Thursday, May 11, 2017

Pendakwa Gugur Tuduhan Sabotaj Terhadap Khairuddin dan Chang

A Kadir Jasin

MUTAKHIR, 12 Mei - Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini melepaskan Khairuddin dan Chang daripada tuduhan mensabotaj ekonomi negara.

Serentak itu Khairuddin dan Chang mengarahkan peguan mereka, Haniff Khatri supaya memfailkan saman terhadap Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak berhubung penahanan mereka di bawah Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma).

Haniff berkata dia juga diarahkan agar memfailkan surat tuntutan yang sama ke atas Ketua Polis Negara (Tan Sri) Khalid Abu Bakar, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan Peguam Negara (Tan Sri) Mohamed Apandi Ali.


PENGGIAT masyarakat (Datuk Seri) Khairuddin Abu Hassan dan peguam Matthias Chang melangkah setapak lagi ke arah kemenangan dalam usaha mereka mendedahkan skandal 1MDB dan mencari keadilan bagi pihak rakyat jelata Malaysia.

[Komen "Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]

Hari ini Pendakwa Raya menarik balik tuduhan mensabotaj kewangan negara yang dikenakan ke atas mereka.

Gambar fail: Khairuddin (kanan) dan Chang
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) Awang Armadajaya Awang Mahmud memberitahu Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur bahawa beliau telah diarahkan untuk tidak meneruskan kes itu.

Timbalan Pendakwa Raya adalah di bawah Jabatan Peguam Negara. Peguam Negara adalah (Tan Sri) Mohamed Apandi Ali.

Selaras dengan itu, pihak pendakwaan memohon agar kedua-dua tertuduh dilepaskan tetapi tanpa dibebaskan (acquitted not amounting to discharge).

Bagaimana pun Khairuddin dan Chang menolak penarikan balik pertuduhan tersebut sebaliknya menuntut agar mereka juga dibebaskan.

Peguam mereka, Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, memohon agar mereka dibebaskan atas alasan pelepasan tanpa pembebasan membolehkan pihak pendakwa menuduh mereka semula.

Ini adalah kemenangan kedua bagi Khairuddin dan Chang. Terdahulu daripada itu, Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Persekutuan memerintahkan bahawa mereka tidak boleh dituduh di bawah Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma).

Pada 18 November lalu, Mahkamah Tinggi membenarkan mereka diikat jamin selepas memutuskan bahawa tuduhan yang dihadapi kedua-dua mereka bukan kesalahan keselamatan dan dengan itu tidak tertakluk di bawah Sosma.

Chang pada asalnya peguam Khairuddin dalam perangnya mendedah dan mencari keadilan berkaitan skandal penipuan 1MDB.

Tetapi kedua-dua mereka ditangkap dan dipenjarakan di bawah Sosma setelah membuat aduan di lima tempat di mana jenayah 1MDB disyakki dilakukan di antara 28 Jun dengan 26 Ogos tahun lalu.

Lokasi itu ialah pejabat Ketua Bahagian Jenayah Ekonomi dan Kewangan Perancis di Paris, Balai Polis Charing Cross London, United Kingdom, pejabat Peguam Negara Switzerland di Bern, Balai Polis WaiChan, Hong Kong, dan ibu pejabat Polis Cantoment, Singapura.

Mereka berdepan dengan kemungkinan dipenjarakan sehingga 15 tahun jika sabit kesalahan.

Kegigihan, kebaranian dan pengorbanan mereka serta peguam mereka adalah bukti bahawa bukan semua rakyat jelata Malaysia boleh diancam dan ditakut-takutkan dan kita masih boleh mengharapkan kehakiman untuk melakukan keadilan serta membuat tafsiran kepada undang-undang yang dibuat oleh Parlimen.



