Tuesday, December 09, 2008

To the Empire They Go

A Kadir Jasin

[ANONYMOUS comments with not be entertained. When commenting, your real identity is preferred. But a suitable pseudonym is accepted. If you have to use anonymous, please print your name or pen name at the bottom of your message. Please avoid seditious, defamatory and libelous statements. Unrelated comments will not be given priority.]

[Updated Version -- Dec. 10]

A word of caution. I noticed that some debaters are getting a tat too emotional, a tat too racist and a tat too provocative. Please be more rational otherwise I may be forced to rejects more of such comments or close debate on this topic altogether. Thank You.

[Original Post]

good that the Malaysian Hindus have brought their alleged marginalisation to the Queen of England because their plight, as they have alleged, started with the semi-slavery of the indentured Indian workers by the British Empire.

Portraying the Malays as lazy natives and condemning them to the subsistence economy of the villages and shoreline, the British imported en-masse indentured workers from India and China.

Thanks to them, the British successfully mined tin and gold to pave the Streets of London. Leveled the lush rain forests to plant rubber that they stole from Brazil, tea and later oil palms.

When the Communists started to attack their plantations and tin mines, they recruited the lazy Malays and told them of patriotism and the evil of communism and the danger of Chinese dominance.

They Malays love their Tanah Melayu (the land of the Malays). They become soldiers, auxiliary policemen and plantation guards to ward off the marauding Communist terrorists.

They sacrificed their lives to protect their English Tuans and Mems. They kept the Tuans’ Chinese amahs, Malay drivers and Indian gardeners safe. And not to mention the thousands of indentured Indian and Chinese workers in the plantations, tin and gold mines, small towns and kongsis.

Then, in 1957, the Tuans left. For some reasons, they forgot to send back to China and India or bring with them to old England the millions of indentured Chinese and Indian workers.

Instead, the Tuans told the lazy but kindhearted Malays, led by a prince no less, that they could have their independence on condition that they accord citizenship to the Chinese and Indians who choose to stay put.

Overnight, the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu aka the Federation of Malaya embraced one million Chinese and Indian immigrants.

A full 50 years ago later, the descendants of the Malaysianised indentured Indian immigrants sprang into action under the banner of the now banned Hindu Rights Action Front (Hindraf) with a massive protest in Kuala Lumpur in November 2007 and suit in an English Court alleging marginalisation, injustice and the whole works.

On Dec. 8, according to Malaysiakini news portal reported that their “representatives” led by a Malaysian Chinese woman identified as Tricia Yeoh, the director of the Centre for Public Policy Studies at the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli) appeared before the House of Lords in London to brief Sandip Verma, the Conservative party’s Shadow Minister of Education.

They Malaysiakini quoted Yeoh as saying that “a full revamp of economic policy is urgently required to address the problems of the marginalised Indian community in Malaysia.”

So, thanks to the outlawed Hindraf and its supporters, we, the Malaysians --- the Melayu, Iban, Kadazan, Cina, India and a host of other ethnic peoples --- will have to endure the scrutiny and examination by the likes of Baroness Sandip Verma, who, according to Wikipedia, was born in Punjab in 1959 and moved to England when she was a year old.

She is a businesswoman and member of the House of Lords and the Opposition Whip and Spokesperson for Education and Skills and Health.

I do not know what the Malaysian Chinese are having in mind. I can’t imagine them making a beeline to London or complaining to the Chinese government.

But according to Press reports, the Jiao Zong (United Chinese School Teachers’ Association) had threatened “mammoth demo” should the government decide to continue the policy of teaching of mathematics and science in English.

The association, according to its president Ong Chiaw Chuan, sees the policy as “the greatest threat to Chinese education.”

So, here we are, another day in multi-racial Malaysia. But a piece of chapati and a cup of teh si kosong keep me happy.


wakmempelam said...

Dear Datuk,

I have no clue why this useless Indians keep on complaining, after all they have had the longest PM of Indian descent serving the country for 22 years. Itu pun tak cukup lagi. I give up with them.

Anonymous said...

Dato', lets put thing into perspective and we should avoid being emotional.
Who is this Tricia Yeoh? Malaysian or Briton.?
Was she voted by the HINDRAF to represent them? Very nice for her.
The Malaysian government,
Why do you ignore this group?
Why do you use ISA to suppress this people. Are you scared of confronting them openly in Malaysia?
Kerajaan yang bijak harus bertindak 'SEBELUM NASI JADI BUBUR"
Kita tak perlu ungkit apa yang berlaku dahulu kala, What we need is sincerity and honesty back by political will to find the solution.
We are heading to no where or there is going to be big thunderstorm ahead.
Pak Lah must wake up and be himself to handle this Malaysian Indians dilemma.dh9753

Jitu said...

Bersabar buat seketika. Tunggu dan lihat apa mereka nak buat.

Anonymous said...

Dato Kj.

Tuan ada menyebut mengenai ASLI dan Tricia Yeoh.Ada satu lagi orang damal ASLI Micheal Yeoh.Dia ini ahli Suhakam.Ada kan mereka ini adek beradek.

Mereka kedua2ini asyek memperjuangkan issue yang bertentengan kerajaan.

Tan Sri Abu Talib,hairan mengapa mereka ini di lantek menanggotai Suhakan.Dia tanya Syed hamid.Syed Hamid kata you kena check dengan Pak Lah.

Masaalah Hindraf dan tuntutannya tidak ada apa2 yang perlu di takuti.bagitu juga dengan kumpulan pelampau Cina.Dengar kata mereka ini pun tealh dapat menjalankan satu University Private.Baru2 ini mereka bergadoh sesama sendiri ia itu dengan Dr Kua.Ynag jadi masaalah ia lah Kerajaan kita.

Mass media kita menjadi terlau lemah sahingga tak dapat mengawal berita yang negetive ini.Di tambah pula Mass Media kita pun sama,mereka jua bertanggaon jawab mengeluarkan berita yang tak masok akal sahingga rayaat sendiri tak lagi percaya mereka.Akhbar Utusan dan Berita Harian pun sama.Bagitu juga denga TVI.TV2 dan Tv3.

Kaum India di Malaysia ini macam loose canon.Kaum india ini saya nampak mereka ini sama sahaja.baik di Fiji,baik di Uk, baik di South Afrika,kenya,Tanzania.Kalau dia sikit dia jadi amah,kalau dia banyak sikit dia jadi mandor.Di Malaysia dia dah jadi mandor sudah lama,sekarang dia nak jadi Tuan.

Masa Samy Velu dan MIC dai hanya ada satu menteri dan dua timbalan.Sekarang tampa Samy,dia dah bolah jadi deputy CM,Speaker,Exco dan Timbalan Menteri.Next level mungkin deputy Prime Minister.Dia liha sendiri Di Singapora.Orang India asal dari Malaysia boleh jadi President,boleh jadi deputy PM,Boleh jadi senior Minister,boleh kaji Diplomat dan Duta,Jumlah mereka denga Orang Melayu Singapora amat sikit.

Dengar kata Dato Najib pun mempunyai penasehat dari kaum India.Saya harap tidak lah benar berita yang mengatakan Dato Najib mengunakan samy India dari Kerala sabagai tukang tileknya.Minta simpang dari Allah.

Orang India ini ada yang baik.ada yang boleh kita suroh kesana sini.Kalau nak faham sifat kaum2 India ini,kita kena lah selalu menonton filen Hidustant dan Filem India.Saya cadangkan bila kita pulang dari kerja,ada banyak tekanan,maka darah pun naik,cepat lah kita lihan filem India.

Anonymous said...


The usual cowboy six-shooter you fire has suddenly turn into an automatic machine gun.

We rakyat pemalas will hand you an AK47 should you need one.

Back to enjoying my daging korban my grandson brought me.

ab said...

Salam dato',

Harap Wisma Putera beri maklumat
terperinci dan pada kadar yang
segera hendaknya .

DS Rais Yatim kena tenguk dan bersuloh terang dengan segera..

Sementara itu, bolih remove these peoples citizenships in absentia.
Tenguk apa Queen depa tu nak buat?.

Itu Queen depa kita cuma ikut Yang DiPertuan Agong.

Kalau orang melayu marah betul nanti susah ni....

Walaubagaimana pun bersahabat ini pun perlu mempunyai had batasan dan tatasusilanya.

Kalau perlu sahabat bolih jadi musuh, terutamanya apabila mempertahankan negara,ugama dan bangsa......

Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

Azman said...

Y.Bhg Datuk AKJ,

1. Has Tricia Yeoh any relations/connections with Micheal Yeoh?

2. I've heard rumors saying that the Chinese were the one whom strongly opposing the teaching of Maths and Science in English since the word go. Macam api dalam sekam. Now it seems that they cannot contain it anymore.

3. I wonder whether all these Jiao Zong's hubbubs and "mammoth demo" could be reminisced to '87 incident?

4. Perhaps some Malay's organizations which are opposing to the teaching of Maths and Science in English, also could join Jiao Zong's "mammoth demo" & chanting "the greatest threat of Bahasa Melayu sovereignty".

Azman Mohd Isa

Anonymous said...

The point of the matter actually is not about how the Indians or Chinese got their citizenships. It is modern day accepted practises that citizens enjoy equal rights under international laws.

While there may be provisions for special rights and treatments for good reasons, one has to be reasonable to what extent is that special means.

Does it mean the exclusion of the others the way it is happening in the country?

Go figure.

Vijay said...

Wahai kaum melayu... u org nak kutuk org india... kutuk je lah..nak hentam macam mana pun hentam je.. org india kat malaysia ini sikit je... tak ramai.. saya pun org india jugak... tapi tak pernah support Hindraf... bagi saya org yang berpelajaran, murah hati, baik, kalau dia kerja keras suatu hari nanti dia akan dapat balasan yang setimpal... memang org hindraf ini tak ada otak sampai nak mogok...sebab peratusan yang hadir untuk hindraf ini semua tak berpelajaran... biarkan je la... kalau nak komen biarlah baik sikit... kita sama sama rakyat malaysia...

Anonymous said...

Why not each race give a star ratings to their list of requests or complains from the least important to most important. Then let the government of the day focus and try to resolve on the most important and urgent. Have a timeframe, it could be 1,2,3 or more years to reach an amicable solution or compromise. Otherwise, everybody will be side tracked by trivial issues.

We have to be a realist here. Whatever the decision or resolution, the government will never make everybody happy. The intent here is only to minimise unhappiness.


Anonymous said...

Anon of 6:22 PM is echoing the voices from across the southern border.

If he be a MyCard holder, take it off him. Then give him the boot.


Anonymous said...

Dato', You talk a lot on the formation of Independent Malaysia, the roles palyed by the British, the Malays, the chinese and the Indians. After, the affirmative action for the Malays, the Malays have become from lazy to one of prominance in all walks of the life, be it education, finance and needless to say that the government. Lets face it the indians were left with crumbs inspite of rhetoric that MIC is a partner. The chinese on their own made it in business and finance and hence have no need for any affirmative action by the government. The indians after 50 years were left to find their own ways without any assitance from the government. Any assitance given was waylaid by MIC and cronies, hence the desperate attempt by indians on that fateful day 25th Nov.2008. This is a globlished world any misgivings and misfortune will have global prespective. The Mumbai bombing not only have repercussion in India but globally. If one can bring issues in Somolia and palastine issue to global forum, why is that a think tank group cannot bring this issues to global audiance.
This writer is a common man with common sense.


casper c said...

