Monday, November 07, 2016

Terima Kasih Kerana Turut Sama Berjuang

A Kadir Jasin 

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

MOHON izin. Sekadar sebuah catatan.

Sejak saya dipilih menganggotai Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) pada 2 November lalu, saya terperanjat tetapi gembira mendapati begitu ramai anak buah dan rakan seperjuangan saya dalam dunia kewartawanan yang bersimpati dengan perjuangan PPBM.

[PERINGATAN: Komen guna “Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Sila guna Google Account atau Name/URL. Boleh pakai nama samaran.]

Malah ramai memberitahu saya, sama ada secara peribadi atau melalui pesanan elektronik, bahawa mereka telah mendaftar sebagai ahli PPBM yang lebih dikenali dalam masyarakat sebagai Bersatu.

Sebilangan mereka pula telah secara sukarela membentuk pasukan untuk memberi kerjasama kepada PPBM menggunakan kepakaran mereka dalam bidang kewartawanan dan komunikasi.

Salah seorang daripada mereka yang dulunya setiausaha akhbar seorang menteri Umno berbisik memberitahu dia sekarang membantu mendaftarkan ahli PPBM di kawasannya.

Kepada yang masih bekerja dengan media kerajaan dan arus perdana, saya faham kedudukan mereka. Tidak perlu mohon maaf, membuat justifikasi atau berasa inferior. Saya faham sekarang kadar pengangguran sedang meningkat – lebih 515,000 kini menganggur - dan kalau diberhentikan susah hendak dapat kerja gantian.

Apa pun, saya mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada mereka dan berharap dengan bantuan mereka perjuangan kita menyelamatkan Malaysia dan membawa perubahan kepada rakyat jelata akan lebih mudah berjaya.

Saya faham bukanlah mudah bagi mereka mengubah arah tujuan dan set minda setelah sekian lama berkhidmat atas landasan Umno di mana saya mengaku saya sendiri yang "membawa" mereka ke arah itu.

Tetapi saya yakin mereka sendiri telah sedar bahawa apa yang mereka perjuangkan dahulu bukan lagi asas kepada tindak tanduk kerajaan yang ada hari ini. Keadaan telah berubah. Perjuangan, kalau masih ada, hanyalah untuk kantung sendiri saja. Cogan kata untuk agama, bangsa dan negara setakat penyedap mulut saja.

Apa yang kita bina dahulu bukan lagi acuan yang diguna pakai hari ini. Malah seperti kita baca, sebaliknya yang sedang berlaku. Legasi perjuangan kita sedang dimusnahkan.

Alhamdulillah, saya telah berjumpa dengan sesetengah daripada mereka. Jadi buat sementara waktu ini, saya terpaksa berpuas hati dengan berhubung melalui ruang siber.

Tiada celanya berkomunikasi melalui saluran siber kerana ia lebih bebas, mudah dan murah daripada melalui saluran tradisional seperti surat khabar, radio dan televisyen yang semakin disisihkan. Ada yang hendak bayar gaji wartawan pun terpaksa mengemis.
Rakan-rakan dan sesiapa juga yang ingin menghubungi saya bolehlah menghantar pesanan sulit dan persendirian (P&C) melalui blog ini. Saya tidak akan menyiarkannya. Minta maaflah saya tidak ada pejabat atau setiausaha. Semua buat sendiri.

Nota: Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan di sini untuk mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada rakan seperjuangan di Berita Harian, Tuan Haji Amir atas pesanannya kepada saya. Kalau saya berada di sekitar Kuala Kangsar dan Taiping Insya-Allah kita akan minum teh bersama-sama ahli PPBM.



Zalman A said...

Salam Datuk,

Congratulations on strong start. Yes, it is enoouraging.

I think the forces of evil are also worried.

Just like he has ruined every other institution, now Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil is attacking Parliament itself.

Every MP has a duty to bring up matters that affect the rakyat.

The DOJ report, the Swiss A-G's findings, the global coverage of the 1MDB scandal, the wrongful blocking of the A-G's report, and much more - these are all evidence of a massive failure of governance.

So Mappadulung must resort to the vague s124, words like "topple" and "oust" and Sedition Act to try and silence the truth.

It is pointless. And to argue that ongoing police investigations (which have gone nowhere in 15 months) mean that nobody can comment is legally nonsense. What do the above matters (DOJ report, the Swiss A-G's findings) have to do with PDRM?

The world outside knows far more about the truth than we are pretending to.

We look stupider day by day.

If a robber is caught, then he is "toppled" from stealing.

That is not a bad thing, and the robber can sabotage justice for only so long.

Never think that sabotaging justice is the same as innocence.

People only sabotage justice when they know they are guilty.

Sedarinya itu said...

Salam perjuangan..

Tahniah Datuk. Datuk telah mengambil langkah yang amat berani dengan meninggalkan zon selesa Datuk iaitu 'dunia persaraan' dengan terjun ke dunia politik yang penuh ranjau dan onak dalam usia emas namun penuh ilmu di dada dan pengalaman yang luas.
Hari-hari mendatang selepas ini bakal menjanjikan 1001 cabaran dan halangan yang pastinya bukan alang buat Datuk dan barisan kepimpinan Bersatu. Pasti menarik untuk ditatap buat kami rakyat marhaen yang tiada keberanian seperti Datuk dan otai-otai parti Bersatu. I wish I could be as brave as you, getting into politics fighting to claim back the country from the claws of bandits but I don't have the guts, your guts. I have a family of six to feed and they still depend on me. Namun saya menyokong parti ini dalam diam dan akan berusaha menyumbang semampu yang boleh atas kapasiti 'silent supporter'. Good Luck Datuk. Saya berdoa supaya tuhan sentiasa memberikan Datuk kekuatan dan kesihatan dalam perjuangan murni Datuk menentang kerakusan regim durjana yang sudah hilang pedoman sehingga sanggup menjual negara demi menyelamatkan diri dan anak beranak.

- Kalau takut ambil risiko, usah kalian berbicara soal perjuangan...( Anwar Ibrahim, ABIM 1970-an)

Don'tcheatrakyat said...

Dato’ congratulations on the support of many journalists and media personalities for Bersatu. Maybe you can ask them to investigate the RM55 billion scandalous China loan for the East Coast Railway Project.

Please remind that West Coast line from Padang Besar, Perlis to Johor Bahru during Tun Mahathir's time was RM14 billion but Abdullah said it was too expensive and stopped the work from Gemas to Johor Bahru. The JB-Padang Besar west coast line is estimated to cost RM18 billion in total.

Please question Dollah what he thinks of RRM55 billion price tag for the ECR because he is very talkative now. The shorter ECR will 3 times more expensive than West Coast railway. Logically price of tickets will be three times higher than west coast rail.

The government claims that the ECR is for the good of the rakyat. But in actual fact it is punishing the rakyat. Consider this. At RM55 billion for 20 years, a grace period of 7 years and an interest rate of 3.5%, the minimum amount to pay is RM4 billion a year.

Where is study to show where the government is going to get the revenue to pay debt? In the last budget, the government said debt is below 55% of the GDP. But now RM55 billion is added to it.

Will there be enough people to use the new railway line? Will there be enough freight to cover the cost and pay back billions of ringgit of interest and principal?

It is argued that this will create new growth areas. But experience shows that towns grow along highways than railways.

The media people can investigate why the RM55 billion contract is awarded without tender to a company that is black listed by World Bank for corruption. For this reason many believe the high price tag was for kick back to pay 1MDB's losses and debts.

Only black listed companies will do business with a kleptocratic government. If govt has no intention to cheat the rakyat, the least it can do is to call for tenders among Chinese companies.

The MO1 said this is an investment by China and all idiotic ministers echo this. Investment means investor brings in money to invest and we don't get involved. This is a contract awarded to Chinese company to construct our project and we borrow to pay for the project. Where is the investment?

A foreign beverage company built a factory in Malaysia, It puts in the money and the government does not get involved. This is investment. Don't cheat the rakyat because in the case of the RMM55 billion China loan, the rakyat and their children and grandchildren who have to pay.

