Wednesday, May 18, 2016

1MDB, the Saudi Prince and Letter from Sungai Buloh

A Kadir Jasin

THE steaming hot El-Nino phenomena appeared to have ended. Rain battered the City, flooding roads and submerging cars.

[REMINDER: No anonymous comments will be published.  Please use Google Account, OpenID or Name/URL. Pseudonym is accepted. Be respectful. No swearing. Thank you]

The La-Nina atmospheric phenomena had set in, a genuine Arab prince strode into town and Tourism Minister was hot under the collar – literally – and momentarily losing composure.

Not even the soothing wet feminine touch of La-Nina could cool down the ladies’ man (Datuk Seri) Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz when Prince Sultan Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud was asked about “donations”.

This genuine “in-the-flesh” Arab prince is the son of Saudi King, Salman.

He is not the mysterious on-the-paper “prince” that had been dragged out of the woodwork by the defenders of the Prime Minister, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak.

Prince Sultan Abdulaziz is the President and Chairman of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. He is well-educated too, having received a master of art degree in social and political science from the prestigious Syracuse University in the US. He was a Saudi Air Force Pilot and an astronaut.

Prince Sultan Abdulaziz exchanging greetings with Mohd Nazri
The donation questions put to the Arabian prince had the usually confident “Perak mali” minister in a flutter. It was amply evident that he was unprepared for such an out-of-tangent question.

He was seen in the video of the press conference fidgeting, playing with his necktie and impatiently grabbing the microphone. To see a man who only recently challenged the 91-year old Tun Dr Mr Mohamad to a fist fight (bertumbuk) being in such a state was hilarious.

Prince Sultan Abdulaziz was asked why the royal family had given donations to Mohd Najib. He said he was unable to comment on it specifically.

"I really have no background on this issue, I'm not trying to brush it off but I really have no background.

"It is an internal issue for Malaysia, and I'm sure you'll get it sorted out."

Funny isn’t it? A royal visitor from Saudi Arabia did not know the background of the hottest issue affecting his country and Malaysia – the purported RM2.6 billion donations from the Saudi royal family/government to Mohd Najib?

Either there wasn’t such donations or that they were so sinister that not even a prince, whose father is the king, has the liberty to talk about them.

All that the prince was able to say was, Saudi Arabia is a big economic donor - second only to the United States - and the kingdom has always financially supported the development of other Muslim nations.

So, if the kingdom had always financially supported the development of other Muslim nations and Malaysia received RM2.6 billion for the purpose, how could Mohd Najib put the money in his private accounts and later returned the bulk of it?

Or the prince has no background on this issue because there was never such a gigantic donation to either Malaysia or Mohd Najib. There might be smaller donations but not RM2.6 billion.

The answer to the RM2.6-billion mystery still lies in putting Jho Low on a block of ice in a cold room and wait for him sing like a canary.

But elsewhere in the world, accounts related to 1MDB had been frozen and people implicated with the company have either been charged in court or in legal custody.

Only here in Malaysia, the dedak-eating “tukang karut” are still trying to pull the wool over our eyes with their third rate Arabian night stories.

The Letter From Sungai Buloh

As for the supposedly internal eight-page letter from (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim to the PKR leaders, warning them of the Mahathir-Daim conspiracy, I am not at all surprise.

The only question is why now? Is it because the Mahathir-led “Deklarasi Rakyat” had received over 1.2 million signatories in just over two months?

Could Anwar had been among the doubters – like so many in Umno – that Tun Dr Mahathir and his co-signatories, that included the PKR leaders, would get the support of the people?

It would have been unsettling for Anwar to see leaders of his own party marching in front of thousands of people in the company of Dr Mahathir.

He also knew that although Tun Daim Zainuddin was not seen with the group, his behind-the-scene involvement was not to be dismissed.

Let me put it as bluntly as I could. Dr Mahathir, Anwar and Daim, for a good part of the 1980’s and 90’s, were the three musketeers of the Malaysian politics.

Undoubtedly, Anwar’s afterthought as expressed in his manifesto, would have a temporary dampening effect on some leaders of PKR.

But they also know that they cannot wait for Anwar to come out of jail and miss the momentum created by the peoples’ declaration.

They have to seize the moment or risk being left behind.



  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Salam Dato

    I think Anwar is sensing that he is being forgotten and is being left behind to rot into political oblivion. It is very unsettling for him to see Azmin beside Dr Mahathir. It is very unsettling for Azizah and Nurul Izzah too. If Anwar loses his clout and grip in PKR, so will they.

    Dr Mahathir of course wants to save UMNO and BN. But still there is a real chance now that UMNO and BN can bungkus in the next GE. Then there will be a real tussle for the very top post. Who can get the majority confidence in parliament? Azmin knows he stands a very good chance if he can play it right. It is very unlikely that there will be any one party that will emerge with commanding majority. There be intense negotiations and jockeying around. He is being very careful to maintain good relationship with all parties including both PAS and Amanah. And by being seen with Dr Mahathir he is putting himself in the good books of those in UMNO who oppose Najib. Perhaps Dr Mahathir is also betting that should BN fall then Azmin is the best person to become PM.

    Interestingly the letter also mentioned Tengku Razaleigh and his failed attempt to take over Najib last year. I think the game is over for TR. Nobody would trust him anymore. Perhaps he too believes that his last chance to become PM is now truly gone. That is why he is switching side. Grab whatever he can before all is gone.

  2. sukasamasuka1:57 PM


    Waaaaa! ini "Perak mali" punya minister Nazri bolih tahan ooooo...sampai hati kau, mau betumbuk tumbuk sama si Tun....aaapa lah kau ni bosku, kau kasi malu sama Malayu saja bha..

    Kau pikir la baik baik Nazri...aku bukan mau kasi malu sama kau, tapi kalau lah 1.3 juta orang yang sign Deklarasi Rakyat tu meludah sama kau macam "the La-Nina atmospheric phenomena"...bukan saja banjir bosku..geranti kau mati lemas terminum air ludah...kalau kau terminum ludah Datuk AKJ, macam mana? Kalau kau terminum kahak Datuk AKJ ok lagi tu...kalau kahak aku, yang satu hari isap dua bungkus rokok kretek murah seludup dan jarang barus gigi sebab GST...nahas kau bos ku...macam itu kuning telor pekatnya!

    Ingat kau Nazri!...kami kami yang 1.3 juta ini bukan semua lurus kapala hotak durang...kalau kami mau cubit cubit kau, macam mana? tahan sakit ke? cuba la kau berdiri diii...apanama??..ya, di Merdeka??? apanama nya tu???..lupa pula..nah! tau pun kau...aku cubit kau ditangan saja Datuk mungkin cubit di pipi mu saja la...yang 1.3 juta lain aku nda tau dimana durang mau cubit...mungkin yang "itu"...besar juga kemungkinan yang "satu itu" pula...naaaaa! baru kau tau..

