A Kadir Jasin
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ON this fine weekend
Let’s talk not about
The PKR, Pas
DAP and the BN
Let’s put off politics
And infantile antics
For as long as we could
Maybe it does some good.
Let’s talk about you and me
And my Orang Utan mate
We’re happy and carefree
The world it seems for us made
So we swing and sing
Jumping from tree to tree
Like Tarzan and his fair Jane
And that super size monkey
The gorilla, The King of Africa.
But me and my Orang Utan mate
We’re for each other made
Passionate and intimate
But not in the sexual sense though
For we’re both as straight as arrows
No hanky panky
Just friendship and camaraderie.
High up in the trees
Among the branches
And in the canopy
We sing and dance
Having fun
For much of the day
Happy and gay.
No Sir, not that gay
We’re straight all the way
We’re two happy
Carefree chums
From up here
We can see
And we can hear
Till eternity
The frivolity
And hypocrisy
Of men and women
Superior and mighty
But nothing much
In their cranial cavity
Some say void
Others say empty.
So me and my mate
The man of the jungle
An extraordinary ape
Ever thoughtful and gentle
Just like a brother
DNA-wise to be sure
We’re nearly similar.
So compare him not
To the politicians
Nor the intellects
And the academicians
For he’s far too complex
To be understood by mere humans.
So to you our dear friends
Readers and debaters alike
Have a great labour day weekend
May you be in His light
The path that’s forever bright.
So, excuse me
And my Orang Utan buddy
We now have to beat a retreat
Up the tree into the canopy
Far away from
The busy main street
To preserve our sanity
And sense of humanity.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
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About Me

- I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).
Salam Dato,
1. I agree with you that we should try to talk less about politics.
2. I believe there are other important things to talk about.
3. One example is we can all try to come out with a feasible way of solving the issue of 'harga ayam' once and for all.
4. I believe it is better if we can discuss such issue without trying to add political 'spices' to it.
5. I hope you could kindly give some ideas on how we can tackle this problem.
Dear Datuk,
The last line should read:
And sense of Orang Utanity.
yes yes all the best
ronnie ahmad
of course we could simply escaped from politic,but how long?.everyday is about power,politic and competition.everyday is about making policy,decision,yes and no,dos and dons,etc.everyday is about people,man,women,children,poor,rich and son.this situation is always in front of us regardless who you are.so by hook or by crook we have to place ourselves getting involved.in addition Malaysian politic is full of unpredictable and miracles.is that so.once again Datok are not happy disappointed.
thanks zmy.
Selamat petang Dato,
Betul Dato'. Lebih baik hujung minggu ini kita isi dengan membaca Millenia Muslim dan Personal Money...
We don't want to be tricky warriors
With all kinds of tricks up our sleeves
To cut people's logic down when we don't agree with them
Then there is no cultivation of either ourselves or others
When that occurs, we destroy any possibilities of enlightened society
In fact there will be no society...
Only Killers of Orang Utans.....
Sejahtera di atas Dato'
Saya boleh faham bahasa Inggeris, tapi tak mahir menulis. Agaknya tu yang orang kata passive vocabulary kot. Teringat dulu2 masa mula masuk kelas Special Malay dalam tahun 60, saya cuma tahu yes, no, alright dan thank you.
Setuju benar apa yang Sdr Fatimah cakap (tulis). Banyak sangat dah dok baca dan tulis tentang politik ni. Kalau tak salah ingatan saya sejak belum PRU 12, kemudian PRK Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terangganu, Bukit Gantang/Selambau dan Pemilihan Umno. Orang yang berkenaan dok buat ikut suka dia juga (macam tak sensitif dengan apa yang dibincang dalam blog2). Ni nak PRK Penanti dan KOTA ALAM SHAH pula. Lepas tu kot di Perak ka .... Bila beralih ke tajuk yang berbau politik mungkin Dato' akan kehilangan sebahagian pengunjung2 yang bijak mengkritik ahli politik.
