A Kadir Jasin
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JUST a few short words of unsolicited advice to the Malaysian F1 Team – please look into the future and not make your team a has-been outfit.
As a motor sports enthusiast, a car lover and a proud Malaysian, I am alarmed by the New Straits Times’ Nov. 12 report that states “Villeneuve in talks with Lotus F1.”
Yes, the Canadian was a champion. That was in 1997 (not 1977). He no longer is a competitive racer. That’s why he is spoken of in past tense. He didn’t do well at all when he tried to make a comeback with the Petronas-Sauber Team in the 2006 season.
I truly hope that the NST is not promoting Jacques Villeneuve. Rather its hidden agenda to stop the Canadian from being engaged.
Our Malaysian Lotus F1 Team can call itself a team of the future only if it employs young and upcoming racers. There are many young, promising rookie drivers at home and abroad that the team can aspire to hire.
I would put my money anytime on Robert Kubica, Swiss A1 ace Neel Jani, Jarno Trulli and our own Malaysian hopeful Fairuz Fauzy.
Friday, November 13, 2009
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About Me

- I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).
A good reminder. We need to look forward instead of playing safe by settling for well known ideas and products. Incorporating latest ideas, products and finding may be a bit risky but that's what life is all about. After all, winners are those who do something differently from the rest.
Salam Dato,
MF1T ni nak promosi ape?..
1.Promosi Proton?
2.Promosi Petronas?
3.Promosi Airasia?
4.Promosi Malaysia?
5.Car racing industry? ada potensi ka kat Malaysia ni?
Apa `business model' MF1T ini?.
1. Airtime rental?..tv,radio..
2. Patent royalty?
3. Event management fees, advertisement . etc
4.Charge the gomen/MOF later?
CUMA SAYA TAK FAHAM kenapa kalau busines model F1 menguntungkan, kenapa toyota,bmw,renaut dah `gave up' dalam sektor ini?
JANGAN sampai MF1T ini jadi laundry
house sudah laa....berapa kerat orang yang betui-betui faham duit pi mana dalam sektor ini..semuanya mahal-mahal belaka..WHO decides the prices on services,spares parts,fuel,tyres,labour, transporation, hotel,food and drinks, etc?
BERAPA PULA HARGA fees untuk pempun pempuan yang pakai baju sikit sikit ,seluar singkat singkat dan kasut tinggi tinggi?..DAN SIAPA PULA SUPPLIERS pempuan pempuan ni?
THIS IS WORSE THAN AIRLINE INDUSTRY... kereta tu satu driver, kapalterbang ramai penumpang , driver tu perabis duit,pilot tu adalah juga dapatkan duit walaupun tak cukup!.
Saya fikir kalau business model tu susah nak difahami,KEMUNGKINAN BESAR business tu tak menguntungkan....
KALAU NAK UNTUNG BANYAK BETUI, LEBIH BAIK PULAU TIOMAN/PERHENTIAN BESAR dijadikan MF1T permanent site,dengan litar lumba,bank yang `dislocated' dari kawalan bank negara, ada sistem pendaftaran syarikat sendiri(dislocated from SSM),ada trading house sendiri,ada syarikat pendaftaran kapal terbang , kapal laut dan boat persendirian, public luxury cars branches and division,fashion and fabric house etc....
The island decides on its finance matters,tax, etc..
Gomen bolih dapat duit juga,dari royalty sekian sekian `for being the owner of the island'!.
Abu Bakar Ab Rahman
As a malaysian, I dont agree at all about this so-called Malaysian F1 team, for now.
Even the best car makers from Japan also stop their involvement in this sport next year due to economic crisis.
Are we going to produce another "Alex Yong"?
We need to think more. Twice is not enough.
Just my 2 and a half cents.
How about Jazeman Jaafar, Dato'? Maybe he is too young.I believe he is in Germany now.
