A Kadir Jasin
WHEN a UK-based Malaysia
blogger known for his keen support of the Prime Minister, (Datuk
Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd
Najib Abdul Razak, viciously attacked Finance Ministry Secretary-General, (Tan
Sri) Irwan Serigar Abdullah, some days ago, I
refrained from commenting.
Anonymous comments will not be published.]
The blogger accused Irwan Serigar of leaking confidential
information regarding the aborted sales of Bandar Malaysia shares to the Malaysia-China
IWH-CREC Consortium.
I thought it was nothing more
than the pro-Najib operators being at each other’s throat as they often do.
The quarrels among Najib’s cybertroopers were so bad that back in 2014 he
dubbed them “bangang” (stupid). Furthermore, the said blogger is known for
being outrageous.
Back in 2008 he penned a
statutory declaration claiming that Najib’s wife, (Datin Paduka Seri Puan
Puti Reno) Rosmah Mansor, was one of three individuals who were present when
Mongolian model, Altantuya Shaariibuu, was murdered on 19 October 2006. He
later retracted the accusation.
It is believed that he was later recruited by Najib’s
propaganda machine to write favourably about his former nemesis and to attack
Najib’s opponents. That’s what he has been doing thus far.
I must say that his attack on Irwan Serigar was a pretty enjoyable reading. It has all the elements of a good an X-rated movie –
power, women, money and, in place of the old videotape, the Instagram
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Irwan Serigar Abdullah |
But his allegations against Irwan Serigar took a dramatic
turn when Najib was reported to have ordered an investigation into “potential
conflicts of interest” in the sales of the Bandar Malaysia shares by a
government committee called Budiman.
The newly launched news portal, The Malaysian Insight quoted as source as saying that Najib wants the deal investigated after meeting representatives of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the police and the Internal Revenue Board (IRB).
It quoted the source as saying: “The PM met with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), police and Internal Revenue Board (IRB) and instructed them to look into the matter of potential conflicts of interest and others areas which could be an issue with respect to these decisions and any interested parties.”
Among key members of Budiman were Finance Minister II (Datuk) Johari Abdul Ghani and 1Malaysia Development Berhad president Arul Azrul Kanda Kandasamy. The committee was formed last year to manage 1MDB’s debt rationalisation plan.
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Arul Azrul Kanda Kandasamy |
Has the power struggle in the Ministry of Finance boiled over?
And are we seeing the Johari-led team is being overwhelmed by the Irwan Serigar’s group?
It appears to be so. Najib said Arul Kanda remains 1MDB president but is no longer on the boards of Bandar Malaysia Sdn Bhd and TRX City Sdn Bhd.
On the other hand, Irwan Serigar is now in charge of all matters concerning 1MDB land assets, which had been transferred to the Ministry of Finance (MoF).
More interestingly what is going to happen to Johari?
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Is Johari being squeezed? |
Is he the scapegoat that would be slaughtered to appease the gods in Beijing who are unlikely to be amused with cancellation of the share sales to CREC?
Or is this yet another attempt to pull the wool over the people’s eye when the actual game plan is to revalue Bandar Malaysia in an attempt to raise more political funds for the coming general elections?
Kadiag, Salaam.
Terima kasih pasai bagitau apa yg RPK(?) ka sapa ka yg cerita pasai mamak ni di Kem. Kewangan.
Kalu dia yg aku syak tu nulih, aku memang elak baca blog dia.
Orang Kelantan kata 'kucai barai" dlm gerombolan ni memang jelaih macam hang nulih ..." The quarrels among Najib’s cybertroopers were so bad that back in 2014 he "(MO1)" dubbed them “bangang” (stupid). "
Dgn kehendak Allah taa'la jugak seperti dlm qunut nazilah, aku pelik satu rangkap yg masyhog ..." Ya Allah kami jadikan Engkau dihadapan musuh-musuh kami dan kami berlindung denganMu dari kejahatan-kejahatan mereka. Ya Allah cerai-beraikan kekuatan mereka, pecah-belahkan kesatuan mereka, selerakkanlah kalimah mereka, dan goncangkan kedudukan mereka, Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Gagah, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Keras, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Membalas, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah..."
