Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Rough Road Towards Bilingualism

A Kadir Jasin

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EDUCATION Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, met scores of bloggers for a friendly exchange over dinner at Sime Darby Convention Centre on July 20.

The exchange, as expected, centered on the abolishment of the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English (PPSMI).

Muhyiddin was obviously aware that most of the bloggers present were generally against the decision. He was right.

Many spoke against the decision and to Muhyiddin’s credit, he took pain to explain the reasons and rationale for the tough decision.

Although the bloggers might not be totally convinced of the Minister’s explanation, but my own feeling is they are willing to given him the benefit of the doubt and the chance to prove his point and make good his promises.

I am thus happy that a few days later he announced plans to absorb pre-school education into the national education system with the intention of boosting the learning of English at an early age.

He was reported as saying that the exposure to the language at that level would be advantageous. I cannot agree more.

I am reminded of how quickly Muslim children learn to recite the Al-Fatihah at the age of three or four. I am sure the same applies to learning and understand the English nursery rhymes, which is a good start in learning a foreign language.

The problems, as the bloggers told Muhyiddin, were not with the policies or the good intentions they carry. In the post-independent history of national education, there was never the shortage of good policies and good intentions.

The problems lie with the “hangat-hangat tahi ayam” attitude, the tendency to put political mileage and financial gains ahead of these lofty policies, the lack of professionalism and commitment among the implementers and the inability to bridge the urban-rural gap and the gap between the rich and the poor.

The Minister was warned that if not wisely implemented, the new policies, including the award of scholarships based on meritocracy, would lead to further widening of the rural-urban rift and the rift the rich and the poor.

The bloggers were merciless in attacking what they saw as the hypocrisy and the lack of professionalism among key officers in the Education Ministry who failed to warn their political bosses of the failure or the lack of success of major policies, including the PPSMI, until it was too late.

These apple polishers and “cari makan” officers had done more harm than good to the their political masters in the long run in addition to the sins of ruining the education system.

Muhyiddin was told that unless he employs the best people to assist him and the best teachers to spread the gospel of world-class education, he could still end up as the Prime Minister but leave a legacy of failure as Education Minister.

He was told that out of more than a dozen Education Ministers, five had so far risen to the post of Prime Minister and yet world-class education continues to elude us. In fact, at the tertiary level, the world ranking of our public universities has been on the decline.

As a parting shot, the bloggers said they are willing to “compromise” on the abolishment of the PPSMI on condition that a better system is introduced to make future Malaysians truly bilingual.

But they said they would not comprise on the need to rid Umno and the Government of corrupt politicians, in particular those who had been found guilty of money politics by the party’s own court. Several names were mentioned.

All in all it was a good meeting and I once again thank the Deputy Prime Minister, his media officers and political advisers for taking us into confidence.

I am happy that my younger blogger friends, some of whom are young enough to be my sons, spoke their mind out without fear or favour.

I know some of them are taking risks with their employment and their economic future, but this is what it takes if we believe in the higher ideals and if they do not want their generation and their children’s generation to slide back to the dark days of poverty, inequality, ignorance and subjugation.


  1. Salam Sejahtera Datuk,

    Pendapat saya dalam hal Bahasa ini, adalah lebih kurang begini.

    Di Malaysia ini sepatutnya hanya ada dua bahasa sahaja yang perlu didokong sepenuhnya, iaitu Bahasa Kebangsaan (BM) dan Bahasa Kedua (BI).

    Lain-lain bahasa juga diberi kebebasan selagi bahasa-bahasa itu tidak melangkaui kedudukan/status (supercede) BM dan BI dalam apa-apa jua pun keadaan sekalipun.

    Kita maklum bahawa bahasa-bahasa lain ada juga kepentingannya sendiri (baik untuk tujuan tradisi, asal usul, perniagaan, dsb) tetapi bahasa-bahasa ini tidaklah boleh "dipaksakan" ke atas setiap rakyat Malaysia serta didokong dengan sebegitu rupa.

    Setiap warga yang bergelar warga negara Malaysia, tidak boleh beri apa-apa alasan pun untuk tidak fasih dalam BM. Setiap warga Malaysia sepatutnya "wajib" juga fasih dalam Bahasa Kedua (kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah-langkah berkesan untuk bahasa kedua ini disamping memastikan setiap warga fasih dalam BM)

    Sebagai warganegara Malaysia, saya rasa kita seolah-olahnya membelakangi Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan apabila kita "mendahului" bahasa-bahasa lain daripada Bahasa Kebangsaan sendiri.

    Contohnya - lihatlah papan-papan tanda perniagaan, iklan, bahan cetak terutamanya di bandar-bandar besar.

    Satu contoh lagi, di blog 1Malaysia Dato Seri Najib sendiri:-

    Bahasa Pertamanya - BI
    Bahasa Keduanya - BM
    Bahasa Ketiga - bahasa China

    Kenapa begini?



  2. Salam dato,

    Menteri datang dan pergi, polisi pusing-pusing.

    Kementerian pula bekerja dengan kompas sendiri.

    Sekolah pula dengan hala tuju sendiri.

    Guru-guru pula dengan agenda sendiri...

    Ibu bapa dengan kehendak sendiri.

    ADA KE TIDAK INPUTS dari murid-murid, mahasiswa dan graduan baru didalam polisi pendidikan negara ini?.

    Dato', polisi pendidikan ini adakan polisi kerajaan atau keperluan pendidikan murid?.

    ADAKAH matlamat pendidikan dinegara ini untuk penyampaian polisi-polisi kerajaan?.

    ADAKAH pendidikan dinegara ini untuk ilmu-ilmu yang dikehendaki kerajaan?

    NAMPAKNYA ilmu ini sudah di`rationed'macam `rations' makanan dan tempat tinggal semasa perang dan dharurat dahulu.

    JANGAN PERKECILKAN ILMU...ini massage untuk DSNTR.

    Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

  3. Though I always critisize the lack of quality leader in my blog, I do admit there are many potential leaders out there. It's just they're not at the right places in order for them to make a change. This I blame the culture of over-politics in Malaysia.

    Have you heard of cases of individuals who are more passionate and naturally more vocal on an issue, is punished because stating something that differs from what a superior says? It is what being said is important not who is saying it, unfortunately this is not the casein Malaysia.

    This phenomenon can be seen everywhere even in the cradle of future leaders, the universities. As a result student leaders see a Machiavellian view of politics. A deeper explanation on it here.

    To those who were brave enough to stand up and express yourselves, you have my respect.

  4. Datuk AKJ, I find it funny and absurd that the Education minister needed to explain to Bloggers on this Government decision. And I supposed lunch on him or the government to boot.

    Doesn't anybody care about the Teachers anymore? For God's sake, they're the frontliners, the implementers of government decisions.

    More of the same, popularity seeking, approval seeking mentality coming from this new Education Minister I'm afraid.

  5. Assalamualaikum Dato',..

    i dare say that our education or education system is a victim of circumstances - or to be more exact, a victim of political circumstances.

    If we walk back through history, our education system and policies keep changing depending on (1) who the minister is and (2) what the current issues are that can benefit one to gain political mileage.