LSS kata said...

Kadir Jasin says "Show Us Genuine China Money" and challenged Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani and Datuk Muhammad Ibrahim to show us the pay-in slips to prove that the China companies are actually bringing in the capital.
According to Malaysian media reports, RM143.64 billion worth of deals were signed during Najib’s this week’s visit to China.
LMAO!! What a stupid fool this person is.
These are MOUs signed. They don't sign and then bank all into your account.
They will invest and disburse the payments in stages based on the project progress over the years. - just like any other investment commitments.
Does this Pak Kadir know anything or not?
You think these companies from China and the China Govt is play play is it?
Last time I had asked you to prove how you financed your 20% purchase of Realmild which ended up owing the multi-billion MRCB, TV3 and NSTP.
I had also challenged you to show us what happened to the money when you sold that 20% stake.
This is well within your control as this is a straight-forward purchase and sale of shares so it is easy to show us your money flows.
But you refused and ran away.
Now you come here to ask something stupid like asking foreign investors to show you bank-in slips?
Go dream on.

LSS said said...

Kadir Jasin says "Show Us Genuine China Money" and challenged Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani and Datuk Muhammad Ibrahim to show us the pay-in slips to prove that the China companies are actually bringing in the capital.
According to Malaysian media reports, RM143.64 billion worth of deals were signed during Najib’s this week’s visit to China.
LMAO!! What a stupid fool this person is.
These are MOUs signed. They don't sign and then bank all into your account.
They will invest and disburse the payments in stages based on the project progress over the years. - just like any other investment commitments.
Does this Pak Kadir know anything or not?
You think these companies from China and the China Govt is play play is it?
Last time I had asked you to prove how you financed your 20% purchase of Realmild which ended up owing the multi-billion MRCB, TV3 and NSTP.
I had also challenged you to show us what happened to the money when you sold that 20% stake.
This is well within your control as this is a straight-forward purchase and sale of shares so it is easy to show us your money flows.
But you refused and ran away.
Now you come here to ask something stupid like asking foreign investors to show you bank-in slips?
Go dream on.

Zalman A said...

On a side note, I am very sure that Arul Kanda is now being sent to met IPIC in UAE with money freshly songlap-ed from the China deals.

He will be told to settle before the arbitration ends, because the ugly conspiracy between Khadem Abdullah al-Qubaisi, Mohamed Badawy al-Husseiny, MO1 and his Chinese middleman will be exposed fully during the proceedings.

The sum IPIC is claiming is US$6.5 billion from the whole Aabar doppleganger scam.

The leaked term sheet from the East Coast railway mentions this in black and white, and also that the "mark-up" will be used to settle Jho Low debts as well as the 1MDB legal mess.

The mat salleh have a peribahasa:

"rob Peter to pay Paul"
phrase of rob


"…take something away from one person to pay another, leaving the former at a disadvantage; discharge one debt only to incur another."

This is what Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil, our finance minister konon, thinks is the basis of his wawasan TN50:

Keep stealing, leaving the rakyat to foot the bill by paying twice for his thefts.

After the failure of his GITP, ETP, and entah apa lagi, he should introduce his new policy of GLTL:

"Gali Lubang Tutup Lubang".

Ali Mah said...

it is stupid for Jack Ma to rub shoulders with the worst crook in Malaysian history, if not the world, will give him a different reputation than what he expected.

Premium Business said...

Adalah lebih mulia, mati ketika menjadi pemimpin yang masih diakui umat oleh Radulullah SAW.

Jauhi pemimpin yang Pembohong Penipu Penyamun.

Zalman A said...

Saudara careless double poster 10:55 AM & 10:54 AM,

You ask:

"You think these companies from China and the China Govt is (sic) play play is it?"

Yes, they do.

a) "Washington, July 29, 2011 − The World Bank today announced the debarment of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) Limited, and all its subsidiaries, for fraudulent practices under Phase 1 of the Philippines National Roads Improvement and Management Project. Under the sanction, CCCC is ineligible to engage in any road and bridge projects financed by the World Bank Group until January 12, 2017." - WORLD BANK

b) Reuters reported in October 2013 that China’s anti-graft authorities punished eight people at a state-owned rail construction firm, China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd, for spending more than $100m on ‘hospitality’ in 2012. They had spent $135m on receptions for guests. One of the officials received a suspended death sentence, meaning life imprisonment.

c) Last year, Tanzania accused Beijing-based China Communications Construction Company of corruption in connection to another port project. Prosecutors charged the former head of the Tanzania Ports Authority and his deputy with fraudulently awarding a bloated contract worth more than $523 million to CCC for a port expansion. Tanzania abandoned the project after officials said costs billed by CCCC were double those for similar port projects.

d) HARARE, June 6 2016 – The company that won a lucrative $2 billion contract for the construction of Zimbabwe’s most important highway is under a World Bank ban for tender rigging and fraud. The World Bank banned CCCC after another of its subsidiaries was accused of “collusive practices” on a World Bank-funded road tender in the Philippines. The subsidiary was involved in further bribery and corruption allegations in the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Bangladesh and Uganda.

And many, many others globally committed by CCCC and its subsidiaries.

Looks like Malaysia is the latest victim, but we are now experts in committing financial fraud, as seven countries on the 1MDB trail can tell you.

sukasamasuka said...


Tahniah kerana dipilih menganggotai Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) pada 2 November yang lalu...besar ibadahnya ni Datuk...good job!

"Tiada celanya berkomunikasi melalui saluran siber kerana ia lebih bebas, mudah dan murah..."...tepat sekali Datuk, ia memang lagi mudah dan murah...tapi, lebih bebas???...entah la...aku rasa, rakyat Malaysia memang sudah mampu berfikiran bebas dan terbuka...itu adalah untuk dasar PPBM untuk memansuhkan Akta2 yang bodoh...berani ke PPBM yang kebanyakannya orang lama UMNO membuat semua itu atau "more of the same"?

Masaalahnya orang Melayu itu sendiri...apa ke PPBM mampu mengubah pemikiran orang Melayu kesuatu tahap supaya mereka tidak takut pada bayang bayang sendiri?

Orang Melayu bukan takut sama Tuhan, tetapi takut sama manusia seperti sultan2 dan raja2...polis...mata mata gelap...dan tali barut kerajaan...sebab takut hilang periuk nasi...kita Melayu bukan kaya, jadi bila kena lepas kerja, siapa mau kasi makan anak bini....olih itu bila akta2 yang memperbodohkan Melayu sudah tiada, baru la bolih bebas bercakap.

Bukan semua apa yang orang cakap itu ada isinya...tetapi, kenapa kita mau sekat orang bercakap?...itu hak siapa?...hak kerajaan ke atau hak Tuhan?...jadi, kenapa kerajaan Melayu UMNO takut pada bayang2 sendiri?

Itu la salah satu puncanya Melayu lemah sebab takut mau bersuara...contohnya saya sendiri...kena la pakai nama samaran...itu pun ada juga yang mau kacau...intip sana, intip sini...aku harap satu hari nanti, bila PPBM jadi kerajaan baru...kita semua tidak perlu pakai “Anonymous” atau nama samaran...itu baru la dikatakan bebas.

Selamat terus berjuang Datuk!

Zalman A said...

Salam Datuk

Very insightful article from Economist on China's expansion:

It concludes.....

'Some African leaders, by contrast, plainly like the Chinese approach to government and big business, which puts human rights and transparency totally to one side, while ritually uttering the official mantra of “win-win”: Africans and Chinese benefit equally. The presidents of Angola and Zimbabwe are notorious examples, but others abound.'

'Moreover, if Western donors or investors try to lay down conditions on such matters, African leaders have become adept at threatening to “go east”. As a massive transactional process, China’s entry into Africa has been a dramatic success, and many of those roads and bridges are useful. But as an ideological and cultural undertaking, Mr French’s masterly account suggests that it is getting nowhere.'

Now the China trip makes sense.

They have no DOJ or independent A-Gs.

