,000 teksi di KL. Dia pun ikut sama. Kita joli la!

    Kamu semua ikut aku, aku lagi banyak cerita. Kalau Nazri Aziz banyak cakap, aku lagi banyak cakap.

    Drmuzi, engkau orang politik, engkau tahukah apa yang aku cakap ni. Jangan bengang sangat. Ini boleh jadi modal besar engkau. Ok, kita sambung lain kali. Sekarang kita tengok gerak geri Nazri.

  45. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Datuk, Nazri Aziz is just doing what he's good at doing - that of a stooge. He is a classic case of bad upbringing. Nazri is nothing more than a 'budak suruhan,' a peon masquerading as a political operator. We all know that he craves the publicity, and if challening Tun M to leave Umno would give a few column inches, so be it. I hope the newspapers will use his statement on page one, aided by some editorialising by fellow stooges in the mainstream media. There's no finesse really, both from Nazri, and the mainstream media.Oops, sorry! We weren't expecting subtlety from both but surely we can hope to have some fine articulation from a minister.

    The pihak ketiga referred to by you n other commentators would no doubt be pleased with Nazri. In the heart of the 'pihak ketiga,' Nazri has proven that he's only a short term ally. If Nazri can treat his old Boss and protector the way he did, there's no guarantee that he won't do the same to his present Boss. People like Nazri is so detached from the ground, which is why he made that kind of statement. I expect a few more of his colleagues will make similar noises, and you can bet that his Boss will not lift a finger to calm things down..

  46. Anonymous7:23 AM

    what is there to compare TDM's credibility with the future of this country? Tun is willing to forsake his legacy, his good name, his reputation etc etc for the sake of the future of this country?

    Can't you see that at his ripe age of 80 plus he has nothing more to gain politically? Can you detect his sincerity here?

    The least that we could do is to appreciate, empathise and share his concerns. He's not talking for himself (or his family, for I believe they are already well to do and can take care of themselves) but he's concerned about this nation (within which the fate of his people, the future of his people, the welfare of his people, the continuity and survival of his people). Can't you see that?

    How can we not make noise when confronted on all these issues just for the selfish sake of being afraid to lose personally? We are talking about a true patriot here.

    And why are you defending something that is glaringly indefensible? Have you donated your heart and soul to some third person? So you no longer have the heart?

  47. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Yesterday evening after work I went to KLCC:

    1. I bought you book "Damned That Thots".....looks like a very serious commentary. I look forward to reading it....
    2. Bumped into Khairy Jamaluddin and his wife Nori at about 7 p.m. on the 2nd floor. KJ's left arm was in sling....does anybody know why? Has he been involved in any accident that we know of? Or was it the bruising result of TDM's attack on him? Appreciate if anybody can enlighten me on this...

  48. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Dear all and sundry,
    I am sick and tired of hearing "gag order" on the mainstream newspaper editors when hot issues affecting this nation come up.

    I think it's time we put a stop to this and show that at the end of the day it is the customer that matters. It's about a service provider giving what the customer wants. In the newspaper case, it's about the newspaper companies giving what the customers want to read. If they fail to do that, we don't buy their newspapers.

    The newspaper companies must realise that it is the customers (who buy their newspapers and become readers) that give them their living, that pay for their salary and that cause the advertisers to place advertisements in their newspapers. The newspaper companies will have to be made to realise that, at the end of the day, it is not the government who determines their survival. It is us, the customers, the readers.

    This is what I would like to suggest we do:

    Each of everyone who comes to Dato' A Kadir Jasin's blog pages are bloggers themselves. I don't know, but I think bloggers may already run into millions. So I suggest that each of us, at whichever blog pages that we go to such as Malaysiakini, Malaysia Today, jeffooi etc etc, we raise this ruckus. We raise our demand that newspaper companies provide news that we want to read, that we want to know.


    If the million among the bloggers start to not buying "product that does not meet the demand of the customer", eventually it will cause a dent into their source of income, enough that they may come back to their senses.

    Afterall, we already have more than enough to read on the internet, and (to a large extent) thanks to the kindness of people like Dato A Kadir Jasin who provides alternative commentary, free of charge.

    I, for one, have stopped buying print newspapers on regular basis. And I don't feel like I'm missing anything. It's just fine.

    So the editors out there be warned! Be wary of the wrath of the bloggers! We are customers with buying power and we can decide not to buy your products if we think you do not provide what we want (which is basic common and economic sense).

    So dear bloggers, what say you? What say you? Are you ready to roll aDn raise this issue at whichever blogs that you visit? Once it catches on, the newspaper companies will blink and will have to start thinking about providing newsworthy news to the customers!


  49. Anonymous10:51 AM


    Saya lega mendengar kenyataan TM saperti yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar-akahbar online:

    “Saya ingat dulu mereka sokong kerana apa yang saya lakukan untuk negara, itulah sebabnya mereka sokong saya, itulah pendapat saya. Tapi sekarang barulah saya tahu, mereka sokong, kerana saya Perdana Menteri. Saya buat apapun - Kami sokong.”