    But, that is not to say that all policies are bad, but mostly they are politically-driven and motivated.

    The best and latest example was the allowance to use the pupils' mother tongues to teach math and science in schools. Shouldn't they have opted the use of only Malay to teach those subjects in all schools? After all, wasn't it their mission to "memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu" in our education system when they put PPSMI to an abrupt end?

    And I believe that the problem will persist if we continue to put our education in the politician's hands.

    I am still dreaming that one day, our education is manned and handled by those experts in education who do have any political inclination of any sort or who do not think of political mileage or rise to the power when they are coming up with any educational policies.

    This I would say is a very long journey ahead, but I still have my rights to keep dreaming on...

  6. Sdr. A Kadir Jasin,

    When my father and father-in-law went to school decades ago, they know no single word of English.

    Both spoke their own versions of Malay depending on wherever they are from.

    But both managed to learn the entirely foreign "oang putih" language and became reasonably good.

    Of course it was not the way the "Oxbridge" would have spoken English. But with good and proper grammar nonetheless!

    The one thing that had it going for them (one from Borneo while one from Kuala Pilah) was good, disciplined and dedicated teachers!

    What we lacked today are good, disciplined and dedicated ENGLISH teachers.

    I could not believe my ears when told by one of my children that some teachers wanted to teach ENGLISH (the language) in BAHASA MELAYU...!!!


  7. Arunasallam.Kedah1:39 PM

    Dear Dato.

    Let run a check list what Mahayuddin had done as MB Johore,as Agriculture Minister,as International Trade Minister.Not very impressive record.

    I told him Tun Rahman Yaakup as education minister in 1970,have convert all english medium school into Malay medium school.After 40 year ,we manage to produce HP6 leaders and administrator.

    Now ,Mahayuddin as education Minister,will continue what Rahman Yaakup did the damage to our education system.

    Very sad.We gamble with our innocent children.

  8. Roti Planta1:41 PM

    From my experience, In year of 2000, I have study Japanese Language (Nihhongo) full time for 6 months (5 hours/day) and now I still can speak, write and read (Hiragana, Katakana and most of Kanji). That means if we focus, we can achive that. Don't hangat-hangat tahi ayam. So let fokus to teach our children at early stage (5-8 years). After that they can used their language skills for other education/subject.

    Bye/Roti Planta

  9. MCA: Dr M’s remarks not helping racial unity

    PETALING JAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Moha-mad’s claim that the Chinese are the masters in the country will not help foster racial harmony, said the MCA.


    What Tun M mentioned is all the truth. Don't be hypocite and deny the fact. To foster racial harmony is not a one way traffic.

    Jangan mulut manis di bibir sahaja tapi perbuatan lain. Itu dinamakan "hypcrite of the first order" period.

  10. Salam Datuk,

    Sedikit "teknikal" dalam komen saya di atas.

    Saya telah lama tidak mengunjungi blog PM kita, DSN.

    Baru sebentar tadi saya ke sini - Welcome to 1Malaysia

    Bagus! kerana kedudukan BM di tempat pertama, diikuti dgn. BI tempat kedua (sepatutnya lain-lain bahasa tidak didokong selepas ini)

    Selepas pilih Bahasa Malaysia, laman tersebut membawa saya ke:-


    Inilah yang saya maksudkan dlm. komen saya sebelum ini. Lihat sudut atas sebelah kiri:-

    Bahasa (1) - Inggeris
    Bahasa (2) - Malaysia
    Bahasa (3) - China (kan?)



  11. Salam Dato'

    Sekadar bertanya, adakah Dato' dan para blogger lain tanyakan soalan berikut kepada TS Muhyiddin.

    Sudahkah atau adakah kajian akan dibuat di negara -negara yang dianggap contoh terbaik bilingualnya seperti Sweden iaitu negara yang di samping menguasai bahasa ibundanya juga mengusai bahasa Inggeris?

    Kalau jawapannya tidak, tidakkah antara punca masalah kelemahan pelaksanaan dasar awam di negara ini adalah disebabkan ketiadaan kajian yang berkaitan dengan persiapan pelaksanaan dasar seperti dasar PPSMI?

  12. Anonymous2:06 PM

    A German friend with his 2 kids, aged 16 and 14, came recently. Both kids speak very good English. Besides, they study french as a third language. They are full blooded Germans, but they have no problem studying bahasa penjajah. No such mentality, simply. He told me that across europe, kids are picking up english.

    And europeans don't bother about major asian languages; i.e. arabic, mandarin, hindi, japanese, korean. They know that more asians are picking up english, and english will be THE language of Asia in the future.

    The road towards bilingualism is rough indeed. So, Muhiydin, apa KPI institut terjemahan kita? Berapa puluh ribu buku sains depa kena tukaq mai bahasa melayu setahun?

    Rakan Jandamuda

  13. English Language is not difficult to learn. You don't really need high powered experts to design the best modules to learn English in primary schools.

    I am not a promoter for "Ladybird" publisher but I am really impressed with their series of Ladybird's reading materials. I think the govt. should allocate a budget to provide these reading materials in every primary school particularly in the rural areas.

    Frankly, during my childrens' schooling days I used to provide reading materials from this Ladybird publisher for my children and I found that my children could catch up with the language reasonably well.

    At primary school level all you need is to give more attention on reading, spelling, dictation and communication.

    We must encourage the children to enjoy reading, then everything will be OK.

    Those children at the early stage of their schooling who do not have the habit of liking to do a lot of reading normally would not excel in their studies.

  14. Toh Boo Huat4:14 PM

    Like many arguments against PPSMI, the emphasis seems to be only on improving English and the lack of properly trained teachers.

    What is sorely ommitted in your article, are:

    1) the sufferings our children having to undergo switching S&M from Eng to BM and back to Eng in later part of their education.

    2) S&M at varsity levels (books, ref materials, researchers etc etc) even at local universities are mostly in Eng. This was pointed out by so many others before NOT mentioned at all here.

    3) ICT & web are mainly in Eng. We realised this when we promoted our MSC years ago.

    4) There is no dispute that we have teachers who are capable of teaching S&M in Eng. Wht not allow selected schools in every town/city to continue S&M in Eng?

    5) Why not also employ more teachers who teach S&M in Eng besides just Eng teachers.

    6) What happend when the next Edu Minister thinks like Mahatir? Switch/flip-flop again??? To prevent this, I strongly believe decision to switch should not be decided by Edu Min, MoE, educationist, bloggers. A comprehensive survey based on feedback from parents and pupils themselves should determine this policy.

    BH Toh

  15. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Semua kakitangan kerajaan sepatutnya dilarang menggunakan bahasa pasar dengan pelanggan, dan dilarang terus melayan mereka yang cakap bahasa pasar, samada di pejabat dan diluar pejabat.


  16. I come from Malay school initially. I passed SMC exam to join English medium primary school. I must say this is the best schooling system that I went through. I studied all subjects in English and at the same time Pengajian Agama, Sastera Melayu and Bahasa Melayu were taught in bahasa Melayu of course.So I have become truly bilingual. Unfortunately for the later generation this system was abolished for reason 'untuk memartabatkan bahasa Melayu'.

