Sunday, May 08, 2016

A Victory On Low Voter Turnout For Adenan

A Kadir Jasin

IT was a thumping victory seat-wise for Barisan Nasional Sarawak (BNS). The native-based coalition won 72 out of 82 seats in the enlarged state legislative assembly.

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The Adenan factor worked. So was money. Cash was still king among the poor rural voters. Brute force still impressed the hinterland dwellers and the outright abuses counted for little.

The quarrelling national coalition was shown the broom by the urban voters. It was a complete debacle for the Pakatan Harapan.

It not only that they failed to win additional seats in the enlarged “dewan” they also surrendered three seats won in the last outing in 2011, leaving a meagre 10 – seven DAP and three PKR.

Unless the member parties go back to the drawing board, they could suffer a similar fate at the coming national polls despite the federal BN being weighted down by the Najib’s affair.

For the Chief Minister (Tan Sri) Adenan Satem being different and seemingly brave paid off. He proved that he could do as well as his predecessor, (Tun) Abdul Taib Mahmud.

But it was not a victory any democrat would celebrate unequivocally. The indicators pointed towards a low voters turnout.

Media reports said the Election Commission (EC) chief, (Datuk Seri) Mohd Hashim Abdullah, was silent on the exact turnout rate.

The last known turnout rate announced by the EC was at 4pm at 52 percent of the 1,109,795 registered electors. This was in contrast to the 2011 state polls when the turnout was almost 80 per cent.

"You have to count it yourself," Mohd Hashim was quoted as saying by The Star Online.

The low turnout could signal a boycott of sorts. The urban electors could be unhappy with the quarrel among then Pakatan Harapan members.

While among the BN supporters, many did not come out to vote on the assumption that with or without their votes, the party would win.

So in reality the state BN under Adenan was voted in by a minority of the electors. The rest preferred to stay home and enjoyed the goodies generously dished our by the BN and the state agencies.



  1. Najib dah boleh berkira-kira buat PRU lebih awal sebelum namanya menjadi lebih busuk. Mandat baru diperlukan untuk kukuhkan kedudukkannya, menyelaraskan kuasa yang begitu besar diberikan pada Zahid Hamidi dan mematikan langkah Dr Mahathir.
    Situasi di Terengganu beri Najib alasan yang baik untuk bubar Parlimen.

    1. Tuan Punahsihat8:34 AM

      Tahniah kpd DS Najib dan UMNO/BN dan tahniah juga kpd parti punasihat kpd umno/bn.
      Kapada pimpinan parti parti pembangkang, selamat bertelagah dan cantas mencantas antara satu sama lain.

    2. Hakikat yang jelas di tunjukan oleh pembangkan ada lah tiada seorang pun pemimpin yang caliber. Azmin Ali seperti lalang, Pas bertelagah dengan Amanah dan DAP dengan LGE nye. Pakatan will never win. Sesama sendiri pun tak boleh bemaufakat apa tah lagi nak serah negara. Hanya satu jalan keluar, ahli ummo yg berani harus keluar and form a new party. For sure they will be treated as brave and clean. Then we can have a more reliable party to fight for. Amanah, Pas, PKR & DAP semuanye dah gila pangkat dan kuasa.

  2. pak ali11:40 AM

    Kemenangan bn di sarawak menjadi petanda bn boleh menang dalam pru14.
    pergaduhan sesama pemimpin di kalangan pakatan harapan secara tidak langaung memberi kekuatan kepada bn walaupun dihimpit dgn pelbagai isu kontroversi 1mdb.

  3. Salam Datuk

    As expected CM Adenan sailed through the election. 72 out of 82 is an outstanding achievement by any measure especially in the current political landscape. It is actually beyond expectation. The Adenan fever really struck the people. It is also heartening to see that the number of majorities increased significantly compared to 2011 and also wresting back seats from the opposition. Voters turnout is not as low as Datok mentioned. Though there was no official figures from SPR yet, from the results of each constituent it seems roughly 70% voters turnout. The highest is 80% and the lowest is 58%.

