A Kadir Jasin
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ "In the name of
God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful".
A FORMER Anti-Corruption Agency (now Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission) director from 1983 to 2001 provoked my thoughts on
the missing DPP Anthony Kevin Morais.
Incidentally, debater “nothing to hide” also raised the same
issue, saying “getting scary. ag dismissed on the spot for being sakit. gov
officers tranfered for doing a job too well. sb top brass dismissed and
shunted. now a dpp goes missing. wonder whats the true story about altantuya.”
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Morais: Involved in high-profiled corruption cases |
Morais, 55, has been missing since Sept 5.
These are some of the things we know about him:
1. Morais was last seen on Friday, Sept 5 at 9am leaving his
apartment at Menara Duta Kuala Lumpur in his government-issued vehicle, a grey
Proton Perdana WA 6264 Q.
Police were trying to establish if the discovery of a burnt
car early Sunday morning at an oil palm plantation in Hutan Melintang, Perak,
could be linked to his disappearance.
He was an officer in the Attorney General Office.
He was seconded to the MACC. Involved in prosecuting
high-profiled corruption and related cases including criminal breach of trust
at Tabung Haji and Sime Darby.
He was recalled to the AG’s office but was not involved in
the 1MDB corruption investigations.
As deputy head of the Appellate and Trial Division of the
AG’s Chamber he has a hand in deciding on trials and appeals of high-profiled
He is and expert on corruption prosecution.
So what has happened to him and, if he is safe, where is he?
It appears that Sang Kelembai and his deadly curses continue
to play amuck on us and make our beloved Malaysia look like the old lawless west of the USA. Malu!
Salam Tok AKJ...
It is really unfortunate that the country has descended to what seems like a lawlessness state.
The law is applied according to social standings. If one is in the position of power, nothing is illegal. One the other hand, the no-so-lucky rakyat in the streets are subjected to the full brunt of the law regardless whether they are guilty or not.
Affiliations to the ones in power and influence seem very important but what appears most important is blind loyalty. Ikan bilis or pusuk (Sarawakian's term for ikan bilis) will be chewed without any mercy by the great big sharks.
What is happening to our sense of justice?
Where are our conscience?
Why are we moving back to the wild wild west times?
The very people that are supposed to protect us are screwing us.
The powerfully and influential ones are using the government machinery to protect their own wrong doings and laws are being interpreted and utilised at their whims and fancies.
Our aim is to be developed nation by 2020.
How do we define "developed nation"?
Is our definition confined to "Ringgit" and "Sen" only?
Nothing doing insofar as accountability, responsibility, transparency, or credibility is concern?
People we elect seems to think they are boss.
They are above the law.
They are govern by a separate code.
Where are we heading Tok?
Sekian. Terima kasih.
AZAM anak Sarawak
Malaysia tidak selamat. Barangkali, Malaysia diperintah oleh sekumplan penjenayah tapi berperwatakan orang baik.
Assalamualaikum DAKJ,
Pulau Langkawi dulu-dulu kononnya disumpah tidak akan aman sehingga 7 keturunan akibat sumpahan Mahsuri. Banyak perkara pelik terjadi di Langkawi. Kononnya akibat daripada Mahsuri difitnah dan dizalimi pemerintah. Itu cerita dulu-dulu. Cerita lagenda. Entahkan betul entahkan tidak.
Cerita realiti sekarang pun dah banyak yang pelik-pelik terjadi. Bermula Sabah diserang tentera Sulu, kapal terbang sebijik hilang, sebijik lagi ditembak. Orang hilang pun tak pelik sekarang ni. Duit berbelion-belion hilang pun tak pelik lagi dah. Semua orang tahu cerita ni. Bukan cerita tahyul atau lagenda. "Ini betul-betul, bukan cobaannnn"..macam kata Pendekar Mustar, Kg Pinang Sebatang.
Bila difikir-fikirkan balik mungkin negara kita sekarang pun semacam disumpah. Dah tak aman lagi. Rakyat makin sengsara. Siapa yang dianaiya? Adakah yang teranaiya tersebut telah menyumpah bumi ini? Entah la.. yang pasti terlalu pelik kerana terlalu banyak to hide..