    Itulah putaran roda kehidupan. TM orang terpelajar, hebat, pemikir zaman ini? Tidakkah dia tau dan sedar akan ada yang Maha Kuasa. Saya harap dia boleh membuat refleksi atas dirinya. Sebagai pemimpin negara dan pemimpin parti Melayu yang lalu, apakah dia telah benar-benar menyumbang kepada kaum Melayu di tanah air sendiri. Banyak mana peningkatan mereka? Banyak mana yang telah terlucut dari mereka? Kalau dia ada kesedaran tanggung jawab sebagai orang Islam apa yang dia telah buat untuk menjadikan orang Melayu dan Islam lain bertambah kukuh pegangan Islamnya.

    Episod TM ini patut menjadi iktibar kepada kita. Ramai orang yang berkuasa menjadi lupa diri. Terasa hebatnya diri dan boleh buat apa sahaja. Begitulah teladan yang diikuti oleh ketua-ketua jabatan kerajaan. Ibaratnya baru menjadi pengarah sebuah institusi latihan yang sekecil sebuah sekolah, sudah merasakan dirinya Pengarah jabatan peringkat negara. Stail dan lagak sudah berlain dan sering mencari keuntungan pribadi. Tanggung jawab terhadap institusi terabai. Dia di kelilingi oleh juak-juak yang juga mahu peluang-peluang. Mereka selalu mengiyakan dan memberikan nasihat-nasihat yang salah dan menzalimkan orang lain.Hasilnya motivasi untuk pekerja yang tulin merosot dan mereka keluar dari institusi itu.

    Para pengarah-pengarah eloklah membuat refleksi dari episod TM ini.

  50. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Singapore agent has start the war with you in today NST.

  51. Anonymous1:12 PM


    Baru selesai baca akhbar-akhbar utama Malaysia. Saya cabar dato' Khalid Mohd siarkan rakaman penuh sidang akhbar nazri aziz di lobi parlimen semalam. berita yang disiarkan di dalam akhbar beliau menampakkan seolah-olah nazri begitu bersopan sedangkan satu dunia sudah tahu yang nazri sangat biadap! NST, BH dan The Star tak payah cerita lagilah...

    Che Ros

  52. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Dia orang tak pecat Tun sebab nanti takut kena cap 'ikut cakap orang PAS'.

    Tapi kalau orang PAS tak cakap (pecat TUN), agaknya dia orang berani tak pecat TUN?


  53. Assalamualaikum Datuk,
    Kalau Datuk menulis surat balas atau "Letter To Editor" ke NSTP mengenai artikel yang ditulis menyentuh hal Datuk dlm NSTP hari ini diharapkan Datuk mem'post'kan surat tersebut dalam blog ini. Saya dah tak lalu nak beli NST lagi sekarang ni (sebenarnya dah lebih setahun tak beli kot). Saya dahulukan dengan ucapan terima kasih atas kesudian Datuk.

  54. I guess now we know how Reader's Digest guaged our "rudeness", they probabaly saw people like Nazri, Rafidah and Samy talking. Perhaps it's not us, the people, they were referring to but rather the lethargic PM and his kurang ajar pack of wolves (all of Pak Lah's K's included).

  55. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Salam Dato',

    Saya rasa pihak ketiga itu adalah DSAI bukannya Khairi atau Kalimullah. "Gentleman agreement yang dilanggari oleh AAB itu ada berkemungkinan berkenaan kes DSAI, SUKMA dll.

    Segala kekurangan dan kelemahan pentadbiran dahulu akan terbuka sedikit demi sedikit jika TDM terus mempesoalkan kerajaan AAB. Dengan berdiam diri dan membenar TDM untuk terus melatah, AAB telah membawa kembali beberapa kes seperti kes Tun Saleh Abas, Tajuddin Ali, Ani Arope dll. Syabas Nazri.

  56. Ah.... such strong words coming from Kali. Did he ever wonder where he gets his feedback from? As his article "SpotLight: Political tiffs and intrigues not new (NST 27 Jun 2006)" stated, his point of reference is foreigner. The article went:

    "A COUPLE of months ago, I ran into a foreign banker whom I had not met for some time.

    Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had, by that time, started regularly attacking the current administration, and the banker was a little concerned about the effects it would have on the investment climate in the country.

    His take as a "Mat Salleh", he said, was that these attacks were a serious problem for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

    On June 23, foreign investment house Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) sent out a research report on the "Mahathir-Badawi administration battle" and its implications for the market."

    Yes, he seems to be getting feedback from foreign merchant bankers and the likes of them may they be American, Singaporean or whatever. Did he at any time make references to the local City folk, Kampung folk, Fisherman, Petty Trader etc? How can he advise the PM when he himself is sorrounded by such people? How can an adviser advise our number one leader if he himself knows not of the plight of the ordinary Malaysian?

    Amazing, with all his so-called "contacts", we were still downgraded in rating by Merrill Lynch a week after that fisco of a roadshow organized by his ECM Libra in September last year. So, Kali should ask himself, is he as ignorant as he looks? Don't go quoting words from foreigners who don't give a damn about the difficulties we, the people (and never forget the voters), are going through. His "friends" are just here to make money, and at our expense no doubt. Kali should please leave his freinds' opinions to himself.

