Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ke Mana Mukhriz Selepas Ini?

A Kadir Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous tidak akan dilayan. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran yang sesuai.]

Maafkan kami
Maafkan kami

Wahai cik adik jangan merajuk
Maafkan kami si Bujang Lapuk
Jikalau salah tolonglah tunjuk
Kamilah rela hai kena ketuk
Nandung-nandung dayang senandung
Wahai saudari maafkan kami

Maka apakah mohon maaf Ahli Majlis Kerja (Exco) Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, baru-baru ini kerana didakwa “memperlekehkan” ucapan presiden parti bulan lalu sesuatu yang pokok atau sekadar “mohon maaf Bujang Lapuk” seperti dalam lirik lagu seniman agung Allahyarham P Ramlee itu?

[Saya sengaja melabelkan P Ramlee seniman agung dan bukan bekas seniman agung kerana walaupun dia sudah lama meninggal dunia, namun seni dan karyanya tetap subur dan agung. Tiada pengganti kepadanya. Legasinya segar dan tidak tercabar.]

Mengikut istilah yang digunakan oleh media massa arus perdana berbahasa Melayu, Mukhriz telah “memperlekehkan” ucapan Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, pada persidangan tahunan parti di Kuala Lumpur bulan lalu.

Secara ringkas, apa yang nampaknya dimaksudkan oleh Mukhriz dalam kenyataan yang dilaporkan (hanya) oleh akhbar berbahasa Inggeris The Star ialah tiada apa-apa yang baru balan ucapan pembesar nombor satu Umno itu.

Saya tiada berhak bertanya soalan di atas kerana saya tiada berkemampuan menilai sama ada Mukhriz ikhlas atau tidak dengan mohon maafnya itu.

Yang pasti adalah Mukhriz telah dibelasah secukupnya oleh para penyokong Perdana Menteri dan berita itu telah pun menguar-uarkannya ke seluruh pelosok negara oleh media massa arus perdana.

Exco Pergerakan Pemuda dalam mesyuaratnya pada 30 November telah menerima permohonan maaf dan penjelasan Mukhriz Mahathir.

Menurut laporan Utusan Malaysia, mesyuarat itu juga dimaklumkan bahawa Mukhriz akan bertemu Perdana Menteri bagi memberikan penjelasan berhubung kenyataannya.

Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata, berkata tiada tindakan dikenakan ke atas Mukhriz selain memberi amaran keras kepadanya supaya tidak membelakangkan prinsip pergerakan itu ketika membuat sebarang kenyataan.

Saya juga tidak akan mencari jawapan kepada soalan apakah Mukhriz tidak dikenakan sebarang tindakan selain diberikan amaran keras kerana dia aak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad atau kerana hujahnya mengenai ucapan Abdullah masuk akal atau kerana bimbang tindak balas sekiranya dia dikenakan tindakan.

Sengaja disebutkan bahawa tidak seperti Hishammuddin dan timbalannya Khairy Jamaluddin (yang menang tanpa bertanding), Mukhriz mendapat sokongan besar dalam pemilihan pucuk pimpinan pergerakan itu dua tahun lalu.

Yang saya rasa banyak orang ingin tahu adalah apa akan terjadi kepada masa depan politik Mukhriz akibat daripada peristiwa ini?

Apakah ia akan menjadi ciri baru kepada persaingan antara tiga pembesar muda Umno ini? Atau ia menandakan permulaan kepada akhiran politik Mukhriz?

Apa pun kesudahannya, faktor keluarga dan pertalian memainkan peranan di dalam kehidupan politik tiga watak Pemuda Umno ini. Hishammuddin adalah anak Allahyarham Tun Hussein Onn. Khairy Jamaluddin adalah menantu Abdullah Badawi. Mukhriz adalah anak Mahathir Mohamad.

Dr Mahathir ada dua orang anak yang cergas di arena politik -- Mukhriz dan abangnya Mokhzani. Tetapi jelas dalam pergolakan sekarang Mukhriz adalah anak Dr Mahathir yang sanggup mempertaruhkan masa depannya untuk mempertahankan bapanya secara terbuka.

Ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dilakukan kerana tentu banyak pihak menuduhnya memihak kepada bapanya kerana pertalian darah dan bukan kerana perjuangan.

Tetapi inilah risiko yang perlu dipikulnya dan yang sekali gus menjadi beban dan penawar kepada perjuangan politiknya. Kalau dia selamat, dia akan menjadi pemimpin yang berprinsip dan teruji.

Buat seketika saya berasa bahawa tindak-tanduk Mukhriz di akhir-akhir ini, khasnya mohon maaf beliau, adalah mirip pembesar-pembesar Umno dewasa ini yang hanya tahu mencari jalan selamat.

Tetapi apabila saya menerima SMS daripada seorang bekas wartawan politik, saya berasa mungkin ada baiknya Mukhriz mengambil tindakan berkenaan iaitu meminta maaf walaupun apa yang dihujahkannya itu tidak semestinya silap.

Rakan wartawan itu menulis: “Elok juga macam itu (memohon maaf). Kalau tidak nyawa singkat. Cara (untuk) membuktikan pembesar-pembesar dan konco-konco mereka tidak hadhari.”

Namun, laluan di hadapan tidak mudah bagi Mukhriz. Hasil pertemuannya dengan Perdana Menteri adalah kritikal. Jika dia dilihat sebagai telah menyerah kepada tekanan dan mengabaikan perjuangan, dia akan hilang sokongan di kalangan penyokongnya.

Jika dia dilihat sebagai penentang, dia akan diserang habis-habisan oleh jentera parti dan media massa arus perdana.

Dia boleh memilih menjadi seperti pembesar-pembesar politik arus perdana yang lain dengan mengamalkan prinsip “if you can’t beat them join them” -- masuk kandang kambing membebek, masuk kandang kerbau menguak.

Atau dia boleh terjun ke kandar harimau dan mencuba menjiwai pepatah Melayu “harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.”


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Assalamualaikum Dato'

    Terima kasih kerana membawa semula kita kepada masalah Negara yang paling besar ini. Adakah Mukhriz juga akan mengambil jalan selamat seperti Pembesar UMNO yang lain?

    Kita patut lupakan sebentar Mukhriz anak Tun Dr Mahathir. Kita hanya mengharap Mukhriz yang dilantik oleh para perwakilan UMNO itu akan digerakkan hatinya yang para perwakilan UMNO di dalam dewan PWTC sebenarnya mewakili seluruh ahli UMNO. Juga perwakilan itu sebenarnnya mewakili seluruh orang Melayu kerana UMNO telah dimertabatkan memimpin Melayu, dan perwakilan UMNO itu juga bertanggungjawab ke atas seluruh Barisan Nasional dan rakyat Malaysia kerana BN itu dipertanggungjawabkan memerintah Negara ini.

    Teringat saya perbualan dengan seorang rakan semalam. Katanya hanya tiga perkara paling penting dalam mentadbir mana-mana negara:

    1 Keselamatan rakyatnya
    2 Pendidikan anak-anaknya
    3 Kemudahan Kesihatan warganya

    Saya harap dan berdoa Dato' Mukhriz dan semua yang diamanahkan mentadbir Malaysia bertanya diri mereka sendiri:

    1 Adakah rakyat Negara ini lebih selamat kini? Adakah harta benda dan keluarga kita terjamin jika kita mengambil langkah-langkah yang berpatutan dalam menjaga diri sendiri? Adakah kita boleh tidur lena yang pihak berkuasa boleh menjamin nyawa dan harta benda kita bila kita di dalam rumah kita sendiri (we can depend on our personal and property safety if we take reasonable care)?

