Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lessons And Pointers From Hulu Selangor

A Kadir Jasin

[Please take note, ANONYMOUS comments with not be entertained. When commenting, your real identity is preferred. But a suitable pseudonym is accepted. If you have to use anonymous, please print your name or pen name at the bottom of your message. Please avoid seditious, defamatory and libelous statements. Unrelated comments will not be given priority.]

THERE was no single factor that determined the outcome of the April 25 Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election. It was the combination of many.

So let us go through some statistics and established facts to understand what had happened.

For all the resources and tactics employed by both sides, the result was not spectacular. The seat went back to the Barisan Nasional, but the majority it received was nothing to shout about.

Yes, a victory is a victory. But with a mere difference of 3.57 per cent in the popular votes -- 51.78 per cent for BN and 48.21 per cent for PKR – Hulu Selangor remains a marginal seat.

The BN might have recovered sufficiently from the March 8, 2008 general elections debacle to wrest the seat from the PKR, which stole it with an even smaller majority – 198 votes, but the margin was still too narrow to suggest that the grand old coalition has return to its former glory.

Simply put, while the PKR lost the seat at the time when it needed the victory the most, the BN is yet to recover its former strength.

Price of Over-Confidence

In fact, had the PKR put up a strong local candidate, the outcome could have been different. But its over-confidence and miscalculation was a blessing for the BN.

Clearly, when deciding on which candidate to choose, the voters decided to take chances with an untainted BN novice over the PKR’s better-known former BN minister.

It could be said that the PKR made a serious tactical oversight. Having suffered a series of resignations by its elected representatives, some of whom were former Umno leaders, choosing a recently defected Umno minister as its candidate could not be considered a coherent decision.

But did the PKR really have a choice? Mohd Zaid Ibrahim was an important catch for the PKR. He was a former Minister, a confidant of the former Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and above he’s seen as the future hope of the Pakatan Rakyat.

He’s the pro-tem chairman of the PR organising committee and is leading the formal registration of the opposition alliance.

Above all, he enjoy the confidence of the DAP. This is important because the DAP is the leading party of the Pakatan.
Mohd Zaid may even enjoy wider acceptable of Pas leaders after he openly declared his "taubat” (repentance) for his past sins.

He declared the “taubat” in response to allegations that he was a drinker and a gambler. He admitted to drinking and acknowledged that he owns several successful racehorses.

The Victory of A Dark Horse

Kamalanathan was a dark horse. The odds were stacked against him. He was never anybody’s the first choice.

To begin with, there was a strong clamour by Umno and the local Malays, who make up almost 54 per cent of registered electors, for the seat to be returned to Umno. Hulu Selangor used to be an Umno seat.

He comes from the MIC, a junior partner of the BN, and most importantly, he was not the preferred choice of his party.

The MIC leadership wanted the deputy president and the vanquished BN 2008 candidate, G. Palanivel, but was not agreed to by the BN leadership after being sufficiently convinced that Palanivel was going to be hard to sell.

His closeness to party president, S Samy Vellu, was seen as a liability and his service record as MP was questioned.

Kamalanathan, a public relations officer with a Bernas company, and hailed from nearby Rawang, proved be a good choice. His command of the Malay language is superb and his personality is pleasant.

Accordingly, a sufficient number of Malay and Indian voters who sided with the PKR in the 2008 general elections, mostly for the dislike of Palanivel, returned to the BN’s fold, but the majority of Chinese voters remained locked to the opposition via the DAP.

This proved once again that the Malays and Indian voters were more malleable while the Chinese were single-minded in their rejection of the BN.

The BN Chinese Parties Are Weak

The Chinese-based BN parties -- the MCA and Gerakan –are clearly a poor second fiddle to the DAP. The recent changes in the MCA have clearly affected the readiness of the party’s local machinery.

More pictures of the defeated former president, Ong Tee Keat, were on display while his successor, Dr Chua Soi Lek, looked awkward during the campaigning. He has a lot of catching up to do.

The voting pattern of the Chinese merits deeper scrutiny as on-the-spot financial grants and promises of development for their communities did not translate into votes for the BN.

It may even suggest that the Chinese are yet to be convinced by Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak’s 1Malaysia and his economic packages announced so far.

Also it’s not yet the time to shout about the acceptance of 1Malaysia when a whopping 48-per cent of the voters did side with the BN.

Clearly too, the Malays and Indians are more closely tied to the government due partly to their inferior economic status compared to the Chinese.

Perhaps future policy and programmes to uplift the standard of living of the people should be targeted towards the Bumiputeras and the minority Indians since the Chinese, via their voting pattern, had sent a strong signal to the BN that they are not in dire need of the government.

In any case, members of the Chinese mercantile community will be able to fend for themselves and will continue to be in the position to suck up the bulk of government expenditure through their extensive control of the supply chain.

Finally, the future is not about parties and policies alone. The choice of candidates could prove to be the linchpin. The people have had enough of the same tired old faces and the “recycled” politicians.

Neither the BN nor the PR can claim to be in tune with time if at the next general election, they do not spice up their line-up with at least 30 to 40 per cent new faces.

Kamalanathan’s victory over Mohd Zaid clearly shows that the majority of the people want clean, untainted and unburdened leaders. For the BN voters, especially the majority Malays, race comes second.


Premium Business said...