  17. Mullah TTDI5:48 PM

    Salam Dato' KJ

    I'm totally agree to Tan Sri Muhyiddin's idea and proposal to bring back the usage of Bahasa Malaysia in teaching Science and Maths. Personally, I also could not speak or write English properly during my secondary school years in 1990s, but I improve my English by reading New Straits Times, books and novels. And not to forget, to speak in English, although a bit 'broken' here and there. Apart from that, our Education Ministry's staffs are doing nothing at their best in advising the Education Minister about our Education policies. They are,as you said, well and professional 'apple-polishers'. Take care, Dato'.........

  18. mak jun yeen7:02 PM

    It is not easy for a country like ours to work towards bilingualism or multi lingualism. It is not easy for many countries.

    I am an amateur historian and I always look to history to help us move forward when we are faced with problems of the present and how we shall move forward.

    I have also observed how other countries balance linguistic nationalism with linguistic pragmatism. And the acquirement of proficiency in English

    For a study of modern countries one can look into the following countries:-
    1) Ireland
    2) Wales
    4) Hong Kong
    6) Holland

    1) Ireland
    This country had been under the English yoke for a good 800 years. Originally the Irish Catholics spoke Gaelic and it was a vibrant language spoken in towns and villages throughout Ireland.

    Owing to the long centuries of domination by the English and subsequently English became the language of the masters as well as most of the Irish serfs.

    At independence, the republic of Ireland could only count a few villages at the western end of the island that Gaelic could still be heard. Yet the Republicans still made Gallic the sole National language and the dominant (at least in legally ) language of all government institutions.

    This charade could not be kept up because all the educated Republicans have been thoroughly Anglo phonic and they just left the education system and administration of the government to language that was and still is spoken naturally as a first language of the Irish people for at least 4 centuries much to the displeasure of the Nationalists.

    However, Ireland’s pragmatism was born out of necessity as 95% of its population could not hold a conversation in Gaelic let alone understand the laws and directives from the government.

    Therefore, Ireland could not be a country for us to find a way forward.

    In fact the example Ireland is anathematic to our national language champions who do not want to see our beloved Bahasa be relegated to a few kampongs in Kelantan and Terengganu while the rest dominate in English.

    2) Wales
    Like Ireland, the Wales was under the domination of the English for centuries longer than the Irish.
    Some how Welsh survived into today as a vibrant living language despite being banned for centuries and was not taught in schools until late 20th century. Welsh was only placed on a equal footing with English in 1998.
    Again, the majority of the Welsh population could speak English due to long domination of the latter, English was the language to get a job , apply for a permit, seek justice as well as economic survival. Welsh survived only as a language for social purposes like talking to neighbours and relatives and most often only heard in the villages. The medium of instruction in schools is still English.

    Here again the example is of no held to us as English was already well established and stayed in Wales for centuries for the population to be able to be thoroughly immerse in it. Unlike our country.

  19. mak jun yeen7:03 PM

    2) Singapore
    Despite its so called multi- racial and multi-lingual approach she often portrays herself to be, Singapore in the words of LKY must retain a sense of “Malayness” due to the historic original Malay “polity” of Singapore.
    Thus the constitution of Singapore made Malay her national language and as well as provide for the “the special position of the Malays” in her Constitution !!. However, she made Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English equal official languages.
    In reality, English is the only language to access public and private employment. The medium of instruction is entirely in English as LKY abolished all vernacular schools and provide for compulsory mother tongue education.
    From the time of Raffles to LKY took rein of Singapore, the island was the jewel in the English crown colonies for her strategic position. English was the language the Brits did their business, and lording over the huddled Asiatic masses.
    Given the coming of many ethnic groups into the port of Singapore, people in Singapore have been accustomed to live with several languages spoken amongst its inhabitants . Official and international European business was conducted in English as well as seeking justice in Courts ,apply a permit so on and so forth.
    But trading amongst its various communities was conducted in bazaar Malay. At separation LKY had no choice but to build Singapore as a base for multi national companies to manufacture their products in Singapore and they need an English speaking administrative work force since they couldn’t rely on the Malaysian hinterland anymore.
    After 40 years, most Singaporean can be considered bilingual, with the majority Chinese speaking Mandarin ( LKY systematically consigned their mother tongue dialects to the grave) and English. But as I have most often observed amongst the working class (the hawkers, clerks, contractors and sale persons and I mean the actual born and bred Singaporeans) most speak halting or grammatically mangled Mandarin and English although they write competently in both. Only amongst the elite you can find people who live and breathe English but very little Mandarin. So much for bilingualism.

    3) Hong Kong
    A colony of Britain and English was the language of commerce ,administration and Justice.
    For years the medium of instruction is in English. Chinese medium (taught in the Cantonese dialect) exited side by side).
    However with 90% of the colony’s population being Chinese, Cantonese was and still is the lingua franca of the people. No business can be conducted without Cantonese. Contracts between Chinese businesses are routinely written in Chinese. There are Chinese Banks to cater for Chinese businessman with documents in Chinese and English.
    The British administration had no choice but to use Cantonese and Chinese written language to reach out to the people.
    In this monolingual environment, again only the elite could be bilingual in English , Cantonese and written Chinese.
    In Hong Kong, you can speak only Cantonese, read and write only in Cantonese Chinese without any disadvantage.
    The majority have little contact with English. English was only needed in the “Yong Hong” or Western Companies.
    Even then, the Chinese administrative staff would speak only Cantonese amongst and their customers.
    Before the handover, majority of the English medium government schools elected to become Chinese medium ones with the approval from the majority of the parents. Now they want to reverse that position.
    Despite a long history with the English language, only 33% of Hong Kongers can speak it fairly well as a 2nd language.

  20. mak jun yeen7:05 PM


    4) Kenya
    Another former British colony.
    The medium of instruction is entirely in English. Swahili being the lingua franca tongue amongst its polyglot population.
    85 % of her adult population over 15 is literate in English. A Kenyan woman toiling in her farm can speak to you in her Kenyan accented but otherwise perfect Queen’s English.
    90% of her adult population also speak Swahili as a language of unity. Most Kenyans are trilingual.
    Kenya is the model of success in multi-lingualism amongst its inhabitants, but that did not stop them from killing each other in ethnic strife.
    The ability to speak English have not translated into foreign investment, or stellar economic performance or turn her inhabitants into 1st class scientists and mathematicians ( although a large number of her intelligentsia are working in top jobs in western countries but not in Kenya).
    5) Holland
    Holland is not an English colony. But about 70% of the total population have good knowledge of English, 55– 59% of German and 19% of French.
    Almost everyone in the cities can speak and write in flawless English.
    Yet this is achieved without sacrificing the main medium of instruction which is Dutch.
    All commercial and government transactions are in Dutch. The medium of instruction in the Universities is Dutch.
    The Dutch do not need English to become a develop country and yet most her adult population could speak and write in it.

    So which country should Malaysia follow?
    I believe we must look to Holland and indeed even Sweden on their English teaching methods amongst a monolingual environment.

    It is the quality of the education not the medium.

  21. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Datuk aaa..,

    Is that PPSMI will be impliment next 6, 7 year later. Or it has being ban all over.


