Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Najib Ikrar Kukuhkan Ekonomi Amerika

A Kadir Jasin

MUTAKHIR, 14 September: Newsweek guna label "Malaysian Crook Najib". Malu kita.
Posting asal

IKUT laporan Berita Harian Online yang memetik Bernama, Malaysia akan guna duit Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP), Khazanah Nasional Bhd dan Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB) bagi membantu mengukuhkan ekonomi Amerika Syarikat.

Trump (kiri) dapat jamiman Najib
Inilah yang Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, kata dia janji kepada Presiden Amerika, Donald Trump, dalam pertemuan di Rumah Putih pada 13 September.

[Komen "Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]

Najib berkata, KWSP sahaja dijangka melabur di antara AS$3 bilion dan AS$4 bilion (kira-kira RM13 bilion dan RM17.2 bilion) di negara itu.

MAB akan membeli lebih banyak pesawat Boeing. Kata Najib, MAB komited untuk membeli 25 buah 737-MAX-10 dan lapan 787 Dreamliners serta menambah 24 atau 25 buah lagi 737-MAX-10 dalam masa terdekat bernilai AS$10 billion (RM43 bilion). (Boleh baca lanjut di sini).

Apa kata rakyat jelata Malaysia?

Adakah patut dan termampu oleh kita untuk guna duit negara kita bantu perkukuhkan ekonomi Amerika?

Nak melabur di negara sendiri pun kita tak berapa mampu sehingga terpaksa berhutang berpuluh bilion ringgit daripada China, apa halnya kita nak bantu kukuhkan ekonomi Amerika?

Kalau melabur untuk cari keuntungan atau beli kapal terbang untuk MAB itu logiklah. Tapi nak bantu kukuhkan ekonomi Amerika bunyi macam cerita Mat Jenin.

Ekonomi Malaysia terlalu kecil untuk bercita-cita besar bantu ekonomi Amerika. Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP) kita tahun ini dianggarkan AS$309 bilion (kira-kira RM1,359.6 bilion) saja berbanding Amerika sebanyak AS$19.4 trilion (RM85.36 trilion).

Yang sepatutnya berlaku ialah Amerika bantu kita dengan menambah pelaburan di negara kita. Sebaliknya makin banyak pelabur Amerika tarik keluar modal mereka dan berpindah ke China, Indonesia, Thailand dan Vietnam.

Tak tahulah mungkin Bernama tak lapor yang Najib lobi Trump supaya Amerika labur semula di Malaysia!

Mengenai keganasan, Bernama petik Trump sebagai berkata: “Perdana Menteri telah memainkan peranan besar untuk tidak membenarkan ISIS, atau anda gelar  Daesh, dan lain-lainnya untuk wujud. Beliau benar-benar berpendirian tegas dalam menentang keganasan di Malaysia dan merupakan penyokong kuat bagi pendirian itu.

"Jadi itu amat penting bagi Amerika Syarikat."

Bagaimanapun saya mungkin terlepas pandang hasil perbincangan Najib-Trump mengenai pembersihan etnik ke atas orang Rohingya oleh rejim Burma yang media massa arus perdana kata antara sebab mengapa Najib pergi jumpa Trump.

Kalau sesiapa ada maklumat tolong panjangkan kepada saya supaya kita boleh kongsi bersama. Terima kasih.




    Closing remarks: Ok folks, especially Malay and bumiputra readers, listen closely.

    All the above was possible because the gomen had excess oil money to burn. Now the oil money is drying up. The gomen has no more money.

    Chief Thief has confirmed (more than once) that if not for the GST, the gomen will not even be able to pay the salaries of 1.6 million Civil Servants.

    Everything is being cut - PTPTN loans, hospital services, no more patrols by forest rangers, no more subsidies, GST taxes are eating more into our purchasing power.

    The Chief Thief has said that out of a 14 million workforce, only 2.1 million actually pay taxes. It will be interesting to see the racial mix up of those 2.1 million people and what portion each race contributes to the gomen's income tax revenues.

    But we can rest assured that a large portion of those 2.1 million who pay taxes are the non Malays / non bumiputras. I really don't think that the 7.0 million mostly Malays and bumiputras who are on the list of BR1M recipients actually pay taxes.

    The country's oil production has experienced overall decline since peaking at 862,000 bbl/d in 2004 as a result of maturing fields, particularly larger fields in the shallow waters offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

    WIth finite and declining & maturing oil and gas reserves, Malaysia hasn't a showcase for the investment of income derived from its oil and gas production unlike Norway, which has invested the income from its oil and gas reserves so wisely that it now has what many consider to be the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, estimated to be worth $1tr (£0.6tr) by 2020.