    2 Adakah sistem pendidikan dan peluang pendidikan kita menjamin masa depan Malaysia yang berjaya, setanding dengan negara saingan kita yang lain? Tidakkah sistem pendidikan kita sudah jadi caca-merba akibat 'compromise' politik? Tidakkah sistem pendidikan kita punca polimik kaum yang semakin ketara kini?

    3 Adakah rakyat dari segenap masyarakat mendapat menafaat kemudahan kesihatan yang baik dengan harga yang setimpal dengan pendapatan mereka?

    Silalah Dato' Mukhriz dan semua Pembesar UMNO sekarang fikirkan dengan sejujurnya. Rakyat yang tidak ada kepentingan politik seperti saya tidak mengharapkan apa-apa selain tiga perkara asas di atas. Saya harap Dato' Mukhriz akan mendapat hidayahNya sebelum membuat langkah ke hadapan.

    Terima kasih

  2. Assalamualaikum Dato',

    tahniah atas penghasilan buku "Blogger - A. Kadir Jasin"

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Datuk menggunakan elemen memerli dlm byk tulisan2 datuk,sama seperti logik la apa yg datuk perjuangankan ini dlm tulisan.

  4. Anonymous12:05 PM


    Ni kira isu depa nak kalih pemikiran dan perkara perkara yang lebih penting berlaku dalam negara sekarang ni.. kira nak suruh kita pakat2 bincang pasai isu remeh ni dan lupakan buat sementara pasai merger, ekonomi, pelajaran, kebejatan sosial dll.

    Lama-lama kita jadi tak berapa 'angin' dengan masalah pembesar yang banyaknya berjuang demi poket, perut dan anak menantu sendiri.


  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    memang manis sibuah betik
    manis kelat buah keranji
    ikan keli masak kari

    memang Mukkriz bermain politik
    bagaikan silat memanda menteri
    perlu perli tapi kata sorry

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Dato', saya hanya melihat wibawa (jika pun ada) Dato' Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein hanyalah sebagai Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno. Apabila aura (jika pun ada) Ketua Pemuda digabungkan dengan kedudukannya sebagai Menteri Pelajaran, saya melihat satu pertentangan yang nyata. Anak-anak kita melihat gelagatnya sewaktu Perhimpunan Agung Umno, terpekik-terlolong seolah-olah negara ini sudah dirampas orang, amat memalukan kita sebagai ibu bapa. Kalau mahu terus menjadi Ketua Pemuda, eloklah beliau dipindahkan ke kementerian lain atau tidak memegang jawatan apa-apa dalam kerajaan. Pandangan iklas saya, tidak cocok seorang Menteri Pelajaran menjadi "samseng" dalam apa juga isu. Menteri Pelajaran sepatutnya menunjukkan cara didikan yang baik. Ini termasuklah cara dia menguruskan kes Mukriz.

  7. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Dear Datuk and other respected readers,

    With all due respect, MUKRIZ AS AN INDIVIDUAL IS OF SECONDARY IMPORTANCE, what is FUNDEMENTAL is the type of issues or 'PERJUANGAN' that he's fighting for regardless of whether he's anak Mahathir or not. Never forget that nobility need not be inherited-After all, Nabi Nor was one of the greatest prophets, but for all his efforts, he still coudnt change his son.

    One of the primary reason why the Malays find themselves in this current rut, is simply because Umno, for too long is personality driven instead of being issue driven.Or more often than not, who ever is given a post by the PM, is supported by all and sundry, blindly.

    Now, Mahathir is the most responsible chap for turning this mess into a UMNO characteristic -and because there's no logical criteria in supporting potential leaders, we are witnessing today people like Anwar Ibrahim going on a global campaign to dismantle the NEP or NEP derived policies- exactly the policies that he, when as deputy president, was mandated to defend and implement. This may have come as a suprise to mahathir, or some others, but, to those of us who have even a casual interest in Anwar, this supposed 'metamorphasis' isnt surprising in the least.

    On the contarary, it is expected.Why?

    simply because a philosophy of nation building which is built on the soveriegnity of the socio-economic and socio- cultural framework of the malays is something that dosent correspond with Anwar's immature and simplistic sense of social justice. And in his rejection of this, Anwar Ibrahim has been remarkably consistant for decades- from before, during and after his Umno days.

    So i dont believe that DR M didnt know about it, he simply didnt care. And since it didnt matter to DrM, it surely didnt matter to the Umno masses.

    Of coures, there were one or two lonely voices who out of love, loyalty and most importantly understanding of Umno, who expressed thier reservations but they were quickly given the coup de grace.

    But, instead of learning his lessons with anwar, our esteemed former premier decided to repeat his folly with the appointment of AAB. Of course, formally, we all know that AAB was the vice-president and all that, but in appointing a potential PM, there surely must be some other basis, like for instance, AAB's mastery of the issues that threatend the Malays like globalization or misunderstanding of islam. Or maybe, it ws AAB's great eloquance in articulating our national interest, but hang on..Pak Lah has trouble speaking coherantly.So on what respectable basis was the decision to hand over power made? Oh, i forgot, in Pak Lah's case there was also the Kali, Khairy factor...these blokes are just malay clones of Lee Kuan Yews Malaysia Malaysia and they have been telegraphing it for some time now..even whwn AAB was DPM. But again, Mahathir choose to ignore it..and Umno decided to endorse it.

    And dont forget there was also Najib, and the rest of the Umno leadership- in the main, hardly inspiring in the least but also supported by Umno members because they were appointed by the President on a basis that no one could fanthom.( credit to Najib though, he does try to improve and he has)

    And this example of anwar & co, leads me back to the issue of Mukhriz in particular and Umno in general:

    On what basis should support be given and on what basis should promotions of individuals be made?

    Have we heard Mukhriz even briefly articulate his position on the following issues, issues of which Malay lives and livelihood are at stake:

    1. How to credibily defend the social contract? this by extansion will determined his effectiveness in defending other related issues such as the NEP, status of Islam etc, etc..The key word here is CREDIBLY DEFEND our interest, like Dato Onn, Tunku, Tun Razak and Hussien, Syed Naguib, Ismail Hussin, Ungku Aziz, Rais yatim, Aminuddin Baki, Dr M etc, etc.

    Note: Waving a keris and behaving like a thug does not count- on the contaray it ia harmful

    2. How to navigate the threats posed by globalization?It is not the rosy picture that its advocates are painting...lives are stake my fellow Malaysians

    3. The questions raised by the Bangsa Malaysia advocates.. Actually the problem with the concept of Bangs Malaysia is not really with the concept pe se, but rather with some non-malay defination of it, witch is unconstitutional,incongrues with the social contract and ultimately, immoral and unethical.The fact that it undermines malay interest is secondary, the fact that first and foremost that its unjust is the primary reason why we should reject as it is currently defined.

    If it is not define in the spirit of Malay SOVERIGHNITY, in accordance with the social contract and the constitution, the Bangsa Malaysia concept would just mean a perpetuation of the evils of colonialism

    4. The problems faced by Islam, the misunderstood religion

    5. His understanding of the lingo of international politics...democracy, human rights, freedom of individual, press and all that other boring stuff of which if not understood properly could result in the direction of our country being defined by others.

    Actually in many ways our country's direction is already being define by others. In a sense, the selling out to Singapore alone warrants Umno to change its name to PAP cawangan semenanjung.

