A Kadir Jasin
[Update, 2 Julai]
Pendamai Sudah Temui Tun M
Pendamai yang dikatakan "dihormati" Perdana Menteri dan "disayangi" mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Mohd. Khalil Yaakob, telah membuat langkah pertama.
Semalam (Sabtu), Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka itu menemui Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad di rumahnya di Mines Resort, Sungai Besi, selama sejam setengah mulai jam 6 petang.
Sumber-sumber mengatakan Dr Mahathir mengulangi pendiriannya mengenai pelbagai perkara yang beliau bangkitkan selama ini dan menegaskan yang beliau tidak bercadang untuk mengubah pendiriannya.
Kata sumber-sumber itu, Dr Mahathir memberitahu Tun Khalil jika isu-isu yang dibangkitkannya itu tidak tepat, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi, berhak menjawab dan menyanggahnya.
Selagi Perdana Menteri tidak menjawab, beliau akan terus berpegang kepada pendiriannya.
Secara peribadi, saya yakin bahawa Tun Khalil memahami penjelasan dan sentimen bekas ketuanya itu dan akan menyampaikannya secara terperinci kepada Perdana Menteri.
Sumber-sumber itu berkata, Tun Khalil memberi jaminan kepada Dr Mahathir yang beliau akan menyampaikan semua pandangan dan sentimen Dr Mahathir kepada Perdana Menteri.
Perdana Menteri berlepas ke Australia Rabu lalu untuk bercuti dan menjalami rawatan resedung (sinus) sementara Tun Mahathir bertolak tengah hari tadi untuk bercuti di turki.
Idea orang tengah ini dicetuskan oleh Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Zainuddin Maidin. Beliau menemui Dr Mahathir seminggu lalu untuk mengemukakan ideanya itu dan dipersetujui Dr Mahathir.
[Posting Asal]
SAYA berasa cukup gembira dengan jaminan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, bahawa kritikan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tidak menjejaskan imej dan kemampuan negara menarik pelabur asing.
Katanya, Kerajaan dan parti yang memerintah adalah teguh justeru itu mampu mengekalkan kestabilan politik.
Itulah sentimen Najib seperti yang dilaporkan oleh akhbar New Straits Times hari Rabu, 28 Jun. Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas andaian bahawa kritikan Dr Mahathir terhadap Pentadbiran Abdullah akan menakutkan pelabur.

Sumber:NST, 28 Jun.
Ironisnya, antara pihak yang menyuarakan kebimbangan itu adalah akhbar New Straits Times sendiri seperti terkandung dalam rencana yang ditulis oleh timbalan pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah merangkap penasihat jabatan pengarangnya, Datuk Kalimullah Hassan, pada 27 Jun.
Dalam rencana dua muka surat mengkritik mantan Perdana Menteri itu, penulis, antara lain, berhujah: “The longer it continues, the more it runs the risk of becoming a self-fulfilling doomsday prophecy for the country.”
Dalam bahasa Melayu yang mudah, mantan Ketua Pengarang New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad itu berkata, lagi lama keadaan ini berterusan, lagi besarlah kemungkinan ia memporak-perandakan negara. Dia menyamakannya dengan ramalan mengenai hari kiamat yang akan menjadi kenyataan.
Jawapan Najib, yang kini boleh dianggap sebagai jurucakap nombor satu pemerintah, membuktikan beberapa perkara. Pertama, kestabilan politik penting. Kedua, pelaburan asing akan terus masuk dan ketiga, Dr Mahathir atau sesiapa sahaja boleh terus mengkritik kerajaan tanpa menjejaskan kestabilan politik.
Bergantung kepada perspektif mana kita mengukur kestabilan politik, keyakinan pelabur dan hak rakyat mengkritik kerajaan, kita boleh menerima atau menolak mana-mana satu daripada dua prognosis yang dikemukakan itu.
Politik Malaysia adalah yang paling stabil di Asia Tenggara jika ditolak Singapura yang berupa sebuah negara kecil yang amat terkawal politiknya dan dilandaskan di atas “fear factor”.
Rekod kestabilan inilah yang saya rasa meyakinkan Najib bahawa kritikan Dr Mahathir tidak akan menjejaskan imej negara dan justeru itu Malaysia akan terus mampu menarik pelaburan asing.
Malah, seandainya pelabur asing, penganalisis ekonomi dan penasihat pelaburan bercakap benar dan komited kepada demokrasi dan keterbukaan, mereka sepatutnya merayakan (celebrate) suasana sekarang.
Dan apakah yang lebih mutakhir untuk membuktikan bahawa Malaysia di bawah kepemimpinan Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi lebih terbuka, bebas dan demokratik selain daripada kritikan terbuka mantan Perdana Menteri?
Apatah lagi mantan Perdana Menteri itu pernah dan terus dituduh sebagai pemimpin yang diktatorial, autoritarian dan autokratik. Kritikan beliau terhadap pemerintahan sekarang membuktikan tanpa syak wasangka lagi bahawa Pentadbiran Abdullah adalah liberal dan terbuka.
Kestabilan politik, keselamatan negara dan keyakinan pelabur akan hanya terjejas jika Dr Mahathir mengambil keputusan radikal turun ke padang mengepalai protes jalanan yang ganas.
Tetapi jika mantan Perdana Menteri itu sekadar hadir di dewan-dewan kecil yang memuatkan 500 orang dan ucapannya tidak dilaporkan oleh media massa arus perdana, kestabilan politik, keselamatan negara dan keyakinan pelabur tidak akan terjejas.
Kalau pelabur dalam dan luar negara tidak yakin juga dengan kerajaan, sebabnya bukanlah teguran atau kritikan Dr Mahathir. Ia mungkin disebabkan faktor-faktor lain yang lebih berkait rapat dengan pengurusan ekonomi.
Sebenarnya, khalayak terbesar tidak pun tahu bahawa mantan Perdana Menteri memberi ucapan dan berdialog dengan ahli-ahli parti politik, termasuk Umno, dan wakil-wakil NGO di Taman Melawati pada 24 Jun lalu.
“Rahsia” ini terbongkar apabila seorang demi seorang pemimpin Umno, termasuk Menteri, Menteri Besar dan Ketua Menteri, tiba-tiba mengecam dan mengutuk Dr Mahathir kerana kononnya bersekongkol dengan pembangkang.
Media massa arus perdana, kecuali The Sun, tidak menyiarkan laporan peristiwa itu apabila ia berlaku, dipercayai atas arahan. Tiba-tiba tiga atau empat hari kemudian berita dan gambar “perbuatan khianat” mantan Perdana Menteri itu menjadi berita prima.
Kalau hendak dikatakan aneh pun boleh jadi sebab pada era komunikasi spontan (instantaneous) dan maya (virtual) ini, media massa arus perdana mengambil masa yang cukup lama untuk menerima khabar dari perbatasan, di suatu tempat yang jauh bernama Taman Melawati.
Mantan Perdana Menteri, yang berupa pengasas ICT negara, memanfaatkan dasar terbuka pemerintah (openness mengikut mantera akhbar New Straits Times) untuk mengemukakan pertanyaan, pendapat dan bangkangan mengenai pelbagai isu semasa.
Tindakan beliau merayakan suasana baru yang terbuka dan telus ini akan berkemungkinan menjadi ancaman kepada kestabilan politik, keselamatan negara dan keyakinan pelabur hanya jika pemerintah gagal menanganinya dengan cara yang rasional dan meyakinkan.
Jika hari ini mantan Perdana Menteri nampak seperti mempunyai pengikut dan peminat – following – ia adalah kerana tindak balas pemerintah terhadap isu-isu yang beliau bangkitkan belum sampai ke tahap yang meyakinkan dan memuaskan semua pihak.
Ini berlaku walaupun beberapa percubaan telah dibuat di peringkat tertinggi untuk menyekat penyiaran berita yang membabitkan mantan Perdana Menteri itu.
Ini disusuli pula oleh kempen sesetengah media massa arus perdana untuk membusukkan (discredit) nama beliau dan sesiapa juga yang dituduh bersekongkol (conspiring) dengan beliau.
Kalau pemerintah belum berjaya meyakinkan khalayak bahawa tindakannya betul dan terperinci, masalahnya bukan tindak-tanduk Dr Mahathir tetapi kegagalan instrumen pemerintah yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjawab dan mematahkan hujah beliau.
Najib mempunyai peluang terbaik untuk melandaskan semula pendekatan pemerintah terhadap kritikan Dr Mahathir berasaskan keputusan terakhir Kabinet pada 28 Jun, mengarahkan kementerian-kementerian berkenaan menjawab hujah-hujah mantan Perdana Menteri.
Secara kebetulan, Perdana Menteri dan mantan Perdana Menteri akan bercuti di luar negara buat beberapa ketika. Perdana Menteri sudah berlepas ke Australia untuk bercuti dengan keluarga selama dua minggu dan mantan Perdana Menteri akan bercuti di Lautan Mediterranean antara 2 hingga 20 Julai.
Najib boleh memanfaatkan masa keemasan ini untuk mengemaskinikan jentera pentadbiran dan jentera saraf pemerintah untuk menangani isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh mantan Perdana Menteri.
Dan jika beliau berani dan “bersemangat Melayu Bugis” beliau boleh menjadi orang tengah yang menyelesaikan masalah antara kedua-dua pemimpin negara itu.

Ini tidak sedikit pun mustahil kerana Najib dikatakan cukup diyakini oleh Perdana Menteri dan terus “disayangi” mantan Perdana Menteri.
( PS: Tiada deskripsi yang tepat dalam bahasa Melayu untuk menyimpulkan kelakuan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.
Tetapi, dengan izin, it’s akin to the behaviour of an over-enthusiastic over-grown pup. It’s a bit too old to be a pup but loves to bite the tail of grown-up dogs. Its bite does not hurt but is annoying.)
(Perhatian: Komen yang menggunakan pengenalan "Anonymous" tidak akan dilayan. Sila guna nama sebenar atau nama samaran (pseudonym) yang sesuai. Laporan daripada akhbar, laman web dan blog lain akan dilayan hanya jika perlu. Terima kasih).
Think of Malaysia, our country, as a vessel, an aircraft if you like. If we crash, or to be less dramatic, if we experience turbulence and make an emergency landing, the person answerable for such an incident would be the Captain.
In that context, the vessel Malaysia is going through very rough patches right now and a passenger named Mahathir Mohamad is asking the Captain to justify why certain manouvers were made during this flight. Manouvers that could well force the vessel to crash. But instead of answering the passenger, Captain Abdullah Ahmad Badawi instead asks his Stewards and Stewardesses to answer the questions raised to him by the said passenger.
As a passenger, do you think it's fair for him to be given technical answers by the flight crew and not the Captain? Obviously not. in addition to being just a passenger, Mahathir was once the Captain himself and knows of the technical aspects of flying and foresees that this flight will crash. Yet the Captain still refuses to answer because the crew decided that all questions should be answered by the crew members and not the Captain.
In other words, Pak Lah is still answerable to Dr.M on all issues raised by the old man. The fact that the (kitchen) cabinet wants to answer the old man is unacceptable. The Captain (read PM) is answerable to his passengers (read the people of this country). Hence, the reason why Dr.M should refuse any justification for the points he raised to be answered by the Ministers. It is the PM's duty to answer not the Ministers.
Only if the PM answers shall there be, as he (Pak Lah) wanted, tranparency and accountability not to mention responsibility. For as Captain of this vessel called Malaysia it is his responsibilty to answer Dr.M for only then can he be accountable for the actions taken by his administration.
Delegating will only create a scapegoat of sorts. Which means that Pak Lah can always tell us (masterminded by the K's of course)later that he gave no such instructions to the Minister who answered on his behalf thus hoping to get away scott free.