    Malaysia showcases 1MDB!

  2. abdul kuyup8:19 PM

    salam datuk,

    Saya tak fikir perjumpaan ini adalah untuk perlaburan atau pembelian kapal terbang. Perjumpaan ini lebih untuk mencuci nama Najib berkaitan dengan skandal dia. Itu saja.

    Cuma saya harap dengan hasil perjumpaan ini, Najib berani membubarkan parlimen.

    1. Aku masing ingat kata pembangkang cakap najib bakal di tangakap mana dia

  3. Chinese laughing29:02 PM

    pls repeat again here:

    Datuk, it's too much, reading this makes one fall down cackling with laughter.
    Read this:
    Malaysia to purchase Boeing planes, GE engines
    Fox Business Videos•September 13, 2017

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak proposes to increase the number of Boeing planes and GE engines it purchases to strengthen the U.S. economy.

    WHAAATTT ??? why help to strengthen the US economy when Malaysia is pleading for help from China for money? Isn't this ludricous? Senseless really.
    Throw good money from Khazanah and EPF to invest in US, and then borrow from China?
    Throw good money for MAS to buy 25 Boeings, is MAS doing so well?
    Why not throw the good money at the really poor in Sabah, Sarawak and the rural heartlands.

    China must be falling down backwards laughing, and serves PM right when they will rightfully refuse further financial help to Malaysia. They will say, find the money from Khazanah and EPF to get yourself out of the 1MDB debacle.

    And is US so poor, to beg for "alms" from Malaysia? You mean without the purchase of the Boeings, the US economy will go down the drain? Is US really begging for help from Malaysia?

    PM went to US without a proper agenda and now he has gotten us into this mess.
    Not a good omen!

  4. panglimo potaseh9:03 PM

    Sekarang kita faham apa yang di maksudkan oleh Sang Mappadulong bahawa dia akan "melebar layar seraya melabuh sauh".

    Macam tak lojik bunyinye kan, kata-kata Mappafulong tu. Tapi Sang Mappadulong pedulik apa jika bunyinye tak logik. Bunyi tak penting, yang penting berapa yang masyuk.

    Formula apa yang digunakan pada sebuah negara yang punya hanya RM1.36ribu juta menolong negara yang punya RM85,360.00 ribu juta. Entah .. tak terjangkau fikiran saya untuk memikirkannya. Mungkin PM kita yang bijak bistari ada rancangannye. Mungkin ini ada semacam pelaburan MLM kot?

    Yang logik dan saya senang faham, jika dulu-dulu Sang Mappadulong ini beli kapalselam dengan kos RM2 biliyun. Komisennye setengah biliyun.

    Cuba kita teka berapa yang dapat jika beli kapalterbang dengan harga RM43 biliyun. Mintak Chedet kira berapa kilometer lori beratur hangkut duit komisen nanti.

    Tapi yang tak logik nye, ngapa pi beli belah barang Amerika dalam keadaan duit kita tengah jatuh paling teruk dalam sejarahnye.

  5. dato,

    this is a joke of d century from a confused joker.

    'kera d hutan d susukan, anak d rumah mati kelaparn'.

    apa lah nasib rakyat Malaysia yg terpaksa d pimpin olih 'suami rosmah' ni.

    tak sabar lagi utk kita mengundi dlm pru14 ini. lagi lama kita tunggu lagi kronik tekanan jiwa d buat nya.

    tapi apa kan daya, si mala'un ini akan d sambut sebagai 'wira' sekembali nya k Negara kelak.

    'joint press conference' tak penting asalkan tujuan utama utk 'photo op' dgn
    looney trump berhasil d laksanakan.

    dirgahayu Tanah air ku - Malaysia.

  6. Lost nation9:17 PM

    there will be an exodus in withdrawal of EPF funds held by members.
    Why help USA to be great again, Malaysia needs more help!
    We will withdraw our money.
    How to trust a leader who says just so casually, EPF and Khazanah will invest in US to help strengthen US economy.
    Man, where is your loyalty? Now we know it is not to Malaysia.

  7. sukasamasuka9:26 PM


    - Mungkin ini adat kebugisaannya, Najib berperangai macam perigi mencari timba.

    - Sepatutnya, Trump yang datang berterima kasih pada Najib sebab kita mau beli kapalterbang Boeing yang akan menjana beribu-ribu peluang pekerjaan baru di industry pembuatan AS.

    - Setahu aku, syarikat besar macam MAS akan menilai dengan terperinci sebelum membuat pilihan antara Boeing atau AirBus mengikut kemampuan kewangan dan strategi jangka panjang MAS, bukan membeli ikut dasar kehendak hanya sebuah party politik.

