Friday, May 11, 2012

MPs Flip-Flop On Improved Polling

A Kadir Jasin

IT appears that flip-flopping is becoming commonplace in our country.

The most recent case being by Members of Dewan Rakyat. These are people we elected to represent our interest.

Soon after the government “flipped-flopped” on the nine-month old MAS-AirAsia share swap by terminating it on May 5, our PMs from the government and opposition flipped-flopped on the Election Offences Amendment Bill.

They passed the bill last month and withdrew it a few days ago.

[Reminder: If you are commenting “anonymously”, please state your name/pseudonym at the beginning and end of your comment. Anonymous comments will not be entertained. Thank you.]

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohamed Nazri Aziz told the Press that the bill was withdrawn following resistance from lawmakers on both sides of the Dewan.

"There were three amendments to the Bill when put to the Dewan Rakyat for debate and two more when presented at the Dewan Negara.

"Since there was a lot of resistance, the Government decided to abort the Bill after consultation with the Opposition and Election Commission," he was quoted as saying.

The Star newspaper quoted Ipoh Timur MP Lim Kit Siang, who spoke on behalf of Pakatan Rakyat, as saying that the decision was agreed upon by all parties concerned.

However, he noted that the EC should hold public engagement and consultations with relevant parties before proposing amendments to the Government to avoid a similar situation.

Coming so soon after the Bersih 3.0 demonstration demanding clean elections, the action by the MPs is puzzling because the amendments they passed and later withdrew “were proposed to streamline and further improve the polling process.”

According to media report, one amendment was the removal of the mandatory requirement for the appointment of a polling or counting agent by a candidate's election agent.

Another amendment was not to allow any political party office less than 100m from the polling centre, compared to the present 50m ruling.

Does this mean the MPs from both the BN and PR do not want improvements to the polling process as demanded by Bersih in its 8-point demand or they did not read the bill properly before approving it?

If the PR members of Dewan Rakyat are not in favour of improving the polling process why did they showed up the Bersih 3.0 demonstration? Were they there to gain political mileage?

I could be wrong, but aside of Mohamed Nazri and Lim Kit Siang, other Yang Berhormats are silence on the flip-flop.

Incidentally, both the traditional and new media did not give much attention to the about turn by the MPs. Could this be due to their partisanism or they did not realise the implications of the flip-flop?


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM


    From BenDol

    a. PM flip-flop on Mas-AirAsia deal. He is Pm. He is finance minister. He is Khazanah chairman. He was fully responsible for the share swap. Or is he too lazy and too busy handing out election goodies that he did not read the share swap papers? Is he reading the felda floatation papers or Haji Omar Ong does all the writing and reading on his behalf? People say, omar is the new Razak Baginda in Najib's office.

    b. MPs flip-flop on Election Bill because the are lazy at reading and they spend too much time politicking and committing funny things in front and behind the cameras.

    c. The media is involved is selective reporting bacause they are partisan including Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider.


  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Tok dok tulis pasai flip flop
    Mat dok baca dekat nak slop
    Maklumlak kita orang Tandop
    Pasai orang putih kita royop.

    Mat dok ingat cerita yang lalu
    Pasai Samah Said sasterawan Melayu
    Dok tak dok protes sini situ
    Mogok karya dah jadi celalu.

    Ambiga tu perempuan India
    Dia senang kaya raya
    Bolehlah tutup satu bandaraya
    Yang merana para peniaga.

    Pasai flip flop Mat keliru
    Perdana Menteri pun buat macam tu
    Sat setuju sat tak setuju
    Kita yang baca naik celaru.

    Wakil rakyat Mat tau kerja depa
    Kutuk sini, kutuk sana
    Tabor Janji merata rata
    Kita dok tunggu habuk pun tak ada.

    Dekat pilihanraya depa pun jengok
    Parit dan longkang depa pi tengok
    Janji naik buat bagi elok
    Kita pun pangkah pasai seronok.

    Bila menang pilihanraya
    Mula mula depa fikir pasai kereta
    Lepas tu mulalah kumpoi harta
    Satu penggal dah kaya raya.

    Umno dan Pas sama saja
    DAP PKR pun macam tu juga
    Pasai cakap depalah raja
    Bila menang satu pun tak ada.

