Saturday, December 03, 2016

Shahrizat Kata, Najib "Best President Ever"

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

INI yang dilapor akhbar The Star
Shahrizat kata,
Najib the best Presiden ever
For the Umno Wanita.

[PERINGATAN: Komen guna “Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Sila guna Google Account atau Name/URL. Boleh pakai nama samaran.]

Jadi apakah yang kita nak kata
Kerana Shahrizat sudah bersuara
Menobatkan Najib sebagai dewata?

Poor Datuk Onn
Poor Tunku
Poor Tun Abdul Razak
Poor Tun Hussein
Poor Tun Dr Mahathir
Poor Tun Abdullah.

Listen to her, Najib is the best President ever
Lo and behold
Najib is the best President ever
For the Umno Wanita.

So what do we say of the future?

Maksudnya lepas ni boleh tutup kedai la
Dah tak ada lagi Presiden sehebat dia.

Pity Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
The best President you shall never be.

Walapun 101% setia tapi tak ada "chance" jadi the best President
Hangpa semua tak guna
Najiblah orangnya.

Ampu dan puji bawa rezeki
Jadi penasihat berpangkat menteri
Projek lembu dibagi kepada laki
Anak dapat biasiswa ke luar negeri.

Yang lain tu tunggu apa lagi?
Puji dan puja jangan berhenti
Silap-silap dapat projek sebesar 1MDB
Sharizat kata apa peduli
1MDB hanyalah fitnah DAP!

Go ahead and shower him with praises
Since prostrating takes you places.

Cari makan bung
Hidup bahagia
Kepala tak bingung
Kumpul harta
Uwang banyak
Tidur nyenyak
Rakyat peduli apa
Bila tiba pilihan raya
Bagilah dedak dan gula-gula.

Itulah parti penyelamat rakyat
Belum mati sudah jadi keramat
Puji dan puja jadi syarat
Kalau nak hidup selamat
Dapat harta dan pangkat
Kononnya untuk agama, bangsa dan negara
Tapi lain dicakap lain dibuat.

But why not?
Be a carpet beggar
Or an apple polisher
If they bring wealth and pleasure
This is your age of the Aquarius
And you shall live forever
Hell with principle
Damn with the scruple
Forget the struggle.

PS: Saya sudah balik.
Hujan emas di negeri orang
Hujan batu di negeri sendiri
Lebih baik di negeri sendiri.



Hudhud said...

Benar datuk. Presiden paling hebat dalam;
mencuri duit rakyat
menipu dan berbohong
takut bini
cabut lari dari kebenaran (ingat nothing to hide forum)
buat cerita dongeng (derma pak arab unta)
penyangkak taraf kelas satu dalam dunia (kleptokrat)
tabur rasuah/dedak

Memang hebat!

Tin can said...

the growing empty places and absences in UMNO's general assembly and PM's dinner for the wakil, it's not the start of their discontent and anger, this process has already begun since some time ago, and is building up day after day.
DPM and his "takeover" team understands this is now the time to make their moves to take over UMNO's leadership, to make their peace with the opposition and thus ensure a peaceful transition to new leadership of the party and country.
If he hesitates and hesitates and starts believing in empty guarantees and tincan promises by his "leader", recent events like the ouster of Muhydeen is a chilling example of what's in store for him. Pity will not console him for his loss of place in the country's history.

Do not interfere said...

welcome back!

The following report on news media on Myanmar's response is a timely warning to Malaysia and Putrajaya not to overstep its bounds of interference and boundaries. Serve our PM and his team right for the fallout if they continue to interfere in Myanmar.

Myanmar has warned Malaysia not to interfere in its affairs after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak reportedly will participate in a solidarity rally with the Rohingya community in Kuala Lumpur.

According to the Myanmar Times, the deputy director general of the Myanmar President’s Office, U Zaw Htay, also dismissed the rally as a ploy for Putrajaya to garner political support among Malaysians.

The report quoted U Zaw Htay as saying that the protest "appeared to be a calculated political decision to win the support of the Malaysian public and had little to do with Myanmar".

"We will call on the Malaysian ambassador regarding the protest and to ask if the Malaysian prime minister is participating. If so, we will monitor the event," he is quoted as saying.

U Zaw Htay also reportedly warned Malaysia of Asean's non-interference policy.

“According to Asean principles, a member country does not interfere in other member countries’ internal affairs.

"We have always followed and respected this principle. We hope that the Malaysian government will continue to follow it,”U Zaw Htay is quoted as saying by Myanmar Times.

The Malaysian govt should instead focus on the east coast monsoons, floods and help our rakyat to overcome increasing costs in living.

Zalman A said...

(via WhatsApp) - Pt 1

Di PWTC petang tadi....Aku duduk minum dan sempat berbicara dgn seseorang yg agak berpengaruh (ada jawatan) di dalam UMNO...(dia kawan rapat aku masa dlm army dulu...tak perlulah di sebutkan namanya)

Beliau berkongsi beberapa tips yg aku rasa tidak menjadi satu kesalahan utk aku share di sini.........