Salam Dato' dan semua

Golongan Persatuan Guru SJK membantah pengajaran dua matapelajaran dlm Bahasa Ing bukan perkara baru malah dari pangkal lagi.

Bantahan mesti dikaji dari dua sudut
1)Dgn adanya Bahasa Ing sebagai bahasa perantaraan, prestasi murid sekolah merosot. Budak-budak jadi bingai memandangkan formula, prinsip, istilah dikemukakan dlm bahasa ibunda sudah cukup mengelirukan, apa lagi ditambah pengajaran bahasa asing.
2)Prestasi keseluruhan mata pelajaran Bahasa Ing tidak nampak meningkat, malah lagi menjunam dikalangan murid SK. Inilah akibat policy setengah masak - caught in between no man's land. Kalau bernas usaha meningkatkan penggunaan Ing, biarlah ia dijadikan mata pelajaran mandatori lulus, macam BM diperingkat SPM.

Sepatutnya, usaha meningkatkan penggunaan BIng terselah pada cikgu mengajar bahasa dan bukan dijaidkan beban cikgu mengajar Matematik/Science. Belum lagi cikgu sekolah sendiri mantap penggunaan BIng tetapi ditugaskan mengajar, mana tak kantoi !

Secara ringkas silapnya adalah ditangan Kementerian. Dgn tiada rancangan terperinci, tidak mengambil kira sebarang masalah jangka panjang, policy yg tak menguntungkan dibebankan kpd murid sekolah.

Dari sudut persekolahan, golongan cendiakawan Cina memang peka, saya percaya usaha mereka telus utk memberi persekolahan yg paling mantap - untungnya bukan duit ribu, tak kaya jadi cikgu, hanya penghargaan melihat kejayaan murid sekolah mereka sendiri.

Belated Salam Raya Dato'.

Anonymous said...

The Best answer to all these is the Term from your Melayuised former MAMAK PM "Melayu Mudah Lupa"
Ironically as one of my Malay Professors use to say that some words like "Dengki" and proverbs like "lupa daratan" befits only the Malays.

casper c said...

From a personal stand point, I feel it is embarrassing Hindraf protest made its way to the House of Lords but Dollah Badawi and Botak left them little choice. The door was shut and the ISA used liberally by Imam Besar Hadhari and the way arrest was dished out does not commensurate with protest.

Temple demolition to me is trivial but the many Indian men and boys dying in the lock-up and prison, the plight of Indian families making up a big proportion of urban poor certainly isn't.

Imagine, to be *whacked while defenseless in no laughing matter. How many blows before life is beaten out of a person ? How long does it take ?

*Fikirlah sendiri abang-abang, sakit macam mana sebelum seseorang menghempus nafas terakhir ? Kalau tembak, tak payah satu saat, tapi ini dipukul sampai mati !!!

It is a painful and horrendous way to die I assure you. We don't hear of too many death under custody for Malays, Chinese and all others - we can conclude PDRM's finest does no favours for Indians.

About time Dollah Badawi clean up the mess. This is equivalent to Bush's Iraq conquest and it was no less than George Bush Sr to sound out the folly of Jr's war on terror.

The Imam Besar has left nothing for M'sians to endear himself to ordinary citizens and for all the love and affection he profess for late Kak Endon, he goes on to take another wife when late wife was barely six feet under and certainly not properly mourned. The most unsentimental would say the same but Badawi and his tool was too keen to get into the rough to do battle I guess.

Regards all.

Anonymous said...

And yet the Royal Malay Regiment goes to London to guard Queen Elizabeth II


Tok Mila said...

God help me, I'm still quite blur about this Hindraf thing. And this Jiao Zong's cause...God, I'm so confused!!!

So, if the Indians in Malaysia are feeling marginalized, why did this Chinese person :
1. spoke on their behalf?
2. spoke on their behalf to someone in England?

This Indian person in England who went there when she was one, is she Indian (subcontinent passport holder), British or Malaysian? She should be Malaysian (me thinks) because she is listening to the `plight' of Malaysian Indians, isn't it?!

All this while, I thought it is really and only the Malays who do not want to have Maths and Science to be taught in English, now I know better, thank God. And here I was posting a comment commending Bakri M. Musa's on his proposal to set up an English Medium Islamic School. That is actually workable. But how to appease the Jiao Zongs? Chinese medium Islamic school?

A few days ago my six year old son asked me what is the meaning of `s_ _t stirrer'. Firstly, I explained to him that it is not such a nice term of reference, so try not to ever use it on anyone, secondly, I said to him, if you really have to use it (God forbid) say `feces stirrer' instead.

Now, I have reasons to use the term , although, I promise not to let my son know about it.

God help us all.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect. Indians love Mat Sallehs. Sometimes they also act like Mat Salleh.
Come to think of i, if but for their skin they can qualify as Mat Salleh. Those of Aryan stock that is with the sharp features.
They have been known to bodek Mat Salleh so what is shocking to to see the Queen.
Th queen can take them to Britain for all I care.
Ingrate fellas. Jusr look around in Bansar and Damansara Heights. Indians are minorities but the wealthy ones far, far outnumber the Malays.
If they stay in Mumbai, they wont be having a higb life, that's for sure.
The Chinese too can balik Tongsan. Looks like Britain are flushing them out. You can see them by the droves soon in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...


you have to look into Jebat Must Die article which is along the line that we, anak melayu is now being openly challenged by the non anak melayu. jangan jolok sarang tebuan..... jangan tanah melayu berdarah kembali... tak larat nak kasi kering kalau dah melimpah macam sungai. orang melayu ni pelik sikit. suka bagi muka. sabar katanya sebab islam kata sabar tu separuh dari iman...bila tak tahan nanti siaplah mangamok...

macam tak reti bahasa pulak....

Keturunan Jebat

Premium Business said...

Kalau kita mengikut sejarah bangsa China dan India, berbanding dengan bangsa Melayu, mereka adalah yang terhebat dan sentiasa hebat sampai sekarang.

Orang Melayu perlu belajar banyak dari mereka, seperti Tun mengajak rakyat Malaysia pandang ke timor.

Tentang orang keturunan India seperti Hindraf dan keturunan China seperti DAP, mereka adalah golongan mundur yang kaum mereka sendiri telah menolak dan tidak menerima mereka secara total.

Orang Melayu khususnya harus tidak kecoh dengan puak ini sebaliknya terus belajar perkara2 yang baik dari kaum India dan China yang masih berkualiti di Malaysia. Orang Melayu harus fokus kepada kemunduran ekonomi dan moral yang semakin merosot. Melayan puak pelampau ini tidak akan mendatangkan apa apa keuntungan pun sebaliknya memperlahankan kemajuan Melayu itu sendiri.

Anonymous said...


Datang mereka tidak di jemput,
pergi ,ereka tidak di tahan.

Masuk kandang kambing, mengembik,
masuk kandang harimau, mengaum.

Masalah nya bila sistem sekolah banyak aliran, maka bidalan Melayu tidak di fahami.

Tapi di UK, pendatang fasih menggunakan wisdom Inggeris dari bahasa mereka sendiri

Mudskipper said...

YBhg Dato, Salam hormat

Anugerah untuk HINDRAF, hak MELAYU dinafikan

The Star Online hari ini melaporkan bahawa Hindu Right Action Force (HINDRAF) telah memenangi anugerah hak asasi kemanusiaan SUARAM.

Sudahlah HINDRAF ni merupakan sebuah pertubuhan haram, dimenangkan pula dengan anugerah. SUARAM tu pun barangkali sebuah pertubunhan yang tidak sah ?. Itu belacak tidak tahu.

Bila menilai kembali kandungan tuntutan Hindraf kepada Kerajaan Malaysia dan Queen of England timbul juga dihati belacak bahawa sepatutnya orang MELAYU lah yang bangkit membuka jalan membuat tuntutan seperti yang di utarakan oleh Hindraf itu!.

Kerugian telah dan sedang dialami oleh seluruh keturunan Melayu gara-gara tindakan British membawa secara beramai-ramai pendatang dari Negeri China dan India ke Tanah Melayu.

Akibat daripada tindakan tamak British untuk mengaut hasil bumi Tanah Melayu telah menyebabkan orang-orang Melayu yang menjadi pribumi di tanah bertuah ini menderita kehilangan tanah, terpinggir, hilang hak dan kemakmuran.

Belacak akan mencadangkan kepada Gabungan Graduan Melayu Muda (GGMM), untuk membawa tuntutan ini ke atas kerana disitu ada sekumpulan lawyer Melayu yang punya jatidiri dan sanggup berjuang tanpa memikirkan keuntungan atau kepentingan diri, untuk memulakan tindakan menfailkan tuntutan kepada kerajaan British atas kerugian dan penafian hak yang dialami oleh generasi keturunan Melayu akibat penghijrahan beramai-ramai pendatang pendatang ini.

Antara tututan yang akan dikemukakan (mungkin boleh di ubahsuai) :

1). Menuntut Kerajaan British meminta maaf diatas tindakan membawa masuk pendatang cina dan india beramai-ramai ke Tanah Melayu sehingga Melayu kehilangan hak ke atas tanah, hasil bumi dan kemakmuran (termasuk kehilangan wilayah : Singapura dan Pulau Pinang.)

2). Menuntut Kerajaan British membayar ganti rugi sebanyak RM 3 Trillion sebagai pampasan kepada seluruh orang Melayu.

3). Mempersembahkan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu agar Kerajaan Malaysia menggubal undang- undang bahawa hanya orang Melayu sahaja yang berhak mengundi dan memilih pemerintah atau wakil mereka.

4). Mempersembahkan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu agar menitahkan kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia mengagihkan keuntungan Petronas kepada setiap keluarga Melayu sebagai ganti rugi kehilangan hak keatas tanah, ekonomi dan kemakmuran Melayu sejak kedatangan pendatang.

5). Lain-lain yang difikirkan sesuai dan berkaitan.

Rakan-rakan blogawan boleh memperbaiki lagi cadangan ini. Barangkali inilah satu - satunya cara terbaik untuk memulihkan semula keyakinan dan semangat orang Melayu. Kini Sudah sampai masanya!.

Jenguk belacak di : http//belacakbaroh.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I think its the perfect time Malaysia becomes a communist country where all the people assets and wealth should be nationalized and be given to all Rakyat evenly. Then its fair to all. Dont u think so?

Unknown said...

Dengan penuh rasa hormat dan adab, saya berpendapat bangsa Melayu sedang menghadapi krisis kepimpinan dan maruah yang paling teruk.

Kepimpinan Melayu terutamanya UMNO sudah hampir hilang relevansinya.

Hinggakan tidak mampu memberhentikan pemimpin sekarang yang secara jelas gagal dan merosakkan bangsa dengan bantuan kaum keluarganya. Dia masih boleh berdolak dalik dan memanjangkan hayat kekuasaannya.

Ahli Majlis Tertinggi hanya mengangguk kerana takut walaupun orang-orang inilah yang melaungkan bahawa INILAH ZAMAN DEMOKRASI TERULUNG.

Tidak tahu siapa yang mereka ingin bodohkan.


Itu sebabnya Cina dan India mencuba nasib walaupun mereka tahu mereka sebenarnya tidak ikhlas dalam perbuatan mereka.