There is also the fact that China only uses its home resources.

The project is large but unlike other major projects involving foreign contractors (for example the Petronas PSCs) quotas stipulating  a minimum number of Bumiputera employees ,contracts to local Bumiputera contractors and suppliers and other such conditions enforced pursuant to the affirmative action NEP are likely to be ignored. China buys its own products from its own suppliers, and employs its own people.

Zed-85 said...

Sallam Dato’

Saya umpamakan Bersatu ini sebagai kapal baru untuk destinasi yang mulia untuk orang melayu dan Malaysia.

Kita perlukan kapal baru sekiranya kapal yang ada sekarang ini kaptennya bawa ke Bermuda Triangle.

Yang paling penting, kapal ini kekal untuk generasi yang ada sekarang dan untuk generasi yang akan datang supaya orang melayu ada kenderaan untuk menuju destinasi dan masa depan yang labih baik dari sekarang.

Besok Amerika akan mengundi untuk menentukan pemimpin yang paling berkuasa dalam dunia ini.

Rakyat Amerika ada sistem 2 parti untuk mereka iaitu Parti Republican dan Parti Demokrat. Bakal presiden berkempen dan berdebat bersungguh-sungguh masing-masing menawarkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat Amerika.

Kalaulah satu daripada parti itu tidak betul, mereka ada satu lagi parti.

Orang melayu juga mesti ada sistem 2 parti yang berdebat, bersaing dan menawarkan yang terbaik untuk orang melayu dan rakyat Malaysia.

Sulaid said...

As Salam Datuk,

1. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dilantik sebagai " Menteri Mentor Negara " dengan kuasa pembatal ( veto power). Beliau ada kuasa membatal keputusan keputusan yang dibuat oleh Perdana Menteri atau Kabinet.
2. Pertama kali dalam sejarah Malaysia, Timbalan Perdana Menteri dari kaum Cina.
3. Kapal terbang rasmi kerajaan adalah untuk kegunaan Yang Dipertuan Agong, Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Mentor Negara sahaja. Isteri dan Anak Anak Perdana Menteri tidak dibenarkan naik.
4. Perdana Menteri boleh dipecat dengan hanya mendapatkan lebih daripada 1 juta tandatangan rakyat.
5. Perlantikan Perdana Menteri tidak perlu mendapat pekenan Yang Dipertuan Agong tetapi perlu mendapat pekenan Menteri Mentor Negara.
6. Organisasi BERSIH dihalalkan dan diletak dibawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Tugas BERSIH adalah membersih semua Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan termasuk bandaraya bandaraya.
7. Cybertroopers DAP diiktiraf dan dijadikan cybertroopers kerajaan dengan mempunyai Ketua Pengarah nya sendiri, diletak dibawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
8. 1MDB dibubarkan, Pengerusi dan semua ahli lembaga pengarah nya dihadapkan ke mahkamah.
9. Semua Tol lebuhraya dihapuskan.
10. Harga minyak petrol RM 1.50 seliter dan diesel RM1.30 seliter. Tidak akan ada kenaikan harga disepanjang tempoh pemerintahan kerajaan Pakatan.
11. Harga Gas Memasak (LPG) RM15.00 satu tong (pembeli membawa tong sendiri dan diisi sendiri di outlet outlet yang akan dibina oleh kerajaan). Tidak akan ada kenaikan harga disepanjang tempoh pemerintahan kerajaan Pakatan.
12. Harga minyak masak RM1.00 dalam botol berkapasiti 1.5 liter. Tidak akan ada kenaikan harga disepanjang tempoh pemerintahan kerajaan Pakatan. Kerajaan akan menubuhkan satu syarikat yang akan mempunyai lori lori tangki minyak masak yang akan bergerak keseluruhan pelusuk negara dimana rakyat boleh terus membeli dari lori berkenaan (dengan syarat pembeli mesti membawa botol sendiri).
13. Kaum Cina dan India boleh buka berapa banyak pun sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah jenis kebangsaan sendiri.
14. Pelajar bukan Bumiputra boleh sambung belajar di UITM.
15. Kerajaan tidak menempah lagi kapal kapal perang dari negara China. Semua kapal perang dibuat di Trengganu, iaitu kapal perang kayu berkualiti tinggi buatan tempatan ditempah dari tukang bot kayu di Trengganu.
16. Peniaga peniaga Melayu digalakkan membawa masuk barangan dari negara China kerana harganya yang murah dan kualiti terjamin saperti pokok pokok hiasan plastik, beg tangan, kain baju dan kelengkapan kenderaan.
17. GST bagi semua barangan keperluan dimansuhkan. GST dikenakan keatas barangan yang dibeli oleh orang orang kaya sahaja.
18. Cukai pendapatan juga dimansuhkan, hanya yang berpendapatan RM1 juta dan keatas setahun perlu membayar.
19. BRIM diteruskan dengan kadar baru RM3,000.00 setiap orang.
20. Kontrak pembinaan projek projek infrastructure bernilai jutaan atau billion ringgit tidak diberi kepada kontraktor dari negara China lagi. Kontraktor Melayu kelas F pun boleh mengambil bahagian. Dana disediakan oleh kerajaan, tak mampu bayar balik pun tak apa.
21. Diadakan dua kategori " reserved land ", satu Malay Reserved Land dan satu lagi Chinese Reserved Land.
22. PTPTN dimansuhkan, diganti dengan BIWAK1P ( Biasiswa Kerajaan 1 Pakatan) dengan kadar RM 5,000.00 setahun. Kalau gagal peperiksaan pun tak apa, tak payah bayar balik.
23. Kerajaan memberi jaminan semua graduan graduan lepasan universiti awam dan swasta akan diberi pekerjaan. Tempoh menganggur maximum 6 bulan sahaja, lepas itu akan diberi pekerjaan.

Itulah inisiatif inisiatif kerajaan Pakatan Harapan dalam usaha memakmurkan rakyat dengan motto " Biar Kerajaan Berhempas Pulas Asalkan Rakyat Enjoy Life ".

Sesiapa yang teruja dengan manifesto diatas boleh lah memangkah parti parti dibawah Pakatan Harapan dalam PRU 14 nanti.

Zed-85 said...

Sallam Dato'

Saya terbaca di internet hari ini yang agak menarik bahawa masalah terbesar Malaysia bukan DAP, tetapi PPP.

Rupanya PPP adalah Perompak, Penyamun dan Pencuri.

Saya rasa, betul juga.

OldFriend said...

"saya terperanjat tetapi gembira mendapati begitu ramai anak buah dan rakan seperjuangan saya dalam dunia kewartawanan yang bersimpati dengan perjuangan PPBM"

Alahai Kadir... you and your cheap stunt. You must be so desperate to convince your master that you have friends in the media who believe and support your stand against Najib. Using them to justify your action and as your shield is despicable indeed. Do you have to stoop to this lowest level Kadir?

Aku said...

Kadiag, salaam.

Segala puji pujian tertentu bagi Allah. S.W.T. Tahni'ah kak hang, ni amanah besag untuk hang dan peluang yg besag untuk hang pulon kerja2 yg baik bekai bok balik dlm kubog dan selepaih tu nanti...Insya'Allah.
Macam mana pon, bahaya pon banyak, macam orang yg serang hang pasai keh 'realmild' tu. Tu aku kira kecik, bahaya yg lebih besag munkin menanti...saja nak habag mai, aku pon besa jadi mangsa, antara lain, aku tulih pasai depa dok tipu rega gula berdekad dekad lamanya.
Depa pulak serang hang secara peribadi, teringat aku 'modus operandi' yg orang lahiag kemamang tengganu kutuk breder Cherok Tok Kun (laa ni dok kad bambu riba) masa dok bahaih dolu, jugak serang secara peribadi, dan Alhamdulillah, breder Cherok Tok Kun teruih kekai bincang hai2 dasag...tapi ni kira tahap rendah pasai belum lagi tahap tong simen atau c4 ka apa ka.... macam mana pon, orang tentera kata hang mau kena siap siaga, selalu dan kuatkan pegantungan pada yg Maha Esa.
Pandai2 jaga diri Kadiag,

Nenekghuffran said...

