Friday, January 20, 2017

Fiksyen Sains Dalam Pembelian Senjata China

A Kadir Jasin

DOKTRIN baru pertahanan China yang diterbitkan pada 26 Mei 2015, antara lain, berkata (dengan izin):

“The world revolution in military affairs (RMA) is proceeding to a new stage. Long-range, precise, smart, stealthy and unmanned weapons and equipment are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Outer space and cyber space have become new commanding heights in strategic competition among all parties.”

[PERINGATAN: Komen guna “Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Sila guna Google Account atau Name/URL. Boleh pakai nama samaran.]

(Revolusi hal ehwal ketenteraan dunia (RMA) sedang bergerak sebuah pentas baru. Jarak jauh, tepat, pintar, senyap-senyap dan senjata serta kelengkapan tanpa (kawalan) manusia menjadi semakin canggih. Angkasa lepas dan ruang siber telah menjadi menara kawalan baru dalam perlumbaan strategik oleh semua pihak.)

Izinkan saya membawa para pembahas dan pengunjung sekalian ke alam fiksyen sains (science fiction) yang lebih jelas (vivid) daripada dunia nyata (real world).

Apa kata, empat buah kapal operasi persisiran pantai (littoral mission ships/LMS) yang kita beli daripada China Komunis itu sebenarnya apa yang diceritakan di atas?

Contoh kapal perang China yang Malaysia beli
Apa kata ia adalah peralatan tentera jarak jauh yang tepat, pintar dan senyap-senyap (stealthy) milik Tentera Pembebasan Rakyat (PLA) China yang dikawal dari jarak jauh menggunakan satelit di angkasa lepas dan ruang siber?

Ya, empat buah kapal itu dibeli, dibayar dan dimiliki Malaysia serta dikendalikan secara fizikal oleh anggota keselamatan Malaysia tetapi mereka hanyalah robot yang menekan suis (switch) yang sebenarnya di kawal oleh operator siber Tentera Laut PLA.

Ini bukan pun fiksyen sains. Inilah kaedah yang digunakan oleh Amerika untuk mengebom sasaran di merata dunia menggunakan pesawat tanpa juruterbang (drone).

Pewasat drone Amerika boleh terbang beribu batu
Operator sibernya berada di bilik gerakan di ibu pejabat CIA di Langley, Virginia atau di salah sebuah pangkalan Tentera Amerika beribu batu jauhnya dari sasaran.

Apa kata kapal LMS yang Najib beli daripada China itu dipasang dua sistem kawalan (control systems) – satu palsu (dud) untuk dikawal oleh operator kita dan satu lagi tulen dikawal secara siber oleh operator Tentera Laut PLA?

Setiap pergerakan, maklumat dan tindakan LMS itu dikawal dari jarak jauh oleh Tentera Laut PLA yang bertindak sebagai kepal induk (mothership).

Najib dan Hishammudin setuju beli kapal perang littoral China
Apatah lagi China tentunya tidak mahu alat senjata kapal LMS itu digunakan ke atas Tentera Laut PLA yang sedang mengubah peranannya secara agresif daripada pertahanan perairan luar pantai (offshore waters defense) kepada perlindungan lautan terbuka (open seas protection).

Dalam bahasa yang mudah, Tentera Laut PLA tidak lagi mengehadkan operasinya kepada mempertahankan perairan China tetapi menguasai lautan luas.

Maka dalam konteks transformasi ini kita tidak perlu berasa hairan kalau terlihat kapal perang China berlabuh di Sabah, meronda Selat Melaka atau China membina pelabuhan di Laut China Selatan dan Lautan Hindi.

Dengan berselindung di sebalik rancangan seperti One Belt One Road (Satu Kawasan Satu Laluan) atau OBOR, China sedang memperluaskan kawalan ke atas lalu lintas laut, darat dan udara di Laut China Utara, Laut China Selatan dan Lautan Hindi, khususnya Selat Melaka yang sangat strategik itu.

Tidak menghairankan kalau China bersedia membina dan membiayai pelabuhan dalam (deep water port) berharga berbilion ringgit di Melaka untuk tujuan itu.

Kapal Tentera Laut China kerap kunjungi Malaysia
Hanya orang dungu atau yang menjual kedaulatan negara saja tidak menyedari atau berpura-pura tidak tahu mengapa China begitu bermurah hati “membantu” negara-negara jirannya membangunkan prasarana strategik seperti pembinaan pelabuhan, lebuh raya dan landasan kereta api.

Ini jugalah sebabnya China tiba-tiba begitu berminat dan bermurah hati menawarkan hutang beratus bilion ringgit bagi membina landasan kereta api, pelabuhan dan metropolis mega di Malaysia.

Tidak memeranjatkan langsung jika projek-projek ini dilaksanakan mengikut piawaian dan spesifikasi dwifungsi iaitu untuk kegunaan awam dan tentera.

Misalnya, pelabuhan akan dibina sebegitu rupa bagi menampung kapal dagang dan kapal perang China. Landasan kereta api boleh digunakan untuk pengangkutan awam atau untut mengangkut kelengkapan perang.

Peluru berpandu China guna kereta api
Pemastautin, pekerja, pelajar dan pelancong China pula boleh menjadi saluran mengutip maklumat strategik dan pengintipan.

Beberapa tahun sebelum Jepun menyerang Malaya pada tahun 1941 rakyat tempatan hairan dengan kehadiran ramai penjaja pinggan mangkuk dari Jepun yang masuk ke merata pelosok negeri menjual barang-barang yang orang kampung tak mampu.

Tiba-tiba mereka hilang. Tidak lama selepas itu askar Jepun menyerang dan menawan Tanah Melayu dengan hanya berbasikal. Mereka tahu lebih banyak mengenai jalan dan lorong untuk dilalui daripada askar British yang melarikan diri.