Walaupun Cina dan India tahu mereka sedang mencetuskan perbalahan kaum. Mereka tahu mereka sedang bermain dengan api.

Melayu perlu bangkit dan bersuara; mungkin kali ini tanpa pemimpin mereka yang sibuk dengan Kuasa, Tamak dan Haloba.

balan said...

Malaysian Indians have cow herd mentality.

They will continue complaining as long as there are some unscruplous politicians and lawyers to incite them.

Many react without thinking. Not a single Indians that I have asked knows exactly the content of the 18point HINDRAF memorandum.

For many their world is their own circle of friends, Tamil newspapers and Tamil Movies.

For example in the blogspere itself, how many Indian bloggers there who are active in participating in other blog discussion?

Just go to any one of their blogs, their blog roll are full of their own kind.

They wants to remain in their own cocoon. Let them be.


Rockybru said...

Nice one, Tok Scribe.

By Hindraf's logic and the brief history lesson here, the Malays are the ones who should be suing the Empire for saddling them with their migrant problems back when they were about to leave this Land of the Malays with their tails between their legs.

Jiao Zhong's threat is yet another test for all of us who call ourselves Malaysians or Bangsa Malaysia.

Perhaps we should let them have their way -- don't teach Maths and Science in English for the Chinese schools. Make it compulsory to teach them in Bahasa Malaysia, instead!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Salam Dato',

Handsomenye Shah Rukh Khan ari tu....


Unknown said...

The myth that the British brought in the Chinese as indentured labourers to work in the tin mines gets repeated over and over again out of sheer intellectual laziness. I'm very surprised to hear a person like A. Kadir Jasin repeating this myth too.

While it is true that the British brought in the Indians to work as indentured labourers to work in British-owned rubber plantations, the same is not true in the case of the Chinese. In fact, it was the Chinese tin mine owners themselves that brought in the Chinese labourers to work in their mines. And here's something that the Malays should know: It was the Malays that first invited the Chinese to develop the tin mines. Heard of Long Jaafar and his son Ngah Ibrahim? Kapitan Chung Keng Quee? The Larut Wars? The Pangkor Treaty?

Due to the civil war that broke out in Perak between the claimants to the Sultanate, one may say that both the Malays and the Chinese were responsible for bringing in the British into the Malay States.

Only after the Malay States accepted the British Residents, then only came the railroads, the rubber plantations and the Indian indentured labourers. The Chinese tin miners and their labourers came before the British.

Anonymous said...

When we are in desperate situation we will do desperate things or at times we become a bit irrational. Probably, the Indians felt that they have to act irrationally to attract attention to their plights. On the other hand, do we see the Chinese acting the same way as the Indians. Definitely NO! Because compared to the Indians and Malays, the Chinese are the most well off and importantly they control the country's economy. If the government can build 10 universities, the Chinese have the resources to build 20 universities. The private sector can even absorb all the Chinese in their employment.

I prefer to inteprete the lists of Chinese demands, complains and their issues of meritocracy, use of vernacular language, social contract, racist statements, and many others as attempts to divert attention to their continuous initiatives and programmes to progressively move ahead. The current global financial crisis will further help their cause.


balan said...

Now we have a threat.

Let's have a refendum rather than allow these groups and ministry to decide.

Do read my take on this.

Anonymous said...

Datuk Scribe Esq.,

Bane and insane as it may sound, the proposal by commentator Belacak, the mudskipper, the creature of land and water, the Peribumi of this Tanah Melayu, the Land of the Malays, as Datuk Scribe puts it, is timely, rationale and even wise given the belligerence and kurang-ajarness of the unlawful Hindraf type.

Who are these people anyway? Gods, demons, Godmen? Shameful that while the rich Indians, the lawyers, engineers, politicians and scrape metal traders and their madams and Filipino lovers with gold chains the size of the dogs metal chains wine and dine in Bangsar and Sri Hartamas, the poor Indians who once worshiped Samy Vellu like he was the Godman and sent their children to Tamil schools to educated as illiterates, dropouts and glue sniffer in the name of Tamil nationalism, are crying foul at everything.

Who marginalized these Tamilians? Cannot be the Melayu? How could they? They too are being marginalized by their power hungry and money grabbing minority warlords. The Tamil brought this upon themselves by worshiping Samy Vellu and sending their children to schools that are kept alive in cahoot with Umno so that the MIC can have branches in every estate and Tamil school headmasters can become branch chairmen.

So if the Tamils can use a Chinese to go to London to see the Queen, why can't the marginalized Melayu whose number are larger than the Chinese and Indians. They too can complain and demand compensation from the Englishmen for robbing their Tanah Melayu of tin, gold, timber and for bringing millions of Chinese and Indians and not taking them to England when the retreated.

Lucky for the Malayu there was a clever PM called Mahathir who raided the LSE to recapture Guthrie in the dawn raid only to be robbed later by Synergy Drive because a certain Chinese manipulator told the Hadhari Imam than merger is good.

So Belacak why stop at a mass Malayu protest? Why not a referendum of the Swiss type to ask the Malayu about their ketuanan, the Hindraf Tamil if they want to settle in England and the Jiao Zong Chinese if they want to turn their SJKC into shao-lin schools with fying daggers and scrouching GROs?
And we leave Datuk Scribe to be as happy as a clam with his tea and chapati.

Bird Brain

Bob PaL-aNi-SaM-y said...

Many Indians during the HINDRAF rally did not know how the memorandum was worded.

I wrote my objections of the terms like 'genocide' and etc....

The Malays ate in the same table as Indians and Chinese. We rode the same bus. Unlike racial segreagtion of Blacks in USA. Life was good, but what happened the last few years without DrM.

50 years later.
The HINDRAF in spirit was about protest against MIC and BN. The temple demolition should have been done decently. As a Hindu myself, I know there are 2 many indiscriminate temples.

We have the highest crime rates and alcholism....and no one seems to care...even...MIC/MCA/UMNO

Anonymous said...

Sigh... there's a lot of unhappy Malaysian..

nazrien said...

they need to teach a little bit of grateful feeling to themselves..

instead of complaining to their mem and tuan..

or do we need the empire to fetch them back..??


enjoy your meal Dato'

Anonymous said...

Dear Dato,
Something strange to ponder. They seek attention from the British Govt?

Claiming China and India soon becoming the world's POWER house, how is it they don't go running back there? To be among their own kind? Why stay on if they just cannot accept the ways of life and not able to assimilate with the people of their "HOST" countries? Balik kampung kan lebih SELESA..

Too crowded? Not wanted? Not welcomed? No future? Cannot demand for anything they like? No chance in politics? SCARED? Not enough money to bring home?

These ungrateful people are scums. "NANAH DALAM DAGING".


Propagator said...

Dear Dato’

The sooner we do away with Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools the better it will be for this country. I sincerely think the seed of racism has it roots in this type of schools, Dong Xiao Jong and Hindraf notwithstanding.

Ahmad Iqbal

Anonymous said...

I am not a Malaysian, am an Indian Muslim, from mumbai.. I happen to come across your post..
I would just like to point out a few observations I made amongst these Indian (Tamil) Malaysians, while my time in Malaysia all this while.

There are many who hold rabid hate against Malays and even Muslims in general. They talk and mock Malays all the time when amongst their groups.

Recently I was registering an account in a CIMB branch, and the guy who attended to me was an Indian. He was so rude and refused to accept my legitimate documents including passport as a proof of my residence and employment.
I demanded to meet a higher officer, The manager, a malay women, solved all my problem and pressed the guy to open the account for me (keeping aside his brutish behaviour to a customer), I only realised the poison in him as he was settling my stuff later.
As he saw my Indian passport, he was happy (not knowing I am a Muslim) talked sweet, brought up the issue of Mumbai-attacks, and started attacking Muslims and how pathetic they are, India shoudl nuk Pak etc etc, then he started his diatribe against Malays.. sayin they are all bloody filthy muslims and it went on.. untill he began entering my name in the computer, and realized its a Muslim name.. he was dumb struck and mute.. then exclaimed.. "Oh you are Muslim la...!!"

Phew.. this is just one recent encountr I had with such Malaysian Indians... I do not want to generalise.. but I have come across many like them.

These hateful sentiments are echoed by many amonst Indians (I am not sure if all) and I can only imagine what they would do Malays and this country if ever they started to influence bureaucracy in this country.

-WADAH- said...

Komen WADAH (komen yang konstruktif dan bukannya objektif; - maaf)

Ni yang Hindraf tu angkara siapa?

Yang dok pegi ke pejabat Pesuruhjaya British tu pasai apa?

Masa buat tunjuk perasaan tak pulak pergi ke rumah Pak Lah, pasai apa?

Nak mintak berjuta-juta nak buat apa?

Nak kantoikan sangat kes Linggam tu siapa?

Taktik-taktik gunakan pengaruh luar untuk campur tangan hal-hal dalaman Malaysia tu taktik SIAPA?


Jawab persoalan diatas maka akan terjawablah persoalan lain.
Wallahu A'lam

Anonymous said...

Hoi Kadir Sultan,
Dah tu hanya orang-orang pro-kerajaan aje boleh jadi ahli Suhakam?Orang-orang macam hang ni la yang membawa kehancuran kepada ibu pertiwi!

Anonymous said...

House of Lords? they can keep on bragging that it was a high level meeting attended by high level representatives of HM Queen..


Oh i forgot, Apparently, indians are famously known as being so good in BRAGGING..overblown their trumpets off everytime..

No wonders they make up a huge numbers as lawyers..

And to the DONGkeys..bring it on !..do the protest..lets meet..



Anonymous said...

Kita tak perlu ungkit apa yang berlaku dahulu kala

dh9753 said...

wut happened last time is very2 important for present day so the future...

go ahead n test our patience...
go ahead...


Knights Templar said...

I ... on the other hand have no reason to complain Dato'...A Man with his Ketuanan and Keturunan from my Kampung by the Shores of the Malabar Coast was the Prime Minister for 22 years ...No where else in the world could this have happened.And when on earth did you trade off your Earl Gray's for Teh Si !

Gurindam Jiwa said...

Dato', my sentiments exactly. I couldn't have put it better myself.

But having been raised in a Hindu village myself, they do have my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Dato AKJ,
Masaalah nya silap pemimpin Melayu kita dulu juga kan. Sepatutnye tak usah tukar "Persekatuan Tanah Melayu" tu.
Bila 50 tahun kemudian inilah jadi nya kepada mereka yang tak sedar diri berapa merempatnya nenek moyang dia orang dulu.
Dah kaya raya dah senang tuntut pula hak kesamaan aduh...dah tu tuduh orang Melayu buat "ethnic cleansing" pulak ini tuduh "racist" menidakkan mengunakan bahasa mereka. Apa nak jadi Malaysia ni kan bagus Tanah Melayu sahaja..

Anak Rawa

affendi hussain said...

Salam semua,
I would prefer to watch this whole new drama episodes.. very2 interesting.. wonder how the ending would be...

What Mukhriz has said was merely nothing more than just obviously stating the obvious..

This is what I like to called as Newton 3rd Law of Motion..

Never learn in school eh?

ok..enough said.
(",) (pulang paku buah keras)

p/s: yg Pak Lah & Najib tu awat loghat sangat isu ni..Najib pun satu, serupa tak pernah ambil tau apa sumbangan bapak hang sendiri?

