Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Pendarahan Umno Sukar Disekat

A Kadir Jasin

MUKHADIMAH: Pandangan yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis dalam kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan apa-apa jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.

Keluar parti beramai-ramai lumpuhkan Umno Sabah

MUTAKHIR, 19 Disember - Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi,  semalam mengumumkan timbalannya, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan, akan menjalankan tugas presiden susulan kemelut yang melanda parti itu. (Bacaan lanjut DI SINI).


PENDARAHAN Umno sudah mencapai tahap kritikal. Tanpa transfusi ia akan mati kekurangan darah atau menderita anemia yang teruk.

Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak perlu disebutkan lagi. Umno terlalu lemah untuk mempedulikannya manakala MCA mahu ia dibubarkan.

[Komen "Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Tolong guna nama sebenar atau samaran.]

Kita pun tidak pasti lagi daripada 13 atau 14 buah parti ketika pilihan raya umum (PRU) 9 Mei lalu, berapa buah yang masih tinggal. Rasanya tiga atau empat saja.

Setakat ini, mengikut kiraan organisasi media, seramai 17 ahli Dewan Rakyat, 2 ahli Dewan Negara dan 22 ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Umno/Barisan Nasional telah mengumumkan keluar parti.

Beberapa orang daripada mereka telah menyertai Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), tetapi majoriti memilih untuk menjadi ahli bebas di Parlimen dan DUN.

Selain PPBM, dua parti komponen Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang berkata mereka bersedia membuka pintu kepada bekas ahli Umno adalah DAP dan Amanah. PKR menyatakan yang ia tidak akan menerima mereka.

Sokong Dr Mahathir

Setakat ini, boleh dikatakan semua yang keluar Umno itu mengikrarkan sokongan kepada Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Ikrar sokongan mereka menguatkan kedudukan Dr Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri, tetapi boleh menjadi masalah kepada PH.

Sudah ada di kalangan pemimpin PH yang tidak mahu mana-mana parti komponen menerima bekas pemimpin Umno.

Malah ada pihak dari dalam dan luar PH yang membuat kesimpulan bahawa ikrar sokongan kepada Dr Mahathir itu ada kaitan dengan kedudukan Ahli Parlimen Port Dickson, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri.

Bagi saya, yang lebih utama bukan sokongan kepada Dr Mahathir tetapi bagaimana Anwar meyakinkan kepemimpinan PH dan rakyat jelata bahawa beliau layak menjadi Perdana Menteri dari segala sudut dan pertimbangan.

Keadaan menjadi lebih tidak tenteram apabila anak reformasi, Nurul Izzah Anwar secara mengejut meletak jawatan sebagai Naib Presiden PKR yang dimenanginya semula dengan cemerlang bulan lalu. Beliau memberi alasan mahu menumpukan perhatian kepada reformasi.

Beliau juga meletakkan jawatan Pengerusi PKR Pulau Pinang dan jawatan dalam komiti Parlimen.

Dalam kenyataan peletakan jawatannya, beliau mengulas panjang lebar mengenai idealisme reformasi yang beliau perjuangkan sejak tahun 1998.

Ini mencetuskan pelbagai spekulasi mengenai sebab tersirat yang menyebabkan beliau mengambil tindakan drastik itu.

Maladi Umno

Masalah dalaman Umno tidak dijangka selesai dalam masa yang singkat malah mungkin menjadi lebih buruk.

Ini bermakna kemungkinan ada lagi ahli Parlimen dan Adun Umno akan keluar parti, tidak boleh diketepikan.

Semakin banyak gesaan dibuat agar Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi meletakkan jawatan Presiden atau bercuti sehingga kes mahkamah beliau selesai.

Tetapi beliau menegaskan hanya mesyuarat agung parti boleh menyingkirkannya. Buat masa ini kedudukan beliau selamat kerana proses memanggil mesyuarat agung memakan masa.

Ia melibat ahli akar umbi dan mengambil masa yang panjang untuk diadakan. Bayangkanlah kalau hendak mengadakan mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi (MT) pun liat, apatah lagi mengadakan mesyuarat agung luar biasa.

Sebaliknya dalam tempoh itu Umno mungkin dibatalkan oleh Pendaftar Pertubuhan kerana melanggar syarat dan perlembagaannya sendiri. Zahid pernah memberi amaran mengenai banyak cawangan parti itu yang tidak menghantar laporan tahunan.

Begitu juga kes mahkamah beliau. Ia pasti tidak akan selesai dalam masa yang singkat bagi membolehkan beliau membersihkan nama atau dijatuhkan hukuman.