Dlm pengamatan orang2 sekular, aku ambik contoh mendiang Mao tzedung, kesatuan depa dianggap rapuh dan dlm ''teologi" depa, istilah yg depa pakai ialah "paper tiger" atau rimau kertaih yg ikut Wikipedia bermagna ..." Paper tiger is a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhilaohu (纸老虎/紙老虎). The term refers to something that seems threatening but is ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge."
Sunggohpun lagu tu, perjuangan kena teruihkan, dan bukan setakat teruihkan tapi kena tingkatkan lagi pasai masa sangat suntok. Suntok ni pulak ada macam2 asbab, antaranya penggerak utama, Mat Tehag dah lanjut usia, paih tu Rafizi kalu kalah rayuan dan macam2 keh mahkamah, anak Pak Saleh,(cucu Osman Janggut) kata kena "out of circulation". Lagi satu sudut 'suntok' ni, pasai katanya, parlemen pon nak luput tempoh dah taun depan ni.
Mintak maghap Kadiag, setakat ni, aku perati tak dak lagi "war cry" atau "rallying call" yg betoi2 'menusuk jiwa' di pihak kita.... tapi nak buat bendera bersama, ka apa ka, hampa tak salah aku, ada buat pertandingan... yg aku pelik nya dlm geng2 hampa tak dak ka yg tera buat cogan ka, buat ungkapan atau 'jingle' ka...yg tera bidang iglan ka 'mass communications' ka.... 'sikologi' ka....?
Aku ingat lagi pd almarhum Tok Guru masa dia hadap musoh politik yg 'tengik' dgn risyuah politik bala ma'nikam, orang tua kuruih dan tubuh haluih tu tapi semangat waja buat 'gurindam' yg lebih korang bunyi macam ni :
Senang orang kampong, jugak bandag, pompuan jantan, tua muda...nak ingat.
Semoga Allah taa'la corah rohmat dan keampunan kepada roh Tok Guru. Aamiiin. Dan jugak kak aku.
MO1 has a good chance to cozy up to Trump in Saudi Arabia.
Trump will thank MO1 for a simple lesson:
Always fire the top man investigating you.
MO1 did it to the former A-G.
Trump did it to the former FBI head Comey.
So it is that two deeply corrupt men will find a way to "kau thim".
Trump has no problem with self-enrichment.
He has already made a lot of money by being in the White House.
After all MO1's stolen 3.5 billion is quite likely the same as Trump's current fortune.
(Trump's $3.5 Billion Dollar Net Worth was calculated by Forbes.)
Trump and MO1 have much in common.
It is not coffee that is being brewed but gun powder.
It will blow onto their faces.
"SHAH ALAM: PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will be interim prime minister should Pakatan Harapan win the 14th General Election, said party vice-president Rafizi Ramli (pic).
The announcement, in his speech at PKR's 12th annual national congress Sunday, was followed by Rafizi detailing a plan that would have Dr Wan Azizah making way for her husband Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be prime minister.
"(Dr) Wan Azizah will be interim prime minister, and Anwar will be released (from prison)," he said to applause from the delegates.
He said Anwar could be released from prison within a month of Dr Wan Azizah becoming interim prime minister.
"After he is out, we can hold a by-election to make him the prime minister," he added.
Rafizi made the announcement despite Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia deputy president Mukhriz Mahathir's assertion earlier on Sunday that Pakatan's choice for prime minister will be discussed together by all parties before a decision is made."
No person in their right mind will vote for Kak Wan.
This is worse than the Kajang Move.
I fear the Opposition is not getting its act together.
And time is too short.
What is Brewing at Finance Ministry?...no one seems to know and perhaps that is the way the state of this country is in...brewing with scandals and uncertainties.
It serves MO1 very well indeed, don't you think?