Sebuah Manifesto khayalan yang dicipta oleh pesakit mental bernama Sulaid....
entah apa-apalah kau ni...terlupa makan ubatlah ni....

Zed-85 said...

Saudara Sulaid,

Saudara kata sebelum ini, orang yang menceritakan kesalahan kerajaan adalah berdasarkan cerita andaian-andaian sahaja bukan betul.

Sebenarnya apa yang saudara tulis di atas semuanya adalah andaian-andaian cerita.

Kita perlu juga tahu dan bezakan yang mana fakta dan yang mana satu andaian.

Fakta sebenar berbillion wang yang sudah menjadi persoalan isu semasa, sampai satu dunia pun tahun, tak payahlah saya sebutkan. Di Singapura sedang dibicarakan dan juga di Amerika. Kalaulah isunya RM5 dan RM10 tidak menjadi masalah, tapi berbillion.

Fakta sebenar juga adalah harta berbillion dirampas atau ditahan di Amerika. Siapa tuan punya harta itu? Harta berbillion itu bukan andaian-andaian, ada alamatnya dan ada barangnya yang zahir.

Oleh itu, yang mana satu andaian, yang mana satu fakta?

zainalasin said...

tak payah janji apa2 saya tetap tak sokong najib

Sulaidedak said...

Very well written. Mesti dah lama karang ni dan save kat desktop. Tunggu masa jer nak post kat sopo blog yang popular dan menjadi ikutan ramai seperti blog Kadir Jasin. Nak post kat blog Umno tak ada orang baca, baik post kat blog yang ada high traffic ye dak?
Lepas buat posting ni boleh la hantar claim kat bos Mat Maslan. Isi borang claim tu betul-betul bro. Nanti lambat pulak claim to masuk. In the meantime, tolong buat satu lagi posting yang merapu-rapu dan penuh khayalan ala RPK. Macam yang kau buat ni la. Boleh skype dengan beliau obersea mintak tips macam mana nak reka cerita tele novela versi pemakan dedak.

Nur Haikal Levine said...

Gapo dio ni..

Dol said...

Syabas Dato, hanya itu yang da.pat saya kata

mad said...

saya ketawa sorang-sorang baca komen sukasamasuka 1.51. walaupun lucu tapi ada benarnya. namun bagi saya takut pada bayang-bayang sendiri bukanlah tabiat khas untuk org melayu sahaja. itu adalah tabiat semulajadi manusia.
yang menghairankan saya adalah bila ada org melayu miskin yang mempertahankan Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil. (nampak macam saya taip sendiri gelaran lanun besar yg panjang tapi sebenarnya saya copy & paste saja dari komen org lain). hari tu saya berbual dgn seorang imam kampung di kedai kopi dan tajuk perbualan tiba-tiba beralih ke topik politik. saya tak selesa berbual hal politik dgn dia sebab saya tahu dia penyokong tegar dacing lama. dia bercerita isu george soros, seorang yahudi, yg memberi dana kpd pembangkang utk menjatuhkan lanun 1mesia. saya hampir tersedak bila dia mengatakan mahathir juga seorang yahudi. saya tak tanya dia dimana dia dapat info ini. yang saya tahu mahathir keturunan mamak. saya dulu pun anti mahathir tapi sekarang ini saya maafkan dia.

Waghih said...

Camno ni Datuk ...

Kono jawab ni ...
Credibility n integrity datuk at stake ...

Klu kito bonar n amanah ... takdo hal nak jawab persoalan dari waghih LSS ni ...


Waghih said...

Perghhhh .. cangih tu.

Den tambah ckit yo ...
1) Perlantikan DYMM Agung , Sultan , PM , MB dan KM hanyo dilakukan olih Menteri Mentor Negaro (MMN) . Tak perlu penasihat .

2)MMN tak suko BR1M jadi sumo pembayaran yg lopeh kono pulangkan balik .

3)GST dimansuhkan dan diganti ngan SST . Sumo peniago kono daftar cukai mcm LHDN kek kastam.

4)Sumo projek pembangunan mesti melalui JV dgn UEM , Renung , YTL , Berjaya dan syarikat yg dipilih olih MMN .
Proxy ni dapek bantu PRU14 nnti.

5)Pengambilan pokojo Bangla dihontikan dan digantikan dgn China Doll ..
Sumo akan diagihkan kek Nuar siliwat , LGE mdm , Nika Din , Azmin toilet , Husni yati , Normah Sabu dan yg memerlukan .

Camni den sangup pangkah yg Xdo harapan .



Salam and greetings to all debaters and visitor,

A new debater going by pseudonym LSS had, among other things, wrote: “Last time I had asked you to prove how you financed your 20% purchase of Realmild which ended up owing the multi-billion MRCB, TV3 and NSTP.
I had also challenged you to show us what happened to the money when you sold that 20% stake.
This is well within your control as this is a straight-forward purchase and sale of shares so it is easy to show us your money flows.
But you refused and ran away.”

1.I did not own 20 per cent of Realmild Sdn Bhd. I held only about 5 per cent.

2. That portion was handed back to the ultimate shareholders in 2000.

3. As for funding, Realmild borrowed from banks to pay for the purchase of MRCB and MRCB in turn borrowed to purchase NSTP and STMB (TV3).

4. All debts and obligations involved in the purchase of MRCB by Realmild and the purchase of NSTP and TV3 by MRCB were fully settled when the MBO team was dissolved towards the end of 1998 and early 1999.

5. I myself left the Realmild Group and its subsidiaries and resigned as Group Editor-in-Chief of thr NSPT in June 2000.

6. But MRCB was indebted to the EPF for the purchase of RHB Bank shares. That led to the EPF taking control of MRCB sometime in 2005 and its shares in RHB. Both MRCB and RHB Bank are good assets for EPF.

Wallahuaklam.Thank you.

banggoi petai said...

Udah makan dodak tadi ? Jangan lupo samak mulut yo... Jangan laie poie cium bontot badak pulo ...

sukasamasuka said...


1. Isu Realmild ni Datuk, isu kacang putih la...tak ada isu langsung...bagi aku la...kecuali ada orang mungkin tak tau buat kerja sesenang begitu...jadi kena explain la satu persatu pada dia, takut nanti dia tak faham juga sebab otak dia macam budak2 berhingus.

2. Bukan senang mau buat kerja dengan betul...bukan senang.

3. Mencuri duit...terminta2 duit...menipu sana sini...itu senang.

4. Membohong adalah kerja yang paling senang.

5. Begini saja la Datuk...aku pun nak tau sikit juga...Datuk jangan lari...mesti kena jawab...masa Datuk jadi bapa Group Editor-in-Chief of the NSTP dulu, Datuk minum apa ya?...kopi tumbuk orang kampong? Nescafe? Teh Cina? atau Teh Turki?...hingga sihat sampai sekarang.

banggoi petai said...

Poie samak copat tu mulot ...lupo den ...cium bontot badak tak payoh samak kan ....idup waghih badak

Nam of the game? said...

hope the Chinese Govt is listening to us in Malaysia. We will not forgive them and will hold them accountable for conspiring to cheat and defraud the malaysian citizens of its money. The Chinese Govt has historically been honourable in financial agreements with the outside world, as name and face is so important to them, carried down from generation to generation.

How can they agree and sign to build the East Coast Rail Line, at a cost of RM91.67 million per kilometre, the RM55 billion East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) could be one of the most expensive interstate rail and cargo lines to be built in the world, according to industry players.

“It could be the most expensive rail infrastructure project in the world in its class … It’s a good project but not at this ridiculous price,” says an executive from a construction outfit.
Interestingly, East Coast Economic Region Development Council CEO Datuk Jebasingam Issac John was quoted by news reports in April 2014 as saying that the price tag for the 600km railway line was RM30 billion and many Malaysian companies were interested in the job, including YTL Corp Bhd, MMC Corp Bhd, Gamuda Bhd, Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd, UEM Group Bhd and WCT Holdings Bhd.