    So my dear friends, fellow brothers and sisters, other kindred spirits whether of malay and non malay lineage, my appeal to you is this:

    When giving support give it on the right basis.Support someone because of what he stands for and proof of this is the individuals willingness to make sacrafice's for what he beleives. Otherwise, its just lip service.

    Remember, that politics is about serving others and not yourself-it is not a buisness enterprise to make money, or an easy living.So when supporting someone make sure that he has the best qualities to serve OUR interest and not his.If this person is Mukhriz that support him even if you have to pay a penalty, but if its not, then find someone else.

    And what applies for our support to an individual, also apllies to political parties.
    After all, what differentiates one party from another, is the cause that its fighting for. If the perjuangan is the same, might as well just have one party.

    Thats the reson today we are seeing signs that Umno is changing into a cheap clone of the PAP. The name maybe differant, but the perjuangan seems the same.


    With respects to Maddison" We must the have ambition to curb ambition"

    Salam dan selamat sejahtra.

  8. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Dear datuk,

    There's something that i overlooked in my previous posting.

    When giving support to candidates, Umno has a lot to learn from the MCA.

    They dont have a majority of seats, their membership does not number in the millions, but they have gotten almost all that they wanted and without the malay's raising a murmur-Universiti TAR, a national holiday almost at par with hari raya, tv channels specifically caterd for them,and the oppurtunity to go through an educational system, from entry to tertiary without using the national language!

    That my friends is when you measure the success of a a party in terms of concrete acheivement which is the result of choosing issue driven leaders.

    The jews in America are also another example of being smart.They dont control any party but whether the President, Congress or the Senate is Republican or Democrat, thier interests are gurenteed.

    The Jews have long recognized that winning parliamentry seats is just a means to an end, not an end in itself. If you can device a method whereby you can acheive your objectives without having any seats in Parliament, then so much the better.When seen in this light, one can see simarlarities in MCA's mondus operandi.

    How do they acheive this? Because they are in charge of the national debate and they make sure they get the right people who can carry it out.

    As such i end my comments with a little question that i would like us all to consider:

    If, one day, Umno won all the seats that it contested, but after winning, are actually driven by other peoples issues would that be a victory for Umno, or is that the ultimate defeat?Umno being used to champion other peoples causes?

    So it doesnt matter if namanya Muhkriz ke, Johan ke, yang penting perjuangan yang dibawa. Bukankah begitu, wahai rakan dan taulan?

  9. Anonymous6:53 AM


    Pembatalan cadangan menggabungkan NSTP Berhad dengan Utusan Malayu Berhad ada contoh terbaik tentang keperluan keperbagaian suara di dalam Umno yang orang seperti Mukhriz dan pemimpin Umno yang lain perlu suburkan.

    Kalau tidak kerana penentangan majoriti ahli MT, penggabungan itu pasti diteruskan tanpa ahli Umno dan pelabur minoriti mengetahui sepenuhnya buruk baik urus niaga itu.

    Tahniah MT Umno.

    Soalnya, kenapakah dan bagaimanakah presiden dan timbalannya boleh memberi restu kepada cadangan itu sebelum mendapat kelulusan atau persetujuan MT?

    Apakah ada percubaan membelakangkan atau memaksa MT menerima keputusan presiden dan timbalan presiden?

    Siapakah yang sebenarnya mendalangi cadangan perkahwinan korporat ini; presiden atau timbalan presiden?

    Mustahil cadangan ini berani dikemukakan oleh sesiapa pun dalam NSTP atau UM Berhad tanpa "bisikan" dari atas. Siapakah suara dari atas itu?

    Apakah penolakan oleh majoriti ahli MT terhadap cadangan itu bererti mereka juga mengundi tidak percaya kepada presiden parti?

    Soalnya apalah salahnya jika presiden membisikkan dahulu hal ini kepada MT sebelum memberi persetujuan dan mengarahkan Tan Sri Hashim (Pengerusi Utusan) membawa berita itu kepada timbalan presiden?

    Eloklah atau tepatkan di segi peraturan bagi pengerusi Utusan memaklumkan kepada timbalan presiden Umno tentang persetujuan presiden?

    Apa kata jika pengerusi Utusan tersilap faham atau memberi maklumat yang kurang tepat kepada timbalan presiden atau sebaliknya?

    Tidakkah lebih elok jika presiden dan timbalan presiden duduk bersama membincangkan cadangan itu dengan wakil Utusan dan NSTP atau Media Prima yang memiliki NSTP?

    Mengapa memberi tugas ini kepada pengerusi Utusan sedangkan UM Berhad lebih kecil dan lebih lemah daripada NSTP Berhad dari segi korporat?

    Atau apakah kerana nama NSTP atau Media Prima tidak laku lagi kepada ahli dan MT Umno sejak dikuasai oleh orang-orang tertentu yang kerap memperlekeh Umno dan bangsa Melayu?

    Adakah penolakan MT ke atas cadangan ini merupakan undi tidak percaya kepada presiden Umno?

  10. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Benar, hal mukhriz hanyalah setitik kecil dalam isu negara. Mukhriz hanyalah seorang individu, yang menurut A Malay Named Tetullion, tidak perlu diperdebatkan atau diberi banyak tumpuan kerana Umno bukan soal perjuangan individu dan Kerajaan juga bukan soal perjuangan individu. Umno itu adalah suara orang Melayu, wadah perjuangan orang Melayu. Kepada Umnolah kita mengharapkan isu-isu berkaitan orang Melayu dipertahankan. Ini kerana orang Cina ada MCAnya, orang India ada MICnya dan kaum-kaum lain ada Gerakannya.

    PAS juga parti untuk orang Melayu tetapi perjuangan parti ini tersasar jauh dengan mempolitikkan Islam lalu ia menjadi bahaya dan menggusarkan. Pemimpin muda PAS seperti Husam jauh lebih baik daripada kebanyakan pemimpin Pemuda Umno, jadi alangkah baik kalau orang seperti Husam masuk ke dalam Umno tetapi harus tegas dengan pendirian dan perjuangannya seperti di dalam PAS.

    Sayang seribu kali sayang, perjuangan pemimpin Umno, yang Datuk gelarkan sebagai pembesar (sangat tepat sekali gelaran itu), sudah menyimpang jauh daripada matlamat. Bukan itu sahaja, mereka menjadi buta sebuta-butanya dan tuli setuli-tulinya. Hatta apa sahaja pandangan, saranan dan cadangan pembesar nombor 1 disambut tanpa banyak soal selidik, diterima tanpa berfikir panjang dan lebih menyedihkan dijaja merata alam.

    Kita ambil isu penggabungan NSTP-Utusan Melayu, yang walaupun khabarnya ditentang oleh segelintir ahli MT Umno tetapi pembesar nombor 1 kita tetap mempertahankan cadangannya itu. Jadi apakah kesudahannya? Menyokong yang membawa rebah atau terus mempertahankan hak bangsa Melayu? Sudahlah hak bangsa Melayu di dalam NSTP hancur lumat, apakah hak bangsa kita akan dihancurlumatkan lagi di dalam Utusan?

    Sebagai individu tentunya saya akan bersetuju dengan cadangan penggabungan itu kerana saya sudah pasti akan mendapat habuan daripada jualan saham saya nanti berikutan kenaikan harganya di pasaran. Tetapi sebagai satu bangsa, saya terpaksa mematikan impian saya untuk mengecap sedikit kenikmatan itu. Pembesar No 1 dan konco2nya tidak boleh dibiarkan bermaharajalela. Inilah masanya orang Melayu bergabung tenaga mengasak perbuatan songsang, zalim dan dusta mereka. Kita tidak perlu membawa keris kalau sekadar untuk mencium dan kemudian menghunusnya di udara. Rasulullah saw sendiri sentiasa berusaha mengelakkan pertumpahan darah selagi mampu dalam usahanya menegakkan syiar Islam. Berjuang itu bukan semestinya dengan keris dan berbunuh-bunuhan. Bukankah mata pena dan suara itu lebih tajam daripada hujung pedang?