Perhaps for the first time in our 50 years odd history, that we are not sure what is going on.
And, yet MO1 and UMNO talked about TN50 as if that is the direction of this country towards some unforeseen future, when Vision2020 is going nowhere.
I heard too that by TN50, we shall have some 250,000 hafis to cater for a newly-minted Islamic Country of Semenanjung Tanah Melayu...also known as the Golden Chersonese in the ancient script.
What a pity that North Borneo and perhaps Sarawak too, would be castrated to become kaffir nations...moving aimlessly in the South China Seas and the Sulu Seas...to be fed to the hungry secular wolves as decreed by the Fatwas of Hadi of PAS.
North Borneo is not just the Land Below the Wind, but also for those who have strong aqidah only, otherwise, this is not the place for you my friends...certainly, not for the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) lecturer Kamarul Zaman Yusoff...sorry bos, you are just too weak for the North Borneo's standard of aqidah...just too weak.
It may seem a bit off the topic, Datuk, but again, what is brewing at the top is also brewing at the bottom too, right?
Are we ready for change, Datuk?..I mean the Malays of Tanah Melayu...do you have what it takes?
Hamparlah tikar sejadah, pi wirid banyak-banyak Kadiaq oii. Uban dah banyak, rambut makin kurang. Cakap pun makin merapu ni.
Infuriating, isn't it? These juicy projects going round, but Mahathir's cronies can't dip their hands into them. So here they are, the LOSERS, on the outside and no way of getting in.
The best they can do is to abide by Mahathir's orders to try create doubts against Najib. Hoping miracles would happen to make these losers anywhere near relevant again.
As Bersatu continues to wither and the GE gets nearer, you will see these cronies trying to jump ship. But they don't have anything to offer. Umno is better off without them.
So this is how they will remain until the end. Pretending to be `Saving Malaysia' while they are actually angry about not being handed rent-seeking concessions anymore. How to maintain all those Bini Muda, mistresses, deadbeat offsprings, sons and daughters? I guess they will now have to find a real job HAHAHA!
So "What is Brewing at Finance Ministry?" seems to be nothing more than a simple distraction really, come to think of it...shall we say, just a sideline issue designed to confuse just about everybody and nothing more than that...but, wait...who will bring bigger plate to the table?
Of course, none other than Irwan Serigar, our new Minister of Finance 11. Out you go Johari and Arul Kanda. It doesn't really matter to me.
Closer to mind is what Zalman A 11:39 PM had been saying all along...the choice of the 7th PM of Malaysia.
Politically, PKR of Pakatan Harapan had voiced out their choice, a bit rather too prematurely perhaps, but, they let the cat out of the bag, nonetheless.
But, that choice doesn't make Anwar the 7th PM, but rather Dr. Wan Azizah.
Say what you like, she will be the 7th PM of Malaysia.
She is not a bad choice after all, considering anybody is better choice save for Najib..I was told even a monkey can be a better PM!
So, we shall have the first woman PM, nothing to shout about considering India, Sri Lanka, UK, South Korea are well ahead of us, but woman as she is, that would be our first, not bad!
So, what is in for all of us...I mean those who want BN to go.
1. For once, UMNO is in for a real dilemma with that choice.
2. She is as clean as a slate...now, that is something we never have before.
3. She is not even a "politician"...or the lack of it...but, a simple housewife who just want to be a good wife and mother...very much like Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah.
4. She is not a political animal, but a nurturing mother...perhaps that's what we need to heal Malaysia.
5. There is no skeleton inside her closet...so????...what is there to attack her?..perhaps someone doesn't like her wearing gloves and fan...yeah, that can be political issues to be exploited by UMNO...at least something out of nothing.
6. Kun Nan has no issue on her dress too.
7. She is a very reluctant politician, I must say, don't you agree Zalman A?
8. She doesn't want to be our PM...a bit strange, but that's the way she is.
9. She is not Rafidah ok...or Sharizat...Sharizat, the Cowgirl?
10. If the 50% of the women voters like her, there you have it.
"What is Brewing at Finance Ministry?" is also brewing in some other places not far from the the seat of power.
