A Kadir
expressed herein are entirely mine. I am writing in my personal capacity as a
blogger. It has nothing to do with whatever position I may hold.
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KLIA system failure: Not the VMY 2020 preview that we expect |
I HOPE and pray that Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB) is not jinxed and I am
not the “Sang Kelembai”.
The major system failure at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is unfortunate and shameful.
Surely it is not the preview of the Visit Malaysia Year 2020 that we want the world to see and the certainly not the kind of outcome we expect from the recent pledge MAHB made to the government.
The major system failure at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is unfortunate and shameful.
Surely it is not the preview of the Visit Malaysia Year 2020 that we want the world to see and the certainly not the kind of outcome we expect from the recent pledge MAHB made to the government.
Less than
two weeks ago – on Aug. 13 – the MAHB held a grand gathering to belatedly celebrate
KLIA’s 21st anniversary.
It was graced
by no less than the Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, himself. I was
there. Thank you for the invitation.
At that event, the MAHB gave a glowing review of the airport’s past and offered an even more glowing preview of its future.
I shared my thoughts on that event in the posting of Aug. 14 entitled “Twenty One Years of KLIA and Looking Ahead”. If you wish you can read HERE.
At that event, the MAHB gave a glowing review of the airport’s past and offered an even more glowing preview of its future.
I shared my thoughts on that event in the posting of Aug. 14 entitled “Twenty One Years of KLIA and Looking Ahead”. If you wish you can read HERE.
I hope I
am not the mythical “Sang Kelambai” that caused the Aug. 22 system failure
which, in the initial stages, was dismissively described as disruptions by the MAHB.
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Courtesy of MAHB: Rivals came together in time of crisis |
In the
Malay mythology, “Sang Kelembai” has the power to bring forth bad things to
humans, animals and objects alike by merely mentioning their names. They mostly
turned into rocks.
Speaking of
rocks, this incident could put MAHB’s monopoly of the country’s airport
industry on a rocky road. There are bound to be challenges to its hegemony.
With 39 airports
in the country under its belt, MAHB could have been fed (or bitten) more that
it could chew.
I was
rather apprehensive when the government privatised Senai International Airport in
Johor to MMC Corporation Berhad back in 2009.
I had not
used the airport since then but last Saturday I flew in and out of it for a
brief visit to Johor Bahru. I must say that my impression of the privatised
Senai is positive.
airport looks more like a shopping mall than a drab brick and mortar airport. Last
year it was listed as the fifth busiest after KLIA, Kota Kinabalu, Penang
and Kuching. It handled 3.5 million passengers.
I would
like to challenge all those who think they can do a better job than MAHB to put
in their bids to make a commercial success out of any of the money-losing (albeit subsidised)
airports in the country.
shouldn’t just talk. They should put their money where their mouths are.
As for
the MAHB staff, especially top managers, they should collectively take
responsibility for the incident and if they are rewarded based on performance,
they should just kiss goodbye to this year’s performance bonus.
Thank you.
Kegagalan di KLIA adalah cermin kepada kegagalan kerajaan PH - tidak banyak beza.
Ia terjadi untuk Mahathir dan ampusnya melihat diri mereka sendiri kalau belum sedar²
Salam Dato’ Kadir Jasin
Macam-macam la yang terjadi walaupun baru setahun PH memerintah ni. Kes Pasir Gudang la, Kes Semburit, Kes Merogol, Kes Arwah Adib, Kes Arwah Syed Danial dilanggar, Kes Fuziah penipu, kes kenyataan Dr Zakir Naik diputar belit kafir dan sebagainya, Terbaru huru hara di KLIA. Tak tahu nak cakaplah. Nampak macam tak berkat langsung kerajaan PH ni. Mesti ada yang tak kena. Nak memerintah sangat tapi tak reti. Ini baru havoc di KLIA.