Saya rasa tajuk biasa pun baik juga. Kurang2 pun, BP kita boleh turun sikit .............
Salam Dato',
Saya dapat rasakan keletihan Dato' dalam menghadapi senario politik negara.
Semuga Dato' dapat merehatkan badan dan minda dalam beberapa hari ini.
Minggu depan, saya jangka kita semua perlu mempunyai stamina yang tinggi untuk berdepan dengan senario politik negara, fokusnya di Ipoh.
Dan seterusnya PRK Penanti.
Dan seterusnya PRK Kota Alam Shah?
Salam Dato',
Please refer this article
It does make me proud of these guys.
Good education, hard work and preseverence does pays.
Beside that, a good imagination does get you a long way, don't you think?
Have you seen the movie? Apart of the main plot, it illustrate much of a malaysia social landscape that can be related by all malaysians.
Truly warms my heart.
Salam DAKJ
Animal is still an animal. NOT to be trusted. A long long time ago, I was bitten by my own pet (cat).It is also applicable to human. Nowadays, don’t trust anybody except yourself. You can listen to what they talk but don’t trust.
In summary, it is important that all important decision must be “evidence based decision”. Meaning, you have to make your own reading or research (meta-analysis) from both parties including “risk benefit analysis”. Then level it as “level of evidence” and lastly category it base on the “categories of recommendation”. Then only you will make the best judgement and less bias for yourself.
One more, making a good decision is like playing chess. The decision must be 2 or 3 steps forward compare to your competitors. Sekian TQ.
Happy and Gay.
Truly classic lah Datuk. My hat's off!
Azman Mohd Isa
YBhg Dato'
Assalamualaikum. Agak menarik cadangan Dato'. Berikut adalah pendapat saya :-
"We should change the subject
While relaxing Dato' Kadir stated
To this some may object
Issues not yet conclusively debated
Political talk is more interesting
We can say almost anything
Today we say one thing
Tomorrow something contradicting. "
Memandangkan blog Dato' dilayari oleh mereka-mereka dari beberapa peringkat umur ,pendidikan, pengelaman hidup ,dan ahli pelbagai parti politik maka ianya kaya bagi mereka yang hendak membuat perbandingan didalam isu-isu yang kontroversi. Sebanyak sedikit kita akan mengetahui apa yang telah berlaku disebalik tabir selama 52 tahun lepas.
Raja Abdul Rahman bin Raja Mohammad Dain
Petaling Jaya.
Dato Hj.Kadir .
Surah Al Baqarah surah 65."And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgresed in the matter of Sabbath(saturday).We said to them"Be you monkey,despised and rejected"
Surah 7:163. And ask them(O Muhammad) about the town that was by the sea,when they transgressed in the matter of the sabbath(saturday)when their fish came to them openly on the sabbath day,and didnot come to them on the day they had no sabbath.Thus We make a trial of them,for they used to rebel(disobey Allah)
Ceritanya di zaman nabi Musa.Ada satu kaum yahudi yang tinggal di tepi laut.Hari Saturday mereka tidak boleh mengkap ikan kerana hari sabbath.Mereka pasang pukat pada hari Jumaat dan menangkap ikan yang masok dalam pukat pada hari Ahad.Jadi pada teorinya mereka tak melanggar hari sabbath.
Allah berkata mereka cuba menipuNya.Ia menyumpak kaum yahudi ini.Orang2 Dewasa menjadi Babi dan kanak menjadi kera.Ini merupakan asal usul Babi dan Kera.Sebab itu organ binatang ini sama dengan manusia.Injap jantong babi boleh digunakan untok menganti injap jantong manusia.
Kera,baboon,Gurella merupakan satu kaum keluarga.
Jadi dato.Ingatlah Orang Utan you yang di sayangi itu asal usulnya dari bangsa yahudi yang melanggar perentah Allah.
Jikalau dah tahu bagus lah.Ini merupakan pengajaran yang baik bagi kita supaja jangan melanggar perentah Allah.