  1. Kadiag, salaam,

    ALHAMDULILLAH banyak2 dan terima kasih ataih 'coretan' hang pasai pendakwa depa gugog tuduhan 'sabotaj' ataih mantan seken boss United Malays Batu Kawan dan Matthias Chang, peguam dia. Sikit sebanyak gelap yg jenuh dok selubung Malaya tesingkap jugak. Orang kata, selepaih gelap gelemait yg begitu lama, fajar kali ini, Insya'Allah, cukop shahdu. Mai la setiap rakyat Malaya dgn petolongan Allah S.W.T. jaga kemanihsan ni dgn sunggoh behati hati supaya tak di noda tak di nista, Hak dia dok kata 'otak udang' selama ni, harapnya sedag la jugak dan jgn ambik hati sangat dan sama2 kita sambut bulan taqwa.
    Kebenaran tetap akan menang dan kebatilan akan lenyap. AllahuAkbar.

  2. sukasamasuka9:18 PM


    "...bukan semua rakyat jelata Malaysia boleh diancam dan ditakut-takutkan dan kita masih boleh mengharapkan kehakiman untuk melakukan keadilan serta membuat tafsiran kepada undang-undang yang dibuat oleh Parlimen."

    1. I beg to differ, Datuk.

    2. Rakyat jelata macam kami sentiasa di ancam dengan bermacam macam cara olih penyokong2 dan pembesar2 UMNO setiap hari.

    3. Banyak yang jadi mata-mata gelap disana sini mengawasi perbualan rakyat jelata terutama sekali di Watsup group.

    4. UMNO ada kuasa tetapi hidup dalam ketakutan...serupa macam zaman Jepun dulu, dimana ada Melayu haramzadah yang jadi barua dan tali barut Kimpatei...ramai yang mati kena potong kepala olih askar Jepun termasuk ahli keluarga sebab barua2 haramzadah itu mau ambil kebun, tanah dan kontrak...tidak ubah macam sekarang ini la.

    5. Rakyat jelata hidup dalam ketakutan, Datuk...cakap kena berbisik2...pandang belakang...mana la tau...ini la peninggalan UMNO selepas 71 tahun!

  3. Trengkas Usang9:41 PM

    To be honest, Zaid's take on Pakatan's PM candidate actually makes sense. The country's elections ever since the independence almost always decided by the voters living in rural areas together with the Felda settlers. The only way to make them sway towards Pakatan Harapam is to nominate Mahathir as their candidate for prime minister post. I'm afraid there's no other way.

    Pakatan have to be strategic in their thinking. At the moment they are too idealistic. The country's real-politic don't work that way. If you're refusing to acknowledging this reality, you're forever doomed. Please do not let your egos and prides clouded your judgments. Please get real otherwise you're forever being in the opposition.

    Not being able to this fact will make them blind of what need to be done in order to defeat Umno BN and form the government. What's actually on Pakatan's mind when they trying to propose Wan Azizah as top choice? Let's be honest she does not quite have it. She's too lighweight. She is not like her husband. She doesn't the touch, the charisma to sway the hearts and minds of the Malays voters. Especialy those in the rural areas. Mahathir has that.

    In short she doesn't have enough clout to move the 'Malay's mountain'. To do that you gonna need someone of great stature. Someone massive, a heavyweight whose able to land mighty punches to the target. That someone is no other than Mahathir. Even Muhyiddin and Mukhriz will not make the cut. They won't be able to sway the Malay voters let alone Wan Azizah or Azmin or even Mat Sabu. In order to capture Putrajaya Pakatan needs Mahathir magic.

    Without him there's no way Umno can be defeated. Love him or hate him, there's no other way. If Pakatan doesn't trust him, at the moment, he is indispensable to the opposition. He's highly instrumental to energize the Malays' psyche towards massive and all around change of heart. The biggest change in their lives. Without Mahathir's presence they will not budge.

    Pakatan don't have much time left. They have to be quick. To come out with their PM's candidate. They can't afford to waste any more time. The clock is ticking. They need to start now. Malays' core sentiment are not easy to stir. It takes time. The sooner you start, you will stand a better chance. Just name Mahathir as your candidate.
    That's all.

    If you choose Mahathir, Malays votes in rural areas and the Felda settlers are already in the bag. The rest are just an icing on the cake.

  4. Zed-8511:05 PM

    Sallam Dato’

    Kalau setakat buat report polis di negara luar, apa salahnya?

    Kalau ikut SOSMA, tidak dapat disabitkan kesalahan.