Katanya...UMNO/BN berada di situasi yg amat genting.... 

kesan semasa Anwar Ibrahim di pecat thn 1998 dahulu tidaklah seteruk hari ini...

Terkini...Umno sudah mula melancarkan psy-war & propaganda utk memastikan mereka memenangi PRU14 dgn apa cara sekalipun.... 

dia ckp org putih dgn aku....katanya....'by hook or by crook'....

aku ringkaskan 7 agenda psy-war yg dikongsikan........

1. Melayan PAS supaya terus menjauhi gabungan parti pembangkang. UMNO terpaksa mengambil sikap 'berlembut' dgn PAS untuk memujuk org melayu. 

Pertandingan 3 penjuru mesti di realisasikan dlm PRU ke 14....dgn 3 penjuru sahajalah Umno/BN masih berpeluang utk menang .

2. Memainkan sentimen perkauman supaya orang Melayu menolak DAP kononnya DAP adalah parti cauvinis cina &  ada agenda utk membunuh Melayu di tanahair sendiri. Lalaikan org Melayu daripada melihat sokongan kuat parti Cina MCA, Gerakan 

3. Mengumpan isu2 agama spt himpunan selawat dan majlis2 bercorak agama. Terkini mengumpan isu RUU355 supaya orang Melayu Islam akan melihat seolah Umno berminat dgn agenda  agama..  RUU355 adalah propaganda belaka dan UMNO langsung tidak minat RUU355

tetapi mainan helah UMNO ini telah membuka laluan mudah untuk mereka mendekati PAS & agenda ini telah menampakkan kejayaannya...

kini PAS telah termakan helah UMNO.. ini terbukti sebab RUU355 sudah DUA KALI ditangguhkan dalam Parlimen dan yang telah menangguhkannya tidak lain tidak bukan Hadi Awang juga - barua upahan UMNO.  

kata sahabat saya ex army tu .."now...they are playing with time"....

4. Menggunakan NGO2 melayu pro umno untuk mewar2kan isu2 peribadi pemimpin pembangkang termasuk mengungkit skandal seks lama, skandal liwat lama & sebagainya untuk mengingati rakyat yang mungkin telah lupa. 

5. Membesar2kan isu keselamatan negara spt Daesh, IS & pengganas, ....dengan isu2 ini..untuk menakutkan org cina dan org sabah bhwa hanya UMNO boleh selamatkan keadaan. juga lebih mudah bagi UMNO meminta org Melayu Islam untuk bersatu...

Zalman A said...

Pt 2.....

6. Pemindahan pengundi ke kawasan lain utk memenangkan Umno - satu komplot terancang sedang dilaksanakan oleh satu *#$#@* yg dilantik khas..... Proses Gerrymandering bukan di buat oleh pihak SPR, sebaliknya oleh satu tim *%#@%^ pemindahan pengundi...ini sedang berjalan....perkara ini agak sulit utk di dedahkan...tetapi itu sedang berjalan.....

7. Medium 3M akan digunakan secara optimum. Money,  Media  dan Machinery ( jentera kerajaan) akan digunakan secara besar2an utk memastikan undi memihak kpd mereka. 

Media digunakan utk memesongkan fakta, mengalih isu, menutup penyelewengan pemimpin Umno. Kakitangan kerajaan & bajet yg ada digunakan sewenang2nya utk buat program supaya pemimpin Umno dpt "mendekati" rakyat. 

Manakala wang akan diberikan secara tunai kpd rakyat supaya kerajaan dilihat sbg prihatin terhadap nasib rakyat. Semua agensi kerajaan spt F_lda, F_lcra &  R_sda akan memberikan wang tunai:  segala "bantuan" secara besar2an menjelang PRU14. 

Felda mungkin akan berikan RM25000 kpd setiap peneroka mulai thn depan  ! !
Itulah sebahagian yg dapat aku kongsikan.......

Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi dlm ucapan dasarnya semalam telah berpesan...."UMNO tidak ada pilihan, melainkan perlu menang" ....










Zalman A said...

"Best President Ever" hence Best PM Ever.

Let us see if he keeps his promises?

DIRECT PROMISES from the PUBLISHED 2013 BN Manifesto:

"Easing Cost Of Living" - tak payah cakap, lah.

"Access to Quality Health Services" - Hospitals are fast running out of money and medicines. Even medical tests cannot be done in some of them any more.

"Towards Greater Efficiency in Public Transportation" - you mean "Towards More Expensive Public Transportation"? LRT up? Tolls up? Taxi fares up? Petrol up? KTM up?

"World Class Infrastructure Development and Rural Transformation": Ask FELDA shareholders about how their share price has undergone a huge "Transformation"? KLIA2 was delayed how many times, and at what cost to the public? Why has the cost of ECRL doubled for no reason - unless the allegation is true that money is being siphoned off to pay 1MDB debts?

"Strengthening Women’s Participation": The Cowgate prosecution came to a very sudden end, based on one letter to the 24-hour replacement. So RM250 million gone, does that count as a success?

