A Kadir Jasin
yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis
dalam kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan
apa-apa jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.
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Tun Daim runding dan meterai syarat yang lebih menguntungkan kita |
PERJANJIAN Tambahan pembinaan Projek Landasan Kereta Api Pantai Timur (ECRL) yang ditandatangani di
Beijing pada 12 April lalu mempunyai banyak implikasi penting.
Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr
Mahathir Mohamad, dalam sidang akhbar khas mengenainya di Putrajaya hari ini
menyebut kesediaan China mengiktiraf kedudukan kewangan Malaysia sebagai perkara
penting yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan rundingan semula tersebut.
"Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]
Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan
(PH) membantah projek era Barisan Nasional (BN) itu kerana jelas terdapat
unsur-unsur yang membebankan, merugikan dan mencurigakan.
Perjanjian Tambahan yang
dirundingkan oleh Tun Daim Zainuddin itu membuktikan secara sahih kecemerkapan, ketidaktelusan dan sikap sambil lewa kerajaan dahulu dalam merancang dan merundingkan
projek tersebut.
Perjanjian Tambahan atau
dalam bahasa Inggeris “Supplementary Agreement (SA)” itu ditandatangani di
Beijing di antara Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRLSB) dan China Communications
Construction Company Ltd (CCCC).
Malaysia diwakili di upacara itu oleh
Daim manakala China oleh Dr Ning Jizhe, Naib Presiden Suruhanjaya Kebangsaan
Bagi Pembangunan dan Reformasi.
Perjanjian asal ditandatangani oleh kerajaan BN
pada bulan November 2016.
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Mohd Najib Abdul Razak menyaksikan Perjanjian 2016 |
Antara ciri utama dan
implikasi Perjanjian Tambahan adalah:
1. ECRL akan menjadi
projek persepakatan jangka panjang antara Malaysia dan China serta pemangkin
kepada perluasan kerjasama ekonomi.
2. Kos dikurangkan sebanyak 32.8 peratus yang berupa penjimatan RM21.5 bilion. Kos baru
adalah RM44 bilion berbanding kos asal RM65.5 bilion. Kos pembinaan
setiap kilometer dikurangkan daripada RM95.5 juta kepada RM68.7 juta.
3. Kos pembiayaan
pinjaman dijimatkan sebanyak RM5 bilion untuk tempoh 20 tahun kerana berjaya
dikurangkan daripada RM19.4 bilion kepada RM14 bilion. Komponen tempatan dinaikkan
daripada 30 peratus kepada 40 peratus.
4. Laluan dipendekkan
kepada 640 Km daripada 688Km dan dijajarkan semula bagi mengurangkan kemungkinan kesan negatif terhadap alam semula
jadi yang sensitif seperti Banjaran Titiwangsa, Klang Gate Quartz Ridge dan
biosfera Orang Asli. Panjang terowong dikurangkan daripada 16Km kepada 7Km.
5. Bilangan negeri yang mendapat
faedah bertambah daripada empat kepada lima, iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang,
Negeri Sembilan (baru) dan Selangor. Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya juga akan
diliputi oleh laluan baru itu.
6. Penjajaran semula akan mewujudkan jambatan darat (land bridge) di antara Pelabuhan Kuantan dengan
Pelabuhan Klang yang dengan itu memperbaiki potensi pengangkutan kargo ECRL.
7. Ia juga akan
menghubungkan ECRL dengan Rel Ekspres KLIA (ERL) dan laluan MRT2 di stesen
Putrajaya Sentral yang sekali gus memperbaiki keterkaitan penumpang Pantai Barat
dengan KLIA.
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Laluan baru ECRL lebih mencakupi |
8. Penumpang Komuter
dan Perkhidmatan Tren Elektrik (ETS) KTM dari selatan akan bersambung dengan
laluan ECRL di stesen Bangi/Kajang.
9. Perjanjian tambahan
itu jaga mengandungi beberapa ciri yang lebih saksama dan menguntungkan
kedua-dua buah negara untuk jangka sama panjang.
