Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Serangan Berhampiran Masjid Nabawi

A Kadir Jasin

MASYA-ALLAH. Pengebom bunuh diri menyerang pos pengawal berhampiran Masjid Nabawi, Madinah. 

[PERINGATAN: Komen guna “Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Sila guna Google Account atau Name/URL. Boleh pakai nama samaran.]

Berikut laporan Harian Metro memetik Al-Arabiya.

Madinah: Dua anggota pasukan keselamatan Arab Saudi dilaporkan terbunuh angkara pengebom bunuh diri meletupkan bom di kawasan parkir berhampiran ibu pejabat pasukan keselamatan itu di luar Masjid Nabawi, di sini, pada Maghrib (waktu tempatan), Isnin.

Al-Arabiya melaporkan, beberapa kenderaan terbakar di kawasan berkenaan.

Susulan kejadian itu, kawasan berkenaan dikawal ketat pasukan keselamatan Arab Saudi.

Terdahulu, dua insiden letupan membabitkan pengebom bunuh diri berlaku di timur Qatif dan Jeddah pada sebelah petang.



  1. the awakened9:16 AM

    Most people including most Americans and British don’t realise that the real power in America and Britain are the Zionists. They control the Federal reserve, the banks, the administration, the media, the hollywood, etc etc. Most people don’t know that the Jews are not necessarily Zionists and the zionists are not necessarily jews even though most are. There are many Jews who are opposed to the creation of the Zionist Israeli state in 1948 and are continuing to protest till today. They don’t realise that the Al Qaeda, the ISIS etc are all bogus creations of the Zionist. The ISIS have killed thousands of muslims and christians but not a single zionist! And all these so called terror attacks starting from decades ago were all their operations including the 911. These so called terror attacks are now so common that it is actually quite sickening to hear. Can’t they think of something else? But people are still blind to this trick and are still easily manipulated to fall into the mind trap set up by the zionist. Their modus operandi is very simple get the rest of the world to fight each and hate each other. At the same time sell them the weapons for both sides. So while the rest of the world are occupied to kill and weaken each other, they themselves are getting richer and richer stronger and stronger.

    Its about time Datuk that people of the world not just Muslims but Christians too, come to realise what the real game is all about. Who the real enemies are. People have been hoodwinked and brain washed for decades through the media to be blind to the real story. The history of the world in the last century has been dictated to fulfil the Zionist goal at the cost of millions of lives and billions of dollars. It is continuing unabated even now. No, it is actually accelerating. The zionist know that they don’t have all the time in world to do whatever they want to do. More and more people, thanks to the internet are actually waking up to the truth about them. And they are taking actions and spreading the news. And if a critical mass is reached the zionist their aims and goals are really at risk.

    This incident is certainly one the most provocative operations by the Zionists. I think the they are getting more and more desperate. They may now feel that they are running out of time. They were successful in Libya and in Egypt before but Russia seem to be quite determined to stop them in Syria.

    Our hope against all of these are the Chinese, the Russians and the Iranians. They are not stupid people. They are highly intelligent people with the science and technology to match the western world. They are all proud of their culture and history which are thousands of years old and will not bow down to the zionists.

    1. Semua salah jews. Pak ereb suci murni. Typical denial syndrome spesis islam melayu


    2. M5 7.56.

      Kamu baca dan faham komen The Awakened 9.16 atau tidak?

      Dia kata Zionists bukan Jews.

      Get that straight first before you pass your judgement and comments.

    3. Yes, i agree with M5, semua salah orang lain je.

    4. awanggoneng27:54 AM

      Sikap yang taksub kpd kumpulan dan individu tertentu telah menyebabkan mereka sesat dari ajaran islam yang sebenarnya (sepertimana yg telah diajar oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW).

      Kata kata dan arahan pemimpin kumpulan yg taksub ini lebih mereka junjung dan utamakan drpd hadith dan sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW.

      Islam itu adalah Rahmatan Lil 'aalamamin....

    5. SG 1:35am

      Do not lie to yourself. you and the awakened hate zionist but love jews?

      admit je la. Jgn selalu sangat sugarcoat yr statement kunun tak benci bangsa yg dibenci oleh pak ereb.

      Moral of the story jgn dok selalu salahkan org lain. Senang sangat la habit self-victimization setiap kemelut yg puak penganut agama pak arab dok buat huru hara kat dunia ni.


    6. M5 1.35

      Say what you want, go on hating if you wish.

      I know a few good Jews but I do not know of any good Zionists.

      And the irony of it all is you have the gall to be accusatory and judgemental.


    7. Pathetic sunnguh minda penyembah pak ereb. Just becoz u never encounter any good zionist suddenly all zionist are bad? Nice try lobai.

      orthodox jews baik pasai pi jumpa ahmanidejad tak sokong penubuhan israel. Anything yg ada sentimen menyokong palestin semuanya jadi baik. Itu saja la yardstick ummah melayu.

      Sundri pathetic masih dok delusional


    8. M5 3.33

      Go on with your name-calling if it suits you. I can live with that.

      Debating with the likes of you is just a sheer waste of time, effort and energy.

      You are quick to jump to your own conclusions but that is your right.

      Maybe to you, everyone else is wrong and only you are right. Fine with me.

      Peace be with you.

