A Kadir Jasin
MUKHADIMAH: Pandangan yang
terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis dalam
kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan apa-apa
jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.
Hadir mahkamah:Kenyataan terbaru boleh dijadikan bukti |
1MDB bukan silap saya seorang, seluruh sistem gagal (Malaysiakini).
Najib: 1MDB not one man's fault, it's
a systemic failure (Malaysiakini).
Skandal 1MDB: Jangan salahkan saya, ia
kegagalan sistem, kata Najib (Free Malaysia Today).
Najib Blames ‘systemic failure’ in
1MDB (Malaysian Insight).
[Komen "Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan.
Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]
Di atas adalah beberapa tajuk berita
berkaitan jawapan bekas Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng
Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak,
kepada wartawan di Cameron Highlands 18 Januari lepas.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas kenyataan Menteri Kewangan, Lim
Guan Eng, yang bertanya jika Najib juga akan meminta maaf selepas bank pelaburan
Amerika, Goldman Sachs, menyatakan rasa kesal dan memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia
di atas peranan bekas pegawai tingginya, Tim Leissner, dalam skandal 1MDB.
"Kami telah meletakkan sistem termasuk Goldman Sachs dan semua juru
audit, mereka sepatutnya memberitahu kami jika ada sebarang perkara yang tidak
dijangka berlaku. Kami juga ada lembaga pengarah, pengurusan dan lain-lain
"Jadi ia kegagalan seluruh sistem. Ia (kesilapan) tidak boleh hanya
diletakkan kepada hanya seorang saja, ia kegagalan seluruh sistem," kata
Saya menunggu lama sikit untuk
mengulas kerana saya kurang pasti kalau Najib benar-benar membuat
kenyataan itu atau media massa tersilap lapor.
Tetapi sehingga sekarang tidak terbaca
penjelasan atau penafian daripada bekas “Malaysian Official One” atau Pegawai
Nombor Satu Malaysia itu, maka kesimpulannya benarlah dia membuat kenyataan tersebut.
Dalam bahasa paling mudah, dia mengaku
terbabit dengan skandal 1MDB cuma bukan bersendirian tetapi bersama dengan orang
Konspirasi 1MDB
Satu dunia sudah tahu bahawa 1MDB
adalah sebuah persepakatan atau konspirasi penipuan yang melibatkan banyak
orang dan pihak di dalam dan luar negara.
Kita tahu Jho Low terlibat. Kita tahu Goldman Sachs terlibat. Begitu juga beberapa buah firma
perakaunan antarabangsa.
Juga terlibat adalah Arul (Azrul)
Kanda Kandasamy, Khadem al-Qubaisi, Mohammad Al Hussaini,
Ahmad Maslan dan Shahrir Samad. Malah banyak lagi.
Mereka ini terlibat menipu negara dan
rakyat jelata melalui operasi 1MDB, melindungi kesalahan, menerima dan mengubah
duit haram yang berasal dari operasi songsang 1MDB, pecah amanah dan salah guna kuasa.
Setidak-tidaknya pun mereka menyokong Mohd Najib walaupun mempunyai bukti yang cukup bahawa berlaku penyelewengan
besar dalam urus tadbir 1MDB.
Cuma yang mengejutkan adalah Mohd Najib sendiri secara terbuka mengaku kepada khalayak ramai bahawa beliau
terlibat bersama beberapa orang lain dalam skandal yang menyebabkan terjadi kegagalan
sistemik dalam 1MDB.
Saya sudah banyak kali menyebut dan
menulis mengenai kegagalan yang sistemik dalam urus tadbir 1MDB dan kerosakan
institusi yang sistematik dan meluas ketika pemerintahan Mohd Najib.
Mohd Najib dan beberapa orang yang bersubahat
dengan beliau telah pun dihadapkan ke mahkamah atas pelbagai tuduhan melibatkan penyonglapan, pecah amanah dan pembersihan duit haram 1MDB.
Lain yang turut dituduh adalah
isteri Mohd Najib, Datin Paduka Seri Puan Puti Reno Rosmah Mansor, Jho Low, bekas Ketua
Setiausaha Kementerian Kewangan Tan Sri “Kasut Merah” Irwan Serigar Abdullah,
bekas pendakwa raya kes Liwat 2 Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah dan Arul Kandasamy.
