A Kadir Jasin
سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most
THE KULAI, Johor Member of Parliament, Teo Nie Ching had described as downright “appalling” the leniency shown by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) towards two directors of SRC International.
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The two persons referred to by the DAP lawmaker are lawyer Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil and former top civil servant (Datuk) Suboh Md Yasin. They are wanted in the corruption probe implicating the Prime Minister.
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From left: Suboh, Nik Faisal and Jho Low in MACC "wanted" poster |
1. Is it true that Mohd Najib and possibly the two “missing” persons ware on the verge of being charge for allegedly misappropriating RM42 million belonging to SRC International when then Attorney General, (Tan Sri) Abdul Gani Patail, was abruptly relieved of his job on July 27 last?
2. Did Nik Faisal and Suboh lelf the country on their own free will or were they told to leave the country when the news of their impending arrest by the MACC leaked out?
3. It is true that Nik Faisal and Suboh are hiding in Indonesia under the protection and patronage of some very influential people there?
4. Is it true that the two fugitives are willing to meet the MACC investigators in a foreign country (not Indonesia) but “were stopped” by their “handlers” in Malaysia?
Teo also described as “ridiculous and completely unacceptable” Mohd Najib’s explanation that the two men were absence because they were “making preparations to be interviewed by MACC soonest.
It is widely believed that the Nik Faisal Suboh are under some sorts of “protective custody” in Indonesia to avoid them from talking to the MACC or being clandestinely shanghaied by the latter.
I can believe the theory that they are in the protection of some powerful Indonesia personalities but I cannot believe that the MACC would dare risk a diplomatic scandal by clandestinely apprehending and transporting the two back to Malaysia.
The Malays have a proverb that says “berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.” Roughly translated it means you dare because you’re in the right and you fear because you’re in the wrong.
Logically, since these two men are Malays and Muslims, they should not run away if they have not done anything wrong. But the very fact that they absconded from the country suggests that they have something to hide.
If they have nothing to hide and are free to act on their own, they should clear their names and the good name of their families by presenting themselves to the MACC.
They have been missing since July. The MACC issued an appeal by the latter on August 22 requesting them to present themselves for interviews.
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DAP MP Teo wants Mohd Najib to act |
Speaking at a press conference at the Parliament House on Oct. 29, Teo said it was unheard of that preparations for an interview should take three months and demanded Najib take stern action against them immediately, failing which their absence would be seen as being “sanctioned” by him.
The talk about these people and others - like 1MDB’s President Arul Kanda Kandasamy and Jho Low - needing time to prepare for the MACC interviews could be a delaying tactic to give 1MDB enough time to restructure and regularize its books.
The fact that Nik Faisal and
Suboh are wanted in connection with SRC International and absconded strengthens
the assumption that it was the SRC International’s case that Abdul Gani was
brining to court when he was unceremoniously booted out.
Abdul Gani Blinked
Abdul Gani could have made a
tactical error by hesitating and by consulting too many people in his
He was believed to have
consulted several Malay Rulers, former law and legal officers and retired
Umno/Barisan National leaders for guidance and consent.
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Abdul Gani and Mohd Najib during happier days |
Now Abdul Gani is gone and
his lips are “sealed” for reasons that only he knows, the SRC International’s
legal case is unlikely to see daylight anytime soon.
Abdul Gani's successor, (Tan
Sri) Mohamed Apandi Ali, is unlikely to reopen the case. He has given us the
preview of what is to come when he shot down Bank Negara’s recommendation to
charge 1MDB for forex offences.
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Apandi had already shot down Bank Negara's recommendations |
The Economy Stalls
In the meantime, confidence in the government and thus
in the economy continues to decline. The stock market – the indicator of
investors’ confidence – tumbled after Mohd Najib presented his 2016 Budget on
Oct. 23.
Even the mighty EPF is cautious. It is unsure about
meeting its annual dividend target of inflation plus two per cent “due to
volatile market movements since the middle of this year”, according to its CEO,
(Datuk) Shahril Ridza Ridzuan.