Sunday, May 21, 2017...Rahman offers himself for Kota Belud...he too wants to be considered for nomination to again contest the Kota Belud seat in the coming general election...in an apparent reference to at least one senior politician who announced "readiness" to run for a seat in the said area...(http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=117819).
Oh dear...that so called senior politician is none other than Pandikar Sabah!
Pandikar had saved Najib's skin from getting burnt during the RUU355 fiasco recently and apparently you, Rahman...nothing!
Rahman, your time is up bro...no amount of shouting and yelling will put you in the good book of Najib...he is "orang Malaya" la Rahman, "you know that"...bukan orang kita ba kan.
But, you can always go back to your original seat...I was told it was Tuaran or something like that, if my memory served me right, but, no one wants you there, right?...cobaaaaan
In other UMNO seats around here, you are dead duck, bro!...or dead buffalo to be more exact.
Come and kiss "Big Mama", ok...you will be fine...that's what you are, Rahman.
Note: this story was related to me by your UMNO's brethren during a kenduri last night...so, it has nothing to do with me...and, I don't thinks its true anyway.
'Sejadah' Datuk ada la blog yang terlantang luas ini...dan, 'wirid' Datuk pula adalah ayat2 yang Datuk tulis...ini la ibadah!
Aku bersyukur Datuk masih rajin 'beribadah' dengan tulisan yang baik sekali...teruskan perjuangan kita, Datuk.
Batuki. Yang paling elok. Kau tu yang pegi mampuih anak beranak. Apa DAKJ buat kat hang barua? Kalau hang jadi barua Nahib sial, hang jangan berani kacau orang. Hang pi mampuih lagi bahagia dunia.
DAKJ, sorry for the harsh words. But these kind of people should be eliminate for good from this world
Assalamuaikum tok kadiag,
Kami mintak maaf.., larrii daripada tajuk pulakkdah tok tp skolah.., Kami xtinggi cuma 2tingkat x supa lanni 4, 5 tingkat jd Kami cuma nk tanya kalau tok xleh jawap tulong2 kami tanya kt blogger2 atau politikus2 yg buleh bg jawapan
1.Kami bukan sapa2 pun coma bekaih penagih/banduan yg rasa xtau nk pi tanya/bilang kaet sapa..pasaipa dlu iklan arus perdana(skang da x bropa mainstream) summa org kita..drpd advertising company, director, krew2 bahan terbitan sampaila ke model/pelakon walaupun muka pan-asian, senang citta dari A to Z laba summa masuk pocket kt kitakita aje.Laani, summa masuk ke pocket deppadeppa aje..org2 kementerian/jabatan berkenaan(ada banyak tu u) da tukag polisi(diperbodohkan bukan diperbadankan jange clap ambo nok rhoyakk ni ke mu) bg kittakitta rugi aje..,pesaipa harini kita tgok d media arus x perdanaa
-)BARANG KELUARAN/IMPORT IKLAN yg same kt beberapa negara bukanka kitakita patut melindungi kepentingan malaysia.
-) sumber2 cukai summa da ilang sebab polisi diperbodohkan xcam zaman arwahTokmatRahmat contoh iklan sHampoo pakai pelakon hindi(mintak mahap peminat hindustan ha). da tentu2 xbwat kt MY...abeh 2 cemana nk maximize kt pendapatan/hasil negara kan ka tok?tu baru 1 dan etc etc lg...adakah terdapat ketirisan(rasuah) mcam cMapudullong tu maaf..die xbrani ckap yg dalam kurungan 2..BINGO!!
2.Kenapa iklan "kalau kamu belanje nasi lemak ni disebabkan nk kan jawatan rasuahle namenyer MAEL..!!" xboleh dsamakan dengan derma tututut..dan projek rapidPenggerang.bagi derma dapat projek membekalkan minyak siap barterTrade lg..pulak dahh..dtok jgan senyom...pulakk dan etc etc senang cter ada p, ada mai!! kaum alumnai Kami punya pribasa.