For the cost of the ECRL to increase by 83% in a span of two years is unbelievable. While the depreciation of the ringgit may be one reason for the rise, could the increment be that much?

The analyst had projected a total cost of RM30 billion for the rail line, or RM50 million per kilometre, which is at his highest band. He feels that the high price tag is difficult to explain at this juncture.
Read more from

No money said...

China is facing low economic growth and financial problems. It's Finance Minister has just been replaced.
What about Malaysia? Also low economic growth and financial issues, there's no way we can depend on China for our future.

Sulaid said...

As Salam Datuk,
Dulu dulu saya penyokong kuat Dr M, sanggup beli buku-buku tulisan beliau, sanggup dengar ucapan beliau semasa setiap persidangan agong UMNO. Kalau dia benci dan nak jatuhkan Najib boleh lagi terima. Kalau dia bersekonkol dengan lain lain parti yang berteraskan Melayu dan Islam boleh terima la jugak. Tapi bila dia dah bersekonkol dengan DAP saya hilang hormat.. maaf banyak banyak.


Debater No Money said: "Datuk,
China is facing low economic growth and financial problems. It's Finance Minister has just been replaced.
What about Malaysia? Also low economic growth and financial issues, there's no way we can depend on China for our future."

This is what the McKinsey Global Institute has to say on the subject of China debt:

"China's debt has quadrupled since 2007. Fueled by real estate and shadow banking, China's total debt has nearly quadrupled, rising to $28 trillion by mid-2014, from $7 trillion in 2007. At 282 percent of GDP, China's debt as a share of GDP, while manageable, is larger than that of the United States or Germany. Three developments are potentially worrisome: half of all loans are linked, directly or indirectly, to China's overheated real-estate market; unregulated shadow banking accounts for nearly half of new lending; and the debt of many local governments is probably unsustainable. However, MGI calculates that China's government has the capacity to bail out the financial sector should a property-related debt crisis develop. The challenge will be to contain future debt increases and reduce the risks of such a crisis, without putting the brakes on economic growth."

Thank you.

Zed-85 said...

Saudara Sulaid,

Kenyataan saudara tak betul, kalaulah orang UMNO boleh tolak Najib, tak payahlah Tun M dan Muhyidin buat parti baru dan semua orang pening kepala termasuk juga ramai orang UMNO. Tertubuhnya parti baru ini pun ada hikmahnya

Minta Maaflah saya cakapkan saya dan ramai tak boleh terima dari hukum moral orang masuk duit RM2.6 ke dalam akaun sendiri yang bukan haknya.

Saudara bercerita tentang perbezaan antara andaian dan fakta. Yang mana fakta, yang mana andaian-andaian.

Ini cerita pasal DAP jadi Perdana Menteri dan habis Malaysia kerana DAP adalah andaian-andaian sahaja, bukan betul pun.

Selangor dah perintah hampir 9 tahun berpakat dengan DAP, tak pulak mundur Selangor malah duit Tabung Selangor meningkat berlipat ganda. Selangor masih juga jadi negeri paling kaya. Tidak pula orang melayu merempat di Selangor.

Dalam Islam, berkerjasama dengan orang Kafir untuk kebaikkan dibolehkan. Dalam Islam dipanggil Tahalus Siasi. Nabi pun ada buat zaman dahulu.

Oleh itu apa yang Tun M buat sebenarnya adalah tidak salah malah niatnya untuk selamatkan Malaysia.

Kalaulah orang melayu dapat bezakan yang mana satu andaian-andaian dan yang mana satu fakta atau benar, maka selesai masalah dekat Malaysia ini.

Unknown said...


pertama sekali, TAHNIAH datuk atas perlantikan ini...

kedua, saya cuma nak maklumkan keadaan politik di kampung saya di Melaka. rata2 orang kampung saya sgt teruja menerima BRIM. mereka seakan tak nampak/peduli dgn isu2 yg lebih besar seperti GST,1MDB,hutang negara yg bertambah, apatah lg unjuran2 KDNKK, inflasi, etc.

di kawasan bandar2 besar seperti Kuala Lumpur rasanya kesedaran terhadap isu2 sebegitu agak tinggi, tapi di kampung2 rasanya tidak begitu. kalau adapun yang sedar, mereka kelompok minoriti.

mungkin kita perlu tunggu keadaan benar2 'masak' ato 'tepu', seperti ketika berlakunya revolusi Perancis. kata pepatah; 'sudah terhantuk baru tergadah'. begitulah menurut perhitungan saya.

saya juga berharap YDP Agong Baru, Sultan Muhammad, bakal membuat percaturan yang lebih berani demi maslahat rakyat dan negara.

rapatkan saf kita, kawan2 sekalian...

Zalman A said...


You are very kind to even bother to reply to the "LSS" who shares a name with an MCA-funded Umno-defending mouthpiece whose real name is Eric See-To.

How the MCA have fallen; they are completely irrelevant to even members of their own race, but will continue to bark on command as long as the Chinese towkays can make cash from Ali-Baba contracts with corrupt Umnoputras.

It is more of a corrupt business bureau than a political party.

In the meantime, the poor of all races suffer.

sukasamasuka said...


Lets make sense on what you have just posted at 3.55PM..."China's debt has quadrupled since 2007...."

1. Lets break China’s total debt into four components: bank, corporate, government, and household.

Bank debt has decreased slightly in relation to the size of the country’s economy over the past 10 years, to 19 percent of GDP in 2015.

Corporate debt, meanwhile, jumped to 165 percent of GDP from 105 percent.

Government debt rose to 22 percent of GDP.

Household debt has increased to more than 40 percent of GDP, but, China has so much cash that her household savings are twice as large as her debts.

2. In Nov 2nd posting, Datuk raised an issue "Show Us Genuine China Money" relation to the sudden massive influx of RM144 billion "investments" from China...of course, its not coming in one go like someone stealing RM2.6 billion cash from1MDB within a span of 4 months.

3. We don't know the detail as yet...but, we can safely assume those companies from China will require fresh debts to start new China, not in Malaysia...for Chinese workers, not Malaysians...for materials like steels, glass and plastics as components for the railway well as new and fresh supplies of Made-in China heavy machines for the construction works....assuming that RM55 billions is part of the RM144 billions...knowing that this is not a negotiated international open tender, you know.

4. With the kind of political will on the part of China to do is quite easy for China to raise fund for this RM144 because China has a huge household saving in the, their Corporate debt will see an increase.

Understandably, they are not worried because the China Government need to find jobs for her own people...walllaaaa!...the Melayus are helping the Chinese in China to create new employments...and we, on the other hand, are still struggling with our own 500,000+ unemployment.

The Melayus engineers and workers can work under the construction workers, nothing more, nothing less, if you are lucky to get jobs!

5. This RM144 billion so called "investment" from China is not free you got to pay...oh yes, damn well you fool are going to pay every single Rupee...because the bloody China doesn't need no railway lines in Malaysia...they want a maritime control...idiots...the Bugis doesn't travel in train either...they came in boats...

6. So, is this RM144 billion really "investments" from China?...hell no! is Najib who borrow money from China to build those infrastructure, when you borrow money, you don't become "investors" become this case, Malaysian Government will stand as 1MDB, SRC International etc.

7. Rarely, if any, China wants to invest in another country without any form of returns...nobody would for that matter anyway...would you?

8. I know you would because you are Malays.

sukasamasuka said...

Datuk yang mulia.

1. Sabah (RM25b)and Sarawak (RM30b) contributed to some RM55 in yearly revenue to Petronas.

2. Sabah is the poorest "State" in Malaysia.

3. Thank you UMNO.

4. Thank you BN.

5. Congratulation PM Najib for your successful trip to China to "bring home huge investments" for infrastructure projects in West Malaysia...good job! the way are we Sabahan still paying the same GST like the rest of the country?..why not, we are brothers you know.

sukasamasuka said...