    Malangnya, semakin ramai yang lupa dengan semangat perjuangan sebaliknya lebih gemar bersikap mempertahan periuk nasi lalu jadilah mereka golongan Yes, Mr Prime Minister. Beraninya mereka hanya di belakang dan apabila di depan lain yang diucapkan. Tetapi tidak juga boleh menyalahkan mereka kerana apabila guru kencing berdiri sudah tentulah muridnya kencing berlari.

    Suara Tun Dr Mahathir semakin hilang. Oleh kerana perjuangan Umno itu bukan soal individu maka tentulah tidak wajar bagi saya untuk mengajak orang Melayu terus memuji-memuja Tun. Tetapi sebagai orang Melayu yang amat menghormati pemikiran Tun, saya rasa tidak salah untuk saya mengajak semua menghayati semangat perjuangan Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Razak, menghormati legasi mereka dan berjuang mempertahankan agama, bangsa dan negara seperti yang diperjuangkan mereka.

  11. UMNO was not only 'used' by local political parties to pursue their agenda but UMNO was used by other countries as well. One example was when Communism was thriving, the US used UMNO to spread her propaganda that communist is godless hence it should not be supported. The US then was at war(cold?) with the USSR.
    When Iraq was to be attacked by US's Bush Sr in 1981, former PM Mahathir(UMNO) gave his 'sincere' consent in the name of democracy.
    UMNO will readily accept this 'used' roles whenever the price is right.
    In short, UMNO is a totally used party.

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM


    "So it doesnt matter if namanya Muhkriz ke, Johan ke, yang penting perjuangan yang dibawa. Bukankah begitu, wahai rakan dan taulan?"

    Tertullian's most important writings are

    Formal argumentation in defense of something, such as a position or system.

    Ad Nationes
    ONE proof of that ignorance of yours, which condemns whilst it excuses your injustice, is at once apparent in the fact, that all who once shared in your ignorance and hatred, as soon as they have come to know it, leave off their hatred when they cease to be ignorant; nay more, they actually themselves become what they had hated, and take to hating what they had once been.

    De Praescriptione
    THE State and Condition of these Times demand of Us to give this Admonition, viz. That we ought not to be surpriz'd at the Rise of the present 16 Heresies either that they are, for they were presignified; or that they subvert and undermine the Faith of some Men; for For this Cause |13 Heresies are, that our Faith by suffering Temptation might shew itself approved. The Rise and Progress then of Heresies is by no Means a just Cause of Offence, tho' many are rashly and inconsiderately offended at them. How much greater Reason would they have for Wonder and Astonishment, were there no such Thing as Heresy to be met with in the World? Whatever has a Being, has also a Cause of that Being. It has a certain Energy whereby it is, and which implies an Impossibility of it's not being .)

    Bp ;}

  13. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Assalamualaikum Dato';

    Saya adalah pembaca blog Dato' tapi masih belum nak buat apa2 komen cuma saya nak minta Dato perbetulkan RSS feed blog Dato' ni yang tak boleh nak load kat RSS reader saya. Settingnya mungkin dah kacau Dato'.

    Mohon dipertimbangkan yer Dato'.

    Terimakasih dan teruskan usaha penulisan di alam maya Dato' nih.

    Norman S.

  14. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Saya masih mencari buku BLOGGER , terbaru daripada penulis kegemaran saya sejak di bangku sekolah... A Kadir Jasin....

    Rasanya pengedaran buku buku terbitan Berita Publishing tidak menyeluruh.. Sukar saya di Melaka untuk menemuinya....

    Apa kata , Berita Publishing menggunakan cara pesanan melalui POS dengan mengiklankannya dalam majalah terbitan Berita Publishing sendiri....

    BUat pengetahuan Datuk, saya kini melanggan Malaysian Business dan ianya menjadi teman setia saya sejak saya berada di Universiti bermula tahun 2001 dahulu....

    Pastinya Other Thots adalah ruangan pertama yang akan saya baca :)

  15. Anonymous2:22 AM

    to a true malay named tertullion and all the melayu tulen out there,

    do u people realised that harping on race is counter-productive?
    do u people realise that the country is built by the Chinese and foreigners?
    when will you start to trust non-malays?
    is it because of what u've done to non-malays that find it hard to trust them to have your best interests at heart?

    whether u like it or not, umno represents malaysians as they are the largest political party and we vote for them using MCA as a proxy

    there is a whole new generation of malaysians who calls malaysia their motherland

    we are sick of being called immigrants and being treated like second class citizens

    and tertuillion - it is not true that the Chinese got Utar without much of a murmur...only after about 50 years of struggle did we see the dream materialise

  16. recently Phillipine has almost fallen to the military, then Thailand 'kena', few days ago Fiji 'kena', wonder which country to be next...

  17. Salam Dato'

    saya dan mungkin ramai lagi masih menunggu jawapan daripada PM kita berkaitan perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh TDM semasa pertemuan empat mata tempohari. PM memberi gambaran yang beliau akan menjawab semua perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh TDM semasa pertamuan selama 2 jam setengah tu. tapi nampaknya perkara ni semakin jauh dan tinggallah kita menantikan jawapannya. macam2 cara dan usaha dibuat untuk mengelakkan tumpuan kita mengenai perkara tersebut. pengumuman mengenai penggabungan sesama gergasi... mungkin menarik perhatian ramai orang untuk memperkatakannya. mungkin juga pengumuman projek2 mega seperti di johor, jambatan ke2 pulau pinang untuk menunjukkan kerajaan sekarang juga mampu untuk mewujudkan projek mega. yelah... takkan kerajaan yang dulu je ada projek mega... kerajaan sekarang pun nak jugak.

    jawapan tetap samar dan orang ramai terus meneka sesama sendiri apakah kesudahnnya...

  18. Anonymous4:31 PM

    awang demak said...

    "PAS juga parti untuk orang Melayu tetapi perjuangan parti ini tersasar jauh dengan mempolitikkan Islam lalu ia menjadi bahaya dan menggusarkan".

    Langit Biru bukan ahli PAS, bukan UMNO, bukan PKR.....tak berparti tetapi amat setia mengundi.

    Kerap kali persepsi yang dilontarkan kepada individu atau sesebuah pertubuhan hanya berdasarkan "cakap-dengar" yang dimanipulasikan oleh lawan masing-masing.

    awang demak said, "perjuangan parti ini tersasar jauh"
    Soalan:Apakah sasaran tepatnya?

    awang demak said, "dengan mempolitikkan Islam"
    Soalan:Betul ke? Apakah yang dimaksudkan mempolitikkan Islam? Apakah bukti terang dan jelas? Apakah tiada politik dalam Islam?

    awang demak said, "lalu ia menjadi bahaya dan menggusarkan"
    Soalan: Bahaya dari segi apa? Perpaduan Negarakah? Ekonomikah?Akidah Islam kah? Apakah dengan sebab persepsi bahaya itu maka Nik Adli Nik Aziz dan rakan rakan boleh ditahan tanpa bicara? Apakah Kelantan di bawah Nik Aziz dalam bahaya?

    .....sekadar bertanya mencari bukti dan jawapan dari awang demak!

