Saturday, February 11, 2012

Malaysia's Image Tarnished In BBC's Apology

A Kadir Jasin

(If you are commenting “anonymously”, please state your name/pseudonym at the beginning and end of your comment. Thank you.)

UNDER the headline “BBC to issue global apology for documentaries that broke rules”, UK’s The Independent newspaper reported that “The BBC will today apologise to an estimated 74 million people around the world for a news fixing scandal, exposed by The Independent, in which it broadcast documentaries made by a London TV company that was earning millions of pounds from PR clients which it featured in its programming.

“BBC World News viewers from Kuala Lumpur to Khartoum and Bangkok to Buenos Aires will watch the remarkable broadcast, available in 295 million homes, 1.7 million hotel rooms, 81 cruise ships, 46 airlines and on 35 mobile phone platforms, at four different times, staged in order to reach audiences in different time zones. The BBC will apologise for breaking "rules aimed at protecting our editorial integrity".

The Independent exposed last year in an investigation into the global television news industry how the BBC paid nominal fees of as little as £1 for programmes made by FBC Media (UK), whose PR client list included foreign governments and multinational companies. The company made eight pieces for the BBC about Malaysia while failing to declare it was paid £17m by the Malaysian government for "global strategic communications".

The programmes included positive coverage of Malaysia's controversial palm oil industry

According to the report, investigations into the scandal “uncovered 15 breaches of editorial guidelines”, of which eight were related to FBC’s programmes on Malaysia.

The apology, according to the report, will read: "In the case of eight other programmes, all of which featured Malaysia, we found that the production company which made the programmes appeared to have a financial relationship with the Malaysian government.

“This meant there was a potential conflict of interest, though the BBC was not aware of it when the programmes were broadcast.”

That the BBC had been duped into airing the programmes, is its problem. The British broadcaster is paying the price for its oversight.

What should concern us is that taxpayers’ money paid to FBC Media. Its unprofessional conduct has caused our country shame. Instead of benefiting from FBC costly handiwork, Malaysia’s image has instead been further damaged.

The question is: How could our government (and its agencies) have made such a mistake when we know that teams upon teams of “high-powered” media professionals have been employed by Putrajaya since Prime Minister Mohd Najib took over in 2009?

Did they not know who or what FBC Media is? To have their “global strategic communications” contractor caught red-handed and with its pants down, does not speak well of the government’s media teams and personalities.

Perhaps this is the problem and outcome of being too dependent on outside advisers and consultants, and not being hands-on enough.


  1. playsafe6:09 PM


    Saya rasa Dato Najib dan para penasihat nya memang kurang bijak.

    Kita telah lihat pelbagai isu yang mana beliau amat lembap untuk memberi pandangan

  2. AW Azahari7:13 PM

    Anynomous The cat is out of the bag.Rm satu billion taxpayers money has gone into the drain .PM has to explain

  3. Malik7:18 PM


    "Perhaps this is the problem and outcome of being too dependent on outside advisers and consultants, and not being hands-on enough"

    Yet to see APCO


  4. Anonymous10:00 PM


    16 million pound is about RM68million based on the current currency conversion.

    That is a lot of money to spend asking somebody to say good things about us. Furthermore BBC is not in the advertising business.

    I guessed the whole exercise is no longer strategic anymore.

    Orang Johor

  5. Dato' Kadir,
    Salam Hormat

    Is BBC Reckless Or Negligent?
    (how is queen's park rangers doing)

    Bad practice: The stories

    Hosni Mubarak

    As Egypt was in the throes of a revolution, the BBC commissioned FBC to make a documentary on the country. But the firm had a commercial relationship to promote Egypt as "liberal and open". The programme, Third Eye: Egypt, warned of the threat of takeover by Islamic fundamentalists...

    Did they not know who or what FBC Media is?

    Apakah ini akan kecutkan perut Raja Minyak Sawit atau FGV?

    Siapakah Raja Minyak Sawit?
    Adakah Raja Minyak Sawit lebih handal dari Tun Daim?

    Dan kenapa masih ada lagi cerita 'the country's palm-oil industry and its treatment of rainforests and indigenous people'?
    PMOB buat apa?
    Harga saham FGV?
    Haruskah The independent diberi tahniah?