1. DAP is so Chinese la.

2. The Malays are so scared of the Chinese especially the DAP...kesian Lim Kit Siang...itu la dulu Tun M suruh dia "potong" tidak mau...keras kepala punya Cina...macam la kerja tu susah sangat...tanya la Datuk... chop chop...over in split second.

3. A Kedahan friend...UMNO hardcore...called me from KL..."aku undi siapa saja, asal jangan DAP"...I asked why, his reply was simple..."kita Melayu la bro"...what the $@#*?

4. Aku tau la kamu Melayu...tapi, jangan la aksin sangat sampai cakap begitu.

5. Jadi aku tanya this friend, "esok kalau DAP tak ada, macam mana?"...dia jawab "xxxxxxxxxx"!...sorry, I can't share with you all.

awang batuburok said...

Tahniah Dato,
Selamat berjuang.
Kalau Dato ada lawatan ke K.Terengganu tlg maklumkan dlm blog, boleh kita kumpulkan kawan-kawan disekitar KT.

No money said...

thank you.
MGI calculates that China's govt has the capacity to bail out the financial sector should a property related debt crisis develop. MGI is referring to China's own internal problems.
China will be too involved and embroiled in its own financial turmoil to consider bailing out minnows such as Malaysia.
That's my point, Malaysia will be left hanging out to dry because of over reliance on one source.

Unknown said...

Sulaid, tak perlu minta mangaf banyak2.
Sanggup cium bo*t** cina jho low?
Ingat tak apa si cina ni cakap dulu? "UMNO leader is a spin master" atau secara ringkasnya bermaksud kaki putar belit.
Tak terguris ke?

Waghih said...

Ala datuk ...
Masih tak jawab soalan ringkas tu ...
1)Rekod ngato 20% ateh namo datuk kek Realmild . Camno tu..

2)Klu yo share datuk 5% dlm Realmild ... banyak tu ..ratus million ringgit.
Soalan camno datuk dapek duit untuk 5% share tu.

3)"...that portion was handed back to ultimate shareholder .."
Ah hemmm ...

Macam nak berselindung datuk ...


Zalman A said...

Back to the more important task at hand:

This must be sorted out soon.

Trump wins said...

US has voted in Trump for President, they just wanted change.
Same with Malaysia, everyone wants change, BN will lose.
Can you project some scenario now with Trump as President?

Ismail Hashim Pensioner said...

Chapter 1. After my retirement, l came back to stay in my kampung. l cannot afford to live in Kuala Lumpur on my pension. lt is much cheaper here than in Kuala Lumpur and life in the kampung is more relaxed and the people are more friendly and we know almost everyone in the kampung. But l am writing to record my morning Saturday briefing to the elders in my kampung about the budget. l was assisted this time by two unemployed graduates and this made my task easier.

ln the last l0 years since l came back, we all would meet on Saturday to talk about budget presented on Friday. We do this in our kampung coffee shop while enjoying our coffee. The first question was “Is this budget serious as the opposition think it was a circus show or another said more like an UMNO assembly”. l had to be careful with my answer as l did not know what questions would follow. So l said you decide if it was a circus or not. l reminded them, budget is a serious statement of intent by the government, what it wants to offer to the rakyat for next year. MOF was tabling a motion before the house to get approval to spend a sum of money for the country for 2017. lt then spelled out what it wants to do and how much each ministry will get next year and how much allocation each state will get. Penang complained it got nothing. Sarawak, according to its CM, will have to use its reserves about RM1 billion for next year and SUPP is very unhappy with the budget and feel Sarawak has been played out by PM. Most of the money will be used to pay salaries for civil servants which now number 1.6 million.

And while most people are feeling the hardship due to high cost of living and their salaries are not enough to support their families, civil servants are being treated very well. Khazanah has not disputed stories that went round that one staff is being paid RM250,000 a month and others RM100,000. GLC are government companies and they belong to rakyat. One of those then asked this question, “Why is government giving civil servants special treatment when we hear stories that civil servants are corrupt?” And another quickly pointed out to the case in Sabah. Another followed, “What is a hundred million when PM has RM2.6billion in his personal account?” He continued, “PM, DPM have given so many versions on the donation, nobody believes their stories. And Rahman Dahlan confirmed to BBC that Najib is MO1. What is happening to our country?”

Mat Bakar said...

Sallam DAKJ,

Perjuangan tetap diteruskan walau apa saja melintang PPBM nampaknya mendapat sokongan baik di Langkawi dariapa apa yang saya dengar dari gerai makan dan di pasar basah. DSN umpama sesuatu yang pantang disebut namanya bagi orang2 Langkawi. Kenaikan harga barang harian serta kejatuhan nilai ringgit Malaysia berbanding Bath Thailand menambah kebencian warga Langkawi yang berurus niaga dengan negara jiran tersebut. Belum lagi dikira kenaikkan harga barang mentah yang bukan dari Thailand. Kita boleh ucapkan selamat jalan kepada UMNO untuk bagi negeri Kedah selepas PRU 14 ini insya'Allah.

Teringin saya nak tanya kepada mufti negeri Pahang yang baru baru ini mengkafirkan HARBI DAP di Malaysiab walaupun DAP tak pernah pun membunuh seorang Islam Malaysia. Fatwa apa pula bila DSN Najib berbaik baik dengan komunis China yang kita tahu sedang menindas dan membunuh ethnik Uighur di wilayah Xinjiang, Uighiur adalah ethnik Islam di negara komunis China yang sedang menuntut autonomy bagi wilayah tersebut namun tidak dilayan malahan mereka ditindas dan dibunuh atas alasan "pengganas". Najib kan orang Pahang macam mufti, jadi kenegerian tu kan lebih penting dari agama ???????


Naj said...


Pemegang amanah dipilih; saya tak fikir mereka beli sebarang syer. Kalaupun mereka beli, Datuk AKJ adalah salah seorang pemegang amanah terawal untuk syer syarikat yang bermula dgn RM2 ini (maksudnya, saya tak fikir mereka perlukan ratusan juta ringgit untuk membeli syer sebanyak 5% pada waktu syarikat ditubuhkan dan mereka dipilih sebagai pemegang amanah). Dan walaupun pada nilai terkini, saya tak fikir 5% saham Realmild bernilai ratusan juta ringgit. Atas sebab-sebab ini, pada hemat saya pertuduhan kamu ialah sesuatu yang sebahagian besarnya rekaan yang digembar-gembur dan disensasikan untuk mencemar kredibiliti orang lain. Ini strategi biasa bagi sebuah parti politik tertentu. Walaubagaimanapun, andai kata kamu ada bukti yang menyokong hujah kamu, harap boleh kongsikan.

Terima kasih.


banggoi petai said...

Poie samak mulot copat waghih oiii...banyok laie dodak nunggu ekau tu...

Ringgit ? said...

Datuk, almost everyone expected Hillary Clinton to win, albeit narrowly.
Who expected Donald Trump will be the next US President?

RHB Research chief economist Lim Chee Sing Lim also offered his personal
view on the impact of the US presidential election on the US dollar,
saying that a victory by Republican party candidate Donald Trump
would result in a strengthening of the greenback.

“Trump is very US-centric — isolation of trade; his foreign policy are all US-centric. If the people vote for him as president, they are voting for change. This signals change for the US economy.
“His uncertain policies will create a lot of concern for people outside the US, but with the [US]dollar being a safe-haven currency, the uncertainty will instead strengthen the [US] dollar,” he opined.
On the other hand, a victory by the Democratic party’s Hilary Clinton would see the greenback trading sideways, as existing policies are continued.
“If Hilary Clinton is elected, it will be a continuation of Barack
Obama’s policies. This will remove some uncertainty. I think the [US]
dollar would trade sideways in that scenario,” added Lim.

Basing on the above, the ringgit will lose further ground.

sukasamasuka said...


Congratulation Mr. Donald Trump for winning the election as the next 45th President of the United States!

Good job, Sir!

Usop said...


Ekau kato "Klu yo share datuk 5% dlm Realmild ... banyak tu ..ratus million ringgit. Soalan camno datuk dapek duit untuk 5% share tu."