Pada masa yang sama, tanpa pemimpin yang berwibawa adalah sukar bagi Umno mengekalkan sokongan ahli akar umbi.

Kecuali seorang dua, boleh dikatakan majoriti pemimpin yang masih tinggal adalah terdiri daripada jenis rebus tak empuk yang lantang bersuara tetapi cetek budi bicara.

Boleh Terima

Mana-mana parti anggota PH pun boleh terima masuk bekas pemimpin dan ahli Umno jika mereka mahu. Tetapi kemasukan mereka wajiblah bersyarat.

Yang terbukti bermasalah kerana terlibat dengan jenayah tentulah tidak boleh diterima apatah lagi bagi menduduki barisan kepemimpinan.

Mereka mungkin boleh diterima sebagai ahli biasa. Itu pun mereka masih perlu diingatkan tentang kesalahan atau kesilapan masa lalu mereka.

Orang lama dalam politik macam Dr Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Anwar tentu kenal dan tahu siapa yang saya maksudkan itu.

Dalam keghairahan untuk menambah ahli atau menjadi hero parti, saya harap pemimpin parti-parti PH, khususnya PPBM, janganlah menjadi terlalu murah dengan menerima siapa saja yang hendak menjadi ahli.

Kaji dan fahami dulu latar belakang bekas pemimpin Umno yang hendak diambil dan dimuliakan itu.

Maaflah kalau saya kata, sudah ada bekas pemimpin Umno yang tak laku lagi di dalam Umno, tetapi diambil oleh PPBM dan diuar-uarkan sebagai kejayaan besar.

Saya mohonlah kepada mereka yang ghairah memujuk bekas pemimpin Umno masuk PPBM agar berhati-hati sikit bagi mengelak PPBM daripada menjadi parti murahan dan dalam proses itu melemahkan semangat ahli yang sedia ada, khususnya golongan muda.

Ingatlah, walaupun hari ini mereka keluar Umno dan menyertai atau menyokong kita, dulu mereka adalah musuh politik kita.

Sekarang mereka hendak menyertai kita kerana parti mereka sudah rosak dan kalah. Siapakah yang rosakkan Umno kalau bukan mereka sendiri? 

Kita wajib mengutamakan pemimpin dan ahli kita sendiri yang berjuang mati-matian dan mengambil risiko besar. Jangan sekali-kali kita menyusukan kera di hutan hingga anak di rumah mati kebuluran.

Jaga elok-elok orang kita sendiri sebelum kita menimang dan menatang orang yang mengetuk pintu kita hanya setelah kita menang.

Ada bekas pemimpin dan ahli Umno yang menyertai kita kerana keikhlasan tetapi ada juga kerana mencari peluang dan perlindungan.

Selepas tujuh bulan kita mentadbir negara, ke mana pun saya pergi, orang kita  bersungut mengenai orang Umno yang masih menguasai jentera akar umbi dan membolot kontrak kecil.

Jadi berwaspadalah. Kemenangan kita pada 9 Mei terlalu berharga untuk dikorbankan.



Emer said...

"Saya mohonlah kepada mereka yang ghairah memujuk bekas pemimpin Umno masuk PPBM agar berhati-hati sikit bagi mengelak PPBM daripada menjadi parti murahan dan dalam proses itu melemahkan semangat ahli yang sedia ada, khususnya golongan muda"

Sangat setuju.

Kelam kabut PKR hari ini kerana ramainya ahli & pemimpin berDNA UMNO bersamanya. Mereka ini bekas ahli UMNO-BN yg tidak mampu mengangkat agenda reformasi parti lebih tinggi dari agenda peribadi yg dipupuk segar semasa bersama parti lama lagi.

Mereka sertai PKR kerana gagal mendapat jawatan & habuan yg diharapkan semasa dalam BN. Dan setelah berjaya mendapatkannya bersama PKR yg menjadi sebahagian kerajaan PR Selangor & Pulau Pinang, kerana ketamakkan memenangi PRU14 menjadikan mereka semakin berpinau mata & ghairah mengejar jawatan & habuan lebih besar.

Maka berlakulah agenda cantas mencantas, fitnah menfitnah, berpuak-puak, regim uwang pada skala lebih besar & agresif.

Penyakit ini budaya UMNO. Kepentingan peribadi lebih tinggi dari kepentingan ummah/bangsa. Barah ini sedang merosakkan PKR.

Bukan rahsia Bersatu juga berDNA UMNO. Rakyat menyangkakan penyertaan Bersatu ke dalam Pakatan Harapan akan mengurangkan kebebalan UMNO dlm diri pemimpin & penyokong mereka. Nampaknya mereka tersilap. Selagi agenda reformasi bukan yg ingin mereka budayakan maka parti apa pun bekas UMNO-BN sertai mereka akan terus membawa budaya lama - kepentingan peribadi lebih tinggi dari kepentingan ummah/bangsa.