Khianati Diri
Seperti yang biasa dengan kes
mahkamah, semua mereka
mengaku tidak bersalah dan sedang dibicarakan. Dengan itu juga maka bermulalah
drama mahkamah.
Macam dijangkakan, pasukan pembelaan Mohd Najib sudah mula menggunakan pelbagai tipu helah (tricks) untuk
melengah-lengahkan perbicaraan.
Tipu helah mereka ini samalah dengan
yang digunakan oleh ahli politik dan pembesar lain yang diseret ke mahkamah sebelum
Mohd Najib sudah pun memulakannya dengan “enggan”
masuk kandang orang kena tuduh dan pasukan pembelaan beliau membantah kehadiran
pegawai tertentu di pihak pendakwa.
Yang nampaknya belum digunakan oleh Mohd Najib adalah berpura-pura sakit dan minta dimasukkan ke hospital. Sebaliknya
kita lihat beliau segar-bugar dan cergas berpolitik, membuat tampalan media
sosial dan berkempen pilihan raya kecil.
Justeru itu, kita janganlah berharap
sangat untuk melihat Mohd Najib dan tertuduh lain disumbatkan ke penjara dalam
masa yang singkat melainkan kes yang mudah, macam pengubahan wang haram,
dibicarakan dahulu.
Kita boleh mengambil perbicaraan
pembesar politik sebelum ini sebagai contoh. Kes pecah amanah dan salah guna kuasa boleh
dibuktikan dengan mudah berbanding pembunuhan atau liwat.
Ada orang kata, kes pengubahan
wang haram (money laundering) juga boleh dibuktikan dengan mudah.
Berbalik kepada pengakuan terbuka Mohd Najib kepada media massa di Cameron Highlands, yang menjadi
persoalan adakah kenyataan itu akan memberikan kesan kepada kes mahkamah yang
beliau hadapi?
Adakah beliau telah menganiaya (incriminate)
diri sendiri dengan mengaku bahawa beliau terlibat dengan kes kegagalan
sistemik 1MDB?
Pengakuan atau “admission” Mohd Najib itu
mengukuhkan lagi pendapat umum bahawa memang beliaulah kepala skandal 1MDB dalam
kapasitinya sebagai Perdana Menteri, Menteri Kewangan dan Pengerusi Lembaga
Penasihat Antarabangsa syarikat milik negara itu.
Soalnya adakah pengakuan beliau itu
juga boleh dijadikan bukti sahih (admissible evidence) dalam perbicaraan beliau
dan konco-konconya?
Kesimpulannya, dalam bahasa yang mudah Mohd Najib berkata
memang berlaku kegagalan sistemik dalam 1MDB dan beliau terbabit. Tetapi bukan
beliau seorang sebaliknya banyak orang lain turut terlibat.
System yg dicipta bagi memudahkan perompakan secara gerombolan.. Najib rakyat taklupa 2.6 billion yg masuk a/ c peribadi kamu..
Assalamu’alaikum Datuk
When 1MDB story came out, basically there have been still today two opposing or differing views, one in a state of denial and the other the truth seeker. The players have been the politicians in both divides and the rakyat in general.
Following breaking news and continuous exposures one after another by Sarawak Report and or WSJ, the rakyat came to know about issues viz SRC, RM2.6 bil donation, IPIC deal…on and on til to this day.
The latest incriminating admission by Goldman Sachs may have caused Najib to finally admit that he was at fault BUT NOT HIM ALONE BUT THE WHOLE SYSTEMIC FAILURE. But why now?
I only initially can conclude that subject to court cases and further development, Najib is GUILTY AS PER PERCEPTIONS ALL THESE WHILES.
The question is where are all the defenders of Najib’s galaxy?
Where are all the defenders among the agamawans and or muftis such as Harussaini, Dr Rahman and Shukri etc?
Are they not still around to deny all these allegations against Cash is King Najib????
Just wonder…….
Perbezaan harga jualan tanah yang nyata terlalu murah berbanding harga pasaran semasa kepada 1MDB perlu diambil kira sebagai kerugian negara.
Memang benar Dato AKJ.
Secara tidak lansung, Najib dengan tidak sengaja, telah mengaku mengepalai Kleptocracy disebuah Negara-Islam, setakat ini scandal terbesar dalam sejarah dunia.
Ehmm... Memalukan Bangsa-Melayu dan Agama Islam.