  22. Dear DAKJ,

    Pre school education.

    It is good to have preschool education, which will be fully sponsored by the government. Nowadays, if you want to register your child into an established preschool education institution, the monthly fee is higher than most of the government university fee per semester. Overall, it is an excellent suggestion.

    Primary and secondary school

    There is nothing wrong with the cancellation of PPMSI. It doesn’t mean anti establishment. Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz who is one of the main players behind DEB strongly agrees with the move. For me and Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz, basic knowledge must be strong and cannot be compromised. Once the basic knowledge is strong, the creative thinking will develop later.

    Universities and college

    University ranking depends on few factors including quality of education, quality of a faculty, research output and the size of academic institution. Quality of education means Alumni of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals. Quality of a faculty means the total number of staffs of an institution winning Nobel's prizes. Research output means the number of articles published by the universities. Lastly, the size of academic institution means the number of full-time equivalent academic staff who fulfilled the criteria (obtained PHD). The last 3 is beyond our help.

    As Malaysia's citizen, we can help in 2 ways. Firstly, the universities still get the reward if their ex-student won Nobel’s prize. So, everybody can help their ex-universities by doing research on their field and make sure that the research is published in an establish journal. Don’t just blame the university as usual.

    My second suggestion, starting henceforth, all lectures will be sent abroad to obtain their PHD, and it is compulsory. Everything will be fully sponsored by the government of Malaysia including spouse and children to give a morale support. Thank you.

  23. Gladly ministers willing to listen to the people on the ground these days. Hope this will continue.

  24. Dato',

    Berdasarkan paparan hasil kajian mak jun yeen yang mencadangkan Malaysia mencontohi model Holland atau Sweden sebagai negara contoh terbaik bilingual, tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan di sini bahawa, usaha kerajaan untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai negara bilingual (seperti yang dibincangkan) bukan sahaja bakal melalui pelbagai ranjau (seperti yang Dato' andaikan), bahkan akan menemui kegagalan.

  25. Anonymous12:25 AM

    assalamualaikum wbt...

    1. yes, the main problem is all about implementation. if we cancel the ppsmi but hangat2 taik ayam in implementing the real system will ....

    2. teaching science n math in english is a very good idea. yes, it is! but because of the bad implementation, we face the bad result and need to change back to bahasa melayu....

    3. whatever system do we have, we still need to be really2 good in english as it is the main language globally....

    4. think wut will happen if our pm, dpm, ministers, ambassador spaek very bad english...

    5. kaki jilat is our national problem. musuh no 1 negara. not just in ppsmi, but in other sectors too. n most of them are HP6 minded. corrupted, munafik and selfish...

    6. conclusion...bad implementation & kaki jilat r the real problem. we really2 need to emphasize ourselves to counter these threat...

    7. being organize, rational, open-minded ( not western minded) and understanding may help us.



  26. buyong12:47 AM

    Saudara NJ,
    Saya cadangkan supaya ASamad Said pergi demo di pejabat PM sebab guna BI sebagai bahasa pertama dalam blog rasmi kerajaan.

    Ini utk buktikan perjuangan dia tulen, jujur dan ikhlas. Kalau tak, elok terjun sungai saja lah.

  27. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Salam Datuk

    Saya ingin menokok komen saudara NJ... memang sepatutnya Bahasa Kebangsaan diberi tempat yang teratas terutama dalam urusan kerajaan dan oleh semua Menteri, Ketua Jabatan dan kakitangan kerajaan bagi menyampaikan apa jua ucapan dalam negara.

    Malangnya kebelakangan ini keadaan sudah menjadi sungguh tenat --
    1 Paling sedih dua kali saya di Majlis meraikan Hari Keputeraan Yang di Pertuan Agong yang di adakan oleh pihak Keduataan Malaysia di luar negara di mana ucapan resmi di buat dalam Bahasa Inggeris 'for the benefits of Malaysians who do not understand Bahasa'. Jemputan ke Majlis ini hanya untuk Warga Malaysia! Saya berasa sungguh sedih dan marah -- tidakkah ada satu garis panduan protokol resmi begini? Apa mungkin kita simpati dengan orang yang mengaku Warga Malaysia tapi tidak faham Bahasa Malaysia?

    Lagi amat sedih, bila lagu Negaraku di mainkan ramai yang tidak boleh menyanyi bersama kerana 'sudah lupa'.

    2 Dalam beberapa penerbangan MAS kebelakangan ini, pengumuman dibuat hanya dalam Bahasa Inggeriss, atau di dahulukan Bahasa Inggeriss.

    Sepatutnya dibuat garis panduan tegas berkenaan penggunaan bahasa dalam penerbangan MAS dan Air Asia. Ia patut dijadikan syarat tetap.

    3 Yang pelik lagi semua pengumuman penerbangan di KLIA disertai dengan Bahasa Mandarin. Kenapa? Saya faham jika pada waktu-waktu atau musim tertentu kita perlu lebih layanan kepada tetamu dari Jepun, Arab atau China. Tapi janganlah sampai suasana di lapanganterbang itu tidak lagi menunjukkan kita di Malaysia.

    Bukan niat saya untuk memburukkan sesiapa, tetapi inilah hakikat yang perlu PM dan TPM renungkan.


  28. Tan Sri Halim Muhamad6:39 AM

    Dato Kadir.

    Why we still want to experiment with our langauge policy and subject to our children to the experiment which might not succeed.

    Mahayuddin.You are from Johore and you have seen what Singapore did with their langauge policy and the education system.They are very successful.Just follow them.

    We dont want next 40 years we still produce HP6 LEADERS AND CIVIL SERVANT.

  29. A Cambodian kid aged 15 comes to New Zealand not able to speak in English. 1 year later she speaks confidently sounding like any Kiwi and has only lost out 1 year of school!

    What is it that is wrong with the entire environment in Malaysia that English languishes where it is today?

    Having been an educator myself, I know that the government trying to do this on its own is going to fail.

    This is why, it is necessary that greater independence be given to schools to operate on their own. Communities can take over the schools and have them run in the best way for the community it serves.

    I would go so far as to say, let the Mission Schools take back their schools and run them as they used to. Let them privatise it and charge fees....a minimal fees for schools that fall under a separate category where the fees charged will be affordable and it is not for profit run school.

    Only when there is a critical mass of people setting a certain standard, not just in linguistics, but also in other academic pursuits, can we hope for attaining of the higher standards becoming a target of a wider audience.

    The present policies of trying to balance out the educational opportunities equally amongst the entire student population is akin to taking a leaf out of the communist hand-book.

    Fact is this point has been taunted and employed. And it has failed. But we continue to lean on this point in refusing to consider the damage that we are doing to a significant number of our student population.

  30. Nik Aziz akui pegang lilin meragukan tetapi bukan haram
    KOTA BAHARU: Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat mengakui perbuatan memegang lilin di majlis memperingati kematian orang bukan Islam adalah "sesuatu yang meragukan" tetapi berpendapat perbuatan itu tidak haram di sisi Islam.


    Ikut je lah cakap Tok Guru. Semua dia betul. Yang haram jadi harus, yang harus jadi halal, yang halal jadi haram, yang harus jadi haram.