"Building a Resilient, Dynamic and Innovative Economy" - tak payah cakap, lah. 41% FDI flight in the last 12 months. Already broken the 55% GDP-debt ratio. Rated by Oxford group as Asia's most "at-risk" economy". The PM is so economically "innovative" that his own party can "misplace" that US$700 million in its audited accounts.

"Building towards Educational Excellence" - Vietnamese kids are more advanced than ours. And further cuts will make this even worse.

"The gradual reduction of intra-city tolls" - You see, the word "reduction" means GO DOWN, not GO UP.

"Enhancing Security and Public Safety": How many Malaysians feel safe on the streets? How many tourists in East Malaysia do?

"Promoting Islam, Religious Freedom and Harmony": Can you please ask the East Malaysians, Chinese and Indians about this one? It's the worst in Malaysia's history.

"Fighting the Scourge of Corruption": - tak payah cakap, lah. Ask the Swiss AG and DOJ, or look at the OSA-ed Auditor's Report. And the fact that we have more illicit money flowing out than any country our size. Or maybe it was all "donations"? The bad example starts from the very top.

"Revitalising the Public Service and Enhancing Good Governance": HA HA HA! "Good Governance". We are still ranked one of the most corrupt public sectors in Apac by Ernst & Young. Is cracking down and sabotaging the MACC, SB, AGC and BNM part of "Revitalising the Public Service and Enhancing Good Governance?" Is twice ignoring BNM's prosecution recommendations on 1MDB an example of "Good Governance"?

So, that is the TRACK RECORD of the "Best President Ever".

Jangan ketawa, ye.

Asuhan Tun M said...

Salam DAKJ,

Semua yang hadir perhimpunan UMNO tu.... nak tunjuk muka je...Kalau tak kerana tarikan duit saguhati atau saja nak tunjuk hadir...memang takkan hadir

Niat perwakilan nak hadir secara sukarela memang Allah dah tunjuk bila 200 dari 1200 perwakilan yang hadir masa makan malam..Ni baru tunjuk niat sukarela dan cinta lepa pada kepimpian UMNO...

Bila taada duit nak di hidu...atau list kedatangan tak di ambil....Hati dah bertukar: "Punya pasal UMNO..Buat letih kaki atau telinga nak dengar SiBugis nak cakap"....Baik senang pi Disko atau Karoake Dangdut dekat KL...Dah lama tak pi.... Terhibur sikit Hati.

dt rahman pekan said...

kenyataan drpd 'the best ever wanita chief/thief'. dei! tangaci! apalah u cakap ini?


Kau memang hebat, Kadir
Lagi ceria kau balun
Lagilah malang tokong cina
Betapa pula mamaknya
Daddikasi sekeluarga semuanya
Kesian kita kroni dah lari
Tongkang pecah di pesisir
Rumah pula tiada kolam berair
Anak papa kedana masuk jel
Galak Pasir Salak Shah Alam gerun
Sial Paguh kembang yang terima

Susah-susah kau patah-patahkan
Mudah-mudah kita kilaih-kilaihkan
Bak mampus raja siam hilang tak berganti

PS: come on kerja ini tak padan bakat besar kau, Kadir.

Sulaid said...

As Salam Datuk,
Saya rasa biasa lah manusia ini selalunya akan menghidangkan apa saja yang sesuai dengan cita rasa masing masing termasuk lah dalam pembahasan dan penulisan.
Kalau kita suka kepada sesuatu, kita akan cerita yang baik baik sahaja, yang tak baik disimpan simpan.
Kalau kita tak suka kepada sesuatu, kita akan cerita yang tak baik tak baik sahaja. Yang baik disimpan simpan.
Tapi yang parahnya ada dikalangan manusia yang akan ke hulu kehilir, menggali mengorek dan kemudian mereport benda benda yang tak baik sahaja.
Dalam menggali mengorek tu,mungkin terjumpa terdengar perkara perkara baik juga..... tapi mengambil pendekatan.. tak payah report lah.

John Doe said...

Best ever sebenarnya adalah satu typo. Kak Ijat tersilap baca tu.

Perkataan sebenarnya yang hendak ditaip semasa sediakan teksnya ialah :-

Best -**st - last
Ever -*ever - never

Maksud sebenar kak Jat ialah.

1. Pok Ajib adalah the LAST PM dari UMNO.
2. Wak Jahid NEVER will be PM.

Melihatkan hapraknya ketua wanita UMNO hari ini saya percaya 100% TS Rafidah Aziz dan DS Zaharah Sulaiman rasa bersyukur sangat mereka bukan lagi Ketua Wanita UMNO.

Betul kata Puan Anina, UMNO dah hilang spirit perjuangan UMNO yang asal.

Bukan setakat Presiden sahaja, malah Ketua Pemuda dan Ketua Wanita pun hanya fikirkan tentang dedak dan bagaimana untuk selamatkan diri dari didakwa di atas kisah2 hitam mereka yg telah meletup.

Jilat pun jilatlah.

UMNO sedang memerintah di dalam masa kecederaan. Tiada lagi penggal berikutnya in shaa Allah. Aamiin.

Usop said...