    Itu semua mainan dunia saja bos ku.

    Kalau kau ambil juga dan makan duit haram dari "Cash is King"...dan, kau tau itu duit haram...duit curi dari orang miskin, anak yatim piatu dan balu...kau akan kena siat siat kau punya kulit sampai tulang...didunia dan diakhirat sebab Allah Taala tidak dapat ampunkan dosa mu dengan manusia yang lain yang kamu tipu...yang kamu curi duit mereka mereka itu...kamu makan, kamu belanja...tetapi bukan duit kamu...tunggu saja bosku... TUNGGU KAU, KITA AKAN JUMPA JUGA SUATU HARI NANTI!!!!

  3. Penipu Mega, Najibilion hari ini kata Tun M gasak parti yg berjasa kpd keluarga Tun M. Najibilion tak sedar dan tak tahu malu yg dia lebih dahsyat!

  4. Pakcik2:38 PM

    Looks like Najib needs to find ways to get Anwar out of jail quickly to defuse the Tun M tsunami and neutralise Anwar own men from getting away from him..

  5. paktho2:41 PM

    Assalammualaikum Dato, isu derma ini sudah berpanjangan begitu lama,hingga menyebabkan pelbagai fitnah antara pro Najib dan pihak yg lagi satu. Pada pendapat saya yg kurang cerdik ni, nak selesaikan dan tutup isu ini amat mudah. Sudah tentu aliran wang, x kiralah atas tujuan apa sekali pun ,tentu ada dokumen, baik yg beri sumbangan, pihak bank dan juga penerima. Tunjukkab aje dokumen berkenaan ,ianya tentu menghuraikan segala persoalan yg berkaitan. Pening aarrr....p/s. Tranfer duit melalui ATM pun ada resit kak kiah ooiii.

  6. Orang Kampung3:53 PM

    Assalamualaikum Datuk...

    My 1st comment on your blog was on 4th April 2016..however,the person with the same nickname commented on 12th April if im not mistaken,wasnt me.

    Tak pasti lah sy yg terguna nickname org lain atau org lain yg terguna nickname sy. Trima kasih atas makluman Datuk..

    Sila maklumkan skiranya sy yg perlu menukar nickname ya Datuk.

  7. Salam Dato AKJ.

    Pada saya, yang lebih mengejutkan; para penjilat dan pembodek Najib sanggup membodohkan-diri dan tanpa rasa segan-silu tergamak memperdaya Rakyat apabila mengunakan bekas-bekas banduan untuk menyucikan dan menyilap reputasi ketua mereka yang banyak terpalit persepsi-buruk, tipu Rakyat, guna orang-tengah-kelabu-asap, songlapkan WANG Rakyat dan pengubahan wang-haram.

    Dulu mereka guna seorang pembunuh yang lari ke Australia untuk mengelak hukuman bunuh di Negara sendiri. Tergamak mereka cemar imej Islam, menyarong ketayap di kepala pembunuh untuk 'sucikan' Najib dari dikaitkan dengan pembunuhan Altantuya.

    Sekarang mereka sanggup pula guna seorang bekas banduan-salah-guna kuasa. (Sebagai TPM pada 1998, dia mengarah Polis untuk menangkap Ummi Hafilda Ali & Dr.Christina). Terlepas dari tuduhan liwat-I atas sebab teknikal dan sekaali lagi sedang menjalani hukuman penjara atas kesalahan meliwat pembancuh-kopi-peribadi pula.
    Dulu mereka sangat benci pada manusia 'penderhaka' ini dan sering memburukan beliau dengan tuduhan salah-laku rasuah, politik WANG, kronisma dan lain-lain. Setelah dipecat, beliau-sekeluarga telah menubuhkan PKR, bergabung dengan DAP dan PAS untuk mengkuburkan UMNO dan BN. Tuduhan yang sama mereka tujukan terhadap Dr.M, hari ini, walaupun Dr.M jelas hanya mahu menurunkan Najib seorang saja.

    Mungkin betul kata-kata Omputih: Birds of the same feathers flock together.

  8. Zalman A7:13 PM

    "Undoubtedly, Anwar’s afterthought as expressed in his manifesto, would have a temporary dampening effect on some leaders of PKR. But they also know that they cannot wait for Anwar to come out of jail and miss the momentum created by the peoples’ declaration."


    Anwar is just suffering from a serious case of merajuk.

    He wants the focus to be always about him.

    But the country is a far bigger issue.

    And it is silly for "release Anwar" to be made a condition of the Declaration, and equally stupid for the Opposition to say: "we stand by Anwar as our PM candidate!"

    Why is this silly?

    let us examine it logically:


    1. Remove the current BN govt by legal means

    2. Appoint a new PM to head new govt

    3. Request new PM to examine question of Anwar's release

    4. New PM then uses powers under Art. 42 of the Federal Constitution to appoint members of Pardons Board (A-G must be one member.) Pause to appoint new A-G.

    5. Pardons Board makes recommendation to YDPA.

    6. YDPA agrees and Anwar is released.

    7. But Anwar is not an MP. So Anwar tells Wan Azizah to get lost from Permatang Pauh (for the 3rd time) in order to trigger a by-election.

    8. Anwar stands as candidate for Permatang Pauh, wins by-election, and is elected as an MP.

    9. Anwar tells the new PM to get lost.

    10. New PM vacates office. Anwar Ibrahim is now the new PM of Malaysia.


    Oh, but wait: the Pardons Board is a quasi-judicial body. Is PKR "guaranteeing" a favourable outcome in advance? How, unless it's fixed? So PKR is going to usher in an era of good governance with an act of bad governance? And while YDPA is bound to follow the advice, isn't it bordering on derhaka to suggest his decision well in advance?

    The Opposition have not thought it through at all.

  9. Zalman A7:19 PM

    The Opposition have not thought through the by-elections at all.

    Tun is giving good advice:

    Stay united and ensure 1-on-1 fights.

    Are the Opposition so stupid that they do not get it?

    After all, there are only 2 types of Malay voters:

    a) Pro-rasuah, pro-songlap supporters of Parti Dedak Najib

    b) the rest - honest people who want a non-corrupt govt.

    I think (b) is a far larger number than (a).

    So why can't PAS, UMNO grassroots led by Tun / TSMY, PKR & Amanah unite to deliver a fatal blow to Parti Dedak Najib?

    Perhaps "Save Malaysia" needs to become an NGO or a political alliance.