Agak eh lah kan mano lobih bosar jumlah yg datuk kadir dapek dongan "derma" yang Mohd Najib dapek drp arab tu? MBO ompek budak Melayu tu tak waghihkan hutang kek kakitangan dan kakitangan pun tak nanggung boban hutang apo2 macam Mohd Najib buek hutang untuk ditanggung rakyat Malaysia. Patut eh kau tanyo soklan macam tu kek Mohd Najib tontang hutang 1MDB. Apa ekau takut ko nak tanyo? Kalau yo takut osahlah ekau ni pongocut! Malu kek oghang nismilan yo...

Malaysia trumped said...

Najib should have waited until after the US elections before flying off to China and getting those deals. China hates US intensely and you can bet China will not let Malaysia off the hook just in case the govt tries to undo or cancel the agreements. After all China already got both feet in the country, no way they will step back.
Pity our PM, looks like it's all wrong timing for him.

Waghih said...

Very easy ma...

Bye bye to Soros and his good buddy Tun M.


Waghih said...

Where have you been all this while ...

Bertapo dlm guo for devine intervention ?


Waghih said...

Dap belom bunuh lai oghang islam.
Mereko tongah "racun" oghang islam P.Pinang supayo lari dari PP tu.

Tanyolah oghang islam PP.


Ismail Hashim Pensioner said...

Chapter 2: l said let us continue with our budget discussion. l told them government is going to spend over RM260.8billion and needs to borrow RM40billion and immediately came the question how much is our debt? l replied if we believe the government, it says it has not breached the ceiling of 55%. Many present say they don’t believe what the government said. Ministers have been bluffing. They bluff about 1MDB. They repeat what PM wants them to repeat and they have no moral or principle.

And went to quote DOJ that this is a government of "thieves". They all agreed that this budget is just full of promises but when the time comes to implement, they don’t believe government has money. They said last year’s budget was also full of promises when presented, all especially televisions and pro-government papers and supporters praised the budget as very good budget but by June, government had no money and hospitals can’t supply medicine and many ministries have their allocations cut. The Ministry of Finance makes many promises at time of budget speech but very very short when it comes to delivery. They use BRIM to buy our votes and about 7 million rakyat according to government will benefit from BRIM and they think all will vote BN. One member said not all 7 million will get BRIM. l know a few who went to claim were told to register and were never called back and never got BRIM. But if you are UMNO member or BN, you will get. Yes, BRIM helps the poor but government wants rakyat forever to rely on BRIM. What happens to the boast that we have escaped the middle income trap if 7 million still need help? Budget said our purchasing power parity is USD26,000 and if so, why we need BRIM? Another interrupted, “l told you this government is full of lies”, and another said, “What do you expect from a government of "thieves"? I said, “Government gives BRIM because it wants you to spend on food or transport so it boosts consumption and this helps the economy”. But how many spend on food, has government done any study? l don’t think so. A member joined in to say, “No study was done. lf it wants to do a study, it will employ foreign consultant and pay millions. The real reason for BRIM is to buy votes”.

InsyaAllah I shall continue. Thank YOu Dato'

Ismail Hashim Pensioner said...

Chapter 3: We continued our discussion and one participant took his newspaper and pointed out development expenditure was RM46billion but highlighted that RM77.4billion was for emoluments and his comment if this was a company, it will gulungtikar. To make sure the company will not suffer loses, it will have to cut staff and costs. But our government is not looking into this and not interested to be efficient so we have huge number of civil servants who are inefficient and unfortunately corrupt. We can blame them but they see PM claimed he received RM2.6billion donation, so why can’t they too receive donations? He read the papers where PM said he understood these figures and numbers may not be easily understood. And ask why can’t PM explain in simple language so people can understand or it was done purposely so nobody can understand. A budget should be in simple language so rakyat can follow as budget is for rakyat and not for "idiot" ministers to follow Rahman Dahlan’s line of thinking. PM talked on prudent spending and talked of expensive toys but now advised to buy cheaper toys and this applies to food too and immediately one member said, “What an advice and we all must be very prudent with our spending. Has he given same advice to his wife or PM and family can be very lavish as they have very generous donors?” Where is the sacrifice? We don't hear of any cut of PM's salary or minister's salaries? Instead, he retained as advisors retired ministers who get pension and salaries and isn't this a waste? For PM, it is OK he has RM2.6billion donation and cowgate RM240mllion and son got scholarship to further studies overseas yet poor people can't get scholarship. This is BN's justice. And this is how government sacrifice for rakyat. They claim they are in pain.

Oldtimer said...

Pardon me Datuk for butting in. It has been a very long time that I have not contributed though I continue to follow the debate here.

I just wonder why you bother to entertain the bran eaters like Waghih, Sulaid, Pompuan dan the songkok tinggi Mohamed Zaidi. Their one-liners show that they have run out of ideas but have to continue to respond to meet their dedak quota.

This is the reason I left in the first place. These dedak eaters are causing my blood to boil and is lowering the standard of your blog. Please dato' just ignore these low class commentators.

sukasamasuka said...


1. Orang Melayu agak pelik.

2. Baru masuk kelas dalam hutan belajar Silat Gayong, habis semua batu dan simen dipecahkan atas kepala depan kedai orang Cina...tunggu la bila start construction kereta api RM55 billion tu, tauke2 Cina perlukan banyak Melayu yang begini nak pecahkan batu2 bukit untuk buat landasan...Jamal, kau jadi mandur ya.

3. Dengan Cina DAP, orang Melayu paling takut...tetapi terminta2 duit dari orang Cina mereka berani pula...ini la kerja yang paling terhina!...sangat memalukan...hina!

4. Itu lah sebabnya orang Melayu dalam UMNO adalah antara orang2 Melayu yang paling terhina...mereka2 ini suka terminta2 duit dari tauke2 kontraktor Cina...ptuuuuuuuiiiiihh!...ini lah Melayu barua....anakharamzadah!

5. Jangan lah kamu tunggu Cina DAP nak "racun" oghang islam P.Pinang...tak payah tunggu da...orang2 Melayu dalam UMNO sudah bubuh racun siang2 lagi pada oghang islam bukan saja di P.Pinang tetapi dari Perlis sampai ke Sabah!

Tanpa DAP pun, sudah tergadai maruah orang Melayu!

Sulaid said...

Salam Oldtimer,

Sorry ye, I'm not a dedak eater. In fact, I am not a member or supporter of any political party. I just expressed my opinion like many others. Therefore, you are wrong to think that I belong to BN/UMNO camp. It is just that when the content of my writing is not in favour of yr camp, you get angry. I am sure if my writing is so much in support of your camp, you will not jump. This is a democratic country.
Tell you if Pakatan Harapan can convince me of their sincerity, I will definitely pangkah them in the coming PRU 14. But so far setakat kepada lebih kepada membongkar kesalahan kesilapan PM/BN/UMNO. Saya tertunggu tunggu cadangan cadangan lengkap Pakatan Harapan macamana nak memperbetulkan kesalahan kesilapan yang telah berlaku semasa pemerintahan BN/UMNO ini.
Saya tidak mahu melihat bila Malaysia diperintah oleh kerajaan baru nanti, apa yang dibuat tidak saperti apa yang dicakap...apa jaminannya. Saya sebagai pengundi berhak mengetahui semua ini. Satu lagi saya masih ragu ragu dengan keikhlasan DAP. Memang betul DAP telah berada dalam kerajaan Selangor dan Pulau Pinang selama 2 penggal dan tiada apa pun yang meragukan berlaku atau dilakukan oleh DAP. Rasanya strategi DAP mungkin setakat memerintah dua negeri dia menyimpan agenda agenda utama nya sehingga lah dia dapat memerintah Malaysia bersama sama dg yang lain.

Waghih said...

Den takdo niat nak mencemar kredibiliti oghang ...
Persoalan telah dibangkitkan olih pendebat LSS dongan fakta yang cukup kredibil dan relevan.