But then, Pak Lah should remember that his passengers are not stupid. His passengers will want him to answer and for him to be accountable and responsible for the actions and consequences that come with it.
My hope is that Dr.M keeps builiding up preassure on the government and get Pak Lah to answer him and not his stooges.
PS: Che Ros, Thank you for your comments in the previous discussion. It goes to show that we, the people of Malaysia, are united. The UMNO supreme council may claim that the people are divided by this incident but they are wrong. We are now actually stronger together as citizens. And for once, our people, regardless of race and political inclinations, have come together for a greater good as was the case at Dr.M's forum last Saturday. People form all political parties turned up. You can't be more united than that.
What is Najib talking about? Isn't this what the foreigners want? Democracy right? In the past Dr.M had been accused of being many things among them a dictator. So Najib should tell the foreigners that this country practices democracy. This country allows criticism of the government. Wouldn't a transparent government attract more investors?
What comes out of Najib's mouth has nothing to do with investors but rather his ability to kiss up to his boss. Investors kept shy of Malaysia well before this incident. In fact, the economy hasn't been doing too well since Najib's current boss took over the helm of leadership.
Typical, always looking for a fall guy to take the blame for their own short comings. Instead of pointing fingers at Dr.M (that goes for all you UMNO supreme council yes men/women as well as cabinet members) you should ask yourself what the ministers in-charge of finance and economic planning are doing to attract investors to Malaysia.
The PM and his half-baked kitchen cabinet can't even answer a few simple questions by Dr.M and now they want to go into something as tough and competitive as getting foreign investments.
Najib should ask himself, perhaps foreign investors are affraid to put their money here now because the country is led by cowards who can't seem to show them, or even the people of this country, which direction we're heading to.
Investors flocked here previously based on the direction Dr.M was steering this country to. Among them Vision 2020 showed that we had a blueprint for the development of this nation.
However, Islam Hadhari has proven to be a policy that the direction we're heading to is Singapore.
Najib should think about that.
" Najib boleh memanfaatkan masa keemasan ini untuk mengemaskinikan jentera pentadbiran dan jentera saraf pemerintah untuk menangani isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh mantan Perdana Menteri."
Harap maklum 'orang ketiga' tidak bercuti!
Bojeng_go says:
I wish to know whether did you spot or notice any new reaction from the Pemuda UMNO side. Are they doing anything? Why is Dato Hishamudin in silent? I last saw him yawning the Melayu Kris and siting the 'Teriakkan Melayu' but now not as loud as a Pemuda should be. Wonder Why?
That was a fine and insightful article you wrote in the “dwindling” Malaysian Business magazine, June 16th edition. I pray that PM Pak Lah would be able to read that article and your latest posting. I do hope that after sometime you would want to also share the article in the MB and post it in your blog as I believe that it is a must read for all caring and loyal Malaysian as it gives a fair and balanced perspective of the Dr Mahathir – Pak Lah so called political tiff.
I would not give too much about that half-truth ramblings and oldies songs reproduction by Datuk Kali in the NST though and anyway DPM Datuk Najib brushed away his claim about the negative effects on investments in our country almost immediately as you succintly described. It is plain to see that Datuk Kali does not have enough dexterity or the creativity of thought to match yours. To put it plainly, Datuk Kali and Brendan’s so called journalistic reporting and commentary experience combined could not even be enough to qualify them to tie your shoelaces figuratively speaking.
Rather fortunately for the duo and very unfortunately for us ordinary Malaysians, the powers that be seemed to be mesmerized by their puny journalistic talents despite the fact that they have screwed up PM Pak Lah’s and UMNO’s public image.
However it is good to note that the STAR is now doing a better job of giving a positive public image of PM Pak Lah explaining in good detail about the policies of the present Government vis a vis present challenges and situations and less digging up mud from the previous administration. At least the MCA owned STAR do not try to demonise Dr Mahathir in retaliation to his ongoing critique of PM Pak Lah.
I do wish that Pak Lah during his holidays would be able to reflect on the going ons between him and Dr. Mahathir. For the sake of this country, we the rakyat who voted for BN and gave 92% support, now “Minta Tolong Pada Pak Lah”, to please see Dr Mahathir who stuck his neck out to choose Pak Lah as his successor and explain to Dr Mahathir personally on the policy decisions to cancel the scenic bridge, the sale of MV Augusta etc.etc.
Whether Dr Mahathir accepts the explanation or not is another matter because after that everybody should move on already. We choose the BN led by Pak Lah in the last election so whatever policy decision made by Pak Lah and BN will have to be accepted by all be it petrol subsidy cuts, sovereignty issues in the bridge cancellation, warts and all. If we disagree, then as Malaysia is a democracy we can use our votes in the next election to tell PM Pak Lah and BN, hey your policies are hurting us dude and we do not like it so I make you pay big time man. If the result of the Sarawak elections are anything to go by, then the BN is going to face some serious challenges with or without Dr Mahathir’s critiques.
I truly believe however, that our grand old man who had done so much for the country would be able to strengthen PM Pak Lah position in leading the country but that could happen only if PM Pak Lah is more open to what Dr Mahathir has to say. At this juncture, Elegant Silence is not a desirable option.
I like the last para the over grown pup,(old pup).He wants to chanllenge TM he will be crushed with TM punch.
Actually in Bahasa Malaysia there are two phrases that could aptly describes his outrageous behavior against Dr Mahathir:
1. Bagai Kacang Lupakan Kulit.
2. Bagai melepaskan anjing yang tersepit.
Thank You.
i do think the tempreture of malaysia is too hot for orang melayu to go to australia.
its a nice wheather, to change lifestyle.
so sometimes, when the owner leave the house they left their pets of pups home to "help" guarding their house.
but sometimes when the pup is too annoying, we need somebody to help to make peace with the other people around the area.
but who?
Ada serangkap pantun tekateki budak sekolah rendah mengenai seekor serangga yang saya rasa sesuai mengambarkan kelakuan Nazri:
Tidak mempunyai adat dan sopan,
Milik orang selalu dimakannya:
Di benci oleh setiap insan,
kerana membawa penyakit bahaya.
(Jawapan: LALAT )
It's amazing to see our PM feeling the "crime scene" just as the bashing of Dr.M's just beginning. He needs an alibi I suppose.
Anyway, the bashing's already begun with Syed Hamid sending out the first punch. This is obviously not a man-to-man fight but rather like that of a mob boss ordering an execution. And with most mobs, the boss is nowhere near the crime scene.
I'd like to correct another typo error (sorry, this happens a lot). The word "feeling" should actually read "fleeing". My apologies and happy blogging.
Beberapa persoalan timbul bila mendengar jawaban Menlu Syed Hamid tantang penujualan pasir dan pembebasan ruang udara Johor kapada TURS.
Kata Menlu, itu adalah quid pro quo atau tolak ansur antara dua nagara. Soalnya mengapa Menlu dan pemerintah mengambil waktu begitu lama mahu memberitahu rakyat? Dua bulan sudah berlalu.
Kelewatan atau kealpaan itu membuatkan saya berasa kurang yakin dengan penjelasan Menlu, takut-takut alasan itu sengaja diada-adakan. Perlu ditunjukkan bukti dengan pemerintah tidak merahsiakan nota rundingan antara kedua-dua negara. ,
Juga dikhuatiri pemerintah teramat mendengar dan menuruti pandapat diplomat Ahmad Fuzi dan Peguam Negara Patil yang mungkin tidak mengambil berat implikasi politik pembatalan projek itu kapada kerajaan dan parti pemerintah.
Sampai hari ini pun Peguan Nagara masih membisu walaupun jawabannya sudah dijanjikan pemerintah. Jurang wibawa ini membuatkan saya berat menerima jawaban Menlu Hamid.
Saya bimbang arahan kepada menteri menjawab pertanyaan Tun Dr Mahathir akan menjadi polimik politik dan arena untuk terus membelasah mantan PM.
Saya kata begini kerana saya tidak menjangka semua menteri, menteri besar dan ketua menteri faham dan arif mengenai isu-isu yang Dr Mahathir bangkitkan kerana ia merupakan isu teknikal.
Mereka yang ikhlas dan bersopan mungkin tidak akan menjawab selain mengatakan mereka menyokong PM dan menghormati hak Dr Mahathir bersuara.
Yang tidak faham tetapi kurang sopan dan kurang waras akan mencari jalan dekat dengan terus membelasah Dr Mahathir.
Tetapi kalau persoalan yang Dr Mahathir bangkitkan itu ditangani sendiri oleh PM, saya yakin keadaan tidak akan menjadi keruh, keliru dan kacau-bilau seperti sekarang.
Saya harap percutian PM di Australia selama 10 hari tidak dijadikan masa untuk "membunuh" mantan PM, tetapi waktu bertenang dan mencari jalan keluar yang terbaik dan terhormat untuk semua pihak.
Inilah cabaran yang perlu ditangani oleh Pemangku PM, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib.
Mahathir bukan setakat mempersoalkan atau mengkritik beberapa keputusan kerajaan, tetapi juga menuduh Abdullah Badawi menikamnya dari belakang dan menuduh orang di Tingkat 4 lebih berkuasa dari orang di Tingkat 5.
Oleh itu, kita patut juga bertanya apakah motif dan agenda peribadi Mahathir yang sebenar?
Saya lihat beliau memang ingin berperang. Oleh itu tentu tidak mudah untuk "didamaikan" oleh Najib.
Saya tak pernah menyokong Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (soal usaha-usaha dia ketika dalam kerajaan, apa yang dia dan keluarga dia dapat, dah berlebih dah...), kecuali kerana 2 perkara, 1) tidak mengangkat sembah kepada raja-raja, dan 2) pecat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (tidak termasuk tindakan-tindakan yang saya yakin zalim ke atas Anwar selepas itu - nak buang, buang la.. memang patut buang, tapi jangan la seksa sampai macam tu. Anjin pun orang katok kita radang tengok!)
Nampaknya kena tambah senarai sokong lagi satu. Tahniah kepada Dr Mahathir! Untuk menggambarkan perasaan saya, saya petik Raja Petra Kamaruddin (Malaysia Today):
The issue of whether we support Mahathir or do not support him is not what matters. That is not important. Mahathir has asked for an explanation on an issue that we too want explained. So we stand behind Mahathir in demanding answers.
Salam Dato’
I read your reply letter to NST. The style is truly professional and dignified. No emotional outburst, no malicious attack and no undignified remarks.
The letter is exemplary. In future if I’m criticized or humiliated, I will write my response letters with dignity and self-respect.
Thanks Dato' for showing the way.
Let me help you to describe Nazri in Bahasa Melayu. He's just being 'BIADAB'.
I just want to repeat what Matthias Chong had said :
"I spit in the faces of those Malays who show disrespect for this Malay hero".
I, myself will do the same thing. Guess who will be the first that I'll spit?
Hantu Gigi Jarang
Dato K,
Rata-rata orang Melayu tertanya-tanya. Mereka kusut fikiran, ada yang buntu dan ramai pula yang keciwa. Kusut fikiran kerana kekusutan yang melanda kepimpinan negara.Mereka mahu tahu bagaimana dua pemimpin kita bercakaran. Tun M bertanya kepada Pak Lah tetapi tiada jawapan. Yang tua bertanya kepada yang muda tetapi tidak diendahkan. Kalau dibanding dalam keluarga, ini mudah ditangani. Kalau dalam hal-ehwal pentadbiran negara, hal sebegini menjadi kewajipan dan tanggungjawab yang tidak boleh diambil ringan. Oleh yang demikian, orang Melayu tertekan dan membuat kesimpulan bahawa hari ini, si anak tidak lagi perlu menjawab jika bapanya bertanya sesuatu.