Rawa lanun-bahasa,

Jadi apa yang padannya dengan bakat besar Kadir wahai tuan rawa lanun-bahasa? Atau kau sendiri sebenarnya tak faham apa yang cuba Kadir nak sampaikan dalam bahasanya yang cukup jelas. Bahasa kau sahaja yang malap dan merapu!

Zalman A said...

Salam Datuk,

In omputih countries, politicians supposedly like to have their photos taken with kittens, children and babies. It makes them "warm" and "human".

Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil, however, has his own version, and it is called "Hadi Awang". Having his picture taken next to Hadi makes him more "Islamic".

This is very useful if you are at the centre of the RM28 billion that TS Ambrin Buang calculated is missing from 1MDB.

The suffering of the Rohingya is also a good "prop".

Here is Mappadulung trying to sound sincere and concerned about the Rohingya:

As usual, he fails.

And this "rrrrrasa simpati yang sssssssangat mendalam" is very sudden.

The Rohingya suffered far worse atrocities in 2012 than the recent violence of 2016. In fact, they have been fleeing their shores due to this violence for the past 4 years.

How did Malaysia respond?

"Malaysia’s deputy home minister, Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, however, said his country would use tough measures, including turning back asylum-seeker boats and deportation in order to send the “right message”.

“We don’t want them to come here,” the deputy minister said. His ministry oversees the police and immigration agencies.

“We are not prepared to accept that number coming into our shores and those people who are already in, we are sending them home anyway.

“I would like them to be turned back and ask them to go back to their own country. We cannot tell them we are welcoming them.”

What a contrast!

Mappadulung did not express any "rrrrrasa simpati yang sssssssangat mendalam" at PAU 2012 to 2015. Yet the Rohingya have been suffering all this while.

But that, of course, was before he was globally named as one of the world's worst kleptocrats of all time.

Then, you need photo-ops with Hadi Awang, although the stench cannot be washed away even by this. Not every Malay is stupid enough to go: "ehhhhh, baik hati & prihatin kan DS Mappadulung Sandrobone ni!"

I guess kittens don't always work for the mat sallehs, either.

Economic teacher said...

Let's learn COW ECONOMICS..

You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies and the economy grows. You retire on the income.

You have two cows. You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. You profess surprise when the cow drops dead.

You have two cows.
You go on a strike because you want three cows.

You have two cows. You reengineer them so that they live for 100 years, eat once a month and milk themselves.

You have two cows.
They are both MAD COWS.

You have two cows. You don't know where they are. You break for lunch.

you have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge the others for storing them.

you have two cows. You redesign them so they are one tenth of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.

You have two cows. You count them and learn that you have five cows. You count them again and learned that you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn that you have 17 cows. You give up counting and open another bottle of Vodka.

You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment and arrest anyone reporting the actual numbers.

You have two cows. You sell the cows and buy a condo and a Mercedes Benz. When the auditors came in and asked where's the cows? You said no need because the project is already a success..

- Originally from unluckygirl, BOD


Betul kata Sharizat:
Sepatutnya gambar Mahathir di dalam Dewan semasa PAU dikalih depan ke belakang, Kadir.

Apa agaknya cerita bodyguard tiba-tiba menggila bunuh jagaannya di Sungai Pinang.

Wallahu aklam.

PS Mentor partai kau jagalah jantung dia. One more time dia padam. Harap taklah sebelum PRU14, Kadir.

Auf Weidersehen, Kadir.


Hai, Kadir aku tak tau kau banyak avatar: usop nama orangutan kau?

Tahniah bila partai kau ada economist pandai kira lembu.

Do your job well or die, Kadir.
Apa tajuk buku-buku kau?
Ada laku?

Harap kau baca baliklah, Kadir.

Hope never to meet up with you but if for a last drink: Mahathir dah tua Kita faham tapi kau dan kawan-kawan kau bak job comforters. Lagu inikah kau nak bina bangsa kau - bangsa apa, Kadir.

Khabar kat Mahathir kalau dia bagus dia dah perbetul 1MDB and hold Najib for a handsome ransom. Kau faham aku, Kadir? Kalau tak memang patutlah partai kau ada president sial.

Maaf kalau kata-kata aku kasar, Kadir.
What you guys did to Mahathir is unforgivable: pasal duit cabok.

Kau pandai-pandailah bawa diri.

Premium Business said...

Bagaimana dengan usul angan angan Zahid supaya Pemangku Timbalan Presiden dimaktubkan dalam Perlembagaan umno..senyap sunyi di PAU 2016..itu petanda Zahid sudah tiada penyokong.

Begitu juga ingatan Zahid supaya jangan ada yang cuba melaga lagakannya dengan Hishamuddin menjelaskan pokok sudah ada goyang, angin sudah mari.. Kerja monkey sudah jalannnn...

Hari ini kita berdepan dengan mantan PM yang sudah lanjut usia, tanpa kuasa, jawatan dan wang untuk mempengaruhi tetapi masih super ego dan berdepan dengan PM semasa yang stress dan sombong.

Pilihlah mana satu yang nak sokong.. Mungkin kita tidak ada kepentingan besar samada sokong sesiapapin tapi jangan lupa saham aqirat, duduk sejengkal di kepala kita bila bila masa.