Jawapan yang diboghi lak tergantung dah macam buko pendora box ...
Soalan ...
Pemegang amanah pado siapo ...
Kito tau Tun M ado ghamai proxy.
Yang cukup menarik ... bilo Tun M bersaro ... tibo2 anak2 ehh jadi billionaire ...

Pelik bin Ajaib .


Waghih said...

Yolah waghih Usop ...
Den faham ...

DSN nangung beban peningalan Tun M ...
1) Tol lebuh rayo dikojokan olih proxy Tun M ( Renung , UEM , MRCB dll ), perjanjian kenaikan tol yang mesti dibayar olih anak cucu kito .

2)Pengswastaan infra utili yg dikojokan olih proxy Tun M (YTL dll dongan perjanjian boghek sabolah terpakso ditanggung olih anak cucu kito .

3) 100 billion yang masih dipogang olih proxy Tun M tu untuk siapo ...
Macam mano anak2 Tun M jadi billionaire bilo Tun M bersaro ?
Kono torangkan ...

Sekurangnyo PM DSN dah buek penerangan tontang dermo yang dio terimo .. dan disahkan olih badan berwajib .

Bolihtak Tun M buek penerangan camno anak2 dio jadi billionaire bilo dio bersaro ?
Lopeh tu suruh pihak berwajib sahkan ...

Fair n square kan ...


Waghih said...

Bro ...

Take care of your health ...
Life is short ...


Sham said...

dia pnya la tulis, pkai sapu suma sampah yg org tulis. yg tak ada pun dia pulun bg ada. monyet nya hang

Sham said...

betoi kata tuan. bersiap siaga la kita sesama

Sham said...

waghih nmpk mcm cerdik tp rupanya bodoh jua nmpk akhirnya. bl mirzan jd billionaire lps bapak pencen? tiba2 mual tgk hang. bengong

Sham said...

br perasan rupanya hg menatang songkok tinggi nama zaidi tu, ptut la aku tgk bengong semacam haha trtipu plk aku ni

Aku said...

Kadiag, salaam.
Aku sekali lagi, ni.
Dok baca komen2 orang pakat dok tulih dlm blog hang ni, tapi korang aku tengok, macam peduli pada kadag menganggog yg mencecah lebih setengah juta orang, yg hang sentuh. Yg aku tau, bila ada orang menganggog pd kadag yg tinggi, gejala yg orang pangge 'disguised unemployment' atau "pengangguran tersembunyi/terselindong" pon mencacak tinggi. Kalau yg menganggog tu setengah juts orang, aku janka yg menganggog tapi yg nampak macam dok kerja munkin mencecah dua kali ganda, yagni satu juta orang. Magna, jumlah penganggog dgn yg penganggog terselindong munkin mencecah satu setengah juta, atau lebih korang 10% penduduk diperingkat umog yg lazimnya bekerja. Munkin, penkaji dlm bidang ni bulih betuikan angka2 anggaran ni jika ada maklumat yg lebih sohih.

Dari komen2 yg aku besa baca dan jugak dengag, jumlah kakitangan awam ada mencecah 1,600,000 orang, Dan sering dikata 'bloated' atau begelembong, yagni lebih dari yg diperlu. Satu contoh yg aku besa perati di sebuah hospital gomen, seorang perempuan yg tugaihnya merekod penggunaan kerosi roda ('wheelchair") oleh 'pesakit' atau orang ramai yg perlukan semasa dok ada dihospital. Hampiag setengah hari, aku perati, tak dak sapa pon yg mai nak pakai kerosi roda tu, dan munkin dia sedag aku dok perati dia, dia pon susun buku ka majalah ka untok nak lindong muka dia. Tak lama kumudian mai sorang misi, mai gebang dgn dia dan aku tengok depa pon bukan main rancak lagi.

Masaalah penganggoran yg tinggi dlm keadaan ramai orang luag dok mai Malaya dan kos barang dan kadag hutang yg meningkat ningkat, kesan dia aku rasa cukup perit, bulih rosak hubungan rumah tangga, pendidikkan, jinayah, dadah, tekanan perasaan, tenggelam punca dan macam2 lagi. Masyarakat bulih jadi tonggang langgang terutama bila ramai rakyat yg 'alami penyakit mental, yg ikut unjoran pakag2, sekitag 30 %. Serentak dgn ni, gejala2 sosial macam penagihan dadah dan 'opiate', kelakuan 'anti social' termasok risyuah yg leluasa, pecah amanah, qiyanah, 'ah long', kebankrupan, pembunuhan bayi dll. Rata2 aku nampak benda ni belaku atau tertumpu pada orang melayu (hampa kata peri bumi)... yagni sebagai watak teraih iaitu :
1. Menganggog atau menganggog terselindong dan
2. Berkelakuan 'anti sosial'.

Ni, selain dari sekitaran yg capek, baik dari segi sistem hukum, pendidikkan, hubungan kaum, ekonomi dll.
Jadinya, beban yg hampa (pati baru) haruih hadap aku jangka memang berat, dan paling penting hampa kena 'hit the ground, running' atau 'hit the ground, sprinting', dgn prioriti dan strategi yg kemaih, sememang dgn petolongan dan petunjok Allah S.W.T.

Kalu tesilap apa2, maghap no.

banggoi petai said...

Waghih memang bengong pasal tolampau cium bontot badak ... Copat poie samak waghih oiii

banggoi petai said...

Poie samak Copat waghih oii...nnt jadi tokak kalau hari2 cium bontot badak ...

jumbeaux said...

Salam Datuk

Pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah di atas perlantikan Datuk sebagai salah seorang pemimpin PPBM. Perlantikan bukan ahli politik seperti Datuk dan beberapa yang lain-lain mencerminkan perubahan yang dinantikan rakyat yang mahu lari daripada bayang-bayang budaya UMNO.

Sebagai seorang ahli biasa PPBM, saya harap dapat diberikan ruang untuk mencadangkan beberapa perkara bagi parti baru ini :

1. Hadkan politik dalam parti

Walaupun saya tahu PPBM adalah pada dasarnya sebuah organisasi politik, saya harap kita hanya berpolitik di tempat, masa dan keadaan yang perlu sahaja. Elakkan budaya UMNO dimana politik berlaku di mana-mana dan pada bila-bila masa. Saya rasa tak perlu saya terangkan dengan panjang lebar keburukan budaya sebegini kerana buktinya ada di depan mata kita sendiri.

2. Teruskan semangat nasionalisma

PPBM perlu terus berusaha untuk menegakkan kedaulatan Malaysia dari segi ekonomi, peluang pekerjaan, pendidikan dan perpaduan masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara kita. Ini termasuk perpaduan bersama rakyat Malaysia di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Di zaman Najib, beliau telah menunjukkan sikap globalis di mana sempadan kita kini terbuka untuk kepentingan negara-negara luar masuk terutamanya dari negara China.

3. Jangan malu berjuang untuk orang Melayu

Walaupun PPBM ingin berimej lebih sederhana di mata rakyat berbanding UMNO, adalah amat penting juga PPBM membuktikan kepada orang Melayu bahawa parti ini layak sebagai pengganti UMNO.

Keresahan di kalangan orang Melayu sekarang adalah jika mereka mengundi keluar dari UMNO, mereka akan kehilangan kuasa. Jadi adalah amat penting bagi PPBM memberi keyakinan bahawa parti ini akan mempertahankan hak Melayu walaupun berada di bawah payung Pakatan Harapan dengan DAP yang pro Cina dan PKR yang berpandangan liberal.

Akhir kata Datuk, bagi saya PPBM telah berjaya memenangi minda rakyat melalui pendedahan 1MDB tetapi saya rasa masih ada ruang komunikasi yang boleh diperbaiki dan diperkuatkan untuk memenangi hati rakyat.


Sham said...

pemerhatian tuan dalam dan meluas. lg tuan boleh gerun dgn masa depan mwlayu kalau masuk sekolah menengah tgk ank2 belajar sains n matematik runtuh jiwa tuan

About Me

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I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).