3.yg ni saya x andaii tok, kata pelaburan tp kena bayag balik, balikpapan ka? balikmeja ka? balikpintu? ka balikprott boroi dia?...mintak pencerahan tok..
akhir kata tulongLa ampa summa jgan terlalu prejudis bukan sume alumnai penagih/banduan x syang negara..x sayang mase menagih dah x menagih sapa x sayang negara oii!!
wallahualam dan wassalam
Sepatah haram pun X pernaH tv3 utusang Dan sekutu2 nya menyebutkang atau menerbit,kang Nama Dan pangkat najiK (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, burOk Sangat2 ker Nama n pangkat ni.. .ha ha haha
Taken from Steadyaku47 who shared this article from one of his readers:
Datuk, please share with the PKR and DAP leaders.
Stop being selfish (Rafizi?) and get act together. Stop being obsessed with Azizah/Anwar as the next PM.
Part I:
johan iskandar
Message From A Malaysian Voter
I am 47 years old, married male and a father of 3 kids. I run a small cafe in a small town that most of you probably never heard of before. I have never voted before and will be voting for the first time this next GE.
The reason is because I feel that NOT voting this time around with all that I see happening to my country would be a terrible mistake! I feel that even if my vote will probably not change the dire conditions we are in at least my conscience will be clear.
I am powerless otherwise to effect change when half the country seems to be filled with idiots, bigots, racists and religious zealots who have nothing better to do than sow turmoil and divide us further as citizens of this great country.
I feel powerless and lost and agitated by what I read, hear and watch. WTF is happening is anyone’s guess. Be that as it may I feel my one vote will register with some numbers in the cosmos of our politics and that is a start.
As a voter, I’m aghast at the stupidity I see from both sides of the political divide. The incumbent is a lost cause as I’m sure anyone with half a brain can see but the so called Opposition is worse! Here’s what I humbly suggest IF the Opposition is well and truly sincere in effecting the changes necessary to put our country on the right trajectory for all its citizens. Remember them?
1. Stop the petty bickering NOW!
2. If PAS wants to leave so be it! Move on I say!
3. Replace Wan Azizah as the (whatever she is in Keadilan).. She hasn’t the chutzpah to go up against the ‘enemy’. She maybe strong as a wife and a mother to have to go through all that she’s been through but on the National Level she simply doesn’t have what it takes!
4. Name Dr. Mahathir as your choice of PM! Anwar can wait! Show us you’re putting the nations interest above your own this ONE time. And while you’re at it why not name the entire proposed cabinet so we can judge for ourselves.
5. Forget the BN bashing... it’s getting stale. We already know what BN is.
6. It’s the economy...Stupid! Focus on the country’s economic future! What are you going to do for the nation? What changes are you planning? In detail? Communicate that with us and you might stand a chance of defeating the incumbents whatever dirty tricks they play.
7. The rakyat (most that at least have the internet and actually knows how to use it anyway).. wants to see you win! But all these petty bickering and silly bravados is not doing you any favors! Stop it!
8. Get to the ground running. What’s your message? Just saying you want to topple BN is not enough! Bring the masses your ONE true message and we’ll listen.
9. It’s the little things. Communicate at our level, be ever humble, playing the victim is over. Get up and work for our votes!!!!! Work for it!!! It’s tough sure but you have chosen this path so stop your goddamn whining and start working!!
10. Show unity! If one party wants to go its own way then let them! Get a single common logo and do that NOW!
11. Speak in ONE voice! Or keep your mouths shut!
12. Get it together! Mission Impossible? Maybe..... But the other side of that is Never Say Never!!
13. Forget Manifestos! No one pays the slightest attention to it! Safe your money for something else. Get down the grassroots and just talk and listen.
contd in Part II
Part II
Taken from Steadyaku47's column:
Part II contd:
14. Enough about race, religion already! Get out of that ‘trap’. It serves no purpose in the larger scheme of things.
Please... I implore you do all this as time is running out for you and for all of us. It’s CRITICAL that you be UNITED and has a CLEAR VISION of what needs to be done!