    - Jadi persoalannya, apakah pembelian pesawat2 Boeing itu satu corporate business decision atau personal political consideration?

    - Apa ke ini juga akan dibawa untuk dibahaskan di Parliment nanti sebab bukan sikit duit rakyat dipakai?

    - Percaya la, itu adalah satu pembohongan Najib saja menjelang PRU14 sebab tak ada MOU dengan Boeing atau dengan mana2 pihak AS masa lawatan nya.

    - Lawatan nya ini hanya untuk PR saja...untuk bahan media massa UMNO yang ditujukan pada masyrakat Melayu di kampung2 saja untuk menafikan kes DoJ AS terhadap 1MDB.

    - Kes Najib sama dengan orang kuat Panama pada suatu ketika dulu, Noriege, talibarut CIA yang disanjung2, sebelum diheret ke mahkamah AS dan di penjarakan di sana.

  8. Salam Datuk

    Trump ke Saudi dan merayu ke Raja Saudi utk membeli dan melabur dari/di US.

    Si Najis ni pula terbang beribu batu utk beritahu Trump dia nak beli dan melabur di US utk menguukuhkan ekonomi negara itu

    Rakyat di sini terus menderita dgn kenaekkan kos dan byk pengganguran.

    Manusia apa yg kita ada skrg sebagai pemimpin negara ini.

    Belom lg tahu apa lg yg bini nya nak shopping tuh

  9. Najib dah jual Malaysia kepada Amerika... Bodo mu Najib!

  10. Kadiag, السلام عليكم (assalāa/mu/'alaikum),
    Hang nulih MOI ikrar nak kukuhkan ekonomi Amerika.
    'Ikrar' ni kalu betoi, munkin selari dgn kecenderongan sesetengah kepala parti United Malays
    yg pegang pada satu perinsip iaitu "gebang mau kencang".
    Mamak KSN yg tak salah aku ikut pi Amerika dalam satu gambag
    macam tengah geli hati sakan... entah apa yg dia seronok sangat.
    Macam hang nulih...." Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP) kita tahun ini dianggarkan AS$309 bilion (kira-kira RM1,359.6 bilion) saja berbanding Amerika sebanyak AS$19.4 trilion (RM85.36 trilion)." Tak salah aku, hanya 0.015 GDP Amerika.
    Aku tak pandai bila buat kira2 libatkan "trillion2" ni, 'algorithm' yg mengaji di sekolah dolu2 dah banyak tak ingat...
    macam mana pon, ekonomi Malaysia sekenid saja kalu banding dgn ekonomi Amerika.
    Yang jelaih, celaru depa ni macam dah sampai satu puncak ('crescendo') baru.

    Terima kasih Kadiag no, kerana dgn berani hang tonjoi satu lagi aspek dlm kepimpinan Malaya dan bagi pada orang macam aku ni,
    peluang kemukakan pandangan dan sekali lagi maghap no.

  11. sukasamasuka12:36 AM


    "Najib berkata, KWSP sahaja dijangka melabur di antara AS$3 bilion dan AS$4 bilion (kira-kira RM13 bilion dan RM17.2 bilion) di negara itu."

    - Bugis satu ni sebiji macam kera dihutan disusukan tetapi anak di pangkuan mati kelaparan.

    - Kalau KWSP melabur RM17 billion dalam Malaysia, kita dapat 17,000 peluang pekerjaan baru untuk anak2 muda kita dan ini dapat mengurangkan 600,000 kadar pengangguran pada ketika ini.

    - Ada ke Parlimen sudah setuju, bukan hanya dalam Kitchen Cabinet, bahawa KWSP bolih menambah kadar % pelaburan ke luar negara yang kita tidak tahu jenis pelaburan apa dan risikonya?

    - Duit KWSP ini duit bapa dia Tun Razak ke yang dia suka suka buat janji dengan Trump?

    - Sudah cukup la dengan RM4 billion duit KWAP yang dia pinjamkan kepada SRC International yang sudah lesap di Mongolia, tempat lahir kekasihnya Atlantuya.

    Aku rasa 1.6 juta civil servants Melayu belum tau atau faham pasal hal ini. Duit sendiri untuk pencen pun tak tau juga ke?...bodoh apa juga civil servants kita ini ya?...atau Melayu memang bodoh.

    Siapa tukang jaga Melayu dan agama Melayu?