    So, good if Credit Suisse First Boston analysts think that a general election is coming soon. Maybe it's time we put Pak Lah, his half-baked cabinet and even Kali in their place.

    Don't use excuses like this battle, to show the dwindeling confidence of investors to our country. This dwindling confidence in the economy came well before this battle took place. It took place gradually after Kali's boss (the term boss is argueable as Pak Lah is know to listen to Kali rather than the other way around) took over the reins of leadership.

    Kali's attack on you, Datuk, is also contradictory. If you, Datuk, are trully a crony as he mentioned in his article, then you, Datuk, should have had no problems privatising (and of course making money from) Bernama. In all fairness, the idea was shot down by Dr.M when he was PM. Kali is obviuosly trying to bring you down to his level. After all he has had many opportunities as a crony himself: IPO jobs for ECM Libra, takeover of Avenue etc.

    So what if you got Berita Publishing for RM1. Many people are given farewell "gifts" after retiring as a gesture of thanks and as a bonus for many years of service. Some are given Chairmanships and Directorships, some are given cash and company cars. What's wrong with a publishing house in-lieu of cash graduities? As a journalist, I believe you have to be impartial. Hence the reason why no one can find you sitting on the board of any GLC's or corporations. It would be a hinderence for you to write should you sit on the board a company involved in some controversy.

    In fact Kali should ask himself why he was Group Editor-in-Chief of the NSTP and at the same time sitting on the board as well as being a shareholder of ECM Libra? Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?

    Perhaps Kali is really as ignorant as he looks. His article is nothing short of that of a rambling schoolboy writting a baseless essay. And thanks to him, those who had previously not heard of your blog, Datuk, can now be enlightened.

  57. Nazri Aziz is really shouldn't talk. He should first clear his own name (and the name of his commrade, then CVLB Chairman who is now BN BBC Chairman Raja Ahmad Zainudin Omar) regarding the thousands of taxi permits issued during his tenure as Entrepreneur Development Minister.

    He should also clarify why a certain taxi company got all those permits to run a massive fleet of upscale (read yellow Perdana V6 fleet of) taxis. Think before you open your mouth Nazri. People aren't stupid.
    Your own shortcomings could have gotten you in big trouble with the ACA on CBT charges.

    You're lucky the old man decided not to throw you to the mob. Why are you so defensive of your new boss? Is his son-in-law using the taxi permit scandal as a trump card for you to do his dirty work?

    Anyway Nazri, nobody takes you seriously. So why don't you just shut up and grow up? There's no need to prove your loyalty. Everyone knows you're Pak Lah's little errand boy. If not, he wouldn't have made you the "class monitor" in his Parliament.

    Kali, Hisham and Brendan, if you're going to highlight stories, please make sure it is something people would actually read. I think front page reports on Nazri won't really help NST improve it's now pathetic circulation numbers(not to mention how much paper is wasted in printing Nazri's stories).

  58. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Everything has its timing.

    The timing is correct for AAB to be PM. The traitors of this country have been waiting for someone like AAB to be in power. Traitors prey on people who are easily persuaded, manipulated and cheated. If we want to identify the traitors, it is better that we do it now than to do it later. Sooner or later, we still have to deal with them. Therefore, the sooner the better. In this respect, we ought to thank AAB for unwittingly revealing the identities of the traitors.

    The timing is correct for the AAB government to win a large mandate in the last election. This boosts the confidence of the traitors. Before the election they are already busy with their lying, cheating and stealing. The huge mandate gives them the green light to do maximum lying, cheating and stealing, all disguised as nation building exercises. The huge mandate makes them deliriously confident and fearlessly arrogant. They do so much in so short a time that people begin to feel uncomfortable, feel suspicious and ask questions. In this respect, we ought to thank the electorate for giving AAB government an unprecedented big mandate.

    The timing is correct for TDM to question AAB and his cabinet. When you push people against the wall, they react spontaneously – they forget to put on their mask and put on a show. As a result, they show their true colour and give themselves away. Who is in a better position to question AAB if not TDM? Who is in a better position to know what the hell goes on inside the government if not TDM? In this respect, we ought to thank TDM for retiring as PM and passing the reins of power to AAB and not somebody else.

    It is our moral duty to get AAB to honour his promise of transparency and accountability. Why hide behind the elegant silence? Why not reveal the true buyer of MV Agusta? Why not prevent Rafidah Aziz from committing AP abuse? Why not straighten the story behind the crooked bridge? Why not allow the mainstream media to report the news?

    If he fails to do what he has promised to do, then he has lied to us and conned us.

    It is our moral duty to stop the traitors from destroying this country. We only dare to speak out if we ourselves are clean. We only dare to stand up and fight if we ourselves are upright.

  59. hi Dato'

    this is my first time "learning" politics. i'm gonna linked ur weblog at mine..

    interesting..learn more!

  60. Banyak pembahas meminta saya membuat berbagai penjelasan dan melakukan berbagai tindakan.

    1. Moon, terima kasih kerana menarik perhatian saya kepada posting berkenaan. Tuduhan dan dakwaan begitu perkara biasa. Taip saja nama saya dalam Yahoo atau Google, macam-macam fitnah ada.

