Saturday, April 02, 2016

Peristiwa Penting Akan Berlaku?

A Kadir Jasin

ADA beberapa perkembangan yang mengganggu fikiran saya yang saya hendak kongsi dengan pembahas dan pembaca sekalian.

[PERINGATAN: Komen guna “Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Sila guna Google Account atau Name/URL. Boleh pakai nama samaran.]

Sebelum dan selepas Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah mengikrarkan sokongan beliau kepada Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak pada 24 Mac, saya telah menerima beberapa mesej “anonymous” melalui blog ini dan sistem pesanan ringkas (SMS).

Kesemuanya dalam bentuk rahsia atau untuk makluman saya sahaja.

Sebagai wartawan, maklumat seperti ini amat saya hargai tapi pada masa yang sama menyebabkan saya dalam dilema – serba salah sama ada menghormati amanah agar tidak dihebahkan atau mencari jalan pintas untuk menyiarkannya.

Saya kenal salah seorang yang menghantar maklumat sulit itu. Dia amat akrab dengan Tengku Razaleigh sehinggalah Tengku Razaleigh menandatangani “Deklarasi Kelantan” itu. Kami sama-sama mengenali Tengku Razaleigh hampir 40 tahun.

Kata kawan saya itu, setelah apa yang Tengku Razaleigh lakukan dia tidak lagi hormat dan percaya kepada bekas menteri kabinet itu dan lantas mengikrarkan sokongan kepada Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad walaupun ada masa dia tidak bersetuju dengan bekas Perdana Menteri itu.

Penghantar-penghantar mesej tanpa nama yang lain memang tidak saya kenali walaupun mereka mungkin pembahas blog ini yang menggunakan nama samaran.

Ada perkara dalam mesej mereka yang menyamai pandangan saya mengenai muslihat tersurat dan tersirat Tengku Razaleigh tiba-tiba mengubah hala menyokong Mohd Najib. Ada juga yang bercanggah dengan pendapat saya.

Mereka kata, Tengku Razaleigh tidak makan dedak!

Salah seorang daripada mereka begitu yakin dan terperinci (precise) memberitahu saya bahawa sesuatu yang penting akan berlaku dalam masa singkat. Beliau memberi bilangan hari. Mesej itu dihantar sebelum Tengku Razaleigh berikrar setia kepada Mohd Najib.

Yang terbaru, seorang pembaca menghantar maklumat menggunakan pengenalan “anonymous” dengan pembuka kata “sekadar utk pengetahuan Dato (bukan untuk siaran).”

Beliau pun mempunyai maklumat yang lebih kurang sama iaitu tindakan Tengku Razaleigh mempunyai matlamat tersirat yang akan jadi kenyataan dalam jangka masa terdekat.

Saya tidak boleh dan tidak akan mengulas lebih lanjut kerana menghormati permintaan mereka. Cuma saya berharap mereka ikhlas memberi maklumat sambil cuba membuktikan yang mereka ada maklumat dalaman.

Kita tunggu dan tengok apa yang akan berlaku dalam “masa terdekat” itu.

Moga-moga Allah menganugerahkan kita yang terbaik. Kita sudah cukup menderita akibat perbuatan Mohd Najib.



  1. Kuli Najib Akan dinaikan pangkat jadi PM.
    Gigit hari lah si Zahid.

    1. Seorang lagi PAHLAWAN BUGIS, Idris Haron KM Melaka akan menjadi orang kuat Najib sekarang. Awasi budak hitam ni!

  2. Confirm ku li bakal jdi PM dgn bersyarat.

  3. Zalman A8:42 PM

    Salam Datuk,

    The news that Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny has been arrested by the UAE and is about to be deported to the USA to face a DOJ enquiry would have sent huge shock waves through the Mappadulung's system.

    Mohamed Badawy al-Husseiny publicly claimed in 2014 that he had personally funded "Wolf Of Wall Street" from his own pocket with US$100 million. That is unexplained wealth for a salaried employee. But according to the two most recent WSJ reports, there is a far more plausible explanation.

    Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny and his boss Khadem al-Qubaisi (whose assets have just been frozen in UAE) were at the centre of the bond issue that only days later saw the arrival of US681 million into Mappadulung's AmBank accounts.

    They are literally one of the biggest keys to solving the entire puzzle that the world is putting together at quite a rapid pace.

    I personally believe that in about 4 to 5 months, the entire verfied money trail for the biggest global financial scandal of this decade will emerge fully.

    And it will conclusively prove that the bulk of the money that Mappadulung received was merely siphoned from 1MDB, passed through various offshore accounts, and then re-routed to his personal accounts. That is what is emerging very clearly.

    In July, he first denied he ever got the money in his personal accounts:

    Then he realised he was caught, and said "not for my personal benefit".

    He seemingly cannot claim even that any more.

    How can he remain as PM?

    Simply because the law enforcement henchmen and a few dedak-eating KBU say so?

  4. Zalman A8:45 PM

    Mappadulung wants to use Adenan's upcoming victory in Sarawak as "proof" that the people still want him.

    They don't - they want Adenan. And only Adenan.

    PBB is quite independent of Parti UMNO ("Untuk Mohd Najib Only").

    Adenan's popularity does not come from Mappadulung at all.

    And Adenan only wants the best deal for Sarawak.