    1. sebelum hg nak bodohkan orang pi cerdikkan dulu skit diri tu...pencen penjawat awam x da kena mengena ngan kwsp...sila kaji n ambiltau dulu sebelum suka2 nk bodohkan orang....BODOH!!!

    2. Yang dia maksudkan dengan duit pencen itu ialah duit RM4 billion dr KWAP yg dipinjamkan ke SRC tapi lesap begitu saja...

      sila kaji dan baca betul2 dlu sebelum nak bodohkan orang...


    More than 1,100 children have been killed in Yemen, most in airstrikes by the Saudi military coalition, while some as young as 10 have been recruited to fight, according to the latest UN figures on the three-year conflict.

    Based on interviews with survivors, witnesses and family members as well as site visits, a report by the UN human rights office reveals an escalation in hostilities in the country, with more airstrikes in the first half of this year than in all of 2016. Human rights violations and abuses continue unabated, with at least 5,144 civilians killed and 8,749 injured in what the UN describes as an “entirely manmade catastrophe”.

    1. Ramai orang kata Trump bodoh.Tapi kalau bodoh macam mana boleh jadi bilionnaire kan.Sekarang terbukti siapa bodoh siapa cerdik.Trump businessman.Dia bijak memanfaatkan peluang.Dia tak peduli apa orang kata,apa media kata.Janji dia untung.Sudahlah duit Malaysia kecik berbanding Dolar US.Kita melabur disana bakal sesak nafas kita semua,berapa banyak ringgit kena pump ke sana.Nak melabur kat overseas masa ringgit tengah kukuh la.Sekarang ni sepatutnya masa untuk Najib jual aset aset kita di amerika tu contohnya seperti penthouse,kondo,permata,lukisan lukisan dan hasil Dollar tu bawak balik ke Malaysia hehe Berapa banyak untung tu.

  13. sukasamasuka9:42 AM


    "MUTAKHIR, 14 September: Newsweek guna label "Malaysian Crook Najib". Malu kita."

    - Sial!

    - Bawa duit kita untuk kukuhkan ekonomi AS, itu pula yang kita dapat.

    - Pemimpin sial!

    - Not all Malaysians are crooks, but that bastard!

    - Bangsat punya Melayu!

  14. Datuk..............saya masuk ke semua blog, tak kira blog-blog Penyokong Kerajaan atau blog-blog pembangkang. Blog-blog Penyokong Kerajaan bermula dari Sayed Keruak, spinner, rocky, Jumo, Lempoyang, MYKMU. dll semuanya bertepuk tangan gembira dengan pengumuman Najib mahu menderma duit KWSP & KHAZANAH BERBILION USD untuk kesejahteraan ekonomi Amerika!!!!!
    Manakala blog-blog pembangkang marah, geram dan ada juga yang ketawa hysteria!!!!
    Takda ke sekelumit rasa gerun di hati Penyokong Kerajaan dengan pengumuman Najib ini...???
    Takda ke rasa takut dan kecewa..................?????
    Takda ke timbul pertanyaan-pertanyaan, bagaimana dengan nasib kita rakyat Malaysia.......????
    Siapa pula yang akan jaga kepentingan kita kalau pemimpin semua sibuk mahu menjaga kepentingan USA atau CINA PRC.......????????
    Apa masa depan anak cucu kita.........?????
    Tak takut dan gerunkah mereka........?????
    Banyak sangatkah dedak yang ada dalam simpanan mereka untuk hidup 7 keturunan lagi....????
    Saya gerun Datuk.
    Di manakah kita nak simpan duit kita lagi.....????
    KWSP sudah jadi tabung derma
    Tabung Haji sudah jadi bank penyelamat 1MDB
    FGV pulak dah lunyai, kering kontang takda isi lagi.
    Tinggal PNB.
    Di situlah kita simpan hasil titik peluh kita.
    Tak lama lagi, mungkin PNB juga akan jadi TABUNG DERMA atau Tabung Najib sekeluarga.
    Atau tabung Wahid Omar dan semua pemimpin kerajaan.
    Wajarkah kita pindahkan duit kita ke bank-bank SINGAPURA......?????

  15. Zed-859:54 AM

    Sallam Dato’

    Siapa agaknya gerangan yang membuat rakaman video perjumpaan antara Trump dan Najib.?

    Sekarang rakyat Malaysia dapat tahu apa sebenarnya yang dibincang antara Trump dan Najib.

    Bulan lepas Azmin Ali pergi ke Zurich Switzerland dan bawa balik pelaboran dari Ikea ke Selangor berjumlah RM1 billion untuk pembinaan pengkalan yang ke 3 besar Ikea di dunia di Selangor.