Felda Global Ventures Berhad – Mohd Najib’s post- 2013
General Election corporate coup – is as good as a junk stock. In the last one
year, its share price had fallen by almost 52 percent. It is now trading below
RM1.80. Its 2012 IPO price was RM4.55 and it opened trading at RM5.39. FGV is
the lifeblood of Felda settlers and Mohd Najib is their mentor.
EPILOGUE: – Prime Minister has filed a defamation lawsuit against former MCA
president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. On October
5, Najib demanded that Dr Ling apologise and retract remarks reported in the
press that claimed the prime minister “has taken people’s money and put it in
his own personal accounts.” – The Malay Mail Online.
Salam Dato,
Suasana di negara sudah macam loose scripts dan loose plots.
The next main actor,acts and stage/theater akan datang dari siam, dan tidak keterlaluan jika the next theater/r stage is down under, and the next acts are to `destroy' many more `personalities', big and small, and in the end the present act is going status quo and the nation is on business as before, business as earlier than before and as business as much much earlier.
The `king' is successfuly eliminating the present and future `distruptees' and `obstacles', a little slow but very deadly at each level of the act..
In 4-5 years time, the US will assist `the king' decendant/s to hunt these `unwanted characters' , may be udner the pretex of assisting `terrorism' or a similar nasty `headings'.
In the end, the result is as expected and planned.
Abu Bakar Ab Rahman
It is highly probable that these two are the prime suspects in the SRC International case. Otherwise, as you have rightly asked "why did they run away ?"
Of interest, Dato Hamid Bador, former Deputy Director of the Special Branch had made a revelation that someone (name not mentioned) had facilitated their escape.
If ever these two are arrested, MACC can strike a deal to turn one of them into a crown witness to get on to the shark.
Lets give MACC the trust and confidence to discharge its duties and responsibilities "demi agama, bangsa dan tanahair."
The circle of guilty ones, the circle of complicity grows and it expotentially increases by a thousandfold every day. This is the nature of the beast, and unless truth is out and told, the beast will grow more hungry and become more powerful and will devour its own masters.
Those who are paid to praise the Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone claim he is "brilliant" in killing off the investigations.
It took no intelligence whatsoever.
It only took the collusion of those who have made Malaysia a very unethical and unscrupulous nation that has lost its values.
In the lust for power, basic senses of right and wrong have been trampled to death.
Kenapa bincangkan dua nama walhal 3 nama sama-sama dikehendaki oleh pihak berkenaan? Apa alasannya Dato?
Gani is a stupid and incompetent AG cum Public Prosecutor who doesn't know how to do his job. Generally he is used to taking instructions from top politicians when dealing with high profile cases. The fact is that the Public Prosecutor's role in arresting and charging people in court is very minimal. Like a lawyer, they only advised or decided whether there is enough evidence to prosecute the offender in court & the rest will be taken care of by the investigating agency.
The Macc is the agency that investigates the corruption of Najib. And according to their Act, any prosecution against a corrupt criminal must be consented to by the Public Prosecutor. The Macc recommended that Najib be charged in court for receiving the RM42million. The 'consent to prosecute' could have been issued by the Macc's DPP with Gani's knowledge and blessing. There is no requirement for Gani to be involved either in issuing the consent or to consult anyone. Once a 'consent to prosecute' is issued by the DPP, the Macc cld apply for the warrant of arrest & register the charge sheets in court and after which have Najib arrested and charged. Actually Gani as AG & PP has a minimal role to play in the arresting and charging of Najib. He wanted to get actively involved in the case with the hope of basking in the spotlight & limelight if the case succeeds to proceed to court. He behaved stupidly by getting involved. He was shanked for his stupidity.
Now Apandi would stop the Macc DPP from issuing the 'consent to prosecute' unless he gives the greenlight to issue one. That is why Macc must be courageous and smart enough to deal with the Apandi issue. Their Act provides such avenues when dealing with a corrupt AG cum PP who is bent on shielding a corrupt offender from prosecution.