Orang Melayu juga buntu kerana pertelagahan kedua pemimpin ini bukan pertelagahan biasa. Ia adalah pertelagahan yang akan membawa padah. Kalau kita ikuti akhbar2 besar seperti NST dan Berita Harian, kita dapati bahawa cuma satu pihak saja yang bersalah dan dipersalahkan. Iaitu Tun M. Menteri-menteri seperti Khaled Nordin, Nazri Aziz dan Syed Hamid bersuara seperti sudah hilang kewarasan.Abdullah Badawi harus sedar bahawa mereka ini bakal merosakkan nama dan kepimpinannya. Abdullah tidak menegur mereka supaya bertutur dengan lebih sopan seperti yang dikehendakki oleh prinsip Islam Hadhari yang dilaung-laungkan. Maka orang Melayu membuat satu lagi kesimpulan - jika Perdana Menteri tidak menegur ahli jemaah menteri supaya lebih sopan, maka ini bermakna beliau juga meng-iakan tingkah laku biadap ini. Nah! Mulai hari ini kita semua boleh berlaku biadap kerana sifat busuk ini diterima pakai oleh pentadbiran yang mahu Islam Hadhari itu dinobatkan!
Bagaimana pula orang Melayu yang keciwa? Mereka ini termasuk dalam golongan yang terlalu mengharapkan kejayaan yang dibawa Tun M akan berterusan. Mereka juga menaruh harapan agar kepimpinan Abdullah akan benar-benar lebih terbuka dan telus. Rupa-rupanya tidak. Ada projek yang diberi kepada penerima yang tidak diumumkan kepada rakyat (seperti projek pembinaan airport untuk penerbangan murah); ada janji pilihanraya yang kini tidak terlaksana (seperti penyelesaian terhadap pengangguran graduan); ada percakapan yang mirip tegas tetapi akhirnya tidak dilaksanakan (seperti penubuhan IPCMC). Abdullah dikelilingi orang yang berkepentingan peribadi. Umum mengetahui bahawa kontrak boleh diperolehi jika mengikut saluran peribadi.
Rakyat yang mengundi akan menghakimi bila tiba masanya nanti. Nazri, Khaled, Syed Hamid dan beberapa orang lain mungkin pergi.
Sebenarnya pujian mereka terhadap Abdullah tidak ikhlas kerena mereka dahulu juga memuji-muji bekas Perdana Menteri. Disebaliknya, kutukan mereka terhadap Tun M pula berupa insurans agar kekal dalam jawatan jemaah menteri hari ini.
Dato K,
Agenda negara hari ini bukan lagi ditentukan pemerintah negara terdiri mereka yang dipilih rakyat. Pak Lah mendapat mandat besar dari rakyat untuk mentadbir negara. Ini bermakna beliau wajib membuat yang terbaik. Rupa-rupanya ada segelintir manusia lain yang lebih berkuasa sehinnga menteri-menteri dan menteri besar perlu akur dan mengikut telunjuk puak ini. Agenda negara ini juga ditentukan oleh akhbar perdana yang diterajui mereka yang dilatih oleh akhbar seberang. Apa dah jadi pada tanahair tercinta? Rata-rata rakyat duduk berbisik dan memilih pasukan mana yang mahu mereka ikut. Syabas - orang asing sudah berjaya! Nahas - agenda negaramusnah segala!
Dengaq cerita Pak Lah pi Ostolia pasai nak berubat resdung. Mahfuz Omar kata kat saya, "awat Pak Lah buat lagu tu!? Kecik hati bomoh-bomoh resdung di Kepala Batas!"
Dengaq cerita Anwar pun nak pi Ostolia; hari ni ka, esok ka, tak tau la. Khabaq angin kata gitu la...
Banyak sungguh kebetulan yang kebetulan!
Saya fikir apabila Mahathir mempertikaikan beberapa keputusan kerajaan, Mahathir tidaklah terlepas daripada mewakili dan memperjuangkan kepentingan golongan tertentu.
Siapakah golongan itu?Mungkinkah golongan ahli perniagaan yang tidak mendapat habuan daripada kerajaan?
Hishamuddin "tidak menolak kemungkinan" golongan inilah yang mempengaruhi Mahathir supaya bertindak "menyerang" kerajaan.
Jika benar demikian, tahulah kita apa motif dan agenda Mahathir.
Nampaknya semua pihak bertindak atas kepentingan peribadi dan golongan. Dengan itu, "peperangan" akan terus berjalan.
Dear Datuk A Kadir Jasin!
The only semblance of normalcy and stability within the Malay society and Umno, as far as I am concerned, is in the presence of Dato'Sri Najib Tun Razak.His voice his presence give comfort to Malaysians. Talk to any level of society from powerful politicians, corporate persons, to nasi lemak boss owner to taxi drivers they all agree in unison and said when is Najib going to be the next PM. Okay let us catch the bull by the horns and conquer our fear and said Pak Lah time to go we, Malaysians in total, are not happy with your leadership lets move on and pas the baton.
You know, everytime I read about the diatribe between previous politician and the present one I get sick in the stomach knowing that all Malaysians want change. Datuk, all those in the know, know that Kaimullah is using his "more than one way to skin a cat" phrase to destroy the fabric of this country's delicatre society. We all know that he is a paid agent for Singapore interest and yet people are saying why does the PM still want him to continue on damaging everything that is sacred and dear to the well being of this country. Kalimullah and gang want Najib to "die" politicaly. And we have no other choice to believe that PM insistence that Kali and gang to run the country means he is giving his blessing to allow his hatchet foreign -paid agent to really destroy Najib. However Kali, having said that, "killing" Najib is easier said than done as you canot really destroy a good person and hope to get with it. But as for Kali and his other Singapore-paid agents, my advise is to really pack up with your entire family and leave the country. The most sensible thing for you all to do. Otherwise this unhappiness will go on, and on. If you have no respect for the Melayus at least remember that they ARE prone to amok.
Salam buat Dato dan sdr sdri pengunjung blog yg lain.
Terlebih dahulu izinkan saya merakamkan terima kasih kpd Dato krn sudi memulakan blog ini sbg satu saluran utk kami bersuara. Terima kasih juga kpd pengunjung-2 blog ini krn membahaskan usul-2 yg diajukan. Sebelum ni saya hanya membaca ttp tidak menyertai perbincangan maklumlah org-2 yg berbincang ni nampaknya pandai-2 belaka segan nak join sama.
Kpd yg membangkitkan Anwar dlm isu ni seperti Penarik Beca, Hjwan, Candu dll sepertinya.
Sudahlah tu, tak payah nak cerita pasai anwar lagi. seperti yg rakan-2 kita Yangesa, che ros dan melayu lama dan katakan. isu ni lebih besaq dari isu anwar. isu ni membabitkan masyarakat dan bukannya idividu. yg hangpa dok selitkan nama anwar buat apa. kaitan dia dgn isu ni sama macam kita semua kena bayaq miyak tinggi dan bil api tinggi. pasai zalim tak zalim tu cerita lain. kalau hangpa nak cerita pasai zalim awat tak cerita pasai budak pompuan yg kena telanjang dan ketuk ketampi dekat balai polis tu. hangpa ingat anwar sorang ja kena zalim. sdr-2 ku ini bukakanlah mata, hati dan minda anda utk melihat gambaran yg lebih besaq drp anwar iaitu gambaran keluhan rakyat. harapnya tidak di selitkan lagi cerita-2 anwar. tak dak kena mengena dgn dia.
Lagi satu dato. saya rasa binatang peliharaan spt kuda dapat membaca isi hati seorang pemimpin lebih baik dari kita. contohnya pada thn 97 anwar naik kuda dan tercampak semasa menunggang sampai sakit tengkok. lepas tu thn lalu tajuddin ramli pun kena campak masa tunggang kuda. baru-2 ni khairi pun dengar khabar kena campak masa tunggang kuda sampai sakit lengan. saya rasa elok jika parlimen kita bela kuda drp rusa. boleh suruh nazri try tunggang tengok. rasa-2nya kena campak lagi jauh drp yg lain tadi.
Salaam dato'
Syed Hamid Albar was reported in the Sun today as saying that the negotiaton with Singapore to sell our sand was carried out during Tun Dr Mahathir's time.
I feel that Syed Hamid isnt telling the whole truth.
If it was true, why did he come out with a belated response? I mean this is hell of an ammunition which the present government under Pak Lah could use to shoot back at TDM(knowing how desperate it is to discredit the Tun).
I mean surely the government will seize this chance. But why only now? Why did Syed Hamid take such a long time to answer.
I dont buy it.
Lubok Melayu, saya ambil maklum ulasan anda. Saya tidak akan poskan. Saya rasa tak elok dan tak adil anda mempersoal, apatah lagi, "mempersendakan" kesihatan PM. Buang komen itu saya sedia poskan yang lain.
Begitu juga dengan Che Ros. Saya tidak berani mengambil tanggungjawab terdapat ulasan PS anda mengenai khabar angin tentang cinta lara seorang anggota keluarga PM. Tidak sopan dan tidak adil.
Dignity2U, terima kasih atas sokongan anda. Jawapan saya kepada tulisan NST mengenai diri saya adalah untuk memperbetulkan fakta dan bukan untuk bergaduh dengan sesiapa.
It's impossible for me to face up to the might of the NST. But as a journalist and writer, I will continue to speak up. I hope you too.
To the rest, thank you for continuing to participate in this little endeavour of ours.
AZMI says...
The main problem here is "our exPM ask a question" and the question needs a "relevant answer" that's it. TDM act on his ownself as a public (without demanding any return post in the cabinate, he said so several times that he acts solely and not demanding any comeback. It's very much different then in DSAI case). So why is the cabinate minister's trying to tarnish this TDM. What is the relevent issue here. It's like a grand design towards a political assessination, dont you see it, with all the media aiming at demonizing TDM. If they are democratic, liberal and transperant, why dont they report the full statement made by TDM in his reply / press conference at the first place, instead the media make a spin out of it. If they made a mistake, they should just appologies, that's it. So now What is the media intention? And who is behind all this? Why are all going after TDM and not answering to the main issue that TDM raised? We rest our case. Bull to all the cabinate's carmouflage.
Isu ini melibatkan 3 pihak.
1.Pihak yg terluka
2.Pihak yg melukakan
3.Pihak yg memulakan segala luka.
Siapa yg memulakan segala isu yg ada skrg dan menjadi lebih parah?
Mungkin ada agenda lain disebalik segala apa yg terjadi.
Dah banyak kali kita melihat tingkah biadap Nazri dan sampai bila kita nak tengok dia teruskannya?
Masih menunggu apa kritikan Tun selepas ini...
Azmi says ASSALAMUALAIKUM to Dato' & All Bloggers.
TDM is an Islamic fundamentalist. First lantik Musa Hitam.. sebab Musa ni very proaktif. Jadi kes Memali, TDM not happy. Musa resign. Lantik Ghafar Baba. Org. lama ... very experience, honourably and accepted by all .. down to earth man. The Rakyat accept him happily (But due to DSAI manupulation Gafar Baba gives up). But TDM is an Islamic fundamentalist. He grooms DSAI since early years in UMNO, as he is fond for his believe in Islam. But DSAI had other foreign motives. Out he goes. Next in line is either Najib / Pak Lah. He fonds for Najib but TDM sticks to Islamic fundamentalist. He opt for Pak Lah. No doubt in the current issue he state's that Pak Lah was not in his main top but he denise his own need other then putting the country's need before him as he sees the future. Malaysia being an Islamic Fundamentalist Country. He's hope still tops. TDM never question's on Pak Lah's Islam Hadari but of only the late, when then he saw people are still trying to demonise him even since he had already left. TDM saw it coming. No one seems to see nor look or care to correct what is design. Thus TDM goes on solo. Now who's fault is it? Who's behind it? Dont play..play.. TDM never shout faul to Pak Lah on DSAI's release. Nor make issue on the cancellation of the Railway track projects. When DSAI was release, there were rumours that Pak Lah went to US to seek business (FUND) but none was really comming. May it be now through Singapore now? Members of the Cabinate, dont be blind but seek wisdom through your eyes, ears and heart and ask yourself for our nation's real truth.