    Beruntunglah rakyat negeri Selangor kerana dapat peluang pekerjaan dan juga pelaboran.

    Najib pulak nak beli kapalterbang sebanyak US10 billion, lebih kurang RM40 billion.

    Banyak ke untung MAS?

    Beruntunglah rakyat Amerika kerana dapat pelaboran dari Malaysia.

    Duit EPF rakyat Malaysia pun disebutkan kepada Presiden Amerika.

  16. ya betul jugak tu. ade baiknya kwsp melabur dalam salah satu industri yang berkembang maju dan rendah risiko di amerika, misalnya industri porno dan pelacuran.

  17. joe black11:26 AM


    Yes, now we know for certain what the Prime Minister of Malaysia prefers as he publicly Declares "AMERICA FIRST" ...."Make America Great Again". Whilst UMNO coolies cheered....

    Where does that Leave Malaysia? Last??.....

  18. sukasamasuka11:30 AM


    - (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak is a typical Malay of Bugis descent, nonetheless, a Malay.

    - Macam Melayu, dia suka berhutang.

    - Kita sudah masuk perangkap "Hutang OBOR China"...berhutang beratus billion...menyokong policy OBOR China yang menabur hutang sebanyak USD 1 Trillion dalam project2 mega infrastucktur di merata dunia.

    - Najib berhutang sama China bukan untuk melabur dan membuka peluang pekerjaan di Malaysia tetapi untuk industri pembuataan di China.

    - Konon ECRL itu untuk 'mengalahkan' logistik port Singapura. Macam la Singapura itu bodoh, duduk diam2 curi duit rakyat macam dia.

    Sekarang, Singapura sudah berjinak2 dengan OBOR China untuk memperkasakan servis port mereka.

    Port Kuantan belum ada...jadi nak lawan servis port Singapura pula.

    Kena minta hutang lagi dengan China kalau nak invest di port Kuantan.

    Ini la strategi OBOR China, melaga2kan Malaysia dengan Singapura.

    - Belum habis cerita hutang OBOR China, kita di kejutkan lagi dengan hutang baru Najib nak beli Boeing untuk MAS yang berjumlah berbillion-billion.

    - AS dan China duduk ketawa melihat Najib macam cacing kepanasan nak selesaikan kes DoJ dan hutang 1MDB.

    - Najib nak selesaikan kes DoJ dengan janji2 pada Trump. Najib tau Trump suka dengar pasal buka peluang kerja di AS. Itu policy Trump.

    Itu la Najib Ikrar Kukuhkan Ekonomi Amerika.

    - Najib buat kerja untuk kukuhkan ekonomi China dan AS by creating more debts.

    - Dengan hutang2 ini, maka hutang kita sudah melebihi RM1 Trillion!

    - Walaupun Harapan ditakdirkan memerintah selepas PRU14 ini, mati kita mau bayar hutang Najib.

    - Tapi kita Melayu, biar miskin berhutang asal ada gaya.

    - Minta la nasihat dari Tun macam mana kita mau keluar dari belenggu hutang Najib. Hanya dia saja yang ada cara nya.

  19. Hud Hud11:53 AM

    The fact is the whole world knows Najib is a crook. Trump has to go to Saudi to ask them to buy 100B worth of weapons. And here we have Najib, having to pay the lobby to spend 30 min with Trump and then when he is there he declares to the rest of the world that he wants to help strengthen the US economy! I have never come across a more bangang PM than him. That particular video is a good election tool for Pakatan to play again and again to the rakyat. A vote for Najib and BN means a vote to strengthen the US economy. Rakyat Malaysia menderita tak apa, asal US bahagia.

  20. Kassim Selamat1:33 PM


    Re Bijan's contribution to the Rohingya refugee issue; this is what I found.

    Wow...Bijan made US hear us about the issue of Rohingya's.


  22. Well done… in the video, Najib’ body language and his tone seems humble enough… when addressing POTUS and his cabinet.
    I thought the plight of Rohingyas will be the main agenda on the table because that’s where ‘major’ news make its mark around the world.

    Anyway, if its going to be a sideline issue with Trump, maybe it best to ask the Chinese to help the Rohingyas instead. After-all, China as neighbor and the economic power-broker in Myanmar… with its OBOR vision and oil-pipeline… stand to loose much more than the American, if Rakhine State is unstable.
    Hence, as with North Korea, China should have more clout over Myanmar than the thousand of miles away Uncle Sam to ease the suffering of Rohingyas. Furthermore, Najib have already ‘enriched’ China more then the American, albeit through debt.

  23. sukasamasuka5:07 PM


    PART 1

    Paul Wolfowitz.