    United we stand, divided a Bugis thief keeps stealing from our children.


  10. Husin lempoyang7:34 PM

    Nazri terserlah " kejantanan nya" dalam situasi off guard.. dan masih cuba untuk menunjukkan " kepandiran nya " di khalayak ramai demi se genggam dedak.

  11. Khazanah Nasional lubuk baru Najib8:19 PM

    Bro, hari ni Najib di UK konon membuat pelaburan dengan Khazanah Nasional soverign wealth fund. Tapi Khazanah Nasional pun tk de duit. KN pun buat pinjaman 36 billion! Sama besar dgn 1MDB.. Adakah org melayu rasa pinjaman Khazanah Nasional ini?
    Takde. 1MDB hntar orang melayu naik haji, Khazanah Nasional hntr skolarship. Dua dua konon buat CSR dan Kahazanah Nasional pun buat pelaburan beribu ribu juta dgn syarikat2 orang India yang TAK ADA pulangan!
    Dari mana Khazanah Nasional dapat duit? Pinjaman dan jual saham TNB.

    Dah puas dgn 1MDB kini lanun di Kementerian kewangan buka pejabat di London, India , china konon. Adakah ini mandat dari Badan Ekonomi UMNO? Mandat dari Pemuda UMNO?

    Kita baca kerajaan Kedah tebang hutan di tadahan air hanya untuk pendapan mengurus 30juta setahun.
    Kita baca Kelantan nak bâyar gaji pemain bolasepak pun takde duit.

    Tapi Khazanah bagi beribu ribu juta kepada ornag Cina dan India konon pelaburan internet yang tidak menguntungkan, tidak ada aset dan tidak ada pulangna! Menakutkan..

  12. 1. Masalah penggunaan bertindih nama "Orang Kampung".

    2. Setelah saya selidik, memang betul ada dua pembahas yang guna nama "Orang Kampung". Salah seorang ada blog yang namanya Minda Kampung.

    3. Saya tak boleh halang pembahas yang ada blog (Minda Kampung) daripada menggunakan pengenalan "Orang Kampung". Tetapi saya juga tak boleh tegah pembahas "Orang Kampung" seorang lagi daripada terus menggunakan nama itu.

    4. Sebenarnya "identiti" mereka boleh dibezakan. Pembahas Orang Kampung yang ada blog, bila dia komen namanya keluar dalam warna biru manakala yang tak ada blog, namanya keluar dalam warna hitam.

    5. Kalau boleh, saya cadangkan Orang Kampung tanpa blog ubah sikit namanya misalnya "Orang Kampung Hulu" atau "Orang Kampung Pekan". Nak tukar nama lain langsung pun boleh.

    6. Saya harap cadangan saya boleh dipertimbangkan.

    Wallahuaklam. Terima kasih.

  13. Apa akan jadi jika Najib letak jawatan seperti Badawi. Dr. M akan kembali masuk UMNO seperti dulu? Apa akan jadi kepada perjuangan kumpulan yang dipimpinnya sekarang ni? Apakah rakyat masih akan percaya kepada pemimpin pembangkang? Hanya bertanya.


  14. Kadiag, salaam.

    Aku rasa la Kadiag, dua2 orang ni, Mat Tehag dan Breder kat Bamboo River tu, ada peranan masing2, dua2 ada kelemahan dan dua2 ada kekuatan.

    Member hang dari Tongkang Yard pon munkin banyak silap langkah, tapi nampaknya marah dia kak Bro bamboo river tu tak 'kunjung' padam2. Pada aku la... kalau buat tuduhan liwat tanpa ikut 'due process' undang2 syari'ah, bulih sabit jinayah qozaf. Jadi munkin kita bulih mintak member hang tu 'tone down' sikit bab ni....

    Bro bamboo river tu pon munkin banyak jugak kelemahan pada perati aku. Antaranya dia nampak tak berapa pandai buat kawan... dah ramai sangat dari kalangan member2 dia, yg sudahnya, belot dan hina dia terang2an. Ini satu gejala yg sangat lumrah zaman lani... Dia pon marah sakan kad Mat Tehag, macam2 dia kata kad Mat Tehag... munkin dia ingat Mat Tehag ni jelmaan segala kejahatan atau 'devil incarnate'. Pada pandangan aku Mat Tehag munkin ada banyak buat salah (macam di catit di ataih) tapi dia jugak pewarih kepada sistem yg penuh 'kejengkelan'/kebejatan masyarakat yg dari mola2 lagi dah di jinayahkan atau 'criminalised', aku ada tulih sebelum ni zaman tu zaman meraba raba dgn macam2 peluang dan kekangan. Pegangan atau pengenalan pada Islam 'superficial', biasanya 'ritual'2 saja... Basa gomen kata 'a nascent society'. Dlm suasana atau 'ambience' tu, campog dgn darah muda... untok tidak telanjog, payah sakan.

    Jadi dlm suasana ni, aku ingat la, urutan 'priority' hang munkin nak kena damai dua2 pihak ni dulu, yg dah lama dok berperang... kalu nak nyah yg lagi sorang tu, nak sebut nama dia pon aku malaih.

    Hang pon tau Kadiag, damaikan antara dua puak ni, Mat Tehag dgn Bro bamboo river besag munkin selari dgn tuntutan agama. Munkin bulih buat rombongan jumpa puak2 dok 'bertelagah' ni ka apa ka... aku mintak kalu bulih la... kena buat cara 'serious'.

    Las sekali, bukan tujuan aku nak ajag atau kuliyah hang Kadiag, sapa la aku...

    Macam mana pon, macam biasa aku dgn rendah hati, mintak mangap no...


  15. And so .. Aljubori is not with Tun M .

    Of course , TGH cannot stand Tun M .

    That leave the Ultrakiasu DAPig LKS supporting Tun M .


    Wow ... Deklarasi Rakyat for the ANC gang to ponder .


    1. Another Waghih8:35 AM

      Aaahhh, my dear Waghih.

      Good to have you back after quite a long hiatus.

      Missed whacking you.

      Thought your dedak supply has dried out and you merajuk, hence your absence.

      Now that you are back with your whacko comments - your dedak supply recommenced? - you are fair game again.

      And I thought you had changed your stance, silly me.

      Here's to more barmy and batty comments from you, Waghih!

      Peace bro.

      Another Waghih.

  16. 1. Pardon me for saying this. Several debaters are getting out of hand and overboard with their comments.

    2. I had had just let through one by "Waghih" but may be for the last time if such a language continues. But I am deleting one by "sukasamasuka" on Saudi Arabia.