    Persoalannya, bagaimana dengan ISA?

    Sekarang ini ISA tidak ada lagi, tapi ada yang mahu dikembalikan semula.

    Kalaulah ada ISA, bolehkah mereka ini ditahan di bawah akta itu?

    Kita lantik ahli parlimen untuk membuat undang-udang, tapi adakah undang-undang itu memberikan manfaat kepada rakyat atau disebaliknya.

    Apa pun saya setuju dengan DAKJ, apa yang dibuat oleh kedua orang itu ada keberanian.

  5. Setuju dgn trengkas usang..kl Tun diwar2kan sbg bakal PM byk kelebihan bg Pakatan..untuk pakatan menang Tun must come back walaupun utk 6 bln atau setahun utk prbetulka kesilapan dia dlm memilih pengganti..semoga ngara ini diberkati dn dijauhi musibah..

  6. Tahniah buat Dato' Seri Khairuddin & Matthias Chang! Teruskan perjuangan melawan kleptokrasi.

    Saya setuju dengan Trengkas Usang. Tun Dr Mahathir mesti dinamakan sebagai bakal PM oleh PH jika mahu rejim Najib tumbang. Tidak kisah jika untuk sementara bagi membetulkan negara yang telah dirosakkan penyamun.

    Tun Dr Mahathir adalah seorang pemimpin yang dihormati oleh majoriti pengundi bandar & luar bandar kerana punya rekod baik dalam mentadbir negara dan jujur berjuang kerana agama, bangsa & tanahair.

    Juga untuk memenangi pengundi luar bandar dan pengundi atas pagar atau pengundi majoriti, PH tidak boleh menamakan mana2 pemimpin yang mempunyai masalah moral dan pemimpin yang takut untuk berjuang kerana agama, bangsa & tanahair sebagai bakal PM dan TPM mereka.

    Kleptokrasi perlu dihapuskan. Kembalikan semula kegemilangan negara. Tolak BN. Tolak Najib.

  7. Ya saya juga setuju dengan Trengkas usang.
    Mahathir mesti dinamakan sebagai calon PM pakatan untuk menarik kepercayaan warga kampung dan Felda.
    Warga luarbandar amat menyanjungi mahathir, dan mereka percaya yang hanya mahathir dapat menyelamatkan keadaan Malaysia yg tengah tenat ni.
    Biarlah mahathir menstabilkan keadaan negara sebelum PH melantik PM baru

  8. sukasamasuka6:56 PM


    "Najib: Wanda group can do wonders in Bandar M'sia" (1)

    Ini kali la Datuk, sudah terjawab isu "Bandar Malaysia: Projek Duit Pilihan Raya?" pada posting Monday, May 08, 2017.

    Kalau 'IWH CREC Sdn Bhd telah luput' walaupun 'CREC pula adalah sebuah syarikat pembinaan antarabangsa milik Republik Rakyat China'...lain pula ceritanya dengan Wanda.

    Wanda Group bukan milik Republik Rakyat China, tetapi milik persendirian...senang bawa runding...tumbuk rusuk...

    Kalau dulu cerita "Penderma Arab" hanya tinggal cerita dongeng rakyat, kali ini cerita AliBaba antara (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak dengan seorang Cina kaya di China (bukan, Jack Ma, the founder of AliBaba Group), semua orang akan nampak.

    "We believe Wanda group is in a position to deliver something extraordinary, something so imaginative,...", Najib said in Beijing today.



  9. Salam Datuk Kadir Jasin.
    Saya mohon keizinan Datuk setiap artikel Datuk saya fwd dlm wassp saya untuk pembacaan kawan2 saya.

  10. Mr.Tai-pan.Jr6:38 PM

    As'Salam... YBhg Datuk "Maestro" AKJ & Fellow3 Sahabat2 #MY..

    "AhJibGO - The EXclusive PM (Pengkhianat Melayu aKa Prime Munafiq aKa Penjahanam #MY)"


    Malaysia 2k17 - Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam

    -Datuk Maestro & Fellow Sahabats, "Me, Myself & I" wishes everyone the best of health.. Stay True & STEADFAST.. God Almighty IS ALWAYS with 'The Righteous'.. So DO NOT LOSE HOPE!

