Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Interim Prime Minister Back to the Grindstone

A Kadir Jasin

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

PREAMBLE: Views expressed herein are entirely mine. I am writing in my personal capacity as a blogger. It has nothing to do with whatever position I may hold.

Business as usual, no time to waste
AFTER two day of hiatus, during which he was transformed from the Prime Minister into ex-Prime Minister and finally as Interim Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is back to the grindstone.

First thing this morning, he received an unplanned visit by leaders of his party, Bersatu, at his private residence in Sungai Besi.

They had come to plead with him to withdraw his decision, yesterday, to resign as chairman of the party.

He submitted his resignation because he felt that majority of members of the party’s leadership council (Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi) “listened more to his Political Secretary than him”.

He was referring to the heated debate at the council’s meeting on Sunday during which the future of Bersatu in the Pakatan Harapan (PH) was discussed.

At that meeting, he explained the wide mandate the PH Presidential Council had given him at the meeting of February 21.

He appealed to MPT members not to force him to abandon his principle and renege on his promise (to hand over power to Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim after the November APEC Summit).

By the look of things, he is not treating their appeal as an urgent matter.

It should be so. There are many more urgent matters that require his attention.

These include managing the economy, steadying the capital market, continuing with the proposed economic stimulus package, consulting with top civil servants and meeting leaders of the main political parties.

The last bit of the agenda will help him understand more clearly the extent of support most of them had expressed for him and, from there, to plot the next move.

For instant, are they supporting him because they genuinely want him to continue to lead the country or because they don’t want their adversaries to win popular support to become Prime Minister?

If the support is genuine and there’s no other contender, he can start forming a new government.

National Unity

Many people are now talking about a national unity government that cuts across the political divide and may even include outsiders.

I remember the days and weeks after the 1969 General Elections (GE) and the riots that followed when national unity governments were formed in many states.

This was expanded to the national level, leading to the formation of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in 1973.

Whatever form of government Dr Mahathir decides on, one thing is sure. The crooks, kleptocrats, the OKTs and the generally corrupt are not welcome. This he made clear to his party at the Sunday meeting.

The rule of law, the high-profile trials and the reform agenda will continue.

Finally, the current state of affair is a test of our reasonableness as a people and the resilience of our political system.

Who would imagine that one day we would be ruled by a 94-year-old Interim Prime Minister with the blessing of a wise King and the civil servants?

It’s happening now.   

Wallahuaklam. Thank you.


Unknown said...

Granted that he knows each and every person's profile....but he is also known to be a poor judge of character. Any more human resource mistakes will prove too costly for the country.

Bersatu is an infant party with questionable membership quality, let's hope he will not be too dependent on them to decide the composition of the new governmrnt.

iammi said...

What if God take him suddenly? Is there a plan for such scenario? Or will the country just collapse without him as many seem to think now. Like no other Malaysian is capable to lead the country.

Jidin said...

'Whatever form of government Dr Mahathir decides on, one thing is sure. The crooks, kleptocrats, the OKTs and the generally corrupt are not welcome. This he made clear to his party at the Sunday meeting'...Bravo Tun...the way to go.

Lee Che Wah said...

Thank you sir, for the updates.

Abitpusher said...

Dah start muak la tgk.drama ni.

Tano Kemalak said...

hoping for bright heads to lead and manage the country

Unknown said...

We are lead by Tun, not ruled. A ruler gives the image of someone giving out orders without any regards to existing laws. We are a country governed by the existing laws. Tun is my leader, not my ruler.

Anonymous said...
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Mark said...

Dear Dato',

I feel compelled to comment here for the first time in view of the distressing events over the last few days. As an average Malaysian, I wish that Malaysians will enjoy peace and harmony, stability, and prosperity. I thought we had a chance to be a better Malaysia after the historic 2018 GE.

We have enough real problems without all these self-inflicted problems due to selfish characters. I think this episode shows to us who are the so-called leaders who talks about 'placing the country, economy etc above all', yet scheming and plotting behind the scenes to grab power and damaging the country without a care. We need wise leaders to govern a multi-racial country, leaders who will truly place the country above their own political ambitions (jostling for power, taking revenge over their enemies etc).