    3. I appeal to all debaters to maintain some level of decorum, civility and fairness.

    4. If our adversaries are rude, corrupt, curt and uncivilized, we should not be like them.

    5. I am sad that in our anger we are losing wisdom and civility.

    6. I am truly sorry.

    Wallahuaklam. Thank you.

  17. Loss of face8:18 AM

    Najib's absence from Parliament can also be that he intentionally avoided meeting the Saudi Prince. One would have thought the PM would be around to meet and thank Prince Abdulaziz personally for the Saudi royal family's 2.6 billion dollar donation to Najib. Instead he scooted off to UK where he was not officially invited to participate in the business talks and it was the UK Trade Minister who intentionally did not meet with the PM. What a sad loss of face.

    "It is an internal issue for Malaysia, and I'm sure you'll get it sorted out," said Prince Abdulaziz.
    Clearly what the prince is saying is that the source of the "donation" is from within Malaysia and it has nothing to do with the Saudi regime.

    Read more:

  18. Kampong man.10:19 AM

    Salam Dato'

    It has been long time i have not read and even comment in your blog.This is my simple comment in response to respectable friend WA this morning on Tun road tour.

    " Ini komen Pak Din pagi tadi sebelum subuh.

    1.I watched that Tun M video of 22.54.I think it is more of a campaign to tarnish Najib/BN administration as poor and to ensure that Najib be ousted because of 1 MDB so called scandal.

    2.Tun is out of his mind to be thinking the 42 Billion is for Najib kitty when we very well know that the 1 MDB is merely a gomen investment arm that need to be developed through time apart from the Khazanah that we have.Investment needs time for growth and maturity .Glad the 1 MDB restructuring exercise is almost done and finally 1 MDB will soon become a dormant entity after so much controversies and wrong perceptions thrown to 1 MDB.
    In short ,semua orang dah penat dan meluat to talk about it endlessly.

    3.Poor Tun will not get his Deklarasi Rakyat through that easily and is now on road tour to oust a mandated PM undemocratically.This will not work in my view.

    4.Will Najib vacate his position ?.I do not think so it will be.Why should he when he was found not guilty ,after all ,of any wrongdoings by PAC and even MACC.Huh....

    5.Tun M is no longer an UMNO member and is free to speak his mind but this is the Tun that we know that people must listen to him always knowing very well he is not in power and not a PM anymore.

    6.My opinion is that the Deklarasi Rakyat will be a failure. PM can only be ousted through a fair democratic election in UMNO itself and through vote of NO confidence in Parlianent and also in the next GE if BN can be defeated. Meanwhile,PM Najib must continue his premiership until next GE expected prior Aug 2018.We shall see what happen after next GE.Only Allah knows best.

    6.Good luck to my beloved Tun M but this time i don't buy your doomed Deklarasi Rakyat and i have to disagree with you on such move .Tun may still have a strong influence but he is politically not relevent anymore and majority of UMNO members and leaders are not behind him this time which matters.

    7.Sorry folks but this is my personal views and as usual you don't have to agree eith me..Haha...
    Good morning and salam subuh."

  19. Assalam Tn AKJ. Mohon komen sikit tentang komen pembahas Khazanah Nasional lubuk baru Najib @0819. Saya tertarik dengan issu yg di bangkitkan.

  20. Salam Datuk

    Terlebih dahulu saya ucap syabas dan terima kasih kepada Datuk kerana turun padang bersama GKCM di Batu Pahat, bandar kelahiran saya. Ucapan Datuk (saya dapat di blog dinturtle) amat tepat dan tajam. Itulah semangat dan kata kata juang yang kita ingin dengar. Bertanggung jawab...kita tahu satu malapetaka yang telah menimpa negara sudah pastinya menjadi tanggung jawab kita untuk memberitahu kepada yang patut diberitahu dan juga kepada umum kerana kita sebagai rakyat juga yang menanggung musibah penghujungnya.

    Back to the current topic.

    "Prince Sultan Abdulaziz was asked why the royal family had given donations to Mohd Najib. He said he was unable to comment on it specifically."

    As a member of the Saudi Royal Family as well as a minister representing his Kingdom, Prince Sultan Abdulaziz would not say in public about the scandal. He is an excellent diplomat. We should read between the lines.

    "I really have no background on this issue, I'm not trying to brush it off but I really have no background."

    What he meant was, there was NEVER any such donation to Najib. If there was, he should have known even if his late father made the "donation." Such a huge sum of USD 681 million would not have gone unnoticed. The Prince also said that Saudi Arabia did donate to other COUNTRIES (not personal or political) but at smaller sum of USD 200 or 300 millions.
    So we are sure that there was never a personal donation to Najib.

    "It is an internal issue for Malaysia, and I'm sure you'll get it sorted out."

    The Prince meant that the issue is totally our own and we should be smart enough to sort the matter ourselves. The Prince is an educated person, he also reads and keep abreast of the current development surrounding the issue. The ongoing actions of the enforcement and governing foreign agencies are world news. In a way he is sort of saying why our internal enforcement agencies failed to do their job? It speaks loud and clear of our PDRM and AG Chambers.

    As for our "jaguh kampong" Boxing Champion Minister who challenged a 91 years old man, he is in his own class! What do we expect from such a person? Fit to be a guard dog only. Nay!...he is just a guard dog who only bark at a person whom he is told to bark to. Not a real guard dog who normally bark or chase off intruders... And he eats dedak!

    Telling the truth to the public is never an easy job. We do our part however small it may be...just among our kedai kopi friends. At least we can have open discussion and share our thoughts.

    Teruskan perjuangan Datuk!...

  21. 1. Kampung man, among other things, said: "Tun is out of his mind to be thinking the 42 Billion is for Najib kitty when we very well know that the 1 MDB is merely a gomen investment arm that need to be developed through time apart from the Khazanah that we have...."

    2. Tun had been quoting the 1MDB debt of RM42 billion. But PAC Report said, inter alia, "The debts started at RM5 billion in 2009 and increased to RM42 billion compared with assets worth RM51 billion, at the financial year March 31, 2014, where 1MDB has spent RM2.4 billion to pay the interest of the debts.

    "In January this year, 1MDB's debts reached RM50 billion compared with assets worth RM53 billion, where 1MDB has spent RM3.3 billion to pay the interest of the debts between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015 (estimates that have not been audited).

    "It is clear that the level of debts and interest is too high compared to the cash flow of the company."

    3. So 1MDB is worse than Tun had been saying and cannot possibly be compared to Khazanah which in 2015 had assets worth RM150.2 billion, which is 3.1 times higher than its debts. It is also profitable.

    4. In the simple rakyat's language, 1MDB is a labu peram aka Pak Man Telo get-rich-quick scheme orchestrated by Najib.

    Wallahuaklam. Thank you.