Untuk memastikan kemenangan komponen BN di kawasan yang mereka bertanding, UMNO wajar tidak menjadi tulangbelakang sebaliknya biarkan parti parti tersebut menerajui dan menjadi Pengarah pilihanraya.

Sudah sampai masanya strategi dan cara berkempen basi dan lapok digantikan dengan pendekatan yang mencerminkan 1Malaysia diterajui bukan Melayu.

ab said...

Salam dato,

Yang saya nampak ialah:-

1. PM TAK BERUBAH..orang lain disuruh berubah.

2.BN dok ikut acuan lama...wakil rakyat bukan dipilih dari majoriti penduduk setempat,TETAPI IKUT MAJORITI KAT PUTRAJAYA...

3. Yang dah tentu menang ialah kaum cina kat HS, semua sumber perniagaan dan suppliers to gomen terbanyak dari dikalangan kaum cina....undi ke tak undi BN depa tetap berjaya juga...KALAU PARTI MANA YANG MEMERINTAH PUN,KEADAAN INI TAK BERUBAH, sekurang kurangnya
untuk 20-30 tahun lagi kut ni, kalau pun tak berterusan begitu.

4 Yang `kalah' memanjang dan berulangkali ialah..melayu.
SORAK DAN GADUH mengalahkan orang-orang kat palastine, tapi habbuk pun tadak' akhiaq nya.

5.Kalau macam ni lama-lama bolih bertambah meluat remaja dan pemuda
mengenai politik dan masa depan melayu...

6 BILA AGAKNYA GOMEN NAK FAHAM pemilihan wakil rakyat itu adalah dari bawah,bottom-up process,bukan top-down process....

Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

Kongsi Alam said...

We must not fall into the trap of over analysing the Chinese Community. Could it be that the Chinese simply wants to maintain their hegemony in Selangor?

Anonymous said...

"His closeness to party president, S Samy Vellu, was seen as a liability and his service record as MP was questioned."

DAKJ, terima kaseh atas maklumat ini. Nampaknya ramai yang tertipu.

Agenda Samy masih menjalar akarnya.

Fed Up

AnakShahAlam said...


Saya telah baca semua komen dari semua pihak samada yang sokong BN, PR or independant dalam blog sebelum ini.

Bagi saya semua komen itu lebih berkisar pada fikiran atau dari pandangan politik semata-semata, bukan berdasarkan kepada isu-isu pokok.

Sebagai contoh, persoalan kenapa ada orang Melayu hendak sokong DAP yang pada tanggapan pihak BN, DAP hendak merampas hak orang Melayu atau sebagainya.

Kenapa tidak dipersoalkan mungkinkah Melayu sudah benci dengan BN sebab pelbagai skandal yang melanda BN seperti rasuah, salah guna kuasa, pembunuhan, perlanggaran hak asasi manusia dan ancaman negara dari Yahudi Zionis. Inilah perkara pokok yang mesti dipikirkan.

Jika semua skandal-skandal ini dapat diselesaikan dan yang bersalah dibawa kemuka pengadilan maka dengan sendirinya orang Melayu akan kembali kepada BN. Kaum Cina dan India juga akan kembali kepada BN. Inilah jalan penyelesaiannya.

Harap Dato dapat melihat dan menulis dari perpektif ini dan membincangkan skandal yang melanda BN sekarang.

Anonymous said...

Salam Dato',

Saya setuju 100%.

Antara yg paling menarik Dato' tuliskan ialah "In any case, members of the Chinese mercantile community will be able to fend for themselves and will continue to be in the position to suck up the bulk of government expenditure through their extensive control of the supply chain.
In the onset of World War II, it was the Chinese extensive control of the supply chain made the British decided to hand over the control of Malaya to them, and later the same reason made the Japanese Army decided to install the Chinese as their representative to rule Malaya. What more, the Chinese were then the majority in the Strait Settlements and some West Coast states, namely, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Selangor and Perak.

Kebencian Cina kepada Jepun menyebabkan mereka berjuang melalui MPAJA; ketidaksabaran dan ketidakpercayaan mereka kepada Bristih menyebabkan mereka berjuang mengguanakan ideologi komunis. Chin Peng dan geng nya telah pun berjaya mengalahkan British yg letih perang dan sejarah telah hampir pasti menjadikan Malaya negeri milik Cina.

Had it not the Chinese arrogant display of power and their gullibility brushing aside the Malays from the pixture, this very land is now a Chinese country treating the Malays much worse than the present Singapore. Itulah pertolongan Allah, datang kepada orang Melayu Islam dalam bentuk yang tidak disangka-sangka. Penyatuan orang Melayu hanya terjadi selepas mata pedang telah hampir pasti jatuh kat tengkuk kita. Cina yang telah menang, dengan lagak angkuh menunjukkan hasrat mereka menyembelih Melayu.

PRU 1969 sekali lagi meletakkan Cina diatas landasan kemenangan politik. Sekali lagi mereka angkuh merayakan kemenangan dengan mengarak penyapu simbolik untuk menolak Melayu masuk hutan (gambarfoto dalam Buku 13 Mei karangan Tunku). Sekali lagi Melayu bersatu lalu terhasillah DEB. Walau cuma mencapai 65% sasaran awal, DEB telah melahirkan Melayu yg boleh dilatih untuk menjadi teknokrat dan profesional yg boleh mengancam monopoli bisnes Cina. Mitos Melayu bodoh dan malas telah pecah sekarang. Ini amat menggusarkan Cina.

