A Kadir Jasin
expressed herein are entirely mine. I am writing in my personal capacity as a
blogger. It has nothing to do with whatever position I may hold.
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Goldman Sachs CEO apologises to Malaysian for 1MDB involvement |
WHILE some self-proclaimed nasionalis Melayu are
busy making police reports against Malaysians who are trying to protect the
constitutional monarchs from self-destruction, the kafirs in the
decadent West are apologising for the skandal 1MDB.
The Reuters news agency reported that the Chief
Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc, David Solomon, had on January 16 apologised
to the Malaysian people for former banker Tim Leissner’s role in the 1MDB
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This Leissner chap, if you remember, is also a family
friend of the former Prime Minister, (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul
Jalil), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak.
The kafir CEO of Goldman Sachs made the apology despite claiming that the
US-based bank had conducted due diligence before every transaction.
It may be possible that the 1MDB loan syndication was not part of "every transaction" scrutinised by the investment bank.
It may be possible that the 1MDB loan syndication was not part of "every transaction" scrutinised by the investment bank.
Solomon may have his own reasons for apologising. One of which is the fact that Malaysia is asking his bank to return the US$588-million (about RM2.4 billion) it was paid for arranging the US$6.5-billion (RM23.29 billion) loans back in 2012 and 2013.
Sadly none of the perpetrators at home, including Mohd
Najib and his fugitive associate, Jho Low, make any attempt to say sorry or
show any remorse for the hardship and shame they caused to the country.
That being the case, the best option is for them to be
given an extended “rest” at Sungai Buloh or any other penal institution
belonging to the JPM. No, not the JPM as in the Jabatan Perdana Menteri but Jabatan Penjara
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Leissner (extreme left) with his wife, Najib and Azman Mokhtar |
Pardon me for using the term kafir which is often
used by the nasionalis Melayu and the Islamists to derogatively refer to the non-Muslims.
Sadly, many kafirs themselves make it worse by translating the word as infidel whereas there are many other kinder terms like "rejector", "disbeliever", "unbeliever" and "nonbeliever".
Kafir Is Ok
During my younger days in the rice fields of Kedah back in the 1950s and 60s, being called kafir was nothing. In fact in some cases it was use as a term of endearment.
A Malay person, upon seeing his long lost friend on the other side of the street, would shout at the top of his voice:
“Ooi kapiak (kafir), bila hang balik tak bagi tau aku?
(“Hai there infidel when did you get back without telling me?”)
Now let me be judgemental. These self-proclaimed Malay nationalists, the protectors of the faith and the defender of the realm are nothing more than hypocrites.
If they are genuine Malays and Mukminin (the pious) they should do what their religion tells them to – amar ma’ruf nahi munkar - preaching the good and stopping the bad.
And the Quran doesn’t say that preaching the good and stopping the evil is confined to any particular person or group. Neither the king nor the pauper is exempted. It is all encompassing.
Nationalists Or Hypocrites
Sadly, these self-proclaimed Malay nationalists are very selective in whom to love and to hate, and make no distinction between halal and haram when it comes to self-enrichment.
The 1MDB thievery was totally acceptable for as long as they benefited from it. We must demand that everyone of them be hauled up and made to face the music for taking part in the theft.
On the other hand, if these people are true Malays and pious Muslims they would have acted and behaved exemplarily.
Being Malays they are inculcated with “budi” (courtesy) and being Muslims they are imbued with “iman” (piety).
Thus an exemplary Malay is one who is “budiman” – courteous and pious.
Sadly for us, as I told a Malaysian Punjabi contractor at the Brickfields food court a few days ago, in spite of nearly all world’s religions and beliefs are practised in our country, corruption and all forms of criminal activities are still rife.
It should make us wonder what good do we derive from zealously promoting and defending our beliefs if we are unable to become good, decent men and women?
Spot on ! Bravo Tuan .
When 1MDB broke news a couple of years ago, the self proclaimed ulamas and religious leaders who received "good treatment" from najib rushed to defend him and called people ordinary rakyat like us SLANDERERS, PEMFITNAH, PENDENGKI, PATUT KENA LAKNAT ALLAH KERANA MEMFITNAH etc etc etc.