Sampai bila nk jadi "apologetik" ni? Sudah2 lah tu..esok2 mati hangpa ingat sapa yg nak kapan talkin hangpa? depa tu ka? Bangsa Malaysia? Kalo ikut hati kami yg majoriti sakit hati ni nak campak ke laut ja..selayaknya kpd pengkhianat bangsa.

Ingat..UMNO tu ditubuh untuk apa? Kalo dah taknak perjuang matlamat asal, apa relevannya kpd org Melayu? Baik org Melayu humban masuk kubur saja..

Nampak gaya baik NGO2 Melayu mcm GGMM, PPIM et. al. bergabung buat parti baru ganti UMNO mcm 1946..Pemimpin UMNO no.1 & 2 tu haram nak pertahan hak Melayu..buat apa nak julang2 lg..sokong membawa rebah!

Anak dah mati kebuloq susu cek oii..kera2 kat hutan makin perangai mcm dah kena belacan..lagi mau bagi bunga ka?

Unknown said...

kepada tukang komen Vijay,

don't worry bro..! separuh dari yg komen di sini menulis tanpa memikirkan sensitiviti sesama kita..

saya orang melayu.. namun membesar di kg melayu bersebelahan dgn kampung kasipillay ..

kawan2 pun ramai kaum india..! bila kita dari kecil dah berkawan macam2 bangsa.. soal isu kaum dan perkauman ni.. last thing yg kita akan bincangkan.. kalau nak bincang pun kita akan bincang dgn menumpukan kepada isu sebenar.. bukan berasa begitu hebat bangsanya membuta tuli..

saya pernah bincangkan isu hindraf ni dgn beberapa kawan india saya yg kini menjadi doktor pakaar.., engineer.. dan kerja2 yg lebih kurang sama juga dgn orang2 melayu yg rajin belajar!

yang membezakan kita dgn orang2 lain adalah pelajaran! hanya yg berpelajaran saja yg boleh mengubah nasib mereka sendiri.!

rasa saya kaum india juga nampak perkara ini.., mana yg tak sedar tu.. masih lagi di takuk lama! masih lagi jadi pemabuk dan samseng..!

yang bising2 ni..(kebanyakan yg hadir di perhimpunan hindraf ni).. cuba anda lihat.. sapa golongannya? rata2 kesian.. muka tak berpelajaran..!

tanyalah mana2 kaum india yg dah berjaya dan punya kerjaya.. adakah mereka menyokong hindraf? jawapannya sama seperti en.Vijay kita..! mereka tak sokong langsung.. mereka tidak mahu menjadi kuda tunggangan kepada beberapa orang yg mempunya kepentingan politik sempit mereka sendiri..!

jadi.. kita lihat pula rentak tari dari Dong Jong pula!

satu lagi kumpulan yg tak bersyukur dapat jadi warganegara malaysia!

satu negara patutnya hanya ada satu sistem pelajaran saja! bukan seperti apa yg berlaku sekarang! inilah punca segala ketegangan kaum masa lalu.. masa sekarng dan akan datang..!

eddy said...

Salam Dato'. I think slight difference in the wording about the infamous meeting, the team from Malaysia were invited for "a" meeting "at" the House of Lords NOT "before" the House of Lords. It remains to be seen what would come out of the meeting at the House of Lords though.

I think the Brits have other pressing economic problem at home now and anyway they have already passed the Indian "problem" to independent Malaya way back in 1957.
Tricia Yeoh is current Director, Centre for Economics/Senior Research Analyst, of ASLI. I wonder if she is there in her personal capacity or representing ASLI. If she is representing ASLI then the Chairman of ASLI Dato Jeffrey Cheah or its President Dato Mirzan Mahathir should explain why she is there and if her views represent the views of ASLI-Asian strategy and Leadership Institute.

Anyway, back to the Dong Zong, The Government has a huge decision to make in respect to teaching of Science and Mathematics in English, to continue or not to continue. Of course the supporting side will come out with their own statistics and arguments which basically says that our young will not be left behind in the quest for knowledge in this increasingly globalized world while the opposing side especially the Dong Zong will have their own selfish and chauvinistic argument also which basically say that Science and Mathematic if taught in English will be a threat to Chinese education in Mandarin.

I support the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English for the young starting from primary school. I believe the primary consideration of all parents is that their children will get the best education possible. Proficiency in Bahasa Melayu and English will benefit all Malaysian Citizens locally and Globally. The teaching of Science and Mathematics in English is a good start for all but needs time to be assimilated, and THE GOVERNMENT MUST HAVE THE POLITICAL WILL AND THE STEELY RESOLVE TO SEE THE POLICY THROUGH TO GET THE DESIRED POSITIVE EFFECT. NO flip flops this time please.

If the Dong Zong wants to hold a mammoth procession let them be, if they do it peacefully, then fine, if they want to turn it into a political rally and make it ugly, then, the Government should apply the full force of our Law against these persistent troublemakers. Alternatively, give the Dong Zong what they want and have Mandarin be taught for Science and Mathematics but KEEP THIS POLICY FOR THE NATIONAL SCHOOLS.

When positive results start coming in through the use of this Policy, which I am sure it will, then I bet RM10 that many Moderate thinking Chinese Malaysian Parents who like other Malaysian parents only wants what is best for their children, will wonder whether they have been taken for a ride by the Chinese Educationists policy of segregrating themselves from the majority of the population and start sending their children to the National schools. This could be a death kneel for the Chinese vernacular schools, one can see why Najib came out with a statement recently that the vernacular schools will be around as long as the Chinese and Indians wants them. Hence, this is the real fear of the Chinese educationist.

Whatever the pros and cons are, the Government MUST decide for what is best for Malaysia and the majority of the population in General NOT for minority pressure group like the Dong Zong who zealously wants to segregate themselves from the majority of the population and imposed their will on the majority. The Dong Zhong cannot be allowed to hold this nation at ransom with their threat to hold demonstrations, their selfish demands must be strongly rejected.

daniel said...

I am no racist. I hv many Chinese and Indians friends. That was before !! Now I still hv them as friends and they still look at me as friends. Ony our relationship differs. We only say 'hello ' when we met or discuss when we need to discuss. Why all this happening now ?

Simple. Blame on the weaknesses of Pak Lah and his Government. Also his ministers and BN members for making racial issues. The Opposition too are no different. They use it to capitalise on their own personal agendas and hoping to take over the Government soonest.

The last GE cleary showed how powerful the minority race such as HINDRAF that nearly toppled the BN.

Now with a very much reduced majority , you can see various organisations such as SUARAM and others, taking advantaga and making demos here and there. The latest is JERIT. Who are all tese people ? They are from the minority races.

Anywhere in the world, in general, the majority race that cause demos and riots BUT here in Malaysia the most minority that represent only 10 percent seems to be calling the shots !! And Pak Lah is helpless and can only say few weak advices and reminders.

Beleive me, as much as the Malays are keeping quiet and patient, all it need is a group of bad tempered young Malays to create another May 13.

The last 22 years under Mahathir event hough they are some who claimed this country was under a dictatorship, did we have such incidents like now? Did any of the races complained that they are sidelined !As a matter of fact besides the Malays a lot of Indians and Chinese become rich and went international.

So what is happening now is not all about freedom of speech or democracy BUT its all about the weaknesesss and corrupted Government of Pak Lah !

ChengHo said...

Turn the National School into English medium and Bahasa Malaysia as a mandatory/compulsory pass subject.
Let Zong and Hindraf cry with the wolf . Slowly they will no longer relevance once Bahasa Malaysia/English take it's course.

sawit futures trader said...

Salam Dato',

Apa yang sudah berlaku, tentunya tidak boleh diubah.

Secara peribadi, saya berpendapat, penerimaan kerakyatan dari kaum cina dan india yang dibawa ke Tanah Melayu sebagai buruh dahulu adalah HARGA sebuah kemerdekaan yang diperolehi dengan "cepat dan aman".

Samada harga itu "berpadanan", "mahal" ataupun "murah", tentu sukar ditentukan.

Saya sekadar musykil, UMNO yang menerima syarat British ini. Sebaliknya selama 51 tahun merdeka, dasar pecah dan perintah masih kekal sebagai pilihan.

Contoh paling mudah adalah wujudnya sekolah pelbagai aliran.

Siapa pula yang menukarkan nama Persekutuan Tanah Melayu kepada Malaysia? Masa itu, mana perginya pejuang ketuanan melayu yang memimpin negara?

Sejarah tidak boleh diubah. Yang boleh diusahakan hanyalah masa depan. Namun tanpa pemimpin yang baik, mana arah rakyat nak ikut?

Ikut suka hati lah, apa lagi!

Anonymous said...


Pity the Brits and Her Majesty Queen for we, the descendent of Long Jaafar, Gee Hin and Hai San have caused so much chaos and troubles that the forever innocent Brits was forced against their will to be the mediator in bringing back peace and prosperity to this tarzan land of Malaya.

Damn Long Jaafar, Gee Hin and Hai San for their greed and hobby in gangster fighting has woken up the Brits from their slumber of sightseeing and then beat the Ronaldos, the van Nistelrooys and the Torres in building an empire where the sun never set.

So, what is this nonsense on the Brits and Her Majesty Queen being demanded to compensate trillion of Ringgit to the people of Brickfields?

We, the descendent of Long Jaafar, Gee Hin and Hai San are the one who were supposed to compensate the Brits and Her Majesty Queen for forcing and duping them into getting involve in our internal tarzan land dispute.


God save the Queen, the pig, the lembu and the snake!


Anonymous said...

Ybhg. Datuk,

What past is prologue. Who is this Anonymous trying to tell us to forget the past? We can forgive but we must never forget. Enough is enough. We Malay have been push too far - we have reached the "wall" and we have no other recourse but to fight back.


Sdr Morpheuzneo,antara lain, berkata: "saya orang melayu.. namun membesar di kg melayu bersebelahan dgn kampung kasipillay.."

Kg Kasipillay, Jalan Ipoh ka?

Dah lama tak dengan Kg Kasipillay banjir?

Tahun 1972 saya menyewa di flat Cina Hwa Li Town depan Kg Kasipillay.

Masa tu, hujan sikit Kg Kasipillay karam. Hwa Li Town pun kena jua.

Tengah-tengah malam kena pindak kereta (MG Saloon 1100 two-tone) naik ke Jalan Ipoh.

Kalau nak enjoy pi Tropicana Night Club dekat Hotel Madras.

Sampai la pun masalla tea Madras Hotel "A1".

Di Penang pada tahun 1969/70 saya tinggal di depan Balai Polis Petani Road.

Sewa di hotel murah penuh pijat (pejat) dengan Nik Mohd Omar (Bernama).

Jiran kami pasangan muda Cina yang riuh bila berahi.

Sebelah lagi "pasangan" Punjabi -- dua-dua jantan. Friendly blokes.

Jauh sikik penari kabaret Hotel Central yang duduk dengan anak lelaki dia yang berumur 10 tahun lebih kurang.

Mandi dan buang air besar waktu pagi kena beratur. Lebih kurang macam dalam filem P Ramlee.

Makan sahur di Restaurant Caravan A, Simpang Enam.

Lepas peristiwa 13 Mei, 1969 Malaysia aman damai.


Anonymous said...

