بِسْمِ اللهِ
الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
MUKHADIMAH: Pandangan yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis dalam kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan apa-apa jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.
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Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin angkat sumpah Perdana Menteri |
PENYOKONG Tun Dr Mahathir
Mohamad tidak perlu terlalu dukacita, sedih dan kecewa. Perjuangan belum
selesai sehingga badan dikandung tanah.
Dr Mahathir adalah insan
perjuangan. Calar-balar politik adalah manifesti komitmen beliau kepada prinsip
dan idelisme. Beliau hilang jawatan Perdana Menteri tetapi tidak hilang harga
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
diangkat menjadi pengganti walaupun timbul pertikaian mengenai majoriti Ahli
Dewan Rakyat yang menyokong beliau.
“Saya dikhianati,” isytihar
Dr Mahathir di sidang media di Yayasan Albukhary pagi tadi. Dan tanpa
bersembunyi, beliau berkata Muhyiddin telah menghianatinya berulang kali.
Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang
menang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 dipinggirkan dan parti-parti yang kalah direstui
oleh Raja untuk menubuhkan kerajaan.
Demokrasi dilarikan.
Mandat rakyat jelata dipersetankan.
Maaf cakaplah kalau saya
kata inilah kemuncak persekongkolan feksyen Muhyiddin dalam Parti Pribumi Bersatu
Malaysia (Bersatu) yang melancarkan operasi kilat di mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan
Tertinggi (MPT) pada 23 Februari lalu.
Gerakan yang membelakangkan Dr
Mahathir itu adalah bagi membawa Bersatu keluar daripada PH yang sekali gus menyebabkan
Kerajaan PH jatuh dan Dr Mahathir tersingkir daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri.
Dan dalam masa lapan hari,
dengan kelancaran sebuah jam (clockwork precision), Muhyiddin diangkat menjadi
Perdana Menteri mewakili feksyen beliau, Umno dan Pas.
Kalau ini bukan
konspirasi yang terancang, apa lagi?
Bayangkanlah rayuan Dr
Mahathir kepada MPT tidak diendahkan dan semalam, permohonan beliau kepada Istana Negara untuk menghadap Yang di-Pertuan
Agong, tidak dilayan.
Jadi bukan lagi keanehan
atau ledakan emosi apabila dalam sidang media itu beliau menyifatkan dirinya
dikhianati dan mandat rakyat jelata dilacurkan.
Malah Dr Mahathir dan PH
sejak semalam mempertikaikan bilangan sokongan kepada Muhyiddin berbanding Dr Mahathir
yang ada 114 daripada 222 Ahli Dewan Rakyat.
Jadi, ke manakah arah
tujuan kita? Mari kita pertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:
1. Dr Mahathir masih Pengerusi
Bersatu kerana peletakan jawatan beliau daripada jawatan itu tidak diterima
oleh MPT. Tetapi pada masa yang sama Muhyiddin mengisytihar dirinya Pemangku
2. Enam orang ahli Dewan
Rakyat Bersatu, iaitu Dr Mahathir, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, Syed Saddiq Syed
Abdul Rahman, Datuk Amiruddin Hamzah, Dr Maszlee Malik dan Edin Syazlee Shith
tidak menyokong pencalonan Muhyiddin sedangkan pihak Muhyiddin mendakwa semua
36 ahli Dewan Rakyat Bersatu menyokong beliau. Ada dua pertikaian di sini. Pertama,
memberi maklumat yang mungkin tidak tepat dan kedua, sokongan sebenar yang ada kepada
3. PH bersama feksyen Dr
Mahathir boleh mengemukakan undi tidak percaya terhadap Muhyiddin apabila sidang
Dewan bermula 9 Mac ini. Tetapi sebagai Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin berhak meminta
supaya sidang ditunda ke satu tarikh lain;
4. Beliau boleh menggunakan
kuasa eksekutif yang ada di tangannya untuk menarik sokongan daripada feksyen
Dr Mahathir dengan menawarkan mereka jawatan dan kedudukan;
5. Walaupun gagal menubuhkan
kerajaan, PH masih mempunyai bilangan ahli yang besar dalam Dewan Rakyat. Kekuatan ini boleh
digunakan untuk mengawal kuasa kerajaan, khususnya dalam memerangi rasuah dan membicarakan
para pemimpin Umno yang melakukan rasuah serta jenayah-jenayah berat lain;
6. Apakah yang akan terjadi
kepada feksyen Muhyiddin dalam Bersatu apabila berdepan dengan Umno dan Pas? Harus
diingatkan yang ramai ahli Dewan Rakyat Bersatu sekarang adalah wakil rakyat Umno/BN
yang melompat masuk Bersatu. Ada kemungkinan Bersatu akan bersatu dengan Umno
atau ditelan oleh parti kleptokrat itu; dan
7. Kalau Dr Mahathir
keluar Bersatu, sama ada secara sukarela atau disingkir, kemungkinan besar
ramai ahli akar umbi akan mengikut jejak beliau. Tetapi kalau beliau kekal,
feksyen Muhyiddin akan mendapati sukar dan tidak selesa berhadapan dengan beliau setelah menikamnya dari belakang.