  6. Assalamualaikum,

    YBhg Dato' dan Pembahas yang saya hormati. Amat menyedihkan. Dapatkah ahli UMNO membaiki keadaan dengan menegur kepimpinan supaya balik kepangkal jalan apabila tersasar. Nampaknya agak sukar apabila vetran UMNO boleh menerima surat tunjuk sebab dari UMNO bila mengeluarkan pendapat yang tidak disenangi pemimpin UMNO inikan pula ahli-ahli yang bercita-cita tinggi.

    Raja Abdul Rahman bin Raja Mohammad Dain,
    Pencetus Strategic Vision,
    Petaling Jaya

  7. Damansaraman5:42 AM

    As a Malaysian, I am very sad indeed with the latest debacle.

    Najib's administration has time and time again failed to understand that a brand image is not at all about cosmetic treatment. His expensive communication team should be sacked immediately.

    Its like having a corporate joke that rebranding is all about changing the logo.

    What Najib should be doing is concerntrating on those major transformation programs he has announced thus ensuring the rakyat and the country truly benefits from it.

    Those are good plans. Put your heart into it.

    In addition, seriously he should do away from his current 'Santa Claus' efforts that in most cases were unneccesary and politically ill advised.

    The rakyat problems and those disgruntle voices should be analysed in totality with clear objectives of wanting to better the situation rather than throwing millions everywhere everytime he visited, especially, a Chinese or Indian community.

    Does Najib really think that those 'political bribes' can really work? Is that how low he thinks of his own people?

    Does anybody from his office realise that we are actually living in the year 2012!

    The faster he realise that actual good works that pays strong and honest dividends, is better for the country.

    Lets hope Najib won't end up like Abdullah Badawi who were so very proud for being advised by a bunch Ivy League graduates, only to realise while those boys were academically intelligent, they are unfortunately were not street savvy nor smart.

    Learning a thing or two from Mahathir's era that was not positively accepted by the international media in general but has proven to be highly effective for the country in total.

    I seriously would like to think and hope that the basic 101 mistakes of Abdullah's era is actually a thing in the past.

    If not, we'll be spending many more years of hot air political uncertainties like today where even jokers could sit in our parliament due to our government's gross mistakes.

    And if this is not tackled immediately, please stop blaming the Malays for 'Mengkhianati Perjuangan', because the root in this case is at the top.

    And we'll kiss goodbye to Vision 2020.

  8. heehhe datuk.. kalau kita ni elok dan baik.. tak payah bayar tok.. untuk orang kata kita baik.. memang memalukan.. memalukan sangat sangat.. masyarakat antarabangsa akan melihat kita ni bangsa rasuah.. nak menyuap ajer kijonyer.. kihkihkih.. bayar 17 juta pound tu untuk program berapa minit entah.. kihkihkih.. duk teringat masa pru 12 dulu.. bukak emel yahoo tetiba ado iklan undilah Barisan Nasional.. naik meluat pun ada.. pasal time tu.. kat tv semua iklan koridor itulah inilah.. tak henti-henti.. ini sampai kita nak buka email peribadi pun dok ada iklan propaganda BN lagi.. berapalah bayar Yahoo tu dulu.. kihkihkih..

  9. Harun Sg Buloh12:27 PM

    Kenapa nak make-up supaya muka kelihatan cantik tetapi dibawah, muka itu hodoh piap ....

  10. Saya fikir ini adalah hasil dari nasihat PR Consultant yang diupah dengan bayarn yang mahal itu.Nyatalah nasihat mereka bukanlah bagus sangat malah boleh menimbulkan bala. Inilah contohnya. Tetapi apa nak kata sebab kekaguman kepada consultant- lebih-lebih lagi orang yang pekat dengan telor kampungnya - sentiasa menjadi pujaan kepada mereka. Yang nyata belanja upah BBC 17 juta pound. Beyar condultant yang jadi tukang karut berapa pulak ?

  11. apa nak kata. memang dah desperate sangat-sangat tu. "i help you, you help me" tak laku luar malaysia.

