A Kadir Jasin
yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis
dalam kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan
apa-apa jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.
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Jezanah Adib: Jangan sia-siakan kematiannya |
SAYA mulakan dengan
memohon maaf. Pandangan saya mungkin berbeza dengan orang lain dalam banyak hal
dan perkara.
"Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]
Ada yang menuduh saya
lebih utamakan pendarahan Umno daripada kematian anggota bomba dan penyelamat, Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim akibat diserang
ketika rusuhan di kuil Sri Maha Mariamman Seafield 26 November lalu.
Saya menulis mengenainya
dalam tampalan 28 November dan menyesali tindakan polis ketika itu yang hanya
menangkap dan menahan perusuh Melayu dan Cina tapi tidak seorang pun India.
Sejak itu ramai perusuh India/Hindu telah ditahan.
Saya pun disentuh
perasaan (emosi) tetapi tidaklah sampai hilang akal dan pertimbangan. Tidak wajar membenarkan emosi menguasai diri.
Bukan saya tidak mahu
keadilan dilakukan. Bukan saya tidak mahu Menteri Wayta Moothy dikenakan tindakan.
Malah sekarang pun saya
setuju dengan sentimen umum bahawa Moorthy telah hilang kelayakan dan kedudukan
untuk terus menjadi menteri apatah lagi menteri yang menjaga perpaduan
Beliau telah menjadi
watak yang memecahbelahkan (divisive). Eloklah beliau menarik diri secara
sukarela daripada membebankan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
walaupun Tun berkata beliau “puas hati” dengan Moorthy.
Minta maaflah kalau saya
kata, Moorthy telah diberi peluang dan penghormatan amat tinggi menjadi anggota
Kabinet tetapi mensia-siakannya.
Kawal Emosi
Kita boleh terus membakar
emosi kita, dan jika kita orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab, kita juga boleh
mengapi-apikan emosi orang lain atas nama Almarhum Adib.
Tetapi adakah itu yang
kita mahu dan lebih-lebih lagi adakah itu yang Almarhum Adib mahu apabila dia
memilih untuk menjadi anggota bomba dan penyelamat?
Dalam apa pun pekerjaan
yang kita pilih, mesti ada unsur risiko. Kalau tidak banyak, sikit mesti ada. Pasti
Almarhum Adib tahu risiko kerjayanya.
Jadi tidak perlulah
kawan saya, budak Perak yang jadi kaya-raya kerana Umno dan konsesi lebuh raya
sehingga mampu berumah di Bukit Tunku berkhutbah kepada saya mengenai tragedi
dan keadilan.
Kalau ada duit lebih, bantulah
ibu bapa Almarhum Adib atau kalau duit banyak sangat, buatlah yayasan kebajikan
berjuta ringgit atas nama beliau. Banyak lagi orang susah di negara kita ini.
Punca tragedi bukanlah kesilapan
Almarhum memilih kerja. Yang tragis adalah dia terbunuh ketika bertugas
menyelamatkan nyawa dan harta benda dalam satu rusuhan ganas.
Penjenayah atau kumpulan
penjenayah yang menyebabkan kematian beliau, tidak kira bangsa atau agama,
wajib diburu dan dijatuhkan hukuman yang setimpal.
Niat Jahat
Kesialan peristiwa ini adalah apabila tuan punya tanah yang berupa sebuah syarikat besar berkaitan
Filipina secara tidak bertanggungjawab dan provokasi telah mengupah sekumpulan
Melayu untuk “mengawal” sebuah kuil Hindu yang sedang dalam proses “pengambilan
alih” dan “pemindahan”.
Melayu itu pula, sama
ada kerana kemaruk duit RM150 hingga RM300 atau kerana tujuan lain menerima
tugas luar biasa dan berisiko itu.
Secara sengaja atau
kerana kejahilan, Melayu upahan itu terjebak dalam politik kuil yang sudah
berlarutan berdekad-dekad lamanya.
Perebutan di kalangan
penganut bagi menguasai kuil tersebut bukan sahaja kerana hendak beribadat, tetapi
tidak kurang juga kerana duit. Kuil itu banyak duit.
Saya juga kurang emosi
kerana sudah melalui peristiwa seperti ini beberapa kali dalam sejarah
kerjaya saya sebagai wartawan sejak tahun 1969.
Kuala Lumpur masih
terbakar dan mayat mangsa masih belum habis dituntut sewaktu saya menjadi
pemberita di Bernama pada 16 Jun 1969.
Kemudian peristiwa
beberapa orang pelajar Melayu yang diradikalkan di Amerika Syarikat merosakkan
kuil di Kerling, Selangor. Beberapa orang terbunuh apabila penganut Hindu
menyerang mereka.
Lepas itu pada tahun 2001
berlaku apa yang disebut sebagai rusuhan Kampung Medan di antara orang Melayu
dan India/Hindu di sekitar Taman Datuk Harun, Kampung Lindungan, Kampung Medan,
Kampung Gandhi dan Taman Desa Ria.
Dalam pergaduhan tiga
minggu itu, enam terbunuh, 24 dimasukkan ke hospital, 183 ditangkap terdiri daripada 100
Melayu, 14 Indonesia dan 69 India.
Ketika peristiwa itu
sedang berlaku, saya menulis memberi amaran bahawa pergaduhan kaum pada masa
depan, sekiranya berlaku, berkemungkinan melagakan orang Melayu dengan India/Hindu.
