A Kadir Jasin
yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis
dalam kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan
apa-apa jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.
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Dr Sahruddin Menteri Besar Baru Johor |
TIDAK ada ucapan tahniah
buat Dr Sahruddin Jamal yang mengangkat sumpah menjadi Menteri Besar
Johor sebentar tadi.
Sebaliknya saya ucapkan
selamat maju jaya dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawab kepada rakyat jelata
"Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]
Kalau beliau kekal dan
berjaya menunaikan tanggungjawab kepada rakyat jelata dan memenuhi aspirasi
mereka barulah beliau layak menerima ucapan tahniah.
Beliau tidak perlu diingatkan
bahawa beliau mengambil alih daripada seorang Menteri Besar yang paling singkat
tempoh perkhidmatannya.
Saya cadangkan beliau “berguru”
dengan bekas Menteri Besar, Osman Sapian, tentang mengapa tempoh perkhidmatannya
begitu singkat.
Beliau juga tidak perlu
diingatkan tentang apakah aspirasi rakyat jelata yang memilih Pakatan Harapan (PH)
menjadi kerajaan di negeri kelahiran Umno pada 9 Mei lalu.
Cuma saya ingin segarkan
ingatan beliau kepada hakikat bahawa majoriti rakyat Johor menolak Umno/Barisan
Nasional walaupun Istana Johor secara terbuka memihak dalam pilihan raya umum itu.
Malah ia menggesa
pengundi Johor jangan mengubah “jurumudi” dan mengecam individu lidah bercadang
yang jelas ditujukan kepada Perdana
Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
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Sultan Ibrahim Johor Terima Kunjungan Perdana Menteri |
Kepada Ahli Majlis Kerja
Kerajaan (Exco) dan Ahli Dewan Undangan (Adun) Johor yang memberikan kita maklumat dan
maklum balas, saya ucapkan terima kasih dan syabas.
Keberanian, keikhlasan
dan pengorbanan mereka menggerakkan kita melakukan perubahan.
Berkenaan Dr Sahruddin,
ada yang memberi tahu saya bahawa beliau pendiam dan kurang bercakap dalam mesyuarat
Sekarang beliau tidaklah
boleh diam lagi atau mengikut apa orang lain kata. Beliau mesti berani dan
Saya harap anggota Exco,
Adun dan pemimpin parti beri sokongan
dan tunjuk ajar kepada beliau dan serentak itu memantau prestasi beliau.
Kita akan ukur dan beri
penarafan kepada beliau mengikut piawaian rakyat kerana beliau dipilih dan
dibagi amanah oleh rakyat.
Yew ka rakyat johor tolak umno...
Itu pru 14...
Pru 15..rakyat akan kebumi kan ph
Raja adil raja disembah. Raja zalim raja disanggah.
Peliharalah perjanjian,persepakatan, perlembagaan yg telah dimeterai oleh bapa-bapa pendiri negara ini.
Teguran oleh almarhum Sultan Azlan Shah kpd kita terutama raja-raja berkenaan raja berperlembagaan dan tadbir urus yang baik mestilah diambil perhatian dan tindakan yg serius demi negara.
Wallahualam. Kpd Tuhan kita berserah.
Terima kasih atas pandangan yg short and sharp.
Tulisan2 blogger sebelum ini dalam menerangkan perbezaan kuasa rakyat sebagai pengundi dan raja raja Melayu warisan feudal sebelum ini termasuk dari Tamrin Tun Ghaffar memudahkan memahami rentetan isu dan pergolakan politik berkait raja termasuk Raja Idris Perak yang terpaksa ke Kuala Lumpur kerana enggan menerima Ghazali Jawi sebagai MB pasca PRU 74 lalu.
السلام عليكم assalāamu/ 'alaikum; (salam ataih kalian,),
Aku dok ingat hang nak coret pasai kalah PH diRantau, ropanya hang pi coret pasai Dr Din
di Johog. Kalu hang coret pasai Rantau, aku ada sikit sumbangan pasai kampong dekat Rantau tu,
kampong keluarga angkat aku. Zaman dolu2, sekali tu ada ceramah agama di surau dekat romah almarhumah
Mak angkat aku dgn penceramah dari KL. Tapi yg mai dengag ceramah tu hanya dua orang,
mak angkat aku dan adik angkat aku ( yg jugak telah almarhum ). Depa pon terasa temalu,
pasai ustadz tu mai jauh, lalu depa pon cepat2 mintak maghap kad ustadz tu. Tapi ustadz tu
nampak tak tekesan, dia sambut dgn bekata ‘Kalu sorang saja pon yg mai, dia tetap akan beceramah’.
Legaa habih.
Aku rasa lagu tu la kebanyakkan orang kampung situ, dari dolu2 lagi, tebiasa begantung harap pd
United Malays untuk dapat kerja, biasiswa, bantuan sabsidi dan itu ini. Pertalian keluarga jugak kuat.
Paih tu Mat Hassan tu katanya budak Rantau... apa lagi, lawan dia pulak India dari luag dan
tak kisah la kerajaan memerintah dari PH. Jadi nak habag mai dgn rendah hati, pilihan calon hampa
munkin tak kena awai2 lagi. Orang spikin gomen kata, kena la ‘play to the gallery’.