    -Just want to share this article.. It comes in parts.. Perhaps something that can inspire us all..

    -May God Almighty Consolidates KITA SEMUA in Saving & Rebuilding OUR BELOVED MOTHERLAND... Ameeenn!


    "God allows something BAD to happen so that GOOD can prevail from it."

    "Having 'Knowledge' will give you power,
    but having 'Character' will grant you respect."
    -Bruce Lee

    "Difference between a criminal act and IQ deficiency; one is a legal problem while the other is a medical issue."

    "I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don't believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn't know how to return the treatment."
    -Malcolm X

    "Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow."

    "If you can't just explain it simply,
    means you don't understand it well enough."
    -Albert Einstein

    "There are 2 ways to be fooled.
    One is to believe what is not true;
    Two is to refuse to accept what is true."
    -Soren KierKegaard


    "Fight The Battle AND ULTIMATELY Win The War...Insy'Allah"

    ***May Allah AWJ bless & protects ALL OF US from Iblis & Dajjal Laknatullah**


    "The AhJibGO Factor"

    "Discussion IS Dead"
    "Diplomacy IS Dead"
    "Democracy IS Dead"

    Oh MalaysiaKu... Tanah Tumpah DarahKu..

    P/S: DAKJ & Fellow Sahabats.. Stay Righteous.. Stay Vigilant.. DO NOT GIVE UP!
    Take care & W'Salam... :-)




  11. Mr.Tai-pan.Jr7:11 PM

    Malaysia 2k17 - Res Ipsa Loquitur (Part 1)

    Why Are We Still Harping On 1MDB?

    WRITING for The Malaysian Insight, Jahabar Sadiq asked a simple question that deserves an appropriate answer: Why does Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) harp on 1MDB, when the 2,881 respondents in an internal poll have stated that their number one concern is the increasing cost of living?

    First of all, Bersatu is not the only party "harping" on 1MDB. Tuan Ibrahim of PAS has raised the issue. DAP has, of course, highlighted it the most through Tony Pua. But, as the author correctly noted, even Anwar Ibrahim had raised it in 2010, before the job was taken over by Rafizi Ramli in PKR. In other words, all parties are raising the issue and this includes, first and foremost, some members of Umno.

    Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz Mahathir had all raised within the internal structure of the party. But to no avail. Thus, Bersatu was formed to check the rot in Umno and the stain that the latter has left on the honour and dignity of the Malays.

    Secondly, the gargantuan size of the issue does not allow one to remain impervious to it. The author said that the average or rural voters cannot compute or comprehend anything in the billions of ringgit. Dr Mahathir has raised the same point too. But he has not given up, precisely because the voters fail to understand. It was now his duty to make them see the gravity of the situation.

    The job of exposing systemic and scurrilous corruption cannot be left solely to the countries that are investigating the financial malfeasance. As the author may note, there are six (or more) ongoing investigations into 1MDB. If this issue had been left to the device of "outsiders” only, wherein the pride of Malaysians? In fact, the whole of the country would stand accused of being cavalier with high larceny.

    Thirdly, The Malaysian Insider then, has gained a strong following by exposing 1MDB almost on a daily basis in 2015. It didn't seem to lose any readers and followers. In fact, it is on this basis that it was probably bought over by The Edge, before it reincarnated as The Malaysian Insight. Has the new online portal dropped 1MDB? No. It can't. Precisely because this is an issue of serious national importance, with grave ramifications. If 1MBD does not rationalise its debts – and it doesn't seem like it can – Malaysian taxpayers would be looking at paying picking up the tab of RM43 billion or more.

    Granted that no one in Malaysia has been held criminally responsible, it is all the more vital to focus on the 1MDB issue. Perhaps the presentation to the people needs to be simplified given the complexity of 1MDB story involving a web of extra-territorial and international financial and non-financial institutions. Perhaps some Phd candidate in the field of finance, financial crime or even strategy should take up a research on this web of deceitful financial interplay.