Ini kerana
kemiskinan yang merapatkan mereka akan juga menjadi punca perbalahan disebabkan berebut pekerjaan dan tempat tinggal di lokasi yang sama atau berhampiran.
Sebagai wartawan dan
pengarang saya bukan sahaja terpaksa melaporkan peristiwa ini, tetapi memastikan
ia tidak menjadi lebih buruk.
Jadi bukan saya tidak
emosi atau tidak peduli kematian tragis Adib, tetapi saya tidak mahu emosi terus
dibakar dan api permusuhan dikipas.
Justeru itu, secara
peribadi, saya sarankan agar rancangan memindahkan Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman seperti yang diperintahkan oleh mahkamah
diteruskan dengan harapan ia akan meredakan emosi dan mengurangkan ketaasuban.
Please be aware of one thing, that the same increased freedom that we now have is being abused by the underground forces of the old regime who want to come back to the gravy train.
It's being co-ordinated centrally.
I'm sure you know by whom.
They will, from now on, try to turn anything into a race/religion issue, in classic Umno style.
The danger happens when they are allowed to freely spread hate propaganda via WhatsApp and others. This has led to many tragedies in India, Pakistan and elsewhere.
We had a former IGP would would monitor social media 24/7 via his macai to catch any comment critical of his political masters.
That was the wrong reason, but do learn from his example.
a) There needs to be great vigilance before something even worse happens.
b) There are adequate laws in place to deal with this.
c) The Police and Home Ministry cannot wash their hands.
d) The PH govt is well aware of the PASUMNO strategy of using hired hands and "NGOs" to create racial strife. Be ready, and do not fall into the trap of looking the other way because you will be seen as being harsh to any race. Malaysians are 85% quite smart. They understand the psywar game.
Be careful of the 15% who do not. Otherwise, worse incidents fuelled by social media can and will happen.
Thank you.
Saya sokong. Kuil itulah puncanya. Kalau mahu hal ini selesai, kuil perlu dipindahkan dgn seberspab segra. Othetwise, isu ini akan berpanjangan. PAS & UMNO sudah pasti akan mengsmbil kesrmpatan utk dapat popularity dgn mrmsinkan sentiman kematian Adib. Jadi elok, kuil itu dipindahkan mengikut arahan mahkamah. Kuil itu sudah terima duit psmpasan 1.5 juta, jadi tak perlu dilengahksn lagi sehingga api terus membara tak boleh dipadam
While Waytha's "guilt" or otherwise can be hotly debated, here's an important lesson.
The mat salleh in the US of Amerika are currently in love with the phrase "the optics".
"The optics" means what the actions of someone look like to an outsider, or to the general public.
Hence, Donald Trump has very bad optics, e.g. not going to honour the American war dead at a graveyard just because of light rain. But Donald Trump is an idiot, so bad optics happen naturally to him.
An example of bad optics in Malaysia is ONLY Indian ministers addressing "Indian issues" like Seafield.
That is, in itself, marking the issue as "racial".
Even worse, some of these ministers' portfolios have NOTHING to do with public order or security.
That is a Home Ministry issue.
Don't add confusing voices to the mix.
So that's a lesson for PH as well.
Avoid bad optics.
Someone needs to co-ordinate this properly.
Right now, any Ali, Ah Chong or Samy in PH can fire off a press statement or hold a sidang media khas. It's a complete, confusing free for all.
That is why the Kelam-Kabut Richter Scale in Pakatan Harapan is usually at 10.
"10" means very, very, very, very messy.
"10" means very, very, very, very kelam-kabut.
It means there is zero internal discipline.
Kadiag, السلام عليكم assalāa mu 'alaikum,
Terima kasih banyak hang pi nulih pasai kembalinya Adib kerohmatullah dan aku pon tompang mohon Allah s.w.t.
terima dia dgn penuh kasih wayang, sesuai dgn sifatNya, arRohman arRohim. Amin.
Aku tumpang sokong menteri tu letak jawatan, dan disiasat polis.
Walaupon aku jugak tumpang tekilan kerana nampak tidak bekesan langsong polis pd malam tu
dan hari2 yg sebelom tu... mana pihak inteligens (risikkan) depa yg sangat masyhog tu...?
Tapi aku jugak tekilan dgn pihak bomba yg antag Adib ke tengah2 medan rusuhan .....
Mana S.O.P. depa.
Macam depa antag pd awai Oktober 2018, enam anggota diwaktu malam katanya tengah dok ujan pi cari budak dalam kawasan lombong
jugak di Pucong.
Dan pihak PBT atau yg berwenang biag kuil dipacak kad mana mana pokok besag...
Sekali lagi terima kasih dan maghap no.
Salam Dato’ Kadir
Dato’. Izinkan saya meluahkan sedikit perasaan saya sebagai orang Melayu secara berkhemah.
Pertama, tahniah. Akhirnya bacaan Dato’ tepat. Saya pun bersetuju yg Tun memang tidak berpuas hati dgn Senator India tu dan memang ingin beliau lepaskan jawatan secara sukarela dan gentleman.
Cuma bahagian ni Dato’ buat-buat tak Nampak. Beliau boleh pecat Waytha Moorthy dan juga tidak berpuas hati dgn lagi 3 orang, tetapi sebab dah terhutang budi dgn kaum India utk menang PRU 14 lalu, beliau tak boleh nak buat apa-apa lah. Sebab itu orang Melayu kata, hutang budi dibawa mati.