Salam Dato',
Saya rasa HINDRAF adalah manifetasi rasuah politik MIC. DS Samy Vellu jadikan dia tu MIC dan MIC tu dia. Itulah jadinya apabila tampuk kuasa dipegang terlalu lama oleh seseorang, mula2 bagus lama kelamaan jadi korap. Kita tahu kaum India mempunyai ramai profesional muda yg berpotensi tapi mereka tak akan dapat peluang tanpa restu DS Samy Vellu. Cawangan MIC ditubuhkan (serentak dgn kuil) oleh broker kuasa yg sedikit celik mata sama seperti terpacaknya bendera UMNO (dan surau) dikampung2 setinggan Melayu. Sang power broker dapat macam2 habuan manakala org2 dikawasannya terus diberi harapan akan dapat pembelaan. Well, ada yg dapat habuan apabila kampung setinggan dinaik taraf tanah TOL atau dapat keutamaan hak membeli flet; tapai ada juga yg tak dapat apa2 kecuali habuan musim pilihanraya. Bagi yang sedar tentang masa depan mereka mengutamakan pelajaran anak2 tapi bagi yg tak berupaya terus dibelenggu lingkaran syaitan kemiskinan. Lahirlah generasai yg menerima kemisikinan sebagai takdir, meminjam bait puisi SN Usman Awang, mereka itu terlalu "miskin sehingga tidak tahu dirinya miskin, laksana api yang tidak tahu dirinya panas." Oportunis politik yang bijak akan mudah untuk membangkitkan sentimen org miskin kerana mereka tak akan kehilangan apa2 kalau ditangkap menyertai perhimpunan haram. Pada fahaman saya Hindu adalah satu tradisi keagamaan yang kompleks sehingga sebenarnya amat sukar untuk menyatukan manusia dengan semata2 sentimen hinduisme. Saya amat bersetuju dgn beberapa pembahas disini, bahawa HINDRAF boleh dirumuskan sebagai satu gerakan politik (serpihan MIC) yg menunggang sentimen hinduisme diatas glongan kaum India yg terpinggir oleh arus kemajuan. Wujudnya kelompok kaum India yg terpinggir dari arus kemajuan negara adalah satu perkara yang benar. Ascertain their problems and take (affirmative) action accordingly.
Pak Hj JB

zaidonn said...

Dear Datuk,

Hai, I'm stay at Batu Caves so I really used to the appearances of Indian and Chinese comunity. I used to Thaipusam, which is every year gave me difficulty, since I'm working at KL, thanks god started from this year KL enjoy PH for Thaipusam too. Beside that I also used for gendang Cina mati. Told you for some people like my sedara mara whose came to my house they find it terrible! but for me like I said earlier I used to it, and sometime enjoy to have such a colorful cultures.

But today somehow, because of these few people, hard for me to not being bias toward Chinese and Indians since them, themselves remind us Malays that their just immigrants. They also rings alarm that they not enjoy or happy to stayed here with Malays, because we are so bad.

I don't want to ask Malaysian Chinese or Indians but enough if Batu Caves Indian or Chinese Selayang could tell me, Did we Malays done ANY HARM to them? if yes and you guys willing to left this country we the Malays unable to stop you, good luck wish you able to find another country that much better than Malaysia, HOPEFULLY.

Zaid Onn

Anonymous said...

Berkenaan dengan nama negara yang menunjukkan identiti bangsa:

Venezuela di era Hugo Chavez yang baru ini telah menukarkan nama negaranya dari VENEZUELA kepada

Mungkin juga kita boleh menukar kembali nama MALAYSIA kepada MALAYSIA TANAH MELAYU.

Kita tengok siapa yang melompat.

Unknown said...

Anak Rawa,

There was never such a country called "Tanah Melayu".

If the Chinese, the British and the Indians were not here, the Malays would either be either speaking Siamese or French.

Or the Malay states may still be at war with each other.

Anonymous said...


It appears now we're at a midway point. There exists today a generation of Malaysians schooled in national schools and fluent in both Malay and English. Who are at ease with all races and know where our place is in this land.

Then there are those who are still left behind as exemplified by Hindraf and Jiao Zong, whose thinking are rooted in the past and also their ethnicity.

People with dissenting views will always be there no matter the country. Even in the USA and Britain, there are white extremist groups, i.e. KKK that still has followers to this day.

It is up to the government and the majority of the population to overcome this segment of society.

But fret not as the majority population keeps rising and in no time we will have less and less of the minority, according to the current trend in population statistics that is.

What's more important really is for the present day government to lay out a master plan of where the country is heading.

Anonymous said...

Dato KJ.

Hindu ini macam ular tedong.Dia bisa kalau kena patok tapi ada ubatnya.Kalau kita tiup seruling ular ini akan menari mengikut lagu.

Hindfar ini hanyalah satu pertubohan gangster.Mass media yang buatkan dia jadi popular.

DiMalaysia,hindu ada yang jadi driver dam ada yang jadi taukeh.

Samasa saya dalam pasokan polis,anak muda hindu banyak yang jadi gangster.Bila kita tangkap dan interview dia kenapa dia jadi bagini,dia kana saya tengok banyak filem India dari India,mau sikit cuba.Ada juga yang kata,saya hidup susah,kerja tak ada,rumah tak ada,mak saya halau saya keluar dari rumah suroh cari kerja,kerja susah jadi saya jumpa Batang Kali dan masok gangnya.

Nasib Hindu di Malaysia,ada benarnya dan ada juga yang di buat2 dan di besarkan.Dulu masa Tun Hussien jadi PM ada kementerian Perpaduan Negara.Sekarang siapa yang jaga soal race relation di Malaysia.Pm,Menteri kabinet,Timbalan Menteri dan wakil Raayat hanya sebok memikirkan bagaimana nak buat duit untok keluarga.

Kadir.This is our Problem.

Anonymous said...

Salam Dato,

Semua bangsa didunia ini adalah hamba Allah belaka. Tak kira Melayu, Cina, Tamil dan lain-lain.
Disisi Allah mereka adalah sama saja, cuma yang bezanya iman seseorang itu.

Bumi ini hak Allah. Dan Allah tidak menzalimi sesuatu bangsa, walaupun sebesar biji sawi. Bangsa tu sendiri yang menzalimi diri mereka sendiri. Lihatlah kejatuhan Kota Baghdad ditangan kaum Tartar.
Adakah Allah bersikap zalim terhadap penduduk Baghdad?

Jadi fikir-fikirkan lah.

Anak Bayan.


Dear Debaters,

Please bear in mind that "Hindraf" no longer exists.

It has been outlawed.

Any reference to it should be predicated by "outlawed" or "banned" i.e it's the outlawed Hindraf.

As such there are no longer members of Hindraf.

If any, they are supporters of the outlawed Hindraf.

It is illegal to be members of a banned organisation.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

To those who called for the Chinese to leave Malaysia, I have some good and bad news for you.

The good news is that once the Chinese leaves, every Malay becomes an instant ringgit billionaire.

The bad news is that once the Chinese leaves, you have to pay millions of ringgits just for a loaf of bread.

Former President Idi Amin of Uganda scolded his advisers when Uganda was hit with hyperinflation due to the expulsion of their Indian business community. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe did not learn from Idi Amin when he confisticated the land of their White citizens which forced them to leave. Zimbabwe's hyperinflationary problem is now well known around the world.

During the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the anti-Chinese pogroms forced many ethnic Chinese to flee. At first the Indonesian government encouraged the exodus. But when the specter of hyperinflation became too clear, the Indonesian government urged their ethnic Chinese to return. But because not all came back, Indonesia is still facing high inflation. But at least they don't have to suffer hyperinflation. The Indonesian government had learnt from their mistakes and they now allow their ethnic Chinese to practice their culture fully.

That's why I often laugh whenever I hear an ignorant Malay telling the Chinese to "go back to China". No wonder the Chinese often say that the Malays just don't understand business.

Anonymous said...

Salam Tuan Rumah,

It is obvious that the now outlawed Hindraf, Dong Jiao Zhong or any other pressure groups demand this and that today because of the weak leadership.

When Dr.M implemented the policy of studying Maths & Science in English there were protests but they were in private. Perhaps coffee shop talks that sort of thing but never the threat of demonstrating on the streets.

Why? Because we had strong leadership then. I'm not saying Dr.M was the best nor was he the worse but he was strong.

What we have today is a weakling who bends over with the slightest bit of pressure and from the look of it, his successor is showing the symptoms of suffering from the same problem. While the so-called alternative leader is overly pleasing to the provocateurs. That is even worse. A populist at best and not effective either.

What are our choices in terms of leaders? We don't have any. We need strong leaders and we need them now.

sawit futures trader said...

Salam Dato',

Ultimate said,

"There was never such a country called "Tanah Melayu"."

"If the Chinese, the British and the Indians were not here, the Malays would either be either speaking Siamese or French."

"Or the Malay states may still be at war with each other."

If that is the case, i guess my history is wrong. So do educate me.

1.Our country take the name Malaysia in 1963. What was the country's name between 1957 and 1963?

2.Malay states, during and post Malacca era, as far as I knew never had any war with each other. Malay states are not of warring nature and thus only make war with invading powers like the siam and the western invaders. And still they always make their defence inside their soil and never did any offence outside their own borders. There are war between warlords within the state itself but it never spill out. Please correct me by giving me an example.

3.What does the french got to do with anything?

4.As far as I am concern, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis was never a state of siam. And yes, my fact says, Siam does not have any sovereignty over those states when they gave them away to the British. The only reason why the British was able to establish power in these states (and in other Malay states as well) was that they muscled in, cornered and isolated the Kings from the people. If Bangkok Treaty was not signed, the worst is that we are in a guerilla war with Thailand (or the British for that matter) like the state of Pattani. But like Pattani people, we still do speak malay. Prove to me otherwise.

And please educate me further by explaining why did those indentured workers from India and China, back in 1957, choose to stay in this country when there was no stopping them from balik kampung? Wasn't they brought here, mostly for either the money or by forced? Was the citizenship offered to them being too delicious to refuse?

Do observe, I am merely asking strictly on the issues of those indentured workers from India and China. NOT Chinese and Indians in general.

Please answer these questions. I'm sure there are plenty of commentators here who are "in dire need to be enlighten" by your "history lessons".

Anonymous said...

Dear Datuk,

AS far as I understand history, the Malays are not the natives of this land.

The Hindus were here much earlier.
Again, as someone rightly pointed out, at best this country would have been a part of Siam.

The Malays actually are natives of neighbouring islands.

Anonymous said...


Dong Xiao Jong nak berarak? Saya bimbang perbuatan seumpama ini akan berkesudahan dengan keburukan. Orang lama tentu ingat tragedi 13 Mei 69 berpunca dari perarakan kemenangan pilihanraya oleh parti-parti pembangkang masa itu.

Biasanya dalam perarakan seumpama ini berbagai-bagai tuduhan dan kata-kata nista akan dilemparkan kepada pihak yang dibenci. Umpamanya kalau perarakan oleh bukan Melayu maka orang-orang Melayulah yang akan dimaki hamun begitu juga kalau perarakan oleh orang-orang Melayu.

Bacalah buku "13 Mei sebelum dan selepas" or "13 Mei before and after" oleh YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra. Buku ini berdasarkan laporan perisikan dan bukan dokumen-dokumen oleh para diplomat dan wartawan asing.