As an average person, I feel helpless in this situation, with few means to express my opinions to all these political leaders, including Tun M. I think that you, Dato', are better placed to do that than us, the average man on the street. You are a voice of reason and wisdom, and I sincerely hope that you will continue to speak up, more actively and be influential, for Malaysia and its people. Thank you.

Eswaran Yohevel said...

Tun is a great man. Always admired him as a visionary leader with the interest of people and the nation close to his heart.

Dr.Fauzi Mohamad said...

Salam DAKJ.This is what I felt in 2015 and 2017 when I met Tun Dr.Mahathir in his office(Yayasan Perdana).Only me and him dan ianya mengambil masa satu jam lebih.Pada tahun 2015,tika saya menunggu Tun Mahathir di Bandara Halim Kesuma Perdana Jakarta,cuma saya,istri saya(warga negara Indonesia),Almarhum Tan Sri Sanusi serta istri dan Kedutaan Malaysia yang saya 'Paksa' datang.Ketika itu(2015)saya jadi Co-Host untuk keluarga Soekarno mewakili Rakyat Malaysia.(Ibu Rahmawati Soekarno putri Sukarno) yang minta saya sambut Tun di Halim Kesuma.Dan malam tersebut Tun dianugerah 'Star of Soekarno' di Hotel Borobudur.Dan saya dan istri pulang sesudah itu. Tun tak kenal saya tika itu dan saya juga tak perlu untuk berkenalan akrab.Saya hormati Tun Dr.Mahathir sebagai Negarawan tidak lebih dari itu. 2017 saya di undang oleh Tun sebanyak 2 kali dalam tempoh 30 hari ke Malaysia, sama juga saya hormat dan kagumi Tun sebagai seorang Negarawan dan kami berdua saja di ruangan Tun di Yayasan Perdana tanpa orang lain.Dan airmata saya di kelopak mata setiap kali saya lihat Tun di hadapan saya, dan saya amat pasti Tun juga tika itu tidak tahu latar belakang saya yang amat sederhana (sama saperti ditahun 2015).Dan kami berdua beberapa kali berkomunikasi melalui telepon Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta dan Tun juga tak tahu latarbelakang saya yang cukup sederhana(Tidak kaya,tidak dikenali,hanya insan yang cintakan tanah kelahiran saya Malaysia dan sayangkan Tun Dr.Mahathir). Fast forward. PH harapan menang PRU, maka bermulalah orang orang merapati Tun sebagaimana mereka akrab sewaktu kempen PRU.Saya pernah menasihati beberapa antara mereka yang dilantik sebagai 'Staf Khusus PM dan Staf Khusus Politik untuk PM'(sebelum 2 hari lalu Tun letak jawatan).Kata saya pada mereka 'Jaga Tun baik baik,jujur dengan Tun,ikut apa kata Tun'.Tapi akhirnya mereka 'naik daun'dengan kerusi empok di PMO dan PutraJaya.Selamilah hati seorang Dr.Mahathir Mohamad dengan Hati Nurani.Doa tulus saya dan istri dari Bumi Indonesia yang telah saya bermastautin selama 20 tahun buat Tun Dr.Mahathir, Negara Kelahiran saya Malaysia serta Rakyat Malaysia agar di Rahmati Allah.Salam Hormat saya buat DAKJ dan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dari Bumi Indonesia.

OKJ said...

Salam Dato Kadir

TQ Dato’ kerana menulis sedikit tentang kemelut terbaru ni. Izinkan saya memeberi sedikit pendapat ye.

Saya dan separuh rakyat Malaysia sebenarnya tak berapa percaya dengan alasan yg diberikan Dato’ bagi pihak Tun Mahathir tu. Sekali kata Bersatu tak ikut cakap dialahlah, sekali kata mereka lebih ikut cakap setiausaha politik Tun lah. Sekali kata tak nak bersama dgn UMNO sbb koruplah. Sebiji macam Najib bagi alasan untuk derma 2.6 bilion dari Arab tu. Rakyat Malaysia semua kenal siapa Tun Mahathir lah Dato’. Kalau dia kata A, boleh ke kita tukar ke B. Jadi, mana logiknya alasan-alasan yg dekat atas tu.