    Anyone who offers it will get his support.

  5. Salam Dato,

    Sepertimana jua Dato saya juga berharap sesuatu yang baik akan berlaku dalam masa terdekat demi untuk masa depan negara yg tercinta.

    Najib telah terjebak terlalu jauh & terlalu sukar bagi beliau untuk membetulkan kesalahan2 yg telah dilakukan. Bukan saja di Malaysia malah belau telah disasat oleh banyak institusi diluar negara.

    Saya baru saja pulang dari bercuti selama 1 bulan di beberapa negara2 di Eropah dan apa yg saya amati berita Najib sering terpampang didada2 akbar tempatan.

    Malu saya tidak terhingga ....

  6. Santo A. kadir jasin,

    Saya rasa adalah selamat sekiranya PRU 14 diadakan awal,setakat passing baton pada kuli lalang atau lain lain pemimpin umno yg sudah berimej lemah dan bermasalah tak akan membawa perubahan dan selesai masalah,rakyat wajib diberi tanggungjawab utk memilih kerajaan baru ini lebih baik utk tamatkan kemelut ini,rakyat wajib menentukan halatuju negara ini.Ia mereka iaini yg masih pagang kuasa boleh buat apa saja tapi saya rasa kemelut akan berterusan.kerana byk perkara busuk sukar diubah dgn barisan kepimpinan yg sama walau najib turun.

  7. hasnul rahman9:41 PM

    Assalammualaikum wmt DAKJ!
    Tak mustahil dlm rundingan Najib/KuLi, MP Gua Musang itu akan jadi PM setelah Najib letak jawatan. MP BN yg ada akan usulkan KuLi jadi PM.
    Bagaimanapun TSMY mesti dipecat dulu dari UMNO......
    Kalau TSMY masih jadi ahli UMNO, susah sikit untuk KuLi dinobatkan sebagai PM.

  8. Kadiag, salaam.
    Hang tak bulih nak habag pasai benda tu, jadi aku nak habag benda yg Aku bulih habag, tapi benda ni lain sikit, iaitu pasai Jacob Zuma, presiden Afrika Selatan yg diarah mahkamah untuk bayag balik sebagian Dana awam Yg dia pakai untuk ubahsuai romah dia.
    Sebagai pimpinan sebuah Negara "membangun", banyak persamaan yg Kita nampak dlm liku2 hidup atau kerjaya dia dgn apa yg dok berlaku di sebelah sini, dia dikatakan terlibat dgn keh zina/rogol, rasyuah dlm pembelian senjata pertahanan, menjadikan afrika selatan seperti 'banana republik' Dan Sekarang ni dgn selingkohan Dana awam.
    Tapi Aku nak habag mai, perbezaan pon Ada jugak, iaitu selingkohan itu bulih di bawa kemahkamah Dan dia kumudian memintak Maghap, kepala2 hakim, menteri2 dia, pihak pendakwa Raya dia pulak setakat Aku tau, tak pernah pakai jubah Arab, atau pi ke Mekah berulang ulang kali atau pon mengaku Islam.

    Sekian Dan terimakasih.

  9. Salam

    Wah Datuk, ramai ada nombor talipon datuk, me don't have. So I memang tidak hantar apa2 message pada Datuk. Dan I also dunno Tengku Razaleigh personally, tapi I tak sabar nak tunggu apa jadi selepas ini.

    Part ID, my ID kat sini tak sama dengan my ID kat blog chedet. Dalam internet ramai gitu. :)

  10. Pakcik10:50 PM

    Najib tidak akan mengalah kerana beliau tentu ada byk lagi senjata yg belum digunakan melainkan:
    1. Pihak berkuasa dan institusi awam mengambil sikap berkecuali
    2. Berlaku tangkapan ke atas sekutu rapatnya
    3. Keselamatan beliau dan isterinya tidak lagi dpt dijamin
    4. Berlaku rusuhan berdarah di Kuala Lumpur

  11. hihwag10:56 PM

    Ku Li PM, TSMY DPM? Who knows.....

  12. Salam Datuk

    Dengan hormatnya, saya memilih untuk tunggu dan lihat sahaja apa yang akan berlaku.

    PM Najib telah berkali-kali mempermainkan kita seperti menarik tali layang-layang. Hakikatnya, beliau masih menguasai UMNO. UMNO pula telah terlalu jauh mempertahankan beliau. "Past the point of no return".

    Apapun kita doakan yang terbaik untuk Malaysia.

  13. Salam datuk,
    Pada saya, kuli sekadar menghidu peluang dengan "tunjuk muka". Kuli tahu bahawa ramai rakyat yang telah hilang kepercayaan pada najib. Tapi kuli dalam delima samada nak bersama tun atau tidak. Perjuangan kuli adalah jawatan pm untuk nya. Kuli takut sekiranya tun berjaya mendesak najib undur dan umno memilih calon pm dari "dalam umno". Samada zahid atau yang lain. Atas sebab itu kuli buat u-turn sokong najib. Pada fikiran kuli, dialah yang paling lama dan berpengalaman dalam umno setelah muhyidin disingkirkan.
    Untuk umno mendapat kepercayaan rakyat semula, peralihan kuasa mesti dilakukan dalam masa yang terdekat. Kerana rakyat hendak melihat dasar dan halatuju negara oleh kepimpinan baru. Kuli sendiri pun belum ada rekod cermelang semasa memegang jawatan menteri. Cuma kuli kelihatan bersih macam pak lah tapi tak akan ada "kejutan idea" seperti tun.