Kedua, saya juga bersetuju kuil itu mesti dipindahkan seperti arahan mahkamah. Tun mula-mula menang dulu, bukan main eksyen kata akan mentadbir mengikut undang-undang (rule by law). Alih-alih boleh beri discount pula utk kuil ni. Inilah cakap tak serupa bikin. Uweek !!!!
Akhir kata, baru 7 bulan UMNO tak memerintah, macam-macam dah jadi. Berlagak kata nak turunkan harga petrol, harga telur pun tak boleh control. Dei !!!! Apala !!!!!!. Sekian TQ.
Saya setuju dengan cadangan Dato'. Di mana-mana saja kuil Hindu dibina sesuka hati, atas tanah siapa pun mereka tidak peduli. Kalaulah surau-surau dibangunkan sebegitu rupa atau tokong-tokong Cina pun sama, lagu mana nak jadi tak tau lah...ada baiknya undang-undang perbandaran atau yang sama dengannya diperkuatkan, tidak boleh dibangunkan rumah ibadat tanpa kebenaran tuan tanah. Isu kuil haram harus ditamatkan serta merta. mana-mana kuil haram Hindu, orang Hindu kena kumpul duit dan beli dari pemilik tanah atau pindah ke tanah mereka sendiri. Esok-esok kalau ada orang Islam yang sewel pi buat surau di atas tanah orang India, atau Cina mabuk pi buat tokong atas tanah India lagu mana?
Dalam Islam, kita tidak boleh mendirikan rumah ibadat tanpa kebenaran yang jelas dari pemilik tanah, samada individu atau perseorangan. biasanya kita akan membeli untuk diwakafkan kepada surau atau masjid tersebut. tak bolehkah orang Hindu buat perkara yang sama? Mana pemimpin India yang boleh usulkan perkara ni, takda sekoq pun.
Keduanya, Menteri berkaitan dan seorang EXCO di negeri Selangor sepatutnya dikenakan tindakan PECAT kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bercanggah dengan kejadian sebenar, membawa maksud mereka sebagai pemimpin hindu mengeluarkan kenyataan tanpa merujuk kepada fakta kejadian dan kenyataan mereka mengundang masalah yang lebih besar. mereka WAJIB dipecat, tidak boleh tidak. Jika mereka ini tidak dipecat, saya sendiri rasa PH ini menuju ke belakang. Mana boleh seorang pemimpin yang kita harapkan untuk menerajui Malaysia Baru ini memiliki sifat2 sedemikian. Mereka perlu bertanggung jawab, kenyataan mereka keluar di negara India dan merosakkan imej negara kita.
Kalau masalah orang India, negara India bising, masalah orang Cina negara China bising tapi masalah orang Melayu negara mana yang nak bising?
menetri Luar kita pun lembap. patutnya kena panggil Duta India minta depa buat kenyataan dalam akhbar tempatan membetulkan kenyataan yang salah tapi tak buat. takkan nak tunggu Ketua Kampung pi buat kerja tu.
Kita kena tegas la Dato...
Saya tak pasti bagaimana syarikat hartatanah yang telah menandatangani perjanjian pampasan untuk mengambil balik tanah kuil tersebut dengan wakil sah kuil,telah membayar wang pampasan dan menyediakan tapak baru kuil dan memberi masa 4tahun untuk kuil itu dikosongkan boleh dianggap bersalah bila ia menghantar wakil wakilnya untuk mengambil alih tapak tersebut.Kesalahan mereka hanyalah jika mereka melakukan tindakan ganas dalam proses pengambilan tapak kuil tersebut.Jika tindakan mereka salah,penarik kereta pun boleh dianggap salah walhal jarang kita dengat tindakan diambil terhadap penarik kereta.
YB MENTERI yang bertugas dengan Perdana Menteri, perlu peka hala tuju Perdana Menteri,
Tun Mahathir, ni saya kenal dia 1998,bila saya Tanya dia siapa Ketua pemuda yang dia mahu Dan taat kepada nya.. DIA JAWAB SEDAS JE.. I will tell aziz.. who aziz said that my choice..
Depa nak jadi MENTERI tak mau taat kepada Perdana Menteri, payah la..
MAHATHIR dia terbalik kalau dia kata suka, sebenar nya dia meluat..
Aslm dakj,
Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun. Semoga Allah rahmati arwah adib dan tempatkan beliau di kalangan hambaNya yang beriman.
Memang luluh hati mendapat berita pemergian saudara kita adib di atas kemalangan yang menimpa disebabkan sifat rakus manusia yang hanya memikirkan keuntungan dan sifat sekumpulan manusia yang tidak menghormati undang-undang dan bertindak di luar batasan. Saya setuju dengan datuk, kawal emosi. Kalau diikutkan amarah, bertepuk tanganlah syaitan. Namun, Kerajaan tidak seharusnya berlepas tangan dan sewenang-wenang mengingatkan masyarakat supaya bertenang.
Kegagalan pdrm mengawal keadaan hendaklah ditebus. Sikap rasis menteri-menteri dan exco berbangsa india yang membuat kenyataan menghentam kerajaan, mengaitkan islam dan tidak mampu mengawal masyarakat mereka hendaklah diberi perhatian dan diambil tindakan. Pihak yang bertanggungjawab baik pemilik tanah, pihak yang diupah dan perusuh yang melanggar undang-undang hendaklah diambil tindakan secepat-cepat dan sekeras-kerasnya berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang bagi memastikan tiada pihak yang berani mengulangi kesilapan yang sama.