Kesimpulannya, suka atau
tidak, pelantikan Muhyiddin sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-8 berlaku dalam suasana yang
penuh persoalan dan ini akan mencetuskan isu keyakinan kecuali di kalangan pelaung
slogan “demi agama, bangsa dan negara” serta oportunis.
Nota kaki: Setiausaha Politik yang terus bersama Dr Mahathir adalah
Abu Bakar Yahya dan Mohamad Nuhairi Rahmat.
Wallahuaklam. Terima kasih.
Kami berdoa supaya Allah SWT menunjukkan jalan yang benar. Tetapi apa yang diperlakukan oleh sebahagian besar parti Bersatu adalah khianat kepada rakyat yang telah mangundi, rakyat yang membayar cukai dan rakyat yang telah bersuara secara majoriti. Malu rasa diri nak mengaku sebagai bangsa Melayu. Tetapi saya tak malu mengaku diri sebagai bangsa Malaysia.
from now on, PH plans should be like playing poker. Keep cards close to chest, dont be a wise guy and start proclaiming this and that and what to do or not. Otherwise they are giving the advantage to the other side to take countermeasures. Play it calm, wise, noncommittal, victory belongs to the side who can prove that they are the better choice. Your opponents will try with every means to get into your team and plan their defense or offense. Poker face, poker talk, pokerplay, herein likes your advantage, say something and do something else, get them off guard, hahaha. Why provoke and distract yourselves?
Dont act stupidly and be fools.
Hahaha. Dah bergaduh sesama sendiri plak. Kelakar pun ada ni.
Apa jadi dgn Zahid Mat Arip?
Well dato. Since wht u said rhymes those tht are whining and angry at this turns of event. Allow me to points out some facts:
1) not so clean ph gov: until now the slogan of free of corruption was champion among the ph supporters. But as soon as ph comes in power, lge case was throw out the window.
The new chief of sprm has yet to catch the shark until now giving the impression tht nothing much has change.
Wht about the dap alledge rape case ?
How about the lttes who were freed on shaky ground and really i can go on.
2) betraying the people
U seem to be taking the word rakyat for granted here. But what about the consequtive losses of ph during the last 5 prks ? The truth is ph has been dreading pru and any sort of elections yet u claim u r on the side of the people.
Have u been down the ground and ask how the bumi especially truly feel about ph gov ? I think u r the who fail to hear the voices of anger of the bumi or malay.
No doubt there is a plan to oust PH. Nobody is denying tht. But it doesnt mean that I wont support it. Had it been the other way around, wont those chauvinist and dap not take the same move. And speaking of plotting havent u been conviniently leaving out the skirmish btw anwar dap againts tun ?
And whts this rubbish about tun handing the power to anwar regardless? Have you all gone mad ? Do not talk about principle when u r ready to hand over the post to the one who is not acquitted but pardonned. He is guilty. His crimes are hedious.
I have never seen you this angry. Should u be angry ? I dont know. As a malay and bumi I am happy tht the parties are finally united. I wont delude myself tht this is will be a squeakey clean gov. Nor would i forget about umno and tht they are cohort with najib. And of course i dont want zahid to be dpm. Nor do i want tainted azmin. But the are larger thing at stake here. We dont have all the cards when dealing with issues at hand. It is sad tht the malay are so committed to staying divided. Org kata biar mati anak jgn mati adat tp seolah2 now biar mati adat jgn mati anak. Maruah dan prinsip parti horey tp bangsa agama dan negara tergadai. Of course u believe tht u r at the right side morally and principally.