Tn Hj AKadir,
You're truly a versatile writer
As a poet and as an author
How I wish you could be my tutor
How much will be your charges, I wonder.
Hope you and your Orang Utan buddy
Will find peace and tranquility
Swinging from tree to tree
By the way , where do you get all that energy?
Come back Mr Scribe,
With full of vibrant and ecstasy
Come back to tickle us with your wits and
honorable Dato' AKJ,
It's quite nice idea Dato', cuz during every weekend or the end of every month, shall we talk about something which is very close to us and be a very close to befriender between bloggers and participants. Knowing each other rather than again and again discussing aboout the most unfinished business such political aspects and also about a new and an old government in the past or in the commming uncertaint- circumstances.
For our benefit, let's see and read properly the Hadith selected from al-Jaamik As-Saheeh,by Imam al-Bukhari : Vol. VIII : 6-7 which meant :
"8.6: Narrated Al-Mughira: The Prophet said, "Allah has forbidden you ( 1 ) to be undutiful to your mothers (2) to withhold (what you should give) or (3) demand (what you do not deserve), and (4) to bury your daughters alive. And Allah has disliked that (A) you talk too much about others ( B), ask too many questions (in religion), or (C) waste your property."
8.7: Narrated Abu Bakra: Allah's Apostle said thrice, "Shall I not inform you of the biggest of the great sins?" We said, "Yes, O Allah's Apostle" He said, "To join partners in worship with Allah: to be undutiful to one's parents." The Prophet sat up after he had been reclining and added, "And I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness; I warn you against giving a forged statement and a false witness." The Prophet kept on saying that warning till we thought that he would not stop."
Thanks for pondering the words of our own Prophet PBUH.
Yes, time for us to reflect, stop bickering and move forward as ONE MALAYSIA !!
Presently, there are a lot of political distractions until we do not know really where we are heading!
There are so many obstacles and challenges ahead and hopefully our country will not become a failed state.
Salam Dato'
Cuti minggu ini yang agak panjang (3 hari) boleh menenangkan fikiran yang berserabut. kurang argument dengan kawan di tempat kerja atau dijalanan.
Hari jumaat janji dengan pakar menangkap ikan dengan tangan untuk mencari ikan darat di sungai semenyih. Dah berangan dapat makan ikan lampan goreng dengan gulai lemak ikan keli atau haruan bersama dengan nasi panas-panas. Tapi sayang terlewat bangun. Janji pukul 9.30 pagi sampai pukul 9.45 pagi. Pakcik dah pergi dulu... sori pakcik.. heheheh
Lepas sembahyang jumaat tidor.. hehehe
Hari sabtu jugak bersama keluarga.. tengahari menghadiri kenduri kawin kawan pada isteri. Majlis biasa aje dia buat kat rumah.
petang bersiap awal untuk menghadiri majlis kawin bersama isteri di Dewan Felda. Pakai minyak wangi, pakai baju batik yang paling lawa sekali, kasut berkilat.. hehehe.. Anak tegur.. handsome abah .... mamanya pulak tersenyum bila anak juga memujinya. Bukan apa 3 atau 4 tahun sekali dapat jemputan macam tu...
Sampai didewan berkata hati.. ramainya orang yang berpakaian cantik dan beraneka gaya. Indah sungguh majlis itu. Selamat Pengantin Baru pada kedua mempelai. Semoga berkekalan keanak cucu dan akhir hayat. Jangan hampakan pengorbanan kedua orang tua dan doa yang diaminkan oleh tetamu termasuk saya.
Hari Ahad lepas sembahyang subuh tido lagi... bangun hari dah tinggi.. cuci kereta bersama anak dan isteri. Petang tengok cerita hindustan...
Berdoa semoga esok masih ada untuk diri ku..
As'kum Dato'
1. Well Dato' for a while we can stop discussing politic,especially Malayisan politic.By doing this perhap we can release our mind with this 'serabut' situation for a while. But for how long. One day,one week, one month and so on.