Kalau tidak, janganlah sibuk mengugut untuk mengambil tindakan kepada masyarakat melayu yang menahan amarah memendam rasa.
Kita melayu walaupun majoriti tidak pernah membuli atau menindas bangsa lain. Tetapi umum tahu tuduhan-tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh bangsa lain kepada kita. Sebaliknya kita berdepan dengan tindakan menteri im malaysian first yang mengeluarkan surat rasmi kementerian kewangan dalam bahasa mamdarin, menteri keturunan india yang mengatakan orang melayu pendatang, timbalan menteri pendidikan yang bersemangat supaya uec diiktiraf dan papan tanda jalan di shah alam kawasan majoriti melayu yang ditulis dalam bahasa melayu dan bahasa mandarin serta banyak lagi perbuatan dan perkataan yang menjolok mata orang melayu amat-amat mencabar kesabaran orang melayu. Siapa yang membuli siapa sebenarnya.
Oleh itu saya mohon pihak kerajaan laksanakanlah undang-undang without fear or favor. Buktikanlah kerajaan mendokong prinsip rule of law. Isu yang bukan masalah perkauman telah menjadi isu perkauman kerana sikap dan bicara menteri-menteri dan exco kerajaan berbangsa india yang bertindak seolah-olah mereka adalah menteri untuk bangsa india dan menunjukkan true color atau prejudis mereka terhadap orang melayu dan islam.
Bagi pembahas yang mengatakan kerisauan sekiranya umno dan pas memainkan isu perkauman, janganlah risau kerana isu perkauman ini secara konsisten juga dimainkan oleh pemimpin kerajaan bukan melayu yang sering kali mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menyakitkan hati orang melayu.
Mudah-mudahan bangsa melayu bangkit menjadi bangsa yang kuat kerana sebagai majoriti, mahu tak mahu kita perlu menjadi kuat untuk mentadbir negara yang masyarakatnya majmuk. Kita telah berjaya menyingkirkan pemimpin melayu yang tidak amanah. Kita tentu boleh bangkit menguatkan bangsa kita. Jangan berharap pada pemimpin semata-mata kelak kita kecewa kerana ketidakmampuan mereka yang juga manusia atau kerana sikap tidak amanah.
Mohonlah pada Allah, betulkan diri, bersatu atas kebenaran. In shaa Allah kita kuat, kerajaan kuat, negara aman dan rakyat terpelihara.
siapa mastermind yang mengupah kumpulan samseng untuk ambil alih kuil tu. sudahkah mereka tu di tangkap dan didakwa?
Zalman A 12.21pm
Quite true, every Tom, Dick and Harry and Jane seems to want to hog the limelight, whereas the actual official speak for this unfortunate incident is the Home Minister and IGP.
And Datuk, I believe in the interests of all PH supporters and PH parties, have a strong person impose discipline or have a bureau responsible for issuing statements.
This has to be agreed by all PH parties, don't speak out.
There shouldn't be any free reaching out to the press and what have you, who will "distort' things just for the sake of making them more newsworthy or provocative to warrant any tit for tat response.
All major good announcements can be made by the PM or as a team.
Equally have a well coordinated counter-attack unit against the opposition, highlight their weaknesses, their corruption, their dirt, harp on this again and again and the umno/pas/bn supporters will turn against their masters. I guarantee you this will work.
Aiyoh, PH put your house in order, you are living in glass houses now.
Thank you Sir.
Alhamdulillah... Good to know that you and I are on the same side on this issue.
Apa punya AG la kita ada sekarang ni. Bila masa peranan AG jadi penasihat kuil pulak. Kan dah ada perintah mahkamah. Follow lah Rule of Law seperti kata Tun M.
1. Pihak yang merusuh, mendera arwah Adib, mengancam pasukan keselamatan, mengugut orang awam - mereka tu dah terang-terang melanggar undang-undang.
2. Dr Mahathir wajib ambil tindakan tegas, malahan guna iron duster terhadap mereka itu jika perlu.
3. Gagal menangani isu ini, DrM akan dipandang lemah dan tidak ada prinsip menegakkan Kedaulatan Undang-Undang.
4. DrM perlu menghormati nyawa Adib jauh lebih daripada tunduk kpd tekanan kumpulan fanatik Hindu.
Saya dah muak dan cemuih dengan apa yg jadi sekarang ni...sayangi malaysiaku
How long do the people have to wait for the dust of new Malaysia miseries to settle, so that the country can therefore forge ahead on more important agenda? Looking back at the whole series of mishaps that came one after another, the PH seemed to be jinxed. We have been 'force-fed' enough with these nasty 'nosh' for quite some time now and are getting jaded. Finally, enough is enough.
To date, there were endless of issues and hiccups, and perhaps more to come, in an otherwise glorious and unforgettable victory on the 9th of May. I reckon, the time is due for Tun M to implement his outright power to put forth an absolute halt to cease everything once and for all, however hard and ugly it might be. The people cannot afford to go through yet another perfect storm of racial clash and the like. That is too pricey to bear. A tooth for a tooth game is not worth an attempt as it will breed never-ending hatred and trauma. Living in a multi-ethnic society, the culture of 'give and take' should always be prioritized.