Why is now the media recently orchestraying that the business investment by Singapore has grown tremendously i.e. from RM2.XX billion to RM2XX.XX billion? Dont tell me that the Singaporean really like to invest in Malaysia (compared to their stiff neck deal in our water and epf case)and they dont care about the balance of trade between the two countries. The current issue now really need a great caussion & a major wake up call by all our Minister's and our Malaysian to check on what is going on.
Janganlah Nanti Negara Kita DiJajah Tanpa Disedari.
So dont go after TDM. He ask nothing but PLEASE ANSWER, that's all. Dont create unnecessary mess out of it. And be at your utmost mind from the foreign purportrators.
Kemarin nampak sekox kegha
dok atas pokok punyalah gemira
dia kocak sana dia kocak sini
orang marah dia tambah beghani.
Peghangai menusia punyalah funny
kera atas pokok dia bukan main beghani
tapi bika kegha jege dia lari
bunyi-bunyi macam menteghi nama nazri
Yang mana satu silalah teka
yang nama satu menteghi yang mana sayu kegha
takut-takut dua-dua sama
pasai tu lah negeghi haru-hara
kegha dan menusia tak banyak beza
kegha boge sepanjang masa
menusia mabuk telanjang juga
memelek melolong tak kegha ketika
orang tengok gelak ketawa
seronok sakan sampai naik lupa
seder-sedar dah tak tinggai apa
pantun seloka budaya kata
Rais dengax tentu gembira
kegha kohgang ajar kita tak peduli
menteghi jadi kegha kita susah ati
cukup dulu pantun seloka
mat tunjang enterprise ada kegheja
nak cari kakan bela anak bini
bayar cukai biayai menteghi.
Perhaps it is time Pak Lah did something for his people and his image as a leader. Perhaps it is time he acted as a leader rather than going into hiding and keeping quiet. Perhaps it is time he worked at being the PM to be remembered for building bridges rather than one who stops them from being built.
He must bear in mind that in his quest, as Finance Minister, to achieve a balanced budget (in reality is a mere myth), he should look at the implications it has on all of us.
The road ahead has been cleared, so to speak, by his predecesor, all he needs to do now is to just finish the job. And while doing so, act accordingly as a leader. I'm not saying that Dr.M is the best of leaders. He too had his flaws but the achievements he has led us to accomplish has taken us out of our previously third world state and has thus made right, so to speak, his mistakes.
Pak Lah should posses the courage to judge his subordinates and take action on the ones who have misused their positions. Dr.M proved to be such a person. Many names were removed from their positions for misconduct or poor job performance names like Mat Taib, Sanussi, Othman Aroff, Kasitah Gaddam, Siti Zainab, and many more in his 22 years in office. What about Pak Lah? apart form Isa, names like Rafidah, Samy, Nazri and many more still remain as heads of their respective ministries. Does he not have power to take action against them? come on man, he's the boss.
Pak Lah should think of first mending the bridge within UMNO by being fair and truthful to Dr.M. Only then can the nation continue in it's path to becoming developed. We're at a crossroad now with no sense of direction. Our economy is a good indicator of that.
Does Pak Lah want to listen to the young men at his office who keep telling him that everything's ok and remain oblivious to the cries of his people? or does he want to do the job that we gave him to do with the 92% majority back in the 2004 general elections?
This whole issue now boils down to Pak Lah and his intentions. I believe there is some good in all of us. Pak Lah should bring himself to search for that good in him and right whatever wrong (read justify his actions and the actions of his government and cabinet to Dr.M and all of us) that he has done or been accused of doing. Only then can we move on.
Bojeng_go says…
"...Why is Dato Hishamudin in silent? I last saw him yawning the Melayu Kris and siting the 'Teriakkan Melayu' but now not as loud as a Pemuda should be. Wonder Why?"
This should answer yr "why".
Bernama report (June 29) quoted Dato Hishamuddin :
"The Youth wing is rational. Stop sowing the seeds of discord. My deputy Khairy Jamaluddin has asked me to stop the debate in the media. Enough is enough," he said.
His deputy has asked him to shut up.
Now you know why.
Najib sepatutnya memanggil satu Persidangan Khas UMNO bagi membincangkan isu ini.
Mana-mana bahagian boleh membuat usul undi tidak percaya terhadap kepimpinan YAB Presiden parti.
A true leader, particularly one who bases his principles on the teachings of Islam should know the difference between right and wrong. However, politics is a dirty game. As seen in other less credible political parties, many hide behind the disguise of religon. Pak Lah has become, or is becoming, such a politician.
To be where he is today, he had to endure many hardships particularly his hardship between 1987-1990. From there, a learned man should be able guage his limitations by himself. He should know that without people like us telling him.
What we have now is a man who either has no idea what his limitations are or is completely clueless of his own limitations. That's the better side of it, the worse is having a leader who is aware of his limitations but pretends to be clueless for the benefit of himself and / or the ones around him. Which one is he?
As much as I think lowly of Pak Lah's intelligence as a leader and even as a person (this conclusion was based on the quality of the questions asked as well as the converstion we had during his visit to my company's booth at an exhibition in PWTC 2 years ago), I believe Dr.M was not so cruel as to dump such an oblivious person on us to be our leader. Hence the question why Pak lah is still clinging on to his job even though he knows he's not performing? Is it to secure a better platform for Khairy to take over UMNO in future? after all Pak Lah has made him Youth Vice-Chief practically out of thin air. Or is it to help sin son Kamal and his partner Shah to make as much money as they can via Scomi and their other outfits?
Let me be blunt by saying that IF (his intentions only he himself and god knows) he's doing this on purpose then he does not deserve to be the Imam at any prayer. He is a disgrace to the very policy he's set up, Islam Hadhari.
The ten points, or pillars, of the Islam Hadhari Policy is as follows:
1. Faith and piety in Allah
2. Just and trustworthy government
3. Freedom and independence to the people
4. Mastery of knowledge
5. Balanced and comprehensive economic development
6. Good quality of life for all
7. Protection of the rights of minority groups and women
8. Cultural and moral integrity
9. Protection of the environment
10. A strong defence policy
Of Pak Lah's 10 pillars of Islam Hadhari, he has cheated us in at least half of them by not adhering them himself, either as a person or as the head of our government.
We're definately short-changed on point 2. How just and trustworthy can you be if you can't even justify your actions. Points 2. and 3. when combined is not fulfilled as a just government, and it's media, would allow Dr.M's forum some coverage as well as Dr.M's freedom to question his (now) leaders. Point 2. is also in question when it comes to closed-door issuance of contracts like the LCCT at KLIA among others. Is that just to keep us in the dark?
We're also cheated in point 5. What is balanced or comprehensive about our economic development? Seems to cover only a select group of people.
Point 6. is has also turned out to be a joke. What better quality of life can we get when we have pay higher bills. In fact we even have to work harder now. I always though that quality of life is something one would enjoy with the family and not being stuck with the headache of "adjusting ones lifestyle".
Point 8. is an absolute no brainer when you look at his people, Nazri in particular. What moral integrity is there when you display such arrogance and rudeness.
And lastly, point 10. That is the worst of all. How can Pak Lah talk of a strong defence policy when he is, or rather his K's, are, with his knowledge if not his blessing, opening the doors to US allies like Singapore and even allowing enimies of Islam, the US, berth their attack vessel at our port.
Clearly, Pak Lah has overstayed his welcome. He should either shape up or ship out. People's tolerance at putting up with this hipocrasy, if one can term it as such, is wearing thin. Deos he need us to tell him the blunt way come General Election time or will he do the gentlemanly thing and leave. People will remember him with more respect if he stepped down rather than being kicked out. The choice is his and only his to make.
This extract of old news is interesting:
"News - March 13, 2006
Royal Boskalis Westminster in the Netherlands says it has "taken notice" of stories today in the Singaporean and Malaysian press that mention a breakthrough in the discussions between both countries, which could result in a resumption of sand supply from Malaysia to Singapore in the short term.
A resumption of sand supply could lead to the restart of the large scale land reclamation work in Singapore which was stopped in mid-2002. The work has a value of €317 million in the company's orderbook."
Now read also this extract as quoted by the NST today (page 2):
" During meetings held between September 2005 and March this year, only two of the five privileges sought by the republic were considered: the right to search-and -rescue, and the use of the Northern Transit Corridor."
Please also bear in your mind that Malaysia decided to go ahead with the scenic bridge in January 2006.
Now, my suspicious mind says that, yes, Singapore offered to buy sand in March 2005. Malaysia tak layan and went ahead with the scenic bridge in Jannuary 2006. Every body was happy except Singapore. But comes March 2006, someone tried to reconcile the joy in Malaysia and the sorrow in Singapore for profit by re-opening the issue of sand. News leaked out. The "rakyat" down south protested. Joy turned into sorrow, sorrow turned into joy and someone in between caught red-faced, hence the historical cancellation!
Hantu Gugu Jarang
Datuk wrote:
Tiada deskripsi yang tepat dalam bahasa Melayu untuk menyimpulkan kelakuan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.
Tetapi, dengan izin, it’s akin to the behaviour of an over-enthusiastic over-grown pup. It’s a bit too old to be a pup but loves to bite the tail of grown-up dogs. Its bite does not hurt but is annoying.
I fully agree, maybe deformed pups like this should be best put to sleep.
BTW dont miss the recording of Matthias Changs recent EXPLOSIVE press conference this Saturday 9pm at http://wtv8.tv
Apa yang berlaku sekarang mungkin meletakkan kebanyakan orang Melayu dalam dilema.
Apa yang dikatakan Tun Mahathir banyak yang benar.Sebaliknya apa yang dilakuka oleh Pak Lah banyak yang salah. Jadi siapakah yang wajar di sokong?
Sementara itu, Tun Mahathir juga agaknya turut bersalah, kerana telah mewariskan kepimpinan negara kepada seorang yang "lemah".
Kalau kepimpinan negara diwariskan kepada seorang yang "kuat", kita mungkin tidak mengalami apa yang berlaku sekarang.
Lagi satu perkara, pemilihan pucuk pimpinan UMNO juga turut bersalah. Sebab, orang yang sampai ke atas, yang menjadi Timbalan dan Naib Presiden juga kelihatan terdiri daripada orang-orang yang "lemah".
Mengapa jadi begini?
Nazri Aziz is a disgrace to his race. My family ask, “What has happened to the Malay race that we know – people who are kind, polite, humble and respectful. Is this the result of evolution, or the result of manipulation?”
Nazri’s behaviour is a good example of bad upbringing and bad role model for the young. He is rude, tactless, arrogant, disrespectful and ungrateful. His bad behaviour reflects badly on his parents.
Tun Dr Mahathir directs his comments on the PM, so who the hell gives Nazri the permission to answer on behalf of the PM? Who told him to open his filthy mouth? Is it the PM aka Mr Elegant Silence? PM’s boys? PM’s (kitchen) cabinet? PM’s Umno?
If the PM has lost his dignity to speak to the rakyat, can we expect to hear something dignified from the DPM?
In my opinion, never mind KJ isn't on leave.
UMNO, if it wants to regain credibility, should convene an emergency meeting to discuss the very important issues raised by TDM. Whether Pak Lah, whose captaincy of the Malaysian vessel (in the words of Melayu Lama)has now come under serious scutiny, agrees to it or not is no longer the issue.