    Kalau pembesar2 UMNO sudah tak relevan, apakah UMNO masih relevan?

  19. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Sebagai saorang pemerhati arus politik Negara, saya angap “mohon maaf” Datuk Mukhriz itu datang dari kesedaran:-

    1. bahawa tidak kemana atau untungnya kepada diri sendiri, sekiranya di panjangkan scenario yang tercetus;
    2. lagi lagi, rancangan Malaysia 9 sudah pun bermula dan kontrak mega dan semi mega akan di keluarkan;
    3. kemungkinan Tun sendiri telah memberi nasihat kepadanya supaya elakkan konfrantasi di antara beliau dan famili Pak Lah kerana semua yang ada dalam tangan sekarang boleh jadi abu. Biarlah ayah sendiri yang berjuang sebab tidak ada apa yang PM boleh buat kepada ayah.

    Sungguh pun kenyataan Mukhriz tidak menyuarahkan terlebih mendalam, tetapi sudah penuh makna tegurannya itu bermotif biadab dalam erti kata menjatuhkan martabat Pak Lah. Atas kesalahan tindakkan politik itu, saya sokong yang beliau patut kena teguran yang hebat dari ahli ahli UMNO.

    Saya rasa masa depan politik Mukhriz tidak banyak dicemari akibat peristiwa ini. Kemungkinan besar, kedudukannya akan bertambah kukuh kerana beliau telah buktikan kepada khalayak ramai bahawa dia ada pendirian dan berani luahkan apa yang terpendam dalam hatinya. Dia berbuat demikian dalam suasana yang sangat kritikal terhadap kedudukannya dalam UMNO. Berani buat, berani tanggung.

    Kemungkinan, it is a “calculated risk”, albeit with the highest possibility of failure and self-destruction. Tetapi, hasilnya, kalau berpuak kepada beliau, sangat mustajab.

  20. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Dear Datuk and penghuni-penghuni lain yang budiman,

    When earliar i wrote that individuals are not important, it was an oversimplification. After all, organizations, parties and goverments are nothing but a collection of individuals working for a common objective and the the quality of the individual members determine the quality of the party.

    In this regard, to me there's nothing wrong if we memuji-muji DR MAHATHIR because he deserves all those accolades and more. Our support for Tun is not as Mahathir the individual, but as Mahathir, the great defender, promoter and articulator of our national interest.

    And since he is soo effective in that role, Mahathir in many ways can no longer be seen purely as an individual but also as a national symbol. So when we meuji- muji beliau, in truth we are celebrating the truth and veracity of of our own cause, and the cause of our forefathers

    As an individual he has his flaws and some of it we are paying for it now. It is fair for us to point this out. But as a national symbol he has to be defended, because, in doing so, we are merely defending ourselves.

    In so many ways he encapsulates our national struggle- the decades long struggle to redeem our collective dignity. And remember, in Mahathir's case it wasn't lip service- more than once he has paid the ultimate price for standing up to what he fights for, our national interest, and today he is paying for it again.

    But Mukhriz hasnt done that so we cannot give him that blank check of trust.Our support cannot be given for free because nyawa dan periuk nasi is at stake! Dan paling penting maruah! Never forget that history gave birth to Umno because of maruah!

    So mukhriz has to earn our support just like his father earned his.

    Pendapat saya ini saya tulis hanya untuk pertimbangan

    Terima kasih.

  21. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Dear Datuk and fellow Malaysians,

    To Freeluch 2020,

    You have a very quixotic outlook on life-Its is an admirable quality.

    But policies , for it to be effective, has to take into account real life.And in the real world, race means alot( whether that's bad or good is a differant matter). Race is an integral aspect of our identities. You dont have to go far for evidence- just look at your names- and many people are very proud of their names and are willing to sacrifice leg and limb for it.

    But that's just for our names, a very individual thing. Now can you imagine how much importance people put to other aspects of their identity, especialy common characteristics and territories shared over hundreds, and in the case of the Chinese, thousands of years.

    So its very well and good to say that race should'nt matter, but that's running away from reality. Such idealism may be good for the individual involved, but policies and politics cannot afford to do that.

    On the contarary, policies , if it were to have any hope of being successful, must be base on hard, cold reality. It has to be base on facts- there's simply no running away from that. The day that policies are divorce from reality and facts, is the day we should all dread.

    Just remember the age old wisdom 'History is litterd with tragedies that started from good intentions'

    In other words, good intentions are just a prerequsite, but not sufficient, requirement of succesful policies and politics.

    By the way, the very fact that their exist Universiti TAR, and that your willing to, I quote, "struggle" for it for over 50years, is evidence that race matters very, very much,even for a Chinese like you.(And looking at how UMNO is no longer issue driven, maybe it even matters more than for the average Malay)

    If it doesn't there's no need for it is there?

    So until the day humanity says identity is not important,for good or bad, race based politics is here to stay my chinese brother/sister.

    In other words UMNO,MIC,MCA are here for the long run

  22. Anonymous3:45 AM

    To A real Malay named Tertullion,

    true true. i am v idealistic n i agree that sadly in reality, race really matters to most malaysians.

    your reply kinda woke me up a bit.

    agree with most that u've said, but think that we should start to implement policies such that race will slowly matter less.

    re UTAR, i can't remember if it was 50, i am kinda young but it took some time. i believe the uni was proposed after the quota system was introduced at all local universities, and many other education policies such as changing the language of instruction in UM to Malay, putting Chinese students at a disadvantage.

    u also said: 'History is littered with tragedies that started from good intentions'
    i would argue that the NEP is one such tragedy.

    i am hesistant to go into a debate on why race-based policies are ineffective. just google and i am sure you will find many authorative articles on it.

    but just want to add that, at the end of the day, 'race' is just an idea =)


  23. orang politik berlawan sesama sendiri. Pertanyaannya : Yang untungnya siapa? Rakyat untung atau rugi?

    Sekadar pertanyaan dari mereka yang bukan politikus.

    Bila Bush bergasak dengan Saddam rakyat Iraq bermandi darah. Rakyat Iraq kerugian besar.

    Ironinya Bush bertembung Kerry, selepas demokrasi terhad terlaksana; politikus jahat Amerika salam tangan. Bersatu bantai Arab. Bantai islam. Abang kita di Iraq terus dialam pembantaian. Kita di Malaysia bersorak hantar sms layan program Mentor. Baguskan. Sentimental sungguh.

    Harapnya di Malaysia pertembungan jangan merugikan rakyat jelata yang terlalu sandarkan harapan. Berpolitik biarlah perpada pada. Sejarah banyak mencoret, bila pemimpin terajang pemimpin; diakhir cerita peluru gurkha tembus ke kepala rakyat.

    Rakyat itu siapa? benarkah kita ini dipanggil rakyat atau pemimpin asap keris replika diatas pentas glamour itu selayaknya digelar rakyat? Jadi congak punya congak rupanya mereka yang naik Lrt berhimpit itulah rakyat.

    Mereka yang terbeban dengan kenaikan bil air rupanya digelar rakyat. Mereka yang jarang-jarang hunus keris plastik...itulah rakyat Malaysia.

    Yang tukang mengapi-apikan bahang perkauman: itu semua taycon besar punya orang.

    Jadi selepas perhimpunan.....suhu perkauman naik 45 darjah celcius. Patutlah panas.

  24. Anonymous6:15 AM

    To freelunch 2020,

    Since when is this country built by chinese and foreighners huh?

    Since the British came?!

    Kalau ikut lojic you,British bukan sahaja patut jadi rakyat kelas pertama Malaysia, mereka patut jadi Sultan!Like dat huh?