Kedua, agak-agaknya berani ke Azmin nak melawan Anwar kalau tiada sokongan di belakangnya. Dan juga berani ke Muhyiddin Yassin bertindak keluarkan Bersatu dari PH kalau tiada sesiapa yg menyokongnya. Saya rasalah saya tahu apa sebenarnya dilemma didalam fikiran Tun yg membuatkan beliau ambil langkah sedemikian. Macam saya kata sebelum ini, saya tak akan kongsilah disini. Harap Dato’ dapat figure out sendirilah ye. Saya rasa Dato’ pun tahu sebenarnya tapi buat-buat tak tahu.

Ketiga, dengar khabar Agong suruh setiap MP menamakan PM atau bubarkan parlimen, dan ramai MP yg menyokong Tun jadi PM semula. Tetapi kalau Tun setuju, ini bermaksud Tun akan menjadi puppet jelah lepas ni, kena control macam dulu, bila boleh buat keputusan, bila kena lepas jawatan dan sebagainya bergantung kepada Majlis Presiden Kikiki!!!!!!. Lepastu kena tengking lagi masa mesyuarat. Ini bukan prinsip Tun Mahathirlah Dato’. Sedangkan Donald Trump, presiden Amerika pun dilanyaknya Tun, inikan nak surah beliau dicontrol oleh orang lain. Minta maaf Dato’, Tun tak akan menerimanya. MP yg lain seperti Anwar, Muhyiddin Yassin dan Ku Li tak cukup corum lah pulak. Tak bolehlah dilantik jadi PM.

Akhir kata, pilihan yg terbaik adalah bubarkan parlimen dan adakan PRU semula. Pulangkan kembali hak memilih kpd rakyat. Itulah yang terbaik buat rakyat Malaysia. Cuma satu je permintaan saya dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia, sesiapa yg sedang menjalani perbicaraan di mahkamah, automatic tak layak menjadi calon MP. Setuju tak Dato’. Sampaikan cadangan saya ini kepada Tun Mahathir ye supaya Tun dapat membuat satu action plan nya yg terakhir yg akan dikenang oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia selama-lamanya. Sekian TQ.

wargabebas said...

Pak Kadir, what is OKT?

Law and justice said...
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Unknown said...

Awesome. Thanks for sharing Dato. Thanks for being there for Tun at this political turmoil.

herman adnan said...

PAS dan UMNO bersetuju untuk BUBAR PARLIMEN


ZAQ said...

Sallam Dato,

Saya berpandangan, pada saat ini, adalah lebih baik ahli politik terutamanya dari PH atau bersatu tumpukan kepentingan rakyat dan lupakan dahulu kepentingan politik masing-masing.

Ketika ini, kita semua sedar bahawa ada wabak corona virus, COVID-19.

Bagi saya, masa ini sekarang, bukan masanya untuk berpolitik, berkempen, dimana manusia berkumpul ramai-ramai di sana sini.

Sekarang ini masih belum pada tahap pandemik tetapi WHO (World Health Organization) memberikan nasihat supaya negara-negara dalam dunia bersedia untuk pandemik.

Ini petikan dari CNN,

"World Health Organization officials say it's still too early to declare the novel coronavirus a pandemic — but now is the time to prepare."

Pandemik bermakna wabak penyakit ini telah merebak bukanlah lagi berlegar setempat tetapi di bahagian lain di dunia.

Ini bermakna, penyakit ini bukan lagi berkemungkinan dari pengunjung dari China tetapi berkemungkinan dari merata dunia.

Langkah Sheraton semuanya patut dihumban ke dalam lubang parit, dan langkah untuk rakyat yang patutnya diberikan keutamaan.

BN sudah pun menarik balik sokongan kepada TUN M. Oleh itu, bagi saya, langkah Sheraton cuma ramai-ramai makan malam saja.

Saya sudah tengok wawancara Dr. Rais Hussin dari Bersatu di TV, Tun M masih lagi Pengerusi PH. Saya amat setuju supaya PH dan bekas parti PH "recalibrate" atau susun semula supaya balik semula tujuannya asalnya untuk kepentingan rakyat.

wansee c said...