Sudah tentu, yang paling sedap adalah anak-muda Cina-kapir bernama Jho Low yang seolah-olah 'kebal dan dilindungi tangan-asing'. Disamping 'sedap' berjoli-sakan guna WANG Rakyat Malaysia dengan restu seorang Ketua-Melayu. Selain dapat bergomol dengan selebriti terkemuka Amerika, silap-silap simbol-sex Amerika Paris Hilton pun dia dapat kongkek.
Hidup Melayu?
An interesting point on Inculpatory Statements by Kadir Jasin :
Salam Tok..
SAYA JUNJUNG PERJUANGAN TOK ... you are truly malaysia hero..
Tapi MALAYSIA ... bukan hanya masalah 1MDb.. banyak lagi.
800,000 overstay kulit hitam
Masalah paip air yang dah berkarat
Airport dengan BOCOR .. keluar masuk
Segala macam lagi..
KITA HUBAN NAJIB MASUK JAIL PUN ... masalah rakyat miskin tak selesai..
Bebas dari masalah yang lebih besar dari 1MDB
Cukup lah bab Najib.. ni tok
Last last pun jadi macam Anwar dapat ampun
Orang biasa layak masuk jail
2.9juta gaji mereka yang dapat pengampunan
Tok Kadir.
Semalam saya terbaca ..pencuri di penjara 9 bulan sebab curi tabung masjid berjumlah RM50. Saya cuba kaitkan kes curik ini dengan kes Incik Najib ..saya cuba melayan kembali persoalan klasik ..ngapa orang mencurik?.
Jawapan klasik ..sesaorang itu mencurik sebab desakan hidup ..duit diperlukan untuk memenuhi kehendak asas kehidupan ..makan, minum dan tempat tinggal.
RM50 tu cukup ke untuk capai matlamat memenuhi keperluan asas? WAT DU U TING. Kalau Sang Pencuri tu solo ..bila TERTANGKAP ..ianye cukup?.
Kos untuk idup sebulan, kita perlukan tempat tinggal (RM150), makan/minum (RM300), tambang (RM150) ..sekurangnye RM600 sebulan ..RM5,400 untuk 9 bulan.
Kesimpulanye pencuri itu akan ..mungkin akan rasa amat bahagia bila tertangkap ..masalah kehidupan untuk sembilan bulan akan selesai.
Berbalik pada "Bossku Apa nak Malu" ..kita tanya balik apa pasal beliau mencurik. Apa pun saya tersentuh hati melihat beliau berkempen dengan gaya ranggi ..tampak muda, slim, tidak herot, ber-T, tidak kepit dan ..dan tidak dikawal oleh (suami)nye.
Dengan gaya "tukar Kaler" ini ..di Cameron Highland, Najib semacam sangat popular ..seakan hampir meledakan fenomena. Dalam semangat itu lah Najib ngaku terlibat berbuat SALAH dalam kes 1MDB ..tapi katanye beliau melakukan berkumpulan ..berkumpulan, bukan makan sorang-sorang.
Jadi kerajaan PH apa tunggu lagi .. layar dah di tebar ..di tebar oleh Sang Mappadulong ..jangan pulak ada yang nak labuhkan sauh. Tapi dengar cerita memang dah ada yang sedang cuba-cuba nak tanggalkan sauh ..
Najib: 1MDB not one man's fault, it's a systemic failure
Can we sue Najib for attempting to involve us in the 1MDB debacle?
We have all watched movies of police arrests, where the arresting office will always say: "You are under arrest. Whatever you say will be used against you, blah, blah, blah ..."
Similarly, the longer Najib's trial is delayed, the greater are his chances of making more mistakes, which may be used against him, like the debunking of his Saudi donation, which makes him lose credibility in all his yarns.
We can safely supposed that, in a case like 1MDB, which has very significant international repercussions, there will be no escape for Najib, as the charges are so clear-cut. Therefore, he would attempt to postpone the trial for as long as possible, just to enjoy a few more days of "freedom". The more mistakes he made, the more the prosecution can pick up and considered as constructive admissions to be used against him.
When the trials begin, the evidences will be so watertight that there will be no escape for him.
For the untold damages he had done to the nation, may he spend the rest of his natural life in prison.
It's a Catch 22 dilemma. Damned if you say something, damned if you don't say something.
Unlike previously where he was a public officer, he is now a private citizen who has to defend for himself.