Ingatlah, selagi ada manusia selagi itu ada ancaman perang dan konflik, penaklukan dan penjajahan.

Kalah perang satu hal tetapi menyerahkan kedaulatan negara bulat-bulat kepada kuasa asing kerana berhutang untuk bayar hutang adalah perbuatan khianat dan penderhakaan terhadap negara.



  1. Zalman A10:59 AM

    "Barisan Nasional (BN) winning a two-thirds majority in Parliament and PAS losing all their parliamentary seats is a possibility in the 14th general election, according to a preliminary survey by the Invoke Centre for Policy Initiatives (I-CPI).

    In several simulation exercises carried out by I-CPI for three-cornered fights, it found that BN could win 168 federal seats while Pakatan Harapan (and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia) take 54 seats, leaving PAS with nothing.

    But this scenario was contingent on several factors: if those who did not vote in the 13th general election continued abstaining from voting and that Chinese voter support for all parties remained at the same level as during last year’s Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections.

    Another scenario I-CPI found was that BN could win GE14 with 130 seats, while Pakatan Harapan and PPBM win 92 seats, leaving PAS with zero seats as well. This is possible if fence-sitters continued to abstain from voting and if Chinese voters continued the same voting pattern as GE13.

    “In a three-cornered contest, PAS is likely to lose all of its existing parliamentary and state seats,” Invoke strategic director Shaun Kua said during a closed-door briefing on the preliminary survey results last night.

    In the last general election, BN won 133 out of the 222 parliamentary seats.

    Another simulation also found that Pakatan Harapan and PPBM could win the next general election with a simple majority (126 seats) provided that half of those who did not vote in the previous election supported them, and if Chinese voter support for the opposition coalition remained the same as GE13.

    Another precondition is that Pakatan Harapan must also be able win over at least 38 per cent of PAS supporters nationwide.

    Out of the 104,340 people it polled, 41 per cent said they would vote for BN, nearly a quarter or 24 per cent said they would vote for Pakatan Harapan while 21 per cent said they would vote for PAS in the event of a three-cornered fight.

    A total of 14 per cent said they would abstain from voting." 


    Before any "scenario" can happen I think a manifesto and unity must be seen.

    Even a PM candidate, yes.

    Disunity does not get votes.

    PAS is in or out.

    Clarity is the key.

  2. Salam Tuan penulis,

    Saya ada beberapa argument tentang pernyataan tuan:-

    1. Persoalan Dwi kawalan juga pernah diajukan semasa pembelian alatan perang dari US dan Britain,dan semestinya pihak tentera telah bersedia dengan perkara tersebut biarpun ia sekadar tulisan atau ajukan soalan.

    2. "Story' dan jalan cerita ini nampak menarik dan nyaman sehingga kita terbatuk dengan soalan?.
    -Apakah kita tidak mempunyai alat memantulkan sebarang gelombang supaya "Hackers
    dari satelit' itu tidak dapat akses kepada kapal kita. Bekas PM pernah
    menggunakan sistem ini suatu masa dulu.
    -Apakah kita tidak berkemampuan mengenalpasti alatan yang dipercayai boleh
    memberi isyarat kepada 'hacker dari satelit' boleh dikenalpasti dan dilupuskan.

    3. Sebagaimana rekod sejarah, Melayu adalah bangsa yang 'Survival' , ini sudah cukup membuktikan bahawa cubaan untuk menjajah dan menggagalkan negara ini pasti gagal, namun selagi wujudnya PETUALANG BANGSA dan PENGKHIANAT NEGARA, merekalah punca kejatuhan sesebuah NEGARA BANGSA...wassalam..

  3. Zalman A5:03 PM

    "In a judicial review today, Selangor government’s lead counsel Datuk Cyrus Das named Petaling Jaya Utara, Serdang, Klang, Petaling Jaya Selatan, Kelana Jaya, and Kota Raja as the seats affected.

    He claimed the redrawn boundaries violate Section 2(c), Part 1 of the 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution, which stipulates the need for constituencies to have “approximately equal” number of voter distribution.

    “It is not so much about the number of votes but how it is distributed to ensure proper element of representation.

    “So when the Election Commission carries out this mapping exercise, drawing or redrawing electoral boundaries, if the results are a dilution of the vote, it affects the right to vote,” Cyrus said.

    Clauses 2(c) and 2(d) of the 13th Schedule call for approximately equal number of voters in constituencies, as well as consideration of maintenance of local ties and inconveniences caused to voters when voting boundaries are altered.

    Cyrus said the Petaling Jaya Utara seat, renamed Damansara will have its voters increased from 84,000 to 150,000; while Serdang, renamed Bangi, will see its 139,000 voters rise to 146,000"

    Why don't they just split Putrajaya into 16 seats and make just one seat called "Peninsula Malaysia" for anyone who votes against MO1?

    MO1 is killing the Federal Constitution.

  4. sukasamasuka7:19 PM


    "Kalah perang satu hal tetapi menyerahkan kedaulatan negara bulat-bulat kepada kuasa asing kerana berhutang untuk bayar hutang adalah perbuatan khianat dan penderhakaan terhadap negara."

    1. Memang betul cakap Datuk...pasal duit dan hutang...jangan kan jual negara, jual anak bini pun ada...hingga, cabut nyawa sendiri pakai tali gantung.

    2. MO1 terpaksa jadi pelacur numero uno untuk towkie towkie China sebab hutang.

    3. Nasib baik ada pelacur pelacur atasan yang duduk mewah di institusi2 Kerajaan UMNO...mereka2 ini berpesta makan "duit lendir"...sampai ada yang naik haji pun pakai duit lendir.