    Tonggang terbaliklah akidah Melayu Islam !!!

    Inilah dinamakan politik Islam ala PAS.

    Kalau Tok Guru masuk syurga, masuk syurgalah kita. Kalau dia masuk neraka, masuk nerakalah kita !!!

  31. Anonymous1:19 PM

    During my school days, I learned terms like haiwan maun, haiwan maging, angkubah, nyahcas, lutsinar, bendalair, kugiran (kumpulan gitar rancak??), etc.

    Then came along a guy with a gem of an idea, bahasa baku. We were told to pronounce words correctly, therefore; mare-ter, bunk, oo-nik, pi-si-ko-lo-ghee, tek-no-lo-ghee, and entah apa-apa lagi.

    Now, we have terms such as begasi, rumah agam, pasca bayar, jalur lebar, etc., besides the much ridiculed tetikus.

    Seriously, how many of us use these words regularly? And where do we go from here?


  32. Dato

    I am not per se against total BM in schools, including kindergartens, right up to Uni level. I welcome it to achive national integration.

    But having English as a mandatory
    2nd second language right from kindergarten, is also imperative, including in the vernacular ones.

    The real problem all this while has been the half past six mannner in which poorly qualified, trained and remunerated teachers have been let loose on our poor kids!

    Good command of English, as the lingua franca of the world, is essential. This can only be attained if we have adequately qualified teachers who approach the subject from basic grammar, vocabulary, sentence and essay and precis construction topped with English literature and poetry.

    In the absence of a serious effort from the Ministry of Education in the teaching of English, then, the policy reversal in teaching Science & Maths can only spell disaster for our children, in the long-term.

    We need very good leadership and well thought out policies to achieve real progess in this area; not jingoistic reactions!

    We are all of 1 Race, the Human Race.
    That is all that really matters.

  33. Anonymous3:30 PM


    Masalahnya bukan tentang kesedaran terhadap peri perlunya bahasa kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya dalam kehidupan harian tetapi usaha terhadap menguasainya tidak begitu menjadi. Atas sebab itu yang dikejar tidak dapat yang dikendong berciciran.

    Maksudnya ialah kalau individu itu tidak mampu memberi sepenuh perhatian dan komitmen terhadap menguasai bahasa pertama bagaimana dia boleh menjana kesungguhan dan suasana kondusif bagi penguasaan bahasa kedua dan seterusnya?

    Dalam kata lain bagaimana seorang yang penguasaan terhadap bahasa utamanya masih tunggang langgang akan mampu menjadikan bahasa kedua dan seterusnya elok dan tersusun penggunaannya?

    Kesimpulannya ialah:

    1. Pastikan bahasa pertama dikuasai sebagaimana orang Inggeris menguasai bahasa Inggeris atau Pak Arab menguasai bahasa Arab.

    2. Niat untuk menguasai pelbagai bahasa banyak kebaikannya tetapi jangan terlalu mengejar kuantiti sehingga mengabaikan aspek kualiti bahasa berkenaan.

    3. Contohi orang bukan Melayu yang fasih menggunakan bahasa melayu seperti Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye dan lain-lainnya. Mereka ini menggunakan apa jua bahasa seolah-olah itulah bahasa pertama mereka dan atas sebab itu mereka tidak menceduk lain-lain bahasa bagi menampung kekurangan dalam penguasaannya(tidak menjadikan bahasa sebagai rojak). Ini bermakna mereka dihormati bukan kerana berupaya menuturkan sepatah dua perkataan dalam mana-mana bahasa tetapi kerana kefasihan, kepetahan dan kelancaran mereka yang menarik perhatian ramai.


  34. Anonymous3:55 PM


    Sesiapa saja banyak menghabiskan masa dengan menonton televisyen dan banyak antara program TV seperti rencana, wasikahan (dokumentari), drama dan filem adalah dalam bahasa Inggeris.

    Sari kata dalam bahasa Malaysia hanya memudahkan mereka yang tidak faham pertuturan dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk memahami jalan ceritanya saja. Tetapi ia tidak membantu mereka yang mahu belajar bahasa Inggeris secara tidak formal menerusi apa yang ditontoni.

    Oleh itu sekiranya kita seius mahu meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa inggeris maka rancangan TV adalah satu daripada ruang yang boleh diterokai. Untuk itu sari kata bagi rancangan TV dalam bahasa Inggeris harus juga dalam bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris.

    Mungkin pakar bahasa dapat memberikan pendapat dalam aspek ini.


  35. Ryzal724:08 PM

    Assalamualaikum Pak Kadir dan semua,
    TAHNIAH !!!krn datuk dan yg lain telah dipanggil mengadap TPM. Saya teruja membaca tulisan datuk kali ini. Teruja kerana gambaran pada suasana pertemuan tersebut yang pada saya agak ekslusif dan menyenangkan. Saya tidak mahu mengulas tentang itu. Saya bukan bloger dan juga bukan wartawan dan juga bukan politikus hanya 'orang kecil" dikalangan rakyat negara ini. Saya amat rapat dengan blog Datuk kerana keobjektifan dan aura bahan/cetusan/ulasan yang kritikal. Jadi Saya cuma MINTA satu sahaja. JANGANLAH DATUK DAN BLOGER YG LAIN YG DIUNDANG ITU SEMUA SELEPAS INI MENJADI LAYU. MENJADI CONDONG BAK BAYANG-BAYANG YANG SUDAH MENHELA KE WAKTU ASAR. DENGAN ERTI KATA LAIN KEKALKANLAH KEKUATAN OBJEKTIVITI DALAM PENYAMPAIAN. KRITIKLAH MANA YG PERLU. PUJILAH MANA YG BAIK..KERANA HANYA KITA YANG MAMPU MEMBERI TINDAKBALAS LANGSUNG KEPADA KERAJAAN .ORANG POLITIK BERKEPENTINGAN. Buktinye, kerana kritikallah maka bloger itu dipanggil. Apakah kita akan dipanggil jika MEREKA merasa meraka amat ampuh sebagaimana sebelum PRU 12?. Justeru itu, Saya takut dan bimbang bahawa bloger-bloer yang hadir itu termakan BUDI. Termakan RAYU. Termakan Bicara.Harapnya NILAI bloger yg dipanggil tidaklah seharga dengan setalam hidangan di SD itu. Ikhlas.

  36. As'kum Datuk,

    1. Tadi saya terbaca bahawa parti pembangkang akan mengadakan suatu majlis meraikan pemansuhan PPSMI. Majlis itu dijangka akan disertai oleh pemimpin2 parti pemabangkang dan beberapa kerat kumpulan yang mengaku "Pejuang Bahasa".

    2. Saya tidak mahu menyentuh tentang penglibatan pemimpin parti pembangkang kerana itu kerja mereka. Jika tidak bangkang maka tidak relevenlah mereka.Mereka akan bangkang apa sahaja untuk jadi modal politik mereka.