It is reliably understood that TDM has received numerous invites to speak at both official meetings or closed-door sessions. He should be allowed to speak at this emergency meeting in the full presence of mainstream, foreign and alternative media.
Now is the time for Najib to re-assert himself and show UMNO members and Malaysians that whilst Pak Lah is away, it is he, and not the so-called de facto PM who is really in charge.
It is no good to just say everything is fine, status quo, when the whole world out there thinks otherwise. The majority perception is heavily influenced by the deafening silence and avoidance of the issue by both Pak Lah and KJ. Spins by Kali and Brendan only have the opposite effects.
The longer we leave the crisis unattended the way it should have been, more and more people will joins the ranks of the sceptics/ those unconvinced with official explanations.
Somebody who is destined to take over the Captaincy must swiftly show that he has substance and is indeed worthy of being given the new mandate to move on.
Dear Dato’
I’m so glad some of your commenters think creatively and write humorously.
I roar with laughter over a commenter’s remarks "... boleh suruh nazri try tunggang tengok. rasa-2nya kena campak lagi jauh drp yg lain tadi."
As I write, I’m still laughing.
dignity2u, congrats. you argue well. i think you re a young person. you still have idealism. i am much older and i am sometimes jaded. you talked about Nazri Aziz being a disgrace to the race. how can the man to a disgrace to the malay race when he understands neither of this.
from his statements quoted by th newspapers and seeing his face on TV once in a while, it is clear that he does know the meaning of disgrace and he is not the melayu that i know. maybe he is a malay only in his mykad.
see how he bragged about his father sending him to england to study law and said Dr Mahathir only went to Singapore. ini bukan budayta melayu.
in any case, i think to the current administration, they malay race and the malay people are not very important. they are only electoral statistics and a reason to keep umno alive so that people like nazri can continue to exploit for their personal ends. So they they can seek medical treatment abroad and have birthday parties in Singapore with wine, women and songs.
i am a malay because i believe the malay race and malay people are good.
Although left in charge, so to speak, Najib has to tread carefully if he does not want to be accused of conspiring with Dr.M who UMNO has, in turn, already accused of conspiring with the opposition parties. Najib himself will be at a dead end if he shows support for his former boss. And in the words of fellow blogger Harat, Najib too is weak. No doubt his words were of some comfort but comfort alone is not enough. We want answers and we want solutions to the nation's problems. Saying that something is not the cause of a problem is not the same as actually identifying the problem.
Najib should use these next few weeks as acting PM wisely if he is to prove himself that he is indeed worthy of succeding the PM in future. We don't want another Pak Lah that's for sure. Najib must also be aware of the Kali's and Khairy's out there waiting to stab him in the back and find an excuse to remove him from where he is now.
And like Pak Lah and his now 3 K's, Najib too must be intelligent enough to not be too obedient to his 2 R's. He should not let the ambition of one of his R's to one day live in Seri Perdana cloud his better judgement, should he have any. That remains to be seen.
Anyway, Najib is now in the driver's deat, so it seems, but his actions like the unnecessary pledge of loyalty to Pak Lah reflects that of another stooge, another yes-man. Perhaps Dr.M and Siti Hasmah have set an examplary standard of a leader and a first lady that we are expecting too much from these "ordinary" successors.
Nazri ni sedara saya. Dia orang Perak saya orang Pahang. Tak sangka pulak diq dah jadi jantan kurang ajar sekarang!
Kemaghin jumpa nik budak kelantan
dia dok ghoyak bukan main sakan
dia kata apa bejadoh modal insen
ngaji tinggi susoh caghi maken
kepala mat pun penin
dah jadi bodo macam kambin
pemimpin cakap tak serupa bikin
dia cakap lain dia buat lain
Dia kata utamakan modal insan
Malaysia perlu rakyat berkebolehan
kita pun seghonok bagi undi sakan
PM kata mandat dia tak boleh lawan
Mahathir sakit doktor kita rawat
belah jantung bagi dia sehat
doktor kita menang hebat-hebat
sampai oghang luar pun mai berubat
Tapi bila Pak Lah sakit ghesedung
dia pi ostrolia minta tulung
jadi kita pun naik bengong
pasai modal insan cakap kosong
Minta maaf ampun tuan dan puan
beghenti di sini nak pi cari makan
bayar cukai kepada kegha(kera)jaan
pasai Pak Lah perlukan rawatan.
Kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Umno merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, Hishammuddin Hussein, bahawa dia diarahkan oleh Naib Ketua Pemuda, Khairy Jamaluddin, supaya tidak menjawab kritikan Tun Dr Mahathir membuktikan tuduhan bahawa menantu Perdana Menteri itu adalah antara "pihak ketiga" yang kini menguasai kerajaan.
Hishammuddin terpaksa mendedahkan perkara itu kerana dia menang penakut dan boneka kepada Khairy. Ini bukti jelas bagaimana menantu Perdana Menteri itu menguasai Pemuda Umno dan begitu berpengatuh hingga berani melanggar arahan Kabinet agar ahli kabinet menjawab kritikan Dr Mahathir.
Tetapi mungkin juga Khairy sudah ketakutan apabila Dr Mahathir mendedahkan namanya sebagai antara "budak-budak berhingus dari Oxford dan Cambridge" yang mengusai Kerajaan Abdullah Badawi. Mungkin dia sedar dia terdedah (vulverable) dalam banyak aspek kerana tindak tanduknnya dalam politik, media massa, korporat, perkhidmatan awam dan perisikan. Dia tahu Dr Manhathir bukan calang-calang orang. Kalau Musa, Tengku Razaleigh dan Anwar boleh banyut, inikan Khairy.
Tapi bagi Hishammuddin, hanya satu label yang boleh diberikan kepadanya iaitu pathetic, macam ayam berak kapur.
Jikalau saya nampak krikital terhadap kerajaan dan memihak kepada Tun Dr Mahathir ia adalah kerana saya lebih yakin dengan hujah-hujahnya yang terperinci, jelas dan tidak berubah-ubah.
Walaupun Dr Mahathir "diblackout" oleh media massa dan kenyataannya diputar-belitkan, namun apa yang tersiar sudah cukup meyakinkan saya yang hujahnya adalah kuat.
Saya bersedia mendengar dan memberi pertimbangan kepada hujah YAB Perdana Menteri. Oleh kerana itu saya menyokong usaha damai Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob dan saya bersikap positif bahawa sesuatu yang baik akan berlaku sekiranya Perdana Menteri tidak bersikap menyendiri dan melarikan diri daripada bekas ketuanya.
Rakyat macam saya mahu dengar apa yang Perdana Menteri hendak beritahu. Sikap PM yang sudah cukup lama mendiamkan tidak lagi boleh dianggap sebagai strategi yang baik atau sopan santun.
Saya diajar oleh ibu bapa saya dan guru-guru saya supaya menjawab bila orang bertanya walaupun saya tidak tahu jawapannya. Saya mesti beritahu yang saya tidak tahu dan meminta maaf. Berdiam diri bila orang bertanya, kata ibu bapa saya, tidak sopan. Itulah juga yang saya beritahu anak-anak saya.
Saya baca slogan satu kempen dengan gambar PM yang berbunyi "masyarakat bermaruah bermula dengan mu." Jadi kita kenalah pertahan maruah negara kita. Oleh itu saya doakan agar Tun Khalil berjaya demi untuk agama, bangsa dan tahahair kita.
If both Dr.M and Pak Lah are willing to meet then it is a good sign that this fiasco is heading to a close. However, calls for the meeting to be done away from media glare as requested by UMNO Vice-President Ali Rustam (as reported by Bernama in an article entitled "Ali Rustam Wants Reconciliation Done Discreetly" dated July 2 2006) should be totally ignored. The matter has become public knowledge and since that be the case, the public should be informed of any outcome that arises, and hopefully with some answers to Dr.M's issues, to be made public. If and only if that happens shall Pak Lah deliver his promise of a transparent govenrment which we hope will be a change from his empty and unfulfilled promises since taking over the helm of leadership.
It is at times like these that people with self interest and dirty laundry to hide would want things to be done in secrecy. Therefore, we would like to call on Dr.M and Pak Lah, especially, to use their better judgement for the sake and well being of the nation first and then that of UMNO and it's reputation after.
It is obviously the best news so far as this tiff between them has gone on and we hope that an amicable solution be found amidst all the confusion and accusations thrown at each other either by Dr.M personally (and gentlemanly) or by Pak Lah (through the use of his thoughtless henchmen and his media people).
Prematurely, we hope for the best.
Just as hopes are high for Najib to prove himself as acting PM. He has just let, at least some of us, down only days after assuming the acting PMship. It does stir this feeling of uneasinest that the acting no. 1 guy is, perhaps, just as oblivious as his boss.
Bernama, in an article entitled "Najib To Get Info From Zam On Mediator" (July 2 2006) states that Najib had "no knowledge of such a plan."
He must be a really busy man to be in the dark about something as significant as this. Or does his subordinates feel that it is something beyond his comprehension?
The work of the K's to discredit him perhaps? or is Najib distracted by his R's?
Pelik bin ajaib bagaimana Datuk Seri Najib @ Timbalan Perdana Menteri @ Timbalan Presiden Umno tidak tahu mengenai usaha Datuk Zainudin Maidin membawa seorang veteran Umno sebagai "pendamai" di antara Tun Mahathir dan AAB.
Lagi pelik bin ajaib bagaimana Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi @ Perdana Menteri boleh bersetuju dengan cadangan untuk menjalani pembedahan kecil "resdung" di luar negara yang sudah tentu dilakukan oleh pakar asing sedangkan mantan Perdana Menteri menjalani pembedahan besar lagi penting "coronary by-pass" di dalam negara yang dilakukan oleh anak bangsa.
Apa jadi slogan Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang kalau Bapak Perdana Menteri sendiri menafikan atau tidak mengakui kebolehan anak bangsa sendiri?
Saya baca tulisan Ketua Pengarang The Star, Datuk Wong Sulong di dalam lidah pengarangnya minggu lalu bahawa dua tumpuan utama dalam agenda pembangunan Perdana Menteri ialah bio-technology dan HUMAN CAPITAL. Apa jadi?
Che Ros, macam mana Najib nak tenangkan suasana? Dia tak tau pun pendamai yang Zam atur iaitu Tun Khalil dah jumpa Tun Mahathir.
Dia tak tau ka atau dia buat-buat tak tau? Kalau dia betul-betul tak tau, ni kes berat.
La ni confirmlah Pak Lah selalu terlena dalam majlis dan dalam mesyuatat. Doktor dah sahkan dia ada problem dengan resedung (sinus) selalu buat dia terlena sebab kurang oksigen.
Katanya doktor Australia dah buang tiga biji gelembung (macam belon kecik) dalam lubang hidung dia. Kita doa dia sembuh dan kita tengok dia lena lagi dak.
Jangan-jangan PM jaga, DPM pula lena. Dr Mahathir nampak-nampaknya macam tak pernah tidur pula.
Pelik sunggung negeri kita ni.
AAB must learn from TDM How to become Masterthinker!Then the Two's can become Kamching.
ADB as PM really want to become a masterthinker.That's number of deliberate steps he has taken. No need to listed thats steps. But Islam Hadhari is the one for instances.
But to me ADB know how to become A mastermilioner. Not A Masterthinker!
Most people believe that their thinking is so good that there is nothing they need to do about it. They also feel that there is nothing that anyone could teach them, even from experience former PM.