Seperti yg dituliskan oleh ramai pembahas dalam tampalan Dato' sebelum ini, Orang Cina (atau lebih tepat, power broker politik Cina) hanya mahukan lebih kuasa dan ruang untuk mereka untuk jadikan kaum mereka lebih kaya. Mereka tak perlukan bantuan gomen untuk membangunkan bisnes mereka. Terlalu banyak contoh menunjukkan kerajaan pun tak mampu bersaing dengan komuniti Cina dalam hal bisnes.

Orang Melayu dan India memang harapkan gomen membantu mereka. Maka menjadi tanggungjawab gomen yg memerintah meletakkan calon yg benar-benar berpolitik demi rakyat. Calon2 yg HP6 dan banyak bagasi tu janganlah diletakkan lagi dalam PRU akandatang. The same applies to the so-called "opposition".

Pak Hj JB

getah kawin said...

Tuan, orang kampung saya di pokok sena dok pakat cadang supayaPRU 13 kedua-dua belah pihak letak calon yang dah tua-tua belaka + sakit-sakit supaya dalam tempoh 1 - 2tahun akan ada PRK.. minta apa semua dapat.. jalan yang dah dua - tiga tahun tak siap pun dalam seminggu boleh siap... tanah teroka terus dapat geran..apa macam dengan cadangan org kg tu? ..... klu panjang umur juga.. dia orang nie juga susah sikit kot nak lompat2... apa macam cadangan org kg 2... tak mencemarkan demokrasi ka?

raja2u said...

YBhg Dato'
Pada saya pengundi sudah matang dan tahu bagaimana untuk mendapat sebanyak mungkin dari pihak yang bertanding. Mereka tidak lagi mengikut sahaja kehendak mereka yang berkuasa.Penyokong PKR tetap dibelakang parti tersebut dan tidak terpengaruh dengan janji-janji selain mereka dahulunya datang dari parti UMNO. Apa yang PKR perlu buat adalah terus memberi perkhidmatan berquality kepada rakyat walau pun tewas kerana untuk menang dimasa hadapan mereka perlu menarik 10% dari mereka yang tidak mengundi kali ini.Janganlah buang masa menyangkal keputusan pilihan rakyat Hulu Selangor kali ini.Terimalah ia dengan berlapang dada.

Peneroka FELDA yang menyumbang besar kepada kemenangan BN memang wajar berbuat demikian kerana itulah cara yang paling berkesan untuk mengatasi masalah yang mereka tanggung kian lama.

Yang akan tertekan adalah YB BN yang telah menang.Beliau perlu berentap dengan Kementerian Kewangan untuk mendapat peruntukan yang besar bagi menepati janji-janji BN dalam masa yang singkat ,iaitu ,sebelum PRU 13.

Pengajaran yang paling besar kepada UMNO adalah jangan mengkhianati parti dengan tidak mengundi atau pun merosakkan undi seperti yang yang berlaku pada 2008.Kerajaan Negeri-negeri Selangor , Perak, Pulau Pinang dan Kedah tidak akan jatuh andainya mereka setia kepada parti dan tidak mendengar rayuan untuk mengajar pemimpin UMNO dengan tidak mengundi atau sengaja merosakkan undi mereka.Untuk mengekal kemenangan UMNO/BN mudah sahaja iaitu terus berpijak dibumi yang nyata dan sentiasa berhubung rapat dengan rakyat yang memberi mereka mandat untuk mewakili mereka diParlimen dan ADUN.

Raja Abdul Rahman bin Raja Mohammad Dain,
Pencetus Strategik Vision,
Petaling Jaya

OKJ said...

Salam DAKJ


Pada pendapat jujur saya, pendapat ketiga Dato’ sebenarnya adalah yg pertama. Memang komponen MCA dan GERAKAN dalam BN lembik. Tak payah nak salahkan PERKASAlah. Tiada lagi orang yg mengharapkan parti yg lembik dan asyik melukut di tepi gantang. Menang dulu pun sebab ikhsan dari BN ditempat majority Melayu. Setakat presiden yg hanya kuat bila beraksi ranjang dalam video tu memanglah isu moral takut dimainkan. Takut orang ungkit balik la tu. Nasib baik hudud tak dilaksanakan, kalau tak dah lama kena rejam kat kepala sampai mati dah. Lagi satu, nasib baik bertanding sesama sebahagian mereka yg tak kisah samada terkangkang ke, peliwat ke, berzina ke sampai anak haram pun dibanggakan dan nak diberikan bantuan. Mat Salleh pun resign jika ada skandal sex. Sekian, Lembik….Lembik. TQ.

MalaysianKita said...

Betul banyak faktor. Tetapi, kita mengulas setelah dapat keputusan atau retrospective analysis bukan prospective analysis!

Saya fikir taktik BN memburukkan nama Zaid adalah keterlaluan. Dia taubat? Itu antara dia dengan Allah swt, bukan kita manusia biasa yang boleh mengukur keikhlasannya! Beliau sudah mengerjakan haji, samada perolehi Haji Mabrur atau Haji Mardud, bukan urusan manusia menentukan. Bukankah kita hanya menghukum yang ZAHIR saja, tidak yang tersembunyi di hati manusia?

