A Kadir Jasin
AS his desperation and that of the people grows, the Prime
Minister (Datuk Seri) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, has been reduced to haranguing
the rakyat.
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In doing so, it shows just how distant he is to the everyday
people. Decades of being a Wakil Rakyat had not appeared to bring him any closer
to the masses.
On the contrary it seems to reinforce the “orang besar”
character in him – of demanding loyalty and freely exercising his prerogative.
Incidentally he is one of the four “Orang Besar Berempat” (The
Four Chieftains) of Pahang, carrying the title “Yang Dihormat Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar”. Little wonder, therefore,
that he enjoys the singular support of the Sultan of Pahang.
Mohd Najib: Orang Besar Berempat Pahang |
[In the imperial Malay
nomenclature, shahdandar is the comptroller of port and, hence, the chief tax
So when Mohd Najib tries to sound like one of the rakyat,
his “orang besar” character and his disconnect with the people become obvious.
First there was the infamous “bangang” label he bestowed
upon his own Umno-sponsored bloggers during last year’s Umno General Assembly.
He accused them of being stupid (numskull, fat-headed,
nincompoop) for allegedly attacking the party instead of the enemies.
Bangang is worse than “bodoh” in the Malay language. In the proper Malay
households, “bodoh” is a no-no word.
In substance, however, he was not altogether wrong. There
are Umno-sponsored bloggers who deserve that label.
Bangang was followed by “jemuan” when opening the Kedah Umno
Convention last March. In Kedah slang, jemuan refers to a very bad person. He
said Umno should rid itself of jemuan, acknowledging that there are such people
in his own party.
And most recently he warned the Malays that they would be
“bangsat” if Umno loses power. Some English media had erroneously translated it
as bastard.
Depending on geographical areas and usage, bangsat,
according to Dewan Bahasa, can mean a type of foul-smelling bug (pepijat), a
bad person, like a thief, or a very poor person. The Dewan gives it English
synonyms as rascal, knave, ill-bred and despicable person.
Bangsat is hardly used these days. Like pariah it is
considered offensive. In the old northern slang, a poor person who left his
place of birth to seek fortune elsewhere was said to gone “membangsat”.
So in my village in Kedah back in the 1950’s and 60’s, many
Kelantanese came “membangsat” during the rice harvesting season to work as farm
hands and many local people left for the towns to earn a living.
But bangsat is already applicable to the Malays where it
connotes poverty and destitution. And Mohd Najib should know because he is
responsible for it!
Since he became Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Umno
president in 2009, the lot of the Malays and other Bumiputeras had worsened
compared to other Malaysians.
Never in the history of the country that income gap between
the Malays and the Chinese widened so drastically than between 2009 and 2012.
The last time this happened was in 1970.
There was no improvement whatsoever in the monthly income of
the Malay households from time Mohd Najib became the PM in 2009 to last year
compared to the Chinese.
In fact, the nominal income gap between the Malays and the
Chinese had widened by as much as 53 per cent. So, economically the Malays are
already “bangsat”.
Mohd Najib had also been reported to label Felda settlers
who were not supportive of Umno as “haram jadah” which in English is something like bloody
Less frequently heard these days are the high-sounding words
and phrases like “keterangkuman” (inclusiveness), “rakyat didahulukan” (people
first), “Perdana Menteri untuk semua” (Prime Minister for all), “kesederhanaan”
and “wasatiyyah” (moderate) that marked the early days of his rule.
Instead, in his desperation to be seen to be close to the
people, Mohd Najib has become “celupar” (inappropriate) in his public
utterances. He likes to harangue the people and launches tirades against his
So it wasn’t a big deal when a woman delegate to the recent
Langkawi Umno annual general meeting accused the PM of having “kencing” the
people. In the contemporary Malay street parlance, to “kencing” is to tell a