  12. din klang5:19 PM

    Aslkum Dakj

    Kalau begini caranya sahlah dugaan saya ada org dpt honourary Phd pakai wang rakyat sebagai rasuah.

    Kalau dpt dari 10 universiti terbaik spt Uni of Western Aus, atau Uni of NewSouth Wale atau Aus National Uni ke boleh la kita bangga sikit.

    Tapi tak pe masih ramai Melayu Umno termasuk Umno Johor yg bangga gilebila baca ada org dpt ijazah kehormat dari Uni of Curtin.

    Yg tentunya bertambah banyak masa rakyar Malaysia terbuang bila dipaksa mendengar gelaran Doktor..... dihadapan nama yg berkenaan.

    Din klang

  13. Salam Dato,

    Laa.. awat sampai macam ni PM oi?.

    Dari dulu sampai la ni, kalau ada ISU ISU berkenaan kerajaan,negeri ka,negara ka, CUBA BILANG BERAPA hari baru ada `statement' dari kerajaan......KECUALI KM MELAKA, yang lain lambat dan lembab.

    KALAU ada`statement' pun, selalunya berbentuk `KITA BETUI, DEPA SALAH' punya stail....

    KENAPA ADA MENTERI,KP dan dll kalau SEMUANYA tunggu `biaq orang lain mula dulu,aku ikut kut belakang dia..kalu dia kutuk,aku kutuk..kalu dia napi,aku pun napi,kalau dia kata `nanti kita siasat' aku pun macam tuu..!

    MAU TAK MAU, menteri ka,PM ka,KP ka dll KENA BUKAK MULUT LUAS LUAS,CEPAT CEPAT dan terangkan dari A ke Z mengenai sebarang isu... ni tidak, jawap selalu tepi tepi,hujung hujung, lepas tu tak tau kut mana hujung dan pangkai...
    BILA orang teguq,kat tak suka la,benci la anti la dll....

    SEMUA KERAJAAN ada `jabatan' propaganda..tapi kena buat sendiri,JUAI DIRI `YANG BENAR' untuk mendapatkan keyakinan dan kepercayaan orang tempatan dan orang asing..

    KALU juai diri `samaran' punya, sampai bila pun gerenti mampuih punya,tak payah kat BBC, kat dalam negeri punya media pun mampuih juga..itu bukan propaganda,itu MENGADA NGADA!!

    AWAT laa PM ni macam ni? sapa laa yang PANDAI MACAM TU PUN DIA `sewa' juga!.

    AWAT TAK SEWA DKJ DAN KITA SEMUA NI UNTUK TUNJUK KAT DIA macam mana untuk cerita dan buat berita?

    Saya yakin ada `kutu kutu'putaq alam yang dok gelak kah kah kah...kenyang dapat duit sewa dari PM punya kabinet,dan semua kena juai idup idup..

    JUAI SEMUA !..leloong,leloong...
    juai semua sekali kat tepi mesjid besi tu!

    Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

  14. din klang6:15 PM

    Aslkum Dakj

    Kalau ada yg baik dan cerdik tlg terjemahkan lagi bagus.

    RTM dan TV3 bolehlah Najib perhambakan.
    Memang bos2 mereka pun keturunan hamba pd manusia.

    Syabas dan tk Dakj

    Din klang

  15. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Salam Datuk, perhaps everyone in the world was doing the same thing. So its hard to blame our government for engaging a PR agency especially to write on a media sensitive issue of palm oil. We're being pummeled right, left and centre by other lobbies and here we are always taking the high ground.... and losing.


  16. Membazir dan memalukan. Bagi duit tu pada orang berpengalaman macam Dato' pun lagi berfaedah. Masih hendak undi BN? Bertukarlah. Kita tengok 5 tahun BN jadi pembangkang pulak.