If you read the newpapers today, then you can see, there are those people who are only interested in winning arguments and proving that they are right. For them, thinking is just an extension of their ego. Such people do not want to become masterthinkers because a masterthinker must use thinking in an objective fashion -even when it means admitting that you are wrong!
referring to the first post by melayu lama:
a kid right at the corner, in an airplane is studying all these from a distance. hope everything is fine soon.
hope this plane will land safely, everybody's happy!
insya Allah.
Baguslah, Paklah dah ke Australia untuk buang penyakit resdong.Baguslah. Bercutilah baik-baik.But, i pray to you sir,Please set aside some time for thinking what you have done to this country.
You as PM must set aside some time for thingking. You spend most of your time just reacting to info that is put in front of you:at Masjid, at office, on TV, in newspapers, Blogs(ada baca ke?) and in your conversations. Of course, all this does involve some thinking- but not very much. Dont just let the information pour into and hope that it adds up to something in the end.How often do you say to yourself:" I am going to spend some time thinking about how to avoid burden what ever desicions you take for the rakyat terbanyak?"
Since Pak Lah's government is inclined to use the "whip" everytime an MP or Senator opts to disagree with their policies in Parliament. Perhaps the "whip" should also be enforced on those cabinet members and BN politicians who do not follow the government's policies in their day-to-day lives outside parliament.
If that be the case, I'm sure Nazri will be more than happy to unleash the "whip" on his boss Pak Lah for not following his own policies on Human Capital by seeking treatment for sinus overseas.
Perhaps the extension of the use of the "whip" to include the cabinet would steer Pak Lah and his subordinates to "cakap serupa bikin" when it comes to their own policies in future. I think Pak Lah should seriously think about it and volunteer himself as the first to be "whipped" by Nazri to get things started. After all, "segala-galanya bermula dengan mu Pak Lah" (as Sharizat so blatantly puts displays the billboards in her constituency).
Salam Dato dan rkn-2 blog yg lain.
bab kuda dan pemimpin kita:
dulu pemimpin yg tak boleh pakai semuanya tercampak masa tunggang kuda termasuklah sdr khairi yg tercampak baru-2 ni sampai patah tgn. la ni ada pulak yg high-tech sikit tunggang moto pun kena campak juga. moral cerita ni ialah kalau tak kena tempat tak usah dok buka mulut tambah-2 lagi kalu nak hentam org tak kena tempat. masa mesyuarat umno bukan main terra lg hang dok kutuk tun mahathir kita noo.
PS. Tun kita naik kuda ka moto kena tak pernah tercampak pun. hangpa pikiaq sendiri la.
Saya terpanggil untuk menyuarakan pendapat dalam kemelut politik tanahair hari ini. Tun Khalil sebagai pendamai dalam hal ini mempunyai satu tanggungjawab yang berat. Saya tidak dapat mengagak sejauh mana beliau akan berhasil. Tetapi saya tahu bahawa Tun Gabenor akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk mengembalikan keharmonian dalam rumah tangga Umno. Akhbar ada melaporkan bahawa kedua Tun sudah bertemu dan bercerita panjang. Kita nantikan pula cerita apabila Tun Gabenur ke Australia dan menemui Pak Lah.
Saya seperti ramai rakan-rakan lain tidak mahu melihat keadaan seperti hari ini berterusan. Tidak ada pemenang dalam kamelut hari ini. Apa yang penting ialah kemakmuran negara dan rakyat. Tidak ada pergaduhan atau perkelahian yang tidak boleh diamankan. Ia mungkin memakan sedikit masa. Juga, mungkin lebih baik jika usaha-usaha damai ini dibuat dengan senyap tanpa banyak mata memandang dan mulut berkata-kata. Biarlah si pendamai menjalankan usaha tanpa gangguan, malah tanpa publisiti. Apabila berita tentang si Pendamai sudah mula bertugas keluar dalam akhbar tempatan, ia mungkin menyulitkan keadaan kerana ramai orang akan cuba mempengaruhinya. Ini tidak akan membantu.
Namun, Tun Khalil bukan orang yang baru dalam politik. Datuk Zam selalu MP dan Menteri Penerangan boleh dilihat sebagai 'baru' dari segi pembabitan terus dalam politik. Maka orang 'baru' ini merujuk kepada Pendamai yang veteran seperti Tun Khalil. Ramai orang mempunyai harapan yang tinggi akan Tun Khalil akan berjaya kerana beliau orang yang berpengalaman dan mengetahui isi hati Tun Dr Mahathir dan Pak Lah. Tun Gabenur tahu bagaimana kuatnya pegangan Tun Dr Mahathir dalam satu-satu hal.begitu juga, beliau tahu pendirian Pak Lah dalam banyak aspek. Dalam keadaan hari ini, saya lihat Tun Khalil memanglah orang yang terbaik untuk meleraikan kekusutan yang melanda negara.
Di akhir usaha ini, hanya satu perkara sahaja yang akan menentukan samada misi Pendamai akan berjaya atau tidak - iaitu keikhlasan dan kesanggupan kedua pemimpin yang berkenaan. Jika kita mahu bergerak ke hadapan (move forward and move on), kedua pemimpin perlu duduk semeja dan bercerita panjang. Dalam budaya orang Melayu, mereka harus bersemuka kerana inilah saja cara yang terbaik untuk kita mencari penyelesaian. Pertemuan empat mata ini boleh melihat dengan jelas kemelut yang mereka hadapi. Moga-moga Tun Khalil berjaya dan dibenar menjalankan tugas tanpa gangguan.
minta BPR SIASAT nazri ...simpan duit berguni-guni dalam rumah..tap-tap kena rompak dek pembantu rumah...apa cerita dengan kes permit teksi ...senyap. je..jika kerajaan pak lah telus...minta siasat ...jangan tak siasat
p/s; menyampah tengok nazri..berlagak sungguh ..
Keajaiban dan kehebatan ICT. Now blogging at Dubai Airport. Terima Kasih Tun M kerana membuat anjakan ICT untuk kita semua.
Sdr Dato Ahmat A Talib, terima kasih kerana menyertai kita.
But Tok Mat, it's not so much about the peacemaker or his sincerity. It is about responding to Tun M's queries to the satisfation of all.
Still I join you in praying and hoping that something good will come out of this effort.
akabu, maaf tak post komen anda. Saya ambil perhatian. Tapi siapa "Jane" yang anda maksudkan itu?
twolooks, thank you for alerting me to Stanley Koh's Malaysiakini article.
Have a pleasant Sunday.
It is about responding to Tun M's queries to the satisfation of all.YES!
Segala pertentangan antara TM dan AAB membuatkan saya sejak kebelakangan ini dalam fikiran yang aktif.Setiapkali kesetesyen minyak untuk mengisi minyak, setiapkali pula raya menyesal yang amat kerana mempunyai PM yang tidak segan-segan menaikkan harga Minyak. Dan sekiankali pula merasa amat beruntung mempunyai seorang pemimpin yang bernama Mahathir.Oleh kerana persoalan yang dikemukakan oleh TM mewakili rakyat seperti saya.I have to make a choice or a decision. My decision is to support TM. And now i thinking about...mediation plan by Tun Khalil.The two key questions popup in mmy mind are:
1. Is it good in it self?
2. Is it good for me?
Will the idea work? could it work for anyone? Is the idea sound? I want to asked Tun khalil a series of questiom to determine whether an idea is good in it self:
1.Is it based on info or known facts?
2.Is it based on personal experience or experience of others?
3. Is it logically derived from kwon fact or known experience?
4.What are the risk and dangers?
What are the detail consequences of putting this idea into action?
The last question is the most Vital. Because the action we run to suggest in our mind in order to see all the consequences.As analogy, if you want to evaluate a route on map, you must follow it trough to see if it gets you to your destination. You also see the terrain it passes through and dangers.So the assessment of consequences is the crucial evaluation procedure.
After full consideration, in my finding, the mediation plan was good in itself but not good for me. Or rakyat yang terkehel kerana kenaikan harga barangan dan perkhidmatan!
Many Cabinet Ministers and their Menteri Besar / Chief Minister counterparts are now trying to gain some milage from this Dr.M-Pak Lah feud.
The latest to join in the fray is Shafie Apdal (as reported by The Star on page 4 of the Nation section) who wants to publish and distribute (wonder who'll get the contract for that?) a book with respect to the issues raised by our former premier. Among the ministers compiling data for the said book are Zainuddin Maidin and Effendi Norwawi.
If the questions which were raised by Dr.M was answered without much fuss or delay, there wouldn't even be an incident in the first place.
Meanwhile Kedah MB Mahadzir Khalid has shot down Zam's idea of using a mediator claiming that the two are able to sort things out on their own.
A blogger, Peterpan, noted in Jeff Ooi's screenshots that while this ongoing Q&A (or rather the lack of answers) is going on, prices of goods and utilities keep climbing up.
The ministers who wish to act as heros by publishing books (at our expense no doubt) should do their jobs and ensure that we, the people, are not further burdened.
People like Shafie Apdal, in his capacity as Minister of Domestic Trade and COnsumer Affairs, should be doing the job were paying him to do, like controlling the prices of our basic necessities from sky rocketing upwards, rather than trying to play hero. Zam too should be more proactive in his capacity as Information Minister to ensure that we, the people, are well informed instead of just saying ok to media blackouts.
Amidst all these attempts at playing mediator (Khalil)/hero/henchmen (Nazri), a new issue was given some light in Parliament yesterday. That of the high number of unemployed graduates particularly those graduating from public local institutions. Perhaps this is an issue best answered by UMNO's no. 2, Najib, as the emergence of these new institutions as well as the upgrade of some of them were done during his tenure as Education Minister.
Najib was also highlighted in The Star today (also on page 4 of the Nation section) calling civil servants to voice their opinions should they find something wron with the government's policies or porjects. Perhaps that invitation should also be extended to the people as well as we are the ones who put people like Najib where his is today with our votes. What better way to start the ball rolling by giving us some answers as to why some many institutions of higher learning popped up like wild mushrooms everywhere around the country, when he was Education Minister, and producing unmarketable graduates.
Perhaps it is best that Ministers just do the jobs that they're paid to do and let the mediator and our two premiers, past and present, sort out their issues and provide everyone, especially the people, with justified answers to the issues raised by Dr.M. This call for cabinet members to do their jobs is especially extended to Pak Lah, for as long as he keeps quiet, many will try to intervene and thus straying away from their responsibilities at their own ministries and states.
If the issues raised are justly answered with the media providing truthful coverage, there will be no need for such a book to be published by the likes of Shafie Apdal and those like him.
As for Effendi, the only thing he should worry about writting is not the contents of Shafie's intended book but, instead, his alimony cheques to ex-wife Faridah.
Jalan penyelesaian kemelut antara PM dan Dr M. ini cumalah dengan PM sendiri menjawab soalan-soalan yang di bangkitkan oleh bekas Perdana Menteri tersebut. Saya tidak nampak lagi jalan selain dari itu.
Saya juga kurang bersetuju akan cadangan yang soalan soalan tersebut di jawab sekadar untuk tatapan Dr. M seorang sahaja. Saya juga rakyat negara tercinta ini, dan soalan soalan Dr M itu kini juga menjadi soalan soalan rakyat seperti saya.
Saya tidak akan redha walau seinci pun hak hak atau kepentingan negara saya di jual pada orang luar. Seperti Dr M, saya juga sanggup berperang untuk mempertahankan hak hak negara saya. Saya amat yakin ada ramai lagi yang sama pendirian mereka seperti saya.
Saya telah lama mengikuti perkembangan perhubungan dua hala antara Malaysia dan Singapura. Polisi peribadi saya terhadap Singapura adalah amat mudah -- DO NOT ENTER INTO ANY FORM OF NEGOTIATION WITH SINGAPORE....fullstop.