Without further ado, Minister Moothy must voluntarily step down in order to appease the public wrath and at the same time to save his own face and dignity rather than being stripped of the appointment later. I don't see if there is any other option to resolve the case amicably at this juncture.
So, for the rest of the people out there, take your hand off the issue to refrain from any possible deterioration. Just trust and let the authorities do their best to bring those Adib's murderers to justice. Under Tun's watchful eyes, things will go according to the rule of law.
Let bygones be bygones. May Allahyarham Adib rest in peace.
Rakyat perlu gembeling tenaga mencari sistem pemerintahan alternatif dari bergantung harap pada sistem politik yg melahirkan para politikus yg meruntuhkan nilai kemanusiaan seperti skrg.
Salam Datuk
Pertama sekali saya ingin mempersoalkan tanggungjawab polis di dalam perkara ini. Ahli bomba tidak sepatutnya berada di barisan hadapan semasa berlaku sesuatu konflik.
Keduanya, saya mempersoalkan mengapa mereka yang bersalah lambat didakwa oleh pihak kehakiman kita.
Seterusnya saya mempersoalkan mengapa seorang aktivis seperti Wathya diberi jawatan sebagai menteri. Adakah Tun tidak nampak cara beliau masuk campur dalam hal ini? Atau adakah Tun sudah tiada kuasa ke atas tindak tanduk menteri2 sendiri? Sudah jadi "lame duck" PM yang menunggu untuk bersara sahaja?
Akhir sekali, saya ingin sekali lagi mengingati kerajaan dan PPBM khususnya bahawa orang Melayu di dalam keadaan resah kerana mereka rasa nasib mereka tidak dibela sekarang ini. Tak payah lah saya senaraikan masalah ekonomi, peluang kerja dan hak2 mereka yang makin dicabar oleh orang lain. Salah atau silap tanggapan mereka, kerajaan ini semakin hari nampak semakin gagal dalam mentadbir. Ini termasuk di negeri2.
Lebih teruk lagi, rakyat tidak yakin Anwar akan dapat memimpin dengan lebih baik bila beliau mengambil alih nanti. Segala apa yang berlaku di dalam PKR diperhati dan menjadi rujukan kepada rakyat mengenai "ketokohan" beliau.
Sekian. Terima kasih.
This immature boy Syed Saddiq is wrong, he knows it and should have just keep quiet.
He is not just anyone, he is the Youth and Sports Minister and he is totally wrong to voice his personal opinion, much less his call for a fellow cabinet member to resign.
The Youth and Sports Minister said that he did not enter politics just to “play safe” or be a “yes man” or just to keep silent or turn a deaf ear to the people’s voice.
“I will never apologise for speaking my mind,” he said in a statement here last night in response to Penang Deputy Chief Minister P. Ramasamy’s call for action against him for Armada’s memorandum demanding for Waytha Moorthy's resignation.
Syed Saddiq said he regretted when Armada was accused of betraying Pakatan Harapan and playing up racial sentiments and also being likened to Umno and PAS just because it voiced its opinion on the matter.
He should have not accepted the ministerial post if he felt he can do better.
Being a member of the cabinet, he MUST work as a team member and not be a disruptive force in the cabinet. He must demonstrate his full loyalty to Tun D who elevated him into the cabinet.
Syed Saddiq today said that he is ready to face any action if his call for Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department P. Waytha Moorthy’s resignation, is deemed wrong.
He's really immature and stupid, this boy.
Sometimes people make spin too blatant:
"IPOH, Dec 21 — Mostly wearing black, a coalition of Perak Malay-Muslim groups today demanded justice for firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim. A total of 35 groups under the Jalinan Bersatu Sahabat Perak (Jabat) coalition attended the media conference, with most of them wearing headbands saying, “Islam the boss”, while some donned traditional Malay headgear such as the songkok or tanjak."
So, this tragedy became an excuse to say “Islam the boss”, purely for the benefit of Pasumno trying to claw back a few voters.
That is really exploiting the death of Muhammad Adib for politics.
The same as the anti-ICERD rally:
Why did PAS (the dominant party in Pasumno) make it a religious issue?
Nothing in ICERD touches religion.
Yet PAS chose to belittle and ignore the loss of RM4 billion in Tabung Haji in favour of this ICERD rhetoric. (You can be sure their bussed-in followers cannot explain what ICERD has to do with religion, either.
Well, PAS does not care about Tabung Haji, or ICERD; this is all for the benefit of Pasumno trying to claw back a few voters.
Do the PH Malay parties have to pay this game?
Oh, yes.
Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil Najib Razak said a lot of things previously that forensic evidence has proved to be lies.
The only true thing he may have said is that Pakatan Harapan's marriage of convenience will not last.
In 2023, there will still be a daily Bollywood drama of internal PH power struggles happening, and the rakyat will wonder.....what actual policies have these Bollywood actors come up with?
Then they will vote.
Salam dato'. Perkataan pertama Tun M sebut selepas menang PRU14 ialah 'we want to restore the rule of law'. Tapi takkan 'rule of law' ini hanya terpakai kepada bekas-bekas pemimpin parti pemerintah terdahulu sahaja. Mana-mana kes yang ada 'political gain' kita siasat/hukum cukup-cukup. Tapi bila tang kena muka sendiri 'rule' tak terpakai. Falsafah ini sama sahaja dengan stail BN dulu. Jangan sampai rakyat kata pi-mai pi mai tang tu jugak. Harapan tinggal harapan sahajalah nampakya.