  17. Mengapa Melayu bodoh begini ?
    Semuanya di outsource kan kepada pihak perunding dari syarikat telekom , Khazanah, TNB, FELDA dan sebagainya.padahal syarikat2 ini ada depatment khas untuk business dvelopment.
    Tapi kita masih ada jabatan kerajaan di anggotai oleh ramai pekerja melayu belaka dengan gaji tinggi-tinggi dari pengarah sampai peon. Ada syarikat lain yang menjadi perunding untuk Sijil Halal , padahal JAKIM pula buat benda yang sama. Duplicate !
    Lihat lah PROTON dah berapa kali di tukar tangan dari HICOM ke Tan Sri Yahya dan kemudian ke PETRONAS dan kemudian ke KHAZANAH NASIONAL. Kini ke tangan Syed Mohktar.
    Tapi riwayat hidup PROTON selalu rugi dan model keretanya tipu habis-habis MITSUBISHI Jepun aje.

    Pelaburan PROTON diluar negara seperti LOTUS dan AUGUSTA lenyap begitu sahaja.
    Sama juga dengan MAS....

    wang berjuta-juta diberi kepada perunding luar negara untuk promosi hanya kayakan orang luar dan agennya di sini.

  18. Kajang Pak Malau11:41 PM

    Salam semua,

    Agaknya PM pun guna khidmat nasihat dari penasihat NFC. Tu yang jadi lagu tu.

    Sekarang PM bawak watak Santa Claus pulak,tabur duit sana sini.


  19. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Datuk, macam ni susah la. Lepas satu, satu isu besar timbul. Bila nak wujud "winnable atmosphere" untuk membolehkan PRU diadakan? Modal dah banyak habis ni.

    --Mat Kempen

  20. Malay Gentile9:31 AM

    Lately Murujib has been talking non-stop of everything that can bring good to the country. He always wants to become a true statesman and to be seen as a reformer. UMNO has been lying too much in the past especially to the Malay community and it’s not surprising that there are so many sceptics to Prime Minister Murujib’s proposed political reforms after 54 years UMNO in power.

    'Setiap sesuatu ada jangka hayatnya' and the same may apply to UMNO. I predict UMNO will be varnished from this soil if not by this coming 13th GE it will be the 14th GE. Insyaallah

  21. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Datuk, seeking clerification. Who engaged FBC ltd? Najib or Taib Mahmud? Some reports said Taib. If it was Taib, why don't Najib and his teams upon teams of media operators and advisers (to quote Datuk) clerify?

    RM80 million is a lot of money to pay and to have our country laughed at. If it was Najib, he must apologize to Malaysians and if it was Taib, he must apologize to Malaysians and Sarawakians.

    The MACC must investigate how the contract was given out.

    Rtd Journo

  22. langitbiru11:07 AM

    Assalamualaikum Dato'

    saya sudah bilang, saya sangat suka dengan tulisan Sdr Abu Bakar Ab Rahman. SANTAI, tapi berisi padat dan padu!

    Saya setuju sangat, kebanyakan isu, PM (Murujib@Ah Jib Gor) tak buka mulut, buat pekak badak, bila dah tengok telatah lans koperal, sarjan dan kapten, baru dia nak cakap..........PLAYSAFE tak habis-habis. Cara "diktator" sentimental kot.........cara ni, zaman tok kadok sesuai untuk orang pempuan!

    17 juta paungggg kata orang Gganu UNTUK beberapa minit saja DAH MELAMPAU........nak bagi bonus untuk kakitangan kerajaan SANGATLAH BERKIRA!!

    Memang tidak syak lagilah, kalau dok bagi kat UMNOBN, bangkraplah negara.

    YANG ni pun penyokong tegar UMNO "berdarah biru" masih cakap UMNO pandai urus ekonomi Negara!!! Sangat saya tak faham.

    Kes "Thaipussam" macammana??? Harussani dah cakap. Najib Rosmah MACAM BIASA, BUAT PEKAK BADAK.

    HABIS WUKUF umum kepada rakyat jelata, HAJI KAMI DAH SELESAI. Mufti Perlis bising buka mulut, dan orang lain bising buka mulut, Najib rosmah MACAM BIASA, BUAT PEKAK BADAK.

    (Jumpa Cina jadi Ah Jib Gor,bagi peruntukan segera berjuta-juta.

    Jumpa Hindu jadi Murujib, bagi peruntukan segera berjuta-juta.