    4. Maruah dan iman bolih dibeli dengan duit ba bos ku.

    5. Maruah PAS berapa harga nya?

  5. Zed-858:26 PM

    Saudara Andi-Husin,

    Sebenarnya, dwi kawalan ini bukanlah satu perkara fiksyen. Bukan lagi drone yang ada dwi-kawalan tetapi kereta dwi-kawalan (Self-driving car) sudah pun menjadi kenyataan.

    Di Singapura sudah ada bas tanpa pemandu di kawal menggunakan secara wireless dan GPS. Mula-mula orang takut hendak naik, lama-lama makin ramai orang akan naik.

    Pasal hackers pula, baru-baru ini Donald Trump akhirnya mengaku bahawa Rusia telah melakukan hacking pilihanraya Presiden yang diadakan baru-baru ini. Kalaulah Amerika boleh kena hack, adakan mustahil peralatan lain boleh kena hack?

    Memang ramai orang yang akan terbatuk kalau mendengar cerita peralatan yang boleh dikawal secara remote terutamanya orang melayu. Orang melayu kita tak terbatuk kalau dengar cerita parang terbang, ilmu kebal atau bomoh jejak kapalterbang guna buah kelapa.

    Kemajuan negara Cina sangat cepat. Transformasi nasional negara cina memang menampakan hasil terutamanya dalam ekonomi dan teknologi.

    Sekarang ini negara Cina akan bina stesyen yang diduduki manusia di atas bulan. Boleh jadi apabila kita melihat anak bulan, boleh nampak stesyen negara Cina.

    Persoalannya, kita hendak berkawan rapat dengan negara cina sampai berhutang-hutang ini untuk kepentingan siapa agaknya? Adakan untuk rakyat Malaysia.

    Negara Cina tidak ada siapa yang akan menafikan akan menjadi kuasa besar. Tetapi, negara Cina tidak mengamalkan demokrasi. Tidak ada pilihanraya di negara Cina. Kuasa bukan di tangan rakyat Cina. Jadi siapa yang memegang kuasa yang besar di negara Cina?

  6. Kadiag, salaam.

    Sekali lagi hang telah bawak satu isyu semasa yg perlu perhatian yg cukop sirius. Awai2 lagi ada komen __teknologi Malaya bulih pantui gelombang yg nak kawai dari jauh (remote) eset2 militer... 3 pengelaman pahit rasa aku cukup untuk kita buat penilaian:

    1. Injin2 jet tentera Malaya hilang dan ditemu dua taun kumudian di Uruguay, Amerika Selatan, ini cerita dari ''
    "The Malaysian government failed to inform Washington that two “US-supplied” F-5 fighter jet engines had gone missing since May 22, 2008, despite having at least “three opportunities” to come clean, according to leaked United States diplomatic cables released recently.
    The engines ...were finally located two years later in Uruguay....The RMAF discovered that the jet engines and their maintenance records were missing on May 22, 2008 and a police report was lodged on August 4 the same year. "

    Saiz injin2 bukan kecik anak, tapi lebih korang besag badak ayag dan depa kenunnya lapog kad mata2 selepaih dua bulan lebih injin tu ditemu ghoib. Negeri pembekai jet tu ialah Amerika Syarikat yg katanya bukan main hot lagi pasai tak dak sapa habag kad depa.

    2. Kapai selam tak bulih selam. Jugak dari : "...the country’s first submarine — KD Tunku Abdul Rahman — could not dive in tropical waters." Aku ingat Tn Hj Mad bin Sabu pon ada komen pasai ni.
    Ini dari daisesuzan.blogspot :
    "The first Scorpene, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, was delivered to Malaysia in 2009. It has been reported that shortly after the welcoming ceremony at Port Klang on 3rd Sep 09, defects have already been discovered. Some of these have been played down by Royal Malaysian Navy Chief Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar as "teething problems" and included a defect in the submarine's Forward Sea Water Cooling System ( discovered on 17th Dec 09 ) and the High Pressure Air Blowing System ( detected on 17th Jan 10). ..."

    Lagi satu yg sempoi ialah cara depa beli kapai ni, siap dgn orang tengah yg dikatakan kamcheng sakan dgn menteri pertahanan masa tu dan katanya jugak dapat kamsen ratuih2 juta, jugak dikatakan telibat keh altantunya....

    3. Malaya katanya ada sistem radar yg cukop canggih cap Marconi ka apa ka tapi ikut laporan Kem. Pengangkutan sistem radar TUDM gagai kesan 'flight path' kapai terbang yg kenunnya hilang di laut India..."The recent release by the Malaysian Ministry of Transport of a Factual Information report on the MH370 disappearance has provided more detail about the failure of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) air defense radar system to identify and track the errant airliner." dari Sekali lagi kapai terbang tu bukan jenih hak haluih untuk diimbaih olih radar...tapi ni hak lebih besag dari bapak gajah..!

    Munkin tiga kejadian ini cukop untuk menyakinkan sapa2 pasai tededahnya Malaya pd sesapa yg simpan niat untok pupok hegemoni dirantau ini....
    Dan bukan tujuan aku nak tuding jari kak sapa2, tapi orang yg mengkaji jinayah (criminologist) munkin akan terpa pd dua ciri utama (common strands/threads) kerana melibatkan :
    1. Menteri yg berwenang, adalah yg sama, dan
    2. "Financial haemorrhaging" pd skala yg biasa di sandagkan pd satu watak politik.