  14. Salam Datuk

    Ramai yang munkin tahu apa yang orang lain tidak tahu...
    Pandangan saya...Ku Li bukan seorang "Political Genius"...nak kata matang pun tak juga...cuma dia diantara wakil rakyat yang telah lama menjadi wakil rakyat...Nothing impressive...Semasa pergolakan UMNO dizaman Tun Mahathir, beliau juga kecundang dan parti Semangat 46 pimpinannya terkubur di tengah jalan.

    Apakah KuLi mampu membuat sesuatu?....kita tunggu, dengar dan lihat...

    Apa apa pun...matlamat mutakhir adalah...

    1. Najib mesti berundur

    2. Siasatan 1MDB mesti diteruskan...mereka yang terlibat dengan salah laku dan salah tadbir urus syarikat mesti dipertanggung jawabkan...dan dibawa kemuka pengadilan.

    3. Skandal Wang Najib...sama seperti 1MDB...teruskan siasatan...Najib mesti diberi peluang untuk "mensucikan" dirinya di Mahkamah. Begitu juga sekongkolnya.

    4. "Institutional Reforms" seperti didalam Deklarasi Rakyat mesti dilaksana agar pisang tak berbuah dua kali.


    Saban hari kita disajikan dengan berita yang mengaibkan dari agensi berita dan penyiasat luar negara...Sistem dalam negara seolah olah tidak berfungsi langsung sehingga pihak luar tanpa segan silu menyiarkan berita yang sedemikian. Malu kita Datuk....


  15. politicians and political bloggers should just stop giving stupid information to people.
    just stop these dirty politics and start helping the government to make malaysia a better country.
    say positive things for once and bring the rakyat closer together not the other way around.

    1. JohorMali9:48 AM


    2. In my opinion you doesnt know hoot what is happening in Malaysian today(unless you are reading malaysia today..that explains a lot)my advice is don't embarass yourself...or stop eating dedak..whichever applies...

  16. Salam Datuk, kononnya rahsia yang Datuk katakan telah diketahui umum. RPK dah dedahkan. Apa cerita Datuk kali ni?

    1. Maka Dato telah memelihara amanah mereka yang percayakan bahawa Dato menulis atas dasar memberi kesedaran dan sebagai menjunjung beban tanggungjawab seorang penjaga demokrasi(the 4th estate) daripada mencari nama atau sekadar glamour..jauh sekali sebagai pemakan dedak(yang mngkn anda makan)

    2. Maka Dato telah memelihara amanah mereka yang percayakan bahawa Dato menulis atas dasar memberi kesedaran dan sebagai menjunjung beban tanggungjawab seorang penjaga demokrasi(the 4th estate) daripada mencari nama atau sekadar glamour..jauh sekali sebagai pemakan dedak(yang mngkn anda makan)

  17. Dato

    Majoriti darp 222 Ketua bahagian UMNO adalah memakan dedak. Sudah tentu mereka tidal akan setuju sekiranya .

    Adalah sukar untuk sesiapa saja yg akan jadi ketua sekiranya tidak ada banyakbdedak .

    Hanya dengan bertukar kerajaan saja Malaysia dapat diselamatkan.

  18. DAKJ,

    Kepada Allah kita berserah, semoga dipertunjukkan betapa kerdilnya manusia ini di sisiNya walaupun seseorang itu kelihatanya begitu berkuasa di bumi ini.

    Hari penentuannya semakin hampir , paling lewat di akhir tahun ini.

  19. Zalman A9:45 AM

    Salam Datuk,

    We should also be prepared for some last-ditch desperation from the Bogus Worrier.

    He has abused many laws to stay in power, has sabotaged due process, and don't forget that the "junior lanun2", i.e. the KBU and MTU, have to protect him because if the whole matter is fully investigated, then they will also be in big trouble.

    Just like Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone claimed he never used the money for "personal benefit", let us please get real about the usage of the dedak that is thrown for the KBU (according to Ku Li, a minimum of RM50K plus contracts monthly).

    So what of those who receive casual cheques for RM2 million and RM1 million? Where is the proper accounting? What safeguards are there? None. We do not know what happened to that money.

    Let us say (a hypothetical example), others were inspired by RM520k for Chanel; RM60m for clothes, jewellery; RM28m into CIMB against BAFIA rules, RM280k for a relative, RM176m to crony supplier, RM56 million to another crony supplier, fancy car RM224k; RM3.75 million at foreign jewellers - in one shot?

    Does this sound like "not for my personal benefit"?

    We cannot blame the MTU and KBU, some of whose "spending habits" is better left unsaid. Tak payah cakap lah.

    They are not protecting Mappadulung - they are protecting themselves.

    Protect the penternak, and the dedak supply will continue; if the penternak is caught, then people will ask tough questions about what their dedak was spent on.

    This is the dilemma of the KBU and MTU.

    They must wave "I Love PM" flags, even though they know the PM is destroying Malaysia.

    It is pure self-preservation and greed at work.

    Then on Fridays, they will go for prayers.

  20. Zalman A10:03 AM

    How will Mappadulung cling to power?