What have we got today?
Najib charged
Rosmah charged
Irwan charged
Jho low charged
Goldman Dach charged
On and on
A day before today Goldman Sach apologised to all malaysians...
1. Mana pejuang melayu?
2. Mana pejuang nasionalis?
3. Mana mufti petak pahang kelantan...masih demam sehingga yak dapat berkata?
4. Mana agamawan yang kutuk rakyat dulu....telinga pekak dan bisu?
5. Mana MTUs yang menuduh mahathir tipu rakyat dan fitnah najib?????
Allaj memang hendak tunjuk KEBENARAN......wallahuaklam
Sebagai seorang peguam & ahli PPBM/Bersatu, saya amat bersetuju dengan saranan supremo DAP agar pihak polis membuka semula kes pembunuhan Hussein Najadi, pengasas Ambank yang dikaitkan dengan akaun peribadi bank yang menerima dana penipuan, pecah-amanah, rasuah dan sogokan 1MDB dan SRC International seperti yang turut dinyatakan Pascal Najadi.
Dato' tulis "... in spite of nearly all world’s religions and beliefs are practised in our country, corruption and all forms of criminal activities are still rife." Ikut kata orang sekarang, ayat ni paling win. Inilah yang dipanggil di Indonesia "Islam abangan" bagi yang mengaku Islam. Kalau yang Kristian mungkin Kristian "Hari Krismas" sahaja. Saya tak tahu apa pula kesetaraannya bagi yang mengaku Hindu atau Budha.
My Dear Pak Kadir,
In Malaysia there is TWO kinds of Malay politicians aka nasionalis melayu
a) The normal melayus who are either in Umno, Pas, PKR, PPBM and many other NGOs. This melayus are in the creed of Hadi Awangs, Anwar Ibrahims, Muhyiddin Yasins, Zahid Hamidis, Noh Omars etc. They are 'leaders' with given limited abilities.....Nothing more
Though they are themselves leaders, they must stand behind those in the group b)
b) these are the elitists amongst melayus....the politikus BANGSAWAN melayu. These are special creeds who are extended family of the many royal courts. Names like bin Onn, bin Razaks, bin Huseins, Azmin Alis (the new mat perasans!)
Our royals have been playing this 'game' on the two groups of malay leaders since the Parameswara eras.....Hence we can see the characters, actions of these two groups of melayus
One bin Razak have been openly rejected but still talks C**k everyday. No shame. No haram. Kulit muka tebal.
As melayus, being muslim and bukan kapiaqs, called the marheans....do we have to live with this phenomenon forever?
When will this game change? [I sincerely asked the Royals this specific question]
I doubt they will.
Don't they ever know there is ONE higher BEING up there WATCHING??
Kadiag, السلام عليكم assalāa / mu / ‘alaikum,
Hang nulih ...” On the other hand, if these people are true Malays and pious Muslims they would have acted and behaved exemplarily.
Being Malays they are inculcated with “budi” (courtesy) and being Muslims they are imbued with “iman” (piety).”
Tanggapan hang tentang ‘orang melayu’ jauh ke laut banding dgn apa PM dilapog kata...” Local activist Jolovan Wham has made startling allegations over the views of Malaysia Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, claiming that the Malaysian leader expressed “with such conviction” that “Malays are unproductive, ‘corrupt’ and ‘dishonest'” and that “Indonesians are more hardworking than the Malays.”
( http://theindependent.sg, 31 Ogos, 2018)
Aku tumpang sedih tapi lebih “cocok’ dgn pandangan PM. Nilai2 luhog macam ‘budi’ dan sebagai pd kebanyakkan depa ni dah lama musafir, tengoklah pada perangai kebanyakkan
kepala2 yg ada ‘monicker’ Islam....wallahua’lam.
Maghap no.