Saya amat risau apabila pentadbiran PM sekarang mula cuba mangalih polisi hubungan dua hala terhadap Singapura kerana saya amat yakin bahawa kita akan menanggung risiko yang amat besar.
Di dalam sejarah perhubungan dua hala M'sia-Singapura, republik itu sebenarnya tidak pernah meletakan kepentingan bersama sebagai asas. Ia sentiasa menjaga kepentingannya sendiri.
Sesungguhnya Singapura lebih memerlukan Malaysia dari sebaliknya dan kita tahu mengapa.
Sebagai sebuah negara kecil tapi maju, sebenarnya Singapura amat tertekan. Apa saja rancangan masa depan mereka, mereka akan sentiasa terpaksa bersaing dengan orang lain. Di dalam sektor pelabuhan mereka ada Hong Kong dan Rotterdam sebagai pesaing. Begitu juga di dalam sektor perbankan.
Singapura juga baru menceburkan diri di dalam bidang biotechnology dan penyelidikan pharmaceutical tetapi ia terpaksa menghadapi saingan hebat dari Taiwan.
Singapura mempunyai banyak wang untuk di laburkan tetapi ia tidak tahu di mana nak melabur dengan selamat. Ia cuba melabur di sektor perindustrian di China dan Vietnam tetapi gagal kerana di negara negara tersebut, sistem perundangannya masih kucar-kacir dan banyak pelaburan SIngapura akhirnya tersekat.
Pemimpin-pemimpin Singapura sedar apa yang mereka perlukan ia lah sebuah "Economic Hinterland" di mana wang mereka boleh di laburkan, di mana sistem perundangan dan ekonominya sama dengan yang ada di Singapura. Di mana lagi kalau tidak di Malaysia.
Perkembangan ini, walaupun mungkin akan mendatangkan menafaat pada ekonomi Malaysia, barang di ingat bahawa menafaat tersebut adalah untuk masa jangkamasa pendek sahaja. Risikonya di dalam tempoh jangkamasa panjang amat besar.
Kita selalu bertanya kenapakah Washington tidak dapat berbuat sesuatu yang bermakna bagi mendisiplinkan Israel. Kenapakah kesemua Presiden Amerika Syarikat seakan-akan terikat untuk mempertahankan segala tindak tanduk Isreal di bumi Palestine, hingga sanggup di kecam masyarakat antarabangsa??
Jawapannya amat mudah. Kaum Yahudi menguasai sebilangan besar syarikat syarikat gergasi di Amerika dan oleh itu sebahagian besar ekonomi negara tersebut juga. Syarikat syarikat ini juga adalah penyumbang kepada dana kempen politik baik bagi Demokrat mahupun Republikan. Pendek kata, jika inginkan tinggal di White House, seorang calun Presiden Amerika mestilah berbaik baik dahulu dengan pelobi pelobi Yahudi.
Di rantau ini, adalah menjadi pengetahuan umum bahawa Singapura cenderung akan mendapatkan nasihat nasihat perunding dari Israel -- baik dari segi politik mahupun dari segi ketenteraan.
Apa yang terjadi di Amerika, mungkin juga terjadi di Malaysia. Pemimpin pemimpin Singapura mesti sedar bahawa untuk menakluki sektor politik Malaysia, mereka harus terlebih dahulu menawan dan mengawal ekonominya.
Cara yang paling mudah untuk melakukan ini ialah dengan mempunyai kepentingan kepentingan di dalam syarikat syarikat gergasi Malaysia sendiri. Saya amat risau dengan meningkatnya kemasukan wang Singapura kedalam syarikat syarikat Malaysia. Lebih merisaukan lagi ia lah kebanyakan wang tersebut bukan datang dair pelabur persendirian, tetapi dari Temasek Holdings yang di punyai kerajaan Singapura sendiri. Maknanya wang yang masuk sebagai pelaburan ke Malaysia kebanyakannya wang kerajaan Singapura. Mungkin satu hari nanti banyak syarikat syarikat ini akan terjual. Lebih merbahaya lagi ia lah kita tahu bahawa banyak syarikat syarikat ini juga adalah penyumbang kepada dana politik kepartian negara kita. Tidak kah mustahil satu hari nanti tuan-tuan punya syarikat syarikat tersebut yang pada masa itu mungkin sebahagian besarnya Singapura, akan mempunyai kuasa menentukan hala tuju politik negara kita? Hilanglah kemerdekaan kita pada masa itu, di takluk Singapura tanpa menggunakan sebutir peluru pun.
Jadi, apa yang penting pada saya ia lah PM menjawab soalan soalan Dr M itu. Tetapi yang lebih penting lagi ia lah supaya PM menentukan yang segala pertalian dengan Singapura adalah di hadkan. Saya khuatir ada pihak pihak berkepentingan di Malaysia sendiri yang cuba memandai-mandai nak membawa Malaysa berbaik baik dengan Singapura, semuanya untuk keuntungan peribadi. Mereka mungkin tidak langsung memikirkan masa depan cucu cicit kita.
Correction regarding my last post: The comment made in Jeff Ooi's Screenshots was made by blogger Ajeeman and not Peterpan. My Apologies and happy blogging.
kalau dlm masa yg begitu singkat
1. jambatan nak buat cancel
2. proton juai harga RM4
3. AP bagi berpuluh-puluh ribu kat org yg hanya berniaga AP dan bersepupu dgn menantu perdana menteri
kenapa ambik masa yg terlalu lama untuk nak jawab soalan tu..jawapan merapu pulak tu macam jawapan datuk hamid albar...kalau betui ikhlas, dedahkan semua..jgn main tuduh sebarangan lepas tu kata dokumen rahsia...ingat rakyat sudah semakin cerdik...jgn bagi statement kat tempat dimana orang yang dituduh tidak boleh jawab balik..macam di parlimen...
dah tu melalut pulak macam menteri parlimen..si nazri..siap suruh tun keluar umno kalau anak jantan...siap bagitau bapak dia hantar dia belajar pakai duit sendiri..tun belajar pakai biasiswa...org graduate dari uk jawab soalan macam ni ka..tun pakai biasiswa sebab kerajaan bagi dan tau dia ada otak...ingat senang ka org tahun2 awai macam tu dapat biasiswa jadi doktor...SAYA NAMPAAK BEZANYA CUMA SATU SATU DIBAGI ALLAH AKAL SATU LAGI DIBAGI KEKAYAAN...dan tun jadi doktor dah beribu orang dia bagi ubat dan sembuh...nazri setakat bangga bagi permit teksi saja..tu pun kantoi.....dah pulak tu siap kata saya menteri...dia apa...kenapa la tv tak mau tunjuk interview tu ..kalau tunjuk tau lah rakyat memang menteri jenis macam ni tak ada kualiti...tapi tak mau mengaku..
pendapat saya...walau disuruh setiausaha agong bangsa2 bersatu pun jadi org tengah....jawapan dari tun tetap sama..jawap saja 4 soalan tu....apa yg nak ditakut sangat...
seorang pemimpin yang agung tidak lari dari masalah....mesti berani berdepan....
Ini cegheta oghang besax-besax kita
Ada yang naik mutu (motor) raksasa
Ada yang tunggang kuda
Ada yang main gof ghata dunia.
Orang kampung dok naik Honda cub
Muat baja muat getah sekerap
Meniaga ikan dah lama bankrup
Pasai janji YB tak boleh dihaghap.
Dr Mahathir eksesais naik kuda
Pernah jatuh tapi sikit saja cedegha
Anwar naik kuda jatuh satu bala
Patah tulang kena balut kepala
Khairy pun naik kuda juga
Maklumlah nak jadi orang berkuasa
Kena beghani perkuda manusia
Barulah orang gerun, taat dan setia.
Manusia boleh ditunggang diperkuda
Pasai ghamai yang berjiwa hamba
Tengok menantu Pak Lah mereka gabra
Jadi budak-budak suruhan pun tak pa.
Tapi kuda haiwan yang bijaksana
Bila ditunggang, dia pun dok ghasa-ghasa
Yang mana baik yang mana satu tak guna
Jadi dia brek jatuh entah ke mana
Yang naik mutu pun macam tu juga
Mutu besax sama dengan enjin Perodua
Vroom di pekan, vroom di desa
Nak tunjuk kat ghakyat akulah berkuasa
Orang kampung pun mulut tengaga
YB naik mutu beratus kuasa kuda
Tapi Tuhan dah nak turun bala
Di depan ghakyat mutu belaga.
Mangsa ni pun kita tau siapa
Dalam Biro Umno bukan main mengata
Orang tua Mahathir kononnya dah gila
Dok tak dok, dia yang ditimpa bala.
Kat orang tua kita jangan deghaka
Tuhan marah dia turunkan bala
Bila dia tanya, jawab jangan tiada
Elegent silence ni jangan-jangan bedosa.
Tun Khalil nak jadi orang tengah
Zam yang atox kita janganlah marah
Najib kata tak tahu apa pula jadah
Takkan TPM tak tahu hala dan arah?
Mat Tunjang Enterprise minta beghenti
Subkontrak dan bayaran kena dicari
Bayar cukai kepada negeri itu mesti
Menteri dan pegawai nak kena bayar gaji.
One of TDM's grouses is the reversal of many of the policies put in place during his administration.
This was painfully obvious a few weeks after AAB took over the reins when he and his cabinet had a round of golf and lunch in Singapore. All the back slapping and broad smiles made me wonder why AAB was in so much a hurry to stamp his mark as if to say TDM's approach with respect to Singapore was all wrong.
We should only re-start negotiations with Singapore AFTER the death of Lee Kuan Yew.
Kalau Indonesia sebesar itu dengan ekonominya masih tak menentu tapi punyai harga diri, bagaimana Malaysia?
Petikan ini diambil dari Indonesia:
"Menjual pasir laut ke Singapura sama saja dengan menjual pulau atau tanah Indonesia. Luar wilayah daratan Singapura tiap tahun bertambah, tumbuh kali ya? Dari mana mereka menambah daratan mereka, ya dari pasir laut kita. Duapuluh tahun ke depan Singapura bisa sebesar Pulau Bali, ha ha ha. Sebaiknya pemerintah jangan hanya memperhitungkan devisa semata sampai merusak ekosistem dan pulau kita."
Hantu Gigi Jarang
Mat Tunjang,
Best betul seloka kamu. YB mana yang belaga moto tu?
Btw, now TDM & Pak Lah saga has gone into a new territory. Singapore Straits Times has launched its missiles firing at Mahathir's 22 years legacy with 22 collective questions. The scathing questions is akin to an act of war. Whose war is it? TDM? Pak Lah? Or we, Malaysian?
I'm not a Mahathir fanatic but I felt deeply disturbed when someone who is not a Malaysian launched an attack aiming to demonise our former Prime Minister.
Who is this P.Gunasegaram? Is there a connection between Singapore Straits Times and NST? Is there a hidden hand behind it?
You guys can read the said article here:
It's untypical of you to lose your cool and call people names. But you did this time. You're entlitled to feel that way. Many Malaysians are.
Why shouldn't Singapore media make a big thing out of the 22-question Edge article?
If a Malaysian neswpaper owned by Dr Mahathir's own former associate (Vincent Tan) and by an Anwar era corporate figure (Tong) -- both of whom are Malaysian Chinese -- could make fun of our Old Man, why should't Singapore newsmedia join in the fun and game?
Hunting down Tun Dr Mahathir is a big fun and game for a lot of people these days.
No matter how much one dislikes the Old Man of Malaysia, the fact remains that he is the only Malaysian leader who could really stand up to Singapore and the World.
That's why in the Mahathir bashing over the Johor bridge project, Singapore, including its "supreme commander", Lee Kuan Yew, is completely silence.
Why should they waste time and effort sending their pack of wolves to kill him when our pack of dogs are doing that already.