    Zaman dulu lain cerita
    Wakil rakyat orang biasa
    Guru sekolah dan peniaga
    Dengan rakyat depa biasa.

    Dulu anak raja berjiwa rakyat
    Rata kampong dia pi melawat
    La ni orang biasa dia rasa hebat
    Nak jadi raja penoh darjat.

    La ni banyak orang dah meluat
    Orang politik dah jadi macam ketuat
    Tumbuh di jari susah nak berubat
    Nampak huduh walaupun tak mudarat.

    Mat Tunjang nak berenti dulu
    Ada kerja yang dok tunggu
    Bela kambing dan bela lembu
    Buat kontrak sini dan situ.

    Mat Tunjang Enterprise

  3. Salam Dato

    Flip-floping is now a new trend/strategies to ensure rating of popularity in not decreasing. When you say something and then later make a U-turn, the standard explanation is "Selepas mendengar keluhan, pandangan dan yg sekasta dengannya dari rakyat, kita tarik balik/batalkan perkara ini"....

    Question is, why can't you listen prior to announcing/implement something?

    Why must you be in the Parliment until wee hours and rushing to present the Bills?

    This shows that they are not making a proper planning, just based on own otak seminit.

    Or, is it simply because they want to sabotage Najib who is too busy promising "durian runtuh", juta sana billion sini and who is facing so much controversies namely Altantuya?

    Or, simply Mayudin can't wait to kick Najib out as what they have done to Pak Lah who like sleeping than working.

    Or, Hishamuddin can't wait to be next DPM coz Zahid Hamidi will be invited to France?

    Like Mat Tunjang Enterprise said, it is all true nothing but the truth.

  4. Salam dato,

    Kat para 2 tu PMs sepatutnya MPs.

    Saya setuju dengan `flip flop' jenis ni..sepatutnya semua `flip flops' dibuat macam ni....kena tempat dan kena caranya.

    Cadangan dibuat `bersih',EC pun buat dah, mesti dah libatkan AG deparpment, dah didebat kat parlimen,dewan negara,lepas tu setuju,jadi law,lepas tu tak setuju,debat balik..dan buat keputusan.

    Flip flop jenis ni OK la,sebab begitu lah prosesnya.dan dilakukan di`forum' yang betui..

    Tapi jadi macam order baju, bersih minta sari, sampai kat EC jadi baju melayu, sampai kat parlimen jadi chongsam, sampai kat dewan negara jadi kurta,lepas tu law jadi spenda!...

    Takpa, biaq depa buat balik sampai jadi `law' elok punya!.

    Lagi pun kalau `semua setuju' habis la modai nak PRU13 ni, nak hingaq bab ni tak dak lagi, la ni bolih riuh ho ha ho ha bab ni lagi,
    bolih ajak orang pi himpun ramai ramai,kalau bolih pi tendang peti pulak!(simbol tendang peti undi!)

    Ada nak cerita bab `hantu' tak?
    Elok bawak tok bomo dan `geng minta' hantu datang praktis undi!.

    Saya tak percaya lansung bab undi hantu hantu ni, kalau tak percaya ramai ramai pi dok bilang jumlah pengundi disetiap peti,lepas tu minta tok bomo tok bomo tu cek berapa hantu hantu mai sama, gerenti to bomo tak bomo tu tak mau punya...TAKUT hilang `credibility' depa!

    Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

  5. Anonymous12:19 PM


    dengan izin Dato .... ini mungkin sebab menagapa EC and UMNO withdrew the Election Offences ammendment in Dewan Negara .... sebab pemerhati luar negara kata SPR Malaysia ketinggalan zaman .... Malaysia EC is backward ....

    quote .... to believe that the people of Malaysia does not deserve DEMOCRACY as articulated by the Secretary General of UMNO to the fact finding team, present during BERSIH 3.0, is just the dictate of an authoritarian regime

    quote ...... As reasoned by the Secretary General of UMNO the people of Malaysia are NOT READY for DEMOCRACY ......

    please take the time to view the presentation by the team at the following url ....

    OrangBaruLahir ..... begitu lah UMNO dan SPR menipu rakyat mengikut pandangan masyarakat antarabangsa ..... satu cabaran apakah TV1 sanggup menyiarkan pandangan dari luar di kaca TV tanpa di edit ....