Mintak maghap Kadiag, yg Daim pi jauh2 ke Tong San tu nak sambong projek keretapi Pantai Timog, tak bulih ka
tanggoh ka buat setahun dua lagi, biag selesai masaalah bayaran balik PPTN, penganggoran dan tol dulu.
Dan sabsidi kos sara hidop, bayag laa seratuih ringgit sebulan no.
Bukan saja untuk orang2 yg kerja ke Port Diksen, Soramban ka Senawang ka,
tapi di seluruh Malaya, Sabah dan Sarawak. Rata2 ramai orang susah laa ni....
Maghap, kalu aku telajak no.
Please keep in mind!
The use their existence is just to be seen, not to be heard!
They have to be taught about this!
Constitution is supreme!
who believes in Dr Maszlee?
He said LOVE, happiness and mutual respect – these are the three values that the government will focus on to formulate a holistic education system.
Where was he when his vote on the Sabah and Sarawak states was needed?
Silly man, all the time silly, always speaking out of turn.
Wait for action to be taken against him by the PH whip for missing in action.
the new MB of Johore, he must not pander to anyone or serve other masters, other than the Johore voters and the PH govt who put him where he is.
Dr Sahruddin Jamal do your best, be firm against outside pressure. Performance counts, not yes men, uphold the rule of law, the federal constitution is supreme in all matters.
Timely reminder from you Datuk.
Remember liars and pretenders get caught, don't follow PAS central committee member Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz who admitted he lied to the people after he was caught out.
He now says PAS-Umno ties should last until Judgment Day. Guess the cows will believe him, but it's also doubtful.
Who can believe Abduh any more? He made his mark in history as a liar. Disgrace will always follow him till the day he leaves the world. Such is life.
Dato..andai kjaan regim ph-dap masih tidak mahu berubah..rejim in tidak akan bertahan lama...Jika rejim ph-dap ini masih lagi hanya pandai berjanji namun tidak melaksanakan janji2 nya. Masih lagi angkuh bongkak dan menggunakan alasan2 yg memperbodohkan rakyat..menyalahkan kjaan terdahulu..sedangkan mereka sendiri gagal untuk memulihkan keadaan ekonomi yg menghimpit rakyat jelata, sudah pasti bukan sahaja org melayu malah bukan melayu pun akan menolak kjaan ph-dap ini spt apa yg berlaku di Rantau. Selalu menuduh umno-pas sbg rasis, namun berdiam diri apabila menteri dap india membuat kenyataan lebih rasis semasa berkempen d rantau. Penyokong pulak merasakan mereka kebal spt pemimpin mereka sehingga begitu samseng menahan kereta polis. Rakyat sedang memerhati dan tidak akan terkejut jika mereka akan menghukum rejim ph-dap jika pru15 diadakan nanti. Sikap suka bertelagah dgn raja2.melayu pasti menjadi padah pada kjaan ph-dap ini. Nmpk sgt rejim ph-dap ini telah memperagakan sikap sebenar mereka yg anti melayu, anti islam dan anti raja2.melayu. Faktor2 ini lah yg menyebabkan makin ramai rakyat bosan dg kjaan ph-dap ini.
why oh why not??
This very interesting extract taken from a comment:
The PH gomen is lying about the toll compensation. If the gomen can renegotiate with mighty China on ECRL why can't they renegotiate the agreement with PLUS and others, when they themselves are a major shareholder? They could even terminate them if they want to?
Very fair question and so far the govt has been evading toll decrease, toll renegotiation, toll cancellation. Something to hide?
Cannot evade this for ever and the longer the govt does not act on toll charges, the more the rakyat will be stoked up by the opposition.
really ridiculous to read all those analysts on the Rantau loss by PH.
Mat Hassan's win was a given, no big deal.
So even PH leaders making a big fuss out of it, saying that PH needs to look at more economic improvements are all blah blah blah. Even Daim fell into the trap.
Rantau was a walkover for the acting Umno president.
Mat Hassan won simply because he is a local boy, and has represented Rantau for three terms already. It was clear from day one that Mohamad would take the seat.
So the fact that he has won does not reflect the purported messages that the opposition says the rakyat is sending to Harapan.
Of course, it is only to be expected that the opposition leaders will capitalise on the victory by interpreting the results to their advantage and running down the ruling government. That's politics.
PH leaders have to learn how to publicise such so called victories to the people when they win in their own seats. If UMNO can say the rakyat was sending a message,
two can play the same game in the next coming byelection in Sabah.
Hassan's win does not mean all ends well for UMNO or for himself. He needs to be investigated by MACC into his RM10 million transfer to UK, his properties overseas and whether there was any money laundering or other violations.
So also let the rakyat know that the appointment of the new MB Johore was according to Putrajaya, Johoreans' and rakyat's will. And that the opposition can eat crow for all they want.
Lack of information and the lack of reach of government channels, poor communication between Putrajaya and the rakyat has resulted in information not trickling down to the grassroots.