Kamalanathan menang!
TAPI yang amat sibuk bertungkus lumus berkempen adalah Presiden UMNO, Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Setiausaha UMNO, Bendahari UMNO, Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Menteri-menteri UMNO....pendekkata seluruh jentera UMNO (DAN KERAJAAN) digunakan.

MIC kempen tak? "Tuhan Samy" turun padang tak? Timbalan Presiden MIC turun padang tak? Setiausaha, Bendahari, Majlis Tertinggi MIC turun padang tak? "Tuhan Samy" dan Palavinel tergelak besar tengok gelagak MELAYU UMNO!

So, siapa Tuan, siapa Kuli? Siapa jadi balaci kepada siapa?

Tak serik-serik ke UMNO melepas anjing tersepit?

""The voting pattern of the Chinese merits deeper scrutiny as on-the-spot financial grants and promises of development for their communities did not translate into votes for the BN"". Kaum Cina tak makan taktik gula-gula rasuah ni Tok, DEPA yang dok bagi rasuah kpd pemimpin UMNO!!


UMNO memang hebat, memang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang TAPI untuk beberapa KERAT ahli UMNO SAJA. MELAYU TETAP MERANA KERANA UMNO.



zainal abidin awang kechik said...

tok.. Peminpin BN kena tukar,MCA,MIC..UMNO.
lama sangat dah..bagi la orang muda. pulak,PR 13. kalau depa tak turun. rakyat tukaq depat jadi pembangkang..


ketua wanita umno kalah pun jadi menteri,chua soi lek......(jhon home) pun MCA pilih,samy kalah pun nak tunggu lagi.semua ni dah boleh masuk muzium.


hura hara jadi malaya

pemerhati said...


nak tambah sikit.

Pengundi atas pagar yang menentukan keputusan Pilihanraya.

bagaimana persepsi terhadap calon dan partinya dapat di laksanakan secara effektif dan seterusnya memenangi hati mereka ini, adalah kerja yang wajib dilakukan secara penuh dedikasi dan bukan main main.

penyokong tegar BN dan PR tetap akan mengundi parti mereka.

Anonymous said...


Lessons learned:-
1) If only BN and PR can work together, we will achieve wawasan 2020.
2) If only we can mobilize good quality leaders in BN and PR and work together, Malaysia will have best brain and put to good use.
3) If only BN and PR can respect each other, we don't need to spend millions of tax payer money on security in every by-election.
4) Only if BN and PR can respect each other, we don't have to resort to fitnah memfitnah.

Overall we just love politic as our national past time activity. We justify our "hobby" as check and balance to ruling Government or Putrajaya take over at all cost.

Sadly, from now till PRU13, we expect more and more politic and less and less government or leadership. Take example, scrapping of RM1000 traffic fine which is very good for road safety but succumbed to politic. We can forget about re-engineering of subsidy for better utilization of Government revenue to build and grow new economic model with added value for the benefits of rakyat, the ultimate.

Zaid plans to sue EC for unfair election by BN. Since he is PR man, he won't sue PR despite same political tactic used by State Government under PR. Maybe two wrong make one right. Just like PAS's Mustafa Ali when he said "semua mantan kecuali satu PM minum arak" when asked about Zaid previous drinking habit. This is politic, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia can says unthinkable thing like this for the sake of politic.

This message is not Lim Guang Eng's middle way political concept. This is simply pure un-politic.

Anonymous 2.

Unknown said...

Salam Dato',

Saya rasa kurang selesa melihat tawaran 'gula-gula' oleh kedua-dua belah pihak.

Pada pandangan mata saya, itu rasuah namanya, tak kiralah kalau satu pihak bagi banyak dan satu lagi pihak bagi sikit.

Nampak macam rasuah...tak tahulah mungkin pandangan mata saya kabur dan itu sebenarnya bukan rasuah.

Esok saya nak check mata saya.

pakbelalang said...

The voting pattern of the Chinese merits deeper scrutiny as on-the-spot financial grants and promises of development for their communities did not translate into votes for the BN.


There is no turning back as far as the Chinese voters are concerned. They will be inclined to vote for the oppositions come next general election. No matter how much "gula-gula" you give them the end result will be GROUND ZERO!!

So I think it is a waste of time for UMNO/BN to woo the Chinese to support BN.

UMNO have compromised a lot to accommodate the Chinese but there seems to be no reciprocal on the part of the Chinese community. They feel comfortable with the oppositions with an assumption that the oppositions are perceived to be stronger now.

So it is only logical for UMNO just concentrate on the Malay voters, at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.The support from the Malays are now slowly coming back and the next logical steps is of course for UMNO to continue giving as much "gula-gula" to the Malays and the Indians who appreciate more than the Chinese.

As for the Chinese voters leave it to the MCA and Gerakan to sort it out how best they are able to influence the Chinese to support them.

Anonymous said...

Salam DAKJ

Sooookonggg. Melayu tak pilih bangsa. Buktinya Kamalnathan menang kerana sokongan Melayu. Oleh itu, bila puak Hindraf kata Melayu tindas orang India saya naik hangin satu badan.

Sokong Bawa Rebah.

IMalaysia said...


Kamalanathan’s victory over Mohd Zaid clearly shows that the majority of the people want clean, untainted and unburdened leaders. For the BN voters, especially the majority Malays, race comes second.


well said. Lim Guan Eng for PM!!!