10. Yang penting dan
istimewa adalah pihak China bukan lagi sekadar memberi pinjaman dan membina
projek tersebut. Sekarang ia akan bersama-sama dengan kita memastikan projek
ini lestari dan menguntungkan. Maksudnya, China akan turut menanggung risiko
dan meraih faedahnya.
11. Oleh sebab itulah
ditandatangani juga Memorandum Persefahaman terikat di mana MRLSB dan CCCC akan
menubuhkan syarikat usaha sama operasi dan penyelenggaraan atas nisbah pemilikan 50:50.
12. Dalam bahasa yang
mudah, China tidak boleh lepas tangan begitu saja setelah projek siap
dibina dan meninggalkan kita untuk memikul segala beban dan risikonya.
Melalui persetujuan ini, untung rugi akan dirasai bersama.
13.Dengan menjadikan
ECRL sebagai pemangkin, Malaysia dan China akan memperluaskan kerjasama ekonomi.
Perbincangan telah dimulakan bagi mewujudkan koridor pelaburan di hentian-hentian
strategik sepanjang laluan ECRL yang melibatkan usaha sama Malaysia-China.
14. Secara langsung,
pemikiran baru ini akan menyumbang ke arah menjadikan projek "Satu Kawasan Satu Laluan" atau “One Belt One Road” (OBOR) China lebih mesra rakan kongsi.
15. Dengan kata lain, China tidak lagi sekadar membina dan membiayai projek di negara asing
menggunakan jenama OBOR tetapi turut sama memastikan projek itu lestari dan menguntungkan kedua-dua pihak.
16. Salah satu masalah
besar yang dihadapi negara yang terbabit dengan OBOR adalah projek yang
dibangunkan tidak mempunyai daya maju dan apabila hutang tidak dapat dibayar
balik China mengambil alihnya. Ia merugikan negara tuan rumah dan mencemarkan
imej China.
17. Penerusan ECRL dalam
bentuk baru turut dihubungkaitkan dengan hubungan dagangan sedia ada antara kedua-dua negara, khususnya dalam bidang pertanian di mana kelapa
sawit menjadi komponen penting.
18. Dr Mahathir berkata, China
akan menimbang untuk menambah pengimportan minyak kelapa sawit.
19. Kerajaan tidak
membuat U-turn. Dari awal lagi, pandangan PH adalah perjanjian asal
yang dirundingkan dan ditandatangani oleh kerajaan BN membebankan negara dan
perlu dirundingkan semula jika ECRL hendak diteruskan.
20. Pertama, kerajaan PH
percaya melalui rundingan semula segala aspek negatif boleh dihapuskan dan
syarat-syarat yang lebih baik diperoleh. Maka untuk tujuan itu bekas Menteri Kewangan dua kali, Tun Daim Zainuddin dilantik menjadi perunding.
21. Kedua, China adalah
rakan perniagaan kita yang kedua terbesar selepas Singapura dan diikuti oleh
Amerika Syarikat, Hong Kong (yang juga berupa wilayah khas China) dan Jepun. Jadi
kita tidak boleh dan tidak mampu menyisihkan China.
22. Ketiga, kita terpaksa
menerima hakikat dan menyiapkan diri kerana China sedang bergerak pantas bagi
mengambil alih kedudukan Amerika sebagai ekonomi terbesar di dunia.
23. Jadi Perjanjian ECRL
yang ditambah baik ini adalah jawapan semasa dan jangka panjang kepada
usaha mengembalikan perhubungan Malaysia-China ke landasan yang betul dan
menguntungkan kedua-dua negara.
24. Ia juga membuktikan
di luar pertikaian bahawa PH membuat andaian yang betul iaitu ECRL seperti
yang dimeterai oleh kerajaan BN terlalu mahal dan membebankan negara.