Sekarang terpulanglah kepada rakyat Malaysia samada mahukan negara ini aman damai atau hancur lebur. Ramai kawan-kawan Melayu kata kalau terjadi sengketa orang-orang Melayu tidak akan kehilangan apa-apa. Duduk kampung makan ubi kayu pun boleh hidup. Yang akan menderita ialah orang-orang bandar dan jutawan serta peniaga-peniaga sebahagian besarnya orang-orang China. Dong Xiao Jong dan pengikut-pengikut pertubuhan haram Hindraf eloklah fikirkan hal ini.

Rakyat Malaysia berbilang kaum yang cintakan keamanan elok pula berarak untuk keamanan. Tunjukkan yang kita boleh hidup aman berdasarkan tolak ansur dan sikap memberi dan menerima. Janganlah nak terima saja, tapi tak mau beri.

Paling penting ialah setiap rakyat yang cintakan keamanan harus mengutamakan perpaduan negara walaupun terpaksa berkorban. Orang-orang Melayu telah banyak berkorban. Bagaimana bukan Melayu.

Seorang pengomen mengatakan tidak wujud Tanah Melayu. Saya cadangkan eloklah baca sejarah. Pemikiran yang extreme sumpama inilah yang merosakkan perpaduan negara.


Anonymous said...

Dear Datuk

I call upon all Malays to unite and save Tanah Melayu against our enemies from within. The time is now to begin our second perjuangan. The first was about kemerdekaan, this time around it is liberation of our Bahasa Melayu. I congratulate Dr Mahathir's son for his brave stand on the language issue. Semoga Allah restui perjuangan suci kita. Salam.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dato'

I am a regular reader of your blog and writings. I am old, but thanks to my grandchildren, I am a net surfer. Who says an old dog cannot learn a new trick? I was a history teacher so I may be able to answer both Mr Ultimate and Mr Sawit Trader.

Malaysia has been known throughout history by many names and so too are its people. They were anamists, then Hindu s and later on Muslims.
But they were ethnically Malays.
Both of you and others can refer to my favourite site Wikipedia for some informations. This is what it says about our country.

"Golden Chersonese is the ancient name to refer to the Malay Peninsula by Claudius Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek: Κλαύδιος Πτολεμαῖος; c. 90 – c. 168), known in English as Ptolemy, he was a Greek-speaking geographer, astronomer, and astrologer. During the Roman time, the Malay Peninsula developed an international reputation as a source of gold, hence the name was given."

So even during the Roman time, a place called the Malay Peninsula had existed and it was already a trading centre with gold as one of the trading commodity.

Regarding the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu or the Federation of Malaya, Wikipedia says, The Federation of Malaya (Malay: Persekutuan Tanah Melayu), was a federation of 11 states formed on January 31, 1948 from the nine Malay states and the British settlements of Penang and Malacca.

I hope I am of some use to all of you.

History Teacher

Anonymous said...

I don't know, is it just me or you guys too see it happening. A lot of my Chinese friends no longer prefer to converse in chinese language. They feel more comfortable speaking in English even among themselves. And everyday I see more and more chinese who can't speak their own mother-tongue (banana boy/girl) and can't write in chinese.

Has the globalization caught up to them? Or they're just being realistic? Or are we Malaysians, without realizing it, are turning to be like Singaporeans? No offense intended to anyone here.

Knights Templar said...

Dear Commentators...i see the pointless Racial slur being thrown about ...who was here first ..who came last ..and so on ...Does it really matter who Parameswara was or who Hang Tuah was now ...50 over years after we were GIVEN independence ...we still squabble over petty issues which would and could escalade into something which we would have no control over ...


Peace be to all Malaysians ...

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum wbt dan salam sejahtera...

1. malaysia = malay + chinese + indian + all minority races in this country

2. chinese dun need to go back to china, indians dun need to go back to india..this is our home...

3. but..please dun play with fire..dun!!!jangan jolok sarang tebuan...

4. no more stupid demonstrations etc etc..

5. u respect me..i respect u...u spit on me..watch ur back!!

6. Hindraf is full wit retarded people. u embarassed our country, our name n our king!!!

7. paklah n anwar...i blame both of u!!i blame both of u..

8. remember dis: u respect me,i respect u..n jangan jolok sarang tebuan..

9. i love my chinese frens..i love my indians frens n all of us hate wut happen in our motherland today..


sawit futures trader said...

Salam Dato',

Minta izin, saya terpaksa tunjuk marah di rumah Dato'.

Ultimate had yet again mock the malays. Such brave words coming from a coward person who does not allow his/her profile to be viewed.

You talk rubbish when you claim that there never was a Tanah Melayu. Now you are saying that the malays cannot survive without the chinese.

You are likely to be a chinese. I guess.

People like you will always be the first to jump the gun when you heard the phrase "Ketuanan Melayu" being used.

And yet you claim superior to the malay race as you look down upon our intelectuality may it be in work or in day to day life.

You are no different than those who wants the chinese to go balik kampung! As far as I am concern, if not of the different racial background, you and them are related.

What may be true in Indonesia (I'm not even sure that what you claim is true), will not be true in Malaysia.

You say;

"The good news is that once the Chinese leaves, every Malay becomes an instant ringgit billionaire."

"The bad news is that once the Chinese leaves, you have to pay millions of ringgits just for a loaf of bread."

There are plenty of muslims around the globe, if not the locals, who are readily willing to fill that economic vacum, if it comes to that.

Well, I have good news and bad news to you too.

"The good news is that once a RACIST chinese like you leaves, Malaysia will be a better melting pot"

"The bad news is that once a racist chinese like you leaves,......so I lied. There will be nothing bad coming to Malaysia from a RACIST chinese surrendering his/her Malaysia citizenship!

Dear History Teacher,

Thank you for your input.

When I wrote my comments, I did not refer to any text as I was commenting spontaneously.

I was not sure when the name Tanah Melayu was taken but I was very sure that it was being used to refer to the country long before before 1963.

Your input does prove that I am not wrong. As you can see, I do not claim what I do not know. And I do not claim any of my imagination as fact, like what Ultimate was doing.

Since we are at it, can you give us your take on the current History syllabus in schools nowadays? Personally, I find it to be a bit too narrow compared to the scope of syllabus that I had in my school days almost 30 years ago.


Again I am sorry. As a malay, I know it is rude to show temper as a guest in this "house" of yours, even when the temper was directed to another guest.

Unknown said...

Sawit Futures Trader,

Here are my answers to your questions:

1. Before the formation of Federation of Malaya by the British in 1948 after their failure to form Malayan Union, the land called "Tanah Melayu" by the Malays was not one country. Before the Second World War but after the arrival of the British, the Malay States were divided into two - the Federated States with British Residents and the non-Federated States. And before the arrival of the British, the Malay States in "Tanah Melayu" were either ruled by the Portugese, Dutch or were vassal states of the Kingdom of Siam, or Bugis and Achehnese-controlled states. In other words, there was a country called Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (1948), but there was never a country called "Tanah Melayu".

2. In 1818, Siam ordered Kedah to attack Perak in order to force Perak to resume paying Bunga Emas to Siam. Did you know that Selangor's territory used to extend all the way up north up to Tapah and Kampar? And all the way south to include Negeri Sembilan? What happened? Well, what else - fighting over tin mining areas lah. Now can you see what I meant when I said there was never a country called "Tanah Melayu".

3. The British idea of the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909 was to use Siam as a buffer against French influence in Indo-China (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos). Without it, Siam and the Malay States may have fallen to the French.

4. Yes, many people Pattani speaks Yawi, but they do speak Siamese, right? That's precisely my point.

Again, I want to state that the Chinese were not brought in by the British. They were brought in by the Chinese themselves (read my earlier post) and they were here before the British.

On formation of the country called Federation of Malaya in 1948, the British was hesitant to grant citizenship to the Chinese residents of the former Malay States (the Straits Settlement Chinese were granted citizenship) because they were unsure whether the Chinese were supportive of the Communist insurgents.

The lack of citizenship and land rights of the many Chinese peasants who were living in rural areas working as illegal farmers were giving the British a hard time fighting the Communists because the Communists could get their food supply from them. The British came out with an ingenious plan to cut off the supply lines to the Communists by creating guarded camps called "New Villages". To entice the poor rural Chinese to relocate to these New Villages, they were offered money and land titles.

The success of the New Villages in the Malayan Emergency led the British to reconsider their earlier reluctance to grant citizenship to the rural Chinese. With the granting of citizenship to the rural Chinese, the British had cut-off a huge source of moral support for the Communists and the war is largely won.

Without the granting of the citizenship, the half a million marginalized rural Chinese would have ended up fighting the British, and Malaya would have become another Vietnam.

Unknown said...

Hey just_wondering, the term here is called "pragmatism". Even many educated Malays are doing the same thing.

And BTW, the number of new generation of Chinese that could not speak or write Chinese is only about 5% of the Chinese population. 95% of the new generation of Chinese are educated in Chinese primary schols. Many English-speaking Chinese parents do send their children to Chinese schools. Anyway, almost all Singaporean Chinese could speak and write in Chinese.

The Chinese would always have an edge over the Malays because they are mostly trilingual.

And to those who called for the abolishment of the Chinese schools, here is something you should know - the Chinese educationists are supportive of a single school system, but only from secondary school education onwards.

Whereas those hypocrites who advocate a single school system are only in interested in a single school system at the primary level and are protective of their exclusive secondary school system of MARA Science Colleges and their exclusive tertiary school system of UITM and the matriculation entry system.

Anonymous said...

Dear fellow readers,

There never was a country known as 'Tanah Melayu' because the Malays in the 'Peninsular Malaysia' had preferred to refer to themselves as Perakian, Kelantanese, Patanis, Johorean etc

But to say that the Kelantanese or the Johorean or people from any other states are not able to 'handle' the Siamese or the Javanese or any other people in this world is an insult to the Malays and show the condescending view one has towards the Malays. Read your history and you will find that there never was a time when the Malays though small in number would just surrender their land to others without fighting never mind if the 'invaders' were the mighty portuguese or the great Siamese or the cunning English. Never.

The Malays of today will dig deep into their souls, pick up the pieces and move on with similar valour shown by their forefathers. The battleground is now in economic and the survival tools are knowledge, skill and networking. But unlike the battles of the yesteryear, the 'enemies' of today come in the form of both the outside forces as well as from within. The Malays will have people like Ultimate to thank for ultimately.


Anonymous said...

Feel very sad reading some of the posters, sad to read all the hatred thrown by each other.
‘Bangsa Malaysia’?? or ‘Negara majmuk’?? we can throw this all words in the bins…

What happen to this country now, full of racist bigots and don’t care to others feeling…
I think now time to sharpen the dagger to protect my family if necessary.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dato’

The sooner we do away with Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools the better it will be for this country. I sincerely think the seed of racism has it roots in this type of schools, Dong Xiao Jong and Hindraf notwithstanding.

Ahmad Iqbal

Ahmad Iqbal,

aku setuju!!!!!!!!!!!tukar aje sistem sekolah depa ni..especially sekolah cina tu..penuh dengan ultra chinese dalam tu..sooner the better..

azman hamzah

Anonymous said...


kalau dah cina (bukan islam) tu, perangai cina (bukan islam) jugak lah...bongkak,tamak, kedekut ilmu dan kurang ajar..aku bangsa cina jugak tapi malu dengan perangai BONGKAK awak tu..


Unknown said...

Sawit Futures Trader,

When you claimed that hyperinflation would not hit Malaysia once the Chinese leaves because the economic vaccuum can be filled by Muslims elsewhere shows that you have the exact attitude that the Ugandans and the Zimbabweans had when they confisticated the businesses and properties of the Indians and the Whites.