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM


    1.Bila dibawa usul ke dewan, terhad sangat masa untuk kaji dan bincang. Malah selalunya masa usul dibawa ke dewan barulah dapat dokumennya.

    2.Undian dibuat cara konsensus. Sesama blok parti sendiri pun penerangannya terhad.

    Maka MP yang dipilih oleh rakyat, mengundi usul mengikut kehendak parti dan bukan mengikut keperluan pengundi masing-masing.

    Undilah calun dan bukan parti.

    Fed Up

  7. Rasanya dato.. masa luluskan akta ni, kemungkinan MPs semua kelam kabut, fokus kat pilihanraya je..
    bila rasa susah nak implement,apa lagi tarik balik la...

    MAS ngan Air Asia serius x faham..
    harap2 dua berjaya la..

  8. Datuk

    I don't where you have been lately, or perhaps you have not been following the parliamentary session lately, which would be a surprise for someone of your interest. Whatever the reason may be, let me refresh you of what happened on the last day of the last parliament sitting. There was a the historical 'stop the clock'.... where 8 Bills were pushed through without much time for any discussion. Unfortunately the Bill in question was one of the last Bills tabled after midnight. In all likelihood none of the YBs had read it earlier or knew the content in detail before it was tabled.

    I think it is not right to pose the question "Why the flip-flop?". Instead a more relevant question would be "Why was a Bill as important as this was hidden amongst 7 other Bills and tabled only after midnight?"

    Was it done on purpose? How many people can still be mentally alert at midnight after sitting through boring speeches and inane debates since morning. Perhaps you could, I do not know.

    I feel it is unfair on your part to put the blame on the Parliamentarians, whichever side of the divide they may be, for the withdrawal of the Bill. Under most circumstances I would agree that most of our MPs are good for nothing, however in this case I would agree with their call for the Bill to be withdrawn.

    And as for you Datuk, I'm truly disappointed that someone like you with a vast journalistic experience failed to notice the circumstances that led to the passing of this Bill, although there has been many writings on this subject in the MSM and the electronic media.


  9. Leman6:09 PM

    Standard laa, kalau tak salah UMNO, mesti salah Rosmah. Memang haprak betul puak-puak Pakatan Sampah ni.

  10. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Salam Dato Kadir

    Tajuk sepatutnya berbunyi Najib flip- flops on improved polling.

    Anti bodek

  11. Anonymous10:08 PM


    ... just a short one on the so called Independent Panel headed by Tun Hanif, it would seem by not appointing SUHAKAM, the Government have seemingly forgotten their SIN from BERSIH 1.0 and BERSIH 2.0 .....

    BERSIH 1.0 and BERSIH 2.0 and BERSIH 3.0 are a series of campaign for FREE and FAIR election - the continued POLICE BRUTALITY from the previous campaign was simply swept under the carpet by the MINISTER by simply appointing a new panel to avoid any continuity from the previous incident..

    He must be applying the GENERAL SOP by UMNO that Malays are generally forgetful ....

    What would be the outcome of this "Malaysian version of the kangaroo court" (as they do not have any legal standing) ..... going by the general SPIN provided by the PM

    ---[] it is an attempt to TOPPLE the Government

    ---[] as such no further BERSIH will allowed in the future

    --- [] all leaders of the campaign will be arrested as they are the master mind leading the attempt to topple the government

    I am not sure what moral high ground they will be able to establish as the PM himself had already apologise to the victims for the POLICE brutality ....

    I think the old IGP will only shoot himself in the foot, as whatever outcome that support the used of brutal POLICE actions will merely lead to the downfall of UMNO and BN .... they must be thinking what can the ordinary Malaysian do against UMNO and the POLICE, afterall they are in POWER ...

    The old IGP will probably hand the head of the Home Affairs Minister to the PM as the one guy responsible for the fracas .....


  12. Dato' A Kadir Jasin
    Salam Hormat

    (pru13 kena tunda aka hijack)

    syabas umno!
    hadiah hari jadi ke enam puluhenam

    pakatan rakyat tak sepandai yang disangka


  13. Lahuma9:02 AM


    Kisah flip flop pula.
    Ala parkara biasa sahaja bukan perkara luar biasa.
    Boleh jadi jika teruskan bahaya dan tak menguntungkan.
    Berundur atau berhenti untuk tarik nafas bukan tanda sudah kalah.
    Mungkin strategi.