    September 12, 2017 11:26 am | AEIdeas

    This is not draining the swamp.

    Unfortunately, President Trump will meet today with Prime Minister Najib of Malaysia, a visit the Wall Street Journal in an editorial last week characterized appropriately as “Trump’s Malaysia Swamp.” As an Australian expert on Southeast Asia quoted in the New York Times said, “From a pure public relations point of view, it’s a meeting the White House should avoid. . . . Even a photo op with Kim Jong-un would be better.”

    The Washington Post in an editorial yesterday said that the visit “sets a new low. Not only is Mr. Najib known for imprisoning peaceful opponents, silencing critical media and reversing Malaysia’s progress toward democracy. He also is a subject of the largest foreign kleptocracy investigation ever launched by the US Justice Department.”

    The Justice Department suit in question seeks recovery and forfeiture of over $1 billion in assets alleged to have been purchased with funds “misappropriated” from Malaysia’s One Malaysia Development Bank (or 1MDB), which the suit alleges is largely controlled and managed by someone identified as “Malaysian Official 1” — and who is widely known to be Najib. In addition to his overall responsibility for the more than $4 billion of misappropriated funds, some $1 billion of which were laundered in the United States, “Malaysian Official 1” personally received $731 million, of which $620 million was supposedly returned, netting him a tidy $111 million.

    Did President Trump know about any of this when the Malaysian Prime Minister was added to his schedule? If Najib dares to appear in a joint press conference, it’s a question that needs to be asked.

    One fact not mentioned by any of those three major papers seems to provide a clue as to how this meeting was arranged. In May, a former Trump campaign aide — Healy E. Baumgardner-Nardone of the “45 Group” — registered as a foreign agent to represent the Office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. She reported receiving $250,000 for her services.

    The Malaysian government has paid lavishly in the past for Washington “swamp dwellers” to purchase influence and disparage its opponents and critics.

    As the Journal editorial points out, during President Obama’s second term the Malaysians rewarded a major Democratic Party fundraiser handsomely for representing them, just before Najib secured an Obama state visit to Malaysia (the first by a US president in sixty years), and then received an even more unprecedented invitation from Obama to join him in Hawaii for a game of golf.

    Back during George W. Bush’s first term, Malaysian business interests hired Belle Haven Consultants for fees in excess of $1 million over two years to promote Malaysian interests in the US.

    Some of that money was reportedly used to influence the views of a prominent conservative think tank, through the intermediary of the Alexander Strategy Group, associated with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and the notorious Jack Abramoff.

    During Obama’s first term, the Najib government paid millions to APCO Worldwide of Washington, a portion of which went to the London-based “Fact Based Communications, Ltd.” to hire an individual named Josh Trevino, to organize a network of bloggers to write blog posts disparaging opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim — whose coalition was growing in strength heading into the 2013 elections.

    That game blew up when Trevino was fired by The Guardian of London for failing to disclose that he was on the Malaysian payroll while writing a supposedly independent column. That forced Trevino to file a belated foreign agent registration exposing the whole scheme.

    Continue to Part 2.

  24. sukasamasuka5:11 PM


    Part 2.

    Paul Wolfowitz

    September 12, 2017

    Back in Malaysia, the government does more than merely disparage its critics. Just last week, in the latest development in the 1MDB case, FBI special agent Robert Heuchling asserted in a filing in court in Los Angeles that “identifying witnesses [in the case] could result in intimidation or threaten their safety,” citing “reports of local officials and politicians who have been arrested for purportedly disclosing information linked to 1MDB.” He also cited Malaysian press reports from August 30 that said “the driver of former Malaysian Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail was shot in public as a possible warning against assisting the US government in the case.”.

    If President Trump were serious about “draining the swamp” in Washington, he should have found a diplomatic excuse to postpone this embarrassing meeting. Doing so would have sent a strong signal to other lobbyists attempting to sell access to the President. Having failed to do that, at a minimum he should find out who was responsible for inviting the Malaysian swamp to the White House. And if they did not properly inform him of the scandal surrounding Najib, someone needs to be disciplined.

    Paul Wolfowitz is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) where he works on development and national security issues.

    Before joining AEI, Mr. Wolfowitz spent more than three decades in public service and higher education, working in the administrations of seven different presidents. Most recently, he served as president of the World Bank and deputy secretary of defense.At the World Bank he focused on the problem of corruption and the challenges of sub-Saharan Africa. As ambassador to Indonesia and assistant secretary of state for East Asia in the Reagan administration, Mr. Wolfowitz was an advocate of reform and political openness. He was involved in Persian Gulf security for almost 30 years during three different tours at the Department of Defense.