They thought that they could take over and run the farms and businesses just as well as the Indians and the Whites, but they were proven to be so wrong.

Maybe that's how Mahathir thinks when he allowed Tajuddin Ramli to acquire the state-owned and relatively-well run MAS.

But business is not run the same way as driving a car. Just change a driver and everything would be back to normal?

That's what the Indonesian government initially thought when many Chinese retailers and wholesalers were forced to leave during the Asian Financial Crisis. They thought that by importing essential goods themselves, they could distribute goods to all over Indonesia on their own. When the goods arrive, they realized that the supply network had to be created from scratch and that could take a few decades. Moreover, the existing efficient Chinese supply network had been developed with a long web of trust and relationship with millions of successful, skillful and experienced entrepreneurs that extended over a large geographical location beyond Indonesia that had been developed for over a century.

You just can't dump a bunch of goods in front of any Ali, Abu and Awang overnight and expect them to sell everything and pay on time with little or no wastage or bad debt. Moreover, a system of credit must be established at the retail level. And that would require huge amounts of capital and management expertise. On top of that, some agricultural communities relied on the local retailers for credit and supplies as well as middlemen for their agricultural produce.

I haven't even touch on the huge demand vacuum created if the Chinese leaves.

That's why the Chinese said the Malays just don't understand business.

Even Mahathir himself acknowledged that if the Chinese leaves, the economy would collapse. Maybe he had learnt that from his good friend Robert Mugabe.

And making ad-hominem attacks and questioning the validity of my claims is just lame. Go and do the research yourself and lazily discount it outright.

Anyway, do you still believe that the Malay States had never made wars against each other? What you hope or believe does not make it real.

Unknown said...

Hai cinaislam ipoh,

Kalau saya kurang ajar dan kedekut ilmu, tolong teliti istilah ini: Ad hominem dan buat kesimpulan anda sendiri sama ada saya ini kurang ajar dan kedekut ilmu atau anda.

sawit futures trader said...

Salam Dato',


Thank you for your reply. I thank you again for being more argumentive and less sarcastic than before.

Borders of countries and states do change over time. This can be seen almost everywhere in history. Regardless of borders or number of states, in 1948, the Federated States and the non-Federated States were merged into one nation named Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

This you have admited. Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Tanah Melayu. Tomato, tomato. It was a pure semantics issue. Do we need to argue more on this?

As I said before, malay Kings of that time were either muscled, cornered and/or isolated from the people. In 1818, the Kedah force that attack Perak were vastly comprised of the Siam army and their herdes of elephants. Inter-marriage of the royalties between the two states after that warring period proved that Kedah and Perak by themselves was never at war.

And borders of states like Selangor and Perak (and many other Malay states) kept changing due to reasons such as royal wedding gift and cockfight prizes (which at that time held as sports event between royal families of two states.

As for the mining issue, please refer to the borderline of THAT time as it was different from today. Like I previously stated, warlords rumble within a state do happen.

You mention that without the Bangkok Treaty, Siam and the Malay States may have fallen to the French. I say that is a big "MAY". Who to say what will happen if the timeline in history change? Do we have 9/11 incidents if Hitler won World War 2? Will you and I have this argument if Communism did not rooted in China thus resulting in migrations by the thousands to, among others, the Malay states?

Yawi to Bahasa Malaysia is like Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Indonesia. In Pattani, no Bahasa Yawi is taught in any schools. Yet their malay rooted culture still stand strong as they live their days conversing in Malay/Yawi. In fact their name, as muslim as they are, upon birth registration, are modified to sound like a typical thai name. And still the language of malay/yawi does not dissapear.

It is understandable, a citizen should know how to speak the national language.

So, you are correct to assume that if the Malay states falls under the sovereigty of Thailand or France, Malay will be able to speak siam or french.

(I am tempted to :
1. Compare this to Malaysian Chinese and Indian who have the priviledge to learn their mother tongue in schools and reject the idea of a singular school system in fear of losing cultural value and practice.
2. Compare this to Chinese-owned business entities which only do business in Malaysia but offer job vacancies to Mandarin speaking persons only

I agree that the British was not the only party that brought the chinese here. Who brought most chinese here is arguable but not really and issue to be debated.

What worth saying is that they came either for the money or by force. There was no initial intention to migrate.

Awards of citizenships were given due to strategic and political reasons on the part of the British. Wether the British intention were noble or not, that is a worthy issue to debate.

And then there is the issue of timing. As I understand it, awards of citizenship to the then immigrants was a pre-requirement set by the British upon independence negotiation.

You said that if the half a million marginalized rural Chinese was not awarded citizenship, they would have ended up fighting the British, and Malaya would have become another Vietnam.

Fighting the British, I understand. But becoming another Vietnam? I don't understand. Are you implying that Malaya may be divided for the Malays and the immigrants? I hope not. Seriously, I hope you are not refering to that.

Lastly, why singular education system only for the secondary? Why not at all levels?

So the idea is okay but you are not happy with the double standards?

If you have complains about how things are being handled, do complain to the government. Bear in mind that the government does not represent the whole Malay race.

p/s On singular school system, I had pen in my thoughts before in this blog in BM. For your benefit, I raise the same questions again, but this time in english.

1.Why the difference in quality when all SK and SJK are under the same ministry.
2.What are the difference between SK and SJK anyway? Was it really that much?
3.MRSM is having the same education system as any SK. They are elite in the sense that they are boarding schools that offers supports of teachers and peer-tutors around the clock.

Upon entrance, students are introduced to career paths and they have to make their preference there and then. Thus, any choice of subjects selection and other interest (including progress assessment, tutoring and character-building) will be built around those preferences.

One more thing, the classes are limited to 25 students per class.

This can easily be adapted in any school in Malaysia, IF they have a low ratio of students /teacher, enough classrooms and the extremely high cooperations of those teachers and of course, parents.

FYI, as MRSM are institutions under Rural Development Ministry, their students are, to put it bluntly, students that Ministry of Education does not want in their boarding schools. And they have open doors to non malays too. The percentage is low at the moment and I am not sure why. I can tell you though, non-malays coming from SK have lot less trouble joining the crowd to enjoy the study atmosphere created there.

Anonymous said...


Orang-orang lama masih perkataan "Persekutuan Tanah Melayu" terdapat di bahagian atas kad pengenalan yang dikeluarkna sebelum Malaysia. Malahan Perkatan-perkataan ini juga terdapat di dalam berbagai dokumen termasuk Surat Beranak dan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia hari ini. Jadi bagaimana hendak menidakkan kewujudan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan Tanah Melayu.

Pekara ini perlu dipandang serius oleh orang-orang Melayu. Memang wujud kempen-kempen untuk memesongkan sejarah dan menulis semula sejarah sebagaimana yang berlaku di Singapura dan Israel.

Perlu diingatkan orang-orang Melayu tidak pekak dan buta. Pekak badak tu adalah. Ayah saya dulu pekak badak. Bila cakap perlahan dia tak dengar. Bila kita kuatkan suara dia marah kerana dia kata kita tengking dia.

Tahun 65 saya dan ribuan pemuda-pemuda Melayu (terdapat sebahagian kecil bukan Melayu)memasuki tentera untuk mempertahankan negara dari konfrontasi Soekarno. Meskipun sedang bersekolah tetapi mengambil keputusan memasuki tentera demi ibu pertiwi. Kepada kami tidak ada negara lain untuk orang-orang Melayu selain daripada Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaysia).

Ratusan ribu belia-belia Melayu (terdapat juga sebahagian kecil bukan Melayu)termasuk beberapa orang saudara mara saya berkhidmat di dalam tentera dan polis dizaman darurat menentang pengganas komunis yang kini ada pihak-pihak termasuk generasi muda Melayu yang buta sejarah menganggap sebagai "hero".

Saya sering memberitahu diri sendiri "never again".


Anonymous said...

Dear Dato',

I am intrigue by the heated but sometimes emotional debate between some members of this blog in particular in this present case between the Sawit Futures Trader and the Ultimate.

i think, dear Dato', for the benefit of the less knowledegable and the less savvy, it is good for the savvy and the intellectual like Mr Sawit and Mr Ultimate to pipe down their arguments and be more rational.

Yes, I grant that history is important. You and I and all of us are the products of history. We ara shaped by the time and place that we are in or have been.

Time and place combined to make history and history is always a good pointer. But history alone is not sufficient. We must also understand the immidiate past, the present and the future.

Granted that no country will stay as it is if there is a mass inward or outward migration. Mass movements of people will cause distruption - economic and political. The wars in the Middle East had gone on for 60 years because the British cowardly and irresponsibly, forcibly stole Palestine from the Arab Muslim and Christian and gave it to the Jews. Mass movement of the Muslims and the Christians on the one hand and the Jews on the other had created the theological, economic, political and military that we saw today.

The same thing was the case when Idi Amin ejected the wealth grabing Indian immigrants and their descendants from Uganda. It caused economic havoc for Uganda and the UK for awhile. But the situation returned to normal. Uganda is today a success story in Africa and is even pro America.

Both of you are being simplistic. How many Chinese and Indians would really want to leave this country or could do so? May be people like the Ultimate and the Sawit, with your English education and intelligent, can leave this country and survive anywhere in the world.

Maybe Robert kuok can take out all his assets from Malaysia but where can he get similar assets like sugar and wheat monopoly like he is enjoying in Malaysia now. Vincent Tan can leave but where can he get the judi and the all the royal titles that he is enjoying in Malaysia. YTL can leave but who make YTL rich if not the Malays like Tunku, Tun Razak and Dr Mahathir. There are many more examples but can these westernised Malaysian Chinese live and be accepted in China? Or will they do as well in Singapore, China and Taiwan where they have to compete with even better Chinese? These rich Chinese must be grateful that because of the divide and rule by the British, they could monopolise the economy until this day.

But what about the poor Chinese? The Chinese educated Chinese? The Kampung Baru Chinese? The non-English speaking Chinese? Can they go to England? Will Singapore accept them? Will China want them? Will Taiwan take them? Or can they just march en masse to Australia? Surely dear Mr Ultimate, they cant. Even you wouldnt want them to tug on your coat tail as these new village, Chinese educated people are not exactly the type of Chinese that share your vision.

I am an old Malay banker. My bosses were Chinese and I in turn trained many young Chinese bankers, can tell you that even you will think twice about leaving this country. You will not be enjoying this freedom and opportunity of denying history and being chauvinist if you are a minority, by that I mean, real minority in Australia or the USA.

So let us be more reasonable with each other. The Malays do not want the Chinese to leave, they only want some fairness and a little bit of respect. Here in my old village in Perak, the Malays and the Chinese dont care about high flown arguments that you and Sawit are having but you can influence the younger generation and make them hate each other for things that they dont know and are not true in any case. So I plead with both of you and others to respect history, respect each other and work for the good and the betterment of the country we love.


Anonymous said...

Salam Dato`,

Bukankah lebih mudah mengajar anak-anak dengan bahasa ibunda mereka.Kesian pada anak-anak yang tak mampu menguasai BI,akhirnya jadi 3 matapelajaran yang ketinggalan.

Unknown said...

Hi Ex-Banker,

Where did you get the idea that I was pushing for the Chinese the leave? Please read my earlier posts properly.

I was sarcastically pointing out to the ignorant Malays who often yell "Balik Cina" of the dire consequences once the Chinese leave.