    Saya serahkan kepada saudara dan pengulas memikul tanggungjawab ke atas apa yang dihujahkan.

    Berita Publishing tidak dijual kepada SPH. Malah BP kini 100 peratus milik Bumiputera. BP ada usahasama dengan SPH bagi menerbitkan majalah Her World di Malaysia;

    2. Saya tidak akan "postkan" surat saya kepada NST. Surat itu disiarkan di halaman 26 NST hari ini (28 Jun) dengan tajuk "Draw Your Own Conclusions). Terima kasih kepada Dato' Hishamuddin Aun. Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan NSTP;

    3. Tentang adanya seorang kenamaan negara yang mengadakan majlis hari jadi "ghairah" di Singapura baru-baru ini dengan "vintage wine" yang mencurah-curah, saya tiada jawapan atau maklumat mengenainya. Mungkin ada antara saudara/saudari yang boleh membantu mengesahkan sama ada peristiwa ini benar-benar berlaku atau tidak; dan

    4. Sekali lagi saya MERAYU para pembahas JANGAN menggunakan bahasa kesat, jangan mencarut, jangan memfitnah, jangan menghasut dan jangan membuat tuduhan melulu.

    Budi bahasa budaya kita.

    Terima kasih

  61. A'kum dan salam sejahtera pada Dato' dan rakan-rakan bloggers yang lain.

    Minggu ini minggu pertembungan jiwa nasionalis dan jiwa penting diri. Minggu ini minggu serangan akal dan jawapan dangkal. Minggu ini minggu mengenang jasa dan muntahan kurang ajar. Minggu ini makna "budi" tidak ada lagi erti. Bagi saya, minggu ini minggu kecewa dan sakit hati.

    UMNO sedang sakit. UMNO sedang nazak sekarang. Mungkin UMNO sebenarnya sudah mati. Yang tinggal hanya "hantu raya" yang menyiksa mayat.

    Kalau tahun lalu saya hanya menyimpan hasrat untuk beri UMNO/BN 1 undi rosak, tapi bermula minggu ini saya sudah ubah hati.

    Mayat yang dirasuk "hantu raya" tidak boleh dihidupkan semula. Terbaik kita hanya boleh menolong dengan menghalau "hantu raya" itu dan mengkebumikan mayat dengan sewajarnya. Kemudian kita berdoa semoga rohnya dirahmati Tuhan.

    Siapakah orang ketiga? Orang ketiga itu sebenarnya bukan orang tetapi "hantu raya".

  62. Salam sejahtera,

    Saya sebagai rakyat biasa, berharap Malaysia akan sentiasa di rahmati.

    Walau dengan apa "masalah", ehemm if we called it "masalah", moga-moga kita masih hidup aman damai.

  63. Surat Dato' ke NST hr ini "Draw Your Own Conclusion" boleh dibaca di sini:

    Terutamanya kepada sesiapa yg malas/tak mahu beli NST.

  64. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Dear Datuk,

    Interesting exchanges at the NSTP AGM. For your information on Monday I had written a letter to editor in reply to NST Group Editor Brendan Pereira's write-up in Pg 10 of the NST which made some rather disparaging remarks against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Anyway, I have waited for two days and the NST does not seem interested in publishing this one. Of course I respect their right not to publish. After all we are in the "current new climate of freedom" where, according to NSTP deputy chairman Datuk Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan "the media has never been freer in deciding what to print and what not to print (his exact quotes)".

    Following is my cover letter to the NST which was emailied to as well as the letter to editor for your consideration.

    I have to qualify that I am sending this to your blog and several other websites in the hope that it would reach, especially, the NST's readers who may have read Brendan's comments, yet was denied access to reports of the event on Saturday, June 24 2006, which the NST chose not to publish.

    Dear Sir,

    Following is a letter to editor for your consideration. While the right to publish remains yours, it is my sincere hope that it would be published as soon as possible i.e. in tomorrow's edition.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at the given mobile number should you need any clarification.

    Kind regards,

    Sufi Yusoff


    The Editor
    The New Straits Times Sdn Bhd
    Balai Berita,
    31, Jalan Riong,
    59100 Kuala Lumpur

    June 26, 2006

    Dear Sir,

    Re: Turning to what works best in dire situations

    I refer to the above article by Brendan Pereira (NST, Monday June 26, 2006, Pg 10).

    Mr Pereira has again chosen to pass comments on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad based on an event in which the New Straits Times did not report on, although a reporter was assigned to it.

    This seems to be a new approach by NST and Mr Pereira. The first, neither an NST reporter nor Mr Pereira were present at Dr Mahathir’s press conference at the Perdana Leadership Foundation on June 7, 2006, yet the NST chose to publish a front page report of the event on its June 8, 2006, publication carrying Mr Pereira’s byline.

    In that report, Mr Pereira’s introduction was filled with commentaries and was quite descriptive in Dr Mahathir’s so-called outburst, dramatising the whole press conference.