  22. kasmabuti11:15 AM

    the fact that the matter is, this current model of governance or what ever you wanna call it is crap. democracy does not exist. the majorities, majority of the time are wrong. we have little princes running the country. being a politician means direct access to the booty and this is what happens. i am a realist so allow me to put my views forth.

    the only thing consistent since this nation was incepted is that it has always been ran by a malay government. there will come a time, when dr m will be judged by those who have never seen him. will they still speak of him in awe? this mess is his doing. whether you or anyone else wants to admit it or not, this is dr m's fault. and i mean that directly and indirectly. he shoved badawi and put in place najib. he willingly stepped down and installed badawi.

    i think that deep down, dr m feels guilty. he feels guilty because this is all his mess and even after he stepped down, he made an even bigger mess. this is what drives him. i dont think its love. are we all sure that when najib is gone, we wont be stepping in a larger pile of shit? everyone thought that the worst was over when badawi got lost but look where we are today? certain groups would love to see him back since it has gotten that bad.

    and why are we so afraid of bn losing power? havent they looted and plundered enough? i shudder and laugh at the thought of that "perjuangan alif ba ta". that "perjuangan alif ba ta" is horse-poo compared to nuclear fusion, sending men into space, engineering trains, building ships. malays, always a footnote. so i say let them lose power. this umno baru needs to go.

    i hope najib stays on and bn loses and i dont think bn will lose.

  23. Orang Biasa11:49 AM

    Assalamualaikum Datuk,

    Terima kasih atas cadangan Datuk supaya ditukarkan nickname Orang Kampung kpd selainnya. Sy terima pendapat Datuk..mudah2an dapat dielakkan slh faham insyaallah.

    Berbalik kpd pembahas Kampong Man,maaf sy tak bmaksud mengkritik komen anda..sekadar nak bg sdikit pndapat moga bermanfaat. Apa kata saudara mula membaca sumber bacaan dr luar Malaysia spt Sarawak Report dan WSJ. Sy dapati info2 yg mrk siarkan kerap mdahului media dan pihak bkuasa ngra kita. Plg pnting,info yg sahih dan boleh diyakini insyaallah.

    Kalau ada terkasar bahasa,sy mohon maaf ya..

  24. Kampong Man.

    Saya malas nak tanya banyak pasal 1MDB, tapi satu saja.

    Jho low tu siapa, pegawai Kerajaan ke?

  25. Zalman A2:22 PM

    "4. In the simple rakyat's language, 1MDB is a labu peram aka Pak Man Telo get-rich-quick scheme orchestrated by Najib."


    This is a very accurate description.

    it generated nothing of value for Malaysia.

    You can be 100% sure that the source of almost all of Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone's USD 1 billion in wealth will be traced back to 1MDB.

    Let us keep score of the number of lies that Mappadulung has told the rakyat:

    ""If I was going to be a robber (penyamun), why would I transfer the money back into the country? That is, if I wanted to be a robber. I am thankful that many people did not believe the news that I transferred money to my personal accounts.”

    Then, he gave up denying and claimed it was not for "personal use".

    So the Chanel etc. must be for anak yatim?

    I don't think so.

    Mappadulung is being hanged, alowly but surely.

    Time is not on his side.

    Let us remember his lies and those of the pemakan2 dedak who surround him.

    They should remind us never to let such criminals run Malaysian ever again.

    We have learned the hard way.

  26. Salam Datuk

    I wish to give my thought to comment by Kampung Man.

    Kampung Man said:

    "2.Tun is out of his mind to be thinking the 42 Billion is for Najib kitty when we very well know that the 1 MDB is merely a gomen investment arm that need to be developed through time apart from the Khazanah that we have.Investment needs time for growth and maturity .Glad the 1 MDB restructuring exercise is almost done and finally 1 MDB will soon become a dormant entity after so much controversies and wrong perceptions thrown to 1 MDB.
    In short ,semua orang dah penat dan meluat to talk about it endlessly."

    It is sad to say that Kampung Man failed to see the 1MDB fiasco. Has he read the PAC report together with the hansard? True that 1MDB is supposed to be a gomen investment arm….which is to invest and make profit. From the very inception, 1MDB has acted not in accordance with the normal governance of any corporation. The business model is flawed in the first place. The leverage is unprecedented. The PAC report, though not comprehensive, has pointed a lot of mismanagement in 1MDB. In any business venture, the ultimate aim is to make profit. Failed ventures due to unforeseen circumstances or other economic reasons is quite normal and acceptable so long as it is managed in accordance to sound governance.

    In 1MDB case, it is designed to fail. The business model of making profit and investing from debts driven funds is bound to fail. The cost of sourcing funds and servicing the debts far exceeds the returns from investments. It is made even worse by the unduly high cost of acquiring assets and investment without due diligence. The income generated from its assets is not able to sustain the corporation as a going concern. Now that 1MDB has disposed all its income generating assets, how are they going to service their debts what more to payback the principals? It has failed beyond rationalization. Kaput!

    Orang kampung mentioned about the rationalization of 1MDB and saying that 1MDB will be left as an empty shell! How can that be? IPIC has back out on the assets swap plan. Now all assets of 1MDB has been transferred to MOF! what is left with 1MDB?..only debts amounting to over RM 50 billion and its ever mounting interest. O!..what a smart move!...Do you think 1MDB creditors will not be able to recover their debts from the available assets now that the assets have been transferred. There is nothing left to talk about rationalization any more…..kaput!

    Please remember!...1MDB is a gomen company and most of its debts are backed/guaranteed by the gomen. Who are the gomen?...the gomen belongs to the rakyat! So as what the new Governor of BNM said, the gomen will pay all 1MDB debts. And for sure the gomen will have to pay to avert further economic disaster. Is it another Greece in the making?

    In the end THE RAKYAT has to bear all of 1MDB shits. That is what we get from 1MDB. Where are the monies? According to PAC report about USD 7 billion is unaccounted for!...There could be more in the Auditors General Report . The public is being denied access to the report which has been classified under OSA.

    Mana pi duit?...Hutang sapa mau bayar?...That is 1MDB. Hutang 1MDB hutang GOMEN, HUTANG GOMEN = HUTANG RAKYAT....RAKYATLAH BAYAR!

    That is why we need to inform the public of what is being passed to us. HUTANG! Sampai anak cucu kita kena bayar.