25. Kita ucapkan tahniah
dan terima kasih kepada Daim dan pasukannya yang bekerja keras dalam diam-diam
bagi menyelesaikan kemelut ini supaya tepung tidak tumpah dan rambut tidak
Wallahuaklam. Terima
NOTA Kaki: Untuk butir
lengkap, pembaca dan semua pihak yang berminat boleh mendapat maklumat lanjut DI SINI.
Dulu ECRL 100% MALAYSIA punya..
Loni ECRL 50/50 plak dgan CHINA..
Ape crite ni dato??
Kena "pulas telinga" ke dato??
Ucapan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada Tun M dan Tun Daim serta pasukannya atas kejayaan besar dan bersejarah ini. Hanya Tuhan saja dapat membalas segala jasa yang telah disumbangkan demi kemakmuran negara dan kesejahteraan rakyatnya. TQVM Sir.
Dengan pengurangan RM21.5 billion ada kah ia bermakna pekerja-pekerja projek ini, terutamanya rakyat Malaysia akan dibayar gaji lebih rendah dari perancangan asal?
Kjaan ph-dap hanya pandai berjanji tapi x tepati. Pandai menyalahkan kjaan lama tapi x buat sesuatu yg baru. Pandai sambung projek kjann lama tanpa ada idea utk projek baru walaupun pada asalnya riuh utk membatalkanya. Pandai menjenama baru sesuatu projek tanpa idea utk projek baru eg ecrl, hsr,brim etc. Rasa2 nya kjaan ph-dap ni lebi sesuai jadi pembangkang saja. Rakyat sememangnya telah bosan dgn keangkuhan kjann ph-dap. Telah sampai masanya utk mereka berkerja dan bukannya hanya tahu berpolotik dlm segala hal. Pulihkan keadaan ekonomi yg meleset, sediakan perkerjaan utk rakyat dan bukannya menyerlahkan kebodohan spt kenyataan2.yg rendah IQ bagi menteri2 ph-dap ini.
1. Saya ucapkan tahniah kepada Tun Mahathir kerana melantik perunding berpengalaman dan berpengaruh iaitu Tun Daim untuk berunding dengan China mengenai ECRL.
2. Tahniah diucapkan kepada Tun Daim yang berusaha keras meringankan beban kerajaan dalam projek ECRL ini.
3. Sekali lagi, tiada apa2 penerangan mudah mengenai usaha kerajaan ini oleh Menteri Penerangan. Setakat nak kisah hal2 syarikat telekomunikasi tu, baik hantar orang kuat kementerian saja. Apa yang amat penting sekarang ialah maklumat itu sampai kepada rakyat. Ini penerangan mengenai isu Felda pun tak ada, isu TH pun senyap, isu ECRL yang baru ni pun tak ada, isu 1MDB lagilah tak dengar langsung.
4. Saya bukan nak rasis tapi Menteri Penerangan sepatutnya melayu sebab masalah pemahaman bahasa & budaya. Menteri Hal Ehwal Pengguna kena bagi kat cina sebab senang nak bincang dengan kartel yang kawal harga barang yang majoritinya cina. Menteri Perpaduan sekarang elok ganti dengan yang lain sebab makin teruk hubungan antara kaum dibawah kendalian pengkhianat tu.
5. Pengundi2 muda yang kurang membaca mudah terpengaruh dengan maklumat daripada FB Najib. Pihak kerajaan perlu segera menjawab segala tuduhan tersebut. Tak kan nak tunggu cybertroopers tak bertaulish tolong jawab kot ? Dah jadi kerajaan ni buat kerja professional sikit!
Salam Dato,
komen rata - rata rakyat masih tidak berpuas hati dengan pencapaian kerajaan terkini. Sama ada mustahil buat kerajaan atau pun tidak, kos sara hidup dan nilai duit yg semakin berkurangan masih menjadi belenggu utama rakyat.