But please do not underestimate our judgement, the Bumi and Malay who has nothing to gain from this political games. Like you we are also doing our best to work with what we have in a non-ideal world. For us unity is so much more important than anything else. And tbe chinese understood this best. Wht about us ? And so you do not speak for the rest of us.
I think it is you and and your friends who fail to understand our feelings and anger. Muhidin on the other hand does. If he is in fact betraying tun, then i thank him for not being blindly loyal and deaf to the voice of the bumi:
1) we do not want to have anything to do with dap and chauvinist and liberals. We tried. It doesnt work. All we see is them naik tocang.
2) anwar ia big no
3) unity among muslims, bumi is wht we thirst for.
Have you not been paying attention to what we have been saying ? And u are the media advisor of tun.
Ke mana kesetiaan A Kadir Jasin. Ke mana kesetiaan Kadir Jasin kepada YDPA kalau bapa kewartawanaan Melayu sendiri kata ini merupakan konspirasi.
Ke mana pergi perjuangan Melayu melawan ahli politik yg gila kuasa mcm Anuar didalam PH. Kenapa double standard haha mulut Mahathir tak tau apa.
Salam Dato’ Kadir
Malay dominant government
Saya ingin meminta maaf jika post saya sebelum ini agak keras sikit. Saya cuma luahkan apa yg tersirat didalam hati orang Melayu dgn tindakan Tun tersebut. Tapi itulah kenyataan dan diharap Dato’ tidak mengambil hati ye. Juga sampaikan permohonan maaf saya kpd Tun juga ye.
Pada pendapat sayalah, sepatutnya Tun Mahathir amat-amat berbangga dgn anak muridnya yg terbaik akhirnya telah menjadi PM Malaysia. Tiada scandal, tiada rasuah, berserderhana, dipecat kerana berkata benar, mempertahankan hak, menghormati mentor dan sebagainya. Beliau terus sujud syukur apabila telah mendapat perkhabaran gembira dgn linangan air mata. Apa lagi yg kita mahu dari seorang PM.
Untuk mengurangkan kehangatan politik semasa, saya rasa eloklah TSMY menangguhkan dulu takwin dewan rakyat March ini. Tangguhkan sehingga 6 bulan seperti yang dibenarkan perlembagaaan. Jangan tergesa-gesa dan susun stratergy dulu, perkuatkan jentera parti, pecat semua gunting dalam lipatan. Teruskan dan percepatkan kes-kes mahkamah utk menunjukkan keikhlasan kerajaan baru kpd rakyat. Besarkan Jemaah Menteri supaya lebih ramai yg dapat menjadi pemimpin. Eratkan hubungan dgn Sabah dan Sarawak dgn menubuhkan 2 lagi kementerian Khas iaitu Kementerian Sabah dan Kementerian Sarawak khusus untuk menjaga kebajikan mereka. Insyaallah, MP dari sana akan menyokong TSMY 100%.
Lantik semua anggota kabinet yg berwibawa. Jadikan (Senator) Tok Mat sebagai TPM I dan Tuan Guru Hj Hadi sebagai TPM II, To’ Pa dilantik sebagai Menteri Kewangan, Azmin Ali diberi tugasnya kembali, Hisham juga diberi balik tugas Menteri Pertahanan, KJ Menteri Belia dan Sukan. Jangan lupa Takiyuddin PAS sbg Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Juga beri peluang ke Nik Abduh sebab aura bapanya dulu. Wujudkan balik MARA yg banyak berjasa kpd Melayu. Dan terakhir, lantik Tun Mahathir sebagai Menteri Mentor atau Menteri Penasihat sebagai menghargai peranaan Tun selama ini. Ini menunjukkan TSMY berjiwa besar dan tidak berdendam.