Nau'uzubillah mati ketika menyokong lanun.



Why don't you write the whole truth about 1MDB - the protagonists and the antagonists with fear or favour, Kadir.
Your word against Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

Or is it too much a task for you to complete before the PRU14 while the BSI ongoing case in Singapore is just a tip of the iceberg.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth, ya Allah ya Aliim ya Hakiim.

The greed of homo modernis: may Allah set ease your task, AKadirJ.
Do your job well or die. Then I will know if the world is worthy of the Malay Peacekeepers and the totally riba free mega multinational Islam Bank in Madinah.

Or the Muslims now never did understand justice and the Ottomanian Quran is without Nur nor Barakah nor Huda.

Salam takzim

Hudhud said...

All these talks of the best, best president said Shahrizat, best AGM in his 40 years said Najib, are all signs of fear and desperation. They are desperate attempts to convince onself and others that things are still OK despite evidences galore that they are not. These are typical behaviour of those are cannot accept the inevitable. It is like a thief who shouts louder and louder hoping to convince others of his innocence. He doesn't realise that the louder he shouts the more irritated others get. It is obvious that things are crumbling and collapsing. I am more convinced that we are actually seeing the final days of the UMNO/BN government. For those who are in cahoot in one one way or another in this 1MDB scandal, politicians or civil servants, the ending of UMNO/BN government is simply too scary and too painful to even think of. They know that they will lose it all. Sg Buloh is waiting for them. And going down in history in despicable shame. Shame that their families too have to endure for generations to come. And these are just the punishment here in this life. God knows what await them in the hereafter.

salehuddin56 said...

Depa takut dgn bayang2 depa sendiri...dgr nama Tun pun depa dah gerun...

joe black said...


It is customary in UMNO for Pemuda and Wanita leaders to Bodek the Prime Minister in order to strengthen their positions. However, the latest statement by Sharizat is bordering on idiocy. It is the bodek of the extreme kind and ahe hopes that it will make her wanita head for life (if Najib still survives the opposition's war of attrition that is).

Najib's latest war of words with the People of Myanmar will be his undoing. As they say, "People Who Live in Glass Houses shouldn't Throw Stones."

Unknown said...

Welcome home Datuk

Presiden hebat ke atau Presiden Rembat.

Pada saya dia lah Presiden MUSIBAT dlm srjarah negara ini.

hihwag said...

'Why don't you write the whole truth about 1MDB - the protagonists and the antagonists with (sic) fear or favour, Kadir. Your word against Raja Petra Kamaruddin.'


Mangkuk hayun LANUN-RAWA THOSAI nih nak bodek JIBO LANUN-BUGIS, nampaknya. Tapi don't kill your own credibility by quoting RPK, lah. Hang nih mabuk ketum ke? Or just mabuk?

Actually, what happened is this…the ANC 'forged' some documents (in Photoshop) to 'implicate' JIBO LANUN-BUGIS, who is completely innocent. Then a conspiracy of 2,435 Tan Sris was set up to "topple" JIBO LANUN-BUGIS, whose expertise in halal is so awesome that the 2.6 billion was really donated by an Arab. Really. The ANC forgery skills are so good that the Swiss and DOJ and Singapore were completely fooled, even though each country compiled its own evidence. All the verified forensic trails are pure fantasy. JIBO LANUN-BUGIS is completely innocent.

It requires a certain level of IQ to swallow RPK's tadika-level lying, but even Usop the orangutan displays more intelligence than LANUN-RAWA THOSAI; or more courtesy at least. Oooh ooooh ahhhh ahhhhh, Saudara LANUN-RAWA THOSAI. Oooh ooooh ahhhh ahhhhh.

RD. said...

Saya lebih Respect pada Jho Low.
Lanun-Rawa Bahasa juga patut respect pada Jho Low.

Pada usia muda, anak Cina kaya dari Negeri Pulau Pinang yang diperintah DAP ini mampu bergomol dengan simbol-sex Hollywood & dunia, iaitu Paris Hilton. Selain dari berasal dari keluarga kaya-raya, kelebihan lain Jho Low adalah... punyai 'cable' kepada President UMNO, melalui isteri & anak-tiri beliau... sejak dari TIA lagi.

Perwakilan di PAU-2015 yang ditangguh oleh President Kleptocracy sehingga hujung tahun 2016… langsung tak berani sebut nama Jho Low-1MDB dan RM2.6 Billion. (atau mereka dilarang bercakap mengenainya). Bermakna... mereka juga 'respect' pada Jho Low.

Sudah tentu, Jho Low akan kebal dari tindakan undang-undang Malaysia, selagi UMNO-Najib menerajui Kerajaan.

Hidup UMNO-Najib, Hidup lebih ramai orang-tengah kelabu-asap seperti Razak Baginda, Deepak Carpet dan Jho Low.

Hidup Jho Low.
Hidup Jho Low.
Busuk nama Bangsa, Agama & Negara.

Zalman A said...

Salam Datuk,

EC Chairman showing stripes of his ex boss Annuar Musa?