    It is truly a surprise as Mr Pereira was not present and even if he had interviewed other reporters who were present, he would have at least had the journalistic ethics to attribute those findings.

    Likewise in today’s report, I would suggest Mr Pereira, who was not present at the event to justify remarks like; “He stuck to a formula that he has used with mixed results during his political career – tossing half-truths and known facts into a mix and allowing the combination to emit its own stench”.

    The NST as a mainstream newspaper had not reported on the event. It had therefore denied its readers an opportunity to independently assess the situation. How is it then that the group editor sees it fit to disparage the former Prime Minister by attacking him in a column based on an event that the NST did not even publish?

    I am not in the habit of telling how Mr Pereira should write his commentary, but I do believe that if readers are not first given a fair chance to assess a fairly reported piece of news, then passing comments may just make it seem as if Mr Pereira is tossing half-truths and allowing it to emit its stench.

    Sufi Yusoff

  65. Sinbad,

    Perhaps we should engage exorcists to remove the Singapore linked "hantu" from Seri Perdana and maybe then can we have a proper burial for the career of the one possesed by the said "hantu".

    Why go and give BN/UMNO a spoilt vote? If things don't change for the better and the "hantu" still lurks, just abstain from voting.
    That's what many'll be doing instead of queing in the hot sun on voting day if things don;t brighten up real soon.

  66. kid and doc, thank you for your interest in this weblog. I am delighted that young people are interested in issues discussed here. You're welcomed to link this weblog to yours. All the best.

  67. Dear HjWan/Candu,

    People rateliate now for the simple reason that it effects every Malaysian from all walks of life.

    It is not a question of who brought it up but rather who it affects most. At this juncture, you will find that the bloggers and their commentors are talking about issues affecting their everyday lives. Issues such as rising living costs, sale of national assets to foreigners as well as the sale of a national asset's subsiduary for a ridiculously nominal sum among others.

    There are also other topics like the direction the country is heading as well as the well being of our people, the Malays in particular.

    When compare this incident as well as the massive reponses people give to it, it is unfair to equate it the Anwar Ibrahim saga. For starters this incident is of a bigger magnitude. The number of people involved is practically the entire country and most are not so dumb as to close an eye and move on as usual because we can't. The parameters of our daily lives have been greatly affected by the recent incidents.

    It is not a question of why we support Dr.M on this and why many (this is backed by the fact that Keadilan didn't do too well in both general elections) did not support Anwar when he was, as you put it, "disingkir/difitnah/dikasari" but rather because the issues at hand now effects a broader range of people.

    Anwar Ibrahim's downfall was in fact, to an extent, an isolated incident. For many of us ordinary citizens, life went on as usual. Petrol prices did not sky rocket up by 30 sen, national assets weren't sold off to neighbours accross the border and a certain ambitious young chap with an Oxon degree, along with his friends, did not have almost absolute control over our premier. The direction of the nation stayed intact and for those with jobs and businesses, things went on as usual.

    So forgive us if we didn't care at that time. Anwar's sacking and the following events that took place was sensational news but not enough to get almost everyone to participate.

    The fact that Dr.M made the recent comments, gives us more reason to react to the present administration as was once part of it. His remarks are more in line with whats happening to "us" as a nation rather than what's happening to "me" as it was in Anwar's case.

    Since you have a soft spot for Anwar, perhaps the word of once (not sure if he still is now) Keadilan strong man Raja Petra will describe it best. In Petra's Monday Morning Blues column
    posted on Monday, June 19, 2006 entitled 'To know you is to love you' on he said the following:

    "Do I like Dr Mahathir? Why not I put it another way? Do I need to like Dr Mahathir? Are we concerned about the singer or the song? I don’t care who the singer is as long as the song is music to my ears. Most times I do not even know who the singer is though the song that singer sings is one of my favourites.
    In that same context, if Anwar sings a song I like, I will listen. But if the song is shit, then I tune off. And if Dr Mahathir sings a song I like, I will also listen. And the same goes if I don’t like what comes out of his mouth; I will close my ears. Whether I like Anwar and dislike Dr Mahathir, or vice versa, is of no consequence to me."

    Right now the song Dr.M is singing is one everyone wants or rather needs to hear.

    It is unfair for you to insinuate Datuk Kadir as being unfair. He has never been a part of the media team of this administration.

    So, sorry to say but your attempts at equating the Anwar issues with the present Dr.M might be futile.
    Anwar's predicament only effects, to a great deal, himself and what he stands for while Dr.M is talking of something even your Children and Grand Children might be affected should no justification be given.

  68. Anonymous9:38 PM


    I think all this discussion and lambast has gone out of context. Kita marah, kita kutuk, kita caci tapi persoalan dasar yang dibangkitkan oleh Tun Mahathir tidak juga berjawab. Jadi saya fikir marilah kita terus membangkitkan isu-isu yang diutarakan oleh Tun dengan mendesak pihak yang berkenaan menjawabnya. Jangan jadi macam nazri tan sri aziz yang bukan saja tidak ada budi dan bahasa tetapi juga maruah dan harga diri. I think nazri is not our match at all.
    Saya fikir tindakan nazri, kali dan konco-konconya yang menyerang peribadi Tun dan menulis rencana tanpa asas munasabah hanyalah semata-mata to divert our attention to the real issue.