Meskipun segala big decision kerajaan yang menyelamatkan negara telah dilakukan dengan berjaya (atau tidak), namun scope kejayaan tidak dekat dengan rakyat dengan bahasa2 ekonomi yang bombastic dan rumit.
fokus kerajaan harus dibahagi kepada 2 cabang utama:
1) long term planning untuk negara
2) immediate isu yang dekat di hati rakyat
setidak2nya PM atau kerajaan harus sentiasa berhubung dengan rakyat tentang focus no.2
suka atau tidak kita masih melihat kepada PM sebagai wira negara.
justeru izinkan saya utk mencadangkan:
1) setiap bulan adakan sesi PM addressing people
2) isu yang dibentangkan hendaklah berupa FAQ
3) concern dan permasalahan atau soalan hendaklah dibanci melalui portal etc (kenapa tidak? kalau rakyat boleh bersatu hati bersusah payah gunakan saluran digital untuk menderma buat negara tempoh lalu)
4) concern yang diterima hendaklah dibahagikan mengikut kelas masyarakat (diff income levels, diff concerns) dengan seimbang
in the end its all about isu pemilikan rumah dan kos sara hidup serta bebanan hutang. (pls refer latest outsyed post)
rakyat hendak lihat ape solution kerajaan yang betul2 akan membawa impact. bukan nada yang sama didendangkan kerajaan lama yang tidak mengubah apa2 (cth bantuan sejuta rumah)
saya setuju dengan kandungan post tersebut. apa guna bantuan sejuta rumah sedangkan masalah pemilikan rumah ini dialami hampir majority rakyat. kalau mampu pn masih dibelenggu hutang yang menggila dek loan rumah.
soalan saya masih sama: kenapa business community yg tamak dilihat terus dilindungi sama ada oleh kerajaan dahulu atau pn lama ? khususnya house developers ? ternampak seolah2 terlalu special community ini sehingga terus dilindungi walaupun nafsu tamak haloba mereka terus menjarah rakyat. langsung tidak ada check and balance kah ? corruption kah ? we should do away dengan subsidy, we should tackle the source of the problem.
Mr Sour Grapes aka MO1 aka Malu lah Bosku is at it again.
Former PM Najib has criticised the stipulation in the renegotiated East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) deal for the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) to form a joint venture with Malaysia Rail Link (MRL).
Did the Chinese see him as a stumbling block finally?
Laluan dipendekkan sebanyak 48km (688 tolak 640).
Kos pembinaan sebelum ini ialah RM95.5 juta untuk setiap kilometer.
Penjimatan sepatutnya ialah RM45.84 bilion dan *bukan* RM21.5 bilion.
Ke mana perginya baki RM24.34 bilion (45.84 tolak 21.5)?
let's hope the new MB Johore does not start off with kowtowing.
Are Johor excos Mazlan, Hong Pin's heads on chopping block because told to?
السلام عليكم assalāamu/ 'alaikum; (salam ataih kalian),
Terima kasih banyak ataih usaha hang hebahkan pasai pejanjian baru ECRL, yg “...lebih murah lestari dan mesra”
yg padat dgn banyak maklumat. InsyaAllah, dgn izin Allah S.W.T., projek ni akan bejalan lancag
dan rakyat meni’mati manfa’atnya dgn selamat dan macam hang nulih, lestari.
Hanyasanya aku rasa maklumat macam ni lebih baik/layak supaya jangkawan lebih meluaih,
dibawak media perdana macam RTM ka, TV3/7 ka, atau Bernama ka... Gobind, tulong ambik peratian.
Tapi yg lebih menyusuk, aku tengok ‘basmalah’ di awai ‘coretan’ hang ni,
Aku kopipeh:
“بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم”
Ada empat sabdu atau ‘syaddah’ (yg menunjukkan pengulanggan hurop)
pada hai aku cek dlm al Qur-an, dll., ada tiga sabdu saja, macam ni :
“بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ "
Kod hang bulih rojok member2 hang hak lebih tera atau fakih.
Maghap no,
Teknologi bukan kepada murah n mesra alam..teknologi mampu menguasai n mencipta ekonomi..setakat murah dgn downsizing ITU pemikiran lama...kahkahkahkahkah
Perbezaan antara ubat yang pahit dan gula gula yang manis.