Sorry Dato’ Panjang pulak coretan saya kali ni. Saya cuma nak buktikan yg “Malay dominant government” pun akan melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yg aman, bersatu pada dan cemerlang. Sekian TQ
Perkara yang luar biasa, perlu juga tindakan yang luar biasa. Apa kata Tun M keluar parti bersatu dan jadi ahli bebas. Tunjukkan kepemimpinan melalui teladan dengan diri sendiri sebagai contoh untuk diikuti dan model dalam non partisan. Tidak mengapa bermula dari kosong kerana Tun M tidak rugi apa-apa.
"Dr Mahathir tersingkir daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri"..ehh..pelik..bukankah tun sendiri yang meletak jawatan? Sekejap hendak serahkan pada dewan rakyat untuk memilih pengganti, Sekejap bersetuju jika majoriti memilih tsmy sbg pm. Alih2 last last teringin menjadi pm semula. Bila diberi masa oleh YDPA untuk membuktikan sokongan, gagal. Bila TSMY berjaya buktikan sokongan menjerit pula dikhianati. Setelah YDPA berpuashati melantik TSMY, mulalah proses tawar menawar dgn Baru Bian. Mungkin ramai lagi cuba d sogok spt dua MP yang telah menafikan mereka menadatangani SD. Ini mmg taktik biasa dilakukan oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan rakyat sebenarnya dah muak dgn taktik kotor ini. AndaiTun punya cukup sokongan, buat lah undi tidak percaya di parlimen nanti. Andai Tun menang, bubarlah parlimen. Bukankah itu yg dikehendaki oleh rakyat bila mula2 kjaan ph jatuh? majoriti rakyat pasti akn menghukum pakatan ph-dap jika PRU15 diadakan.
Well dato. Since what you said rhymes those that are whining and angry at this turns of event. Allow me to point out some facts:
1) not so clean ph gov: until now the slogan of free of corruption was champion among the ph supporters. But as soon as ph comes in power, lge case was throw out the window. We noticed.
The new chief of sprm has yet to catch any big shark until now giving the impression that nothing much has change.
What about the dap alledge rape case ?
How about the lttes who were freed on shaky ground and really i can go on.
2) betraying the people
You seem to be taking the word rakyat for granted here. But what about the consecutive losses of ph during the last 5 prks ? The truth is ph has been dreading pru and any sort of elections yet you claim you are on the side of the people.
Have you been down the ground and ask how the bumi especially truly feel about ph gov ? I think you are the one who fail to hear the voices of anger of the bumi or malay.
No doubt there is a plan to oust PH. Nobody is denying that. But it doesnt mean that I wont support it. Had it been the other way around, wont those chauvinist and dap not take the same move? And speaking of plotting havent you been conviniently leaving out the skirmish btw anwar- dap againts tun ?
And whts this rubbish about tun handing the power to anwar regardless? Have you all gone mad ? Do not talk about principle when you are ready to hand over the post to the one who is not acquitted but pardonned. He is guilty. His crimes are hedious. Yes we voted out najib. But we never wish for anwar returns. Do not be mistaken. The fact that i have to tell you this means you are so far detach from the common people.
I have never seen you this angry. Should you be angry ? I dont know. As a malay and bumi I am happy tht the bumi parties (the significant party) are finally united. I wont delude myself that this will be a squeakey clean gov. Nor would i forget about umno and that most of them are in cohort with najib. And of course i dont want zahid to be dpm. Nor do i want tainted azmin. But the are larger thing at stake here. We dont have all the cards when dealing with issues at hand. It is sad tht the malay are so committed to staying divided. We are so dissapointed that our dear tun who supoosed to be the champion of malay chooses to deny us this unity. It broke out heart.
Org kata biar mati anak jgn mati adat tp seolah2 now biar mati adat jgn mati anak. Maruah dan prinsip parti horey tp bangsa agama dan negara tergadai. Isnt this not menang sorak kamoung tergadai ? Of course you believe tht you are at the right side morally and principally.
But please do not underestimate our judgement, the Bumi and Malay who has nothing to gain from this political games. Like you we are also doing our best to work with what we have in a non-ideal world. For us unity is so much more important than anything else. And tbe chinese understood this best. Wht about us ? And so you do not speak for the rest of us.
I think it is you and and your friends who fail to understand our feelings and anger. Muhidin on the other hand does. If he is in fact betraying tun, then i thank him for not being blindly loyal and deaf to the voice of the bumi:
1) we do not want to have anything to do with dap and chauvinist and liberals. We tried. It doesnt work. All we see is them naik tocang.