    3. Apa yang mengelikan hati saya ialah "pejuang Bahasa" juga turut tumpang sekaki. Mereka ini sebenarnya jika kita teliti hanyalah nak tutup kegagalan mereka yang gagal memartabatkan bahasa Melayu. "Pejuang Bahasa" ini bukan sedar sangat tentang kesan dari pemansuhan PPSMI terhadap apa yang diperjuangkan. Kalau mereka ini tidak buta hati tak akanlah mereka berdiam diri sahaja apabila kerajaan memutuskan supaya pelajaran Sains dan Metamatik dibenarkan diajar dalam bahasa ibunda masing2. Mana perjuangan mereka untuk memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu?. Kenapa tidak menentang.

    4. Apa benda yang hendak diraikan tentang pemansuhan PPSMI.Apakah mereka sangka mereka telah berjaya apabila Kerajaan memutuskan untuk memansuhkan PPSMI. Bagi saya PPSMI bukan gagal cuma pihak yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan program ini (termasuklah Menteri2 Pelajaran semasa tempoh 2003 hingga 2009) yang gagal memikul tanggunjawab mereka seperti yang diharapkan. Saya yakin pelajar2 yang terlibat dalam PPSMI adalah pelajar yang bertuah dan mereka ini akan pergi jauh dalam bidang Sains dan Metamatik berbanding pelajar selepas 2012.

    5. Apakah "pejauang Bahasa" ini yakin yang setelah pemansuhan PPSMI ini pelajar kita akan meningkat jauh dalam dua mata pelajaran ini. Jika ditakdirkan pelajar2 kita selepas pembatalan PPSMI ini gagal, maka "pejuang Bahasa" inilah yang patut bertanggunjawab di atas kegagalan pelajar2 kita itu nanti. Saya harap Kerajaan selepas itu janganlah pula nak balik semula kepada PPSMI selepas ini. Saya percaya jika ini berlaku maka kita akan lihat pula mereka ini jugalah bersama beberapa pemimpin lain yang sekarang ini yang memuji pemansuhan PPSMI akan mengutuk pula sistem pembelajaran Sains dan Metamatik ke dalam Bahasa Melayu dan bahasa ibunda. Inilah tabiat pemimpin kita yang hanya pandai ikut rentak ketua sahaja tanpa berfikir.

  37. thegreatteadrinkerdownsouth5:58 PM

    Salaam, Dato'

    Let the Deputy PM ponder on this one fact: that there are hundreds of Malaysian parents who send their kids to study in Singapore.

    How much does this cost? For most Malaysian students (those that are not Singapore permanent residents), school fees in Singapore are about S$200 (RM480) per month. Plus more if the kids are in boarding school.

    All this is outflow of funds from Malaysia. The beneficiary - the education industry in Singapore!

    Now, is this bad economics or what?

  38. Salam Hormat Datuk Hj A Kadir,

    Orang politik memang pandai berkata-kata.
    Mereka mudah berjanji kerana cuma memerlukan gigi dan lidah saja.

    Tentang meresap pendidekan pra-sekolah ( kindergarten) kedalam pendidekan sekolah kebangsaan , saya nak anda semua bayangkan akan berlakukah senario seakan-akan begini di Malaysia nanti? :-

    Seorang ahli perniagaan terkemuka AS ( Lee Iacocca) hendak berjumpa dengan seorang Komissar di sebuah perkampongan di utara Beijing.

    Bila Iacocca sampai di pejabat Komissar tersebut, Komissar itu meminta maaf kerana tidak dapat berjumpa dengannya.

    Iacocca terpegun sambil berkata tujuan dia datang dari Amerika ke China adalah hendak membantu membina sebuah kilang memasang kereta.

    Komissar itu membalas , dia mempunyai masalah kekurangan guru kindergarten pada pagi itu dan hal perniagaan boleh ditunda.

    Selamat berhujung minggu.

  39. Dear Dato'
    I am really at a loss.
    What actually was the problem with PPSMI?
    I consider it (PPSMI) as a short cut for our children to muster the knowledge. They don't have to read and translate what they read later on.
    But they said it is not right to ask the children to learn Maths and Science in English at a young age.
    Instead they are proposing to teach English to our children starting from kindergarteen.
    I am confused.

  40. salam semua,
    anak saya, seorang melayu, di daftarkan kedalam sekolah rendah chung hwa, jalan damai. selepas sekolah, dia dimasukkan kelas tuition bahasa cina.
    Sekarang, dia sudah fasih dalam tiga bahasa.
    sekolah menegah nanti, say harap dia akan belajar semua pelajaran dalam bahasa inggeris.
    Saya hairan mengapa sesetengah orang melayu masih ketegar mahu bertutur dalam satu bahasa sahaja. Akibatnys, melayu juga akan ketinggalan.

  41. YBhg Dato'

    Assalamualaikum. Nampaknya tidak habis-habis berbahas mengenai BM dan BI. Mengapa Kerajaan tidak berterus terang apa yang mereka mahu dan melakukannya secara baik yang mungkin.Kita gusar bersabit rakyat mengguna bahasa rojak. Tidakkah mengajar sebahagian mata pelajaran dalam BM dan sebahagian lagi dalam BI menyumbang kearah mengwujudkan bahasa rojak.Mengapa kita tidak balik kepangkal jalan dan mengurus pembelajaran secara sistematik seperti mengadakan semula "removed class" bagi mereka yang hendak mengalih aliran bahasa penghantar samada dalam BM atau BI apabila sampai sekolah menengah.

    Kita sudah wujudkan dasar pelajaran negara dimana ramai orang telah mendapat menafaat darinya.Janganlah kita ganggu dasar ini. Biarlah mereka yang hendak menjadikan BM sebagai bahasa ilmu meneruskan usaha mereka.Disamping itu biarkanlah mereka yang hendak belajar dalam BI berbuat demikian.Kita bagaimana pun misti ingat bahawa ini adalah Malaysia dan bahasa rasminya bahasa Melayu dan dengan itu bagi sesiapa yang hendak berkerja hendaklah terus diwajibkan mendapat kepujian dalam BM.

    Biar rakyat menentukan dasar pelajaran yang mereka hendaki. Pada masa ini pembahagiannya agak jelas dimana PR mahu BM kekal sebagai bahasa utama sementara kerajaan adalah flexible dan mahu menerapkan BI diperingkat tadika lagi. Kerajaan juga bersedia untuk memberi insentif untuk menarik guru guru yang berkaliber dalam BI berkhidmat di luar bandar. Yang saya muskilkan mengapa "double standard" tidakkah semua guru di luar bandar perlu mendapat ganjaran yang sama. Mengapa wujudkan kasta dalam bidang perguruan.

    Di pilihan raya kecil Manik Urai BN tewas dengan undi yang sangat kecil.Mungkinkah BN boleh menang sekiranya pengumuman pemansuhan PPSMI dikatakan berkuat kuasa serta merta dan tidak menunngu sehingga tahun 2012.Mungkinkah penangguhan ini menyebabkan kehilangan beberapa undi yang kritikal.

    Raja Abdul Rahman bin Raja Mohammad Dain
    Petaling Jaya.

  42. Rough road? It need not have been rough had we stuck to the original design: Bahasa Melayu the official language and medium of instruction in national school system, English being an important second language.