Tembok bangunan SUK Perak runtuh
Nov 13, 09 10:19am
Tembok bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan yang turut dikenali sebagai bangunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) di Ipoh runtuh selepas hujan lebat malam tadi menyebabkan sebahagian Jalan Istana ditutup kepada lalu lintas.
Kejadian yang berlaku pada kira-kira 9 malam itu bagaimanapun tidak menyebabkan sebarang kemalangan jiwa.
Datuk Bandar Ipoh Datuk Roshidi Hashim berkata sebahagian tembok sepanjang kira-kira 24 meter dan setinggi 2 meter itu dipercayai runtuh akibat tekanan air.
Bercakap kepada pemberita semasa meninjau kerja-kerja pembersihan yang dijalankan oleh Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), beliau berkata siasatan awal mendapati longkang di sebelah tembok berkenaan tersumbat dan air yang bertakung telah menolak tembok itu.
Kerugian dianggarkan kira-kira RM10,000, katanya.
Bangunan yang menempatkan Pejabat Menteri Besar, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri dan DUN Perak itu dirasmikan pada 2000. BERNAMA
p/s: macam2 tragedi melanda ipoh, Perak.
bangunan runtuh kat fair park, jambatan runtuh kat kuala dipang, la nie tembok SUK pulak runtuh...
Semoga Allah semalatkan bumi Perak.
minah ronggeng
My unsolicited suggestion to Jean Todt:
why not plan F1 race between Melaka and Dumai? We already have Monsoon Cup in Terengganu. We can call this race the Moron Cup.
Later may be we will have Langkawi-Maldives race too, as the bridge will help to improve tourism, and help langkawi fishermen to sell ikan masin in Maldives.
Salam dato AKJ,
it's 1997. I think it's a typo by yours. :)
JUST DO IT !!! Best of luck to Malaysian F1 team. Malaysia Boleh! Semua Boleh!! Fikirkan Boleh !!
Don't be negative. We will end up nowhere. Go for it and give a try. Never mind if it fails as long as you have made all the preparations and with all the expertise and resources available to achieve the ultimate "commercial" objective of promoting your products (Proton, Lotus,Tourism all in one).That is what marketing and promotion is all about.In order for business to survive there must be active international marketing and promotion to position your products in the world market place. That is the essence of business and the whole exercise.
Tony Fernandez and his team know what they are doing!! Leave it to them. I think their brains stand better chance than the Mat Salleh and Japanese brains combined, in making this F1 business a success!!
Lets give them the moral support. If it fails once it doesn't mean we lose everything. The experience of getting exposed directly in this prestigous sport is invaluable. Yes, no doubt it is an expensive game to play. That's the risk we have to take in any form of business venture. If we feel the business strategy is right and would finally achieve our objective , go ahead do it!!
Tok Kadiaq
"Columbus did not seek a new route to the indies in response to a majority directive." Milton Friedman
Anwar Appointed Selangor Economic Advisor
SHAH ALAM, Nov 13 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been appointed as the economic advisor to the Selangor government with a fixed monthly allowance of RM1, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said.
He made the announcement when wrapping up the debate on the state's 2010 Budget on Friday.
He said that Anwar's appointment, which takes effect immediately, "will help generate economic growth and increase investment in Selangor."
"I believe that he can help the state government's development agenda and his qualification is unquestionable," he said.
What does this reflect? It reflects Khalid simply has failed to manage the state. True enough he is not an effective Mentri Besar at all. Now it looks like he is a lame duck Mentri Besar with his boss "Tok Guru" Anwar on board becoming economic advisor.What a joke !!!
Anwar has to be contented to be just a "Backdoor Mentri Besar" instead of becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Lets see how he plays his role in running the state economy. I think the first thing he will do is to have a slogan similar to Najib's slogan of One Malaysia but in a smaller scale.
Maybe "One Selangor" !!!!