Anonymous said...

Prognosis clearly showed that Malays are not racist !

Men @ work


Tok Kadiaq

This is the best result for all Malaysians regardless who ever they support.

For BN,they must be on their toes,any
slips,will be the end for them after 50 over years of power.

For PR,they are still in the running.Keep pushing for a better place for each of us.

As a Malay,i am blessed with different races around me.A lot i could learn as well joining forces with them to face the world.


Anonymous said...


Kamal menang.
Palineval pun menang.
Sekolah Cina menang.

Zaid kalah tapi belum mengaku kalah.

BN belum 'menang' lagi, ada 4,000+ (6000+ tolak 1,725) pengundi yg belum undi BN semula.

Adakah org Melayu di H.Selangor akan menang dgn kemenangan Kamal & Pali ?

Tunggu & lihat.

Nani Cheras

MalaysianKita said...

Palanivel dilantik jadi Senator?

Ni sah dah cek betul betul DENYUT NADI.

Denyut nadi sapa? "Tuhan Samy"? Rakyat?

Kalau di HS semua orang dah tolak Palanivel, jawabnya, kat mana mana kawasan Parlimen pun mesti kena tolak, JADI, tak da can masuk Parlimen. MELAINKAN dilantik jadi Senator!

Najib dengaq denyut nadi sapa???

Anonymous said...

Datuk, I do not count too much on Najib being sensitive or helpful to the Malays. He's still seeking popularity with Chinese and Indians. Hurrying to aid Chinese school and appoint a has-been like Palanivel as Senator, and possibly a deputy minister. What has Palanivel done for HS other than not openly sabotaging Kamalanathan? Why is Najib still sucking up to Samy Vellu?

Najib cannot be sensitive to the Malays. He may be Tun Razk's son. That's by birth. But by upbringing he's more an Englishman than a Malay. Hidop tak pernah susah. Tun Razak susah tapi anak-anak beliau senang. They were schooled abroad and taken care of by civil servants.

What do they know of the what it is being poor? I am sorry Datuk for being old-fashioned. I don't think any Malay politician can truly understand the Malay psyche unless he came from poor background and having to struggle like you and I.

Najib can make Malays accept 1Malaysia. These Malays have no choice because they work for the government and/or depend on the government. But I doubt the Chinese and Indians will cherish 1Malaysia. To them being Chinese and Indians is more important. Being Chinese and Indians they have Chinese and Tamil schools, cultures and ancestry. If they accept 1Malaysia, they run the risk of losing their schools and languages like in Singapore where Malay is the dead national language and English is the administrative and economic language.


Ab Razak Hj Ahmad said...

Duit RM3 juta utk sekolah Cina kat Rasah tu bukan duit BN ya... Duit Kerajaan.. dan salah satu sumber kewangan kerajaan ialah duit tax payer... means duit saya jugak la.... Semua kena bayar tax tak kira BN or PR ya.... lol...

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I have just finished reading Tun Mahathir's latest blog and dato Dadir's blog. My conclusions is, lots of writers (Malay and Chinese) are still very worried about resources distribution by the political parties.

politic = money distribution

Not nation building. Not cmpetition with neighbouring countries like Singapore. Not living standard elevation.


I have never received a single contract from the government and I do not expect I will get anything in the future (Does not matter Najib or Anwar is the future PM). I think we should FOCUS on our own achievement in our life and trieve.

I have a successful MALAY entrepreneur buddy who has expended his business to various different countries. You know what he call all he call his Chinese friends ? He call them 'TUAN'. Can you imagine ? This is the CONTOH Melayu who earn my respect !! He is a UMNO leader (sorry cannot mention name) but his business has nothing yo do with 'pertolongan kerajaan'.

We need more MALAY like this. True winner.

DAP supporter.

Mael Hashim said...

possibility is Chinese dont like Indian.

pakbelalang said...

Funds for Chinese: BN fulfils pledge, hands over RM3m to Rasa school

PUTRAJAYA: Barisan Nasional will not punish the Chinese community for their lack of support in the recent Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election but is hoping that they will back the ruling party in future.

Prime Minister and BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak gave an assurance that no community in the country would be sidelined.

He also made good yesterday the promise he made during the by-election to SJK (C) Rasa by handling over RM3 million for the refurbishment of the school, including its expansion.

"Today, we prove that we do not do that.

“This contribution is one done out of sincerity to the Chinese community and we hope to get cooperation from them. Najid said after presenting a cheque for the allocation to the chairman of the school board, Ng Tek Kui.


This is what a leader should be in a multi-racial society.

Najib is applying reverse psychology knowing very well Chinese ethics."Face saving" is very important element to the Chinese. Now it is up to the Chinese to reciprocate!! If they are still treating such goodwill as something irrelevent then nothing more can be done. Best of luck to them. They can continue opposing the govt.

pakbelalang said...

langit biru,

Najib dengar denyut nadi MIC. Palanivel adalah Timbalan Presiden MIC dan berkemungkinan akan gsnti Sammy Vellu dalam masa singkat ini.
Najib berbuat demikian atas dasar "face saving" kepada Timbalan Presiden MIC.

Inilah politik BN iaitu politik berdasarkan kompromi. You scratch my back, I scratch your back.