    The hue and cry about English supposedly not getting its rightful place in the education system had its origin in Mahathir administration's skewed logic of using English as the medium of instruction for science and mathematics subjects. When studies showed the failure of that policy, the previleged class who had the rare opportunity during the colonial times to get their education in English and thereby became Anglicised, came up tooth and nail to defend Mahathir's position claiming that English is the language of science and technology and Malaysian scientists would be disadvantaged vis-a-vis the world scientific community.

    Should their claim be true, how could one explain the hordes of scientists, specialist doctors, architects, engineers, IT experts that are manning Malaysia's hospitals, ports, airports, airlines, manufacturing plants, mostly the product of Bahasa Melayu and other vernacular media of instruction in mathematics and science subjects.

    The point many had missed is the fact that science, including mathematics, and technology have their own symbols, languages if you like, which are more precise than conventional languages.

    It is sad that the minority - anglicised and privileged - claimed to be representative of the disadvantaged majority of the rural and the city poor as evidenced by tongue-in-cheek opinion poll conducted in Cekdet blogspot. It's as if computer literacy and access is uniformly spread throughout the population.

    The devils responsible for the steady decline of English proficiency amongst Malaysians are hiding in more obvious places. For that matter, we have also to address with the same vigour the unarguable decline of Bahasa Melayu amongst Malaysians, Malays especially (non-Malay cabinet ministers speak better Malay than their Malay counterparts)

    By far the more important and urgent task for the government is to bridge both the gap in access to education and opportunities between the minority priviliged rich and the rural and urban poor.

    The new administration has got this right this time around but it has to monitor closely and relentlessly its implementation from day one.

  43. Dear DAKJ

    Today, I’m going to write an article about stroke. The scientific name for stroke is the cerebrovascular accident (CVA). CVA is a condition where there is no blood supply into a specific area of the brain. It can be subdivide into an Ischaemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke.

    There are 3 main arteries supply blood to our brain, which is right and left carotid arteries and vertebrobasilar arteries. It is then conjoint together to become Circle of Willis. From there, there will be a lot of branches including anterior cerebral arteries, middle cerebral arteries and posterior cerebral arteries. There are also a lot of small arteries such as basilar arteries, anterior communicating arteries and posterior communicating arteries arising from the circle. Basically, it takes 6 months to study the neuroanatomy in superficial. To become a neurologist or neurosurgeon, it takes about at least 10 years after completed the first degree.

    Since it is too long, I’m going to write specifically on the hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhage means bleed; a Hemorrhagic stroke means bleeding to occur in the brain which causes the non functioning of the adjacent brain tissue, because of the hemorrhage itself or because of the penumbra effect. The commonest etiology of the hemorrhagic stroke is malignant hypertension. Other causes of hemorrhagic stoke include AV malformation, berry aneurysm, arteritis such as Takayasu arteritis or giant cell arteritis, vasculitis or bleeding from the brain tumour. Don’t forget systemic disease that can cause the hemorrhagic stroke, especially bleeding disorder such as severe thrombocytopaenia in dengue hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura or in acute leukemia or drugs, which might cause abnormal in platelet count or derange in the coagulation profile.

    Clinically, someone who had sudden stoke can present in few ways. If the stroke is small, it may cause transient ischemic attack or reversible Ischaemic neurological deficit (because of the penumbra effect which might present like Ischaemic stroke) or in form of a major stroke. The other sign is basically base on the site of bleeding. For example, it the bleeding occurs at the cerebellar region, the prominent manifestation will be loss of coordination and balance, if it occurs at the frontal lobe, there will be frontal lobe effect and the most dangerous if it occurs at the brain stem because it can cause coma. As we know, most of our unconscious mind controlling the heart rate, respiratory rate and the reticular activating system situated at this area.

    For the investigation, complication, management, prognosis and follow up, probably I will write about it later because it is already too long. As usual, if it is too long, nobody will read.

    Sekali lagi saya ingin minta maaf jika artikel-artikel saya terkasar bahasa atau melukakan hati sesiapa. Saya tahu kita semua cuba ingin menegakkan kebenaran atas pandangan kita sendiri dan janganlah sesiapa terambil hati. Sekian terima kasih.

  44. Anonymous9:57 AM

    salam datuk,

    i am a secondary school student who admires your writing n thinking :D
    i would like to write about a new teacher who was sent to my school earlier this month (if im not mistaken). there is nothing special nor extraordinary about him, but i like the fact that he teaches both islamic studies and english to the lower form. he is definitely not your average type 'ustaz'. he is the modern kind. from what i heard, he is a graduate from iium. i hope kementerian pelajaran produces more teachers like these. the epitome of a modern muslim. take care datuk.sorry for my grammar mistake :P


  45. Salam...dato', dengan rendah hati dan penuh kesyukuran, saya mohon utk menjadi anak didik dato dalam bidang penulisan..saya lebih suka berjuang dengan menggunakan penulisan berbanding percakapan..tertakluk pade dato' utk terima atau tidak permohonan saya ni...nekad untuk membantu negara maju seperti Tun M. Sekian, terima kasih...

  46. Salam sejahtera Datuk,

    Actually I am totally agree with the term of bilingualism. Because nowadays, everybody knows how important and how good if we knows more than one language, much less three or more than that. For me I'm lucky enough because I am capable to communicate in English, which I think I have derived a lot of knowledges which I don't think it will be possible without my ability in English Language.

    After I went through your writings, I can feel of how pure of our Deputy Prime Minister cum Minister of Education is, eventhough I were not present at the ceremony.

    Like you said, many young bloggers have bravely expressed their views for the sake of their younger brothers and sister and at the same time they forget that this might affect their livelihood. I salute to these youngsters. Nowadays we are deprived of these handsome youngsters. Handsome here means virtuos.

    As a conclusion, we must play our role, whoever we are in implementing government's agenda that benefitting our nation irregardless race or creed.

    Lastly I'm also agree with your choice of the word of rough which means we will face a lot of problems regarding the issue of road towards bilingualism.

    Thanks and regards,
    From me to you Datuk and bloggers and Surfers.

    1 Malaysia
    Rakyat Didahulukan
    Pencapaian Diutamakan.

  47. Dato' ni lebih kurang boleh dikatakan senang 'dibeli' oleh kerajaan jika selalu didampingi dan digurau senda dengan Menteri.

    Mungkin nostalgia Dato tentang kerusi empok masa lalu menggamit perasaan.

    Lepas ni kalau Rosmah jemput makan malam ke mahligainya, apa pula lah kata kata pujian yang akan Dato' dendangkan kepada kami di sini.

  48. Dears bebaters and readers,

    It's surprising that there appears to be an increase in the number of people lacking testicular gumption entering this blog to condemn me and debaters for our views anynomously.

    I though blog readers, in particular the BN haters, are mature and brave people.

    Alas I am wrong.

    Thank you.