    Kalu ada yg salah, tak disengajakan dan mohon maghap,

  7. Salam Perpaduan,
    1.Negara China blh berkasar dgn menolak begitu sja keputusan mahkamah arbitrasi PBB yg
    menyebelahi Filipina dlm sengketa wilayah di laut China Selatan.Dan sehingga kini tdk ada
    apa pun yg blh dilakukan trhdpnya.Menurut laporan media,China juga memberi amaran kpd
    Amerika jgn sekali-kali memprovokasi dgn armadanya di Laut China Selatan kerana China akan
    mempertahankan setiap inci yg dikatakan hak maritimnya.Dlm hal keberuntungan, China tdk
    mahu kalah walaupun dgn jiran-tetanggannya.

    2.On the other hand,China berlembut pula dgn jirannya serta negara2 yg sama-sama mahu
    beruntung dlm projek OBORnya.Malah,sanggup gembeling kepakarannya dlm bidang pembinaan
    serta sanggup memberi pembiayaan dlm menjayakan OBORnya.

    3. Sikap China jelas, iaitu dia hanya mahu menang bersendirian, atau menang-menang
    bersama dgn pihak lain tapi langsung tidak akan menerima kekalahan.

    4. Negara2 spt Taiwan,Vietnam,Filipina, Jepun,Korea, India, Pakistan blh dikatakan amat
    bijak dlm mengurus ancaman samada secara terang-terangan maupun dlm samar-samar.Ini adlh
    kerana negara2 tsbt tlh belajar utk berhati2 dek sbb sejarah peperangan yg
    panjng dgn jiran-jirannya. Sebaliknya, hal inilah yg menjadi kelemahan kpd negara kita
    dlm hal berhati-hati kerana tidak sentiasa diancam oleh jiran2 kita. Malah, Siam
    juga bijak dlm soal berhati-hati terhadap negaranya hingga tlh 'membuka
    pintu masuk' utk Jepun bgi menawan jirannya, Malaya pd suatu ketika dulu.

    Pendekata, kita blh sja terlibat utk tujuan membina, di masa yg sama jgnlh sampai
    teruntuh apa yg tlh dibina.Bak kata pepatah jgn sampai 'Menang sorak kampung tergadai'.

  8. sukasamasuka1:36 AM


    I would like to use your space Datuk to take this opportunity to congratulate the new President of United States of America, Mr. Donald John Trump as the 45th President.

    Congratulation, Sir.

    I hope you will change the world we live in by eradicating Islamic terrorism and its web of money laundering activities, starting with the MO1, the World's Biggest Money Launderer and Kleptocrat.

    May God Bless you and your family.

    May God Bless America.

    Thank you.

  9. sukasamasuka11:33 AM


    " 'Kit Siang as DPM' claim to shock and anger Malays, says Mukhriz...Saturday, 21st January, 2017.

    Claims that DAP’s Lim Kit Siang will be the deputy prime minister if Pakatan Harapan wins in GE14 was meant to incite anger among the Malays, said Mukhriz Mahathir.

    At a ceramah in Penang last night, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia deputy chairperson said such claims were “nonsense and illogical”. "

    1. Mukhriz, if I may ask...what is so nonsense and illogical about it?

    2. What if DAP won the second most number of seats in the "Campuran Pembangkang" to form the new government after PRU14?

    3. Is this "Campuran Pembangkang" just a new name of the "same BN" where only Melayu UMNO is qualified to become the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister?

    4. When you Malaya's Melayus go the extra mile in your political thinking?


    6. What is wrong with Mr. Lim Kit Siang as my Deputy Prime Minister, if I want him...for he is proven many many times anytime better than you Mukhriz and Muhyddin...anytime.

    7. I think Sabahans and Sarawakians have no problem with him.

    8. Mr. Lim Kit Siang for a record had protected Malaysia Agreement 1963 when Hussein Onn changed the Federal Constitution in 1972.

    9. None of the corrupt Sabahan and Sarawakian politicians fought Sabah and Sarawak like Mr. Lim Kit Siang.

    10. Who are you Mukhriz to say that the idea Mr. Lim Kit Siang as DPM as "nonsense and illogical"?...who are you?

  10. Salam Datuk...

    Lama juga tak mencelah ruangan ini cos terpaksa berkerja keras untuk gain something dihujung usia.

    2 hari hadir ke karnival kewangan di PWTC minggu lepas, Isnin pula ke Agro Bank. Hampas... Yang dah nampak pergerakkan kerja, ada segala butiran ini payah pulak untuk dapatkan dana tambahan even oku. Sabri & Rohani siap lancarkan 'Agro Nurani'. Yang hairan, pihak yang 'empty' tanpa apa asas lak sangat mudah dapat dana. Sangat kecewa...

    Berbalik pada topic Datuk, saya biasa membaiki kenderaan sulit sama ada polis or tentera. Semasa kerja dilakukan, anggota mereka sentiasa berada disisi untuk kawalan 'intipan' pada peralatan mereka. Apa yang saya sangat faham, segala kelengkapan sulit yang kita beli dari pihak luar memang ada device yang pada pada kenderaan/peralatan itu. Makna, memang pembekal punyai kawalan sepenuhnya setiap pergerakkan kenderaan/peralatan tersebut. Juga dalam kefahaman saya, bila tiba pada kita then pihak kita akan usaha cari device tersebut then tanggalkan or hapuskan device itu. Persoalannya, adakah device itu benar-benar terhapus atau kenderaan/peralatn itu benr-benar terhapus.

    Kita beli sesuatu dari pihak lain, kemudian kita terpaksa berperang dengan pihak tersebut dengan mengunakkan kenderaan/peralatan mereka. Lawak sungguh...

