Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The P Ramlee Guide to Press Freedom

A Kadir Jasin

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WHILE waiting for the “sacking menyeking” and the infantile Selangor politics to unravel, if ever, let us shift our attention and seek wisdom and sanity elsewhere.

Let me start by putting it this way. I did not study journalism, history and politics from (Tan Sri) P Ramlee. My journalism teachers were the late (Tan Sri) Abdul Samad Ismail, (Tan Sri) Lee Siew Yee, Jack Glattback and S H Tan at the South East Asia Press Centre back in 1969.

Then there were the late Dame Christine Cole Catley at the Wellington Polytechnic and Mr George Abbot at the Wanganui Evening Mail in New Zealand in 1971 and Robert H. Lochner at the Berlin’s International Institute for Journalism in 1977.

They tought me about press freedom and responsibility, about media ethics, fair reporting and right of reply.

But for a non-journalist, P Ramlee topped them all. He understood journalism more than some journalists do. And much more than some people who have the control over the media.

Watch this film clip and you will understand what I mean.


He was a zillion light years ahead of people who are today pontificating about press freedom and others who want to control it.

In the scene, P Ramlee, the thief-in-chief of 40 robbers caught Aziz Satar peeping him closing the door of his hideaway, with the intention of stealing from him later.

He asked Aziz who he was. Aziz said, he was a reporter. P Ramlee said since he was a “reporter” it was okay for him to peep and went on to teach him the “mantra” that opened the cave door. Journalism in this case opened doors literally.

As for the Selangor political comedy, it is merely a repeat of the Stephen Kalong Ningkan affairs in Sarawak in 1966, the Harun Idris affairs in Selangor in 1976 and the Mohamed Nasir sacking (by PAS) in Kelantan in 1977.

If only those who are involved in the Selangor political slugfest care to learn from history!



  1. berasiam6:21 PM

    salam DAKJ

    berbezanya sejarah kali ini ditempa oleh anwar ibrahim, mantan timbalan perdana menteri. maknanya dia tidak pernah belajar dari sejarah walaupun dia mempelajari pada zaman siswanya. pemain-pemain yang lain itu termasuk rafizi ramli dan saifuddin nasution hanyalah watak hingusan yang jika tersilap, kita boleh menerimanya. apabila anwar yang digahkan sebagai pemimpin besar bertaraf dunia lecundang dalam langkah yang dirintisnya sendiri, memang tampaklah gahnya sahaja yang besar sedangkan realitinya beliau sama seperti pemain-pemain lain. malah ts p remlee jauh lebih gah berbanding anwar ibrahim walaupun negeri asal mereka sama.

  2. Salam dato,

    Thanks not too much to the `press- freedom- opposition parties- style' that shows a VERY CLEAR INTENTION of them all,to change the nation PM and the constitution if a possible.

    DAP IS TRYING VERY HARD TO PUT PAS as a wedge between ADUNS and the MB.

    PKR is trying very very hard to ENSURE PAS WEDGES between The Palace and the MB..

    But all of them forget that this is melayu,sultan,negeri selangor, majlis raja ,tanah melayu negeri selangor, islam and THE MELAYU DIGNITY is tested with PAS as a wedge to destroy all those values in Selangor ( and in Malaysia,if can be done by them soonest )....

    Whatever is it, I PRAY HARDEST that PAS is strongest now, UMNO tak kacau PAS and MB, pandai pandai nanti demands many thing or everything....BUT TO SUPPORT PAS IN IT FINEST MOMENT NOW!!!.

    Although i am ahli UMNO seumur hidup,but i see that PAS IS the `general and field marshall' now in SELANGOR...

    IKUT DAN SOKONG laa melayu melayu oiii....

    Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

  3. Sorry Datuk there is no flim clip to watch !

  4. din klang8:13 PM

    Lowyer anwar mudah lupa manakala pakar strategi dia masa tu belum lahir lagi


    Datuk AKJ,

    1. Andainya PAS meneruskan momentum yang diperlihatkan, besar kemungkinan PAS akan 'habis' di luar Kelantan.

    2. Mungkin PAS ada alasan. Bagaimanapun, dari sudut mana pun PAS akan dilihat tidak gentle man atau tikam kawan.

    3. PAS juga dilihat tidak gentle man jika buat U-Turn kerana telah 'berjanji' dengan Tan Sri Khalid.

    4. Mungkin agak kasar bunyinya jika dikatakan bahawa PAS adalah spesis ' katak ' yang bakal dilahirkan.

    5. Sekalipun mungkin berpura-pura, saya melihat UMNO maintained macho.

    6. PAS akan habis dengan cara yang mengaibkan. Itu bukan pekerti sebenar PAS.

  6. When you have this " kepala batu" , the wall will be the victim ! To the reporters, kepala batu and the wall is the same. Kepala batu has no brain to memorise the mantra or even bother to check the majic words. The wall will always be there. What they missed, just the main entrance !

    Ever wonder, why these junkies shy away with history ? Craze for power and money and no history involved. Bad Ethics / Moral is the name of the game.

    Penyamun Tarbus.

  7. Zed-859:43 AM


    I think it is a good thing that this happened. Now we can see the true colors and nature of the politicians that run the country.

    In principle, we choose those who govern the country or a state in Malaysia on the basis of what they stand for.

    From what we had seen, as what had transpired in Selangor, what do these people in, DAP, PKR, PAS and UMNO stand for?