2) anwar ia big no
3) unity among muslims, bumi is wht we thirst for.
Have you not been paying attention to what we have been saying ? And u are the media advisor of tun.
Muhidin has been trying to get tun's blessing and already voiced his disagreement with what is hapoening in the ph coalition. It is not a secret. It is not hidden. In fact i believe everyone wishes to get the go ahead from tun before executing the plan. It is not a tikam belakang. It is them having no choice but to act on their own. In the end we all try to do right by what we thought is right.
We understood it is far from over. That you want to cast the vote of no confidence.
Just know that you do not have the blessing of bumi.
Good attempt by Datuk Kadir to paint Mahathir as `innocent' and above it all. But quite a few things don't add up and seemingly ignored by many. Including in the remnants of PH. The first being of Mahathir not keeping to his pre-GE promise of handing over the premiership to Anwar. Instead he resigned and created turmoil.
Oh, he did so to try stave off the plot within Bersatu (led by `bad guy' Muhyiddin) to combine strength with Muafakat Nasional and form a new government...? That means he didn't know anything about the whispers since months ago, of people like Hishamudin Hussein etc. trying to make it happen. Someone of Mahathir's level of political savvy definitely would have known. And done something about this. Instead, without referring to any of the other PH leaders, he made made the unilateral decision to resign.
No, all of these were planned AND with Mahathir's consent. The other PH leaders strongly suspected this as well. But they played along, with a counter-plot to do him in. So, they loudly declared their support for Mahathir to remain as PM while trying to stab him in the back. Too loudly and too hard were their attempts. Including that careless dolt with his incompetent "Perdana Menteri Interkom". But in front of the YDP Agong, they voted for Anwar. Fortunately for Mahathir, they couldn't get enough votes.
When Muhyiddin's name was proposed, Mahathir GAVE HIS CONSENT. Regardless of what he says later and now, this is critical. In the end, Muhyiddin pulled through.
The most important things - yes, he did keep his promise. Sort of. He did resign. Didn't hand over to Anwar? Yeah, well, not his fault... because of `that plot'. And the PH leaders really believe this? HAHA!
tak ada org nak bagi komen ke??...
aku org yg pertama
Nanpak sgt kau dah tak relevan...sbb menjilat terlalu berlebihan..
menulis pun sekadar untuk mengelirukan rakyat..
Komen yg dangkal dan tanpa fakta yg sahih..
Apa ni kadir??? Mana kamu punya kredibiliti???
Makan dedak byk sgt kot!!!
Agong telah memberi ruang yg sgt cukup kepada semua MP
Sokongan MP pun berubah ubah....
Hari ni lain,esok lain
Pagi/tghari lain, ptg/malam lain pulak
Nama ada dlm list, tapi bila tanya tak sokong pun, siapa letak nama dlm list
sekejap Tun, lepas tu Anwar, last Tun balik..
Tun pernah kata sokong Muhyiddin jadi PM, lepas lain pulak..
Disebabkan semua MP2 ni pun tak berpendirian, Agong terpaksa membuat keputusan..
Bila keputusan dah keluar, jgnlah bagi list lain pulak..
Malam hari pergi merayu MP sana sini...termasuk Baru Bian yg berjaya dirayu.
Ada beberapa MP pagi/tghari sokong Muhyiddin, ptg/malm sokong Tun..
Apa2 list yg keluar selepas keputusan Agong dah tak boleh diterima sebab takut ada unsur penipuan, ugutan, paksaan dan rasuah...
Contoh yg boleh diberi untuk beri pemahaman ialah:
Hakim yang telah memutuskan sesuatu hukuman...adalah muktamad.
kalau ada bukti baru pun, dah tak boleh suruh Hakim ubah keputusan.
Caranya ialah buat rayuan......Rayuan tu boleh dianggap sbg undi tak percaya disidang parlimen....So, tunggu ajerlah sidang parlimen, tengok samada bukti senarai MP yg menyokong Tun M tu betul atau tidak....
Faham tak Kadir???....
Pls move ON....Tun M dan PH dah tumbang, tersungkur...Ini fakta yg perlu diterima..