2. From what's happening today,I don't think we can stop discussing out country's politic.When we look around us we see everything happenings will link us with today's politic, namly social, economic, culture and so on. All are link to our politic. What is more worst is that some of these messes are caused by the wrong doing of our politician. So if we pretend to ignore this and regard as if nothing happen, I think we will be more sick and sakit jantung. So it's better to continue discussing it no matter how bad the situation is. At least our mind will be relief a bit and kurang sakit jiwa. But the only advise is that we must not be too carried away and be more rational in our discussions.
dear datuk this soft spot that you have for that monkey irks me you come back soon from your retreat with that monkey and blog more and more about politics
salam DAKJ n Bloggers,
hari2 yg mendatang semakin meruncing dan kalut!!! perlu selalu terapi minda, politik dan ekonomi tidak boleh dipisahkan dikala umur2 mcm saya dan dato >.< takan hendak berbicara pasai AF, bohsia, OIAM dan segala bentuk hiburan yg sememangnya melalaikan melayu!!
kepada saudara sawit, bagaimana harga crude oil semasa? bukankah ditahap terendah!!kenapa tidak beli sahaja atau stok minyak ini banyak2, kenapa tidak kurangkan dulu pengeluaran pertonas kerana untungnya kurang, lepas dah stok byk2 boleh lah petrol tempatan dikurangkan lagi bagi mengurangkan beban rakyat (bukankah "rakyat didahulukan") dan harga barang pun blh turun sedikit......
p/s: isu KERAjaan haram perak ini serupa SARKAS....(-..-)
Four to five more by-elections have been lined up by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before the country goes to the next polls, said a political analyst.
Apa strategi BN? Patutkah BN melayan rentak strategi Anwar Ibrahim?
Pada pendapat saya inilah satu cara untuk Anwar terus menghidupkan "obornya" untuk mengadakan kempen berterusan hingga kePRU13.
Anwar rasakan kalau dia tak dapat "jual ubat" dijalanan maka "barangan" yang dijajanya akan mula luput tarik lakunya dan akhirnya tidak laku dijual.
I used to go to PD during weekends. Not anymore. Sampah banyak sangat kat pantai. Furthermore, the sewage pipes run to the beach! Blue lagoon pun makin kotor.
Sungai Congkak, Kancing, Tekala pula full. Especially Kancing, full with foreigners. Sampah pun banyak bertaburan.
Pi jogging kat Tasik Perdana, parking pun full. Trafic pun jam kat taman. Bandar Tasik Permaisuri pun full. Titiwangsa lagi full.
My favorite weekend retreat is to hike along Gunung Nuang punya trek, sampai Lolo Campsite, easily 2 hrs each way. Kalau sampai peak at least 12 hrs both way from car park. But first timers beware, sebab signboard tak ada, you can loose your way. Panic nanti.
Masa I pergi hiking kat Bako; and climbed Gunung Santubong, both at Kuching; both for the first time, tak pun rasa panic. Ada map, banyak signboard. Very informative. And very clean. Billboard gambar tourism minister pun tak ada; because tak perlu. Mungkin its about time we get Sarawakians to run TDC.
Mangkok von Hayon
Salam Dato'
That's lovely, for a change...
But there is always much to be said about our politics by far too many people. Your say on it helps me keep my sanity and remain thankful that there is one good man with plenty to share in his cranial cavity!
This is something I would like to share with all friends.When I first went into Lim Kit Siang's blog (blog.limkitsiang.com), the first thing I read is him calling Mukhriz (Jerlun MP) and Tan Keng Liang (gerakan kedah youth chief) as people "lack of grey matters" and silly. That was about 2 weeks ago. Today, I read that he said "the IQ of the Health Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, who is MCA Vice President and Penang MCA State chief, is highly suspect when he could not understand simple English". The problem is that the more Lim Kit Siang branding that he is smarter than the rest of the people in the world (which I don't belief), the more people will just see him as a person barking on the wrong tree. I support DAP but I wish that our party's chairman can be more polite when addressing other leaders (whether they are Barisan or Pakatan). Otherwise, this will set bad example to the new generation of Malaysians.