Rakyat Malaysia perlu menggunakan minda dengan lebih mendalam dan tidak hanya menerima apa jua yang di berikan oleh pemimpin dengan membuta tuli.
the ECRL renegotiation is a big win for Malaysia, except of course for Mr Sour Grapes who snipes at the sidelines.
(Btw, what's with FM Lite radio at abut 6.30am news today, it carried the former PM's extract of speech on the reduction in cost and twisting of the details. We should impose a news blackout on his allegations and not give any credence to them.
The Ministry of Communications, pls look into this.
Syabas to The Malay Mail, article
"This is how else the RM24b bailouts for Felda, Tabung Haji could have been used and abused"
The government has allocated RM6.3 billion to rescue Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) and another RM17.8 billion on a restructuring plan for Lembaga Tabung Haji.
In effect, they are bailouts for problems created and entrenched during the previous administration.
The RM24 billion to resuscitate the smallholder farming agency and Muslim pilgrimage fund after years of alleged financial mismanagement and fraud is huge, to say the least.
For perspective, it is the equivalent of nearly 8 per cent of the whole federal Budget for 2019 and could have been used to pay for the RM16.7 billion LRT3 line in its entirety plus change.
The very clear Malay Mail graphics/visual image of the savings/expenditure of how the RM24 bailout by the PH govt could have been used is a big plus!
We don't need much verbiage, the visual impact is stunnng and understood by all.
Get the PH communications team to show this and spread through TV, audio, social media and go down to the ground and explain to the grassroots that the former PM's regime "mismanaged/stole" the funds for their own pockets and what they lost and the cause of all their sorrows and sufferings now because they had blindly supported the criminals.
And what the PH govt will do to help the rakyat!
The prices of high-speed broadband services have reduced by 49 per cent on average since the end of last year, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) said yesterday.
The commission, in a statement said the success was due to the government's effort last year to reduce the price of broadband through the ‘Double the Speed At Half the Price’ initiative.
Laudable but still short of actual servicing its current streamyx and new customers.
We are still on the queue, still waiting for months to get the available
unifi cards/slots installed by Telekom.
What's all the delay? Minister of Communications Gobind Deo still short of the mark.
Minister Mujahid asked Jais to act on forum on "dehijabing".
Mujahid, this is an intellectual discourse only, not a pressure forum.
This kind of moral policing is sheer waste of government money and time.
Why is Indian citizen Zakir naik free to hold talks without issue, even at universities?
A person who is not even a citizen of Malaysia, whereas Malaysians who hold talks gets police investigation. Embarrassing.
Mujahid, there are other bigger issues - bread and butter issues, get your Jais and others over to see how to alleviate poverty, economic and such issues among the muslims.
Baca boleh..percaya jangan..kencing je lebih..bertabur2
Datuk, siapa Daim untuk tandatangan urusan rasmi kerajaan. Daim bukan perseorangan yg dilantik oleh institusi agong
Malah dia tidak accountable kepada kabinet, cuma kepada Perdan Menteri.
Apa kah Governance standard yg diguna pakai oleh kerajaan? Kalau dalam dunia korperat, ini adalah salah.
Berkaitan ECRL, setelah berhempas pulas dengan berbakul bakul alasan kenapa ECRL perlu di batalkan, sekarang segala cerita karut tentang ECRL di fantasikan dengan berita2 indah.
Di mana kecurian dalam ECRL yang di gembar gemburkan sebelum kemenangan PH mei tahun lalu?
Buktikan kepada rakyat, seret mereka yg terlibat, jangan ckp Najib sahaja mastermind, takkan yang lain lain tu duduk diam?
it was reported Bentong folk demand ECRL stop in town.
Well if they can demand for ECRL so can other cities and the list will never end and the cost will balloon up again.
So the revised agreement between Malaysia and China on the number of stations and the slightly revised route must stay. Once a change is accepted, then the avalanche of demands will start. Humans are naturally very greedy as evidenced in the current trial of the former PM, so rules set and must be adhered to. Otherwise corruption, bribery, nepotism, money laundering and who knows even murder are set to roll in.