Whenever comes across any Tun's pictures of this type, tears well up in my heart. At the age of 95 in just less than 5 month's time, still working so hard so intense, trying his best to bring back those glorious days of the past, during his previous tenure. Gazing at his picture, he seems so lonesome, isolated, frail and drained. Yet, piles of important paper need to be scrutinized one by one, day in day out, for the betterment of nation. After 22 months of single-handedly rebuilding the very much damaged nation, finally he has produced us a very impressive report card of governance. Indeed, he is the chosen one sends by God, again and again, to safeguard us through thick and thin, from PM4 then PM7 and now interim PM and next perhaps PM8 awaits him, allowing this great man of all time to help us reclaim the long lost roaring 'Asian Tiger'. Thankfully, the buzzing nuisance PM-in-waiting and those alike are now 6 feet under, just in time for Tun to carry on with his unfinished missions without any distraction. This is our unbelievable magical strategist Tun M3.0 who is now at the driver seat, in full control of the machine, ready to proceed in full speed, heading towards the heavenly destination. Long live Tun!

Manan Razali said...

Salaam Datuk.. Thank you for writing this piece to clarify the actual reason why Tun M resigned. I am of the same opinion too. In fact Clare Rewcastle Brown wrote about this story in her Sarawak Report portal a day before you published yours.

But what seems to really bug me are these 2 questions :

1. Why in God’s name did Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin (MY) follow Azmin to sell out PH to form an alliance with Umno and Pas scumbags? For that matter, why did he attend the “Unity Dinner” at Sheraton PJ on Sunday night to be in the company with these gross scums of the earth? What is going on in his head? What does he have to gain out of this stupid act? Everyone knows that he is sick and has been very quiet for quite some time. And everyone knows too that MY is not “that power crazy”. And he should not be so, especially in his present health condition.

2. Why did Tun M not prevent Bersatu from leaving PH and get them to retract their decision now? Never mind about him not being the Chairman of Bersatu anymore. Everyone knows that all it takes for this to be done is for Tun to give his sharp look at MY who has been serving Tun obediently for decades. So please don’t tell me that he suddenly flipped and lost his respect for Tun. If this is even true, then why bother trying to plead Tun to retract his decision to quit as the Bersatu’s Chairman?

All this just do not add up. Your reply would be much appreciated. It should quell the ugly rumours out there about Tun and MY. As it is now, I have lost my complete respect for MY and Bersatu already and I don’t like feeling like this.

herman adnan said...

In the first place, Syabas Tahniah dan Sekalung Penghargaan buat team S.u UMNO dan PAS, PBRS, MCA dan MIC kerana berani melawan arus Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan dan Pondan Siam Sembrong.

At the end of the Day, PEOPLE POWER RULES


safiai saad said...

latest political development has changed Dr Mahathir expectation. He has to hasten the new government regardless who lead for the sake of economic advancement.
Dr Mahathir is still our respected leader and surely will continue to help country.

jumbeaux said...

Dear Datuk

As a PPBM member, I am appalled that the MPT would go as far as suggesting stepping out of PH. The reason of forming a Malay alliance with PAS and UMNO is as bad,if not worse. How gullible can we be? We knew these two parties can never be trusted and yet we still went ahead with the idea. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I am still shaking my head in disbelief.

So, with a generous dose of benefit of the doubt, I want to believe there must be a different reason why PPBM felt compelled to leave PH.

Were it due to things said during the PH leadership meeting that night? Was it the Tommy Thomas/ LTTE fiasco? Or were there proof that the other PH parties were undermining Tun M's leadership of the government?

Whatever they are, the MPT must explain to the public, if not the PPBM members directly. Don't hide behind Tun like you always do.


Saudara Wargabebas, OKT adalah Orang Kena Tuduh atau the accused person. Terima kasih.

Law and justice said...
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Law and justice said...
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Otai... said...

Spt satu lagi filem Blockbuster Hindustani...
Semua salah org lain...

Law and justice said...
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OKJ said...