La ni dh tak percaya lagi ngan urus tadbir Rejim Najib. Rakyat diperbodohkan aja. Memang PRU14, Rejim Najib bakal diajar dgn rakyat secukupnya. Ternyata dua tu lari sebab ada kesalahan yg cuba diselindungkan. Kalu tiada angin masakan pohon bergoyang. Ternyata Rejim Najib gagal dlm memerintah negara.
is there any positive news that is related to Najib beside the haze has gone away after his visit to jakarta recently...
Salam Datuk,
Their story line has never been plausible. I guess they are hoping that the rakyat suffers from amnesia every three months so that they can twist and turn while ignoring what has been said in the past.
The more they play the more disgusted the rakyat will be.
Another, bigger logical question is why was there a need to sack Muhyiddin, Gani Patail and the SB boss if there is nothing wrong with 1MDB and its dealings?
Simply put, where there is smoke, there will always be fire.
Salam dato...sejak bila jabatan imigresen..pdrm...sprm tak boleh track down? Check point mana...flight ke mana? Visa mesti expired...kita telah dibodohkan dgn cerita cerita bodoh...nasib lah labu....
Strange blog you have here kadir.
Sent comments get censored.
Engkau pun serupa najib jugalah kadir - manusia tak boleh pakai.
Lucky me.
Semalam 30Nov, tanpa diwar-warkan terlebih dahulu, TV1 telah menyiarkan 'soal-tak-jawab' versi omputih oleh Arul Kanda, rakaman Hello Malaysia, 'Facts and Myths' atas ihsan BERNAMA.
Yang pelik, TV1 tidak menyediakan sarikata dalam bahasa Kebangsaan. Mengapa? Kerana Arul tidak menjawab banyak soalan yang ditanya, terutamanya oleh Mikail?
Mungkin TV1 mahu menunjukkan kepada 'orang-kampung' bahawa 1MDB tiada apa yang mahu disorok bila mereka hanya dapat melihat, Aruldan 1MDB berani menjawab soalan di TV.
Tetapi kepada penonton TV1 yang paham omputih dan mengikuti siaran 'Facts and Myths' itu, sudah tentu beranggapan bahawa 1MDB ada 'something to hide'.
Saudara Saja saja.
Kepada Rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira bangsa, Motherland membawa maksud 'asal-usul' atau 'berasal dari jauh'.
Sepatutnya Saudara Saja-saja tulis 'Nation' atau 'country' yang membawa maksud 'Tanah tumpah darah' atau Tanahair.
"DAP...very good!" ????
Saya rasa Penyokong PAS dan UMNO tidak akan setuju samasekali dengan pendapat saudara tu.
Salam tok.. Berikan mereka masa untuk membetulkan kelemahan mereka..
Pokok ara tegak berdiri
Kayu arang berderap derap
Kalau tak Ada hak sendiri
Hak IMDb apa la nak Di harap
Salam Datuk,
Very interesting:
The equally important point is that the MACC also have powers that are wholly independent of the AGC.
Hence, they must do quite a skilful dance from now on, in avoiding the occupant of the AGC (based on BNM's bitter experience) while seeming getting not help but hindrance from PDRM (why no Red Alert via Interpol for the two fugitives?)
Hence TS Zeti and TS Abu Kassim must show great courage now.
Our country has been taken over by the evil, the greedy and the self-centred.
We cannot go on like this.
Rawa Lanun-Bahasa wrote: "Strange blog you have here kadir.
Sent comments get censored.
Engkau pun serupa najib jugalah kadir - manusia tak boleh pakai.
Lucky me."
Yes I rejected some comments which are deemed to be unsuitable and dangerous. They might include yours.
Please bear in mind, I am the one taking the risk. There's so much risk I can take.
There's no compulsion to participate in this blog. There are many blogs out there where debaters can mencarut to their heart's content.
Thank you.