    Election is over now. Let Adenan prove his words. As for the Najib factor, I would say that the negative impact is there especially in urban areas even in the bumiputra majority constituents. Sarawakians has proven themselves again...that state election is totally an in house matter. National issue does little influence because Sarawak political parties are not connected to Semenanjung based parties except for the opposition. Probably DAP suffer losses due to their harping on Najib and his scandal which shows that they are lacking on domestic issues in the first place. The 'white hair " issue is no more there.

    Anyway it is over now. Syukur Alhamdullillah it went smoothly and it shows that Sarawakian are friendly and peace loving people. It's time for us to devote our time on Najib and his scandals...before BN being trampled in the next PRU. First and foremost save our nation from Najib.

  4. Nazarudin Jaya Gading2:58 PM

    CM Adenan seorang yang rasional. Saya tertarik apabila dia memutuskan lulusan sekolah cina, yang mengambil Unified Examination Certificate/UEC diterima sebagai syarat kemasukan ke IPT dan IPTS tempatan di Sarawak. Inilah keputusan yang tepat dan rasional sesuai dengan zaman. Negara kita dah terlalu banyak kerugian disebabkan pendirian kerajaan yang malay-centric ini.

    1. Ya setuju dgn pandangan Sdr.
      He was humble n approahable. The feel gd factors work to his benefit.
      Parti saya cuma mng 3 kerusi saja.

  5. Parliamentary democracy3:46 PM

    While Najib and his key men were in Sarawak trying to get their share of glory in drumming up support for the win in the Sarawak elections, a significant development is potentially brewing that augurs ill for the rakyat and govt. The amendments made to Articles 40(1A) and 66(4A) of the Federal Constitution have been put in the spotlight.
    Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy and it is well for everyone from the lowest to the highest to remember this.

  6. salam Sdr Kadir, let us be magnanimous to Chief Minister Adnan.The facts are: he did recieve new mandate by the sarawak people.
    The question is:
    1) Did umno contest in the election.
    2) The BN was represented whole heartedly by PBB, so in that way,the sarawakian prefer their own political party insted of from Semenanjong.
    3) The real test is in Kuala kangsar byelection and Sungai Besar election.
    4) 1MDB was created by Umno president albeit the prime minister, this where the the test is.
    5, Najib cannot say that people support him, it is Adnan Satem that people prefered.
    I rest my case, Sdr Kadir.

  7. Salam Datuk,

    The Sarawakians voted for Adenan. Adenan is like Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a first time CM and a first time election under his leadership. I hope he dont screw up just like Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    The Sarawakians never care for Najib nor the Opposituon from Peninsular. So Najib and company should not feel great with this victory .

    They never like the politicings of the Peninsular parties who like to use Race and Religion as their weapons.

    But I do hope Adenan can raise the issue of 1MDB as the Sarawakians and Sabahans will also carry the shits created by Najib and that include their children and grandchildren

  8. Salam Datuk

    Lets turn our memory back to the previous Sarawak State elections. Specifically, to the somewhat dramatic post election press conference by PM Najib flanked by his whole cabinet.

    That was the first time we heard Najib blame poor election results on the Chinese. He accused the urban Chinese in Sarawak of voting for the opposition.

    Roll forward a couple of years after, the tale was expanded to also blame the Chinese for BN's poor results in the 13th General Elections.

    So I believe we should analyze what happened in Sarawak in the past few days to predict what will happen in GE14.

    The over promising of grants and cash, the "only if you vote for us" black mails and the apparent popularity of "grassroot guy" Adenan are being used to justify the sudden turnaround of seats for BN. Not to mention the unusually low voter turnout (urban Chinese?) that the Election Commision is refusing to confirm.

    This is only a wild guess but I wouldn't be at all surprised if we hear similar talk after GE14.

  9. sukasamasuka9:04 PM


    "...Mahathir forecast an impending erosion of federalism, in the wake of Barisan Nasional’s landslide victory in the Sarawak state elections yesterday. "Johor is demanding to be Johor. Sarawak is demanding to be Sarawak. Our Malaysian-ness is being eroded as many state leaders demand more freedom,” he said.