    Hanya MELAYU UMNO kata dan percaya/taksub sangat, tanpa UMNO, Melayu merana!!!)





    NAK PEKAK BADAK MACAM BIASA, boleh....kalau guna duit sendiri, SAPA NAK bising???


  23. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sendiri masuk bakul senderi angkat

    Orang luar

  24. Anonymous6:16 PM


    I saw your photo in Harakah attending Mat Sabu son's wedding.

    You look pale and disoriented. Kenapa ya?

    Di doakan semoga sihat selalu.

    I miss your NST "other tots column" before the sacking of DS Anwar Ibrahim...:)

    minah ronggeng

  25. Sebenarnya TANAHAIRKU YANG TERCINTA memang cukup makmur..tetapi sayang, dengan sewenang wenang nya telah diJOLI oleh orang yang kita amanahkan untuk mentadbir..sedih

  26. why conventional press in malaysia didint scribe this news?

  27. Salam Semua,

    Terkedu dengar nasihat sang menteri yang sorang ni.

    "Sharizat hanya perlu bayar balik je kepada kerajaan RM250 juta, habis cerita dan tidak perlu letak jawatan"

    Mudah sungguh cara menteri BN sorang ini menyelesaikan masalah. Kalau begitu mudah bolehlah mencuri dan kalau tertangkap bayar balik habis cerita dan kalau terlepas joli katak woo...

    P/s Otak Pak menteri ini agaknya sudah putus wayar ... agaknya.

    ~ Malik

  28. Aku nak undi kuasa ketiga. Harap depa hassan ali, perkasa, zaid, ex pkr bertanding parti bebas. Menang dulu baru buat parti.
    Fed up dgn Umno, rosmah menghabiskan duit rakyat, personal income tax tak pernah turun, depa habiskan.
    Pas pkr tak ada kemampuan, dap bagus untuk kaum depa dan racist.

  29. Dr Sulaiman11:42 PM


    When they engage FBC to do media campange,Najib did not know they are part of BBC network.

    I think engaging APCO is more damaging to the goverment.

  30. berasiam4:01 AM

    Salam DAKJ

    namanya pun CONsultant, memang menipu ajalah kerjanya. Bak kata mantan PM, abik jam kita, dia bagi kita waktu pukul berapa. itulah kerjanya. lepas tu mintak upah mahal-mahal. agaknya orang kerja kerajaan sekarang ni dah jadi pemalas sangat sampai semua nak disumberluarkan. dulu-dulu kena buat sendiri sebab tak ada duit nak bayar orang luar, sekarang dah banyak duit, tak payah buat kerja langsung, semua disumberluarkan. untung sungguh jadi orang kerajaan. itu jugaklah yang nak mintak naik gaji tu.

  31. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Mai kita pakat pikir : berapa ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tengok rancangan dari BBC? Promo tu untuk yakinkan siapa?

    Menteri dan kerajaan dok gah cerita pasal prestasi ekonomi yang "terbaik" pada 2011. Malah pakar-pakar dok riuh indeks Bursa nak cecah 1600. Cuba baca yang berikut :

    p/s 1CARE apa cerita? Ketua Pengarah kata lain. Menteri dah mula flip flop, tukar cerita. Income tax campur GST campur 1CARE, apa yang tinggal untuk berbelanja dalam alam inflasi yang mencanak?

    Macam orang gila sabung: anak bini tak cakup makan, peduli apa. Janji si ayam jantan tak kurang zat.

    Fed Up

  32. Anonymous10:10 AM

    lets guestimate how much consultant fees that were paid to get Najib hook up to the BBC.

    I guess min 5milliom RM


  33. mtgbertam3:02 PM


    Syok no depa dok perabih duit rakyat !!

  34. Rtd Journo, among other things, said: "Datuk, seeking clerification. Who engaged FBC ltd? Najib or Taib Mahmud? Some reports said Taib. If it was Taib, why don't Najib and his teams upon teams of media operators and advisers (to quote Datuk) clerify?"