The Information Department and Radio-TV Malaysia had a miniscule reach compared to some news media which had millions of followers on Facebook, says PKR Youth secretary Ahmad Syukri Che Ab Razab.
Ahmad Syukri said PKR Youth had discovered during the election campaign for the Rantau by-election that the people were furious with the government.
Apart from Pakatan Harapan’s unfulfilled election pledges, the anger also stemmed from several national issues which the opposition were quick to capitalise on and turn it into a race and religious issue.
“Perceptions can be managed if there was an aggressive, creative and an organised campaign by the government to explain such matters,” he said.
Syukri then urged the government to enhance its communication immediately, especially in the digital domain.
He said some news portals had millions of followers on Facebook, but the Information Department only had 310,000 followers and RTM 124,000 followers.
He said the communications and multimedia ministry must ensure that the government’s official communication outlets perform well in the digital arena to ensure information can be provided to the people effectively.
Gobind Deo you and your Ministry have to carry out its work effectively, efficiently and expeditiously. No more sitting back and bask in lower broadband pricing.
Even the broadband unifi has not even reached its target population areas, the list of applicants waiting for available unifi slots keeps on increasing, when is your plannng unit getting the infrastructure expanded and installed. Don't let it become another issue.
I diagree with Daim that Harapan needs another six months to fix economic woes, too optimistic.
It would need another 1 or to years if we are realistic and reasonable.
Years of economic mismanagement by Najim and regime cannot really be solved in 6 months.
Just expand and expound on this to the people, your message will be heard.
We just don't like elegant silences or silly explanations or foolish projects that even the more fervent PH supporters will not buy.
Banish or decrease toll charges is an immediate plus, why wait longer as Putrajaya is also a shareholder. Mammoth renegotiations like the ECRL could be carried out, why wait for the toll.
In Malaysia, criminal cases are referred to as PP v the name of the Accused Person. PP stands for the Public Prosecutor who is the Attorney-General. He acts pursuant to the constitutional and statutory duties emplaced under Art. 145(3) Federal Constitution and Section 376 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Unlike previously in the UK, criminal cases in Malaysia since independence are not reported as R v Accused Person. R stood for Rex or Regina, the Crown. The Public Prosecutor in Malaysia represents the Public, the Nation and its People, and not any crown. The PP is the very personification of our Constitutional Supremacy. No One Is Above The Law.
The first and foremost feature of Malaysian Sovereignty is that the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all state organs including the executive, parliament, judiciary, states etc. are bound by it. They must act within the limits laid down by the Constitution.
Malaysia is akin to the USA and India in this regard.
Giddy with joy, the minute the much-anticipated news came in, announcing that BN had retained the Rantau Seat. Instantly, I found myself, adrenaline started rushing and pumping swiftly through my veins and spreading throughout my system. I just couldn't contain my excitement and ecstasy. The deja vu of overwhelming euphoric feeling was likened to the unforgettable glorious all-night-long 9th of May. Word fails me to describe the thrills. For once, God had finally answered my prayer to send a retribution to serve those puffed up reformists right, to be defeated outright and hit them spot on like a thunderbolt. This, too, has flung a warning reminder to the gang to stop their vile stock-in-trade tactics to try to stampede Tun into quitting.
Meanwhile, may the new MB of Johor perform well and live up to the expectations of Tun and make all Johoreans proud and worth the appointment.
The New MB useless,Never followed instruction given to him by Pak Mahathir.Yellow Umbrella follower.
The Federal Court decision in the case of Indira Gandhi Mutho V. Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak & Ors And Other Appeals [2018] 3 CLJ 145 consolidates the “basic structure” of the Constitution which, according to the Federal Court, includes the separation of powers, rule of law and protection of minorities. The rule of law complementarily contributes to the establishment of the legitimacy of the constitutional representative democracy which in contemporary Malaysian society post-independence offsets mutual deficiencies and further enhances mutual strengths. Representative democracy is a well-enshrined Malaysian constitutional feature and must be seen as a basic structure attribution of the constitution.
Malaysian elected representatives have the ability to exercise decision-making powers and such powers are subject to the rule of law and it is usually moderated by the constitution. The constitution emphasizes the rights and freedoms of individuals.
Malaysia practices representative democracy in which the federal and state governments are selected from elected representatives voted in by the citizenry.
In choosing the Executive Head of the Federal Government, Article 43(2)(a) Federal Constitution merely imposes two requirements : the Prime Minister designate must be a member of and have the confidence of the majority of the members of the Dewan Rakyat.
An example in choosing an executive head of a state government - Article 4 (2)(a) of the Johor constitution merely stipulates that a member of the Johor state legislative assembly who is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the assembly SHALL be first appointed to preside over the the state executive council. Thus, any representation made by the leader of the winning party in command of the Johor state legislative assembly must be taken into constitutional consideration.
Any action contrary to the rule of law and constitutional democracy precepts well-enshrined in our Federal Constitution must be seen as belittling the supremacy of our Federal Constitution and blatantly usurping the constitutional rights of our citizenry.
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