    Mr. Wolfowitz has been widely published in many outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Sunday Times of London. His television appearances include NBC’s “Meet the Press,” CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” and Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”

    Mr. Wolfowitz has a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in mathematics from Cornell University.


    Chairman, US-Taiwan Business Council, 2008–present
    President, World Bank Group, 2005–07
    Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2001–05; Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, 1989–93; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional Programs, 1977–80, US Department of Defense
    Dean and Professor of International Relations, 1994–2001; Visiting Professor, 1980–81, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
    Ambassador to Indonesia, 1986–89
    Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, 1982–86; Director of Policy Planning, 1981–82, US Department of State
    Special Assistant, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1973–77
    Professor, Department of Political Science, Yale University, 1970–73

  25. sukasamasuka5:18 PM


    Publication from CATO Institute, US, a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace.

    September 8, 2017 2:55PM

    President Trump Welcomes Anwar Ibrahim’s Jailer to the White House

    By David Boaz

    Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy prime minister and finance minister of Malaysia and later leader of the opposition in the parliament, is currently in jail for the second time on trumped-up charges. His jailer, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, will be welcomed to the White House by President Trump on Tuesday.

    A Wall Street Journal editorial notes:

    A visit to the White House is a diplomatic plum that world leaders covet. So why is President Trump bestowing this honor on Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who jailed an opposition leader and is a suspect in a corruption scandal that spans the globe?

    Mr. Najib will visit the White House next week for a presidential photo-op that could help him win the next general election and imperil Malaysia’s democracy.

    From 1981 to 1998 Anwar was a rising star in the UMNO party, which has produced all of Malaysia’s prime ministers since its formation in 1963. In the late 1990s, however, he became a vocal critic of what he described as the widespread culture of nepotism and cronyism within UMNO. This angered Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

    They also disagreed on how to respond to the Asian financial crisis, as Wikipedia describes:

    [As finance minister, Anwar] also instituted an austerity package that cut government spending by 18%, cut ministerial salaries and deferred major projects. “Mega projects”, despite being a cornerstone of Mahathir’s development strategy, were greatly curtailed.

    Although many Malaysian companies faced bankruptcy, Anwar declared: “There is no question of any bailout. The banks will be allowed to protect themselves and the government will not interfere.” Anwar advocated a free-market approach to the crisis, including foreign investment and trade liberalisation. Mahathir blamed currency speculators like George Soros for the crisis, and supported currency controls and tighter regulation of foreign investment.

    Anwar was removed from office and then jailed in a trial that was criticized around the world. Amnesty International said that his trial “exposed a pattern of political manipulation of key state institutions including the police, public prosecutor’s office and the judiciary.” After his release from jail in 2004 he became leader of an opposition party and then in 2015 was sent back to jail.

    In 2005 Anwar visited the Cato Institute. In the photo above, I’m giving him a copy of my book Libertarianism: A Primer, which he told me had already read – in prison. What a thing for an author to hear! Understandably, the thought of the president of the United States honoring his jailer is especially painful.

    When the English Leveller John Lilburne was tried for sedition and treason in 1649, he declared, “I shall leave this Testimony behind me, that I died for the Laws and Liberties of this nation.” American presidents should honor heroes who can make such claims, not their oppressors.

  26. sukasamasuka5:42 PM


    A friend, a New York toilet cleaner at the World Bank wrote..."The US could care less about Trump meeting Najib. But, Washington Post, Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal wrote nasty things about the two".

    - Najib fikir media AS macam mass media Malaysia.

    - Trump bukan President Kleptocracy walaupun dia tidak disenangi olih media AS.

    - Jadi apa ke tujuan sebenar dia ke AS menghadap Trump?

    - Berapa dia bayar lobby AS?

    - Berapa MOU dia sign?

    - Siapa 'dibelakang tabir' dapat kontrak supply senjata AS pada Rohingya?

    - Berapa total cost rombongan ke AS?

    - Kerja sial!

  27. Kadiag, aku sekali lagi ni, nak singgong
    pojok 'mutakhir' pasai lawatan MO1 ke amerika, yg Newsweek lapog sebagai
    "... a visit the Wall Street Journal in an editorial last week characterized appropriately as “Trump’s Malaysia Swamp."

    Yg aku tesentak sikit bukan pasai jolokkan yg nampak 'menghina' depa boh kad MO1, tapi pasai hang nulih '...malu kita'.
    [MUTAKHIR, 14 September: Newsweek guna label "Malaysian Crook .....". Malu kita.]