Semuanya dengan izin, qada & qadar Allah...redho ajer lah....Game is over!!!.
Satu pandangan yang dalam dan bernas👌
Krisis perebutan kuasa kerusi empuk yang paling menggiurkan sudah berakhir, sekurang-kurangnya buat sementara ini. Sepanjang minggu lalu, ramai tak tidur lena kerana asyik menggigau pasal nombor. Bilang punya bilang setiap saat. Yang menggelikan hati adalah seekor makhluk kempunan itu terlalu yakin dengan angka 92 lalu berlari-larian keriangan di atas jalan raya. Namun, tersungkur akhirnya jua akibat daripada sifat kehalobaan dan keangkuhan dirinya tatkala asyik mabuk dalam laungan PM8 selama 18 bulan ini. Kegelojohannya memang tak ubah-ubah dari dulu hingga sekarang. Kononnya dia telah menjadi mangsa konspirasi politik dan dinafikan hak memegang jawatan impiannya itu sejak 20 tahun yang lalu. Perangai yang tergila-gilakan kuasa telah menyebabkan matanya buta, telinganya pekak dengan realiti di sekeliling tetapi kedengaran memantul-mantul suara takbur dan bongkaknya "I have the numbers." Akan tetapi, ketika tiba masa untuk membuktikan "numbers" yang diuar-uarkan, dia ternyata kantoi diri bulat-bulat. Pembohong yang tak malu ini akhirnya tak segan-silu merayu bantuan daripada Tun. Namun, suratan takdir di tangan Allah.
Jika pihak pembangkang berhajat mengusulkan undi tak percaya terhadap TSMY, saya berasa tak optimistik tentang keputusannya sebab siapa-siapa pun akan menyebelahi pihak yang berkuasa dan berkedudukan. Kerajaan pintu belakang yang ditubuhkan melalui cara begini bakal memperlihatkan sebuah kerajaan boneka di mana TSMY akan tunduk kepada segala kemahuan pasumno nanti. Sama-samalah kita tunggu dan lihat formula kemuafakatan mereka yang kononnya dapat menyelamat dan memulihkan ekonomi negara.
Kini, perasaan saya bercampur baur antara syukur dan sedih. Syukur kerana si anu yang berangan-angan dan serba-serbi tak layak itu sekali lagi terhantuk dan terkandas di luar pintu PMO. Manakala, sedih kerana Tun terpaksa direhatkan walaupun masih mampu menyumbang dan berwawasan tinggi untuk memakmurkan negara. Semoga Tun selamat beristirahat bersama-sama dengan keluarga tercinta. Terima kasih Tun dan hidup Tun!
Bila yang Bangsa, Agama Dan Negara tergadai? Ada bukti? Gadai kat siapa? Agama Dan Bangsa boleh digadai ke? Kalau Negara tu bolehlah diterima memang hampir tergadai masa era Najib/UMNO dulu...
wow ! the umno fellers and their red bean army are all up and early to make their presence felt.
Let us see what their perikatan nasional government can do. If they do good, then it is a boon for this blessed nation from their previous thievery and looting.
Salam Dato.. dari analisa saya situasi sekarang ini huru-hara(Fasa Transisi Global) kerana percaturan global elite bukan percaturan politik dalam Malaysia sebenarnya. Itu sebab ada KPN bagi amaran jangan guna elemen asing masa krisis politik masih berlaku tempoh hari. Saya rasa Tun pun tahu ini akan terjadi sebab ada nampak posting di facebook Tun pergi ziarah ke rumah Tuan Guru Paksu Mid di Kg Kuala Pai, Kuala Nerang baru-baru ni(Bulan Februari 2020). Dan Tarikh 29 Februari itu adalah tarikh tahun lompat. Saya rasa mereka semua yang melakukan serangan kilat ini sekadar puppet(boneka) sahaja.. dan setiap puppet(boneka) pasti ada master handler. Saya tak yakin mereka mampu buat gerakan ini tanpa master handler(Global Elite). Saya ada terjumpa post video ini di facebook tahun lalu, mula-mula saya tak percaya juga tapi dah benar-benar terjadi pun sekarang. Dalam video tu nampak macam mereka ada bagi hint kebangkitan akan bermula di borneo sarawak(Global Renaissance). Link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2991214207616891&id=100001850221630
Kedudukan tsmy jg x terjamin dpt jd pm sampai habis penggal jika x ikut tuntutan pas dan umno dlm masuk campur kes peminpin mrk.