    These are his next moves:

    a) Sack TSMY, Mukhriz & suspend Shafie at next MTU meeting.

    b) Use Parliament to pass oppressive new laws against dissent.

    c) Escalate use (i.e. abuse) of Sedition Act and MCMC Act.

    d) Arrest Tun Dr Mahathir.

    e) Use new NSC Act to crush any uprising by force.

    f) If still shaky in 2018, use red shirt dedak eaters to buat kecoh during elections, either to prevent voting or to declare "security zones" and suspend or make void the election results. Outright cheating is also possible; a man who has told 100 lies does not care about the 101st lie.

    g) Continue to rule post-2018 as a full-blown police state.

    I personally believe that the above is the rough "blueprint" that Mappadulung's inner circle have put together in order to keep their dedak flowing for the future.

    Meanwhile, there is a detailed case taking shape around the world.

    Mappadulung's "not for my personal use" excuse has gone out of the window. It is alleged he has spent hundreds of millions on himself and family. The fact that one of the alleged uses may have been RM600 million to sponsor a semi-pornographic R-rated film is not going to please many Malaysians. How can Hadi Awang sit next to him in future?

    I do not think we want a criminal as PM.

    There is no way that 8 countries will not solve the mystery.

    It will likely make Mappadulung a liar and thief at the end of the day.

    Either he will become a brutal, isolated dictator, or he will be removed quietly.

    I think we should aim for the second option.

    The first option - i.e. allow him to execute his "survival blueprint" - will cause chaos and suffering to the people. It will make Malaysia unstable, and a pariah internationally.

    He has done enough damage already.

  21. Assalamualaikum Datuk KJ,
    ○ Negara perlu diselamatkan tapi tak semestinya parti memerintah mesti diselamatkan jugak.

    ○ DSN semakin kuat pengaruh walaupun mendapat serangan pelbagai sudut.

    ○ Ku Li sukar di ramal dalam perkara ni.

    ○ Semoga Tun M & his big magnitude forces blh mengembalikan kesejahteraan rakyat.


  22. DAKj,

    Justeru, saya tidak sabar menuntun drama yang akan dimainkan 'sycophants' dan yang melakukan persekongkolan (connivance) khususnya mereka yg telah menghina, mencaci, memaki dan menghemburkan segala macam nista, di luar batasan peradaban dan nilai-nilai kemaanusiaan, terhadap TDM, seorang berumur 91 tahun dan pernah menabur bakti selama 22 tahun sebagai PM.

    Bagi samseng-samseng jalanan , itu adalah tidak menghairankan. Memang mulut dan tapak tangan mereka sentiasa ternganga dan terdedah luas menanti habuan dan upahan.

    Tetapi amat menyedihkan bila ada antara mereka yg pernah diberikan tempat dan jawatan oleh TDM turut berkelakuan seperti samseng- samseng jalanan ini.

    Sebagai seorang marhaen, berserah kpd Allah memberikan keinsafan kpd mereka mengikut cara dan kaedahNya. Hanya Allah maha méngetahui.

  23. Datuk, is Esmee Lorrain Osman still around?

    Your confirmation please.

    1. Pompuan9:30 PM

      Ada baca newspaper reports that Lorraine Osman had passed away. Al-Fatihah untuknya.

    2. and an article posted at the bar council website from the Sundaily

  24. MOKHTAR11:28 AM

    Salam Datuk,

    tidak ada apa2 special daripada TRH..beliau hanya saperti burung gagak..makan bangkai diatas kesusahan orang2 bawahan..he is not the PM calibre we are looking for...

  25. Salam Datuk,

    TSMY dan mungkin Nukhriz akan di pecat dr UMNOtidak lama lg sebelom Ku Li ini akan di mahkotakan sebagai PM menggantikan Najib. Ini yg saya rasa akan berlaku tidak lama lagi.

    Najib and family di beri satu immunity dan bebas utk mereka berhijrah.

    Saya tidak heran kalau begini lah yg akan berlaku.


  26. Hanya ku li dapat menyelamatkan keadaan...dedak tk timbul sebab ku li sendiri pon banyak dedak...tdm desak dari luar...ku li pressure dari dalam...ku li lebih mengenali Dsn...

  27. Ku Li sudah SAHKAN dia sokong Mappadulung kerana dia UMNO MAN yang akan setia pada Presiden dan bukan seperti Dr M.

    Huhaaaa ! wehooo ! Ku Li sahkan kepada kita semua dia selamanya mmg ada dendam kesumat pada Tun M kesayangan ramai.

    Ku Li sudah nyanyuk atau cuba membodohkan kita semua ? Siapa yang tentang Presiden UMNO pada 1987 dan siapa yang pernah jadi Presiden kepada parti yang melawan UMNO dulu ?

    Sejarah menunjukkan siap itu Ku Li. Kasihan dia :)

  28. Salam datok ...

    Den raso rahsio yg datok khobar an tu adolah ' open secret ' . Ghamai dah tahu .

    Rahsio tu ...

    1) Abang Din dan Mukhriz akan dilontun dari Umno .

    2) Dato Zeti tu bersaro ...