Menyentuh tentang kompromi saya rasa apabila ditakdirkan Pakatan dapat memerentah, semangat setia kawan dan kompromi juga akan dilakukan. Dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum, Pakatan pun tidak dapat lari dari hakikat ini.

pakbelalang said...

Zaid seeks to nullify Hulu Selangor results

PETALING JAYA: Alleging that the Hulu Selangor by-election was unfairly conducted and fraught with vote-buying, Pakatan Rakyat supreme council member Datuk Zaid Ibrahim will file an election petition to declare it null and void.


The strategy is to make the issue alive simply for political gain. Nothing more!!

affendi hussain said...

Salam semua,

When making analysis, we should refer to the real statistic..not just something from a tick and pick..


PRU 12 (2008)
Voter turnover: 74.89%
BN - 22,979
PKR - 23,177
spoil vote - 1,466
PKR won by 198 majority

PRK (2010)
Voter turnover: 74.82%
BN - 24,997
PKR - 23,272
spoil vote - 731
BN won by majority 1,725

1) The % of voters turn up to vote is relatively equal for this PRK
2) The voting trend remain almost the same.
3) The numbers of spoil vote reduced by almost half
4) The vote gain by PKR increased by 95nos. (funny i can still see some claiming that "undi kpd PR semakin naik" for just a 0.41% top usual, some people will never learned..)
5) BN gained additional 2,018 votes (8.78% increase)

Summary of analysis:-
- All trends, parameters, sentiments, issues et. did not relatively vary much after 2yrs for P094 constituency..
- Half of the spoil votes already gone back to BN..the remaining nos. probably from the hardcore UMNOs whom were against the non-malay candidate for P094.
- The Indian votes return to BN thanx to Najib decision not to put Samy Velu proxy as a candidate.
- Samy Velu is a great liability for BN.
- The majority Chinese still remain with PKR..only 12% chinese vote (sic) went to BN.
- The key victorious move by BN is their strategy to convinced and gained support from the Felda by resolving the deadlock issue.. (that's why they kept Khir Toyo & Mat Taib out of the picture during the campaign).

- Najib won the battle by tactical..BN know their own soft spot..
- Both BN & PR should stop "syok sendiri" complementing and condemning each other..
- Zaid is anything but the Chinese "blue eye boy" to the the Malay.
- Don't think the Felda people are stupid..they still have one more bullet in their hand to squeeze the ball of both BN & PR State Govt - the title for their land..this one keep for the PRU13 menu..
- The real idiots are the outsiders who think the Hulu Selangor people are all stupid and addicted to rasuah when in reality they're bargaining for their right as the case of Felda..
- This is just a battle. PRU 13 is the real war..only bad looser crybaby..walaupun dah tua bangka..hehehe..


borhan said...

Kalau dilihat dari jumlah undi yang diraih oleh kedua parti maka kelihatan tidak ada parti yang betul-betul dapat memperbaiki kedudukannya di Hulu Selangor. Disebalik kehebatan kedua-dua parti menyalahgunakan jentera kerajaan - satu kerajaan persekutuan dan satu lagi kerajaan negeri - namun kedua-duanya masih di takuk lama seperti pada PU12 yang lalu.

Dalam PU12 yang lalu PKR menang kerana undi protes puak UMNO yang tidak puas hati dengan pemilihan calun dimana mereka memangkah undi rosak. Dalam PR ini undi rosak itu telah kembali kepada BN yang menjadikan BN menang dalam PR ini. Ini hanya melibatkan undi yang tidak sampaipun 900.

Yang kelihatan menang besarnya ialah MIC.Calun mereka menang disini. Dan hari ini calun tak jadi mereka dilantik jadi senator. Ada ke orang besar UMNO Hulu Selangor dilantik jadi senator selepas ni?

kuat lagi sami velu.

Anak Ascot said...

Mahu terima atau tidak terpulang. Kenyataan sebenarnya,jika ditanya 10 orang masyarakat cina,lapan akan berkata, BN tidak membawa faedah apa-apa pun kepada mereka sejak 52 tahun memerintah.Itulah realitinya hari ini dan akan berterusan. Jadi tak payahlah postmortem. Jika diadakan sekalipun, hasilnya ialah lebih kurang begini.--- masyarakat cina tidak puashati tentang dasar2 Kerajaan Pusat.Ini tak kena,itu tak kena, ubah itu ubah ini---.

JIka dilihat persekitaran politik hari ini, jelas sekali bahawa mereka akan berhasil. Selepas 2008 keseluruhan masyarakat Cina telah bersatu. Jadi kemungkinan besar kasasan2 yang dimenangi BN sekarang akan beralih kepada DAP. Sebagai contoh,
Johor. Dengan itu, majoriti DAP berbanding PKR dan PAS bukan sahaja akan kekal tetapi akan bertambah.

Kemungkin PKR akan melantik Melayu sebagai PM. Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak menghalang bukan Melayu jadi PM. Dalam hal ini, DAP tidak akan berebut.Kalau PKR mendapat kerusi itu, tentulah DPM1 DAP dan DPM11 PAS.Apapun kekuatan DAP mungkin melebihi PAS dan PKR.Kerajaan Negeri Perak di bawah PKR dulu sebagai contoh terbaik.
Pandangan Datuk bahawa UMNO hendaklah berganding bahu dengan masyarakat India tepat sekali.Ini kerana mereka juga menghadapi malah hidup seperti orang Melayu dan ada yang lebih buruk lagi. Banyak kawasan yang penduduk india menjadi penentu. Tak rugi kalau buat begitu.Jangan penduli MIC, tetapi dampingi masyarakat India secara terus. Kuala Selangor sebagai contoh, Bilik gerkan MIC, MCA dan Gerakan tidak bergerak.UMNO yang bertungkus lumus untuk calon MIC.