    Debater Rtd Journo and other esteemed commentators, I tried to get clerification. I have done and received the following response:-

    1. I sent the following SMS to a media adviser to the PM: “Needs yr response. Wrote in my blog about the fbc fiasco. A reader wants to know who engaged fbc, (PM) najib or (CM) taib? Tq. It was sent at 10.27am on 13-2-12. It was not responded to until today (14-2-12);

    2. Then, on the same day, at 2.42pm, I forwarded the SMS to another media operative of the PMO;

    3. At 5.15pm, he replied: “Datuk, I shd be getting some answers by tomorrow. I have my suspicions, but not getting any info as yet. Will update.” and

    4. Until 4.15pm today, Feb. 13, I am yet to get their reply as to who engaged FBC.

    Thank you.

  35. Dato' AKJ,
    Regarding whom subscribe the FBC services, i think u've to wait for some Dato' Pengarah of the PMO to fabricated some story that will complicated the matters even worse. As for the reply from both parties that u honestly seek some clarification, please wait FOREVER.

  36. Anonymous2:48 AM


    Huh, I thought in real business dealings it's all about what you pay and what you get. Now BBC cares about all these craps "breaches of editorial guidelines".....

    News is out for a reason. Products are out for a reason. Even guns and bombs are out for a reason.

    British came to the east to colonise for a reason. Iraq, Libya invaded for a reason.

    Even BBC's Apology was for a reason. I wish to ponder on the underlying reason of such apology.... It has deeper meaning I suspect.



    Datuk Kadir Jasin in parts wrote,

    ... BBC paid nominal fees of as little as £1 for programmes made by FBC Media (UK), whose PR client list included foreign governments and multinational companies...

    Who then have to cough-out the money to finance the documentaries made by the London TV company (presumably a business entity)if not from its clients?
    Sir, we gathered that Nike spent US$2.8 billion in 2008 for its adverts campaign to boost its products sales and herein it's reported that the malaysian gov't spent £17m ( appx. RM90M) for positive coverage of Malaysia's controversial palm oil industry..

    Isn't it obvious that ' nothing is free' (perhaps only the air that we breathe) and with the “BBC World News viewers from Kuala Lumpur to Khartoum and Bangkok to Buenos Aires will watch the remarkable broadcast, available in 295 million homes, 1.7 million hotel rooms, 81 cruise ships, 46 airlines and on 35 mobile phone platforms, at four different times, staged in order to reach audiences in different time zones" we believe the amount is 'sensible' to safeguard Malaysia's multi billion palm oil industry...

    The question of editorial ethics is for BBC and never did they wondered how the hell the FBC Media (UK) finances it projects (documentaries) if BBC pays only ONE sterling pound to broadcast them?... common 'sen' shud prevail, dear sir.

    What's prevailing is a 'manoeuver' by some hidden hands to discredit the current Malaysian govt and timely when the country is going to the polls...isn't it obvious?

    Just our two pence worth of news.

    Ps. Don't just look at the news splash but also look where the ripples hit...wallahualam

  38. salam

    dato, mungkin jawapannya ada pada sarawak report tentang siapa yg sebenarnya meng'employ' fbc, samada najib atau taib mahmud, dgn bukti sekali.

  39. din klang9:03 AM

    Aslkum Dakj

    Tak habis2 kisah penipuan UmnoBn terbongkar. Terbaru siasatan Jawatankuasa Parlimen(PSC)mendapati beribu kes pengundi dilonggokkan pd alamat yg bukan alamat mereka sebenar tapi alamat rumah org lain.

    Kejadian spt ini pernah saya sendiri pd PRU 2004 dimana rumah saya di PJ menerima 19 keping kad nama 19 pengundiMelayu yg berlainan yg kononnya beralamat dirumah saya. Saya memberi tau isteri dan kawan2 kerana yakin ini adalah tektik kotor SPR dan UmnoBn mencampakkan nama penyokong Pas di Kelantan atau Terengganu agar mereka tidak dpt mengundi di kawasan mereka sendiri. Kesannya kerajaan Pas Terengganu tumbang tak melawan langsung..