Salam Dato A Kadir Jasin


Izinkan saya memberi sedikit lagi pendapat. Akhirnya, penentuan PM akan diadakan pd persidangan dewan rakyat Isnin depan. Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kpd Tun Dr Mahathir kerana telah mengambil langkah yg tepat, bukan sahaja untuk dirinya tetapi untuk seluruh rakyat dan negara. Nampak dari suratan Tun telah mengucar kacirkan negara tetapi secara tersirat, ianya adalah satu langkah yg amat mulia. Tak ramai yg nampak tetapi percayalah suatu hari, bila tiba masanya, rakyat Malaysia akan berterima kasih kpd Tun. Sekali lagi, hanya jauhari mengenal manikam.

Kedua, cadangan Tun untuk mencalonkan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (TSMY) sebagai PM amat bertepatan. TSMY amat dihormati kawan dan lawan. Beliau tidak tunduk dgn godaan dunia dan sanggup dipecat daripada bersubahat. Kesetiaannya kpd Tun pun tiada tolok bandingnya, dianggapnya bapa sendiri dan dipertahankan dgn nyawa dan pangkat. Pantang anak Melayu jika bapanya dicaci dan dihina.

Cuma sekarang Bersatu kenalah memujuk kembali UMNO, BN, PAS, Warisan dan GPS. Bukannya semua buah yg buruk dalam satu pokok. Disini saya meminta agar Tun Mahathir berjumpa dgn MP UMNO dan PAS secara bersemuka dan meminta maaf atas keterlanjuran bahasa. Jika Anwar Ibrahim di dalam penjara pun Tun sanggup berjumpa, inikan pula sesama bangsa. Insyaallah mereka akan menerima Tun atas dasar Islam bersaudara. Dan saya percaya TSMY ada ikatan yg amat kuat dengan GPS dan Warisan. Sama-sama dipecat lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat bersidang, di PAU dulu-dulu. Please, jangan tunggu lagi. Melayu sudah tiada masa.

Dan terakhir, saya harap Pakatan Nasional (PN) yg terdiri dari UMNO, PAS, BN, GPS dan Warisan akan menerajui Malaysia selepas Isnin ini. By hook or by crook, PN mesti menerajui negara tanpa perlunya pilihanraya. Tak adil bagi rakyat jelata utk berhimpun secara kecil kecilan mahupun besar besaran di seluruh pelusuk tanah air dgn situasi penyakit COVID 19 yg tidak menentu ni. Ramai pakar mengatakan tunggu masanya sahaja COVID 19 akan menjadi pandemic termasuklah di Malaysia. Jangan sesekali meletakkan risiko yg tak sepatutnya penyakit ni kpd seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Akhir kata, Hidup Melayu dan Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia. Sekian TQ.

p/s: boleh tak Dato minta supaya Tun mengarahkan semua masjid dan surah membuat sembahyang hajat selepas sembahyang Jumaat Esok, minta dijauhi penyaikit COVID 19 dari melanda negara kita. Hanya doa dari orang-orang beriman sahaja dapat meredakan wabak ini dengan izin Allah.

wansee c said...

Whatever crops up within these few days, just hope that the catastrophic happening liken to 16 May 2018 will not repeat. This time around, there would be no way, no chance and no priority. An ungrateful and incorrigible morally contaminated individual that full of dirt from head to toe does not deserve a noble topmost job of the nation. Just pick anyone else if not Tun, but never this disqualified very person. Shit.

kusufian write said...

So what's happen next?
Vote of No Confidence pulak krr...
Cilakaako.. Banjingan Banjingan Politik menjadi Anjing Anjing Bersalak-salakan, Berselerak-selerakan..

ecahnuar said...

Tak setuju awak mewakili separuh rakyat malaysia. Segelintir pemimpin yg memerintah memang mahu membina negara. Malangnya, kebanyakannya merebut kuasa kerana tidak sabar membina kekayaan diri dan famili. Saya melihat orang yang bebas hutang adalah orang yang merdeka akal fikirannya dan dari perkataan yang saudara pilih, saudara juga masih mempunyai hutang. Azmin walaupun seorang menteri ekonomi tetapi mempunyai hutang yg banyak, yang memudahkan dia menjadi hamba atau buah catur dlm kemelut ini. Tun tiada hutang untuk dia tunduk kpd sesiapa. Just follow the money and the truth prevails.

About Me

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I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).