  11. Keluarga Felda dari seberang.8:00 PM

    Salam DAKJ:Minggu lalu saya diundang resmi oleh Yayasan Perdana utk jumpa Tun Mahathir,maka terbanglah sy ke Tanahair.2jam lebih sy luahkan hati sy pada Tun M sebagai rakyat Malaysia diperantau yg tidak mahu lihat tanahair diporak perandakan.Kami hanya berdua kerna Tun tidak mahu ada org lain diperbincangan dari'hati ke hati'tersebut.Setelah pertemuan saya terbang kembali ke Negara yg saya bermastautin sekian lama.Di pesawat saya melihat kebawah tanah tumpah darah saya.Air mata saya mengalir teringat wajah tua yg baru saya berjumpa dan wajah keibuan Tun Hasmah masuk utk menemani Tun M makan siang setelah perjumpaan saya dgn Tun.Setelah pesawat saya mendarat di Negara saya tinggal,ini kata hati saya'Jika saya boleh jadi sebahagian dari yg pertahankan bumi yg saya tinggal sekarang,kerana istri dan anak2 sy warga negara,negara yg saya duduki sekarang.Dan pertubuhan kami di minta bersama utk mengawal sempadan perairan negara yg sy bermastautin oleh Pihak Kerajaan mereka,dan kami berjuang utk pihak asing TIDAK campurtangan dlm pentadbiran keselamatan negara'Wahai anak bangsa bumi Ibu Pertiwi(Malaysia),jadilah saperti kami.Dan saya akan tiupkan semangat 'Bela Negara'tercinta dari kejauhan.Salam Hormat Tanahairku Malaysia.

  12. sukasamasuka9:17 PM


    1. Apa yang Datuk tulis bukan lagi sains fiksyen tetapi reality.

    2. Mari kita cuba faham konteks yang Datuk tulis ini..."Dengan berselindung di sebalik rancangan seperti One Belt One Road (Satu Kawasan Satu Laluan) atau OBOR"...dari segi doktrin fahaman ketenteraan philosopy Sun Tzu.

    3. Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher who lived around 544–496 BC.

    4. Quote...' The Use of Spies...Sun Tzu said: Raising a host of a hundred thousand men and marching them great distances entails heavy loss on the people and a drain on the resources of the State. The daily expenditure will amount to a thousand ounces of silver.

    There will be commotion at home and abroad, and men will drop down exhausted on the highways.

    As many as seven hundred thousand families will be impeded in their labor.

    Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving for the victory which is decided in a single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honors and emoluments,2

    Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving for the victory which is decided in a single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honors and emoluments, is the height of inhumanity.

    One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to his sovereign, no master of victory.

    Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is FOREKNOWLEDGE.

    Now this foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits; it cannot be obtained inductively from experience, nor by any deductive calculation.

    Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men.

    Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

    When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called "divine manipulation of the threads." It is the sovereign's most precious faculty.

    Having LOCAL SPIES means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.

    Having INWARD SPIES, making use of officials of the enemy.

    Having CONVERTED SPIES, getting hold of the enemy's spies and using them for our own purposes.

    Having DOOMED SPIES, doing certain things openly for purposes of deception, and allowing our spies to know of them and report them to the enemy.

    SURVIVING SPIES, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp.'

    5. China bukan mudah lupa...if they can wait for 2,500 years...few more years is nothing...and, this is the right time.

  13. sukasamasuka9:59 PM


    "Maka dalam konteks transformasi ini kita tidak perlu berasa hairan kalau terlihat kapal perang China berlabuh di Sabah, meronda Selat Melaka atau China membina pelabuhan di Laut China Selatan dan Lautan Hindi."

    1. Ada ASEAN sebagai kawasan berkecuali masih ujud?

    2. Kenapa hanya Malaysia dan Philippines, dua negara dalam ASEAN, nampak sangat membelakangi ASEAN dalam bekerjasama dengan kerajaan Komunis China?

    3. China bukan salah satu negara yang menandatangi Malaysia Agreement 1963.

    4. Tetapi, tidak mustahil juga China "leverage" kedudukan mereka di Security Council dan International Court of Justice dalam isu Philippine's claims for North Borneo (Sabah).

    5. Kita tau Rodrigo Duterte sangat popular sebagai President, tetapi di Philippine saja.

    6. Dan, Malaysia apa kurangnya, MO1 lagi lah popular hingga seluruh dunia tau dia sebagai Kleptocrat yang Paling Terbesar Dunia.

    7. MO1 main politik...bukan dari "position of moral authority"...tetapi, kerana 1MDB.

    8. Jadi, tidak hairan "kalau terlihat kapal perang China berlabuh di Sabah".

    9. China umpama orang mengantuk disorong bantal jenama OBOR (One Belt One Road atau Satu Kawasan Satu Laluan).

    10. Singapura keluar dari Malaysia selepas menyertai Malaysia...English is the Official Language for North Borneo under Malaysia Agreement 1963, not Mandarin.

  14. Zed-8510:22 PM

    Saudara Zalman,

    Your earlier comment, Amanah and DAP to focus at urban areas whereas PKR, PAS and PPBM focus on Malay heartland is interesting.

    I think it also is important to know why is PAS behaving this way.

    Perhaps Amanah know better what is transpired inside the head of Hadi Awang and other PAS top brass.

    My theory is, PAS has insecurity and survival issues.

    Let say PAS decided to bury the hatchet with Amanah and DAP and let bygone be bygone.

    Let say Pakatan win the GE.

    Problem is, now there are 5 of them instead of 3. How can PAS position themselves in Pakatan?Other than hudud, they really dont have much to offer that the other 4 can do better.

    If you look at Indonesia and Turkey where the moderate muslim is governing the country. The conservatives such as Nahdatul Ulama in Indonesia is becoming less relavant.

    A country like Iran, where the conservative is powerful, might be preferred by PAS.

    That is why, in my opinion PAS is pushing for 355. They are dependant on it.

    If PAS have these kind of issues and problems that it will be very difficult to negotiate them.