Harus diingat pengundi Cina begitu pratikal. Pada tahun 1964 ketika negara menghadapi konfrontasi dengan indonesia mereka mengundi Perikatan (BN)kerana takut negara ini akan dijajah.Tetapi 1969 adalah sebaliknya.DAP ditubuhkan menjurus kepada kepentingan bukan Melayu iaitu Malaysian Malaysia, hasil gubahan PAP. Gerakan (pembangkang ketika itu) berlabuh di Pulau Pinang, manakala Perkemas Dr.Tan Che Khoon hampir merampas Selangor. Kekuatan mereka begitu terserlah. MCA hanyut.

Pada 1998 lain pula ceritanya.Mereka mengundi BN kerana takut dengan PAS. DAP yang bekerjasama dengan PAS banyak tumbang di kawasan majoriti Cina. Termaklum, ketika itu orang Melayu ramai tolak BN tetapi menyokong Parti Keadian kerana faktor Anwar.
Mereka belum pasti pendirian Anwar ketika itu.

Sayugia diingat orang Melayu tidak pratikal,itu sebab susah berjaya dalam perniagaan. Mereka terlalu emosi.Apa tidaknya, sekarang cerai isteripun pakai SMS. Diterima pakai pulak itu.

Apa yang saya tulis mungkin sudah lama terfikir di kalangan pemimpin Umno. Eloklah begitu. Bagaimanapun pemimpin2 bawahan perlu ubah perangai .Jangan berlagak sombong ikut emosi.Kalau tidak padah menanti.

akupunyablog said...

Salam Dato.

Saya setuju dgn pendapat AnakShahAlam, saya melayu saya benci UMNO bukan bermakna saya benci melayu UMNO, tapi benci sebab amalan rasuah dalam pentadbiran BN yg dipimpin oleh pemimpin UMNO...

MalaysianKita said...

Salam Pak Belalang,

Benar Palanivel Timbalan MIC, buddy Samy.

Kalau HS tolak Palanivel, kawasan mana yang sanggup terima Vel jadi calun MP-ADUN in PRU 13? Kalau HS beri KPI gagal kpd Vel, dan diterima oleh semua majoriti ahli BN, bukankah perlantikan Vel sbg Senator oleh NAjib, membelakangi kehendak akar umbi?

Bukankah dengan melantik Vel sebagai Senator, yang terang-terang ditolak oleh HS atas alasan TIADA sumbangan bermakna sepanjang 3 penggal jadi MP HS, MENGUKUHKAN kedudukan Samy dan kroninya, sekaligus melonggarkan keyakinan ahli-ahli BN yang inginkan perubahan?

Kalau Samy liabiliti besar kpd BN, bukankah buddynya dan kroninya juga liabiliti kpd BN?

Najib sebagai Pengerusi BN (atau Parti BN), apakah Pengerusi BN tidak cuba memainkan peranan memulihkan MIC, dengan memberi isyarat supaya para liabiliti parti perlu berundur secara terhormat sebelum PRU 13?

TERNYATA kepimpinan BN GAGAL menyakinkan dan menekan Kepimpinan MIC supaya berubah sebelum terlambat. Apakah kepimpinan MIC sedia ada turun temurun berpuluh tahun ini MAMPU berubah mengikut iklim politik semasa amnya dan iklim politik BN khususnya?

..........ooops, menyentuh kalungan selipar kpd Tun M, SIAPA perwakilan MIC yang berani berucap sedemikian kalau tiada sokongan di belakang tabir??? Dan di depan tabir, mereka ini jugalah kononnya mengutuk ucapan tersebut!

.............ini UMNO boleh terima!

Di mana Ketuanan Melayu UMNO???

Anonymous said...


Now that BN has won.
It should continue especially to woo the minority Indian voters throughout the whole country.
It is essential that at least then it covers this group of Malaysians from the start.
The very poor and poor lower middle class Indians all over Malaysia should be taken care of by UMNO/MIC to ensure their voting support in future and at all times.
Possibly some National Care Fund established and monitored not soley by MIC but BN.
It is almost guaranteed the Indians will support BN after that.
Also ensure that their Hindu temples issues never go BIG AND SOUR, ever.
If this can be done Indians will revert to the BN for a long time.
Once this is taken care of then of course, the ever on going goverment duty to take care of the economic welfare of the Malays should carry on as usual to mantain continous support which if and when there are elections be highlighted TO INFORM THEREOF. As of the Chinese and Others, well it is really a different ball game BUT take care of all Indians first as they are the KINGMAKERS and any party will still need THE INDIANS every vote to counter the larger groups vagaries anywhere ANYTIME.


Anonymous said...