  69. Anonymous1:15 AM

    I am glad I found this blog. I was very upset with what I read on the Malaysian newspapers lately. It makes me wonder whether a lot of Malays especially UMNO have forgotten all the contribution made by Tun? Tun has the right to critisize. How can he sit still watching what he has built over 22 years period go down the drain? If a leader can't take criticism, he should not be a leader. No point having an 'alim' leader if he can't take Malaysia ever further than Tun.

  70. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Melayu Lama,

    You must have come from a very rich family, bukan kaya wang ringgit tapi kaya budi bahasa. I like the way you put things into perspective. You are absolutely right about ASAI issue and the issues that our beloved Tun Mahathir sang.
    As you are also correct regarding Dato' Kadir stands on ASAI issue, the issue that Tun Mahathir carries and the attitude of those surroundings present government. For someone who holds to his principle and stands, Dato' Kadir is a TRUE JOURNALIST who dares to speak his mind without fear or favour yesterday, today and I believes for as long as he lives. When he was the GEIC of NSTP, he criticise not only the oppositions but also the government through his Sunday column, Other Thots and he did the same now through his dwindling Malaysian Business. If not for his principle and his loves for the country and journalism, he could well took the millions RM cash than to undergo headache of holding to his small publishing company, which had just lost its contract of producing MAS inflight magazine to a non-Bumiputera company (I thought one Singapore publishing house has shares in that company). Ah, yes talking about the goverment helping Bumiputera company!

    Melayu Lama,

    I am also like RPK, I love the song not the singer. I go for the song, not the singer. Perhaps Kali, Brendan and Hisham watch too much Akademi Fantasia that they support Mawi blindly, not knowing his talent (in this contect his voice) does not even match my 7 years old nephew who just won 1st prize in his school singing contest.


  71. Anonymous2:37 PM


    Baru lunch dengan seorang rakan dari media yang terlibat dengan pengiklanan. Dengar cerita beliau ada ura-ura sebuah syarikat yang akan memonopoli perniagaan pengiklanan yang melibatkan kerajaan. Maknanya, semua kementerian atau agensi kerajaan yang ingin membuat pengiklanan mesti melalui syarikat ini. Ini syarikat siapa punya Datuk?. Datuk orang media, mesti boelh korek-korek.