    Ramai orang2 cerdik mengakui bahawa kerajaan Pas Terengganu ditumbangkan dgn mudah sekali akibat 5 operasi kotor bersepadu. Pertama nama penyokong Pas dibuang negerikan. Kedua nama penyokong Umno dari negeri yg mereka yakin akan menang dgn mudah spt Johor dipindah untuk mengundi di Teengganu. Ketiga secara tipudan peras ugut tidak membenarkan polis dan tentera mengundi mengikut pilihan mereka sendiri. Keempat membenarkan org lain menundi bagi pihak org lain yg namanya telah dinyah keluar tadi. Dan yg kelima memberi rasuah tunai separuh sebelum undi dan separuh lagi selepas BN menang.

    Hebat hebat memang hebat. Kotor kotor memang kotor. Sejahat2 Yahudi pun kita tak dengar mereka tipu dalam pilihan raya.

    Kalau kerja tipu spt ni dibenar berterusan maka tak guna ada pilihan raya sebab pemenangnya telah pun ditetapkan. Spr pun lebih baik ditutup agar dpt jimat wang rakyat.

    Lagi cepat kes ini dibawa kemahkamah lagi bagus. Soal saksi tak masaalah sebab yg diaaniaya tentu berbondong akan sanggup hadir sebagai saksi, kakitangan Spr yg terpaksa melakukan demi periuk nasi tapi dah insaf tentu ada yg berani hadir, polis dan tentera yg di paksa undi Bn jugak ramai yg berani tampil dan terakhir mantan pengerusi Spr yg tak ada apa2 nak rugi atau nak takut kecuali pd Allah tentu berani beri keterangan.

    Logiknya hanya hakim jahat saja yg tidak berani mensabitkan kesalahan UmnoBn. Kalau kena dgn hakim berani dan adil UmnoBn boleh dihukum bubar dan pemimpinnya tak dibenar bertanding 10 tahun atau lebih.

    Rakyat termasuk penyokong Umno hendaklah terus mendesak kerajaan UmnoBn agar cepat meletak jawatan kerana kerajaan mereka dibentuk secara haram dan gaji yg mereka beri makan anak bini tu haram, gaji yg mereka guna pergi haji atau umrah tu haram.

    Kalaulah polis, peguam negara, Sprm dan hakim kita benar2 bebas, dah lama kerajaan UmnoBn dimuziumkan.

    Din klang

  40. One of the PM's media advisers had responded to my SMS this morning, but he requested that his name not be mentioned.

    The following is what he told me:-

    1. The contract with FBC was entered into during Tun Abdullah's time;

    2. The contract had since ran out;

    3. The Government had explained this in Parliament some time ago; and

    4. The "dispute" is between the BBC and FBC.

    Thank you.

  41. Dato' AKJ,

    Lucky u, don't have to wait FOREVER...the answer in form of "tai chi" dah sampai...over to u Pak Lah.

  42. din klang3:13 PM

    Aslkum Dakj

    Dulu ketua2 umno dikayakan dgn pelbagai hadiah seperti permit bas mini, teksi pd individi/syarikat, lesen balak, AP, pengswastaan, konsessi jln tol,tanah anugerah, pink form saham dan pelbagai kontrek tender acah2 atau direct nego.

    Awas orang Melayu termasuk penyokong Umno yg saya kasihani. Di bawah pentadbiran Najib yg terlalu percaya pd Cina bernama Koh Tsu Koon dan seorang bernama Melayu tetapi agamanya Kristian iaitu Idris Jala saya syak banyak jawatan Melayu disektor awam akan lupus atau redundant akibat satu progrm baru dinamakan outsourcing.
    Kalau outsourcing pd kroni ( tentunya pd harga yg tinggi ) pihak yg berkuasa tentu dpt komisyen atau kickbacks. Kalau bagi kerja pd pegawai kerajaan takkan mereka nak bayar kicjbacks pd menteri pulak.

    Zaman Najib ni paling zalim pd Melayu.Dahlah kementerian usahawan dimansuh, jawatan melayu di CIMB semakin pupus, Melayu nak kerja kilang pun susah sebab dah di kebas PATI. Akhirnya kerana kecewa Melayu asyik merepit, mengambil dadah atau mencuri dan terbaru berkawan dng Perkasa untuk jadi samseng kacau urusan pungut sampah dan program ceramah ABU.