Unknown said...

Hi Ex-Banker,

In the case of Uganda, their recovery took only a few decades because the number of Indians they expelled were not many - only in the tens of thousands. And they forced many professionals to stay.

In the case of Malaysia, what do you think would happen when millions of Chinese leave?

sawit futures trader said...

Salam Dato',

Dear Ex-banker.

Please do read my past comments again. I even put it in capital letters that those who needed to be booted out are the racist chinese and indian.

In fact, if I have my way, those malay racist should be booted out too.

I agree that racist, of whatever race they are, should not be tolerated.

It is a special matter with Ultimate.

He/she bluntly stated that there was never a country called Tanah Melayu.

When my grandfather past away, I was the person to make the police report and acquiring the death certificates. Upon making that report, in my hand I have, among others, his birth certificate. On top of it, it clearly written - Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

Does my grandfather died as a person of a non-existant country? By god, he served his King and country as does my father and his father. We are made up of a long line of generations of soldiers.

And Ultimate make another blunt remark saying that malays are nowhere without the chinese handling the economy.

I read that as malays are hopeless.

With this two remarks, it is enough for me to deduce that Ultimate is, definitely a racist.

And I do not tolerate racist.

Like I wrote before, if racist like Ultimate were driven off Malaysian shore, our country will be a better melting pot. I repeat, A BETTER MELTING POT. You will find me using the same phrase in my comment before in this very article.

Do not worry about the younger generation. Do not look down on their intellect and their common sense. If they read the comments through and well, they will find that in my writing, that my outburst was directed directly at Ultimate as a person and racist in general.

But I do agree that I had nibble on the bait set up by Ultimate. That's what racist do. They stir things up. A true Batu Api to the core.

To that, I accept as my flaw. I offer you, Dato' AKJ and other commentators my sincerest apology, for the tensions my writings may had brought upon you.

Anonymous said...

Calling all Chinese, Indians and other minorities in Malaysia. It's time everyone of you especially the politicians and educationists start thinking of this country as a United states Of Malaysia ( USM).Everyone should realise that what is important is the country is united and strong in every aspects. I don't want to go into details.You wanna have a strong assemblance of your culture just keep it in your house. Outside should be Malaysian culture. Lets all learn how to be a good Malaysian and that is by studying under one roof where you have Mandarin and Tamil classes as an option bur Bahasa Melayu should be the order of the day. English taught in Science and Mathematics.
Please stand up against any individual or organization that SMELLS ' perkauman'. Remember they are the dividers of the Malaysian society who have a hidden ajenda. I have so much talk about unity, one race, one this and one that. No racist. So why the talk of vernacular schools. Can't we Malaysians sit under one roof and share this beautiful country of ours amongst ourselves.

Anonymous said...

"Then, in 1957, the Tuans left. For some reasons, they forgot to send back to China and India or bring with them to old England the millions of indentured Chinese and Indian workers.

Instead, the Tuans told the lazy but kindhearted Malays, led by a prince no less, that they could have their independence on condition that they accord citizenship to the Chinese and Indians who choose to stay put."




- qUOTE : "On 27th February 1949 the MCA was born out of the need to save the Chinese in Malaya from being repatriated to China.



Was it not the same Upper Class that brought them in??

~ D

Anonymous said...


The Day will come in the not too distant future when the predominantly over worked low wage working class, poorly paid white collar graduates & their unemployed friends will wake up to the realities of income disparity and lifestyles between the high society haves & the down trodden have nots -- caused by a Regime that had deliberately suppressed purchasing power and 'camouflage taxation' through greed of Employers and Govt alike that perpetuate the evils of subsidising the Rich In Power via:

> decades of exploitation of millions of migrant workers,

> unscrupulous privatisation of basic needs/infrastructure thru deceitful calculation of returns,

> outsourcing of every conceivable non core business process/operations, thereby weakening every trade union organisation, hence collective bargaining of employees

> cunning squander of sinful quantities of gas, building materials & primary produce - resources that truly belong to Tanah Melayu

- yet all these evidently only favour exploiters, jobbers, bankers, and more obviously foreigners, resident and non

Our people will soon begin to see the folly of perpetuating this disparity as sure as it will decompose into a spiral of economic decline otherwise.

Brace yourself till a New Deal comes.

Just wonder when

~ D

Anonymous said...


Heartening to read

"When the Communists started to attack their plantations and tin mines, they recruited the lazy Malays and told them of patriotism and the evil of communism and the danger of Chinese dominance.

They Malays love their Tanah Melayu (the land of the Malays). They become soldiers, auxiliary policemen and plantation guards to ward off the marauding Communist terrorists.

They sacrificed their lives to protect their English Tuans and Mems. They kept the Tuans’ Chinese amahs, Malay drivers and Indian gardeners safe. And not to mention the thousands of indentured Indian and Chinese workers in the plantations, tin and gold mines, small towns and kongsis."

Perhaps also should include PKMM, how the Communists fended off the Japanese who were atrocious Imperialists. And how PKMM, etc were not solely Chinese.

If the Indians demand for compensation from the Queen, does that mean they consider themselves as her subjects? Then revoke their citizenship n return to England?

Anyway, why is it still possible to appeal court cases in Commonwealth Courts? Sounds like covert colonialism to me..


Anonymous said...

In all the furore over a single school system, there seems to be many things overlooked:

1. Surely if a single system is to be adopted, it should be the best possible system... and at current time that is certainly not the mainstream National Schooling System(in fact I daresay that it would probably be the Chinese or International schools that are best off right now).

2. If students of various races are to be under the same school system, it should be one based on merit in every respect, correct? (also unlike the current national schools)

3. I'm assuming all the proponents of a 'one system' of schooling also support the opening of UiTM to all races based on merit?



MZ said...

nicely written. kudos!

Anonymous said...

May be a short visit to ancient history would help. According to many anthropologists ,about 3,000-5,000 years ago people who spoke Austronesian languages migrated by sea to Taiwan then southwards to islands of South East Asia and northwards to Peninsular South East Asia. Some of them migrated by land through Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand and reached (now) Peninsular Malaysia.These people were the ancient forefathers of the present hundreds sub-groups of the anthropologically termed Malay ethnic stock that reside in present Cambodia (Kampong Cham) , Southern Thailand, The Phillipnes, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan. A website named Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database created by The University of Auckland compares the many words that have the same meanings used by these Malay sub-groups ( over 1,000 of them)such the Amis of Taiwan, the Tagalogs or Illocanos of Central Luzon, the Melanaus and the Dayaks of Borneo, the Bugis of Sulawesi, the Javanese, the Bataks in Sumatra and the Malays ( constitutionally defined) in Malaysia.These people brought with them subsistence settled agriculture. There were no equavalent of a governmental system then, may be small villages , barangays or barios under their chieftains. When they arrived they did discover that there were some people who were already there earlier but inhabiting certain pockets of the land. These were people belonging to the Negritoes ( meaning small Negros as termed by the Spanish) tribe like the Aetas of Luzon and the Visayas, the Mani's in Southern Thailand, the Kensius, the Bateks, the Jahais and the Kanaks in Northen Peninsular Malaysia and the Semangs in Sumatra.These people were nomadic practising shifting cultivation. Some anthropologists theorised that there were interactions between these two groups of people, with some leading to intermarriages that became the forefathers of the present Senoi and Proto-Malay tribes. Of course the Negritoes did not sprang like mushrooms from the earth. It is believed that they also migrated 30,000 to 40,000 years ago from Northern Africa, through Central Asia and Southern China. Ancient Chinese records mentioned the existence of short, frizzy haired black Chinese. Going back to The Malays, over the thousand of years there were a lot of intermarriages among the subgroups and with the coming of the Indians, Arabs, Chinese, Thais,the Whites and so on,there were cross marriages with them making the present anthropological Malays having a wide diversity of physical appearance ( Arab-looking, Indian-looking,Chinese-looking, White-looking, mixed-mixed-looking) .Politically, a full-scale system of government came into being only about the 3rd - 5th century with the establishment of Malay Kingdom of Srivijaya in Palembang, Sumatra.Prior to Srivijaya there was a small kingdom of Langkasuka covering present-day Kedah, Perlis and parts of Southern Thailand.The Buddhist Srivijaya Kingdom grew into an empire through conquests smaller later established Malay Kingdoms and at its zenith covered Southern Thailand, Old Kedah, East Sumatera, West Java and Borneo, Luzon and the VisayanIslands, Sri Lanka and Sulawesi . The Srivijayan Empire declined in the 11th century when it was conquered by the Malay Kingdom of Jambi. In the 13th century, the centre of Malay political power moved to Java with the establishment of the Hindu Majapahit kingdom which also grew into an empire extending its influence to Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and eastern Indonesia. However the MAjapahit Empire was shortlived with the fast growth of the Malacca Kingdom which was established by Parameswara , the last prince of the Srivajaya in 1402. He converted to Islam in 1414 through the influence of Arab traders who came from Yemen. The Malacca Sultanate then took over the empireship of the regional political power until the advent of the Portuguese in 1511 and the Dutch later. For a while Malay political sovereignty was dispersed to smaller sultanates in Sumatra, Pahang, Johor-Riau and Brunei. Later with the coming of the British, the era of full scale European colonisation came and the Malays were compartmentalised into several nation-states such Malaya, Northern Borneo,The Phillipnes , Thailand and Indonesia. Malays in the Phillipines call themselves politically and culturally, Filipinos or Pinoys. Similarly those In Indonesia call themselves Indonesians. Those in Malaya and later on Malaysia first call themselves Perakians, Selangorians, Kedahans etc.but later call themselves Malays and have the term defined in the Constitution. Thus came the ' Malay by definition' as contrasted to an anthropological Malay.This little bit of ancient history is important so that when we talk about the Malays we must be referring to the appriopriate group of people. As an example, Corazon Aquino is a Chinese-mixed anthropological Malay but is a Pinoy nationally. The late Syed Ali AlAtass, the former foreign Minister of Indonesia is an Arab mixed anthropological Malay but an Indonesian nationally. Tun Mahathir is an Indian mixed anthropological Malay but a Malay by definition nationally.In fact in Malaysia you can become a Malay by definition even if you do not have a clot of anthropological Malay blood in you, provided you fulfill the criteria as stipulated in the Constitution i.e. (1) Speak Bahasa Melayu (2) Muslim (3)practise Malay customs and culture (whatever that means) and (4)citizen of Malaysia. Great is it not? Hi! Reezal Merican , Hi! Rahman Maidin, Hi! Syed Taufik Al Attas .


Sdr Sawit Futures Trader and Sdr Ultimate,

1. I have made the difficult decision not to anymore entertain the debate between the two of you (hopefully just on this subject);

2. I cannot anymore be responsible for the direction the debate between the two of you is going;

3. In the final analysis, I am responsible and culpable for what transpires on this blog;

4. Blog is a free space. With freedom comes responsibility;

5. This blog in my private and personal undertaking. As such I am wholly responsible;

6. I have also decided not to publish the comment by "Lawyer Burok";

7. If indeed what you wrote are true -- espensive cars, RM1.8 diamonds and RM300,000 golf game -- you should write to the PM, ACA or Tan Sri Zaki Tun Azmi to expose these wrongdoings by Members of the Bench'

8. If you're indeed a lawyer as you claimed, you should know the penalty of libel!

Thank you.

About Me

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I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).