Maaf dato,tak salah kot bertanya! Awat dari kerajaan lepas sampai kepada kerajaan baru,apabila menetap harga minyak mingguan harga minyak DISEL selalu tinggi.Tetapi cukai jalan kenderaan DISEL masih juga tinggi. Kami rakyat tak paham.gula-gula pilihan raya terasa semakin pahit.harap dapat penjelasan dan penawar dari Dato.
Salam Dato’ Kadir
Saya rasalah, artikel Dato’ ni nak memerli PAS tetapi Dato’ tak berani sangat rasanya. Sebabnya, takut mereka tuduh Dato’ berdosalah, tak masuk syurgalah dan sebagainya, seperti dalam amanat Hadi tu. Jangan takut Dato’, masuk syurga neraka bukannya ditangan sesiapa pun, mufti ke, ulama ke, hatta ditangan orang PAS sekalipun. Jadi selagi Dato’ mengikut Al Quran dan Sunnah, tiada apa yg perlu ditakutkan. Penakut juga Dato’ dgn PAS ye. Hehehe…………..
Cuma saya rasa Dato’ agak terkeliru perbezaan DOSA diantara manusia dan manusia dan manusia dgn tuhan. Dosa manusia dan tuhan, hanya tuhan yg mengetahui. Sebab itulah ada cerita bagaimana pelacur yg setiap hari memberi makan anjing pun boleh masuk syurga. Bukannya sebab dia pelacur yg baik, tetapi mungkin pelacur itu sempat bertaubat sebelum mati dgn taubat nasuhah. Nampak tak apa bezanya.
Beza dosa diantara manusia dan manusia berbeza. Kita kena minta maaf dgn orang yg kita buat dosa tu. Selagi org tu tak maaf, muflis kita dibuatnya di akhirat nanti. Dato’ faham ke apa yg saya nak sampaikan ni.
Cuma saya nak kata di sini, sebaik manapun orang kafir, mereka adalah munafik sebenarnya sebab mereka masih tidak beriman kpd Allah. Dato’, Mereka cuma nakkan sesuatu sebagai balasan. Nampak bagaimana mereka dah mula naik tocang selepas PRU 14. Jadi, Dato’, berhati hatilah ye. Bukan saya yg pesan, tetapi Quran yg pesan. OK. Sekian TQ.
the following is a perfect example why Tun Dr Mahathir brings renown and respect for Malaysia.
Wonder if any of our politicians can even speak near like this without being argumentative:
During a dialogue session after his speech at the prestigious Oxford Union in UK, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said that Singapore's reaction to the Johor mentri besar's visit near disputed waters between Malaysia and Singapore was disproportionately “severe”.
Dr Mahathir acknowledged Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Osman Sapian's recent visit was without the federal government's blessings.
“Well the Mentri Besar went without our permission. He thought that it was Johor waters, that's why he went there.
“I mean the reaction to his going there is quite severe, as if you are going to war. I mean he is going to go in a ship into neutral water."
When a member of the audience argued that the Johor mentri besar's visit was not in neutral waters but within waters that Malaysia allegedly only claimed last year, Dr Mahathir replied: “It is not Singapore water either, it is international water and the mentri besar can go into international water without Singapore sending warships to chase him away.”
That's the cruncher, Tun had immediately corrected the member of the audience , pointing out that “It is not Singapore water either, it is international water and the mentri besar can go into international water without Singapore sending warships to chase him away.”
That is absolutely spot on ! Even the Singaporeans would have fudged here and there, thereby worsening the situation.
Cuba bandingkan yang mana lebih baik di antara nasionalis Melayu yang dilihat hipokrit dengan gulungan politikus Melayu munafiq yang bermusuh dengan Islam dan berkawan dengan kafir.
The height of irony:
a) Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, unlike the kafir, has never apologised for 1MDB.
b) UMNO (soon to be a wing of PAS) gave 41 different excuses - all obviously lies - on the origin of the 2.6 billion "rezeki" that arrived in Mappadulung's AmBank account. So much for being good Muslims.
c) The President of PAS asked for 4 witnesses for the theft from 1MDB. He will soon have more than 40 in court. What then? Talak tiga from UMNO? Don't count on it.
d) PAS are actively assisting the BN cover-up and excuses of the theft from Tabung Haji. So much for being good Muslims.