    Hantu Gigi Jarang

  72. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Shame And Disgrace On Us

    Why Tun Mahathir’s outburst with the present administration? Obviously the way he’s been treated at Proton Holdings after being appointed as advisor is just one of the many that needs attention from the government. There are 2 main issues to discuss here; a) The non-renewal post of former CEO of Proton Holdings, Tengku Mahaleel, and b) The sale of Proton’s stake in Italian motorcycle manufacturer MV Agusta which incurred a write-off of RM400 million for a token one Euro
    Let’s touch on the Mahaleel factor first. When the new management team took over Proton after its former CEO post was not renewed, it became public knowledge that all’s not well between Dr. Mahathir and the new leadership of Proton. Look at the quandary he’s facing now; of holding the post of advisor in Proton only in name but helpless and impotent to act and participate in key issues affecting the company. Why was this allowed to happen? Are we being insincere with a hidden agenda to embarrass our former leader after we extended him the invitation? Or are events just coincidental? There are lots of speculations and insinuations going on here.
    Having retired after 22 years in office, Dr. Mahathir accepted in good faith the post of advisor to Proton. Most felt it appropriate, as he was largely held responsible for not only giving birth to Proton but also the magnitude of what it is today. Then hardly had he warmed the seat, those in authority decided to replace its CEO post. Obviously from his remarks, the public can deduce that he wasn’t consulted or a party to that decision. Fair and square, one can claim that it’s the prerogative of the present administration to pick and choose whoever is found capable and suitable to fill that post without giving any reason. But we are dealing with a situation that demand some respect and sensitivity here. Dr. Mahathir is no ordinary Malaysian. That he has done much for Malaysia and contributed tremendously to what we are today need no reminder. Is this our way of showing respect and appreciation to this highly regarded statesman? It isn’t fair to push him into a corner with such an uneasy situation that’s not of his making, and yet we seem oblivious to it, feigning corporate restructuring and political sensitivity.
    Can we blame him for his outburst? For once try to be his shoes. He accepted the post of advisor at the invitation of the government but would he agreed had the change in leadership in Proton was made known before hand? At the very least, consult and made known our intention and offer him an option to decline or continue as advisor. For a person of his dignity I think we all know the answer. But now he found himself in a dilemma, betrayed by a decision that was done behind his back. Like a Malay proverb, “Diluah mati bapak, ditelan mati mak”. To throw in the towel and walk away from the post would reflect badly on him and his stature, but to remain trapped and impotent holding to a post that’s no more that a fax reference is undignified. For Malaysia doing this to him is not only a disgrace but also a national embarrassment. Still, for Dr. Mahathir, the Mahaleel factor is not a big deal and he can live with it. He can’t do anything much now that he’s left the PM’s post. He had done his duty and served it well putting Malaysia on the right track. So be it even if he’s being left holding a ‘paper advisor’ post. But when there’s matter involving money and losses, that’s a different ball game. That brings us to the second issue, the Agusta factor and the 400-million-ringgit-baby. There are a number of angles to look at on this issue but alls just conjecture; but there’s no denying that had that 400 million ringgit been a single digit figure Dr. Mahathir would not have been forced to be so outspoken. Can we blame him for his outburst to protect his dignity and reputation?
    When the government decided to let go MVAgusta for such a massive loss, Malaysians were taken aback by its magnitude. The fact that the government issued a bland statement in respond to Dr. Mahathir enquiry didn’t help things. Many of us started to question the rational behind Proton’s previous management foray into a different business entity when in reality it itself was struggling in a declining home car-market share. The new management whose decision was in the name of corporate streamlining, unfortunately, deliberately, or otherwise, implicates negatively on the old and only adds fuel to the problem. Sad to say Dr. Mahathir, who’s officially Proton’s advisor was part of that old team, but was left out of the decision making on an important issue that affected his past. Ironic isn’t it?
    Taking up that stake in Agusta may seem a miscalculation to some or a wise diversification business strategy to others. But who are we to judge? Branching into motorcycling manufacturing for a car manufacturer isn’t unheard of. Both BMW and Honda, world-class motorcar manufacturers have sizeable premium motorcycle divisions. Perhaps the then Proton management wanted to emulate such. Anyway, the loss though substantial has to be seen in the context of a normal corporate transaction that could happen to any business, and especially in a heavy capital outlay industry such as motorcycle manufacturing. But when it was hived off for a song, it was as good as over; but it left a trail of implications and what ifs.
    Justifying MV Agusta wasn’t easy. It’s not just any ‘kapcai’ manufacturing company. It’s an award-winning manufacturer in the high-end motorcycle market, ranking with the likes of Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Harley. If we are to achieve Vision 2020 we need to look beyond just dishing out subsidies and building low-cost housing projects. Agusta made up that national strategy package that include Lotus, MSC, Langkawi, ASB, KLIA,.Kulim High-Tech, Twin Towers, Bakun, Petronas, CIQ, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and the likes. Some you win, some you lose. There’s no guarantee of success, for all come with the label that simply read ‘Proceed at own's risk’. It wasn’t all plain sailing considering the many obstacles abound. Despite all this it took an exceptional person to have the guts to carry it through and still accomplish that vision. I salute the man.
    I’m sure had the government adopted a policy of engagement with Tun on the subject matter beforehand and answered Tun tactfully and diplomatically on issues raised, a lot of unnecessary insinuations need not arise.
    Looking back at events unfolding at Proton, Tun Mahathir’s acceptance of advisor post in Proton presented him not the dignified position many of us thought he rightly deserved after retirement, but instead landed him with a double whammy.
    Treat the man with a little sensitivity and respect. His heart is still beating, for a good many more years to come. Don’t outdo each other to express our condolences after he expired his last breath and gone to the afterlife. It’s typical of Dr. Mahathir not to complain about personal discomfort or seek to be remembered for what he did, but for those of us who still have a deep respect for him, we felt the pain he must be going through right now. For a man of his standing and stature, Tun Mahathir deserves better than what is being dished out to him now. Hope those in authority can settle this tactfully and diplomatically. Give him due respect and dignity if we are sincere about it but don’t drive him to take desperate measures to protect and vindicate his reputation.