    Cerito ni sonang jo ...
    Yg pertamo tu , maso sekarang adolah maso paling baik untuk lontun Abang Din dan Mukhriz . Firasat Fung Sui pun dah khobar an waktu ni yg terbaik .
    Sentimen waghih2 dikampong pun tak nunjukkan sebarang emosi menyebelahi Tun M .
    Netizen pun tak pandang pun untuk sign deklarasi talian Tun M / LKS . Sambutan cukup memalukan . Hanyo 48 ribu berbanding deklarasi vape pado kadar 50 ribu . Cukup menarik sekali .

    Penganti Zeti lak khobar ehh orang yg banyak ilmu serta dihormati ghamai . Tapi dah tontu tak disukai olih Tun M and the gang .

    So .. itu lah open secret yg den dapek .

    Sabonar ehh den cukup kesian ngan Tun M ni . Pado tahap penghujung ni dio kono sisih olih kawan dan lawan .
    Tun Daim pun langsung sonyap jo ...

    Mungkin ini adolah hakikat kebenaran ..
    Yg bonar totap bonar .. yg salah totap salah .
    Yg Maha Berkuaso totap berkuaso dan akan notapkan oghang2 tu pado tompek yg bersesuaian ...

    Salamm sumo...

  29. Zalman A2:11 PM

    ".....kononnya rahsia yang Datuk katakan telah diketahui umum. RPK dah dedahkan."

    Hang caya pada RPK ke? Kesian you....

    POINT 1:"And then they announced on 8th July 2015 that a Special Task Force is being launched to investigate the WSJ story. So that would mean no investigation has been done yet. It is only being done after 8th July 2015. So what investigation was WSJ talking about? And which investigation papers are they referring to?"

    A: WRONG AGAIN. 1MDB was investigated from March 2015 onwards, by the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission and the police:

    The WSJ article in July said the $700 million transfer had emerged in the course of ongoing 1MDB investigations, WHICH BY THEN HAD BEEN PROGRESSING FOR WELL OVER 4 MONTHS. Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?

    POINT 2: "The investigation did not exist and the investigation papers were fakes. WSJ was duped and they ran a story based on fabricated documents."

    A: WRONG AGAIN. THE WSJ published a very detailed diagram of cash flows, all of which have been proved correct.

    To refresh RPK's memory:

    1) On 5th July Najib gelabah biawak and lied - that he had never taken money into his personal accounts.

    2) After several weeks, his "strategists" came up with a theory that it was a "political donation", and then his macai came up with 40 conflicting statements.

    3) If the money trail was "fabricated" then why not deny it outright and say that no transfers ever happened? Why invent excuses? Why tell lies? Why didn't Apandi say: "after examining the matter, the alleged transfers from SRC and Tanore never actually happened?" We are well past that stage now. And the WSJ is still not sued. So, what was "fabricated"? Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?

  30. Zalman A2:12 PM

    POINT 3: "Then, on 30th March 2016, WSJ ran another story, an updated version. And this time they said the USD700 million is US$1 billion after all and that the money was a donation from the Middle East after all."

    That is exactly what the WSJ are NOT saying.

    WSJ Finance Editor Ken Brown stressed that the RM2.6 billion was not a donation from the Saudi royal family as claimed by Apandi on January 26. Instead, Brown said the money was linked to 1MDB. Brown was telling ABC News Australia, in an interview, that WSJ’s reports for months showed that the RM2.6 billion did not come from the Saudi royal family, but from companies and accounts connected with 1MDB. “Just for everyone’s information, our reports are no longer being disputed as we have plenty of supporting evidence” said Brown.

    The WSJ are saying the US$1 billion came from "companies and accounts connected with 1MDB". Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?

    POINT 4: "And in this story of 30th March 2016, just like in the 2nd July 2015 story, WSJ said they have seen the documents and the documents are the investigation papers."

    A: FINALLY, CORRECT. The source of these investigation papers is the FBI, not BNM. Go read the WSJ. Really, I think we need to explain to RPK that the whole scandal is now global. The arrest of Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny is done by the UAE at US request. The international laws and data required is well above what BNM or Malaysia can touch. How can the the Swiss Attorney General’s office say that US$4 billion may have been misappropriated from Malaysian state companies? Because the flow of money goes through Swiss banks. Not BNM. Faham kawan? THEY ARE INVESTIGATING THESE MATTERS INDEPENDENTLY. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BNM.

    The fact the the "Wolf Of Wall Street" may have been financed by 1MDB is purely the investigative work of the FBI, tracing money flows from the BVI to the USA. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BNM. Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?

    This is biggest Najib's problem; the quality of spin on his behalf by the dedak-eaters would not fool a 14-year-old schoolboy. That is why he has lost the perception war.

    If RPK is so desperate to defend his paymaster, then he should do something useful, like fly to the USA, UAE, HK, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Australia and the Serious Fraud Office in London and "fix it".

    But they don't know who he is, don't care, don't need to care, and anyway I have no idea how to say "dedak" in Luxembourg.

  31. Ghazali Amir2:51 PM

    Udah2 le.... Jasin pn X maju2 lg. Dh lama dh. Tapi asyik nk komen, kritik dan last2 cuba hina orang lain lak. Cam lah kita ni baik sangat.... Apa ingat kerja wartawan ni baik ke... X sudah2 cari salah orang.... terutama orang cam Jasin ni....