    Fourth, since when is the focus on 1MDB a zero sum game? By latching onto 1MDB, since when did Bersatu forgo other issues? It didn't, and it won’t. In fact, in the history of all political parties in Malaysia, none has resorted to using focus groups and opinion surveys right from the very inception of the party to understand the "voice of the people."

    Bersatu has done just that. It has canvassed the views of thousands of voters in order to warn Umno of its egregious violation of the fiduciary and financial rights of the Malaysian taxpayers. That shows Bersatu is truly a people’s movement that has evolved into a political party with very specific aims and objectives as enshrined in its constitution.

  12. Mr.Tai-pan.Jr7:12 PM

    Malaysia 2k17 - Res Ipsa Loquitur (Part 2)

    Why Are We Still Harping On 1MDB?

    Fifth, granted that the financial malfeasance of 1MDB is due to the financial ineptness of the Malaysian prime minister cum financial minister, indeed, cum public official as alleged, isn't it only apt to hold him to account, as he has failed in all three portfolios, as alleged? As the prime Minister, his dereliction of duties, as alleged, suggests a sheer indifference to corruption that had affected the entire fifth and fourth floor of his office, if not Umno in its entirety.

    As the sitting finance minister, some RM44 billion or more is allegedly now the debt of Malaysia's sovereign fund that is 1MDB. If Khazanah, the sovereign fund of Malaysia, had mismanaged the funds, wouldn't heads be rolling now? Yes, they would. But in the case of 1MDB, there has been zero culpability and accountability. Instead those who had wanted to initiate investigations into 1MDB had been either sacked, transferred or, in one case, even transferred to the Prime Minister’s Office. Done with such arrogated impunity.

    Last but not least, the debt of 1MDB could have been used to build basic amenities for the poor and under privileged people in Malaysia, without reference to race, creed and colour. Yet, instead of using the money to defray the economic pain and burden of the average Malaysian, the US Department of Justice investigations alone show that they splurged – yes, splurged – on art pieces, paintings, obscene movies, fancy condominiums in New York and elsewhere. If this is not conspicuous corruption and money laundering, both of which impact the living standards of the average Malaysian, what is?

    A media portal like The Malaysian Insight can serve Malaysia by focusing on, among others, issues of corruption, malfeasance, abuse of power, and grand larceny. It does itself a disservice by resorting to telling Bersatu – and by logical extension, other parties – to drop the issues from their agenda and re-education campaign. If anything, The Malaysian Insight should ask if there is anything it can do to help the Malaysian voters, both rural and urban, to understand the severity of the 1MDB problem. It is important that the rural voters, and that includes the Felda settlers, be told of what is happening in 1MDB in a simplified manner. Telling them about the Islamic Medium Term Notes that 1MDB had issued may not be the way to do it.

    Bersatu is willing to convene a cross party dialogue, with The Malaysian Insight in attendance, on why this issue can and will break Umno-led Barisan National (BN). Perhaps the author is right in suggesting that the average voter cannot comprehend the magnitude and scale of the alleged state-sponsored heist when it crosses the billion ringgit threshold, but the ongoing explanation cannot just stop. In fact, as the survey has showed, many of them are not sure about or do not understand the 1MDB issues. It is incumbent upon us, all parties and the media, to explain the issues in a more simplified way, as Dr Mahathir, Muhyddin and Mukhriz have done after the survey.

    The education system in Malaysia, weak as it is, still teaches students to differentiate between thousands and millions. All the students need to do to undestand is to break the figures up decimally. Thus, RM44 billion would be 440 times of RM100 million; or 4,400 times of 10 million; or 44,000 times of one million; 440,000 times of 100,000; or 4,400,000 of 10,000; or 44,000,000 of 1,000.

    Whichever the permutation, the Malaysian prime minister doesn't care. Had he done so, he would have spent the money in any one of the combination above in building better schools, hospitals, and universities. This 1MDB debacle is actually a huge "corruption tax" that the people need to bear, through no fault of theirs except in voting for Barisan Nasional. – May 11, 2017.

    Dr Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff is a Bersatu Supreme Council member and the Bersatu policy and strategy bureau head.