Anwar had failed in his capacity as Finance Minister during the economic crisis and I just wonder how he is going to manage the economy of the state. Knowing him, he will just "temberang" all the way macam jual ubat di Masjid India!!
global branding
saya melihat untuk membawa jenama KE DUNIA PERDAGANGAN..itu mungkin tujuannya..
ramai yang terlupa bahawa dunia bermula dari Zurich
... di sini lumba kerata di haramkan sama sekali.
yang best nya BANK BANK di Swiss yang beri pinjaman kepada URUSTAJA BON BON yang di magickan nilai nya...
ab said:
"CUMA SAYA TAK FAHAM kenapa kalau busines model F1 menguntungkan, kenapa toyota,bmw,renaut dah `gave up' dalam sektor ini?"
Apa pandangan Dato' tentang Toyota baru baru ni istihar keluar dari F1 dengan alasan tak mampu lagi membelanja wang untuk menampung F1.
Adakah ini bermakna Syarikat consortium Malaysia lagi kaya dan hebat dari Toyota?
our national coffer is nearly empty. Companies go into F1 to sell
something internationally. We have not done any studies in our
previous foray into FI - go malaysian 'something' team.
Generally we are v poor businessman. Buy an almost billion ringgit
motor cycle company only to sell it later for a few rinngit [1 euro].
That musch is the ablity of our level 4 boys.
Now we go into F1. At what position do we expect to end up? Realistically
we will end up last or last 2/3 at best. Our engine supplier -a proven
never succeed in top 10. Our aero package -body etc- not reported-another
not proven thingy. Both factors will give a glimpse of the things to come-
a bloody waste of time and money. In one attachment with an italian
multinational , this is what the deputy chief executive have to say
about malaysians. He knew that we are good in theoretical studies
like maths and sciences but we are no good in making things like
the czechs. The Europeans are skilful in making mechanical things
like engines, gearboxes and their tinkering on this things are always
giving good commercial results
Whichever driver we would use , matters not because our total package
sucks and destined to [put us in the last 3
Semua pemakan cili padi,
Tolong ingat, sesiapa sahaja daripada anda yang berprasangka buruk, membenci, menghina, mencerca, mengeji dan memandang rendah terhadap seseorang mukmin yang baik, maka sesungguhnya anda ialah seekor syaitan celaka yang laknat.
Someone here said Malaysian only good in theory but "no good" in making things.
Well... of course la...
Because many Malaysian only "pandai" complaint. Complaint here, complaint there. Ini tak betul, itu tak betul. Buat first Penang Bridge tak betul. Buat PLUS highway tak betul. Buat KLIA tak betul. Buat KLCC tak betul. Buat Putrajaya tak betul. Buat jambatan bengkok tak betul. Buat capital control tak betul. Buat stimulus package tak betul. Semuaaaanya.... tak betul.
But when this so call "tak betul" things prove to be otherwise, this "kaki-kaki komplen" ni juga lah yang muka tak malu enjoying all the benefits. They dont even have the guts to come out and admit that they were wrong.
It reminds me of one old friend of mine. Study civil engineering in one of our local U. A staunch detractor of mega projects. Happens that his U send him to do practical training with KLCC project. Luck was good. One of the KLCC contractors offered him a job with "steady pay" right after his graduation.
Now he is working in Dubai under one of the many tall buildings project. His pay now? A cool 20 times more than what he gets with KLCC.
Even though he never agree about it but I am pretty sure that the mentioned of "Petronas Twin Tower" in his resume might "sedikit atau sebanyak" had helped him to secure the job in Dubai.
Tapi biasa laa... kaki komplen, mana nak tahu terima kasih. Agak-agaknya lah, boleh ke dia dapat kerja di Dubai tu kalau dalam resume dia tu hanya ada nama Dayabumi atau Komtar?
Pertanyaan Pretatsi Pantas
(jawaban jaguh yang meyakinkan)
Saya ingin bertanya apa pandangan Jean Todt Presiden FIA sekiranya dia yang menguruskan pasukan F1 Malaysia atau apakah Datuk Michelle pun ada cadangannya sendiri?
Terima Kasih
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