    You ni tak pegi sekolah ke? Tak belajar sejarah?

    Its a wonder you feel like a second class citazen..its more than you deserve. With this kind of 'immigrant mentality' I don't know if you even qualify to be a citazen...because you definately wont be in France, Britain, USA, Australia and all those other so- called libral 'Advance country".

    How lucky this freelunch fellow is, dont even know the basics of how he got his citezenship, wanna talk about who built this country !
    Tak tahu apa-apa, nak bagi kuliah!

    Tertullion, dengan orang 'ignorant' macam ini, tak perlu cakap baik sangat, bukan dia paham pun

  25. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Kepada datuk dan para pembahas,

    Freelunch, i suggest you do some reading -lots of it! because to say 'the chinese and foreigners built this country' indicates the degree of your 'kejahilan' which is amazing! am tempted to use another stronger, more accrate and more deserving word but as an 'old school' malay,I'll accomadate your st......ty- although son, you don't deserve it! Lucky you, i've just finish my subuh prayers and Islam tells us to be patient

  26. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Hey tertullion,

    Hang nak berbahasa sangat dengan si freelunch tu buat apa? nak jadi pengkhianat?- orang macam freelunch lah memberi lesen kepada Hishamuddin untuk telanjangkan keris dan hayun sana- sini macam kerbau mengamuk.. dan kita nak salahkan orang macam hashim subuh tu ke? Macam mana depa tak marah bagai nak rak dengan orang macam freelunch ni dan sewaktu dengannya, dah jadi rakyat 50 tahun masih cakap bukan sahaja macam imigren tapi macam penjajah!

  27. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Dear Datuk dan para penghuni yang budiman,

    To Freelunch2020,

    I cant believe that i didnt see it the first time i read your post..and what i'm seeing now. How could you think that the chinese and foreigners built this country?? Man, for a Malaysian to be so ignorant of Malaysia's history is not only wrong,its dangerous.

    Look, there's no point for me to try to demonstrate to you by argument how wrong you are.. your ignorance of Malaysian history is so self evident, you wouldn't know if i'm making it all up or i'm just stating 'historical' facts.

    So, my suggestion is that you go and get some history textbooks and do some serious,serious reading on the events leading up to Merdeka.

    And since most history textbooks today are written by Malay's or in collaboration with Malay's i can even suggest a specific textbook by an authour whose objectivity you can't question.

    The textbook is called "SEJARAH MALAYSIA DAN SINGAPURA" by Tan Ding Eing, publish by Siri Sejarah Fajar Bakti. The great Professor Emiritus KHOO KAY KIM serves as the books Editorial Advisor.

    Its a slightly older textbook so there's a possibility its hard to come by-so you have to put in some effort . But if you still cant find it, I'll gladly borrow mine.

    And btw Freelunch, after you've read it, i want you to make the nessacary appologies for writing this utter rubbish, which i quote" do you people realize that the country is built by chinese and foreigners".

    No, freelunch we don't realize that, because its factually n patently wrong . And after reading Tan Ding Eing's textbook, you will realize that to.(here's a hint to speed up your reading:read under AMCJA)

    In fact, you will realize that not only is this country not built by the Chinese but if it wasn't for the Malay's and UMNO, there wouldn't be such a thing as a 'Malaysian' chinese in presant day Malaysia.


    And don't forget to say thank you after your appologies. Its the 'Malaysian' thing to do.Not for the book, but for being a citazen

    PS-Freelunch, if you cant find the book, give me your details at my e-mail, I'll send you mine.

    PSS- To the Malay's, if Umno was doing its job and run by people that understand what the party is all about, this episode wouldnt have happen.

  28. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Dato' dan rakan rakan sekelian,

    Lewat malam tadi ketika pergi kesebuah kedai runcit berhampiran kediaman saya untuk membeli majalah, saya berasa 'terperanjat' tetapi 'seronok' kerana menemui 2 naskhah buku bertajuk BLOGGER - A KADIR JASIN jilid I dipamerkan oleh peruncit tersebut..... Tanpa berfikir terus saya membelinya.....

    Sukar untuk saya dapat buku tersebut dikedai yang lebih 'established' seperti Popular dan MPH di Melaka ini TETAPI tanpa disangka, ada pekedai runcit biasa yang menempahnya......

    Sememmangnya pendapat dan idea Dato' lebih dekat di hati rakyat jelata....

    Saya pun sudah mula berjinak menjadi 'blogger..'....

    PAda yang sudi silalah melawati blog kerdil saya di

    Terima kasih Dato'.... gembira sekali apabila melihat pendapat saya dengan nama fendy_ahmad ada di dalam buku BLOGGER tersebut :D

  29. Anonymous10:15 AM

    KEPADA SDRA fendy_ahmad dari Melaka;

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    Buku Blogger A.Kadir Jasin berharga RM15 dan khas untuk mereka yang membelinya di BERITA PUBLISHING BOOK CENTRE, potongan 20% akan diberi.

    Cadangan Sdr fendy mengenai penjualan secara pos diambil kira.

    Untuk pembelian gaya pos, sila kembarkan cek atau wang pos (postal order) berserta pembayaran sebanyak RM15 (termasuk harga buku dan kos penghantaran) kepada BERITA PUBLISHING SDN BHD.

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    A Razak Chik – Editor (Special Projects); Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd

  30. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Salam Buat Semua Pembahas,

    Malaysia adalah Tanah Melayu. Tanah Melayu adalah milik orang Melayu. Orang Melayu adalah kumpulan orang-orang yang terkenal dengan sopan santun, peramah, berbudi bahasa, tidak berburuk sangka, menerima kunjungan tetamu, mudah berkompromi, ...

    Salah satu dari sifat kemurahan itulah yang memberi laluan kepada 'tetamu-tetamu' untuk menumpang sekejap namun akhirnya beranak pinak dan terus membiakkan generasi mereka hingga ke hari ini.

    Kini waris 'tetamu-tetamu' yang datang ini membuat tuntutan lagi. Seolah-olah kita lah yang telah menganiaya mereka.

    Takut saya memikirkan di manakah Melayu tujuh generasi dari sekarang?

    Di Mentor?
    Di Akademi Fantasia?
    Di Jom Heboh?
    Di Juara lagu?
    Di Beat TV?
    Di macam-macam Aznil?
    Di Senario?

    ...Wow tak susah rupanya untuk melalaikan Melayu.

  31. Anonymous11:32 AM


    Dalam situasi permohonan maaf Datuk Mukhriz (DM) ini saya melihat kepada cabaran yang lebih besar. Walaupun kita dapati segelintir pembesar UMNO bagaikan memandang sinis ucapan maaf DM, tetapi konteks yang lebih utama adalah ia merupakan penyelesaian sihat kepada sesuatu polemik politik yang sangat kecil.

    Yang menghairankan saya adalah apakah komen DM (bukan kritikan seperti yang digembar-gemburkan) menjadi satu igauan yang sangat berat kepada AAB? Perlukah pembesar2 UMNO terkejut dan terus berpencak silat menghunus keris hatta mendengarkan komen spontan dari mulut rakan politik mereka sendiri?! Patutkan kesalahan ini hanya diletakkan kepada si pengeluar komen, bukan juga kepada pencari2 berita i.e. si penemuramah DM ketika itu dan akhbar yang mengeluarkan cerita? Tidakkah ini akan menjadi lebih sensasi kalau ayat yang sama terkeluar dari mulut pemimpin UMNO lain? Persoalan2 ini yg lebih banyak bermain di benak fikiran saya daripada mempersoal siapa benar siapa salah, siapa layak berkata siapa yang harus duduk diam.