  32. Undercurrents5:16 PM

    if certain moves are imminent, then we will see Tengku Li moving soon.
    He's probably swallowing his spittle with all the latest revelations against Najib, it's weird he says he is UMNO's man, ergo therefore he is for Najib unconditionally? If any leader is corrupt, criminal, will he also support lah as long as both are in the same party? Doesn't this make TR a criminal by associate, a willing partner. Is this true? So there is something very suspicious, and the wannabees PM will have to act fast. History has proven in this country, the longer a person is undecisive, that window of opportunity is fleeting and it's gonna be a long uphill struggle.
    PM aspirants its your best chance now. Interesting times.

  33. Salam Datuk,

    Keep on blasting Ku LI. It is only a strategy use by them just to make you use a hand brake. We only stop when there is some positive move to restore order in UMNO and Government.

    My believed would be:-

    1. Najib play-out TR in order for
    2. TR play out Tun M.

    Tun M is their common enemy.

    We are here to support and back up Tun Mahathir cause he is the truth and real fighter.


  34. Dato apa juga berlaku kejutan atau pertukan pemimpin selepas ini org melayu dah benci dgn umno yg pasti umno akan berkubur dlm pru 14 ini itulah harapan rakyat yg teraniaya dan hukum pemimpin yg rasuah itulah doa rakyat

  35. Pompuan9:28 PM

    Salam YBhg DAKJ
    La Tok, kot dah tau something sad brewing, awat tak habaq kepada kita orang rakyat marhein ni. Come on, we have to know. Share it and we can cry together. Buat apa Tok nak orang scoop Tok dalam coming happening ni. Malulah Tok as journalist terulung.
    But let me hazard a guess. Status quo remains. But if, a big IF, Najib has to step down temporarily, Ku Li will hold the fort. Then if an election has to be called, Ku Li stands as PM-designate for a term.
    He will be elected Temporary President in the coming party elections to replace Muhyiddin. Zahid remains vice-president and the other VP will be Anwar Ibrahim.
    Muhyiddin and Mukriz will be sacked. Shafie Afdhal remains as the Sabah quota for veep.
    Tun M will be prosecuted. This is the one I don't agree at all. Leave him be. As it is he's been shred to pieces already with TV3 especially blaming him for Proton's failure. Not a day go by that Tun is ridiculed.
    Let's stop at that coz Tun will not get the Malay Rulers assent to sack Najib. That is already shameful for him.
    He's got not long to live (I pray he gets to see 2020). Please give him some face so he will be memorialized as a great PM.

    1. slm adik pompuan,aok cakap apa ni,u minta bagi la muka kt tun,konon2 u cian kt tun la,tun x heran la benda ni semua,tun dah start politik masa aok x lahir lagi..tun ttp hebat slamanya wlupn x perfect..aok mimpi apa adik pompuan..ada ke ckp tun truk dah kene hemtam dgn tv3..tun makin kuat ada la..makin tv3 hemtam tun..makin ramai sokong tun..bangun adik pompuan weh..ambik wuduk..solat molek2..jgn tinggal k..

  36. Daeng9:36 PM

    Saya berpendapat baik diadakan PRU ke 14 lebih awal dari sepatutnya. Oleh kerana keadaan negara sekarang yang dibelenggu oleh skandal wang yang cukup besar dan sebilangan besar rakyat sudah resah dengan keadaan yang ada dan ramai juga yang sudah hilang kepercayaan, jadi eloklah diadakan PRU ke 14 dalam masa terdekat. Dengan demikian tampuk kerajaan boleh ditentukan oleh rakyat sendiri. Biarlah rakyat sendiri yang memilih siapa dan parti mana sebagai kerajaan. Kembalikanlah kuasa kepada rakyat, itu lebih baik dari duduk dalam kemelut yang tidak berkesudahan.

  37. As salam and good evening.

    May Allah swt protect this great nation of ours from lies, daylight robberies and potential calamities from any individual, groups or societies that have harboured such thoughts.

    I have been to several other countries that have not enjoyed economic growths that we have seen in Malaysia.

    Two of them, Liberia and Ghana which i visited in 2011 and 2012, brought back childhood memories in the 60s. We have zoomed past them, and to have such memories after over 50 years only bring the goodness of our nation.

    Kita semua ada. Pasai apa nak hancur negara kita mcm tu saja. Sayangilah negara kita. Saya minta semua pihak yg bergaduh berhenti sejenak dan lihat di sekeliling kita.

    Do we want to see life as seen in Syria, Libya and Palestine? Where your next move might be your last move as a human being.

    Life is precious. And fill it with all those precious little thing as many as you can.

    My life is much more precious now that i've been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer 2 months ago. May Allah swt prolong my life to see a prosperous, serene and tranquil Malaysia rises from the current malaise. I can only hope and doa. The rest is up to Allah swt, and maybe you Malaysians can also doa and hope for the same target.

    Good nite, and wake up to a happy tomorrow.

  38. As salam and good evening.

    May Allah swt protect this great nation of ours from lies, daylight robberies and potential calamities from any individual, groups or societies that have harboured such thoughts.

    I have been to several other countries that have not enjoyed economic growths that we have seen in Malaysia.

    Two of them, Liberia and Ghana which i visited in 2011 and 2012, brought back childhood memories in the 60s. We have zoomed past them, and to have such memories after over 50 years only bring the goodness of our nation.