The biggest irony of all is that these combined parties can still command over 70-80% Malay support.
The Malays must always remember that their troubles are of their own making - vote for corrupt leaders, you get cheated.
A simple principle.
There is a distinction between being religious and being spiritual.
If one were to follow the dead letters of any religion, understanding only the word for word interpretation of it, living only the external aspects of it, not having discernment of its inner principles, then one is merely being religious.
On the other hand, one must follow one’s religion to develop oneself to become a better and better human being, one, who is useful and to be of service to humanity. One shall aspire, develop oneself, and work at it to be humane. Then, one is developing spiritually. This is the only true meaning of jihad, fighting against oneself, transcending oneself, an un-ending process of working God-ward. No religion in the whole wide world teaches people to be corrupt. The principles of all religions in the world are to be practiced by those, who embrace them, and if the practices are correctly followed throughout the life, they will result in a practitioner becoming better and better, more and more refined human being.
If one were to think of God only at certain times of a day, or only at a certain day in a week, then, not only is one not religious, one is actually irreligious. The way to practise is to follow the principles of one’s religion throughout the day, on a daily basis, in the way one is careful of one’s thoughts from moment to moment, what one says every time the mouth is opened, in one’s action, work, social inter-action, in life, in such a way that it is inducive to inculcate and create harmony, brotherliness, group consciousness, inclusiveness and improvements on each other, not condemning anyone. Why so? Because God is observing us all the time.
Religions belong to their originators, not to the practitioners. It is naïve to say that one needs to defend his or her religion. If a religion is properly practised, it needs no one to defend, for it will propagate by itself. No religion in the world teaches anyone to be its leader, and no religion requires a defender, for its Originator is its only true leader. Truthfully, a religion does not belong to anyone; it belongs to, and are the last words, of its Originator.
Every religion was introduced to the world at a certain period of world history and civilization, at a certain worldly location, suitable for a certain people of a certain clime. But no religions were taught at loggerheads or in condemnation of another. While every religion self-propagates its teaching, there are also many commentaries on the teachings written by intellectuals, practitioners or otherwise. But intellectual interpretations and writings are merely mental constructs and are not the last words on the religion. The mental constructs are not to be followed blindly. And, if there is doubt about them, then references should be made to the original religion and its teaching.
The Dalai Lama, in referring to what some quarters have mentioned about the monks in Myanmar being Buddhist terrorist, he said there is no such thing as a Buddhist terrorist. There is only a true Buddhist practitioner (who can never be a terrorist), and a terrorist. Similarly, there is no important or real differences between a Malay Muslim, a Chinese Muslim, an Indian Muslim, etc.; a Muslim is a Muslim, one, who truly practise in accordance to the Koran only. No intellectual commentaries can replace the true meanings in a religion.
'kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupak mata tiada tampak', this is the peribahasa we learnt while in the elementary school. There are people who obstinately refuse to confess their own shortcomings, instead, happily nit-picking on others on the grounds to shield themselves from the real and ugly truth. How on earth are they able to see the real facts while their heads are invariably buried under ground like ostriches. They fail to get a glimpse of a bigger and clearer picture of the whole scene which makes them holding on their own unreal realm and deliberately obtuse to come to senses. All the while, they have listened without hearing and looked without seeing. In their zeal, so let the naysayers say nay and continue to ignore and dream on.
While the whole world is condemning the 1MDB scandal, only to find the locals especially the Malays persist lobbying for its originator. What ashamed and what a shame of those superficial-minded people who are conveniently convinced that their philanthropic boss is nothing but innocent and magnanimous. Likewise, some years ago, a pair of acrobats in their birthday suits were caught red-handed in camera performing some stunning 'stunts'. Despite it was evidenced and proven, the most prominent performer vehemently refuted. It was beyond words to describe how cleverly the oratory was used to rebuff the whole disgrace. Unlike, the kafir, one of the ex-MCA presidents, who was taped too, doing the pretty much the same act, he did not at all shilly-shally but quick to admit, apologize and quit the minute the video went viral. That was an unfeigned hero of 'berani buat, berani tanggung' politician. Now, he is no longer burdened by a guilty secret and can even joke about it openly.