    I really hope the simulations is correct, that PAS will loose all the seats. Their problem is not the rakyat problem.

  15. No choice left11:48 PM

    Malaysia's leadership is cosying up with the devil, at this time it is China.
    The devil has not shown its fangs yet, still rosy times. When it does, will PM run back to US ? The new President Trump however has a strong aversion to radical and or extremist islamic countries, and Malaysia is fast going down this road. Poor Malaysia, between the devil and the deep blue sea, will be squeezed dry no matter what.
    Pretty soon, one will see thousands of jobless / half educated youths on the streets, and worse, thousands of sick from the young to the old crowding the govt hospitals as there is a serious shortage of doctors and medicenes. The DG of Health has said the newly graduated doctors have to wait for HO and MO posts. Why are the youths always the ones to suffer? They will punish the govt at the ballot box.

  16. Tinta Hitam6:09 AM

    Memang semakin jelas China telah mengikuti jejak yang diambil oleh Junta tentera Jepun sewaktu perang dunia kedua dulu.Menggunakan kekuatan tentera utk menakluki sumber sumber asli dinegara negara jiran.Saya teringat ada seorang pegawai tinggi PDRM yg dah bersara memberitahu ancaman terbesar skg adalah pendatang asing dari China.Ada rekod mereka masuk tapi tiada rekod mereka keluar..Jadi kemana mereka?

  17. Zalman A10:15 AM

    Parti pembangkang di Sabah perlu terlebih dulu berbincang mengenai berkongsi manifesto bersama dan menetapkan dasar sebelum memulakan rundingan pembahagian kerusi bagi pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang.

    Presiden Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal berkata perbincangan itu seperti perkahwinan dan penyatuan parti pembangkang di negeri itu di bawah satu gabungan.

    “Kita mesti pakat macam kahwin. Kahwin mesti tengok perempuan ‘ngam tak ngam’. Jangan sudah kahwin, gaduh pula tiap-tiap hari. Susah nanti,” katanya kepada wartawan selepas program walk about di pasar Lido, Sabah pagi tadi.

    Shafie berkata Warisan menerima beberapa tawaran untuk bekerjasama dengan parti pembangkang di Sabah, tetapi beliau masih skeptikal terhadap tawaran itu.

    “Tetapi, parti masih terbuka untuk perbincangan. Buat masa sekarang, kita akan bekerja seiring untuk mendekati lebih ramai orang.

    “Penting bagi Warisan untuk tahu dasar parti lain, kalau tidak nanti akan timbul perbezaan pendapat,” katanya.


    This applies to both sides of the South Chins Sea.

  18. hihwag12:30 PM

    SRC and 1MDB has also financed the Haj trips to Mecca of thousands of Malaysia Muslims under misguided and Islamically Haram, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. Misguided, because SRC and 1MDB are fully government -owned companies meant to benefit the population as a whole, and Haram, because they used tainted money stolen by Najib and chanelled via SRC!

    Other than the RM2.08 billion, more than a billion ringgit had also flowed in and out of Najib’s personal bank a/c in Malaysia between 2011 to 2013. As much as RM2 million was discovered in Rosmah’s bank account about which MACC has done nothing.
    Much of this was also from SRC, another 100% owned MoF company. In 2011, 1MDB had borrowed RM4 billion from the government’s pension fund KWAP. Till today, Najib, MoF Chief Secretary Irwan Serigar Abdullah and Chief Secretary to the Government Ali Hamsa have lied about what the RM4 billion was used for. Expert analysts can only account for RM400 million (10%) of it.

    It is obvious that Crime Minister Najib and his partner in crime Jho Low misappropriated the balance of RM3.6 billion and fooled (naive/stupid) auditors into thinking the money had been “invested” in funds represented by “UNITS” issued by an unknown offshore fund manager. When the heat became unbearable, Najib had the entire RM4 billion “investment” now worth zero, illegally transferred to SRC, a dark hole from which no information emerges because of Official Secrets Act (OSA) classification.

    Below is a table of the staggering sums of money stolen by Najib and Rosmah and spent in the heist of the century:

  19. adion5:13 PM

    Yg saya nampak dari entry Dato kali ini, negara China ni tak ubah seperti isteri seorang PM. Dia boleh berkeras atau berlembut dgn suaminya mengikut keadaan asalkan kepentingan nya berada di dalam kawalan nya.

    Bab peranti kawalan jarak jauh pula, memang ia menjadi senjata utama mereka untuk mengawal advantage yg semua orang sedia maklum.

  20. Zed-8510:15 AM

    Sallam Dato’

    Berkenaan dengan perkembangan sains dan fiksyen.

    Saya ada baca TN50, Transformasi Nasional 2050 melalui website.

    Agak hebat juga, mengikut TN50, akan ada cip yang direka untuk masuk dalam badan yang mana umur rakyat boleh sampai 150 tahun.

    Agak menarik kalau rakyat Malaysia boleh sampai umur 150 tahun. Perlu disediakan lebih banyak surau-surau kerana ramai yang komen Tun patut duduk di Surau untuk beribadat.

    Kalau umur boleh sampai 150 tahun, maka ini akan memberikan impak kepada jumlah penduduk Malaysia , mungkin akan bertambah menjadi dua kali ganda.

    Saya rasa, permulaan yang pertama adalah memastikan hospital di negara ini berada dalam keadaan yang selamat dahulu daripada kebakaran dan lain-lain.

    Saya tengok wad hospital sampai 70-80 orang dalam satu dewa.

    Kalau orang boleh sampai umur 150 tahun, perlu dewan macam stadium dalam hospital.

    Macamana pula dengan skim EPF, pencen dan lain-lain kalau rakyat boleh sampai umur 150 tahun.

    Saya rasa TN50 ini agak menarik juga.