I read Syed Akbar Ali's, Isham Rais', Tamrin Ghafar's & Kadir Jasin's blogs & the SUARAM website frequently. I am in full agreement. Unless Malaysia is desirous of continuously having leaders like our grand kleptocrats, sabotage conspirators and al-Baghdadi the Butcher, we must pursue thorough educational values in mathematics, pure sciences, english proficiency etc. to be a truly united Malaysia. As a member of PPBM/Bersatu, this is what I say : Science Unites Us, Religion Divides Us!
Mohamed Azmin Ali today said that the aid for rubber tappers and smallholders is a result of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's insistence that low-income groups are assisted despite the financial constraints faced by the country.
"Mahathir is concerned about the hardship faced by rubber tappers and smallholders.
"Even though the government is facing financial constraints, the prime minister stressed that the agenda to help low-income earners, particularly rubber tappers and smallholders, should be prioritised by the relevant ministries," the economic affairs minister said in a statement.
As Azmin noted, his ministry oversees the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda) and had worked hard to ensure the welfare of rubber smallholders.
Specifically, he said, the ministry had lobbied for rubber smallholders to receive aid during the monsoon season when it is difficult to collect rubber due to poor weather.
Datuk, this is what we want to hear, what the govt is doing to alleviate the hardships.
Not silly bickering and jostling for attention from Syed, Ramasamy, Rafizi, Mazlee, and the rest on who has the right to say this or that, or demand this or that.
Azmin is doing the right thing, bringing the rakyat's attention to the efforts by the PM and his Ministry to improve aid.
No point in a ministry announcing allocations to Felda, etc. etc. without linking them to Tun. Remember Tun is the captain. These information should hog the news, not some unreliable survey undertaken, or arguments within PH.
The right approach must be planned and organised to steal the rakyat's hearts and minds.
PH did that with the runup to GE14. Now attaining the crown jewels (Putrajaya), are they safeguarding the real rewards?
Recommend Liew Chin Tong to be appointed for this, and better set it up fast.
Najib hired Stadlen the Jew to perform this for him. YOu see why it is now difficult to disabuse some of the people that Najib was only looking out for himself?
Mohamed Azmin Ali today said that the aid for rubber tappers and smallholders is a result of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's insistence that low-income groups are assisted despite the financial constraints faced by the country.
"Mahathir is concerned about the hardship faced by rubber tappers and smallholders.
"Even though the government is facing financial constraints, the prime minister stressed that the agenda to help low-income earners, particularly rubber tappers and smallholders, should be prioritised by the relevant ministries," the economic affairs minister said in a statement.
As Azmin noted, his ministry oversees the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda) and had worked hard to ensure the welfare of rubber smallholders.
Specifically, he said, the ministry had lobbied for rubber smallholders to receive aid during the monsoon season when it is difficult to collect rubber due to poor weather.
This is the right approach taken by Azmin.
He put Tun first as the captain and then joined with his Ministry.
This is what the rakyat wants to know, action by Tun and his govt to alleviate the hardships.
Not bickering, arguments on who said this or that, who has the right to demand this or that, why does the public want to know all this?
Solve your internal problems within yourselves and if you cannot, you approach your captain for advice. And take his advice!
Syed, Ramasamy, Rafizi, Mazlee, and the like are proving immature. They put themselves first.
So many want to hog the limelight, Mazlee, Waytha, Kula by announcing this and that.
Did they clear with Tun M as the head of the govt?
Were Rafizi's so-called survey carried out properly?
Take correct measures to steal the rakyat's hearts and minds.
PH did well in the runup to GE14, and once the crown jewels were taken, no one seems to want to look after them.
The Ministers, and PH MPs must show a solid front to the public.
Tun M is your leader and captain, don't talk above him.
Good tidings, news about the govt's help, etc. clear them with him and announce them like what Azmin has done.
Really I feel happy reading what Azmin said..." is a result of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's insistence that low-income groups are assisted ..."
There is a dire need for PH to plan and organise announcements publicly. A public affairs bureau set up to pass on the good news, and to mercilessly attack the opposition.
How did Najib do that? Remember Paul Stadlen, that jewish guy?
For PH, Liew Chin Tong the master strategist for DAP is the right man for the job.
He can unify the PH factions and parties, deal with issues internally., bring them up with Tun and the team and get a consensus before releasing the information.
Get it done fast.
1. Ada orang tidak tahu apa kaitan Waytha dengan rusuhan kuil. Waytha sebagai menteri perpaduan sepatutnya menasihati penganut hindu kuil seafield untuk akur berpindah bukannya menyalahkan polis. Waytha juga tidak pernah meminta maaf kerana menfitnah kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia di luar negara. Dia adalah pengkhianat negara dan tidak sepatutnya diberi jawatan sebagai Menteri Perpaduan. Pengkhianat negara sepatutnya dihukum bukanlah dengan disanjung dengan memberi jawatan penting kerajaan.
2. Ada orang tanya adakah dengan perletakan jawatan Waytha maka keadilan untuk Muhammad Adib terlaksana. Sudah tentu jawapannya tidak kerana pembunuh2 Adib mesti dihukum setimpal. Tetapi perletakan jawatan Waytha akan meredakan sedikit kemarahan rakyat terhadap insiden kuil tempohari.