Saya tak tahu detail kes KLIA ni tapi nampak macam cyber attack je. Tapi apa-apa pun, ini bermakna pengurusan KLIA dan kerajaan PH tak cekap langsung dan tiada backup plan. Company kecil-kecil pun ada bukan satu tapi dua tiga backup plan. KLIA backup plan pun tak ada rupanya. Pening !!!! Kalaulah kena ke jabatan utama kerajaan, habislah Malaysia.
Akhir kata, Syed Sadiq dah menjemput Dr Zakir Naik datang ke rumahnya mungkin sebab rasa bersalah bagi kenyataan kurang ajar kpd ZK tanpa usul periksa dulu. Jadinya bila pula Dato’ nak ajak ZN ke rumah pulak sebab Dato’ pun dah buat benda yg sama, percaya bulat-bulat fitnah kafir tu buat apa. Ingat Dato’ kena minta maaf kalau Dato’ nak dapat redo Allah. Saya pesan je, terpulang Dato’lah yg seterusnya. Sbb dalam Islam, Allah berpesan di dlam Quran yg jika kafir sekalipun yg minta pertolongan kita patut tolong dan letakkan mereka di tempat selamat. Inikan sesama Islam. Sekian TQ.
In a "real" private sector, monthly salary itself is a bonus, you are good you are retained, the moment you are of no value to the organization, you are out within a month...
I am worried that the old" bad luck wish" will come back hunting us.Look at TNB. when then was a power failure to whole nation in the middle 80's that is called Total National Blackout.
As a result other power suppliers are created in the name of free competition to increase efficiency. Companies like YTL, Malakoff etc make so much money at the expense of TNB and consumers.One bad thing lead to another (read corruption).
One bad incident does not justify the creation new MAHB. Lets give full support to the management and don't open the door to unwarranted businessman.
Not only the MAHB, in fact, the whole nation was jinxed since way back 16th May 2018, the very fateful day. Mark the date for as long as you live where the 'devil' began bewitching the people. Soon after, we all have been cursed with endless of turmoils, chaos.. whatever you wish to name it. Get the idea who exactly the 'Sang Kelembai' is? Certainly, it is an irritating nuisance who has been buzzing around, casting an evil spell on the nation, coercing people to undergo a cycle of unnecessary tumult. I am convinced the jinx is still on, unless and until, that particular nuisance is removed. Only then, the bad spirit will simultaneously be exorcised and vanished, permitting the nation to break free and the people to live in peace and harmony.
Lol. Loved reading the last paragraph.
Salam Dato',
Kanan makan, kiri makan, belakang pun makan..... jangan lupa akhirat di depan...
Beginilah akan jadi nya negara walau menjurus kepada huru hara kerana kerajaan PH memberikan kebebasan seluas luasnya untuk bersuara dan bercakap.
Malangnya orang rakyat hanya pandai komen dan menuding hari.
Saya harap kerajaan akan mengembalikan undang2 ISA.
Salam Dato’ Kadir
Saya sebenarnya malas nak campur tangan dalam rumah Bersatu ni. Cuma kesian dekat Dato’ Rais yg katanya nak dikenakan tindakan disiplin sebab buat ramalan PH kalah jika PRU dibuat harini. Beliau cuma berkata benar mengikut sentimen semasa sekarang. Rasanya semua orang Melayu tahu tu terutama bila saudara seIslam sendiri pun tak dapat dipertahankan dan lebih mempercayai fitnah kafir. Mungkin pengurusan tertinggi Bersatu je yg buat-buat tak tahu. Hehehe………
Dulu Tun cukup marah dekat Najib sebab pecat TS Muhyiddin bila dia berkata benar. Sekarang Tun dan Bersatu nak kenakan Dato’ Rais pula sebab dia berkata benar. Jadi apa bezanya UMNO dibawah Najib dan Bersatu dibawah Tun. Pening! Pening !!!!! Makin gila dah Bersatu ni, gila kuasa ala-ala Najib dah.
Akhir kata, kita fikir-fikirkan lah ye. Selamat hari Merdeka. Sorry sebab Snippet tetapi panjang sikit.
Failed after Mahathir n it celbrated 21year of klia1.
Biase celebrate when 25 years old ksn.
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