    Siapa tak setuju dgn saya sila berhujah jgn mengutuk.

    Din klang

  43. 4. The "dispute" is between the BBC and FBC

    Berita pengesahan Dato' ini pasti menyeronokan Raja Minyak Sawit dan kemungkinan besar inilah sebabnya kenapa ada yang berani menyatakan FGV akan mencapai sasaran RM21 billion pada IPOnya.

    Felda Targets $6.9B Market Value in Malaysia
    By Manirajan Ramasamy and Ranjeetha Pakiam - Feb 14, 2012 12:55 PM GMT+0800

    Jadi BBC tidaklah mencemarkan nama baik Malaysia, ya tak, Dato'?


  44. Malay Gentile3:33 PM

    After more than 50 years since independence, Malay are like a blindfolded man in a forest and no one in UMNO who are dared to say “No to corruption and No to power abuse”.

    Umno cronies have the monopoly on everything on this soil such as Petroleum, rice, water, electricity, cattle, bread, airport, highways, electronic telecommunications, public transportations (taxi, airlines, KTM, cargo, ships, LRT, and monorail), electronic media, newspapers, contracts for school supplies, permits, gambling and religious authorities.

    Everyone and each of us work for the entire life just to own a little single storey house (20 years loan) & proton’s car (9 years loan) which the price is equally worth to a new Toyota Camry in Thailand. At the end of the day Malays are forced to thankful to UMNO.

    Sejak lebih 54 tahun orang2 Melayu diasuh serta diajar mengikut telunjuk UMNO. UMNO adalah kuasa penjajah alaf baru dan boleh diibaratkan copycat kepada Malayan Union.

  45. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Malay Gentile kata;

    "Umno cronies have the monopoly on everything on this soil such as Petroleum, rice, water, electricity, cattle, bread, airport, highways, electronic telecommunications, public transportations (taxi, airlines, KTM, cargo, ships, LRT, and monorail), electronic media, newspapers, contracts for school supplies, permits, gambling and religious authorities. "

    Jadi kenapa inflasi tidak dapat dikawal?

    Saja je tambah garam.....

    Fed Up

  46. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Assalamualaikum Dato' dgn izin,

    Sdr.din klang antara lain kata "Melayu nak kerja kilang pun susah sebab dikebas PATI.Akhirnya kerana kecewa Melayu merempit, mengambil dadah atau mencuri dan terbaru berkawan dgn.PERKASA untuk jadi samseng kacau urusan pungut sampah dan program ceramah ABU'

    " Siapa tak setuju dgn.saya sila berhujjah jangan mengutuk".

    Sdr.,Melayu merempit BUKAN kerana tak dapat kerja kilang atau tak ada kerja tetapi kerana nak 'berhibur' cara yg.salah.Ibu bapa pulak kurang cakna tentang pergerakan anak2.

    Mereka menagih kerena sifat ingin tau ditambah sedikit kebebalan.Puncanya sebenar ialah merokok,walaupun Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan telah memfatwakan MEROKOK ADALAH HARAM.

    Mereka mencuri kerana nak dapatkan duit secara mudah. Malas berusaha.

    Kenapa belia Cina dan India tak ada masalah merempit dan menagih dadah?

    Penyokong PAS sebenarnya yg.samseng.Tengoklah gelagat mereka semasa penamaan calun di mana saja,suka menunjuk perasaan jalanan dan bersedia bertindak ganas,baring atas jalan pun sanggup.

    Pemimpin lagi ganas,Allah dikatakan samseng.Memaki hamun sesama Islam di dalam rumah Allah.

    PERKASA bukan NGO samseng tetapi NGO yg.cuba sedaya upaya untuk mempertahankan 'kekuatan' Melayu, semangat ini langsung tak ada pada PAS kerana takutkan DAP dan PKR.

    Sdr.din klang,sepatutnya kita, Melayu Islam sama2 berganding bahu memikirkan bagaimana untuk membendung anak2 kita dari merempit dan menagih dadah serta mengasuh dan mendorong mereka melibatkan diri dlm.aktiviti2 ekonomi.

    Salam hormat,