    Kita semua ada. Pasai apa nak hancur negara kita mcm tu saja. Sayangilah negara kita. Saya minta semua pihak yg bergaduh berhenti sejenak dan lihat di sekeliling kita.

    Do we want to see life as seen in Syria, Libya and Palestine? Where your next move might be your last move as a human being.

    Life is precious. And fill it with all those precious little thing as many as you can.

    My life is much more precious now that i've been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer 2 months ago. May Allah swt prolong my life to see a prosperous, serene and tranquil Malaysia rises from the current malaise. I can only hope and doa. The rest is up to Allah swt, and maybe you Malaysians can also doa and hope for the same target.

    Good nite, and wake up to a happy tomorrow.

    1. AsSalam... Tuan Othman.

      Den doakan semoga Allah memberi kekuatan pado Tuan dalam menghadapi dugaan ni .


  39. NamaSamaran6:30 AM

    Orang Kedah memang gempaq kuat. Bunyi saja lebih, tapi isi kosong. Mintak tolong British lawan Siam, Pulau Pinang tergadai.

    Ni mintak tolong Cina lawan Melayu, tunggu apa pulak tergadai.

  40. Salam Datuk.. macam-macam hal berlaku sekarang. Moga Tun Mahathir diberi kekuatan untuk menempuh semua ini..

  41. Satem Says9:37 AM

    The issue of putting Najib sitting on that cursed pm chair is just like water under the bridge...however that was actually the biggest mistake ever made in the history of the nation.Most good UMNO top guys know who najip was before his appoinment as the DPM and then PM. Najip would make a good chicken farmer..and that talent he used to transform the cabinet into the chicken cabinet where the chicken are fed with good quality DEDAK. What can we expect from the reared chicken fed with dedak ...good for nothing except for their meat...Some rakyat think even their meats stink. TRH..he is just an opportunist aiming big but refuse to work or fight for it, judging from his royal background it is natural anyway...just waiting..of course not for dedak but steak and chips...willing to fight even to the extent of holidaying in sungai buluh...IS A NO NO for the PRINCE.

  42. Geng Mamak9:49 AM

    Zalman, the entire money trail has been well laid out and the source is already known. It is just that the investigators want to be really sure of this. As you know, one biggest source of that information is the data from Justo. It needs to be verified that no tampering has occurred or the parties that use that information will not be sued their pants down.

    The end is already here. I am not sure if it's by God's grace or some others' grace that people who commit wrongdoing can still stay in power. However, if anyone is hoping on Ku LI, then it will be as good as nothing or practically useless. Know why ? Trust.

  43. Mafeeah11:40 AM

    After reading one of the comments, I went on to read that RPK's post. While I never trusted RPK and stopped reading his blog, I admit I like the way he writes and the words he uses. However, his story when defending the indefensible always has a hole which even his (sic) would not fit.

    And Zalman has beat me to it by highlighting a very important fact. The investigations have begun months ago before July 2015. The money trail was already laid down before that. But what took me by surprise is that the PM himself ordered for the probe and agreed to the setting up of the task force. This is a logic I could never fathom. Was he not expecting what RPK indeed said that some Tan Sris were plotting against him ? Why didn't RPK relay this information well before it happened ? See the hole ?

    Never mind. Now to the matter in hand. I think Ku Li has been played out once again this time but not Mahathir alone. They set him up and got him exposed for that SD. Even if "The Old Man making night calls" vehemently denies, his name is in the bin. For that reason and a lot of other reasons I will never trust him. If you want a PM very badly, find one that fits properly and does not easily slide through every hole !

  44. Zalman A11:40 AM

    Bro gengmamak,

    Justo's only possible relevance is to one set of transactions regarding PSI from 2009. That is the only thing he can possibly comment on, or had any knowledge of.

    The investigations in the USA, UAE, HK, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Australia and UK on 1MDB are not related to Justo, and are not based on any of his leaked documents (his leaked documents ONLY cover PSI, where he once worked.) All of these countries are doing original research into the matter.

    Because PSI is a UK-registered company, the Serious Fraud Office in London can investigate it - the other countries have no interest in the PSI transaction, except as one piece of a much larger money trail.

    However, you can be sure that BNM must have done an independent investigation on the PSI transaction, as the basis of their prosecution (that Apandi twice rejected) was actually the PSI transactions. Hence you can safely assume that each leg of the transactions was verified "at source".

    Tak guna nak "doctor" documents, actually, because any electronic transaction can be verified at source. If I deny I transferred RM500 from MayBank on 27th July 2012, no point, as MayBank can prove that I did.

    Who was behind all this (and why) is becoming much clearer by the day.

    The most immediate headache for 1MDB being that they have not, and cannot, deny the transfer of US$1.4 billion to the "Aabar PJS lookalike" company. Clearly the UAE knows the truth, if they have arrested Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny and are ready to deport him. If Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny cuts a deal with US prosecutors, a lot of things will unravel very fast.

    The "end" can be postponed, sadly, because the dedak-eating KBU and certain civil servants do not want their "ATM machine" to be switched off!

    Let us wait and hope for the best.

  45. Maaf dato...

    Kuli pun x bleh pakai...dia ckp konsisten dgn prinsip...pd waktu yg sama menyokong Najib....saya x faham? Kata setia pd president...dulu dia yg menentang presiden... Sejarah x bleh menipu...itu lah sikap KULI.....