    Keadaan ini bukan sahaja tidak meningkatkan reputasi UMNO sebagai partai utama kerajaan malah kelihatan hanyalah keadaaan pembesar2 UMNO sekarang ini yang tidak lagi dapat bangkit untuk membicarakan suara hati perjuangan masing2. Ya, memang kita tidak menolak collective views, itu tetap merupakan suatu cara yang baik. Ketika PEMUDA UMNO menyatakan kesetiaan kepada Presiden UMNO, ia juga lahir atas dasar collective views. Cuma yang menjengkelkan adalah kesetiaan PEMUDA lebih kepada dasar mengangguk kepala dan menerima apa sahaya tanpa usul bicara. PEMUDA UMNO kini tidak dapat lagi berdiri sebagai sebuah entiti dalam UMNO seperti yang kita lihat ketika zaman Dato Harun Idris dan seangkatan dengannya. Saya kira keadaaan ini hanya penyandang jawatan ketua pemuda yang mampu menjawabnya.

    Saya percaya DM masih relevan dalam UMNO terutama dalam pemuda UMNO. Dalam keadaan kuasa yang dikongsi antara Datuk Hisham dan KJ, sekurang kurangnya kehadiran DM akan menjadi check and balance atas setiap tindakan Pemuda. Keadaan mungkin tidak menyebelahi DM pada ketika ini, laluan yang dilalui selepas ini mungkin akan lebih berduri tetapi apa yang lebih utama pembesar UMNO dapat terus sedar akan kewujudannya. Sekaligus mereka akan lebih berhati2 dalam setiap percaturan politik masing2. Kalau itulah perjuangan atau pengorbanan yang harus dilalui DM dalam politik tanahair, saya percaya UMNO masih mempunyai tempat untuknya.

    Semoga pertemuan antara DM dan AAB dalam masa terdekat menjadi pencorak halatuju politik DM selepas ini. Saya percaya DM datang dari sebuah keluarga yang kenal apa itu survival..

  32. "God created humans with the capacity to think and to reason. If humans reason wrongly, it is not God that has caused them to reason that way. They are given the faculty to think, but they reason wrongly.

    Sometimes we make mistakes. It is not God makes mistakes. We made mistakes, because our capacity to think and reason is not so good. There is not only single person on this earth who is exactly the same as another.

    God creates no two people the same. Even twins are not the same. How is it that with six billion people in the world, no two persons look alike, think alike or behave alike. We cannot explain except to say it is the will of God."

    (Dr. Mahathir Mohamad - Malaysian former Prime Minister)

    paham...paham...sangat paham.

  33. Anonymous2:26 PM

    lmd said...

    "Terima kasih kerana membawa semula kita kepada masalah Negara yang paling besar ini".

    Apakah Imd berpendapat isu Mukhriz adalah masalah Negara yang paling besar?

  34. Anonymous3:40 PM

    dear all,

    truth hurts.

    but the country (by this i mean its infrastructure and economy) is built by the chinese and foreigners.
    who built KLCC, Putrajaya, our roads, Bakun dam, etc etc?
    yes, the contracts given to bumis but WHO really BUILT it? WHO had the knowledge and skills?

    the recent equity figures show that we still dominate the economy, including construction.

    AMNAT (tertuillion i have abbreviated your name) regarding malaysian history texts, those you've recommended may not be the best source. I read various history texts - some from British sources, Chinese sources, etc etc. But again I don't profess to be a historian.

    i am not apologising. u guys should stop being so sensitive and running amok every time someone tells the truth.


    please wake up from your 'ketuanan Melayu' propaganda.

    bangunlah - semua institusi-institusi yang diambilalih seperti MAS, MCC telah dirobohkan oleh siapa?

    what happened to RENONG? do we still remember RENONG????????

    now we want to do it to sime darby, golden hope, and guthrie?

  35. Anonymous4:51 PM

    "Pantang melayu berundur sebelum berjuang..."

    I say, we've not heard everything from Datuk Mukhriz yet...

    Datuk, congratulation on the publishing of your book. I hope I can find it in One Utama today.

  36. Saudara/Saudari pembahas dan pelawat yang saya hormati,

    Terima kasih kerana terus mengunjugi blok kita ini dan berbahas.

    Dari semasa ke semasa, saya mohon keizinan mengingatkan kita semua mengenai tatatertib dan akhlak berbahas.

    Kita boleh membincangkan apa sahaja perkara dan isu -- agama, bangsa, bahasa, negara dan kepemimpinan.
    Tetapi biarlah bersopan, berakhlak dan berhemah.

    Saya akan terus tidak menyiarkan komen-komen yang tidak memenuhi ciri-ciri ini. Misalnya menyifatkan orang bukan Melayu sebagai orang asing.

    Terima Kasih.

  37. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Kepada Datuk kadir dan lain-lain,

    Free lunch,

    RE: To your statement"the chinese and foreigners built this country"

    Freelunch honestly, each time you open your mouth, your just advertisng your ignorance

    In your first comment the gist of what you said is this" we shouldnt harp on race" implying of course that you dont. Immediately after that you talk about how the chinese struggled for fifty years to get university Merdeka.


    In your second post, after reading Tertullion's reply,you admited that he woke you up a bit- wow! that's an understatement! Be honest and say that he woke you up alot-u were in deep sleep man..because what he said was really common sense, it was staring at you straight in the face and you couldnt see it all your life

    also you said your too idealistic, implying that you dont think race shuld matter to much to Malaysian's.Pray tell my young friend where does race does not matter too much?Japan, Korea, France, Germany? And then you talk again about Universiti Merdeka's basis for existance, citing the use of the national language would put you chinese at a disadvantage?


    Why should it? Especially to a peson like you who said several times that race is not important? If that's true the first thing that shouldn't matter is language

    Bahasa Malaysia is the national language, in Malaysia that means it dosen't belong just to the Malays, it belong also to the chinese and the indians but your to blinkerd to see that.

    To demand using a medium of instruction which is not in the national language doesn't happen in most so-called advance countries in the world. french is used in france, english is used in england why not MALAY in MALAYsia?Give me some reason apart from the obvious one that the Chinese are very chauvenistic which is a polite word for ( )'

    Have you heard the saying when in "Rome do as the Romans do". Its a universal principle, so why don't the Malaysian chinese abide by it?

    And then you contradict yourself again by saying Prof Khoo and the authour mite not be the best people to refer to, because you said you've got Bristish and chinese sources without mentioning names of course..Conveniant huh?And then of course you showed us your bravery by saying 'I'm no historian of course'

    Of course your not, or else you would know whether Prof Khoo is significant or otherwise.Also that means your not qualified to even suggest that those two historian's are 'maybe not the best sorces'.

    So why don't you take up tertullions challenge?He was fair enuf to even give two malaysian historians of your ethnicity..and there's alot of Malay one's that i myself can cite.But you don't trust them do you?.....Hypocritical, considering that you accuse the malay's in your first posting of not trusting the non-malay's.. But you prefer to trust your source's instead, even before taking up the challenge.. very, very brave

    What have you got to lose?

    Scared of the truth?

    Young man, in just two post's you have contradicted yourself numerous time's and not on differant 'complex' issues but on the same 'simple' issue.

    you clearly have shown that u have not thought about alot of your premises, even on simple things.

    So why do you feel so confident about your statement 'this country is built by the chinese and foreighners' which by any stretch of the immagination is something very, very contentious even for experts

    but again you betray your lack of confidence by refusing flatly tertullion's offer..