    Teruih terang, dlm keh ni, aku tak rasa malu sikit pon.
    Antara sebabnya :-
    1. Dia yg cari penyakit, dibantu olih kepala jabatan2, ketua2 bahagian dan ramai lagi.
    2. Aku dan sekitag 52% rakyat tak sokong atau undi parti dia,
    3. Dia sendiri pon aku rasa munkin tak malu punya... antara lain sekiranya dia seorang 'psychopath' dia akan pamer ..."as a personality disorder where,
    the person “typically has no regard for right and wrong.
    They may often violate the law and the rights of others.” Often, psychopaths have little empathy, antisocial behavior
    and lack inhibitions."(Mayo Clinic).

    Sunggoh pon lagu tu, makhluk yg namanya malu sangat mustahak dlm pembinaan tamaddun manusia dan kalu tak dak rasa malu, maka macam dilakag oleh , dunia Islam...
    ' Manusia turun derjat menjadi binatang, bahkan lebih rendah. Kata Allah,(marfhum firman, lebih korang) “Mereka mempunyai hati tetapi tidak digunakan untuk memahami ayat-ayat Allah, mempunyai mata tetapi tidak digunakan untuk melihat tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mempunyai telinga tetapi tidak digunakan untuk mendengar ayat-ayat Allah. Mereka itu bagai binatang, bahkan lebih rendah lagi” (Qs Al-A’raf: 179).

    Mintak maghap kalu ada salah silap.

  28. Malaysian tragedy9:11 PM

    there's another Malaysian tragedy, the loss of over 20 lives in the Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah Tahfiz school fire in Jalan Datuk Keramat, Kuala Lumpur.
    Where is the PM?
    What is more important, having an "expanded" private meeting with Trump at his New York Trump Tower or fly back immediately to KL and console the people over the loss of the children?
    Certainly hope President Trump will shoo him back and say, look your people need you now in their hour of sorrow, we can discuss the 1MDB debacle another time.

  29. MO1 ni sempat grad ke masa study kat UK dulu.. atau pun fail. Apa dia ingat Malaysia ni pak dia yg punya ka.

    Apa pun kompom dia postpone nak buat election tahun ni.. plan dia pi US sudah backfire.

  30. Salam Datuk

    Saya cuma ada satu perkara yang saya rasa masih belum disentuh.

    Sejauh manakah Malaysia telah bersalah mengenai hubungan perdagangan rahsia dengan Korea Utara? Perkara ini disebut Trump dalam ucapan ringkasnya.

    Adakah segala taburan wang yang dijanji PM kepada Trump sebagai cara untuk melepaskan diri dari hukuman PBB?

    Yang jelasnya janji-janji beliau adalah untuk melepaskan diri dari kemelut 1mdb dengan DoJ.

    Inilah akibatnya bila kita ada ketua negara yang sudah "compromised". Dia akan dipergunakan oleh pihak2 asing (termasuk China) untuk kepentingan mereka.

  31. Saya cuma nak kongsi maklumat nie :

    Malaysia Is Going To Help US$19 Trillion US economy with Malaysian funds
    Sure as hell not in reducing DEBT!
    WHAT?!?! Malaysian External Debt Reached A Record All Time High in Fourth Quarter of 2016 (During Ajaib's Administration!) But Achieved A Record Low In the Second Quarter of 1997 (During U-Turn's Administration!)


    The U.S. debt is the sum of all outstanding debt owed by the federal government. It's currently $19.9 trillion. (As of May 19, 2017)
    America's debt is the largest in the world for a single country. It runs neck and neck with that of the European Union, an economic union of 28 countries. For more, see Sovereign Debt Rankings.

    External Debt in Malaysia averaged 211551.40 MYR Million from 1990 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 908704.13 MYR Million in the fourth quarter of 2016 and a record low of 9063 MYR Million in the second quarter of 1997.

  32. hutang sebenar amerika USD 14.3 Quadrillion

  33. Bukan ke Tun Mahathir pada tahun 2005 mintak Kwsp labur duit di luar negara.

  34. Tuan eri said
    KWAP adalah Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen tu untuk orang gomen, betul lah tuan sukasamasuka cakap. Hang tu baca tak habis.....

  35. Abit Pusher.

    Pada 2005 memang kita patut melabur duit di luar Negara, terutamanya Amerika, kerana nilai Ringgit masih kukuh berbanding USD.
    Sekarang... bila duit kita jatuh merudum, jauh lebih teruk dari Baht & Rupiah... adakah berbaloi kita labur di Amerika? Kena tunggu duit kita menyusut lebih teruk lagi atau USD semakin mengukuh berbanding Ringgit... baru dapat untung lebih.