Hanya Allah swt yang lebih mengetahui. Berdoalah kita semoga diberi keampunan atas kesilapan dan kelalaian kita. Dan semoga negara tercinta ini terus dirahmatiNYA.
do you know something that is not yet public?
Power Ros-nger
bulan depan meeting pbb. ini muka tak malu pergi ke?
Sdr Geng Mamak, bukan saya yang dapat anugerah semalam. Yang dapat (Datuk) Ahmad Rejal Arbee dan Allahyarham Zainon Ahmad (posthumous). Saya dapat anugerah itu pada tahun 2011. Terima kasih.
Salam Datuk A. Kadir.
Saya sekeluarga memang hidup dalam ketakutan sentiasa rasa tidak selamat. Jenayah berleluasa. Sekarang pemerintah pun macam penjenayah. Atau memang penjenayah. Kalau iya memang maka memang mana tahu erti malu.
Bangsa melayu sahaja yang boleh binasakan petualang mereka sendiri ini. Bangsa melayu patut bangkit melawan kedayusan bangsa sendiri akibat terkena 'sumpahan' petualang. Ya Allah kau bukakanlah matahati bangsa melayu agar dapat melihat.
Saya berdoa DPP Anthony K Morais selamat dan masih hidup. Terlalu banyak sudah kejadian malang dan berbau busuk di negara ini. Cuma pemerintah kebal dan bebal tak tahu malu.
Terima kasih Datuk A. Kadir Jasin. Be safe always Datuk.
Bala enam tahun menetap di India sehat je .. balik ke tanah air dia Malaysia tak sampai satu purnama meninggal .. heran. Sekarang loyar pulak ghaib .. Jadi eloklah Sirol jangan balik dulu nanti macam macam benda pelik boleh berlaku .. ingat hidup ni sekali je.
As'Salam... YBhg Datuk AKJ n Sahabat3 Semua2..
"AhJibGo - The EXclusive PM (Penyangak Mega)"
-It seems among us here DO AGREE...that something is "not quite right" with Our Nation..
-Strange Happenings...One thing after another, n then another, after that another one, n then after that there is another..
-Is it perhaps maybe..JUST MAYBE..its because we might not get blessings n approval from "Someone Above The Sky" (tak dapat restu dari "Pihak di Langit") ???
-ONLY God Almighty knows that..
"Fully Agree"
-There is 'GENUINE TRUTH' in what our fellow comrades here is terribly concern with...there is a high possibility that MOST MALAYSIANS notice this as well..
-Wish we could find out more what is actually wrong with Our Nation...
-Perhaps We need to do a lot more reading n research...
-And perhaps some "soul-searching" as well ???
-God Almighty Knows Best...
***May Allah AWJ bless n protect us all from Idiocracy**
***Sad Period Being Malaysian**
"The AhJibGo Factor"
"Discussion Is Dead"
"Diplomacy Is Dead"
"Democracy IS Dead"
Oh MalaysiaKu... Tanah Tumpah DarahKu..
***P/S: Will comment more later **
Did Sang Kelembai do it again or some other hands make the strory of Samg Kelembai worse..
Kelembai Curse recurs where korocracy reigns
(bersambung dari atas)......tetapi mengenangkan rakyat yg terpaksa menanggung semua ini....rasa lucu itu menjadi meluat..menyampah dan marah.
Memang tepat bila kita beranggapan begitu....kerana hak rakyat dan negara dibalun dan diagih2kan sesama sendiri....bila ada yg menuduh...ditangkap dan dihukum.
Huh...Ketua Melayu berugama Islam kunon...tetapi kelakuan mengalahkan kafir.
Terima kasih DAKJ,
Saya berharap jangan pula kejadian deadly crane collapse di Mekah semalam Datuk cuba Lu lihat secara begini pula jika terdapat orang M'sia menjadi mangsa ye.
Jangan Biarkan Negara Anda Diselubingi.....misteriiiii..
Sdr saja saja,
Harap sdr dapat tepek di sini siapa pemimpin pas tsb, bila, di mana, butir tuduhan tsb, siapa yang dituduh, untuk kami sama2 nilai.
Kalau tiada, Allah dah nilai tulisan sdr. Esok di sana, sama-sama dipanggil.
Thank you. Reading the comments posted here, che det should leave UMNO to help DAP out in PRU 14.