Now he has been brought to trail for charges of graft, CBT, abuse of power and public office and money laundering, any attempt to employ delaying tactics will also be counter-productive. Such tactics will further reinforce the perception that he is definitely guilty of such charges in the court of public opinion.
No matter what, "a man's character is his fate" in a quote by Heraclitus.
Prior to his fast looming trial, he has managed to position himself on the centre stage again. This time around, he makes his way via social media. The attention and response he gets is overwhelming. It looks like he is now starting to regain the vibes and hammering out a new strategy to recapture support and influence among the younger generation circle. Not only that, his recent lurking about has also resulted in making a warm reception breakthrough in the public. Seemingly, he is totally indulged in it and the 1MDB scandal doesn't exist any more. Well, this is something PH should really concern about and never to be taken lightly or the outcome can be a headache then. He maybe down at some points but not yet out, as the grassroots level is far too naive to be pacified in which allowing him to pull the wool over their eyes.
As such, he takes everything in stride and makes the most of it. In order to survive longer, he has changed for good, to have a cheerful and laid-back dispositions. Only unabashed people with thick-skinned and head-strong are inclined to always blame others and tackle wrongdoings head-on without a trace of qualms.
Sistemic failure kpd Goldman Sachs..harapkan pegar,pegar makan padi..fitnah dmulakan oleh pembenci,disampaikan oleh si naif,d terima oleh si bebal...bila nak habis teka teki ni daaaa...
Sistemic failure kpd Goldman Sachs..harapkan pegar,pegar makan padi..fitnah dmulakan oleh pembenci,disampaikan oleh si naif,d terima oleh si bebal...bila nak habis teka teki ni daaaa...
Salam Dato Kadir
Bagi sayalah, Dato’ Najib ni orang kata poor insight, poker face, live in denial state, so on and so forth. You name it. Dia menyebabkan UMNO jatuh, masih tersengeh lagi. Berbilion duit dlm akaunnya dan juga berbilion harta dlm rumahnya, masih ada hati nak berkempen utk UMNO lagi. Tak tahu malu langsung. Satu dunia dah tahu pun.
Cuma maaf cakaplah tapi Dato’ suka cakap benda yg sama berulang-ulang. Masalahnya, kerajaan PH yg baru ni lembab macam semut bila nak ambil tindakan terhadap Najib. Cakap je lebih…… Bukan apa, saya cukup respect dgn peguan Dato’ Najib, Dato’ Shafiee. Saya rasa dia adalah peguam terhandal di Malaysia. Mendiang Karpal Singh pun kalah. Kalau lantai sama-rata, barulah bertemu buku dan ruas.
Cuma saya dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia AMAT risau dgn agihan 3 kuasa: antara perundangan, kehakiman dan pentadbiran bila majlis berdansa AG, ketua hakim, Menteri hakim, peguam2 semua ada. Inikah dikatakan demokrasi ala-ala PH? Saya harap Dato’ tidak menjadi BISU pula ye bila kena ke batang hidung PH sendiri, seperti selalu Dato’ buat akhir-akhir ini. Mana etika kewartawanan Dato’ sekarang?????? Shame on you….
Sekian, TQ.
Memang rakyat semua tahu ramai perampok yang terlibat dalam kes 1MDB seperti pengakuan DS Najib.
Jadi eloklah karajan tangkap, caj dan penjarakan Najib dulu jika bersalah. Kemudian baharu lah kerajaan akan identify yang lain until di tangkap, cas dan hukum jika disabitkan.
Yang pentingnya, kepala penyangak dan perampok tu kerajaan usahakan dahulu.
Mohon maaf sekali lagi.
Saya tidak akan siarkan komen yang ditulis dalam bahasa pasar, bahasa WhatsApp (contoh xpa untuk tidak apa) dan bahasa yang tidak mengikut tata misalnya Quran dengan huruf kecil.
Maaf dan terima kasih.
this Najib song based on the Manhattans' Kiss and Say Goodbye
Well it is more appropriate to title this song, Spit on you and Say Goodbye.
By the way, did he buy the rights to the tune? Any copyright infringement there?
He is attempting to spread his notoriety and tentacles just because we have now
"freedom of speech" under the PH govt.
Can we put him in jail ? Cancel the bail offer, let him wear the orange clothes and he would really cut a pathetic figure.