Salam sejahtera dato' dan semua.
Tidak ada kerajaan yang tiada masalah. Namun rakyat harus pastikan tegur menegur yang membina berjalan selalu.
Rakyat jelata juga sama seperti kerajaan. Pasti ada masalah secara individu mahupun secara beramai-ramai (plural). Kuman di sumatera nampak tp gajah depan batang hidung tak nampak.begitulah ibaratnya. Nilai masyarakat masih lemah. Sebagai contoh, Penjual makanan tak jujur, masak macam apa entah...jadilah harga tak patut. Berbagai lg masalah krisis nilai dalam masyarakat tak kira melayu,cina, india dan sabah sarawak pasti ada.
Good news after good news
Isn't this great?
Daim Zainuddin has expressed confidence that the price tag for the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), which was reduced by RM21.5 billion to RM44 billion, is highly likely to come down even further.
He said this was possible once rail construction experts in both Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRL) and China Communications Construction Company Ltd (CCCC) sit down to work out the technical details of the mammoth infrastructure project.
Tun Daim and team, please keep up the good work.
Datuk, the momentum of good news after good news. Way to go, team.
Former PM Najib claimed that the Pakatan Harapan government has approved a budget to train more cybertroopers following the ruling coalition’s third consecutive by-election defeat in Rantau last week.
Truly I wish it could be true because the PH govt really needs an experienced head and experienced hands to handle the cyber media.
Go ahead and allocate in the budget, it's time for PH to get its act together and present to the rakyat.
In the former life, Najib hired that british jew Stadlen paying him millions in remuneration, and who knows could still be using him.
PH govt can now use 5G and 4G and as Tun Mahathir said, beam him to all the villages and grass roots so that he can "meet" with these folks.
PM in one of his recent speeches has said that PH government is now turning a corner after spending the good part of the last 1 year mopping up all the messes left by BN. Most people missed this very important statement made by PM. Tun Daim conveyed the same thing when he said another 6 months is required for the country to be put on track.
All the major frauds, 1MDB, Felda, TH have already been care of. Barring a major catastrophe in the world economy, we will start to see real improvement in our economy.
The so called kebangkitan umno pas has already its reached its peak with the rantau win. That is as far as they can go. The sandakan prk will mark the turning point for PH.
Cost reduced with lower specs. So called good negotiation. Datuk AKJ, This project was labelled a project to bail out onemdb. Now where is the portion of bail out. We should get the same alignment and specs with this new cost. Kerajaan PH ni betul2 penipu. Rakyat kena kencing.
on the revival of Bandar Malaysia to be renamed Bandar Rakyat (?), it was a IWH joint venture with CREC 60-40 to acquire 60% of Bandar Malaysia, the rest being held by TRX City, wholly owned by MOF. The govt owns only 40%. Which means they are not in the driver's seat.
IWH and CREC. And between them IWH is the big brother, at least on the surface.
IWH does not have the money to bankroll the project? So where will the money come from? With tightening of currency outflow from China, does CREC still have the wherewithal to be the project's piggy bank? And if IWH is majority in the joint venture with CREC, does it mean the boss's royal friend down south has more than a finger in the pie?
The former regime's greed saw the earlier agreement aborted and cancelled on some trumped up excuse of late payment, blah blah blah, and from then on took a spiral downturn because no other chinese group (eg Wanda) wanted to touch it.
Tun Dr M said negotiations are in the final stage, which meant while all the attention was on ECRL, Putrajaya was doing the deal also on Bandar Malaysia, quietly quietly.
How does it benefit the rakyat? Subsidised housing? Oversurplus office space which if taken up will mean vacating current premises, sort of musical chairs?
Something is not all right, we are kept in the dark, and if the govt wants the rakyat to buy in, better come clean and open.
Is the govt kowtowing to the south ? Why why why?