Good day saja saja,
My apologies if any of my statement make u feel unease...anyway the focal point is not UMNO itself
This issue is all about DSNR & CO
Dont get too personal..it is not actually about the chinese,malay,umno etc...i totally disagree with ur statement "the malays have failed us"
It seems like DSNR & CO act is being define as an act of the malays itslef
And keep on praising the chinese..it is not a healthy....if u can understand what i mean...and i bet u do..
Such statement is not solving..it will breed dark sentiments...if u know what i mean..
Your friend wannabe
Salam Dato.
Sdra Saja saja kenapa menjadi begitu rasis sekali.
Tumpu pd topik dan berhujahlah dgn lebih matang dan bijaksana....tanpa prejudis dan berbaur perkauman.
Boleh beri pencerahan....apa sebenarnya motif atau 'point' sdra dari posting tersebut.
Kita berbicara tentang Najib sbg PM yg menguasai pentadbiran 1MDB dan SRC telah kini disyaki terlibat dlm 'CBT'...disamping semua aktiviti beliau yg cuba menutup lubang2 atau membantut usaha penyiasatan....hingga 2 pengarah dari syarikat SRC telah 'MIA'....dan kenapa berapi2 menyokong LKS...GE..Tony Pua dll yg semua dari Dap belaka yg sy anggap pd pandangan sdra adalah org2 yg bersih..jujur dan layak bercakap pasal 'justice'.
Tetapi sdra telah pula memasuki elemen perkauman dan begitu bersemangat menyokong org2 yg semuanya dari parti Dap pula.
Apakah org2 Cina dari Dap sahaja yg 'Jujur dan Adil' dari kaca mata sdra?.
Bagaimana dgn Tun M yg terang2 mahu Najib berundur dan dgn lebih lantang menuduh Najib seorg 'thief'...tidak pula disebut sdra.
Bagaimana dgn Rafizi yg tidak habis2 mengkritik Najib tentang isu2 salah guna kuasa...juga tidak disebut.
Bagaimana pula dgn AG Ghani yg telah dibuang kerja kerana ingin membetul dan percaya kpd kebenaran.
Lihat apa yg terjadi kpd Mahyuddin yg lebih lantang lagi mengkritik Najib ....dari semua org2 Cina yg sdra sebut diatas.
Tidak perlu menjadi rasis untuk berbahas...dan juga pula menjadi 'opportunist' mengambil kesempatan...menpromosikan Parti Dap diblog ini.
Kalau tiada isi yg betul2 mantap untuk berbicara lebih baik diam sahaja....dari menlontar hampas untuk didebat.
Hebat sngatkah Ketua2 Cina dari Dap.
To Whom it May Concern - you would do well to Heed the Advice of Sages through the Ages...
There are so many against you Now that it looking more like "Get Rid of THEM"...
You should recognize that you are faced with enemies of particular sorts - someone to whom you have done no harm, yet who, nonetheless, seethes with a hissing fury at the mere mention of your name! (No problems guessing who there are eh? your majesty?). They yip like a terrier whenever you enjoy good fortune (will 2.6 billion be enough?), and bites the newspaper when there is a report of your successes (GST a Success?).
Now there are eminent persons who are thinking about you. They live for you. Your every move gives definition to their existence (there is one person who is now heading towards 100 and will keep going until his "mission" is over!).
The age old suggestion was that you should ignore your enemy or get rid of him (sackings will do for the moment). But you must do it quickly, suddenly, and anonymously (just as you did with the previous AG!). You want him gone, but you do not want him to see that it was you doing him in. If he knows it is you, all is lost. For he will go with satisfaction that he got your goat and that all his efforts have finally paid off - which is the last thing you want!
As salam DAKJ
Mungkin dah sampai masa individu2 yang seleweng dan salahguna duit rakyat dikategorikan sebagai pengkhianat negara. Dilucutkan warganegara. Dibuang negara. Mungkin ketirisan duit rakyat takkan berlaku.
Should the seemingly inevitable happen, and the "Magnificent 7" are removed from UMNO at the tante's whim (or rather, via direct orders to her Bugis footman), this brings the matter to a head.
Umno splits? Perhaps. However, Cash Is King.