    Boleh layari

  21. Zalman A6:34 PM

    "Parti Harapan Rakyat (Harapan) Sabah president Lajim Ukin has dismissed a claim by Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) that it can rule Sabah alone, The Daily Express reported today.

    “It’s irrational and nonsensical. No party can govern the state alone or win the general election without the help of other parties,” Lajim told the daily, in reference to a statement on Sunday by Warisan president Shafie Apdal that his party “can stand alone to run the state”.

    He chided the former Umno minister for thinking that Warisan was already strong enough to wrest the state from the Barisan Nasional (BN) on their own.

    Lajim then pointed out that even BN in Sabah needs so many component parties to win elections, naming Umno, PBS, Upko, PBRS and LDP cooperating to win the elections and run the state.

    He called for cooperation among parties in Sabah which have the same objectives as Harapan, that is toppling Umno/BN and ensuring Sabah are accorded its rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

    Lajim reckons that Shafie may have strong support in the east coast of Sabah, but the same cannot be said in the west coast, in the upper interior and lower interior and the north.

    “Outside the east coast, Warisan needs to work with other parties,” he was quoted as saying by Daily Express.

    Calling for a straight fight between the opposition and BN, Lajim said, any three or four-cornered fight would only see the people of Sabah being divided too.

    “It’s imperative that not only the people of Sabah but also opposition parties be united in facing Umno/BN,” he said.

    “Harapan will work with opposition parties in Sabah to take on Umno/BN.”


    The facts don;t support these statements:

    a) Oppo can beat BN even if PAS becomes spoiler. Not true, nationally. 3-corner fights will be fatal.

    b) Warisan can win Sabah alone.

    Beware the disease of Ego.

    Be aware of MO1's desperation.

    Unity or failure is the choice.

  22. sukasamasuka7:47 PM


    Off topic a bit...excuse me..

    "January 23, 2017...Activists want Rukun Negara made part of Constitution.

    Veteran activist and Yayasan 1Malaysia chairman Dr Chandra launched a campaign to have the five principles of the Rukun Negara embedded as a preamble to the Federal Constitution."

    1. I beg to differ...I don't think so.

    2. What is this Yayasan 1Malaysia?

    MYdin mamak buka "Kedai 1Malaysia"?

    Maningkabau Queen buka "Klinik 1Malaysia?

    Bugis MO1 buka "1Malaysia 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)"?

    Naik Haji IMalaysia pun ada mushrooms after the rain, everything nowadays is associated with "1Malaysia" logo and symbolism...

    3. So what will happen to Yayasan 1Malaysia after Najib?...withering away...blown with the wind?

    4. So, lets look at what is the subject matter: Rukunnegara?


    Malaysia is a secular state comprising 3 regions...Tanah Melayu, Sabah and Sarawak...our binding philosophy is Malaysia Agreement 1963, not Rukunegara.

    Dr Chandra Muzaffar...there is no official religion in the Malaysia Agreement 1963, but it doesn't mean the people in Sabah and Sarawak are not religious.

    Who are you to judge if a Malaysian chooses not to believe in any "tuhan"?

    Is your stand consistent with the teaching of Islam?


    - "Malaysia" terdiri dari 3 negara asal, ia-itu

    Tanah Melayu dengan 9 Raja-Raja nya (kecuali Penang dan Melaka)

    Sabah tiada Raja.

    Sarawak tiada Raja.

    Jadi "Yang di Pertuan Agong" di pilih dari kalangan 9 Raja Raja ini sahaja, bukan olih rakyat.

    - Macam mana rakyat mau setia kalau tidak dapat bersuara siapa jadi Agong?

    - Setia kepada negara, itu saya setuju 100%.


    Sebelum ditubuhkan "Malaysia"...Tanah Melayu ada "perlembagaan"nya...begitu juga Sabah dan Sarawak.

    Perlembagaan baru selepas di tubuhkan Malaysia semestinya berteraskan Malaysia Agreement 1963.

    Tidak ada dokumen lain selain dari Malaysia Agreement 1953 yang jadi batu asas penubuhan Malaysia.

    Apa sudah jadi dengan Malaysian Agreement 1963, Dr Chandra Muzaffar?


    This is the biggest jokes of all comment.


    Kalau kita lihat pada ketika ini, banyak pembesar2 Melayu UMNO yang bersikap kurang ajar dan biadap bila mengulas tentang Tun.

    Dan, ada yang paling biadap sekali hingga berani melontar kata2 kesat pada orang Melayu yang tidak menyokong UMNO sebagai "bangsat".

    Kesopanan bangsa bukan dari perlembagaan, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, tetapi dari sikap bangsa itu sendiri...contohnya, orang Jepun.

    Biar mati anak jangan mati adat...sudah kosong makna nya kerana UMNO.

    10. Nampak2nya, Yayasan 1Malaysia ini macam anak2 buah 1Malaysia yang lain juga...tempat cari makan.

  23. Awang Belum Selamat8:23 AM


    I have been following and reading arguments on the Forest City real estate project in Johor.

    The Sultan of the state gave an interview to The Star newspaper and slammed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and threw a challenge at him.

    The Sultan said, he welcomes foreign direct investment (FDI) and today China has many very rich people.

    He said Johor is not giving away land and, furthermore, the land being developed is reclaimed land and, therefore,
    extends Johor’s land area.

    Forest City is open to buyers from all over the world including Johor Malays.

    Singapore reclaims land too and does it in a very big way. But it hasn't got Forest City. Singapore must have a very good reason not to have a project like Forest City.

    Sultan also compared this “FDI” to Singapore and said, Johore should take Singapore as a model. It welcomes and attracts rich people to buy its properties and this has not
    affected its political stability.