Let's cut to the chase. I think, we humans must have at least some fears of God, if not all, to constrict ourselves from doing the the bad. But if one is deemed and doomed iniquitous by nature, and nonchalantly shrug off all misdeeds all the time, should be compelled and complied with the very basic religious rule, ie. to be defied to swear by Quran--the sumpah laknat as the last resort to cut short all tittle-tattles, strife and conflicts or whatever you may call it. A public figure who lives in a glass house is evermore devoid and deprived of privacy. Every bit of your private life has now become the privileges and interests of the public. You just can't blame the cultural norms of the nosy-parkers, can you? Hence, apologize and repent while you are still breathing.
One without or with low 'budi' and 'iman' can lead to having decadent behaviours and corrupt morals. With that, there shall be a moral decay on oneself throughout his/her lifetime which inevitably lead to the decline or fall of the moral values of one's own civilisation. It will be disastrous if it will be endemic in the society. In the words of British lawyer and jurist Judge Devlin (1905-1992), 'an established morality is as necessary as good government to the welfare of society. Societies disintegrate from within more frequently than they are broken up by external pressures'. Several scholars blame moral decay for the decline of the Roman Empire.
As such, the current government should plan and strategise at its utmost best to inculcate the correct mechanism/methods/ways of imparting good moral values to everyone starting from schoolgoing children.
permit me 2 digress a bit.
tun m n PH went 4 broke in their efforts 2 dislodge 'd klepets' n their band of 40 thieves from power. i did my part in that effort in spite of d dangers encountered.
but i m puzzled as 2 why those crooks r given d freedom 2 'run riot' n instilling confusion n SEEKING sympathy FROM d simple kampung folks. what is worrying is that these 'crooks' r gaining traction.
in d last GE14 only abt 30% malays voted 4 PH. i think a lot r disgruntled N may return their support 2wards d opposition. a slight swing may c UMNO/BN n their band of 'thieves' return 2 power.
PH shld now go 2 d ground in full force n counter them wth d truth based on facts.
4 those who hv been charged, they may 'shout' contempt of court. well, my response is that it works both ways. or there must b a way 2 circumvent it.
my take is very simple. ignore this happenings n PH will b a "one hit wonder'.
"hari ni sehat, tapi esok dah jadi allahyarhum (allahyarham + almarhum)".
We Malays have been making wrong choice of leadership by the first very basic principle, as clearly stated by Zalman A (10:55 AM) that "The Malays must always remember that their troubles are of their own making - vote for corrupt leaders, you get cheated." In its 6 decades of power, UMNO has been transformed from a noble party into one that operates on money politics. As money can only come from business sphere, largely controlled by the Chinese, we saw it over and again that in any accomplished corrupt business undertaking or transaction there always involvement of Malay leaders and their Chinese associates, a pure hypocrisy for Malays nationalism. 1MDB scandal is a stark proof of corrupt Malay leaders worked together with Chinese and Indian associates to abuse power bulldozing all laws to steal money from the country.
The corrupt practice in the ruling party, UMNO that is, slowly transformed heir support base, namely the Malays into people that accept bribery and abuse of power as part of a way of life. So many "subsidi" and "bantuan" were given to the "poor" (not necessarily the underprivileged or the disadvantaged), mostly Malays to the extent the recipients are addicted to it and regard it as a must for the government to do so, and they always want more. Little they bother to know how the money come from nor they know that in many "bantuan" programs certain lucky individuals are laughing all the way to the bank rewarded for their "tugas dan perjuangan" providing goods or service involved in the programs. So we heard of fishermen selling their "bot dan enjin bantuan" only days after "majlis penyerahan" and of RISDA replanting participants selling their "baja bantuan" by the roadside the fertilizers being dropped by the agency. It is no secrets that many FELDA scheme settlers are living on monthly allowances by completely letting their allotted 10-acre plantations being replanted and eventually harvested by the scheme management. These exercises are not the real solution to eradication of poverty, it weakened the self-confidence, fighting power, perseverance, and finally the identity of the people.
buy and read biografi of Dato Onn Jaafar, Mustapha Hussein, Pak Sako and Pak Kajai. They are the pure responsible Malay Nationalist. Not only willing to scarifice their comfortable position or reject kickback, yet still willing to be punished and fight hard for the rakyats.