    Flip lop juga.

    Rakyat Malaysia kini khususnya para pengundi sudah jadi macam Pengantin Raja Sehari umpama anak dara dan anak teruna.

    Apa tidak,
    Raja Sehari ini dibelai,dijaga,diinai,dikompang,dihias,diarak serta disanding dengan hebat sekali.Cuma tak ada peluang nak intai sahaja.

    Itulah gara-gara PRU 13 nanti.
    Nama pun Raja Sehari sahaja.
    Umpan pun sudah masuk mata kail dan dibalingkan kedalam air.

    Wahai ikan yg masih dalam air berhati hatilah.Jangan gelojoh,haloba ,kemaruk atau tunjuk lapar.

    Rakyat jadi umpan oleh parti yang sedang mengejar kuasa dan pangkat.
    Kuasa dan pangkat mereka yang punya selepas ini.Rakyat hanya alat mereka.

    Janji sudah tidak terbilang bulan bintang,syorga,mahligai dan apa sahaja.

    Dalam mengejar kuasa lawan semua sudah tak betul.Yang betul empunya diri sahaja.

    Bertenang.Tengok calon dulu.Seledik calon dulu.Sebab dia adalah suara kita nanti.

    Selamat mengundi.
    Terima kasih.

  14. Anonymous10:19 PM


    dengan izin Dato ..... ini juga FLIP FLOP Dato .... rakyat asing sebagai pengundi HANTU baru UMNO ...

    kenapa saya mencari news article tentang penubuhan Suruhanjaya diRaja [untuk menyiasat kes yang telah berlaku circa 1980-1999 di Sabah untuk menambah jumlah pengundi baru buat UMNO Sabah] yang telah diluluskan oleh Mesyuarat Kabinet pada 8 Feb 2012 dan diumumkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman di semua media saluran perdana UMNO tetapi kemudian di tarik balik di Utusan, Bernama ....
    yang akan memberikan traction untuk BERSIH

    Untuk memberikan latarbelakang dan sejarah tindakan UMNO dengan kerjasama Pejabat Pendaftaran dan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia, yang kini diguna pakai UMNO bagi memenangkan kembali Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Kedah dan juga Kelantan ... ini adalah research paper yang telah ditulis sebagai International Research Paper di University California untuk bed time reading download atau baca disini

    Sehingga hari ini Menteri Kehakiman masih belum menjawab pertanyaan Lim Kit Siang bila penubuhan Suruhanjaya di Raja ini akan ditubuhkan .....

    Langkah menambah pengundi HANTU ini boleh dianggap

    .... [] satu jenayah KHIANAT [high TREASON] terhadap NEGARA dengan menjadikan warga asing sebagai RAKYAT MALAYSIA;


    .... [] Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar sebagaimana yang telah diterangkan oleh Tun Mahathir tempoh hari untuk memastikan SABAH tidak menjadi Kristian

    Whatever it is, situasi pertama seharus tidak diguna pakai semata-mata untuk mengekalkan kekuasaan UMNO di Semenanjung ? [Nota: Ini strategi sama BRITISH hendak mengekalkan kekuasaan mereka di MALAYA dengan memasukkan BURUH PAKSAAN dari India dan CHINA sebelum MERDEKA supaya perkembangan mengaut hasil negara tidak terbantut oleh orang Melayu]

    OrangBaruLahir .... permasalahan ini akan kita tinggalan sebagai historical baggage buat anak cucu kita, yang sebenarnya kita tidak tahu akan mendatangakan kebaikkan buat siapa ....TETAPI YANG PASTI yang KAYA RAYA hanyalah PEMIMPIN UMNO ...

  15. Anonymous8:35 AM


    ... dengan izin Dato ..... ini juga sebab-sebab flip-flop PRU13 semasa .......