    “What is happening in Sarawak is what people perceive about the Federal Government. They are of the opinion that the state is more important,” Mahathir said."


    If my memory still serve me right...please forgive me if I am wrong...this is the first time Tun uttered something very cryptic and surreal...but, Tun being Tun he can feel the pulse and heartbeat of the rakyat.


    No one can ever say something as eloquent as you are, simple and so true is your MESSAGE.

    I feel so disappointed with UMNO under Najib...I feel ashamed to be a Malay...I will be the first to bury UMNO for good.

    Tun, you mark my words...PRU14 will be my first time ever NOT to vote UMNO/ matter what.

  10. Kadiag, salaam.

    Aku rasa ada satu faktor lagi, yaitu peranan media TV yg dikawai BN, yg kadag 'penetrasi' mungkin lebih tinggi dari media sosial dikawasan luag bandag, Serawak. Aku ingat Prof. Agus ada ulaih pasai pendekatan baru RTM, yg lebih tekankan 'pencapaian BN' dari dasag lama mencerca (demonise) puak yg lawan BN.

    Nampak gaya, PKR dan Amanah macam turut kena penyakit tak pijak bumi nyata, macam 'psychosis' yg depa kata dah kena kak BN. Na'uzubillah... kena cari penawag cepat2.

    Banyak pengajaran bulih dapat... harap2 depa betemu punca2 dan baca 'sentimen' rakyat dgn lebih tepat dan ambek langkah2 proaktif 'yesterday already'.

    Lagi satu, macam mana nak pecaya angka2 kadag keluag pengundi olih SPR...? Pengalaman 'peribadi' aku mengenai angka2 kemasukkan PATI sangat 'menghirih jiwa' dan jadi aku sangat susah nak pecaya. Dan cerita pasai PATI ni, teringat aku, bukan ka entah berapa ribu ribu Bangla yg depa bawak masuk tu nak kerja diladang ladang Serawak ka apa ka....?

    Kalu ada sesapa kod terasa ternaya, mintak maghap no.


  11. Saya melihat sendiri di serawak dan berkempen untuk parti saya ..
    Tok serawak ni lain tanah dan orang nya .. Mereka pilih kerajaan yang boleh bantu mereka
    Jam 10 bilik gerakan dan tutup
    Berkempen dengan nada sama iaitu pembangunan rakyat nya ... Issui nasional tak masuk ke jiwa mereka bagi mereka setiap cukup bulan depa nak kena bayar bill jugak.. Bagi mereke periuk nasi mereka lebih utama dari politik nasional

    Depa cemuih ( kata orang utara) dengan cerita cerita nasional .. Bagi mereka domestik agenda itu wajib ..

    Depa kalih bagi 72-7-3
    Kita jangan lupa begi depa di serawak tetap bumi kenyalang mereka

    tinggal kenangan ...

    Selamat berjuang tok

  12. Ini semua cerita lembu punya susu sapi dapat nama....

  13. Datuk AKJ, A victory is still a victory be it a low turnout. What make Datuk think taht a higher turnout will defeat BN. The probability is not 50:50 it is more than 75% for BN. This is the law of statistics. So dont use this karut marut assumptions when you already lost the battle.

  14. salam...

    mari kita tunggu PRK SUNGAI BESAR & KUALA KANGSAR...

    kita lihat siapa yang kena!

  15. Ya lah bidin...ko mmg sokong najib pasal project ko ngan gomen...periuk nasi lg penting bagi kamu...kalu tak camne kapal terbang nak terbang kan...rm10 bagi kamu cam 10 sen je...

  16. Joe Black12:55 PM


    The Sarawak State Election has Certified Sarawakian's Allegiance to Najib Razak and justifies Najib's Trust in Their Leaders especially the Appointments of people such as Salleh Keruak and the brilliant Rahman Dahlan...More Sarawakians should be made Ministers to replace UMNO members.

    In Fact Parliment Should be made up mainly of Sarawakians and Sabahans for only they are loyal to Najib Razak. The increasing number of Sarawakians and Sabahans in Parliment attest to this trend.