    Dr Mahathir, therefore, is using the racial line to put fear in the people and the Sultan is fed up of Dr Mahathir's line of argument.

    lf we want to follow Singapore, we should follow how the people there handle the 1MDB scandal. Two banks that channeled 1MDB’s money and the people involved were charged and convicted.

    To Singapore, 1MDB is about crime. In Malaysia
    Government and its supporters say it’s politics.

    The Sultan said, he is above politics but Dr M is critising Government policies which are made by politicians.Where is the Menteri Besar of Johor or the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    Federal constitution and state constitutions spell out that the Rulers are above politics.

    Dr Mahathir replied to the challenge. He said he was quoting reports by the Bloomberg news service.

  24. Awang Belum Selamat8:24 AM

    Part 2

    Why did the Sultan slammed him and not Bloomberg that wrote the story in the first place?

    Then Dr Mahathir said, to be transparent why not publish the agreements so public would be able to make their own judgment?

    Dr Mahathir said, he was taking a risk as could be charged in court.

    After Dr Mahathir published his reply, it was reported that the Sultan refuses to debate with him (Dr Mahathir) as he (the Sultan) has said what he wanted to say.

    It must be noted this is not the first time the Sultan had said things about Dr Mahathir.

    When Dr Mahathir replied the Sultan’s personal attack on him, the rakyat expect the Sultan to rebut and the best rebuttal is to make public the agreements.

    The Sultan has said what he said was based on facts. The question is these facts can only be confirmed by publishing the agreements.

    Earlier questions were asked if the environmental impact study has been done. The Sultan was reported to have said that projects in Johore benefit the state and did not see the
    need for federal agencies getting involved.

    Many support Dr Mahathir and believe his concern and worries are correct and genuine. He reminded us when, in the early days, the then Sultan of Johor refused to sign the treaty giving away Singapore to the British, the British got the Temenggong to sign it and Johor lost Singapore forever.

    There are those who criticised Dr Mahathir and said it makes no sense to say foreigners who buy properties in Johor will
    be given citizenship. The society of professors said this and this is the same society that has never faulted the government on any issue - not even1MDB.

    Najib said Dr Mahathir slandered. lf Najib really believes Dr Mahathir slandered, he should sue. I am sure Dr Mahathir
    is prepared to be sued.

    Like Dr Mahathir, most Malaysians would like to see the Forest City agreement.

  25. Awang Belum Selamat8:25 AM

    Part 3

    Najib please sue Dr Mahathir and we see the evidence in court. If the role of professors are just to support government policies no wonder our graduates can't get jobs after graduation.

    The Sultan said Johor Malays can buy these apartments but a few who visited site wrote that they can't afford as price is beyond them.

    We are told Chinese developer has a project in China where if a Chinese buyer buys one apartment in China, he will get one free in Forest City.

    lf this is true, where is the FDI? If really there is FDI, it will reflect in Bank Negara's reserves. But BN has announced that its reserves have been falling.

    We also should be watching BN's reserves to see whether RM140-billion Chinese investments, which Najib announced during his recent visit to China is real or not.

    Then we will know if these are genuine investments or contracts which we have to pay and not FDI as claimed by

    Ministers say if foreigners buy properties here they can't take away the properties to their countries. Only idiots argue like this. We should not waste time to reply to idiots.

    We welcome genuine FDIs but we must maintain peace and political stability in Malaysia. Our history shows us political stability will attract FDIs and allow growth with equity.

    Just because the government has messed up the economy and country by creating 1MDB and to save the kleptocratic leader we must not allow them to sell national assets.

    Malaysians must always remember what the Temenggong of Johor did.

  26. Zalman A5:32 PM

    "A senior researcher today said that issues surrounding race and religion would continue to be a part of Malaysia's political outlook ahead of the next 14th general elections.

    Center for Strategic Engagement director Rita Sim told a forum in Kuala Lumpur that this was partly attributed to Malaysia's Bumiputera-majority demographics and the dynamics between four major Malay-based parties on both sides of the political divide.

    At present, she said there are some 4.2 million unregistered voters, out of which some 65 percent are estimated to be Malays."


    "4.2 million unregistered voters, out of which some 65 percent are estimated to be Malays."

    If it's not too late, I hope the youth of PPBM are working overtime.

    Must register as many as you can.

  27. Salam Dato AKJ.

    I fully agree with Saudara Awang Belum Selamat. However I'm shocked when Saudara Awang wrote;

    "We are told Chinese developer has a project in China where if a Chinese buyer buys one apartment in China, he will get one free in Forest City."

    If its true, then... we should prepare... to be more liberal.

    Or maybe... its already an objective of TN50 to make the Malays more liberal... and submit to Najib's 1Malaysia where we no longer be identified by race or religion. By 2050, Muslim must no longer feel 'jijik' towards dogs and pigs.
    Maybe... that was why Najib came-up with the new universal design... what looks like Bintang-lima golden coins... immediately upon becoming PM. If and when the old coins are declared obsolete, Malays' characteristic such as gasing, tapak-sireh, wau-bulan and congkak will be wiped-out.

    We already have Xiamen University too. So lets be prepared for TN50 and send our children to SRJKC.

    However... lets wait until more and more Forest City dwellers go shopping in JB's Tesco or Giant with their pet Chihuahuas in trolleys. Then we will see what His Majesty DYMM Sultan of Johor, Najib or his Menteri-Agama had to say.

    Me... I'm not 'jijik' of pigs or dogs, whatsoever. I grew-up in the North where Siamese used to rear pigs as the Malays do... with goats in the 70s. In those days, when we kids wanted to dive into the river, the first thing we must do... was to make sure there are no pigs lazing upstream.

    Thus, I've no qualms about having my own meal at the same table with friends who are having grilled pig-leg.