CJ's appointment, MB's appointment, exco appointment, Rome Statute, what else?
So Tun please open up .
on the delay in appointing the new CJ, the constitution is very clear. If no approval is obtained within a month then the appointment automatically becomes official whether the rulers want it or not.
The new CJ must not feel intimidated in any way because his/her appointment has the full backing of the govt and rakyat. Any delay is like a mosquito bite, squash/scratch it and it won't itch.
Shocking and more shocking!
Adelina Lisao, 26,Indonesian maid died due to multiple organ failure following the alleged abuse at a house in Bukit Mertajam last year.
Adelina’s employer, Ambika MA Shan, 61, escaped the gallows after the High Court was reported to have granted her a full acquittal on a murder charge today after the deputy public prosecutor requested for a discharge not amounting to an acquittal.
Tenaganita executive director Glorene A Das said the court’s decision was shocking and the Attorney-General’s Chambers must answer why there was no justice for Adelina, when there was apparently clear evidence.
Why was the employer granted a full acquittal?
Our hearts go out to Adelina's family.
MRT kite buat sndri
LRT kite buat sndri
STAR kite buat sndri
SMART kite buat sndri
TUNEL penang lge buat sndri..xtau bile ni?
Xkn ECRL pon nk JV dgn CHINA dato???
Kite xpandai ke nk buat sendri?
DISKAUN 21.5B tpi xpasal2 CHINA dapat TANAH 4500 ekar dkwsan stesyen..
Byak TANAH ni dato...ambe ni "sekar" tanah pon xd dpat lgi kt malaysia ni..HANYA TANAH KUBO je...
Nak JUAL MALAYSIA ni ke CHINA ke dato??
Sembang ECRL cantik nampak skrg nie.... hahahahaha
PH totally new project apa yer?
are we reading wrong?
Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad told reporters Friday night that the government is still awaiting approval from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Conference of Rulers on Putrajaya’s proposed list for the new chief justice.
Why proposed list? It denotes more than one name, and it's been reported there are 3 names on the list. There should only be one name and it should be the recommended candidate.
Is the PH pandering to any party?
Today's trial documents showed Najis acting like Santa Claus dishing out money that didn't belong to him!
Keeping 99.99% of our money for diamonds, bling bling, repairs, and the rest chicken feed for charity. Does that widow know that the money she received was stolen?
Why didn't he use his own money if he wanted to look good.
Another matter, is Shafee showing off his "glory", his ego, his self importance to the judge? Imagine twice the judge came into court and he had to wait his turn.
Another mockery by Shafee of the court.
Hope the judge will not accept such delays or excuses, if Shafee has his hands full then he should be replaced by members of his own high powered team. He can't be allowed to drag this trial which is of utmost national importance ! Enough of his nonsense !
Masuk Saku.Apa lagi
rajraman.Organised Political Traders always a business selling their Saliva.
Pak Kadir lambat jawap dan lambat moderate.
Mazlan dan Hong dah kena panjung olih baju kuning.
rajraman666.MB baru dah siap payung kuning sebelum hujan untuk baju kuning.
AMPU LAH.Nothing hangimg between his leg.Given away to Yellow Cloth Man.
PH always a pandering Party.
Meanwhile the THIEF working with the yellow cloth Man to wrestle back into power.
rajraman666.Pandering when all the Man in Yellow gang going to approve the Chief.Still pandering why keeping the IGP also.
Also pandering Pak Mahathir still have his guts like before.
Gobind's admission on lack of experience of ministers unaccustomed to holding power at the federal level along with financial issues are the primary reasons why Pakatan Harapan is perceived as flip-flopping on its electoral promises
The Communications and Multimedia minister said there have been instances where decisions made were viewed as backfooting on promises or contradicting earlier decision.
OK, now he has said it, for goodness sake do something about it.
Go on the offensive with the one tool that will make the difference. Both mainstream and online streams are under his purview and we all want him to dearly succeed. He is a honest and good Minister but that is not enough to handle the terrains of Malaysian landscape, especially when Najis and his highly paid cyber troops are twisting and turning facts into hogwash.