    Sebab nak tangguh
    [] Bahang kebencian rakyat kesan dari BERSIH masih terasa - badan siasatan diketua Hanif menambah kepanasan hati rakyat
    [] Bahang panas dari skandal NFC masih belum sempat dilenyapkan - kes berjalan di mahkamah
    [] Bahang panas LYNAS masih terasa kelihatan UMNO flip-flop
    [] Parti komponen SABAH / SARAWAK belum sempat buat persediaan menghadapi TSUNAMI pembaharuan PAKATAN setelah kekalahan dalam Pilihanraya Negeri - mereka bagi sebab ada PESTA ADAT dalam bulan Mei dan Jun
    [] pengapungan FGV untuk memastikan DURIAN RUNTUH buat para peneroka FELDA harus sampai dulu sebelum pilihanraya ... kalau tidak peneroka pasti kata NAJIB bohong

    Sebab tak boleh tangguh
    [] Kesan 'feel good' rasuah BR1M dah nak abis ..... RM500 dah abis belanja
    [] Kesan satu lagi 'feel good' rasuah bantuan buku kepada mahasiswa RM200 dah abis
    [] IC sementara kepada pengundi hantu yang diberi kepada Pendatang Tanpa Izin akan luput tempoh - dan pendatang akan pindah ketempat baru
    [] Kesan peluru pemandu liar dari Perancis, siasatan RASUAH pembelian kapal selam semakin hampir mendekati Presiden UMNO
    [] Peruntukan BUDGET 2012 tambahan kerajaan dah nak abis belanja - budget baru akan perlu ada sebelum Sept - tambahan hanya untuk subsidi dan bayar gaji baru
    [] Bulan puasa dah dekat ....
    [] Jumlah pengundi BARU akan bertambah lagi, yang akan mengagalkan PROJEK IC Selangor ....

    Tapi UMNO tak takut come what may, duit UMNO macam GUNONG EVEREST tak abis-abis tapi duit parti komponen BN tak ada lagi ....

    OrangBaruLahir ..... ingat Pak Lah aje flip-flop, Najib pun terpaksa bagi excuse - "I have to get 10 out of 10 right if not the opposition will pick on the one that was not right" - ini hanya jawapan kepada parti-parti BN kenapa masih belum annouce PRU13

  16. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Aslkum Dakj

    Kalau Najib masih ada maruah beliau patut berhenti dan serah pd Mehyiddin

    Paling tidak sudah tiga kali filp-flop.

    Pertama skim gaji baru kakitangan awam ditarik balik selepas kandungannya mengundang celaka.

    Tie up antara MAS dan Air Asia yg dibuat tergesa2 hingga membelakangkan kepentingan Melayu terpaksa dibatalkan.

    Terbaru pindaan undang2 kesalahan pilihan raya yg diluluskan secara tergesa2 oleh Dewan Rakyat pd jam 3pagi telah ditarik balik.....konon kerana putar belit pembangkang dan Bersih.

    Flip flop di atas adalah contoh kerajaan Najib tak buat kajian terlebih dahulu sebelum buat sesuatu yg memberi kesan pd kehidupan rakyat. Kami adalah kerajaan yg telah dipilih...kamu mesti dengar cakap kami. Kalau tidak kami ada polis dsbnya. Mentaliti bongkak yg inshaAllah sudah nula memakan diri. Kalau tidak, masakan mungkin ada flip flop

    Din klang

  17. Salam hormat DAKJ,

    Banyak jenis flip-flops. Satu disebabkan selalu "tertidur". Dan satu lagi disebabkan sentiasa "berjaga-jaga".

    Yang pertama menununjukkan kebodohan.
    Yang kedua itu adalah paling baik bagi kami sebagai pengundi..


  18. Anonymous4:04 PM


    ... gerakan KU KLUX KLAN sudah menjelma di hadapan rumah Dato Ambiga ..... juga sudah menjelma di hadapan rumah Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang ....

    Saya ingat gerakan perkauman Ku Klux Klan hanya wujud di Amerika Syarikat, yaini gerakan penindasan kuilt putih terhadap orang kulit hitam .... rupa-rupanya ianya sudah menjangkit kepada kumpulan pelampau Melayu di Malaysia

    Seperti di Amerika Syarikat, pehak polis yang majoritinya berkulit putih, lebih memehak kepada puak pelampau dan seolah-olah buta dan tuli terhadap gerak geri puak pelampau terhadap orang kulit hitam ....

    Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO sepertinya "bersetuju" dengan tindakan-tindakan puak-puak pelampau dan tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan sama sekali, dan seolah-olah menghalalkan tindakan puak-puak pelampau melayu terhadap Ambiga dan Lim Guan Eng .....