    Memang mengecewakan kalau rakyat tak faham “fiasco” 1MDB ni. Kalau benar orang orang kampung yang tinggal diceruk desa tak faham, kita boleh terima kerana mereka tiada akses maklumat 1MDB ini kecuali yang mereka dengar dari RTM dan TV3. Kalau orang yang ada akses ke alam siber dan internet dan mereka gagal untuk mencari maklumat pencerahan atau mereka dapat maklumat tapi tak mahu memahaminya...itu amat mengecewakan. Sebab itulah gerakan yang seperti Datuk lakukan bersama GKCM dan gerakan Deklarasi Rakyat perlu dipergiatkan lagi.

    Saya pun asal orang kampung jugak macam Datuk.

    Terima Kasih

  27. Datuk AKJ, please note that the donation was made during the reign of King Abdullah whop has since passed away. Abdullah himself has many many sons - 9 or 10 known sons and Wikipedia listed 4 wives but added a note that there are another 23 wives. Even within his own family, it would really be too much to expect that any of his sons would have full knowledge of his financial affairs. In any event, you are now referring to Prince Sultan who is not Abdullah's son but the son of the current King Salman, the half-brother of Abdullah who succeeded the throne. This particular prince would not be able to know the intimate details and financial affairs of another royal family.

  28. Salam Datuk

    This time your article is about Nazri and Anwar. I don't know which I should comment last because I dislike both men.

    Anyway, here goes :

    1. PKR will never move away from Anwar and his family's interest because they have always been Anwar's party. Right left and centre.

    2. While they have potential leaders like Azmin and Rafizi, there are hawks in the party who have a watchful eye on everyone to ensure they don't step out of line. Everyone must think and act like Anwar otherwise they will be reported to Sungai Buloh.

    3. Anwar leaked in the letter that he might have met Zahid, recently. Perhaps Zahid will do what Pak Lah did after he was made PM. ie. release Anwar from jail. I believe it is open secret that the DPM reveres Anwar.

    4. After years of watching Anwar's speeches, I have worked out that they are always like trees with a lot of flowers but without fruits. His writing turned out to be the same. Typically verbose but you have to sieve through to find substance. All he could have said is "I don't like it that the citizen's declaration doesn't emphasize the need for systemic changes to the country's administration. Make it the top agenda, if not we won't support it".

    5. Which leads to my advice to PKR : make up your minds. Either you are in or you are out. On one side you milk Mahathir's popularity at events to convert unhappy umno supporters to PKR, on the other you stab him in the back with this letter.

    6. Nevertheless Datuk, we would not have needed to involve the opposition parties in the effort to remove the PM had we have been successful within UMNO and BN. Let's admit our failures.

    7. Finally, did I say I was going to comment on Nazri? I changed my mind. I don't think there's a need as his actions and words clearly bares his character. This onion need no peeling to bring tears to your eyes.

  29. 1. Debater jumbeaux, BRILLIANT. I could not have said it better.

    2. Anwar is words. I have a song that I dedicated to him several years after knowing him and working rather closely with him - Killing Me Softly With His Song.

    3. You're right about PKR's future. If it sticks with Anwar and his family, it has no real future. But if it nourishes the idealism of a real reformasi, it can go places. The same applies to other opposition leaders. They could sign the Deklarasi Rakyat and go on to slug each other or ride on its slipstream. Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar are the proving grounds.

    4. I am hugely impressed with the likes of Azmin, Rafizi and Shamsul Iskandar. These are among the PKR people I got to know a bit better during the course of my involvement with Deklarasi Rakyat.

    5. Likewise I see that many anti-Dr Mahathir elements - those who were raised on the diet of dictator, autocrat, mahazalim and mahafiraun - were hugely impressed with him. He was not what they were told.

    6. As for whether there was a meeting between Anwar and his former protege AZH, I don't know. All that I know, they were like "aur dengan tebing" during Anwar's era as the crown prince of Umno. Anwar made AZH!

    7. I have heard the story of the three-way discussions about Anwar's prison future involving Najib, Obama and AZH when the US President visited Kuala Lumpur some months ago. Then the talks were that Anwar would be set free and into the "custody" of the US government on medical grounds.

    8. There was even an outrageous folktale that Anwar would be released, given the royal pardon, made home minister and arrested Dr Mahathir and Daim. Well, as they say, idle minds are the devil's playgrounds.

    9. And with over 1 million people behind Dr Mahathir and his co-signatories, Anwar better do more than just write a prison manifesto!

    10. As for Nazri Aziz, I think he better be serious about who he wants to have a fist-fight with. Certainly not the 91-year old Dr Mahathir. His "boss" status is at stake.

    Wallahuaklam. Thank you.

  30. adion9:18 AM

    Surat Anwar sudah di seludup keluar dari penjara sg buluh dan menjadi pengetahuan umum. Tetapi tiada sebarang tindakan ke atas pihak pengurusan penjara. Pelik kan.. se olah olah direstui oleh pihak Najib yg sedang tersepit antara TDM, AZH dan 1Mdb..

  31. Zalman A11:53 AM

    Anwar Ibrahim playing dirty, and playing desperate:

    The leaked letter and this allegation via Rafizi are Anwar's own "Ops Cantas" vs. Azmin.

    Just like they smeared Khalid and hounded him out, they need to curb Azmin fast.

    But Anwar's time is over.

    His worst legacy is selfishly placing Wan Azizah as "Leader" of the Opposition, so she can be kicked aside when the time is suitable for Anwar.

    But Wan Azizah is no "Leader".

    She is a liability.

    I think Anwar has overstayed his welcome in the minds of the rakyat.

    So the quest continues for someone who will lead Malaysia out of the twin evils of Parti Dedak Najib and the trickery of Anwar Ibrahim.

    Who will it be?

  32. Zalman A3:16 PM

    Salam Datuk,

    From Tun's latest post:

    "6.Pilihanraya kecil ini adalah pertandingan antara rakyat dengan Najib. Ia bukan pertandingan antara mana-mana parti lawan dengan BN. Oleh itu saya gesa supaya rakyat mengalahkan calon Najib. Kekalahan BN bermakna kemenangan rakyat melawan pemerintahan kuku besi Najib.

    7.Rakyat perlu sokong siapa juga yang melawan BN sebagai calon rakyat. Tetapi jika rakyat meletak lebih dari satu calon perpecahan dikalangan rakyat akan memberi kemenangan kepada BN.

    8.Rakyat perlu letak hanya satu calon sahaja. Malangnya jika Hadi meletakkan calon PAS ini juga akan menolong BN jika rakyat letak calon melawan BN dan PAS.

    9.Sebab itu untuk mengelak perpecahan dikalangan rakyat, jika PAS letak calon, rakyat perlu bagi sokongan padu kepada calon PAS supaya PAS menang besar dan BN kalah besar.