A review of the Internal Security Act (ISA) should be comprehensive and address terrorism specifically to prevent abuses in interpretation.
MCA Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun suggested the ISA be renamed the Anti-Terrorism Act so there was no room for abuse.
Anti-Racist Act is more important than Anti-Terrorism Act.
Malaysians are more inclined to more racists than terrorists. So the govt. must also consider to have Anti-Racist Act.
Salam Dato KJ,
Apa saya buat di hujung minggu yang lepas... berfikir, mengelamun dan realiti..
1. Berfikir
Saya cukup hormat politik zaman Tun Dr Mahathir. Saya percaya semua rakyat jelata menghormati zaman tersebut, menghormati undang-undang, menghormati polis, menghormati menteri-menteri, menghormati kakitangan kerajaan.
Undang-undang hanya menjadi penghalang kepada mereka yang ingin membuat kekacauan dan ingin menunjuk hebat. Pada kami rakyat jelata, selagi tidak memandu melebihi had laju maka tiada tindakan dikenakan.. sekadar contoh.
Zaman TDM, mikro kredit diannouncekan setelah peruntukan sampai ke Bank Simpanan Nasional dan Bank Pertanian. Baru betul.
2. Mengelamun
Kebun sayur saya nampaknya semakin membesar ekoran permintaan dari masyarakat setempat. Inilah masanya untuk "expand".
Bila dah "expand" nanti banyaklah duit masuk. Boleh beli mercedes, umah besar. Boleh simpan duit untuk anak pergi belajar di Alice Smith (maklumlah risau takut anak tak tahu bercakap Bahasa Inggeris, trend pendidikan di Malaysia sentiasa berubah-ubah). Boleh pergi melancong ke serata dunia. Orang kata jauh perjalanan luas pandangan.
Kerajaan pun dah mula dengan misi dan visinya, 1Malaysia. Saya masih tercari-cari maksud sebenar 1Malaysia. Adakah maknanya esok kalau nak mintak pinjaman di ruang BANGSA kita tulis MALAYSIA?
Atau adakah serupa dgn konsep dahulu kala iaitu kita ini rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa dan agama?? hmm whatever
Kerajaan sudah umumkan pakej rangsangan ekonomi. Berbilion ringgit. Semua sektor akan dapat manfaat dari pakej ini. Bagus betul tindakan ini.
MeCD dihapuskan dan ramai orang besar politik dan orang besar ahli perniagaan sambut baik hal ini, termasuklah pemansuhan 30% ekuiti Bumiputera. Persatuan kontraktor pun sokong jugak katanya untuk persaingan.
Kesian orang yang baru nak jadi kontraktor takda chance nak jadi macam ahli persatuan kontraktor yang mana rata-rata mereka dah ada sejuta dua dalam bank.
3. Realiti
Dato, saya akhirnya berhadapan dengan realiti bahawasanya MARA tidak lagi memberi pinjaman kepada orang seperti saya ini, penanam sayur.
Menurut rakan di MARA Daerah baru-bari ini, peruntukan tidak diterima lagi dan telah dibekukan sejak lewat tahun lepas. MARA tidak lagi memberi pinjaman kepada sektor Pertanian.
MARA diletakkan dibawah Kementerian Luar Bandar. Aktiviti dan kegiatan ekonomi luar bandar adalah Pertanian dan aktiviti hilirannya. Nak pinjam kena pergi Agrobank atau TEKUN.
Saya terus ke Agrobank dengan harapan peruntukan kerajaan baru-baru ni sebanyak lebihkurang rm200juta dapat dimanfaatkan, malangnya peruntukan masih tidak diterima lagi. Sudah cakap tidak serupa bikin pula Kerajaan ini.
TEKUN, berapakah peruntukan kerajaan terhadap TEKUN ini? Pinjaman TEKUN tidak terhad hanya kepada sektor pertanian. Byk rungutan dari rakan, minta maksima rm50k dapat rm15k.