    With Malaysia led by the East Malaysians all West Malaysians should all forgo development and emulate those people living in East Mlaysia. Immigration Policies similar to that in Sarawak should also be implemented in the States of West Malaysia.

  17. Zed-852:17 PM

    Sallam Dato'

    Saya setuju dengan cadangan "Orang Tua".

    Ahli UMNO yang berani keluar UMNO dan buat parti melayu yang lain.

    Walaupun T.Razaleigh tidak menjadi pemimpin, model gabungan beliau boleh digunakan.

    Model parti Semangat 46 yang dahulu adalah, gabungan (coalition) antara parti melayu S46 dan PAS dan satu lagi DAP dan lain-lain.

    Dalam model zaman Ku Li dahulu, gabungan dengan parti lain tidak dapat dielakkan untuk meraih undi. Realiti zaman sekarang pun adalah sama, gabungan dengan Parti lain adalah perlu.

    Bagi saya, yang paling penting parti orang melayu mesti dominan dalam gabungan (coalition) dan mesti ada seorang pemimpin orang melayu yang berkaliber.

    Pilihanraya Sarawak memberikan tanda kepada parti pembangkang tentang kekuatan mereka.

  18. Zed-852:18 PM

    Sallam Dato'

    Saya setuju dengan cadangan "Orang Tua".

    Ahli UMNO yang berani keluar UMNO dan buat parti melayu yang lain.

    Walaupun T.Razaleigh tidak menjadi pemimpin, model gabungan beliau boleh digunakan.

    Model parti Semangat 46 yang dahulu adalah, gabungan (coalition) antara parti melayu S46 dan PAS dan satu lagi DAP dan lain-lain.

    Dalam model zaman Ku Li dahulu, gabungan dengan parti lain tidak dapat dielakkan untuk meraih undi. Realiti zaman sekarang pun adalah sama, gabungan dengan Parti lain adalah perlu.

    Bagi saya, yang paling penting parti orang melayu mesti dominan dalam gabungan (coalition) dan mesti ada seorang pemimpin orang melayu yang berkaliber.

    Pilihanraya Sarawak memberikan tanda kepada parti pembangkang tentang kekuatan mereka.

  19. Pick and choose10:45 AM

    Najib has the brazenness to say "PAC has presented its findings. PAC Deputy Chairman Dr Tan Seng Giaw, an opposition party member, made a public statement and opined that I did nothing wrong in 1MDB.

    Read more:

    Although Tan Seng Giaw clarified his statement later which was taken out of context, damage was done. Now Najib is even so desperate to quote his DAP opponents, the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister, his AG, except that he refuses to sue Wall Street Journal, SR and all the foreign press that indicted him on the 1MDB scandals.

  20. sukasamasuka11:36 AM


    "The Adenan factor worked. So was money. Cash was still king among the poor rural voters. Brute force still impressed the hinterland dwellers and the outright abuses counted for little."

    1. "The Adenan factor worked" a way yes...that has been highlighted by sundry and all..but, the reality is different...where the "Muslim-minority Melanaus" have been able to rule Sarawak at the expense of the non-Muslim Iban/Dayak majority.

    Then, came a stupid West Malaysian Hadi with the suggestion that only Muslim can become the CM for Sarawak...this is very outrageous...very very offensive...very stupid...kurang ajar insinuating that only Muslim can be a good CM of if, only Muslim is loved by god in one else, but Muslim.

    Hadi and PAS have to learn how to become Muslim first...then...only then, they can talk about Islam...NOT TO REPRESENT ISLAM..but, can talk about it lah...just to practise talking.

    Then, came some young tudung-cladding Nurul something mentioning about wanting to sue Sarawak State Government for refusing entry to West Malaysian PKR before the PRN Sarawak...WHO THE HELL SHE THINK SHE IS?????????????????????????????????...belajar dulu lah sama orang tua...jangan tunjuk pandai...ITU SARAWAK LA BODOH, bukan Sungai Buloh!