"PETALING JAYA: A voter who attended a local inquiry hearing for the Election Commission’s (EC) proposed redelineation exercise has expressed disappointment over remarks made by EC chairman Mohd Hashim Abdullah about him.

In a statement, B Prasanth Kumar, a 22-year-old law student from Malacca, claimed Hashim had asked him personal questions which were irrelevant to the hearing.

Prasanth also alleged that Hashim advised his father, who was present at the hearing, to ask Prasanth to complete his studies first before getting involved in proceedings like the objection hearing.

Prasanth, who studies at a private university, was at the hearing to present his objections to the EC panel on the proposed redelineation for the Jasin parliamentary seat and Rim state seat in Malacca.

During the presentation, he claimed Hashim, who was leading the six-man EC panel, asked him whether he was a university student and where he studied.

“I was asked the same question three times. Then Hashim asked me whether I knew who the people sitting next to him were, to which I said I did not.

“He said two of the panel members were judges, and I said I admit they are more knowledgable than me. I then continued with my objection presentation.”

After his presentation, Prasanth said Hashim asked him whether he had attended recent protests and whether I had carried placards.

Prasanth said he attended the protests but did not carry any placards and assembled peacefully.

When contacted, Prasanth told FMT that he believed Hashim was asking about the recent Bersih 5 rally.

He added that he was surprised with Hashim’s questions and remarks about him completing his studies as that had nothing to do with his objections.

“If anything, he should be focusing on my presentation about the objections. What does my age or whether I am studying have to do with anything?”

Hashim has not yet responded to FMT’s request for comments on Prasanth’s claims."

Such is the "professionalism" of those appointed to serve the public.

They all end up up serving Umno's pockets instead.

Fan Tun said...

If I were a true voter,
I would not vote a liar,
I would vote a true savior,
Not a self-proclaimed Bugis warrior..

If I were, a true voter,
I would not vote a gangster,
The one that leads red attires,
Who has no peace-keeping desire..

If I were a true voter,
I would not vote a bluffer,
Who sells country's assets to make him richer,
And let us pay forever..

If I were a true voter,
I would not vote a talker,
Who talked so much about penderhaka,
Hundred millions missing muka dia buat selamba..

If I were a true voter,
I would not vote a leader,
Whose wife spent millions in a year,
Buying luxuries she only desires..

If I were a true voter,
I would not vote anyone or whoever,
Whose party says Tun Mahathir a penderhaka,
We will just wait for PRU to appear..

Zalman A said...


Like the mat salleh say, "crunch time".....

PAS is to debate this matter on 17th Dec, I believe.

Clarity is needed, one way or another.

PAS cannot have ties to PKR and a pact with UMNO. One or the other.

As I have pointed out, the issue of DAP does not arise; PAS will not overlap with them.

With Amanah, there will need to be realism and maturity.

But a Malay Alliance of the 4 parties can probably beat Umno in many Pen Mal seats. (If really united.)

So what a choice for PAS to make.

Help end corruption, or help prolong it.

How simple.

Azrul said...

China has a vested interest in keeping a weak, dependent, autocratic leader in power. Little attention is being paid to the potential loss of Malaysian territory to the Chinese, to the unfavourable terms of these arrangements and their limited positive impact on Malaysia’s economy.

Guarding against the possibility of electoral defeat, Najib has also established the new National Security Council, which came into effect in August and allows the prime minister to dictatorially declare a state of emergency through a body made up of his own appointees. At the same time, Najib has created a new special defence force and increased his personal protection.

While the Prime Minister has tried to use fear against his people, the person who has been the most afraid is Najib himself. This week’s UMNO meeting reflects rising paranoia. So far he has managed to hold on to power, but not without incurring serious costs. Growing authoritarianism, widening political polarisation, deepening ethnic tensions and discredited immoral leadership have damaged Malaysia’s social and political fabric.

Najib’s mismanagement is also evident in the economy’s contraction and the depreciating currency. That thousands braved threats of arrest and thuggery to attend the Bersih 5 rally shows that many Malaysians are willing to fight on and will not be cowed.

The test ahead will be the point when Najib’s fear campaign backfires more widely, and more Malaysians realize that the only thing they have to fear is Najib himself.

Unknown said...


Datuk Seri Shahrizat, suami & semua yg terlibat dgn
kes lembu-condo NFC,

hangpa semua jgn ingat hangpa bulih lepas
tunggu sat pembangkang ambil-alih
hangpa semua siapkan buku/Quran utk mengaji di Bamboo River Inn
cheq bukan apa, cheq takut hangpa bosan 'holiday' lama2 dlm tuh...

vasantha said...

Dear Datuk,
Your post is great. You take care of yourself too

Hands off said...

the crowd of around 10,000 gathered at Stadium Mini Titiwangsa in Kuala Lumpur this morning to protest Myanmar's treatment of the Rohingya were almost all the Rohingyas themselves.

Present was PM Najib, Deputy PM Zahid Hamidi, PAS president Hadi Awang and PAS Youth chief Nik Mohamad Abduh.