Go on the offensive, cut off publicity to those shamers and liars and criminals.
Look at the scripted part today where a former SPAD member "apologised" to Najib and the Star who has a hidden axe to grind as we all know is insidiously driving a wedge between the rakyat and PH govt.
Pure Bullshit! Wonder how much that former SPAD was paid for that role.
Gobind get your script ready too, two can play the same game. Felda members, Tabung Haji members can just as well apologise to Tun M in the full glare of the public, and woe betide the Star if it does not get into the paper.
Get your agencies to stop publising what that MO1 does and says.
Gobind needs to "reform" the way news is disseminated We don't want UMNO and PAS to have a liveblood but they are slowly inching towards fully challenging PH.
Stop them in their tracks now, perform your role as Communications Minister.
whichever party is holding up the appointment of our new CJ, let it be known to all that the power of the rakyat is stronger than all of them combined.
The longer the wait, will play towards the rakyat's favour, we get stronger.
Very simple equation.
Just like the Rome Statutes, it was an eye opener for the people and the evil forces were thwarted.
So, Tun let's hasten a bit, we support you all the way to get your two thirds majority as soon as possible.
Crossovers from the oppo are accepted.
doesn't the new southern MB know that he cannot run away everytime he is challenged?
He has to face his Bersatu heads and PH members for his change of the exco members even though he was told very clearly to retain the same lineup.
Question asked, is he so weak?
A sick doctor cannot help his teammates even though he wears all his medical awards.
A little off tangent but 'pemimpin2' PH yg kurang rakyat friendly oleh sebab 'officialdom' perlu juga ingat bahawa randomly those who assist them in last election for the greater cause could assist to bring them down for their own failure to see the greater cause
new Johor MB Sahruddin Jamal today denied rumours that he and the newly-appointed state exco members were handpicked by Parti Pribumi president
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Listen to his denials, he's talking grandfather's story. Was another list presented to Tun during his visit to him, and then viola, another list was conjured up to the palace?
He's already saying he can work with this chap, and not that chap and so on, and he just got the MB's post whereas the Bersatu and PH leadership believed he could be more professional than Osman Sapian.
What a downfall he will have, whether he's backed by Muhyiddin or not.
He was speedily sworn in, and I think Anwar very fast on the mark said he will support whoever was the MB from Parti Pribumi.
Sort of pre-recognition of the behind the scenes?
Sahruddin is just a pawn really, and he got a title too.
Now better go with cap in hand to Tun Dr M and Muhyiddin and beg for forgiveness and discuss a way to handle the exco issue.
Expand the assembly and bring back the 3 he dropped? Win win lah !
He has to learn how to walk before he runs, learn his lesson well.
With party polls looming, analyst Kamarul Zaman Yusoff said there is a chance that Sahruddin may be taught a lesson if he does not toe the party line in administering Johor.
“What comes out from this episode is that Tun Mahathir emerges stronger. There is little doubt that people will rally behind him in the event of a full-scale confrontation with the palace.”
the coming visit by Tun to China, all agencies etc. must be on the alert against any party or person high or low to stir up trouble, forment strife, so as to create conditions for anything goes.
The govt and Tun was very very wise in withdrawing the Rome Statue, there was inside information of the trouble makers.
So all Pakatan Harapan members of the cabinet, MPs, supporters, etc. be aware.
Stifle your natural inclination to talk boldly.
Hey there, Ramasamy cool it. Not the time to argue.
I don't see or read Ramasamy comment here.I only read Power Geme taking pot shot.
Lets the YELLOW MAN knows Malaysian regardless race with brain don't like free loader.
Are you taking pot shot at me Power?
rajraman666. I respect others views but i don't respect people who takes pot shot or name calling.If you mean Ramasamy is me than you are wrong,but if you didn't mean at me than i am sorry.
Malaysian no longer allows Yellow Man in Cloth have their free meal and attack appointed PM.
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