Salam Datuk,

Some excerpts from PakBelalang:

"Najib is applying reverse psychology knowing very well Chinese ethics."Face saving" is very important element to the Chinese. Now it is up to the Chinese to reciprocate!! If they are still treating such goodwill as something irrelevent then nothing more can be done. Best of luck to them. They can continue opposing the govt"

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh bahawa inilah mentaliti kaum Cina dinegara ini. Selagi orang Melayu masih 'menguasai' tampuk kerajaan serta menjaga aspirasi Melayu yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan, selagi itulah sikap 'bermusuhan' ini akan terus segar dan mekar dikalangan mereka. Bagi mereka selagi belum dapat kesemuanya maka mereka tidak akan berhenti.

Satu lagi ialah tentang dongengan dikalangan orang politik Melayu bahawa orang Cina tidak akan melibatkan diri 'terlalu serius' didalam politik kerana asyik leka mengumpul kekayaan ternyata terlalu 'naive' dan merbahaya. Seorang sarjana Barat pernah menulis didalam buku bahawa sudah menjadi kelaziman bahawa "whoever controls the economy will one day controls politics".

Malah dari segi habitat haiwan pun pernah dulu kerajaan Amerika Syarikat mengharamkan ikan keli afrika daripada dilepaskan di sungai-sungai negara itu kerana "the American native/local fish population could not compete with the far more aggressive african species" kerana takutkan lambat laun ikan-ikan tempatan akan pupus.

Disarankan Najib supaya jangan terlalu leka bermain 'reverse psychology' dengan mereka kerana implikasi yang telah, sedang dan akan berlaku semuanya sudah terbukti. Jangan kerana hendak mengejar undi mereka yang sudah terbukti tidak tidak terjamin maka peha kita hendak dijaja sedangkan orang Melayu hanya diberi betis sahaja.

Saya rasa Najib mungkin lupa seandainya orang Cina ini jenis yang tahu dan pandai mengenang budi beliau, maka sudah tentu tiada lagi tuntutan yang bukan2 dari kalangan mereka. Atau mungkin sebaik-baiknya ialah Najib mesti selalu mengingatkan mereka bahawa beliaulah yang menjadi 'hero' mereka ketika beliau menjadi Menteri Pendidikan kerana telah melakukan 'satu pengorbanan yang paling besar' buat mereka.


INDIGO said...


Melihat ke hadapan, seandainya Najib 'gagal' dalam PRU13 saya kira tidak mudah untuk menurunkannya.

Siapa Menteri Dalam Negeri?

Salam Hormat.

pakbelalang said...

langit biru,

Hujah sdra boleh diterima.

Saya rasa Najib telah pun memberikan signal kepada Sammy Vellu untuk melakukan sesuatu kepada dirinya dengan melantik sendiri Kamalanathan sebagai calon HS tanpa restu dari Sammy Vellu. Ini telah memberikan tamparan hebat kepada credibility Sammy Vellu secara tidak langsung. Sammy Vellu pun dah sedar bahawa dia dah secara tidak langsung dipinggirkan oleh Najib dalam membuat keputussan pemilihan calon MIC.

Kemungkinan tindakan selanjutnya akan diusahakan jika secara diplomasi Sammy Vellu maseh lagi berdegil enggan berundur dari politik.

Mengenai Palanivel saya rasa kedudukannya juga tidak selamat. Kemungkinan dia akan ditolak oleh ahli MIC sebagai Presiden MIC apabila godfathernya dah lenyap dari politik. Tentunya ada yang mencabarnya dan dia akan tombang.

Jawatan senatorship (jika dilantik) tidak akan memberi makna kepadanya untuk bertahan lama jika dia digugurkan oleh ahli MIC!!

pakbelalang said...

Sdra langitbiru kata:

Kamalanathan menang!
TAPI yang amat sibuk bertungkus lumus berkempen adalah Presiden UMNO, Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Setiausaha UMNO, Bendahari UMNO, Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Menteri-menteri UMNO....pendekkata seluruh jentera UMNO (DAN KERAJAAN) digunakan.


Tak mengapalah!! Saya rasa Kamalanathan adalah yang terbaik untuk mewakili HS. Kita lupakan MIC.Lupakanlah Kamalanathan sebagai ahli MIC. Kita anggaplah Kamalanathan ini sebagai Wakil Rakyat yang boleh berkhidmat dengan baik untuk mewakili rakyat HS. Itulah harapan kita!!

razzmatazz said...

your so called analysis is so shallow like the UMNO's mind, it's a no-brainer that even kids can see the dirty political game played out from day 1 by these BN's components representatives.

your 'deaf and blind' analysis for not reporting the true picture at the ground, plus clouded by your thickness racist blood within you, like your political master, is very obvious.

how sad that a senior journalist like you, even after retirement, still failed to see all the blatant disregard of ethics, by-laws and laws by the BN's machinery to obtain votes.

Obviously, UMNO and BN has successfully brain-washed you since your early days and nurtured you to become the person they expect to become....grateful to your master, without any doubt whatsoever,.... hear,see and talk no evil of UMNO or BN under whatever circumstances.

congratulations indeed, but at what much of tax payers money would have to be recouped for all that have been spent by your political master at this 'buy-election'?

who actually need your version of lessons and pointers from hulu selangor? maybe you yourself need to take seriously these valuable lessons and be true to yourself and writings.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...


The carrot is actually a rod in disguise
To be used when the needs actually arise
So do not be so happy to know this surprise
Unless you want to cause some temperatures to rise

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 020510
sun. 2nd May 2010.

About Me

My photo
I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).