    UMNO atau BN elok lah ditumbangkan utk kesedaran pada pemimpin2 yg bongkak skrg ni..agar kembali kpd keluhan rakyat.


  46. "NamaSamaran said...
    Orang Kedah memang gempaq kuat. Bunyi saja lebih, tapi isi kosong. Mintak tolong British lawan Siam, Pulau Pinang tergadai. Ni mintak tolong Cina lawan Melayu, tunggu apa pulak tergadai."

    Brader, tak yah tunggu. Semua IPP kita, TRX dan Bandar Malaysia dah tergadai habis dah pun. Bukan kat Melayu. Hang nak sembang apa. Gempaq kuat. Tapi asyik tertinggal bas, tak baik untuk imej hang, brader. Mwahahaha.

  47. Datuk Kadir,

    Kurang pasti samada pepatah Inggeris - "better the devil you know" relevan kepada isu yang kita hadapi ini - DSN, Ku Li atau siapa? Berat kepada sesiapa pun lebih baik dari DSN, tetapi wallahuaklam.

    Semakin lama kemelut pemerintahan negara berterusan, semakin sukar untuk dibayangkan kesinambungan politik yang akan muncul. Semakin hari semakin ramai menteri, timbalan menteri dan wakil-wakil rakyat hilang kredibiliti. Sukar untuk diterima tetapi nampaknya parti UMNO akan akhirnya terkubur disebabkan skandal-skandal menyulubungi DSN dan 1MDB. Pada saya, alternative dari parti pembangkang juga semakin lama semakin hilang kredibiliti juga. Sebagai wakil rakyat yang bebas bersuara di dewan parlimen, pembangkang boleh menimbulkan isu undi tidak percaya setiap kali mereka mendebatkan apa-apa isu di dewan. Selain itu, sebagaimana kita tahu, telah ada duluan atau 'precedent' menerima deklarasi bersumpah untuk menentusahakan undi tidak percaya. Oleh itu, walaupun wakil rakyat BN tidak berupaya menandatangani SD hilang kepercayaan untuk apa sebab sekalipun, tidak ada halangan bagi wakil rakyat pembangkang mengemukakan SD untuk mendesak speaker Parlimen mengadakan perbahasan dan selanjutnya undi tidak percaya kepada kepimpinan DSN. Tetapi pembangkang pun asyik bermain politik sahaja.

    Pihak pembangkang mungkin rela atau lebih suka DSN kekal sebagai PM sehingga pilihanraya akan datang untuk membantu mereka memenangi lebih banyak kerusi Parlimen. Amat memilukan juga sekiranya matlamat yang serupa juga adalah semata-mata tujuan gabungan pembangkang dengan Tun Mahathir dan TS Muhyiddin. Diharapkan Tun dan Muhyiddin telah menghalusi kemungkinan ini.

    Sekiranya benar, harapan tinggi rakyat untuk menempah era 'non-partisan politics' akan tinggal sebagai harapan.

    Sekian, terima kasih dan Wassalamualaikum Datuk.

  48. nothing to hide6:49 PM

    Siapa turun atau naik jadi pm bukan peristiwa penting. Hanya bila si pembohong penipu pencuri kena tangkap Baru boleh dianggap peristiwa penting.

  49. Alyaniff4:00 PM

    Zalman A said...

    How will Mappadulung cling to power?

    These are his next moves:

    a) Sack TSMY, Mukhriz & suspend Shafie at next MTU meeting.

    b) Use Parliament to pass oppressive new laws against dissent.

    c) Escalate use (i.e. abuse) of Sedition Act and MCMC Act.

    d) Arrest Tun Dr Mahathir.

    e) Use new NSC Act to crush any uprising by force.

    f) If still shaky in 2018, use red shirt dedak eaters to buat kecoh during elections, either to prevent voting or to declare "security zones" and suspend or make void the election results. Outright cheating is also possible; a man who has told 100 lies does not care about the 101st lie.

    g) Continue to rule post-2018 as a full-blown police state.

    I personally believe that the above is the rough "blueprint" that Mappadulung's inner circle have put together in order to keep their dedak flowing for the future.

    Meanwhile, there is a detailed case taking shape around the world.

    Mappadulung's "not for my personal use" excuse has gone out of the window. It is alleged he has spent hundreds of millions on himself and family. The fact that one of the alleged uses may have been RM600 million to sponsor a semi-pornographic R-rated film is not going to please many Malaysians. How can Hadi Awang sit next to him in future?

    I do not think we want a criminal as PM.

    There is no way that 8 countries will not solve the mystery.

    It will likely make Mappadulung a liar and thief at the end of the day.

    Either he will become a brutal, isolated dictator, or he will be removed quietly.

    I think we should aim for the second option.

    The first option - i.e. allow him to execute his "survival blueprint" - will cause chaos and suffering to the people. It will make Malaysia unstable, and a pariah internationally.

    He has done enough damage already."

    Eh, Zalman A. Najib does not have to do anything lar. You guys glad fully shot your legs yourselves and he will just sweep it up. Hahaha, what a bunch of losers.


  50. NamaSamaran3:34 PM

    Latuk Kadir,

    Dah berapa hari dah? Mana berita gempaq tu?
