Monday, February 09, 2015

Young Malaysian Has an Appetite for New York

A Kadir Jasin 

WHILE waiting for Anwar’s sodomy verdict, which is scheduled to be made known by the Federal Court tomorrow, let me refer you to this link

You may be as eager to know more about the mysterious Jho Low as you are of Anwar’s fate tomorrow.

Ringkasan bahasa Melayu boleh dibaca di sini.


Thank you.


  1. Rawa Lanun-Bahasa6:00 PM

    Harapnya Jho Low akan dianugerah Dato Sri tak lama lagi dan Riza Aziz juga.

    Kalau 1MDB rugi lagi tahun depan, Pekan akan menyesal sampai dia mampus.

    Salam takzim

  2. Wow Sdr Kadir, I love this story .It is audacious reporting by the megazine.
    I guess it is the dream of Y generation invoving in new economy especially international asset acquisitions

    Bravo to the young malaysian.Like what Diana Ross song title "Upside Down, You turn me on"

    Do what you like as long as you do not breach the law. Those dark sarcasm and rude comments by others are immaterial and better still just ignored.

    We do not want you to be just wage earners working from one paycheque to another, but you are International Business persons.

    In Malaysia,we are short of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,warren Buffet, Li Kar Shing, Jack Ma of
    Go for it young Malaysian but remember you must be honest,hardwork,but also performed your corporate social responsibilities.

    Remembers God knows what you are doing and please serve Malaysian Society.
    I hope one day Malaysia will called you unsung heroes.Yes no corruption,oppression then malaysian will regain their senses and would appreciate those young Malaysian who enter the unchartered territories like Dubai, Iran, Shanghai, London, New York, Los Angeles and etc etc.
    I rest my case Sdr Kadir. By the way sdr Kadir will you be at the jalan Duta court tommorrow?. Have a nice day.

  3. Bukan Mangsa Banjir9:39 PM


    Depa menabung pakai duit orang lain kot...kaya...

    Bukan Mangsa Banjir

  4. Salam Datuk,

    I dont think any Malaysian Prime Minister has ever been negatively reported as in this article. Full of insinuations but also revealing in characterisation of the players.

    This is no Malaysian Insider, the Edge or the Scribe. Not even Media Prima news channels. This is THE New York Times.

    Btw, the timing of the release is so coincidental with the Anwar verdict that even a fool could see.

    p/s - a major incident happened right after last year's verdict. I pray nothing similar will happen again.


    Dato A Kadir Jasin
    Salam Hormat

    Saya tidak percaya sangat adanya berlaku salahlaku jenayah dalam hal urus-tadbir 1MDB dan kerana tiada yakin ini saya mohon anda berhenti dari berblog lagi hal 1MDB.

    Kalau anda akhlak anda bikin repot polis.

    Sekiranya masih lagi tiada maaf dari blog anda dalam hal 1MDB sebelum Sambutan tahun baru Cina 2015 ini saya akan buat laporan polis anda menyebarkan fitnah dengan niat jahat.

    Saya ahli UMNO dan anda pun kenal saya. 1MDB menyentuh maruah YAB Presiden secara langsung.

    Harapnya saya tidak perlu saman malu anda di makhamah.


    1. Dear Datuk A Kadir Jasin

      Should you need to go to court because of saman malu due to 1MDB, please note we will do a crowd sourcing fund for you.

      It will be a Rakyat vs UMNO case.

      Thank you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Dato A Kadir Jasin dan Blog Admin
    Salam Hormat

    Tolong berhenti berblog mengenai 1MDB seolah-olah ada berlaku salahlaku jenayah urustadbir.

    Kalau anda masih tidak minta maaf dalam blog kerana membawa cerita berbau fitnah kepada 1MDB maka makhamah jadi medan pertarungan kita.

    Harap maklum

  7. this expose by nyt has given us n idea d main players n beneficiaries of d 1MDB dealings.

    teik jho low n rosmah's son seem 2 b having d time of their lives .
    if d 'shit hits d ceiling fan' soon,than may b pm najib may hv 2 make a choice between rosmah's family n his political survival.

    things r not looking good 4 najib. he cannot afford 2 leave b4 clearing this mess that somebody has created 4 him wth or without his knowledge.

  8. Joe Black7:29 AM


    President Jokowi of Indonesia and his Wife has never shown any Interest in New York or Paris, much less seen jetting around in a State funded Personal Jet...Suffice it to say that the president is totally focused on the Future Development of Indonesia (incidentally producing a golfing nation is not part of it). Despite Facing much Odds, Indonesia with its new leader will surely be heading for a better future.

    These are historical times... not dissimilar to when philippinos were witnessing the plundering of their nation by the Marcoses. A rich nation left peniless after all its wealth were spread all over the rich capitals of the world by the glamorous couple using innumerable proxies. A president whose wife has a pencant for expensive shoes and whose shoe collection could fill a Hollywood Boulevard Shop.

    Ring a Bell Anyone?


    Apakah mahkamah akan meurunkan hukuman penjara tidak kurang satu tahun dan denda tak kurang rm2001?

    Atau Yang Arif pun arif selesaikan bab pelanduk kena jerat?

    Tahniah kita kepada pelanduk berhemah!

    Salam hormat

  10. 1. Sdr Rawa Lanun-Bahasa (original), mohon pengesahan.

    2. Saya dapati ada dua gaya, nada dan identiti yang agak berlainan menghantar komen menggunakan nama samaran "Rawa Lanun-Bahasa" sejak sehari dua ini.

    3. Satu nama penghantar dieja dengan tulisan biasa (huruf besar dan kecil) dan satu lagi semuanya huruf besar.

    4. Saya mohon kepastian kerana bimbang berlaku pencurian pengenalan (identity theft).

    Terima kasih.

  11. Rawa Lanun-Bahasa11:17 AM

    Salam Hormat

    Buka masa ini kedua-duanya individu yang sama dan ahli UMNO.

    Saya tidak menghalang Dato buat apa-apa kerana saya bukan tuhan. Cuma dalam hal 1MDB saya rasa sudah cukup kata Dato memberi ingat gunda-gulana dalam hal urus-tadbir 1MDB.

    Saya masih ahli UMNO.

    Salam hormat

  12. Salam cadangkan Dato tonton filem dokumentari 'inside job(boleh download drp internet).dokumentari mengisahkan kejatuhan wall street dan global economic crisis akibat drp skandal derivative dan deregulation finance al system pd tahun 2008.skandal yg melibatkan lehman bros,goldman&sachs(consultant kewangan 1MDB) dan amat2 terkejut ketika awal2 pendedahan 1MDB,kaitannya dgn goldman&sachs.awal2 lg najib menempah maut dan bawa seluruh rakyat Malaysia terjun gaung bankrupt dgn 1MDB.

  13. Aslkum DAKJ

    Biar betul sdr yeop-sepet.

    Malaysia bawah Najib mana boleh bangkrup.

    Cuba tanya mereka yg asyik terpegun baca utusan dan nonton tv 3.

    Jangan pandai2 fitnah dan hasut.

    Najib tu macam malaikat . Pijak semut tak mati.