Even with this firepower, most Malaysians feel this was a stupid move by Putrajaya and certainly dont want to be involved with another country's policies when so many ills are affecting Malaysia with no solution in sight.

Zalman A said...

Allah's "Chosen One" was not lifting a finger for the Rohingyas before he needed his photo-op.

This was how much the govt "cared" before:

"(May 19): A motion to debate in Parliament the plight of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants stranded in boats off Malaysia's western coast was rejected today.

Sungai Siput MP Dr M. Jeyakumar Devaraj, who filed the motion, expressed disappointment at the rejection, adding that the House had missed an opportunity to discuss ideas that could help Putrajaya deal with the crisis.

Jeyakumar told reporters in the Parliament lobby that the matter should be debated on humanitarian grounds.

In his motion filed, Dr Jeyakumar said Malaysia's policy to push back refugee boats to sea was an irresponsible action that tarnished the country's image in the international arena.

The motion also carried suggestions by a few Pakatan Rakyat MPs for the government to consider, including discussions with other Asean countries on ways to address the refugee crisis responsibly.

"We just want to discuss this crisis, it is not about slamming the government. Discussions and solutions are needed," Dr Jeyakumar said.

The refugee crisis was also intertwined with human trafficking, the PR MPs added in the motion.

Malaysia is the current Asean chairman, and has been warned by opposition politicians that its failure to be proactive in providing humanitarian assistance to the boat refugees and to pressure Myanmar to stop persecuting the Rohingya minority would render its chairmanship useless.

Malaysia has been turning away refugee boats and preventing them from coming ashore, drawing international and domestic criticism. The United Nations has reminded Malaysia and other countries in the region of international obligations to rescue the migrants and to prevent their refoulement if they faced persecution at home."

Hypocrisy is the one thing he does well.

Unknown said...

RD, awesome. Simple and yet slapstick.
Siapa peduli dengan RL~B!

Zed-85 said...

Sallam Dato’

Boleh jadi maksud Kak Ijat adalah PM kita ini buat benda yang orang lain tak pernah buat.

Umpamanya, baru-baru ini Tun M mempersoalkan kenapa PM dan Hadi Awang buat demonstrasi berkenaan pelarian Rohingya.

Tun M kata, memang kita biasa lihat rakyat marhain membuat demonstrasi terhadap kerajaan tetapi kerajaan membuat demonstrasi untuk apa ?

Memang jarang-jarang kita lihat ketua kerajaan buat demonstrasi.

Ini yang peliknya.

Boleh jadi ini yang paling baik bagi Kak Ijat.

Pompuan said...

Salam DAKJ
Alahai Datuk. Biasalah orang UMNO puji-puja Presiden mereka. That's ingrained in their culture. Cari makan, my friend.
Anyways what's wrong with that? Dah puas Aunty Ijat puji dan bodek Tun. It's time to jack-up Najib. Not hijack him like Tun M is doing.
Cuba Tun M terus jadi statesman yang sejati. Dah tentu orang tak kacau dia.
Ni tak. Orang mcm I pun marah kat Tun pergi bersekongkol dengan DAP. Grass roots DAP pun marah kat Tun M mengendeng Kit Siang semata-mata ketana menjatuhkan Najib.
Ditakdoekan BN kalah, yang jadi PM ialah Kit Siang bukannya Pak Din atau boboi. Taklanlah DAP tak nak jadi PM after decades of being the leading opposition party.
Saya rasakan Pak Din menyesal tinggalkan UMNO. Kempunan tak jadi PM.
Bila dikaji memang benar apa Aunty tu cakap Najib best ever PM. At least he cares for the poor or village folks and the young and old. He shares his grievance in their loss in death and in their joy. Dia mesti melawat yang sakit atau jpin in to celebrate the success of the people. Ada Tun buat macam tu?
He's not showing the dignity of a Malay let alone a statesnan by being sudden friends of Anwar and Kit Siang. It's no surprise that he's labeled as pengkhianat bangsa. Heran I why is Tun not thinking about of.his legacy by cohabiting with DAP. Bukan anaknya Mukhriz boleh jadi PM. Jauh panggang dari apilah Mukhriz bolwh jadi PM if he wins.

Sulaid said...

Saya rasa apa yang dibahaskan dalam ruangan ini bukan lah mewakili majoriti yang di luar sana kerana yang kerap ulang dan mengulang tulis adalah empat ke lima orang yang sama saja. Kadang kadang orang yang sama itu menulis dua tiga kali atas tajuk yang sama macam tak puas puas melepas isi hati tapi sekadar menceduk dan mengulangi apa yang orang lain pun dah tahu.

sukasamasuka said...


1. Kesetiaan Zahid 101% bukan bermakna dia mau jadi President UMNO untuk menjawat kerusi Perdana Menteri.

2. Sebenarnya, Zahid memang seorang yang setia dan mau berbakti pada Najib...itu aku dengar.

3. Sharizat tu mau tumpang saja....bukan aku yang kata.

4. Yang "ini" pula didepan manis, belum tau pula..."orang" cerita la.

5. Selagi "ada" buat la yang perlu...terpaksa.

Zalman A said...