    10.Kalaupun PAS menang, ia tidak dapat mendiri Kerajaan. Ia cuma akan menjadi hamba kepada BN yang memiliki lebih ramai wakil darinya.

    11.PAS mungkin juga pura-pura menamakan calon tetapi apabila rakyat tidak meletak calon, PAS akan menarik diri supaya BN menang tanpa bertanding. Kita tidak akan hairan jika ini dilakukan oleh PAS. Hadi nampaknya sudah terima Cash is King Najib walaupun dunia anggap Najib sebagai pemimpin yang kuat rasuah. Itu pilihan Hadi dan itu memanglah haknya. Sebab itulah PAS berpecah.

    12.Rakyat perlu ingat bahawa gerakan untuk menjatuh Najib adalah gerakan rakyat. Ia bukan gerakan mana-mana parti pembangkang tertentu. Hanya apabila Najib tidak lagi menjadi PM baharulah demokrasi dapat dikembalikan dan segala tuntutan parti-parti boleh diperjuangkan. Setelah demokrasi kembali rakyat boleh tentukan tuntutan apa yang mereka akan sokong dan siapa yang akan memimpin negara."


    I am in full agreement with Point 11:

    "11.PAS mungkin juga pura-pura menamakan calon tetapi apabila rakyat tidak meletak calon, PAS akan menarik diri supaya BN menang tanpa bertanding. Kita tidak akan hairan jika ini dilakukan oleh PAS. Hadi nampaknya sudah terima Cash is King Najib walaupun dunia anggap Najib sebagai pemimpin yang kuat rasuah. Itu pilihan Hadi dan itu memanglah haknya. Sebab itulah PAS berpecah."

    I fear the very same thing.

    We do not know what Hadi and Najib have agreed to behind the scenes.

    It is far, far better for Tuan Ibrahim to take leadership of the party.

    He is not "lalang" and he is a consistent leader.

  33. Stupid Rafizi10:11 PM

    this is the time now for the opposition in particular DAP and especially PKR to consolidate and unify their strengths and objectives. Unfortunately and sadly for PKR, childish rookies who seem to amplify that they are still immature and stupid have emerged once again. And I point the finger at Rafizi this time. For goodness sake, who put him up to this silly and ill-timed prank of silly accusations of women and favours. STUPID RAFIZI, STOP THIS AND BEHAVE!! FOCUS ON DEFEATING BN AT THE BY ELECTIONS FIRST.

  34. Humbug10:22 PM

    I dont know about the others, but to me charity begins at home, that is look after the poorer Malaysians' welfare first.

    Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said 300 Syrian immigrants are due to arrive in Malaysia this year and he urged Malaysians to donate in the form of money or kind to the Syrian immigrants.

    Read more:

    I will continue to donate to projects for Malaysians, but I will not be a hypocrite and donate to the Syrian immigrants because Putrajaya should not have opened our doors to them when we cannot even look after the many destitutes in our own country.

  35. Win the elections first11:20 AM

    Putrajaya would be attempting with all the media arsenal at hand to pit PKR against PAS against DAP against Amanah and to create a false impression that PKR is ridden with internal conflicts, that PAS is an obstinate donkey for trying to go Hadi's way when he is totally out of sync with his own supporters and may have fallen into the cash is king trap(even without them telling us, the rakyat has already come to that conclusion and decided that Tuah Ibrahim will be the better President).
    So what should the opposition do, unite with one voice, discard any show-off actions and fight out this election battle with all your might.

  36. Maafkan saya Dato AKJ kerana lari dari tajuk.
    Ini berkaitan mereka di FB yang mengunakan isu tol untuk memburuk-burukkan Tun Dr.M.

    Untuk pengetahuan Pemakan dedak.

    Di Semenanjung, kalau tak ada tol sejak dibina, yang paling untung adalah syarikat-syarikat lori kontena, bas-bas pelancongan dan awam, terutamanya dari Thailand dan Singapura. Sudah tentu, KTM telah lama bankrupt. (KTM juga punyai gerabak-pengangkut kontena). Pelabuhan-pelabuhan kita juga akan teruk terjejas. Segala import-export antara Thailand dan Singapura akan dilakukan mengguna Highway kita. Pelancongan antara kedua-dua Negara jiran ini akan terus rancak, sambil Malaysia jadi tempat mandi, kencing & berak di Hentian-hentian Rehat & Rawat. Silap-silap, kita kena tambah jumlah jamban untuk mereka guna dengan percuma. Makanya, Highway kita akan dipenuhi oleh lori dan kenderaan yang silang-menyilang, pergi-balik Thailand & Singapura, terutamanya hujung-minggu. Satu sen pun Malaysia tak dapat untung dan Rakyat tidak dapat peluang pekerjaan. Repair & maintenance pun Kerajaan kena tanggung.

    Di Sabah dan Sarawak lain.
    Adalah membazir dan tidak balik modal untuk kutip tol. Volume kenderaan tidak mencukupi untuk menampong pelaburan membina Pasarana kutipan tol dan mengaji pekerja. Berapa sangat pelancong atau lori dari Indonesia, Brunei atau Filipina nak berulang-alik guna Pan-Borneo Highway? Boleh ke bina jambatan pula menghubungkan Filipina?

    Berapa ramai sangat Rakyat Malaysia, Sabah & Sarawak yang akan menggunakan keseluruhan Highway itu setiap hari? (Kalau dibuat bancian pun, saya rasa membazir WANG dan tenaga saja. Dah toll-free, lagi lah tiada keperluan))

    Kerajaan bukan bodoh untuk kutip tol di Sarawak. Orang Politik bijak berlakon. Untuk menampakkan segala kerja mereka;
    - berpaksikan Rakyat
    - prihatin terhadap kos kehidupan Rakyat yang meningkat
    - Rakyat di Dahulukan dan sebagainya,
    mereka dengan bangga istihar PAN Borneo Highway bebas-toll. Padahal mereka tahu, kerajaan atau syarikat swasta tidak akan berani beri atau minta konsesi untuk kutip tol pada kadar semurah seperti di Semenanjung.

    Saya hairan mengapa Kerajaan tidak mahu bersikap jujur dengan Rakyat. Saya pasti Rakyat akan lebih menghormati pemimpin jika Kerajaan bersikap terus-terang dan tidak cuba memesong fakta, demi mencari popularity.
    Lagi pun Kerajaan dapat berjimat dalam pembinaan Pan Borneo; tak perlu bina beratus-ratus pasarana kutipan toll keluar-masuk.

    Walaubagaimana pun, Kerajaan Persekutuan atau Kerajaan Negeri MESTI pastikan supaya dibina beberapa terowong atau 'laluan-selamat' di kawasan strategic untuk membolehkan haiwan-liar melintas lebuhraya Pan-Borneo.