    The rightful authority that empower a government in the state of Selangor are “The voters of Selangor”

    The Selangor people had given the authority to Pakatan Rakyat to govern the state.

    As an analogy, what the chief minister did after being sacked was to turned the ship a complete 180 degree turn.

    He threw more than half of his crew who was with him for 5 years aboard. Replaced them with a new crew who were his earlier rivals.

    Now he has a new crew and a ship without a flag.

    His actions, behaviors and the complete void of humanity of it are akin to a Pirate.

    Now, we wait for PAS. What is their stand and why it took so long to make a stand.

    If P. Ramlee is alive, I believe he would find humor in what had happened in Selangor. Most likely inspiring him to make a comedy or perhaps a horror movie. There is a plot, more than enough colourful characters, spins, good and evil, and enough ingredients to make a good film.

  8. Salam Dato.

    P.Ramlee..suatu nama yg besar.
    Org seni yg serba boleh.

    Kalau dia menjadi seorg 'journalist' pemberita....dia tentu lebih baik daru ramai yg ada.

    Sebenarnya Dato sy sekadar menambah sahaja.

    Banyak juga 'good learning values' yg dpt kita ambil dan buat pedoman dari filem dan lagu beliau.

    Ianya....cukup bernilai sekali...serupa juga dgn kita membaca buku2 ilmiah dsb.

    Yg sy tertarik sekali adalah frasa dari lagunya 'sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit';
    .....apa pula suami isteri.....suami isteri mesti bersabar...baru teguh peribadi.

    Kerap juga kita dengar suami dan isteri bergaduh dan bertengkar tentang perkara2 yg remeh 'petty'....hingga terjadi perceraian.....'non issue'....telah menjadi 'big issue'...itulah masalahnya.

    Sekadar berkongsi.

    Terima kasih.


    salam tok.. saya kenal DYMM Sultan Selangor .. tok
    kerana PKR PAS DAN DAP gila kuasa sangup lawan ketua AGAMA

    anwar terlupa bahawa DYMM Sultan Selangor ni bukan Sultan yang miskin.. Sultan yang paling kaya selepas Sultan Brunai

    PAS tak akan derhaka dengan ketua agama..


  10. Lahuma10:31 PM


    Pas jadi alat mainan politik Selangor angakara kepentingan politik Anwar (PKR) dan Khalid Ibrahim (PKR).

    Pas sudah goyang sana sini.Sudah pecah dari dalam.Iman para pemimpin Pas pun goyang.Cakap pun tersngkut sangkut macam kesejukan.

    Mintalah petunjuk dari Allah.Jangan minta dari hamba yang banyak kemngkaran.

    Kerana kuasa,jawatan,wang ringgit akan mempengaruhi hidup mati hala tuju Pas.

    Jalan terbaik di Selangor ialah pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri.
    Buat pilihanraya negeri .Biar rakyat buat keputusan.

    Ramalan saya UMNO lagi sekali akan jadi pembangkang.Rakyat sudah tolak UMNO.
    UMNO Selangor masa yang lalu banyak buat silap oleh pemimpin mereka sendiri.
    Tamak dan haloba.

    Inilah cara terbaik dalam sisten demoktrasi.

    Terima kasih Dato.

  11. Calon ke Parti ? 101

    Saya masih ingat perdebatan kecil ‘calon ke parti ?’ di blog ini dahulu. Belum pun dapat jawapan, dah isu ini pula; tiba-tiba seorang MB tak ada parti. Kemelut perlembagaan negeri paling cantik, selepas Stephen Kalong Ningkan. Sebab, kini melibatkan krisis dalaman pakatan longgar tiga parti pembangkang.

    • Pada peringkat awal, isu sedikit susah dibaca sebab individu-individu pro-Pakatan sendiri bercanggah pendapat. Kena baca blog pro-Umno untuk faham/telah/teka apa sebenarnya yang telah berlaku.

    • Mungkin satu kes retak menanti belah atau mungkin juga jadi satu kes carik-carik bulu ayam kalau ada yang pandai tukarkan krisis jadi peluang keemasan. Dan saya bercakap tentang perpaduan Melayu.

    • Datuk setuju atau tidak kalau saya kata, dalam politik partisan, secara unggulnya, parti hanya berperanan semasa proses pilihanraya, proses pemilihan calon. Sebaik sahaja terbentuknya sebuah kerajaan, kerajaan itu hanya boleh diubah berdasarkan perlembagaan dan undang-undang. Alangkah gentlemannya kita, kalau kegiatan berpolitik dihentikan sebaik selepas kerajaan terbentuk.

    • Oleh kerana kita berpolitik 24 sehari, 7 hari seminggu, seorang MB kena patuh kepada kehendak parti. BN dan pakatan, sama sahaja. Isu perletakan jawatan MB Terengganu; nasib baik ‘damage control’ menjadi. Kalau tidak, macam mana ? Lepas tu tak dengar lagi desas-desus MB lain pun nak kena tukar. Selamat.

    • Langkah Kajang dan rentetannya adalah testimoni ttg satu manusia yang sanggup terbalikkan satu Malaysia, asal dapat dia jadi PM. Hancur daging tulang berkecai, belum dapat belum berhenti. Gila punya orang.

    Hebatnya politik Melayu. Baru Lim Guan Eng sedar, bukan semudah disangka. Padan muka hang.