"Pakatan and PPBM are therefore faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, they need PAS. On the other, time is running short and it may not be wise to wait too long for PAS to make up its mind.

If anything can be learned from the recent past, a dilemma like this has a tendency to fracture Pakatan. Perhaps DAP and Amanah will insist that it’s time to move on and perhaps PKR will refuse to do so until PAS makes up its mind. If that is the case, then PKR will have to step up its game in convincing the Islamist party to work with the coalition. In this, it will probably have the support of PPBM President Muhyiddin Yassin.

Since even before PPBM’s establishment, Muhyiddin has been working hard to get PAS on board but so far his efforts have borne little fruit because of PAS’ adamant refusal to work with DAP and Amanah.

In October, Muhyiddin claimed that he had a good meeting with PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang on the subject of a cooperation between opposition parties.

Muhyiddin has also said the results of his discussions with all parties gave him confidence that the general election would see mostly one-to-one fights.

But then, we saw how cosy Prime Minister Najib Razak and Hadi were with each other at yesterday’s solidarity rally for the Rohingya.

Only time will tell whether the opposition alliance will move on with or without PAS. What is certain is that it needs to come to a decision quickly."

DAto' Tuan Ibrahim says no seats nego will happen with Umno.

Yet we know no.1 and no.2 in PAS sometimes are at odds.

It does not have to be a zero sum game.

But PAS cannot play both sides.

The cut-off point can be after 17th December, when the Syura Council meets.

One way or another...

sukasamasuka said...


Kata saudara Zalman A 9.35PM memang betul..."Pt 2.....6. Pemindahan pengundi ke kawasan lain utk memenangkan Umno - satu komplot terancang..."

1. Semakan Daftar Pemilih...buat semakan nama anda di..

2. ADUN aku masih tempat yang sama, tiada pertukaran walaupun ada kerusi ADUN yang baru.

3. Tetapi Parlimen aku sudah kena tukar daripada "mixed" seat ke kawasan baru 99% Melayu. UMNO sedang melobby untuk mendapatkan kerusi Parlimen baru ini.

4. "Mixed" Parlimen sebelum ini memang 100% BN (bukan UMNO) akan tumbang.

5. Parlimen baru aku ini pula...BN (UMNO) akan tetap menang.

Kerusi Parlimen lama jatuh, kerusi baru jadi gantinya...UMNO akan tetap menang pada PRU14 ini!


So, Kadir, are you ready to be part of TN50 or still fiddling with W2020?

You may like to take a look at what Mika left at BigDog's Maha Mule Too, Kadir while adimring the mess left behind by the three stooges Al-Qubaishi, Jho Low and Reza.

Do you think in the dynamic flow of geopolitics, the Donald Trump, Brexit and 1MDB have disturbed the equilibrium of global power and caused a new pivot or the global mass youth unemployment and economic hardship?

Please thank you Mahathir on my behalf for doing a great job keep Najib on his toes; and I am sure all our Tuankus are praying you will contribute to a great TN50. I do hope we will hear from @raja2u what he has to say.

Before I go, I think Boboi should tell Muhyiddin to retire asap and not turn it into his feedlot; but then it is your party matters, Kadir. Boboi should have more confidence on his abilities knowing you are around for good counsels.

Anyway, I am enjoying the antics of a Maha Mule and si-Bugis riding rodeo on a China Dragon.

Salam takzim.

Dol said...

Maaf Dato saya nak cakap sikit saja....menyampah betul temgok muka Sharizat,macam pariah!!....

J said...

Saya doakan para pemimpin PPBM diberi fikiran yang 'clear'. Pada perkiraan saya, kita perlukan PAS untuk kalahkan Najib dan geng. PAS mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat juga di kalangan orang Melayu. Ahli PAS pulak cemuih sangat dengan DAP (mau tak sabit Najib menakut-nakutkan pun) pasai suka buli depa masa dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

rawa lanun dedak said...

Najib, the best umno president ever.

lawak solo pun tak sekelakar ni...hahahahahahaha

boy said...

we already know tat someone who has surpassed d level of a jerk n sshold with a talent for lying n wasting other people money, has zero concern for another weird acts. we’ve seen d successes. yea....nasty, it works better. am not sure how it is. maybe its just tat they generally grade politicians on a curve. 'A' for a jerkassitude!

Waghih said...

AsSalam DAKJ ...

Memang boto la tu apo yang di khobar an olih Sharizat .

DSN the best president ever ...

Bokeh president ...
Ghamai dah takdo ...
Yang masih ado ... perlu afternoon nap.
Yang masih aktif ... sombah tokong DAPig .
Gang ANC pun ikut samo sombah tokong DAPig .

So camno ?


Mali Bin Muyung said...

Salam Dato,
Walaupun d Madinah menunaikan umrah, blog Dato tetap plilihan utama saat ada ruang kosong.
A politician as tainted as her, to expect the opposite is a tall order. Let her sing her lulaby, rakyat x sebodoh dia.
Sering berdoa agar BN kalah kali ni.

About Me

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I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).