Alantuya's spirit is coming after him for denying that he ever knew her. Karma is here for him.
extracts from Malay Mail, and Putrajaya should very very seriously adopt the proposals made by the law professor in getting out from under 1MDB debts and guarantees :
" Adopting an “odiousness” rating system for bonds could be the most effective way to deal with bad public debts incurred by corrupt governments, a US law professor said, as the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal continues to send ripples worldwide.
Mitu Gulati from Duke University said the idea was first proposed by economists Ricardo Hausmann and Ugo Panizza in 2017 following the economic crisis in Venezuela.
He said that 1MDB did not operate how “normal” sovereign investment funds were supposed to do, that is secure investments in Malaysia.
“It was a sovereign wealth fund that did not have wealth of the sovereign. It was accumulating wealth by borrowing from outside investors and then siphoning out these to corrupt financiers who were running it.”
Gulati also described the new Malaysian government’s attempt to slap new guarantees on corrupt 1MDB bonds as “bizarre” following the Pakatan Harapan coalition’s victory in the May 9 general election last year.
“Malaysia could have gotten out of the 1MDB debt obligation by presenting evidence of corruption to the court which will then stick the loan to the banks or agents that were corrupt.
“Instead, they did the opposite, which is to embrace the loan and say even though its corrupt, we are going to stick our taxpayers with it,” he said.
He explained that one of the plausible reasons the Malaysian government continued to service 1MDB’s debts was to portray the country as a good borrower to improve its credit rating or lower borrowing costs similar to the post-apartheid South African government that took over debts from its predecessor and paid them in full.
“It is a theoretical conjecture that it will improve your reputation as a borrower.
“But in 1MDB, you have a corrupt debt that the country could repudiate but it just goes on repaying it. Some of the 1MDB debts did not have state guarantees on them and the guarantees were slapped on afterwards.
“This allows us to empirically test whether or not markets for other Malaysian bonds actually improve and we can measure quite precisely whether the benefit from slapping the guarantee was greater than the cost of guarantee,” he said.
But Gulati said research data obtained from a study conducted with Panizza at the Graduate Institute, Geneva to date has so far provided no evidence that such a guarantee is of benefit to Malaysia.
“We can’t find any evidence of even the slightest benefit to Malaysia. Their yields did not go down at all. It’s basically just a huge loss to the Malaysian people and government,” he said.
Asked if there was a technical reason for the debt repayment, which could potentially cause a cross default on other debts if 1MDB bonds were not honoured, the US-based academic said the 1MDB bonds did not have cross default provisions with other bonds.
“There is a possibility some people in the current government who were either involved or who knew the people involved in the corruption do not want a trial where that corruption would get uncovered,” he said.
Yang menyedihkan ada banyak orang Melayu yang masih menyokong Najib walaupun bermacam macam kerja buruk yang telah dilakukannya.Ini satu petanda yang tidak baik untuk masa hadapan Malaysia.Tidak salah kalau sebahagian rakyat Malaysia tidak menyokong Pakatan Harapan untuk mentadbir negara ini tapi sangatlah pelik jika mereka masih menyokong dan percaya kepada seorang kleptokrat kelas antarabangsa.Mungkin kita perlu ubah sistem pengajaran Agama Islam diMalaysia.
Salam Dato,
I think that a special court should be set up to hear all corruption and criminal breach of trust cases, starting with 1MDB, FELDA, Tabung Haji etc.
The special court can then focus on these cases and not be side tracked and delayed by the inherent bureaucracy of court administration. Judges in this special court, however,should be rotated so as to ensure that they are not compromised in anyway.The rule of law must be adhered to.
MO1 and his ilk are going to use the present court system to come up with all sorts of excuses and tactics to delay the final judgement.
The rakyat demands quick justice for the kleptocracy that has been committed against them.
Justice delayed is justice denied!
In other countries when a revolution occurs, special revolutionary courts are setup to try the members of the previous regime. What happened on 9518 is a revolution of sorts, albeit a bloodless one, where a corrupt regime was thrown out , via the ballot box.
If one studies revolutions, one sees that if the new regime is not careful the ancien regime can come back in various forms, e.g via the deep state ala Egypt, when the Morsi government was ousted by a coup d'etat by the army, with backing from business and othe countries.
These people have proven traitorous to Malaysia and should be judged swiftly, before their current attempts at regrouping and destabilising the present government succeeds.
Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.
Salam Dato,
I think that a special court should be set up to hear all corruption and criminal breach of trust cases, starting with 1MDB, FELDA, Tabung Haji etc.