3. Ganabatirau Veraman, M.Kulasegaran dan Gobind Singh Deo juga perlu disiasat kerana menyemarakkan lagi semangat perusuh. Ganabatirau perlu dituduh di mahkamah kerana kenyataan rasis di sosial media sama seperti rakyat yang lain. Jangan pula ada pilih kasih.
4. Sudah lama rakyat memendam rasa bila nampak ada binaan kecil di setiap pokok redup. PBT langsung tidak bertindak awal. Bila sudah besar baru hendak kecoh. Ini sudah terlambat. Perlu ada ketegasan oleh PBT dalam menjalankan tugas.
5. Saya hendak tahu kenapa anak papa Nurul Izzah hendak rasa mual dengan ahli umno pula ? Khairy yang Nurul Izzah makan2 bergelak ketawa bersama itu tidak memualkankah ?
6. Ahli2 politik amatur terutamanya dari PKR dan DAP hendaklah berhenti memberi kenyataan2 bodoh di media segera. Sila diam dan buat kerja2 yang diamanahkan kepada anda.
7. Beri ruang untuk PM buat kerja2 meletakkan Malaysia di landasan yang betul selepas dimusnahkan oleh dua PM sebelumnya.
8. Bila Anwar hendak beri ceramah di universiti2 luar negara ? Katanya terlalu banyak jemputan.
Tok Kadir.
Siapa yg tak kenal W.Moothy senator yg berkepala rasis. Peliknye Tun M ..ambil dia jadi Menteri Perpaduan. Tapi itu lah Tun M yang punya 1001 teka-teki dalam setiap tindakannye ..contoh yg lain ngapa Muslee jadi Menteri Pendidikan ..tentu Tun M gelak guling2 bila mengenangkan isu kasut itam.
Tahun 2018 merupakan tahun korban bagi anggota Bomba. Dulu Bomba amat sinonam dengan kebakaran sahaja ..lepas tu tangkap ular atau alihkan sarang lebah.
Tapi dalam peristiwa bergasak di Kuil ini ..yg direntap korban adalah anggota bomba. Terpikir juga dimana Polis Di Raja ..di mana Askar Melayu ..ngapa mereka ini tak bergabung melanyak musuh bangsa, negara dan agama.. seperti mereka lanyak tentera Al-Shaheed Ibrahim Libya di Memali.
Kesian orang Melayu. Tanah yg jadi rebutan itu taiko nye Filipino ..upah macai Melayu RM150 hingga RM300 seorang untuk jaga kuil. Itu lah dia nilai nyawa sosok Melayu marhien. Tapi Pihak Kuil dikatakan telah nerima 1.5juta untuk pampasan.. ini baru lah dikatakan hero seperti dalam filem Rajkinath.
Malaysia is suing Goldman Sachs for return of over RM30 billion over the 1MDB scandal.
Can our AG ensure the payment if approved by the courts is paid first to our government?
Looks like everyone now has jumped on the bandwagon, Goldman Sachs' shareholders and investors, Singapore govt, IPIC (?).
Would recommend AG communicate directly with his US counterparts and lay claim on the monies as soon as possible, and persuade Goldman Sachs to come to the negotiating table before things get worse for GS.
As for LGE our Finance Minister, he should work in tandem with our AG.
Play poker, don't reveal your hand yet, there's lots of greed and avarice out there.
I sokong this statement by Khairuddin:
Khairuddin Abu Hassan, a stalwart of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, claimed today that there is a plot to undermine the prime minister.
"There is the existence of an early move of a grand design to oust Mahathir as prime minister," he said in a statement.
According to the Amanah leader, those who failed to get any positions in the current government are behind the plot.
Khairuddin said this in response to Kedah PKR chief Johari Abdul, who claimed that Mahathir did not appear to know what to do after achieving his objective to unseat former premier Najib Abdul Razak.
"Those who do not want to acknowledge the work done by Mahathir – don't be insolent.
"The prime minister has been working day and night to revive the country, which was wrecked by the previous kleptocratic government and requires support from everyone.
"This is not the prime minister's job alone. It is a collective responsibility of Pakatan Harapan. Don't blame the prime minister alone," he said.
Some words of sanity from Encik Rais Hussin of Bersatu.
"PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders should not fight among themselves as it is childish and could lead to disaster, says Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) strategist Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff.
In a series of tweets on Saturday (Dec 22), Rais warned that the "friendly fire" amongst PH politicians could be "disastrous".
"I am not concerned with politics, I am more concerned with politicians. Of course, we can differ in views, it must be celebrated, but pointing and launching missiles at each other is audaciously puerile," he said."
This is good advice.
A "government" should be able to govern itself first.
Hope some proper mechanisms are put in place.
Thank you.
now you see why the country still needs the Council of Eminent Persons.
Daim has put in a nutshell the current woes.
Daim Zainuddin, the influential adviser to Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the people were fed up with the new government’s excuse that it did not have enough money, while people are suffering from high cost of living and reduced income.
Speaking to reporters today, Daim said anyone would be fed up if they had to listen to daily stories about problems faced by the administration...
The Pakatan Harapan government needs to stop repeating about the country's debt and start focusing on constructive measures to help the rakyat.
Stop complaining, start resolving, stop bickering, start working together, stop grandstanding, start getting our money back, get all the criminals like Najib, Rosmah, Azeez, Isa, Zahid, Hasanah, etc. etc. all under lock and key in jail.