It will still be whether the various KBU can keep their downlines well-fed. That will require an enhanced injection of cash (offshore ke, onshore ke, for sure, ke, tak kesah lah, as long as it arrives in their accounts. Principles, ethics and the welfare of the rakyat were set aside long ago.)
I fear the Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone will need to eye other GLCs for extra funds to satisfy the ravenous hordes.
Also, the misdeeds cannot stay buried forever. The actual truth about his twin scandals will surface internationally. The final money trail will exceedingly complex but it will be pieced together eventually.
What then?
He can only attempt to block off Malaysia from the internet, and to tell the KBU to spin a "komplot Yahudi" angle downwards.
By then, the akad nikah between Umno and PAS may have taken place. Watching Hadi Awang trying to justify it will be richly entertaining.
Hadi Awang should step aside in favour of Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, a far more consistent leader who seems wiser to Umno's motivations and desperations.
Sallam Dato’
Akhbar the STAR menyatakan bahawa debat antara Tony Pua dan Arul siapanamanya akan berlangsung.
Baguslah, debat ilmiah yang sebegini sangat baik dan dapat memberikan pencerahan kepada pergolakkan isu semasa yang ada sekarang.
Saya rasa boleh dimasukkan sekali dalam debat kenapa 2 orang yang disebutkan itu menghilangkan diri kalaulah benar kenyataan "Nothing to hide"
Saya yakin, debat ini akhirnya akan dibatalkan pada saat-saat akhir.
Keterbukaan yang sebegini tidak ada di negara kita.
Kalau di Amerika, bakal-bakal Presiden diuji depan khalayak ramai dengan soalan demi soalan bertubi-tubi dan berbahas tentang isu-isu negara yang penting.
Kalau di negara kita, kalau nak kritik tidak boleh depan umum seolah-olah bukan yang umum itu yang memberikan kuasa.
Salam Saudara Msh.
Seperti biasa, dalam blog berprofile tinggi seperti Dato AKJ ini, akan sentiasa ditugaskan 'resident troll' untuk menabur 'kebencian' terhadap BN, terutamanya UMNO yang menjadi tunjang. Inilah masanya mereka memperhebatkan asakan. Ketika UMNO di pimpin oleh mereka yang bergelumang dengan kemelut hutang 1MDB, duit-hilang-tak tahu kemana, tiba-tiba RM2.6 Billion masuk account peribadi Najib dan RM2 juta masuk dalam account peribadi isteri.
Kita hanya menentang President UMNO (termasuk isterinya), tetapi 'Troll' mengambil kesempatan melempar keburukan terhadap PARTY UMNO, bertalu-talu, setiap masa dan ketika.
"Malays are NOT racists...some are..those from UMNO!
Chinese don't mind racist Malays."
Untuk mengelakkan jadi isu perkauman, mereka menyamar guna nama Melayu atau Arab. Jika dulu, blog Dato AKJ dibayangi oleh troll, Din Melaka, kemudian menjelma pula yang lain atau mungkin orang yang sama, guna nama Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz. Untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahawa dia seorang 'Melayu', 'Khalifah' ini sentiasa menulis dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan dan sentiasa mengingati dirinya dan pembaca mengenai 'dosa & pahala', 'halal & haram' dan balasan di hari kiamat.
Alhamdulilah, dalam keadaan marah, 'Khalifah' telah tersilap guna ID dan terus digantikan.
Kali ini kita dicandukan pula oleh saja-saja yang "berdoa agar usaha2 kita sentiasa direstui oleh Allah S.W.T.".
"Chinese don't mind Islamist Malays."
Tetapi mereka menentang Hudud. Ahli politik DAP sanggup menyarong songkok, baju Melayu/baju kurung sambil bertudung, masuk surau/Masjid untuk memperdayakan Melayu. Tetapi mereka enggan memakai pakaian istiadat dan bersonggkok ketika kehadiran Raja-Raja Melayu di Dewan ADUN/Parliament.