The special court can then focus on these cases and not be side tracked and delayed by the inherent bureaucracy of court administration. Judges in this special court, however,should be rotated so as to ensure that they are not compromised in anyway.The rule of law must be adhered to.
MO1 and his ilk are going to use the present court system to come up with all sorts of excuses and tactics to delay the final judgement.
The rakyat demands quick justice for the kleptocracy that has been committed against them.
Justice delayed is justice denied!
In other countries when a revolution occurs, special revolutionary courts are setup to try the members of the previous regime. What happened on 9518 is a revolution of sorts, albeit a bloodless one, where a corrupt regime was thrown out , via the ballot box.
If one studies revolutions, one sees that if the new regime is not careful the ancien regime can come back in various forms, e.g via the deep state ala Egypt, when the Morsi government was ousted by a coup d'etat by the army, with backing from business and othe countries.
These people have proven traitorous to Malaysia and should be judged swiftly, before their current attempts at regrouping and destabilising the present government succeeds.
Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.
Aslm dakj,
I understand the need for you to write issues with regard to najib and the gang, our rulers and etc. However, most of the issues are an already known facts.
Nevertheless, im more than amazed with the performance of the current cabinet ministers and their deputy whom i personally view as below par. Their performance which shows no innovation but to carry on existing policy are very disappointing. Worst are the way they dealt with issues of public interest particularly pertaining on sensitive issues such as allocation in education sector, bahasa kebangsaan, religious harmony and many more which gives hope to umno and pas although they dont deserve any.
If i were to ask these ministers to list down 5 new initiatives since they took over the helm, i believe almost most of them will fail. Its either they are not capable of being a minister or they are too smart and think they know everything thus making them ignorant.
Surprisingly, i found lge is among the least performing minister because his ego. He thinks he is so smart to be chosen as minister of finance. His act and loose mouth is so unbecoming. He uses mof to issue media release constantly which many of the time are lack of diplomacy, unnecessary and politically motivated.
His antic against najib razak, kelantan, sarawak and recently pahang government is uncalled for. He also likes to claim positive achievement as a result of ph which may be true for certain things but also not true for many of the things.
I heard goverment agencies complaining on allocation being cut and expenditure not paid for to ensure government could achieve deficit target for 2018. Not to mention government has announced few extraordinary revenue measures from petronas, khazanah and kumpulan wang persaraan to help them cover revenue losses from gst. If these were not done, government financial performance are worst.
He dares to ridicule state government financial performance while his performance is also in question. The only reason government pays some of operating expenses under development perhaps to avoid government from recording higher operating expenses than its revenue. So why is he so eager to pick on pahang on that. Of course he may pointed out the issue but must be in diplomatic and professional manner. Not selective and politically motivated.
Given the circumstances, he may also pay government expenses using off budget or special fund. I propose audit negara to scrutinize government account for 2018 to assess mof performanve particularly under the leadership of lge.
What about the open tender process where they claimed to be able to save government billions of rm? Currently what we saw are cost cutting measures and saving due to scaling down of project. But we have yet to listen to government project previously implemented at rm500 million cost now implemented at way more cheaper cost of let say rm200 or 300 million. Fine, you are just taking over. So, i would expect thid next year.
Government please dont disappoint the people and give hope to umno to rise. Please focus on the jpb in hand and be humble and polite. You are now government and not opposition. Please tackle issues of cost of living, overprice housing, crime, and manh more.
Anwar as pm is another issue people least interested to hear. Reformasi is about good governance, not about anwar being pm. Please care for rakyat. People have struggled to kick out a thief, i believe they are more than happy to kick out an incompetent lot who like to talk and then go against what they talked come next pru.
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang today chided Chief Justice (CJ) Tan Sri Richard Malanjum and Attorney General (AG) Tommy Thomas for allegedly behaving improperly for their age and station after the duo danced at a gala dinner for the legal fraternity in Sabah last week.
The president of the Islamist party said the two “old” men should be more mindful of their Eastern roots and values and conduct themselves appropriately. Malanjum is 66 and Thomas is 67.
Let's be a little naughty and ask Hadi who's also an old man how many wives he has?
He is an old man, not healthy.
So Hadi look out for yourself first, you have to be careful, heart may give way any moment.
Salam. .
Agak agak doto. .
Bila doj nak umum siapa mo1???
The story keep changing accordingly in lieu of the latest development...muka tembok
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