Ex Trengganu MB Ahmad Said asked ... UMNO had ruled Msia for 57 years and still crying to safeguard Malay special rights ... Malays under threat ... Malays living under poverty etc. He asks .... for 57 years, UMNO ruled the country, Islam is National religion, what had UMNO been doing if Malaysia and Islam are under threat? He said the facts are:- 1) Malaysia has 9 Sultans and a king and they are Malays. 2) PM & DPM, holding Malaysia's topmost powerful posts are Malays. 3) Since 1974, the Minister of Finance is always a Malay. 4) Other than Penang, all CMs & MBs are Malays. 5) The majority of Federal Ministers are Malays, and influential and crucial Ministries are headed by Malays. 6) Out of 222 MPs, more than 50% are Malays. 7) More than 93% of Gov't Depts, from lowest to highest posts, are Malays. 8) NEP was designed and implemented for Malays. 9) 80% of the Uni quota is reserved for Malays. 10) Special discounts for house and stocks purchase are for Malays. 11) Top posts in all sectors and branches of the Armed Forces and Police are held by Malays. 12) GLCs are controlled and run by Malays. He asks just how could the Malays (who are already in absolute control of all the crucial institutions and pillars of political, economic, and societal life) be threatened, and are facing the danger of being harmed and ousted by the minority races? It is actually UMNO leaders & their cronies who -- with their never-ending greed -- continue to bully & lie to Malays by blaming the Chinese and Indians, and making them as scapegoats. Ahmad Said urges Malays to wake up and see the evil intentions of UMNO Warlords.
Tak Boleh ke Tun diberi jawatan dalam kerajaan ..mungkin menteri mentor atau
Penasihat berdasarkan statusnya sebagai
Negarawan..lagi pun tun masih mampu menyumbang khidmat....possible?
If wht u said even true, then all the more reason for you to be grateful that we dont abuse our power to do genocide.
Instead ur kind continue to dominate the top 100 richest people in Malaysia. Ur business flourish in malaysia with plenty of other opportunity that u gain in this land. More importantly u never see such riot like you would see in indonesia if ur kind even whisper the word sama rata sama rasa. Only in msia can u see such thing.
Yet u still wouldnt settle for tht, from the news portal all the way to ur politician and organization u still laud the malaysian malaysia ideologies knowing full well that it contradict the constitution. Yet ur people still wouldnt or couldnt learn the bahasa. Yet ur people continue to play with the flags and lagu negaraku. Ur kind continues to potrey us as lazy, stupid, racist, incompetant, needing the so called tongkat, and if u look at lifeofannie, would go as far as to call us monkey and champion the commies. Id have to wonder why would u do all tht ? Citizenzhip and sharing this land wouldnt do it for u ? Should we even trust u people ? Yet we havent done anything. All that and u still claim that u r the victim treated with the so called second class citizen treatment when u urself are carrying such attitude unwilling to mingle with other malaysian hence the "mandarin only" in jobstreet. Who mentioned the most about ketuanan melayu ? Us or u people? Look at the comments at all the blogs especially in msiakini.
We only felt threaten because the so called malay parties wouldnt so much as voicing out their discontent againts u people for going overboard with ur greed, ur accusations and ur indoctrination of ur malaysian malaysia ideologies creating more and more malay liberals. They are contend to letting it happen and call it lil rahmatan alamin. Some couldnt even defend the bumi previledge properly and continue resorting to the empty rhetoric "malay is still poor". Tht ketua armada all the sudden talks about ketuanan melayu. Wht is his problem ?
On second thoughts maybe u are right maybe we ought to use whtever advantage that we hold to remind u of ur promises when u get tht citizenship. Ahmad said thinks that people need to listen to him and other politicians when in fact they should be listening to the people.
tun dr m bukan dewa untuk di sembah....atok tu dah tua...lagi2 ko paksa dia memerintah...sudah2 ler....atok tu patut berehat secukup2nya dah tua x larat...
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