1Malaysia, rakyat pendesak didahulukan, majoriti dipinggirkan kerajaan.
1Malaysia, rakyat baru dipayahkan, rakyat lama diperkasakan (smidec, mtdc, grant whatsoever for the rich company - my perception)
1Malaysia - Please look into this old saying, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life."
Terima kasih.
Faisal Azmi
p/s : Sekadar renungan bersama, thanks for "listening"
Free the media, Govt urged
PETALING JAYA: The National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM) has urged the Government to open up media space in line with the global trend that called for a freer press.
It asked the Government to scrap the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and instead enact a Freedom of Information Act.
NUJM president Norila Daud, in a World Press Freedom Day statement on Sunday, said the mainstream media suffered from a negative public perception as a result of being restricted by the OSA, the Printing Presses and Publications Act and the Internal Security Act.
She said the Government needed to be sensitive to the global information trend that called for a more open press and a policy of integrity, accountability and good governance.
I think the present status of our press freedom is adequate. I don't think the govt. is so restrictive to hamper the work of local journalists.We still need all those Acts that are perceived to be restrictive in order to protect the peace and security of our country. We have not reached to a stage where we could claim ourselves as civilised society at par with developed countries. A long way to go. Being a multi- racial society there are a lot of sensitivities that the govt. has to monitor. We are still not matured in our thinking to have total freedom of speech and expression. The most glaring is that there are some journalists who are still inclined to champion certain issues based on racial lines.Make no mistake about it. Prevention is better than cure!
Salam Pak Kadir,
Elok jugalah sesekali kita lupakan politik dan renunglah kebelakang untuk mengitai amalan kita. Adakah ianya cukup untuk bekalan kita di alam akhirat nanti.
Cuba-cubalah pembaca budiman menghayati lirik lagu ini :
andai kutahu
kapan tiba masaku
ku akan memohon
Tuhan jangan Kau ambil nyawaku
aku takut
akan semua dosa dosaku
aku takut
dosa yang terus membayangiku
andai kutahu
malaikatMu kan menjemputku
izinkan aku
mengucapkan kata tobat padaMu
ampuni aku
dari segala dosa dosaku
ampuni aku
menangisku bertobat padamu
aku manusia
yang takut neraka
namun aku juga
tak pantas di surga
Tajuk Lagu : Andai Ku Tahu
Lagu : Ungu
Selamat Hari Pekerja.
Anak Bayan.
Salam Dato',
Merujuk komen Hamba Allah;
Harga minyak diniagakan dengan USD sedangkan matawang kita semakin murah berbanding USD.
Contohnya, pada RM2 = USD 1, kita perlukan RM100 untuk membeli barang berharga USD50.
Pada RM3 - USD 1 (nilai matawang RM jatuh dan menjadi makin murah), kita kena ada RM150 untuk membeli barang berharga USD50.
Walaupun harga minyak sekarang disekitar USD50, kita perlukan lebih banyak RM untuk beli minyak.
Kesimpulannya, wal hasil balik asal.
Cuma saya hairan bajet 2009 yang mengandaikan harga minyak pada tahap diatas USD150 masih tidak diselaraskan.
Sebagai makluman, bajet 2009 juga mengandaikan harga minyak sawit kekal tinggi tapi la ni dah jatuh banyak.
Bajet 2009 mengandaikan harga tinggi minyak dan minyak sawit sebagai antara sumber pendapatan yang besar selain hasil eksport.
Bila harga minyak dan minyak sawit turun, mana nak kobek pendapatan untuk "cover" perbelanjaan yang sudah dirancang? Nak harapkan eksport, data kata dah banyak kurang.
Gayanya macam akan koyak lagi besar lah defisit bajet. Saya tidak hairan jika Faisal Azmi kata MARA, Agro Bank dan TEKUN kata peruntukan tak ada........
Such a fun post and I come here weekly for some serious posts, but this is good. Tks for taking the time, we all need the break from this politics problems..I think the Orang Utan is better than many politicians.
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