  73. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Shame And Disgrace On Us

    Why Tun Mahathir’s outburst with the present administration? Obviously the way he’s been treated at Proton Holdings after being appointed as advisor is just one of the many that needs attention from the government. There are 2 main issues to discuss here; a) The non-renewal post of former CEO of Proton Holdings, Tengku Mahaleel, and b) The sale of Proton’s stake in Italian motorcycle manufacturer MV Agusta which incurred a write-off of RM400 million for a token one Euro.
    Let’s touch on the Mahaleel factor first. When the new management team took over Proton after its former CEO post was not renewed, it became public knowledge that all’s not well between Dr. Mahathir and the new leadership of Proton. Look at the quandary he’s facing now; of holding the post of advisor in Proton only in name but helpless and impotent to act and participate in key issues affecting the company. Why was this allowed to happen? Are we being insincere with a hidden agenda to embarrass our former leader after we extended him the invitation? Or are events just coincidental? There are lots of speculations and insinuations going on here.
    Having retired after 22 years in office, Dr. Mahathir accepted in good faith the post of advisor to Proton. Most felt it appropriate, as he was largely held responsible for not only giving birth to Proton but also the magnitude of what it is today. Then hardly had he warmed the seat, those in authority decided to replace its CEO post. Obviously from his remarks, the public can deduce that he wasn’t consulted or a party to that decision. Fair and square, one can claim that it’s the prerogative of the present administration to pick and choose whoever is found capable and suitable to fill that post without giving any reason. But we are dealing with a situation that demand some respect and sensitivity here. Dr. Mahathir is no ordinary Malaysian. That he has done much for Malaysia and contributed tremendously to what we are today need no reminder. Is this our way of showing respect and appreciation to this highly regarded statesman? It isn’t fair to push him into a corner with such an uneasy situation that’s not of his making, and yet we seem oblivious to it, feigning corporate restructuring and political sensitivity.
    Can we blame him for his outburst? For once try to be his shoes. He accepted the post of advisor at the invitation of the government but would he agree had the change in leadership in Proton was made known before hand? At the very least, consult and made known our intention and offer him an option to decline or continue as advisor. For a person of his dignity I think we all know the answer. But now he found himself in a dilemma, betrayed by a decision that was done behind his back. Like a Malay proverb, “Diluah mati bapak, ditelan mati mak”. To throw in the towel and walk away from the post would reflect badly on him and his stature, but to remain trapped and impotent holding to a post that’s no more that a fax reference is undignified. For Malaysia doing this to him is not only a disgrace but also a national embarrassment. Still, for Dr. Mahathir, the Mahaleel factor is not a big deal and he can live with it. He can’t do anything much now that he’s left the PM’s post. He had done his duty and served it well putting Malaysia on the right track. So be it even if he’s being left holding a ‘paper advisor’ post. But when there’s matter involving money and losses, that’s a different ball game. That brings us to the second issue, the Agusta factor and the 400-million-ringgit-baby. There are a number of angles to look at on this issue but alls just conjecture; but there’s no denying that had that 400 million ringgit been a single digit figure Dr. Mahathir would not have been forced to be so outspoken. Can we blame him for his outburst to protect his dignity and reputation?
    When the government decided to let go MVAgusta for such a massive loss, Malaysians were taken aback by its magnitude. The fact that the government issued a bland statement in respond to Dr. Mahathir enquiry didn’t help things. Many of us started to question the rational behind Proton’s previous management foray into a different business entity when in reality it itself was struggling in a declining home car-market share. The new management whose decision was in the name of corporate streamlining, unfortunately, deliberately, or otherwise, implicates negatively on the old and only adds fuel to the problem. Sad to say Dr. Mahathir, who’s officially Proton’s advisor was part of that old team, but was left out of the decision making on an important issue that affected his past. Ironic isn’t it?
    Taking up that stake in Agusta may seem a miscalculation to some or a wise diversification business strategy to others. But who are we to judge? Branching into motorcycling manufacturing for a car manufacturer isn’t unheard of. Both BMW and Honda, world-class motorcar manufacturers have sizeable premium motorcycle divisions. Perhaps the then Proton management wanted to emulate such. Anyway, the loss though substantial has to be seen in the context of a normal corporate transaction that could happen to any business, and especially in a heavy capital outlay industry such as motorcycle manufacturing. But when it was hived off for a song, it was as good as over; but it left a trail of implications and, what ifs.
    Justifying MV Agusta wasn’t easy. It’s not just any ‘kapcai’ manufacturing company. It’s an award-winning manufacturer in the high-end motorcycle market, ranking with the likes of Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Harley. If we are to achieve Vision 2020 we need to look beyond just dishing out subsidies and building low-cost housing projects. Agusta made up that national strategy package that include Lotus, MSC, Langkawi, ASB, KLIA,.Kulim High-Tech, Twin Towers, Bakun, Petronas, CIQ, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and the likes. Some you win, some you lose. There’s no guarantee of success for all come with the label that simply read ‘Proceed at owns risk’. It wasn’t all plain sailing considering the many obstacles abound. Despite all this it took an exceptional person to have the guts to carry it through and still accomplish that vision. I salute the man.
    I’m sure had the government adopted a policy of engagement with Tun on the subject matter beforehand and answered Tun tactfully and diplomatically on issues raised, a lot of unnecessary insinuations need not arise.
    Looking back at events unfolding at Proton, Tun Mahathir’s acceptance of advisor post in Proton presented him not the dignified position many of us thought he rightly deserved after retirement, but instead landed him with a double whammy.
    Treat the man with a little sensitivity and respect. His heart is still beating, for a good many more years to come. Don’t outdo each other to express our condolences after he expired his last breath and gone to the afterlife. It’s typical of Dr. Mahathir not to complain about personal discomfort or seek to be remembered for what he did, but for those of us who still have a deep respect for him, we felt the pain he must be going through right now. For a man of his standing and stature, Tun Mahathir deserves better than what is being dished out to him now. Hope those in authority can settle this tactfully and diplomatically. Give him due respect and dignity if we are sincere about it but don’t drive him to take desperate measures to protect and vindicate his reputation.

  74. Anonymous12:13 PM




  76. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The mediator thingy is really a joke. Macam gaduh budak-budak zaman 70-an! Ali Rustam "announced" to the media that the reconciliation should be done in "discreet"! Another stupid joke!

    I really want to vomit now!

    Hantu Gigi Jarang

  77. I told my newspaper man to stop sending me the NST w.e.f 1 July. This after almost 30 years and several letters published on various issues.

    The NST is no more the paper it was years ago when one could read and then form opinions. Now it shoves opinions down my throat and sadly, has become very cynical towards my race and religion.