  38. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Dear Datuk dan lain-lain,

    I'm a malay but i look like a chinese-fair skin, small eyes, etc-etc, so when i was studying in australia, i got lot of stick from some Australians- a lot of them think that asians are only chinese and their quite anti- asian like pauline hansen.

    I often wonder why, but after reading 'Freelunch' i guess i have my answer.

    How sad

  39. Anonymous2:48 PM


    when i say race doesn't matter, i mean that it should not be a deciding factor in any policies and that RACE DOESN'T DETERMINE WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE.

    because race is just an idea.

    then, due to the situation (reality) in Malaysia, my analysis is done on a racial basis.

    regarding my comment on the UTAR and how the Chinese fought for it, it was just an OBSERVATION. i am not against the national language but i am saying that the effect of the policies at that time caused the Chinese to push for their own uni, cos they couldn't get into the local unis.

    So, two separate things
    1. Race doesnt matter in determining who or what you are, ie you can be anything or anyone that you want to be
    2. My comments are based on race because that is the reality. I need to use race to describe the reality.

    I hope that in the future we would stop being such a racially structured society. this is one of the problems, that because our policies are so race-centric, it is hard to break away from race-based analysis.

    An income-based policy for social justice and a meritocratic environment is better.

    Anyway everybody, pls don't go into personal attacks and stick to the points.

    also, everybody knows that local history texts are so political, it is hard for them to be credible.

    again i maintain, based on government figures sanctioned by the PM himself that the non-bumis (Chinese mainly) and foreigners built the country's infrastructure and economy.

  40. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera...

    kepada semua... jangan la lari tajuk jauh sangat.. lari sikit-sikit tak mengapa.. ni tak.. dah sampai ke bangsa melayu, cina, india dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Abih semua.. daripada tak tau sejarah, sampai ada kelas sejarah.

    Marilah kembali ke pangkal jalan.


  41. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Assalamualaikum Datuk'

    To freelunch, your begining to embarrass yourself

    Your consistant in making statements which is either inaccurate or straight out poppycock

    'U guys should stop being so sensitive and run amok when someone tells the truth' u said.

    since when do we run amok when someone tells the truth?

    Please oh pretty please, 'smut' freelunch, just cite me one example, just one.

    U people on the other hand have shown in history that u dont need a reason to inflinct violence on others.That's the truth mate. Unedited and uncut

    As soon as u had an upper hand 'guns' wise that is



    So tolong mengaku wahai Freelunch bahawa awak tak tahu apa- apa. Bukan sahaja tentang sejarah negara, tetapi juga sejarah kaum awak sendiri di Malaysia

    Bangunlah dari mimpi wahai freelunch dan mengaku bahawa awak jahil walaupun benda mudah- dah berkali-kali awak buktikan

    Bangunlah dan mengaku orang Melayu mudah mengambil kritikan dari semua orang- on the condition that its true. a small requirement agreed?

  42. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Oh free lunch,

    When the british came do you think they met a Malay Sultan or a chinese towkay?


    Saudara Freelunch dan para pembahas yang sama hormati,

    Saya mohon izin MENGINGATKAN saudara/saudari semua agar memberhentikan debat yang berbau perkauman.

    Saya tidak akan melayan lagi komen-komen yang berbau hasutan.

    Walaupun Freelunch mungkin sekadar mengusik minda kita dengan kenyataan "do u people realise that the country is built by the Chinese and foreigners?", namum ia nampaknya sudah mengambil bentuk dan corak yang berbahaya.

    I can accept that we're mature and intelligent enough to debate wisely. But we must, at all cost avoid offending religious and communal sensitivities of fellow Malaysians anf fellow debaters.

    As such I am stopping further response to Freelunch. We all know that the Malay Peninsular, the Tanah Melayu and the various Malay Sultanates had been in existence long before the Europeans arrived and brought with them workers and traders from the surrounding regions.

    Thank You and PLEASE!

  44. Anonymous7:07 PM

    YBhg Dato',

    Sebenarnya ramai yang meluat dengan tingkah dan laku beberapa pemimpin UMNO masakini. Kita serng disogokkan dangan berita dan fakta palsu setiap hari oleh media massa kerajaan. Saya ras terkilan dan tertipu kerana bangsa kita begitu mudah dikaburi dengan fakta palsu dan sanggup menerimanya bulat-bulat. Hakikatnya kita akan mungkin ketinggalan dengan negara-negara jiran jika kita masih alpa dan leka di masa yang terdekat.

    Apa yang diketengahkan oleh Mukhriz ada benarnya. Saya mengikuti Persidangan tersebut dan saya dapat rasakan bahawa tiada agenda baru yang diutarakan.

    Pendapat ikhlas Mukhris telah dikritik hebat oleh mereka yang hanya megutamakan kedudukan dan mengamalkan budaya "ampu". Jika ini berterusan, dan sesiapa tidak dibenarkan menegur pemimpin, saya amat takut dan bimbang pada satu hari negara ini akan menjadi seperti negara-negara mundur yg lain.

    Mukhris, teruskan perjuangan. Ramai yang setuju tetapi memilih untuk diam kerana dalam budaya UMNO, bersuara untuk menegur akan menjadi penentang. Penentang pula akan di tujukan dengan hunusan keris tajam.


  45. Anonymous1:43 AM

    assalamualaikum dato'
    i would like to congratulate u for the existance of 'BLOGGER',n i was shocked when i found this book in a chinese 'totally' comic shop in ....(bukan nama sebenar) ,that's great!

    To freelunch,it hurts to read your remark bout this country.It does and i'm not exaggerating if i tell you,im angry.truly i am.malays and UMNO has been fighting against British,Japanese and almost with every single invaders of this beloved country.I didn't know any chinese involved with the malay army 60-50 years ago.not even indians.I watched sarjan Hassan, freelunch,didn't you?Where were the chinese at that time?when the japanese are looking for your heads,who are there to defend both of this country and the chinese if not the malay ancestors.And as for the foreigners,how many of our golds,properties and our dignity that they have robbed?how many ships sunk in the deep sea with our harta?how many ships managed to reached the buckingham palace?That is what you called membina?building?How many malays are illiterate after merdeka?how many malays have the consiousness and understand the meaning of education after merdeka?it is just 50 years..49 to be precise,only half a century,which is obviously not enough for a single race to stand up by themselves after all of the hardship that we have to go through to be free again.MERDEKA!A tamadun cannot be build in a single night.Malays need help,not insult form the other races which has long gain success and kekayaan even before merdeka.WE are going to defend our right,the right of our children and future.We would be glad if other races,chinese and foreigners want to help,lagi cepat kite boleh hidup sama rata,as equal.But as long as we didn't reached the level or standard required,we will continue with what the goverment has long set up for us.Don't argue as this is our land,our country and our properties from the very beginning.Just sit there and enjoy your free lunch coz that's what you are,everything comes free.If you think that ideas and knowledge are the main things to determine who build a country,than you are a poor man,you couldn't even have a free breakfast with that.There's also spirit,loyalty,strength,sacrifices,tears,blood,soul,feelings,death and life,harmony,intelligence, kindness,LOVE,pemurah,mengasihani,
    sopan santun etc.Itu lebih bermakna dari sekadar knowledge.Human are builds with emotion,not money or sekadar knowledge.If others are willing to cooperate with us,we can reach equilibrium and stand as equal as fast as e could,but if others refuse,then...wait till we reached it ourselves,by then..enjoy your free lunch once again.(wonder who gave you that lunch,you are not a beggar aren't you?)