I need you, we all do whether we like to believe it or otherwise.
You’re our only hope and I don’t feel you are sincere or seriously committed to the whole idea of one day be given the responsibility of administering this country the way it needs to be administered so that everyone regardless of race, religion, social status will be given an equal opportunity and be provided with the framework for a level playing field in all matters so that all will prosper and no one will be left behind.
So get to work will you? I mean REAL work and not this jibby jabby wishy washy pathetic excuse of campaigning that I see today. I sincerely hope that my message will reach out to those that matters the most and I wish you all the best in the coming GE and pray for your win!
A Malaysian Voter.
Saudara sukasamasuka,
Berkenaan dengan Wan Azizah sebagai PM.
Saya rasa yang paling penting dan utama adalah Pakatan boleh menang.
Kalau Pakatan tak menang, usaha untuk keluarkan Anwar dari penjara amat susah.
Oleh itu, bakal ketua Pakatan mestilah seorang yang boleh membawa Pakatan untuk menang.
Saya rasa ramai yang simpati terhadap keluarga Anwar tetapi agenda utama Pakatan Harapan mestilah untuk memberi harapan kepada rakyat.
Agenda yang berbentuk personal atau peribadi besar kemungkinan tak dapat sokongan ramai.
Saya teringat pembahas “Aku” di sini dulu ada sebut tentang “critical mass” yang diperlukan untuk menang.
Berbeza dengan dulu, Pakatan bukan saja akan berlawan dengan BN tapi dengan PAS, Perkasa dan lain.
Pakatan bukan ada masalah kekurangan pemimpin.
Kalau saya, saya memilih pemimpin dari Amanah, contohnya Husam kerana Parti Amanah boleh tarik paling ramai penyokong dari pelbagai latarbelakang ugama, bangsa, professional dan lain-lain.
Kalau Husam jadi bakal PM, tentulah PAS jadi pening kepala di Kelantan
I hope you will allow an off topic comment here.
Having seen the Anwar worship by the PKR party recently, I am starting to have doubts if PPBM has made the right choice to join Pakatan. PKR has shown us now that they cannot let go of the past. It is a party formed to fight for Anwar and has stayed that way even through its multiple name changes. It is also a party still with a deep hate of Tun Mahathir. This is exposed by the well planned humiliation of the PPBM chaiman at their recent national congress.
PKR seemed to also have a false illusion that it is the biggest opposition party in Malaysia. They even have the audacity to propose a Langkah Kajang move on the office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Again, this proves beyond doubt that PKR is a party created for Anwar and it will do anything to get Anwar to power. I shudder to think what lengths it will go in the future to achieve this goal.
Datuk, any friendship or pakatan, however essential, needs to be based on trust. At this moment, I don't trust PKR.
Datuk wrote on Saturday, May 20, 2017...'WHEN a UK-based Malaysia blogger...viciously attacked...some days ago, I refrained from commenting'
It's an eerie feeling that on the following Monday, a bomb exploded at Manchester Arena, England killing many.
My heart and deep sympathy goes to the dead, the wounded and the good people of Manchester for their kindness and restraint.
I can't imagine the feelings and the smell of explosive and the stench of blood around the arena.
Please don't force Islamic belief through violence, terror and political deceit...it's not going to work luv.
The Malaysian government didn't realize the gravity of their action. They don't know what they are doing. An already locked deal can be aborted at the drop of a hat. Just like that. According to one own whim and fancy. We just showed our true colour to prospective investors, our true face that is Malaysian government couldn't be trusted, couldn't be relied upon in keeping a deal.
What happen was it just showed the unpredictablity nature of the current government. Malaysia lost its precious credibility. This will in turn spook other investors to ever come to Malaysia. It wouldn't help the Malaysia already battered image. Malaysia's credibility and good will has been destroyed.
I don't trust pkr too
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