    Ini seolah-olah gerakan tersusun pemicu pergaduhan antara kaum yang 'dipersetujui oleh pehak polis dan pemerintah'

    Keadaan ini sudah pasti akan dijadikan sebab oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk mengumumkan DARURAT jika terjadi pergaduhan yang akan dipertingkatkan secara bertahap oleh kumplan pelampau melayu.

    Kenapa pehak POLIS boleh berkata perbuatan penjual BURGER dihadapan rumah Ambiga tidak salah, TAK MASUK OTAK sama sekali, orang kalau nak berniaga NAK UNTUNG tapi ini seolah-olah NAK CARI PASAL ....

    Apa PENGARAH KENTERAMAN AWAM Bukit Aman BUTA bahawa jika keadaan sebegini jika dibiarkan adalah MERBAHAYA ....

    Apakah ini MODUS OPERANDI UMNO untuk terus berkuasa .... ini sudah pasti akan menghilangkan KEPERCAYAAN ORANG AWAM terhadap institusi POLIS. Sudah pasti RAKYAT dapat melihat BAHAWA POLIS sekarang ini benar-benar GANGSTER berbayar dengan duit RAKYAT untuk menindaas RAKYAT ...

    Siapa yang akan berupaya memulehkan IMEJ POLIS yang sudah benar-benar tercalar .....

    Those that are WISE and LEARNED should advice NAJIB these are the same scenarios leading up to the establishment of MAGERAN during his fathers time .... I dont think the Government should play with FIRE which could burn the NATION.

    OrangBaruLahir .... tidak akan pernah menyokong kepada Ku Klux Klan Melayu ....

  19. The Scribe
    Salam Hormat

    (gerakan delivers penang)

    wal-asr sesungguhnya al-insan fil-husr
    hanya sabar ubat sedih

    Dengan menangnya Man City keatas QPR
    maka Airasia sekarang boss Pekan
    sebenarnya Airasia tanya gomen ada
    duit nak beli saham Airasia?

    kalah judi bola on-line menang pru
    akibat orang tamak terlepas barkah

    Dengan ditolaknya pembaharuan yang
    dituntuti pada SPR Permatang Pauh
    habiskan duit PR menganjurkan demo
    akhirnya papa kedana anak merana

    kalah judi bola on-line menang pru
    akibat orang tamak terlepas barkah

    Tahniah UMNO dan BN!
    152 kerusi di Parliamen
    Pulau Mutiara tunggu UMNOBN balik
    bermulalah zaman kacau-bilau

    kalah judi bola on-line menang pru
    akibat orang tamak terlepas barkah

    selamat mengundi, The Scribe dan para pembahas semua (lepas dua tahun lain cerita: bersabarlah)


  20. Anonymous5:30 PM


    I agree with Pak Pandir,

    The rest of the comments strayed from the crux of the issue.

    I remember the debate between Khairy and Ambiga, this had been discussed.

    You can refer to you tube Khary & Ambiga Part 3(go to minute 4.42 to skip the rest).

    It is not the issue of flip flop but the bill were rushed hastily without proper debate.

    "According to media report, one amendment was the removal of the mandatory requirement for the appointment of a polling or counting agent by a candidate's election agent."

    This is precisely what they do not agree because it removed "check and balance" in the process.

    From what I understood, with this Amendment, during Election, at the EC booth, only EC can be present, candidate agents cannot be present to check.

    According to Ambiga, EC said that the candidate agent could cause problem but EC couldn't say the what is the problem.

    Bottom line, this is not about flip flop or about streamlining of Election process.


  21. Politicians are major shareholders of company called "Demoracy Inc". They will trade it and reap maximum profits. It is trendy now to do trading in the streets.

    The trading exercise is called demonstrasi. They had one recently with tagline "bersih 3". They are not too happy because it didn't end with deaths. Death is the biggest trading chip!!

    To them parliament is a coffee house.

  22. Anonymous4:25 PM


    Berita dari Gunung,

    Politician are all liars.
    There are sayings and jokes about politician that make that point about them.

    That is why we need a just and fair system in place so that they will be 'replaced' if they do not serve the people they suppose to.

    This apply for both the government that rule the land and the opposition. This is what we call democracy.