Still, I'll not post your comment because I don't think we should do to Pak Lah what the Edge had done to Mahathir. You are angry with PM and his handlers, I understand. But we will not make fun of his medical condition.
Thank you.
Tiger Woods.
Kah kah kah...maka ketawa besar lah para ahli UMNO yang berdiri hampir di belakang PM Abdullah melihat Mahathir di persendakan di akhbar akhbar utama Singapura. "Lihat, lihat, Singapura pun menyokong kita," mungkin itu lah kata mereka yang seumpamanya Nazri, sambil melonjak gembira tanda beroleh kemenangan.
Nanti dulu, tidak berapa lama dahulu, tidak kah para para gerila UMNO ini berteriak ganas menghunus keris keramat mereka apabila Lee Kuan Yew di dalam memoir beliau menyebut Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman ada lah seorang yang suka bertemasya dan berparty semasa mudanya?
Apa kah bezanya di antara kedua episod ini? Bukan kah keduanya mempersendakan bekas pemimpin Malaysia. Kenapa tiada suara ganas UMNO berteriak sakarang? Dah tumpul ke keris UMNO tu? Atau saja takut nak hunus, simpan saja dalam sarungnya? Atau ada orang tak kasi hunus?
Tidak kah kita hairan kenapa semua akhbar Singapura secara serentak menyiarkan tulisan Gunasegaran itu? Ada tok dalang lah agaknya.
Tapi sebagai rakyat biasa, kita perlu ingat bahawa apa yang Singapura rasa tidak mustahak langsung pada kita. Singapura boleh menyiarkan segala isi kandungan NST kalau ia mahu, tapi masakan kita harus khuatir sebab kita sendiri pun dah tak mempercayai mana mana akhbar perdana negara ini.
Kita tetap mahu kerajaan Abdullah jawab soalan soalan Mahathir itu. Kalau tak jawab, kita boleh terus andaikan ada sesuatu yang nak di sorokan. Pendangan orang Singapura....ah..who cares what Singapore thinks.
Tak perlulah kita harapkan UMNO untuk memperjuangkan nasib kita lagi. Sedangkan bekas pemimpin besar kita di persendakan oleh orang luar pun kita tak angkat muka. Terjun lah UMNO, dengan labu-labu mu....biarkan...biarkan.
comment dari tiger woods ada logiknya..baca lagi..
With regards to the 22 questions article in The Edge written by our very own journalist, I felt sorry for him, the editor-in-chief and the publisher. It clearly reflects their shallow thinking and command on the issue raised by Tun Dr Mahathir.
If Tun M have 4 questions for our Prime Minister and the not very wise writer (the fact that I know him makes me more surprised of those questions he jotted down)posed 22 questions to Tun M, I have only 2 questions for him: "Why list down all the questions now? With his current capacity, what can Tun M do?"
Poor Gunasegaran for allowing himself to become the scapegoat of his boss and the spin doctors of AAB. And why must Tun M answer all those questions when AAB refused to even answer the 4 questions from him?
Thank you my dear Prime Minister for creating all this unnecessary mess! Enjoy your holiday, never mind if your rakyat sengsara. You are after all the Boss.
Our deal is no one comments using "anonymous". But I am attracted to a comment by "anon" saying that YTL has proposed an RM8-billion high speed rail link between KL and Singapore.
I haven't read such a story. Maybe I am behind time. It's totally plausible though. YTL is a highly diversified high-profiled Malaysian Chinese company. It has fantastic connection with the present and previous administrations.
But you can't operate a high speed train using the present KTM track. The present administration had cancelled the double-tracking project given to the Bumiputera-controlled MMC. For a high speed rail service to be started, somebody must upgrade the existing track. Could that be YTL itself?
I think, sooner or letter, when the right contractors come along, most of the delayed and cancelled projects, including the half-bridge to Singapore, will be reinstated.
As for Singapore newspapers suddenly published a three-week old report by a specialised Malaysian newspaper (The Edge) condemning and lampooning Dr Mahathir, any fool can guess why --- the campaign to deconstruct Dr Mahathir has spread to Singapore.
Don't ask why, but, as the saying goes, great minds think alike and birds of a feather flock together.
Che Ros, I know Guna too. He once worked with me in the now defunct Business Times and later served under me when he edited the Malaysian Business. He is a nice fellow actually. I won't say more.
Singapore is the base of western intelligence since 60's.ASIS of Australia use this country as a transit and base to plant their mole since Sukarno era until now.
Now Singapore is one of the biggest host country that give permission to big brother to spies on South East Asian country.
Like Australia which spying for their own neighbour Indonesia,Singapore are not exception in this game.
As a country which some called little jews,they also spying on their big neighbour with the latest tools and skills from their wellknown 'mentor'. The ultimate target is Malaysia.Nowadays the technic that they use sligthly different from the Cold war era.It's so sophisticated to the extent that victim countries are not aware until it became too late.
As a small country,majority of their citizen are the eyes and ears of their government.They have dual job in their daily life as a civil servant and their national services to their country.
That's why in their country eventough their profile is CEO,professor,journalist,businessman but in military they serve as intelligence officer that unknown even to their immediate family.
As for Malaysian,you must aware of this...Current situation in Malaysia show that how fine and sophisticated that their 'prize' mole are doing the job..
Dear Dato'
Sorry I lost my cool. I'm sorry too for not treating Pak Lah with respect.
Thanks for mentioning the owners of The Edge. They have shown unforgivable disrespect for the Tun.
I find it difficult to mention their names because what they have done has overwhelmed me with shame.
Talent spotting.
In this day there are many way to reqruit potential target to serve as spies. The Master player are expert in art of spotting and assessing the target.Occasionally potential agents will be spotted during oversea trip,tenure or studies.
This recruitment for spies is not one day job and result. Some has been recruit for many years since their college day and their target is the most brilliant student of target country like famous cambridge 4 that been recruit by moscow.Because they are potential agents to mix with establishment later in their life.
But the most unconventional way to recruit the spies as Singapore is concern is press journalist.
Because they have easier access to Malaysia minister without being exposed their true colour.Anyway this is Malaysia MP culture to mix freely with the press.They hope the press will make-up a good stories for them. The lucky one will get the job as press secretary for the minister with their so-called international press expert.Others will get the job as an editor in mainstream newspaper. Their so-called elite profile in journalism will be boast by their master to make the agent famous in the eye of blind Malaysian.
No wonder that some Malaysian trade mission in foreign country which have classified MOU have been leaked to Singapore SS by this press entourage...
Datuk AKJ,
This is the first time I'm commenting on your blog and hopefully, my contribution will become a part of the apparent intellectual discourse being shared here.
Just two points for the moment:
1)melayu lama's mentioning of the Jewish lobby in the American administration is significant viz a viz the current Malaysian government's political/economic relationship with Singapore. Singapore's FDI into Malaysia must be carefully scrutinised for the longer term lest the very same corporations and (financial) institutions be used in the future to undermine our political sovereignty as a nation. Just imagine money politics being further enhanced within UMNO by 'outside' stakeholders.
Gunasegaran's 22 Qs published in Singapore is another step in the deconstruction of TDM's legacy and ultimately, Malaysia. Covert collusion between vested political interests here and Singapore can claim plausible deniability since it was the EDGE that came up with the questions.
For those interested in the Jewish lobby, please google a) Antiwar.com b)Dissident Voice and c) Counterpunch for relevant articles.
2)YTL's proposal for the bullet-train looks good on paper but I'm concerned with what's not.
Malaysian/Singapore governments have been informed. MAS/SIA are being consulted as potential stakeholders.
What about KTM? Where's the synergy?
KTM will lose out on passenger loads. Will KTM become a LCC in the rail industry? (If there is such a thing). Futhermore, track widening from narrow to medium/wide gauge will make KTM's rolling stock unusable/obselete. What, then, will happen to cargo freighting via rail in the south, especially connectivity to PTP?
Saya pun nak masuk beri pandangan. Boleh ke Datuk? Tetapi sekarang sebok bolalah. Bila bola habis nanti saya masuk lagi!
You wrote, ".. as the saying goes, great minds think alike and birds of a feather flock together."
What about, fools seldom differ?
Dear Datuk,
It was probably me who wrote that comment on the “bullet train” and “the crooked bridge”. Sorry for forgetting to write my pseudonym. I pity KTM, PLUS and now you mentioned about MMC. I also pity JB for its development is now dependent upon any spill-over of the Singapore City, rather than by its own strength. I can’t imagine a bullet train to make a stop at JB after one minute departing Singapore!
You have answered something that really troubled me when I first read the story yesterday with your comments “But you can't operate a high speed train using the present KTM track. The present administration had cancelled the double-tracking project given to the Bumiputera-controlled MMC. For a high speed rail service to be started, somebody must upgrade the existing track. Could that be YTL itself?”
Slowly the puzzle unwinds itself. The cancelled double-tracking, the cancelled crooked bridge, the deconstruction of Mahathir, the media collusion and now the proposed bullet train!
I don't know what else it coming into our way! But I bet, everything in the future will involve Singapore.
Hantu Gigi Jarang
Tiger Woods
Memandangkan suasana sunyi sepi kerajaan terhadap empat soalan Mahathir itu teringat pula pada satu kisah dongeng yang terkandung di dalam sekumpulan cerpen dari para negara anggota Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu. Kumpulan dongeng tersebut di bukukan di dalam sebuah buku berjodol "Ride With The Sun" dan di terjemahkan ke Bahasa Melayu oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka sekitar tahun 60an kepada tajuk "Bersama Sang Suria".
Kisah ini asalnya dari sebuah negara timur tengah:
Pada suatu masa di negara tersebut seorang raja baru telah di nobatkan. Arakian raja tersebut adalah seorang yang amat pendiam dan tiada satu rakyat marhaen pun yang tahu isi hati baginda. Adapun baginda sebagai seorang raja adalah juga yang memimpin jemaah setiap hari Jumaat.
Suatu hari, setelah tahu akan rakyatnya amat berkehendakan baginda berkata sesuatu, raja tersebut bertanyakan kepada sidang Jumaat, "Tahu kah segala rakyat beta akan apa yang ingin beta perkatakan?"
"Tidak tuanku," jawab rakyatnya. "Jika begitu, tidak ada faedahnya beta berkata-kata kerana rakyat tidak tahu," kata Baginda lalu terus turun dari mimbar dan balik ke istana.
Minggu berikutnya, maka bertanya lagi lah raja tersebut," tahukah segala rakyat beta apa yang akan beta perkatakan?"
"Tahu," teriak rakyat baginda, mengharapkan raja akan berkata sesuatu. "Jika begitu, tidak perlu lah beta berkata-kata kerana rakyat sudah tahu," kata baginda dan terus turun dari mimbar lalu pulang ke istana.
Maka minggu berikutnya rakyat membuat pakatan. Separuh jemaah akan manjawab "tahu" dan yang separuh lagi akan manjawab "tidak tahu" apabila baginda bertanya kali ini.
Seperti minggu-minggu sebelumnya raja pun bertanya lagi,”Tahu kah rakyat sekelian apa yang akan beta perkatakan?” Maka seperti yang di rancangkan, separuh jemaah menjawab “tahu” dan yang separuh lagi berteriak “tidak tahu tuanku,”
Maka raja pun bertitah: “bagus, kalau begitu, siapa yang tidak tahu, bertanya lah kepada yang tahu,” lalu turun dari mimbar dan pulang ke istana.
Mungkin PM Abdullah kita mengikut taktik ini….sebab otak kita dah naik buntu kenapa beliau terus senyap seribu bahasa dalam hal empat teka-teki Mahathir itu.
Maka seperti posting Datuk yang terlebih dahulu: PM TAK JAWAB JUGA….
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