British or even the sultans order were debated for the interest of the poor marhaem.
Those were the days...
You can't find exemplarily behaviours in a society when the core fundamentals of that society is based on "Debt Slave" financial system.
I see Najib is roaming around the country as if he's still the PM.
No shame. No regrets. No remorse.
Kulit biawak.
Salam Dato AKJ.
Memang benar apa yang Dato perkatakan...
"WHILE some self-proclaimed nasionalis Melayu are busy making police reports against Malaysians who are trying to protect the constitutional monarchs from self-destruction, the kafirs in the decadent West are apologising for the skandal 1MDB."
Bukannya kita benci atau tidak sayang pada Institusi Raja-Raja. Kita tegur supaya jumlah mereka yang anti atau tidak suka pada Institusi Istana tidak semakin bertambah. Sebab itu kita syorkan supaya Pihak-Istana mengambil sikap 'apolitical' dan tidak terlalu menunjuk-nunjuk kemewahan. Pihak Istana juga semestinya mengelak dari mengambil tindakan yang boleh mendatangkan persepsi negatif dari Rakyat.
Maafkan saya Dato... bila bercakap tentang 'persepsi', teringat pula saya pada isu lain yang sedang viral ketika ini, iaitu aksi menari-twist segolongan 'jaguh' yang memain peranan paling penting dalam menegakkan laungan-keramat, 'Rule of Law', sebelum & selepas menang PRU14.
Kelibat AG Tommy Thomas, Ketua Hakim Negara, Menteri Undang-Undang, secara kebetulan atau pun tidak, semuanya bukan-Islam. Ambiga yang pernah di'label' sebagai anti-Islam oleh UMNO dan PAS, sedikit masa lalu, turut nampak kelibat, termasuk Siti Kassim yang amat tidak disegani kebanyakkan Melayu-Islam.
Sejujurnya, saya langsung tidak kisah jika mereka berjoget separuh-bogel sekali pun. Saya juga tidak ada masaalah dengan gelagat, cara-berpakaian atau penampilan Siti Kassim. Malah pernah beberapa kali saya membela beliau di FB dan diruangan-komen Chedet. Pada saya Siti Kassim seorang yang baik-hati, walaupun nampak agak agresif dan celupar. Saya pernah terbaca, beliau pernah membela secara pro bono, sesiapa yang tidak mampu bayar fee-guaman. Kaum Temiar Kelantan pun beliau pernah bela.
Mungkin adegan-joget ini remeh pada setengah orang, tetapi pada saya... selain pandangan serong Rakyat yang akan menghakis keyakinan terhadap perinsip 'Separation of Powers' yang dicanang Kerajaan PH... saya lebih khuatir jika ianya nanti dikaitkan pula dengan tindakan Kerajaan Persekutuan menyaman Kerajaan PAS Kelantan dan seterusnya timbul persepsi-negatif bahawa ia bermotifkan 'Agama'.
Lebih buruk lagi jika timbul dakwaan bahawa 'orang-Kapir'... dipihak Perundangan dan Kehakiman... sedang berpakat 'menganiaya' Kerajaan Islam-Kelantan dengan mengambil kesempatan membela hak orang-asli dari Kaum Temiar yang kebetulan pula, juga Kapir, walaupun tidak semuanya.
Oleh yang demikian, adalah lebih afdal dan bijaksana jika Hakim & Pendakwa yang terlibat dalam perbicaraan nanti, terdiri dari orang Melayu-Islam, kesemuanya supaya dapat membendung tanggapan sangat merbahaya ini.
Harap Maklum.
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