    9. mula2 tuduh kita ni spew hatred and later name calling. Boleh cuba tengok cermin ka? Hating zionist tu exceptional case ka? Ini tuhan suruh ka atau pak ereb yg suruh.

      Just because ada orthodox jews tak setuju dgn penubuhan negara israel moden, suddenly ada jews baik ada jews jahat? kriteria baik jahat semata2 atas dasar geopolitik? morality, humanism semua campak kelongkang. tipikal mentality lobai pejuang isle dan spesis in denial.

      Kesannya bila puak isle buat onar, ini semua salah orang lain. hatred towards jews/zionist is always there utk jadi scapegoat. Isle suci murni selalu menjadi mangsa dibenci yahudi dan nasrani.


    10. Thank you for your comments, 10.52.

      But, alas, they are way off the mark, and by a huge margin too.

      Nowhere in my comments did I goad or incite any hatred towards any person, group, race or religion.

      Nowhere did I indicate my political, ethnic or religious beliefs and affiliation.

      Nowhere did I invoke any god's name nor degrade any race or religion.

      When one is consumed by hatred one can never be rational.

      Hence, expecting this exchange to come to a logical end is a futile effort, and thus, a waste of time, effort and energy.

      Any further retorts and rantings would best be ignored.

  2. sukasamasuka4:59 PM


    Kita tau bahawa pengebom bunuh diri ini bukan orang Islam atau menganut agama Islam...walaupun mereka macam orang Islam.

    Begitu juga la Melayu-Melayu yang jadi pengebom bunuh diri....mereka ini memang la berbangsa Melayu, tetapi bukan beragama Islam.

    Yang menyuruh orang membunuh orang lain termasuk lah kafir harbi pun bukan ada pegangan Islam yang betul...setakat mau cari publisiti murahan politik sahaja...sebab ini semua mempunyai pegangan Islam yang cetek, sekadar cari makan sahaja.

    Islam itu mudah.

    Sesiapa saja yang bunuh diri...atas apa sekali alasan pun...di janjikan neraka jahanam, kalau percaya ada neraka jahanam la.

    Begitu juga sesiapa saja yang membunuh manusia lain...pun dijanjikan neraka jahanam juga.

    Yang menyuruh orang membunuh orang lain pun akan masuk neraka jahanam.

    Ini bukan aku yang cakap...tetapi apa yang pernah kami diajar...olih orang tua kami.

    Islam itu bukan menyusahkan orang. Islam itu senang.

  3. sukasamasuka5:26 PM


    "Pengebom bunuh diri menyerang pos pengawal berhampiran Masjid Nabawi, Madinah."

    Ini bukan la perkara baru.

    Pada tahun 1979, Al-Masjid al-Haram di Mekah diserang hendap olih sekumpulan yang bersenjata yang di ketuai olih Abdullah Hamid Mohammed Al-Qahtani yang mengelar dirinya sebagai Imam Mahdi. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan suku kaum Saud yang berpegang pada agama Wahabbi, pemerintah Saudi Arabia.

    Dalam serangan berhampiran di Masid Nabawi ini, tiba-tiba ada pula pemimpin Malaysia yang kata "ini bukan Islam". Dia ni tahu ke apa itu Islam??...sebab Islam UMNO bukan sama dengan Islam....tetapi macam Islam saja.

    Islam Kelantan (PAS) kata orang bukan Islam mesti hormat pada orang Islam, dibulan puasa.

    Islam Pahang (UMNO) pula kata, bolih bunuh orang bukan Islam atau Kafir harbi.

    Bukan ke elok kalau tiga ekor ni pergi kesana...cuba ajar orang Arab macam mana mau jadi orang Islam ala UMNO dan PAS....agak-agaknya la, kalau balik kesini, tinggal ekor saja.

    Oooi, kalau cakap "ini bukan Islam" la konon...ambil cermin, tengok muka sendiri.

    Kamu sudah mengkhianati dan mencuri wang dan harta rakyat biasa!...itu Islam??

  4. Salam Datuk,

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
    Maaf Lahir dan Batin

    When we have toooo many clerics coming out with their fatwas and edicts..this is the result.

    Muslim being killed by Muslim..all in the name of Allah and Jihad

    Al Fatihah to those that died i this heinous horror.

  5. salam datuk,

    Selamat hari raya aidilfitri. kepada pengebom berani mati atau pengganas, mereka bukanlah orang Islam sebab mereka tidak 'damai'.

  6. Tinta Hitam11:26 AM

    Baru baru ini KPN kata serangan kat kelab malam dilakukan oleh IS..Tetapi IS menafikan mereka terlibat.Kata mereka itu cuma dakwaan KPN Khalid Abu Bakar shj dgn tujuan mengalihkan perhatian rakyat dari kemelut politik Malaysia.Malahan mereka tidak berkemampuan utk melakukan sebarang keganasan setakat ini diMalaysia.Saya rasa ada juga asas dakwaan IS ni.Sbb KPN dan pemimpin2 BN beria ia sgt kata mereka jadi sasaran.Kih3

    Bila dah beria sangat pd saya ada yg tak kena..Lagi satu yang KPN asyik mencabar IS tu apa hal? Bkn prioriti dia skg ialah jenayah biasa yg semakin meningkat setiap hari.

  7. the awakened8:15 AM

    Datuk, may I share the following 2 youtube links that show Jews who are against the Zionists. Many may not be aware that there are many such videos in the you tube.