Ketika hubungan DAP dan PAS masih baik, mereka memuji 'kemuliaan' dan 'ketokohan' 'Tuan Guru Haji Hadi' dan 'Tok Guru Nik Aziz'. Hari ini, kedua-dua tokoh PAS itu dicemoh dan Mat Sabu pula menjadi hero mereka. Mereka lupa bahawa Mat Sabu, bersama Karpal Singh pada 1997, pernah menuduh Anwar Ibrahim seorang peliwat di Parlimen. Mereka seolah-olah lupa bahawa Mat Sabu adalah pencipta nama timangan Al-Juburi kepada bakal-PM Pakatan.
Pada masa yang sama 'troll' itu akan memuji pemimpin DAP sebagai "org2 yg bersih..jujur dan layak bercakap pasal 'justice'.", tanpa mengambil kira jasa besar Dr.M, Ku Li, Mahyuddin, Shafie Afdal dan lain-lain pemimpin Melayu yang tidak menjilat Najib dan mahu Najib diganti.
Mungkin ada pembahas yang masih ingat kisah 'Vinnan' menyamar untuk menyemai pemusuhan antara Melayu-India.
Moralnya: Berwaspada pada mereka yang menyamar untuk menyemai permusuhan antara kaum demi keuntungan sesuatu pihak.
Salam Dato AKJ.
Izinkan saya memperjelaskan sekali lagi mengenai 'Vinnan' kepada pembahas yang mungkin tidak tahu.
Menjelang PRU 13 lalu, ada seorang pengomen yang mengunakan nama Vinnan di hampir semua blog pro-BN. Vinnan ini kerap memperlekehkan dan mengutuk orang Melayu. Seperti biasa, komen beliau mendapat kecemuhan hebat, kutukan dan memaki-hamun terhadap kaum India dari pengomen lain yang saya pasti adalah orang Melayu.
Satu hari saya perasan gaya tulisan Vinnan guna telo keCinaan. Bila mengatakan mengenai adat-istiadat Istana beliau mengeja Raja sebagai 'Laja'.
Suasana ketika PRU13, menampakkan sokongan kaum India telah kembali kepada BN susulan issue Kg.Buah Pala. Tuan Outsyed The Box tahu identity sebenar 'Vinnan'. Kalau tak percaya. boleh tanya beliau.
Oleh yang demikian, saya seru semua pengomen supaya lebih berhati-hati apabila memaki atau mengutuk sesuatu kaum, supaya kita tidak terpedaya dengan muslihat RBA atau haramja**ah yang menyamar untuk melaga antara kaun demi kepentingan bangsanya sendiri.
Terima Ksih Dato AKJ.
Walaikumusalamm sdra RD.
Benar apa yg sdra lontarkan perihal 'Troll' ini.
Baru sekali sy menjawab tohmahan beliau terhadap Melayu dan menyoal kewibawaan org2 Cina dari Dap sbgai ketua yg dia puja melambung2....dia telah hilang pertimbangan.....terus melatah...melompat...seperti org hilang akal 'berserk'....kasihan.
Demikian juga yg terjadi bila lontaran/tulisan sdra dan pembahas Hussein Hakim dijawab 'Troll' ini menjawab bertalu2 dgn bahasa dan nada amarah yg cukup tinggi sekali.
Ini yg selalu terjadi bagi org2 yg cuba mempromosikan Cina Dap....mereka yg rasis sebenarnya...dan cuba mengalih pandang dan menuduh org Melayu terutama dari Umno seramai 3 juta org sbg Melayu rasis pula.
Memang lumrahnya manusia yg berkelaku begini....bak kata peribahasa Melayu "mengata dulang paku serpih...mengata org dia yg lebih".
Ha ha...dulu ada Khalifah Umar sikalang ada Saja saja.
Sy sarankan pd 'Troll' Saja saja..bukalah blog sendiri dan jgnlah guna blog DAKJ untuk bercerita pasal kebaikan...jejujuran...kehebatan...'justice' cara org Dap yg sebenarnya tebal sentimen perkauman terhadap Melayu....hingga tersasar dari Topik.