Get bounty hunters to bring in fugitives JLow and his gang of thieves, pay the bounty hunters on production of the criminals, not before!
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going and gets things done.
8. Bila Anwar hendak beri ceramah di universiti2 luar negara? Katanya terlalu banyak jemputan.
Jemputan kena letak tepi bila LGE jadi menteri kewangan bukan rafizi dan AA pulak jadi menteri ekonomi
Tabung Harapan hits almost 200 million.......
"Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said the fund had collected RM199,140,218.80 as of Dec 23, 9am and thanked Malaysians for their show of patriotism.
"The fund is the result of initiatives by individuals, organizations, non-governmental organizations as well as fixed deposit interest as administered by the Accountant General Department of Malaysia," he said in a statement on Sunday (Dec 23).
"The government appreciates every cent donated. This shows the people are concerned and united in helping the Government settle the national debt issue," he added."
Impressive, but let's face it:
Just a drop in the ocean of national debt. Hence, not going to make much of a difference. For perspective, the theft from 1MDB alone was closer to RM20,000,000,000. Twenty thousand million ringgit. What is two hundred million next to that?
There are better uses for this money.
Something that promotes racial & religious harmony across Malaysia.
Something that gives "Harapan" to the rakyat.
It should be discussed in Cabinet.
A good idea now will do much to raise spirits.
Putting it towards national debt makes almost zero difference.
Hope the Cabinet shows the innovation and good ideas we elected them for.
They are overdue to deliver that.
A good insight.
"A human rights group is urging Putrajaya to initiate a concerted policy to stop matters from being characterised along ethnic and religious lines following attempts by some to racialise the recent death of a fireman.
Hakam said if no such policy is put in place, “every little individual non-ethnic incident can be dressed up as a collective polarising racial issue, be it a road accident involving different races, or the Seafield temple incident which was essentially a dispute over land between a developer and the occupiers”.
Of course, not everyone likes human rights.
"Human", "rights" are two dirty words.
They used to say that human rights were some komplot Yahudi to interrupt the Bugis Worrier's regime from emptying the national coffers into their own pockets.
Never mind.
Let's look at political realities.
The reality is that for the next 4.5 years, every little individual non-ethnic incident WILL be dressed up as a collective polarising racial issue.
That is "Their" political strategy.
So "Our" response cannot be the "lembu dicucuk hidung" approach.
Every time there is a capitulation and U-turn, "They" win.
So what does wisdom say?
a) Don't formulate a counter-strategy. Just let things happen as they may.
b) Be prepared in advance.
The answer should be quite clear.
Headlines in FMT:
Syed Saddiq hits back at Ramasamy, urges him to ‘school’ Kadir Jasin
I can only say this to Syed Saddiq, SHUT UP SYED.
Don't join in a slanging match, you won't succeed in convincing anyone you are right, you are a Minister and kindly uphold your dignity otherwise the rakyat is starting to lose all respect for you.
What Mohd Redzuan said is correct.
Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof said today that PKR leader Rafizi Ramli should help the Pakatan Harapan administration govern the country better instead of criticising the coalition.
“Rafizi is a smart person, but he should help Harapan govern the nation for the better, instead of running us down,” he was quoted as saying by Free Malaysia Today.
Till now Rafizi has not given any sensible contributions to PH govt. Instead he keeps criticising and pointing figures.
Guess because he is just too smart. The rakyat heaves a huge breath of relief that he is not an MP, neither the Deputy President of PKR. Imagine the chaos and warfare he will provoke with his comments.
Sejak PH memerintah ni, saya lihat banyak sangat tulisan2 dan komen2 yang menghentam Melayu dan Islam. Apakah ini kebebasan Malaysia Baru. Saya tak tahu sampai bila orang Melayu Islam di Malaysia ni boleh bersabar, satu hari nanti, pasti time bom ni akan meletop!
It looks like we need a new PM to put everything in order! Pity Tun, almost every single major issue he needs agreement from PH coalition leaders! His hands are tight.
In any case, we are coming to one year already. Two years period is not that far away. It may be good that DSA starts understudying Tun on running of the government.
Interesting comment.
“Stop worrying about who is going to be PM. If you have made a promise, keep to it,” PKR's Datuk Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid told Malay Mail when contacted.
Abdullah Sani said what worried some senior PH members is the fact that the present central leadership seems less concerned about seeing through proper reforms than in maintaining political dominance within the coalition.
“Taking in Umno detractors is running away from the original agenda. Whichever side within PH who does not accept Anwar, is pushing for ex-Umno MPs to enter PH,” he claimed.
“People are worried about cost of living, the economy, that should be the focus,” he added."
What is Pakatan Huru-Hara's actual agenda?
We keep hearing "reform, reform, reform".
But we don't see any.
People want solutions.
....at the very least, clear updates.
They are not seeing those either.
It is important for PH leaders to openly state that they support DSAI as the next PM.
Malaysians have a right to have a smooth transition of premiership without hiccup! Also to give investors confidence! Look at out neighbor, they plan their transition years ahead!
The preparation should start now!
It's NOT for Mahathir or Anwar or ANYONE else to decide who the next PM is EXCEPT the Members of Parliament of Malaysia. Whoever has the MAJORITY - he or she becomes. These past history lessons are completely IRRELEVANT at this political juncture in our country. History does NOT always REPEAT itself.
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