  49. Anonymous5:51 PM


    why does the third language have to be chinese? why not arabic? after all 67% of our population is purportedly to "Muslim" Malay. we want to do biz with middle east and ask them to invest in our country and we dont bother to learn.

    talking about HP6 educators...a lot of our university lecturers are sitting on various "committees" and "board of directors" GLCs collecting fat allowances instead of educating our kids and you wonder why our kids are brain dead being taught outdated materials coz the lecturers do not put time in updating subject matters.

    and oh yeah dont forget most of our bosses in our "established" institution are too busy taking care of their own survival that the dont want to hear the truth and therefore brand the more "vocal" ones as trouble maker.

    the list can go on and on.... I believe that we "Malays" have lost the barakah and being laknat by Allah SWT because we have taken on munafiqin characteristics less anybody forget:

    When we speak we lie
    When we promise we break them
    When we taake amanah we khianat them.

    Yeah...and while we are on such subject..we are cursed coz our leadership currently has no taqwa. I would like to quote one MD of a GLC "Until we Malay reaize that we are Muslim first and Malay second, we would forever be bangsa yang lemah dan bertongkat"

    Take your pick....n make the choice of hak or truth, then only then can we as a race be strong...

    Keturuan Jebat


    salam dari KOTA KEKASIH ALLAH..

  51. Salam sekali lagi,

    Saya ingin berkongsi maklumat berikut yang saya perolehi daripada internet.

    Munkin ada yang telah mengetahui tentang satu kajian diatas subjek Maths dan Sains melalui peperiksaan yang berjudul,
    " Trends In Maths and Science Study (TIMSS)".

    Peperiksaan ini dijalankan oleh satu badan bernama "International Assoc.for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement,(IEA)" bersama dengan "International Study Centre,(ILS)", Lynch School of Education, Boston College,USA.
    Peperiksaan ini diadakan setiap 4 tahun sekali untuk murid darjah 4 dan ting.2( Grades 4&8). Tujuan peperiksaan ini ialah bagi menilai secara perbandingan ditahap antarabangsa diantara negara-negara yang mengambil bahagian, supaya dapat memperbaiki lagi cara pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek Maths dan Sains.

    Malaysia mula mengambil bahagian pada tahun 1999, dan seterusnya pada 2003 dan 2007.

    Secara rengkas berikut adalah faktor-faktor yang dirumuskan daripada keputusan cemerlang yang diperolehi daripada penuntut-penuntut yang terbabit.Saya hanya akan fokus kepada murid ting.2 kerana ini melibatkan murid-murid Malaysia yang mengambil peperiksaan tersebut. Rumusan adalah lebih kurang sama untuk kedua-dua subjek dan untuk tahun-tahun yang diduduki.

    1. Bahasa peperiksaan adalah bahasa yang sama digunakan di rumah.

    2. Jumlah buku-buku Maths dan Sains yang lebih di rumah.

    3. Murid-murid yang mempunyai ibu bapa yang berpendidekan tinggi.

    4. Mempunyai komputer dan rangkaian Internet di rumah.

    5. Murid-murid mempunyai sikap positif terhadap Maths dan Sains.

    6. Murid yang mempunyai rekod kehadiran yang baik secara purata.Terdapat 90% daripada murid-murid yang cemerlang didalam peperiksaan tersebut mempunyai bahasa ibunda mereka sama dengan bahasa peperiksaan.

    7. Pencapaian secara purata yang tinggi bagi murid-murid yang tidak mempunyai masalah hadir ke sekolah. Masalah datang lambat, tidak hadir langsong dan mengelak daripada hadir kelas Maths dan Sains sering berlaku dikalangan murid-murid ting.2

    6. Sekolah-sekolah yang mempunyai tenaga pengajar dan kemudahan sekolah yang mencukupi.

    7. Laporan daripada guru-guru yang berpuas hati dengan suasana kerja di sekolah serta serba mencukupi.

    8. Pengetua dan guru sekolah yang mempunyai pandangan positif terhadap keadaan di sekolah.

    9. Murid murid merasa selesa dan selamat di sekolah.

    Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut lagi sila layari :-

    Sila buat kesimpulan sendiri.Kita hendak anak dan cucu kita mahir dalam Maths dan Sains atau dalam Bahasa(Melayu/Inggeris)?
    Saya khuatir Menteri Pelajaran kita,buat kata peribahasa inggeris,"Can't see the forest for its trees".

    Terima Kasih.
    (Pn.Hjh Latipah Sidek)

    Nota Kaki:

    1. Keputusan TIMSS 2003
    (Sebanyak 46 negara bertanding pada 2003)

    Maths - Malaysia menduduki anak tangga ke10,mendahului Russia,US dan England.
    Sains - menduduki anak tangga ke20.
    (Keseluruhan keputusan meningkat berbanding pada tahun 1999)

    2. Keputusan TIMSS 2007
    (Sebanyak 49 negara bertanding)

    Maths - Menurun dari anak tangga ke10 ke20
    Sains - Menurun dari anak tangga ke20 ke21.

  52. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Salam Dato',

    Izinkan saya tumpang sekaki mengomel tentang PPSMI walupun agak lewat.

    Saya sokong sangat keputusan memansuhkan PPSMI. Dasar PPSMI dilaksanakan secara terburu-buru tanpa kajian terperinci. Tidak apalah tiga daripada anak-anak saya menjadi generasi kohort PPSMI. Alhamdulilah, ketiga-tiga mereka tidak menjadi korban PPSMI kerana semuanya lulus PMR dengan 'straight As' dan seorang telah pun lulus SPM (1st batch PPSMI sekolah menengah) dengan 10 1A including EST and 1119 GCE English.

    Kok begitu mengapa saya sokong PPSMI dimansuhkan?

    Secara jujur, PPSMI akan melebarkan jurang pencapaian akademik anak-anak daripada keluarga yang beruntung dengan anak-anak daripada keluarga yang kurang beruntung. Anak-anak daripada keluraga beruntung menikmati sauasana dan pra-sarana kejayaan sepeti yang dicatitkan dalam tampalan Puan Sujini @ Hjh Latipah di atas. Paling banyak hanya 40% anak-anak termasuk dalam golongan ini. Bakinya 60% tidak menikmati suasana dan pra-sarana yang membantu mereka mengejar kejayaan akademik. Tanpa kejayaan akademik dan pendidikan bermakna masa depan yang suram.

    Berbual-bual lah dengan anak-anak Orang Asli dan nelayan di Kg. Bakar Batu di JB. Walaupun mereka setiap hari melihat kerancakan pembangunan di Danga Bay dan sering menyaksikan gegak gempita malam yang disirami warna-warni bunga api, namun hakikatnya mereka adalah anak-anak golongan kurang beruntung yang seakan-akan sudah menempah masa depan yang terus terpinggir daripada kemajuan ekonomi.

    PPSMI tidak membantu anak-anak golongan ini; jangankan membaca buku BI, membaca buku BM pun ramai yang terkial-kial. PPSMI menggandakan cabaran pendidikan kepada anak-anak Kg Bakar Batu. Ironinya, golongan seperti ini bukan bersifat setempat di Bakar Batu saja, mereka ada di merata tempat diseluruh negara.

    Diri saya sendiri; andainya tiada sekolah menengah aliran Melayu, tentulah saya tak merasa bersekolah menengah. Alhamdulillah, kini saya boleh membaca dan faham semua posting BI dalam blog Dato' ini.

    Pak Hj JB