  37. I am in total agreement with kasmabuti @ 11:15 AM.

    UMNO, in TDM words "is rotten to the core" and "is Najib's party" which could well mean, "is its president's party." The proof is overwhelming; with more than half of debaters in this blog agree than Najib, the UMNO's president PM had been caught, beyond any slightest doubt of legal, or to be exact, criminal breach of trust and ethical wrongdoings, yet the party fails by any standard to get rid its baggage laden president. Period.

    So, the Malay dilemma goes on, and this time it includes TDM. Towards the end of his over two decades term as UMNO's president, TDM declared his failure to create a healthy UMNO, and worst still, he failed to groom a credible successor. In this respect, the jailed Anwar is right; the Deklarasi Rakyat move is short of real reform to political landscape badly needed by this country. I bet, with UMNO still in power and Najib is ousted, the party's corrupt culture will soon create another Najib.

    I think it is not complete to comment on Malay politics with only UMNO as the subject; PAS must be included. Just like UMNO, PAS is now a president' party. PAS is yet to smear itself with large scale money corruption but its pembesar parti have no shame to capture and stifle their party members with religious dogma. Aduh, kesian aku, kesian bangsaku.

  38. True or not?4:31 PM

    Datuk, if what this Puad said is incorrect, then Zeti must clear her name with a statement of denial of the events which Puad recollected in the following:

    Extract from Malaysiakini:
    ...In a dialogue with Malaysian students last night in Canberra, Australia, Puad said Umno leaders had sought a meeting with Najib as soon as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) broke the news about the deposits.

    He did not specify the date of the meeting, but indicated that it happened on the night after the WSJ broke the story on July 3 last year.

    In the meeting, Puad said Najib admitted to receiving the money and claimed he had discussed the matter with then Bank Negara governor Zeti Akthar Aziz and even received the central bank's approval to bring in the money.

    "When we arrived at his home, we asked Najib if he indeed received RM2.6 billion, he said correct. He didn't deny it and he said he had Bank Negara documents of the approval to transfer the money into his personal bank accounts.

    "The only problem, he said, was that perhaps an officer from Bank Negara or AmBank had leaked the matter to Sarawak Report and it was then passed to the Wall Street Journal.

    Read more:

  39. 1. Debater "True or not" among other things, wrote: "Datuk, if what this Puad said is incorrect, then Zeti must clear her name with a statement of denial of the events which Puad recollected in the following:

    Extract from Malaysiakini:
    ...In a dialogue with Malaysian students last night in Canberra, Australia, Puad said Umno leaders had sought a meeting with Najib as soon as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) broke the news about the deposits.

    He did not specify the date of the meeting, but indicated that it happened on the night after the WSJ broke the story on July 3 last year."

    2. It is Zeti's word against Puad Zarkashi.

    3. Of Course Zeti and the new Bank Negara Governor, Muhammad Ibrahim, have to clarify.

    Thank you.

  40. True or not?9:35 AM

    thanks Datuk (6:36)
    Hope Zeti will not tarry, the longer one waits for her and BNM's clarification is a day too late.
    Puad Zarkashi has only false courage to bring this up after Zeti has left.

    Lim Kit Siang wants to see those Bank Negara documents which Najib says (according to Puad) he has approving the transfer, and why even until today with WSJ, SR, Reuters, Bloomberg, FBI, Singapore and the authorities from other countries investigating, and the whole world's media reporting with facts and more facts, there is absolutely not one shred of authenticated document to prove his innocence.

  41. Zalman A10:00 AM

    "You're right about PKR's future. If it sticks with Anwar and his family, it has no real future. But if it nourishes the idealism of a real reformasi, it can go places. The same applies to other opposition leaders. They could sign the Deklarasi Rakyat and go on to slug each other or ride on its slipstream. Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar are the proving grounds."


    I am more convinced then ever that Hadi has agreed to play the role of "vote splitter" on behalf of the Bugis lanun.

    And I have friends in PAS who think the same.

    So what are Hadi's views on massive corruption, lying, dishonesty and abuse of power?

  42. Zalman A11:05 AM

    Betul ke nie?

    "Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak claims the government is not legally bound to take over US$3.5 billion in 1MDB bonds.

    "(This is because) the bonds were not guaranteed by the government nor a support letter (issued by government) on the bond," he said in his capacity as finance minister.

    He was responding Wong Chen (PKR-Kelana Jaya), who asked if the government is legally obligated to take over the bond since International Petroleum Investment Corp (IPIC) has refused to honour the binding term sheet dated May 26, 2015.

    IPIC and 1MDB are embroiled in a row after at least US$3.5 billion that 1MDB was supposed to pay to IPIC's subsidiary Aabar Investments PJS went missing.

    The sum includes a collateral payment 1MDB was supposed to pay in exchange for IPIC's guarantee of its two bonds, as well as payment for the termination of options for Aabar to subscribe to 1MDB's power assets.

    The money was instead diverted to a British Virgin Islands company bearing a similar name to Aabar Investments PJS, but having no relation to IPIC.

    The matter, as well as other 1MDB's transactions, are under investigation in the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Luxembourg, United States and Singapore."

    This issue is not going away.

    If the FBI has traced part of this US$3.5 billion to Tanore Finance and hence to Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone's "donation", then the time left for him to "buat tak tahu" is running out fast.

    You can be sure that Saudi Arabia will NOT produce documents to verify that they transferred the RM2.6 billion, for one simple reason:

    They didn't.

  43. Zalman A7:02 PM

    Tun's perfect response to Nur Jazlan's stupidity:

    "4.​I will begin and I will set the example by praising Najib and the 2.6 billion Ringgit in his account sky-high when abroad. Any speech I deliver abroad and my answers in any interview by foreign media will highlight Najib’s democratic arrest and detention of anyone who failed to report to the police about Najib’s action to secure the country by declaring his critics are terrorists. I will never fail to talk about Najib’s great contribution to Islam for which the Arabs gave him USD 681 million. Also about the freedom of speech of UMNO delegates to not talk about 1MDB and the 2.6 billion Ringgit in the great leader’s account.

    5.​The passport is a privilege. It says so in the Malaysian constitution. The constitution and the law also says that if you don’t praise Najib, the passport will be confiscated.

    6.​When I am abroad I will defend Najib and his democratic Government. I give my word that I (with my tongue in cheek) will do so.

    7.​Three cheers for 1 MDB and money in the PM’s pocket.

    8.​Now the country will become a big prison for those who talk against Najib to the foreign media when abroad."

    Nur Jazlan is a disgrace to his father's name and to the people of Johor.