Sdra RD sy percaya....ramai pembahas disini termasuk DAKJ sendiri yg tentu juga merasa bosan dan loya dgn posting 'Troll' ini.....lebih2 lagi dgn menuduh Melayu dari Umno seramai 3 juta org sbgai rasis.
Terima kasih.
Good day dato saja saja,
When u define politic is always personal ?? Are u sure or you want to REVISED it later"
I do believe DSNR also agree with your statement that politic is always personal....i rather returned my cert instead of keep on serving my student loan
You won pakcik
Your loser,
Salam Datuk,
UMNO memang racist.. kerana racist UMNO..bangsa bukan Melayu boleh mengunakan nama asal mereka, sekolah mereka, agama mereka, budaya mereka..bahasa mereka dan apa saja yang mereka mahu...saya lebih senang hidup dengan UMNO yang racist daripada UMNO yang korup, tiada bermaruah, yang bertuhankan duit, yang melelongkan tanah2 hak Melayu di bandar2 dan ladang2 orang Melayu untuk UMNO (N for Najib)..
Salam Dato AKJ dan Pembahas sekalian.
Nampak gayanya, Dr.M telah menjadi 'malaikat' kepada penyokong Pakatan 'New Hope' atau Harapan Baru. Kalau dulu mereka gelar beliau MahaKutty atau MamaKutty, Kerala Mari, MahaFiraun etc., hari ini mereka sangat sayang pada beliau sehingga diangkat sebagai Ayahndaku". Mungkin kerana Dr.M turut serta dalam Bersih 4.
Penyokong DAP buat-buat lupa bahawa Dr.M hanya mahu Najib digantikan dan BN kekal sebagai Kerajaan.
"Only one Malay, stands tall and towering them all: ayahndaku Tun Dr.Mahathir."
Dulu mereka kata Dr.M berasal dari Kerala dan mereka enggan mengiktiraf beliau sebagai Melayu.
Begitulah lumrah-alam dalam berpolitik.
Dulu, Tunku Abdul Aziz pun mereka panggil 'Towering Malay'.
Mat Sabu yang pernah mengelar Anwar Ibrahim, Al-Ju***i pada 1997, sudah lama melupakannya.
Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK)yang satu ketika dulu pernah membuat perakuan bersumpah mangatakan Rosmah berada ditempat dimana Altantuya diletupkan, sudah menjadi penjilat paling hebat kepada Najib.
RPK Begitu hebat sehingga berani 'mengugut' SPRM supaya 'mendiamkan' diri atau berhenti menyiasat 'Money is King'.
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Nampak gayanya, Najib akan terus menjadi PM sehingga PRU14. Ketika Pakatan 'New Hope' dalam keadaan caca-merba, dan dengan 'bantuan' PAS, Najib punyai peluang cerah untuk terus kekal sebagai PM Malaysia yang amat lemah.
Ketegangan kaum akan terus membara jika Najib terus gunakan 'baju-Merah' untuk mengekalkan 'takta'.
Bertapa lemahnya Najib sehingga timbul suara-sumbang untuk Johor keluar dari Persekutuan.
Gilakan popularity sehingga membelakangkan peranan lain-lain Kementerian dengan membuat lawatan dan menabur peruntukan kepada sekolah-sekolah dan hospital. (Itukah sebabnya PMO dapat peruntukan paling besar dalam Budget 2016?)
Asset Rakyat (Tanah Kerajaan - Prime land) akan tergadai untuk melangsaikan hutang 1MDB. Selepas 1MDB, Pembinaan PFI pula akan mengadai lebih banyak lagi asset Rakyat?
Negara akan jadi sekutu-kuat Amerika melalui TPPA. PLA (People Liberation Army) akan buat provokasi di Pulau Layang-Layang, seperti mana mereka provokasi lain-lain sekutu-kuat Amerika di Laut China Selatan.
'Skeleton in the closet' Najib akan dijadikan senjata oleh Negara-jiran atau negara-asing untuk memeras Malaysia supaya menuruti kemahuan dan kepentingan mereka.
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