You see that too.
tragedy for Malaysian pilgrims in Mecca. Can consider this another Kelambai curse?
Keadilan Hanna berlaku kepada si kaya raya... Sahaja tok..
Kalau kita paper.kedana... Mana bisa peguam bantu kita..
"Justice only for the rich"
1. Debater Rawa Lanun-Bahasa said, "Thank you. Reading the comments posted here, che det should leave UMNO to help DAP out in PRU 14. You see that too."
2. As I have said, as of end of June this year, I am no longer affiliated to any political organisation. I am non-partisan, free agent.
3. Saudara Zainal Abidin Awang Kecik berkata, "Keadilan Hanna berlaku kepada si kaya raya... Sahaja tok..Kalau kita paper.kedana... Mana bisa peguam bantu kita..Justice only for the rich."
4. Yang berkuasa dapat khidmat peguam percuma kerana ada orang "sponsor". Boleh tipu berjuta-juta tapi tak masuk penjara sebab peguam berjaya "create reasonable doubt". Yang miskin curi setongkol roti kerana anak lapar masuk jail empat bulan.
Wallahuaklam. Terima Kasih.
Sallam Dato'
Baru-baru ini PAP menang besar di Singapore.
Saya agak heran, macamana boleh jadi dalam dunia, satu negara macam Singapore boleh menang begitu besar (83 dari 89 dari kerusi Parlimen) walaupun tidak ada derma berbillion dari Negara Arab.
Nampaknya Singapore kebal daripada pengaruh Sang Kelembai.
Tidak ada pun skandal wang atau rasuah mencemar kerajaan Singapore.
Apa agaknya rahsia kerajaan PAP yang adik beradik DAP dari Singapore itu.
Salam Datuk A. Kadir.
Congratulations Datuk for standing up to your principles and values. You are truly a person of courage, dignity and integrity.
The organisation is already at its terminal stage of collapse and ruin, those at the helm are determined to do or die with it, no shouts or screams of its members are heeded.
Your choice to leave is highly commendable. It should be an eye opener to the others. I don't know what Chedet, TSMY, Dato' Mukhriz, DSSA, DSAS and the others are contemplating, but I do hope they have noted what you have courageously chose to do.
Thank you Datuk. Take heart, you know that Allah is ever All Knowing.
Sorry if I sounded unfeeling Or calloused.No worries about this guy. He will be found, dead or alive. After all the police have set up a panel to find him.
Am more worried about the 7 Orang Asli kids. They have mysteriouly disappeared in the jungle. Nearly a month already.
My heart cries out for them as a mom of 3 small kids. How could they fend for themselves?
And in the midst of dense jungle with wild beasts. Maybe already mauled by tigers or pythons.
As for Morrais, why must the Najadi murder be brought up again? Didn't the court sentenced the murderer already? Najib haters tried to link him with IMDB. Failed as the AG clarified he had nothing to do with it.
Let the police solve this case. Let's be reasonable. Maybe he choose to escape or did himself him. We don't know.
If the police said he is kidnapped, it will be solved soon. But no ransom demand.
We have lost many kids over the years. They should be the ones the government, police and us M'sians worry. They are our future.
Salam Dato.
Bukan Dato seorg sahaja yg kini non-partisan.....sy dulu bersama Umno...sekarang dah tidak minat pd Parti ini lagi.... kerana Parti telah dicemar dgn Najis oleh Ketua2 yg cuma mementingkan diri...biadap ..kurang ajar...penipu...kuat berbohong....mempermainkan ugama dan bangsa ....dan cuma menjaga kepentingan org2 Pengapu Haram J yg juga penyangak dan perompak seperti ketua dan naib ketua2 juga.
Tidak perlu lagi menunggu GE14...bunga2 telah menujuk kepada kehancuran buah nya.
Terima kasih.
I can't say I know what you mean when you say you're non-partisan, free agent, Scribe. Just as I can't say I know what the story is about when a giant crane crashed in a storm and killed 107 people in Mecca.
All I know is that people die and there will be Armageddon, the Resurrection, the Day of Mahsyar and Heaven and Hell because the Qur'an tells me so.
To die a mukmin - that is the best thing that can happen to me. Ameen.
Salam hormat.
Mungkin doa Alahyarham Nik Aziz dimakbulkan Allah.
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