    Now, let imagine this typical same locality...3 local talking like Hadi...another one like Nurul...the other one like Mohd Sabu...supported by DAP with its 1MDB stuffs...WHO DO YOU VOTE?

    2. "So was money. Cash was still king among the poor rural voters."...indeed it is, are 100% right.

    For many years since her independence, Sarawak has no Iban/Dayak leader/s because each one of them, has been "bought" rather handsomely, so to speak.

    So, many young and potential Iban/Dayak leaders have been grossly corrupted by learning from the past wealthy leaders...learning they all did...from the past...go for the money. This will continue for many generation to come...well past our time...perhaps...UNTIL one fine day, a genuine one among them shall come forward and say "if you live by money, you shall die by the money"...Sarawak will change a not distant future.

    Sabah has such pribumi leaders too, in the past...not to offend anyone here...fighting for a cause...get rich...get positions...and fac, they are all in the BN Sabah too!!! wonderful and cosy that is.

    Datuk and I will get the opportunity to see "bila bala menimpa"...kalau umur kita panjang lah.

    3. "...the outright abuses counted for little."

    Poor rural people do care about abuses and corruption fact, more than the rich and middle class urban people...perhaps not in Sarawak or in West Malaysia...but, in Sabah, it happened many times...many many times...and, in fact that was how many local governments collapsed like falling cards in the past...UMNO Sabah has yet to taste the bitter pills...oh yes, it's coming.

    In Sabah, USNO(Muslim)/UPKO(Non-Muslim Pribumi)/SCA(Chinese) led the independence of North Borneo before the formation of Malaysia. It collapsed because of corruption by none other than the founder himself, Tun Mustapha.

    The Berjaya Government collapsed because of corruption.

    The PBS Government collapsed because of corruption.

    Then, the current UMNO-BN Government...

    Sabahans love the Prime Minister Mohd his wife even more.

    Minta maaf Tun, dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki...kami ingin memohon maaf sama Tun...Sabahan voters are not like Johorean...we change governments due to allegations of corruptions...many remained as mere allegations...Tun knew about these...and, many more. INI LAH SABAH, TANAH AIR KU!

  21. Pardon me dato ..

    Since when 52% is considered minority ?

    With 63 % popularity vote for BN ...something is wrong with your analysis .


  22. 1. Malang sekali apabila anak muda yang membahasakan saya Pak Cik menghantar komen tanpa nama.

    2. Kalau hendak kemukakan hujah menyokong BN dan mengkritik saya pun takut, bagaimana hendak melawan penderhakaan kepada Tuhan dan penipuan terhadap rakyat jelata?

    3. Nampak dangkal bila bertanya, saya mengkrikit kerana nak jadi menteri ka?

    4. Kalau saya nak jadi menteri, saya pujilah Mohd Najib melambung.

    6. Kalau inilah tahap pemikiran dan keberanian generasi muda, natijahnya malang sekali Malaysia. Ia akan dijajah sekali lagi.

    Wallahuaklam. Terima kasih.

    1. Husin lempoyang7:39 PM

      Biasa la tu Dato.. begitu lah pemuda umno zaman sekarang. Main tembak sorok sorok. Dah di ajar begitu dari peringkat cawangan hingga ke pusat. Cakap depan nanti nasib baik tak dapat projek... kalo nasib tak baik kena pecat. Periuk nasi dia org yg ada kat dlm umno sahaja..harap belas ikhsan ketua bahagian. Itu yg sanggup mati demi si bijan.

  23. Tan Seng Giow was a fool of the highest order. We expected more from him than his silly statement which our friend clutch like a straw to stop him drowning. Seng Giow, you are a two headed slimy snake and to think we used to think highly of you. Now what is all the bull shit? Whatever you may say, the damage is done.

  24. sukasamasuka5:38 PM


    "TMJ claims his phone is tapped, movements monitored by SB...Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has claimed that his phone is being tapped and that his movements are being monitored by the police special branch.

    He also claimed that the Bukit Aman police headquarters has opened files on him and his father, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar."


    What is this, Datuk???????????????????????????