Menjadi lebih parah kini bilamana Dr Mahathir Mohamad beriya-iya menerima sampah-sampah UMNO ke dalam Bersatu, terangan kerana mahu menguatkan kedudukannya. Kepentingan peribadi!

Golongan muda hari ini amat tertekan dengan kos sara hidup yg tinggi, hutang menggunung serta peluang pekerjaan & promosi yg amat terbatas.

Mengamati permainan politik 'seasoned player' yg tidak sudah-sudah demi kantung sendiri membuatkan mereka lebih tertekan & marah.

PRU15 mereka akan menterjemahkan kemarahan & kekesalan mereka. Percayalah!

Stop this nonsense! said...

Professor Tajuddin Rasdi was reported to support the move by PH to restructure the “Barisan Nasional-friendly” Council of Professors.
He further proposed that the structure of the council’s organisation be as follows: there should be a chairman and a deputy, plus 12 central committee members comprising the professors. I also propose that the 12 central committee members act as the heads of 12 “shadow Cabinets” with each Cabinet comprising 10 professors from public and private institutions with an addition of not more than five members from civil society and NGOs. Sounds familiar? A mock parliament? A shadow cabinet? made up of unelected members.

He has totally forgotten we have Parliament, Ministries, cabinet, select committees, opposition MPs, civil servants and support groups NGOS, enforcement agencies, MACC, PDRM, etc. etc. and the like which does all the above.

For goodness sake, stop spending the rakyat's money on the proposed useless Council, it will be another huge white elephant bleeding govt funds, which is our money.
The rakyat wants our money spent usefully, improve and increase medical care, scholarships to deserving students, clean up our environment and so many other critical areas for development.

So if the PH govt is still listening to us the rakyat, stop this ridiculous nonsense straightaway of providing another white elephant to the other white elephants still hanging about.

Remember we voted you in, we did not vote for the professors!

Shafeeee's downfall said...

how laughable, now that Senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah has applied to remove former Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram from leading the prosecution in regard to his charge of receiving the RM9.5 million from former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

The matter came up for case management today before High Court deputy registrar Farah Azura Mohd Saad, who fixed Jan 22 for the prosecution to reply to Shafee's application.

Shafee never thought he would see the day when he would be at the receving end of justice, he never dreamed that justice would come for us.

The courts and judges must not pander to his application, do not further delay and fix dates prolonging the issues. Get this settled fast, after all justice delayed is justice denied.

Serves him bloody right. He betrayed the rakyat and country.

PH hold fast, steady said...

you are correct in stating there are certain former leaders who no longer have value in Umno but are recruited by Bersatu and this is proclaimed as a huge success.

“I appeal to those who are overzealous in convincing former Umno leaders to join Bersatu to be careful and avoid Bersatu becoming a cheap party and in the process, weakening the spirit of its existing members, especially the youth.

“Remember, they may have left Umno and joined us but they were once our political foes. They are joining us now because their party is ruined. Who ruined their party, if not them?”

The Bersatu supreme council member's warning comes in the wake of news that former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik has applied to join Bersatu, which courted flak from various quarters.

And now Rahim has the umno stupidity and cheek to accuse PKR and DAP of meddling in the internal affairs of their ally Bersatu, and considering legal action against a DAP politician in the state for accusing him of involvement in “past scandals”.
What else to expect from these goons, Umno genes very difficult to get rid off, and he wants to taint Bersatu.

Like Datuk, Senator Liew Chin Tong today advised his DAP party colleagues and Pakatan Harapan (PH) allies to withhold their verbal sniping at each other and focus instead on moving their reform agenda forward.

Despite defeating their long-time political adversary in GE14, Liew noted the four component parties of the ruling coalition have been consumed by infighting with the latest trigger being the intake of former Umno leaders into Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.

“Instead of hurling insults, we should persevere with our aim of building a Malaysia Baharu where every citizen will share the benefit of a peaceful, equitable and more prosperous nation,” Liew, reminded his teammates and PH supporters in a statement.

He pointed out that the PH coalition had together achieved a near miracle by ending the six-decade rule of the Umno-led coalition that have prompted a recent exodus of its leaders and lawmakers from the Malay nationalist party founded in 1946.
“The disintegration of Umno in its current form is actually a great achievement for Malaysian democracy.

All PH parties, please do not rock your boat. Big waves are threatening you, so hold fast to your coalition and persevere.

Jojo said...


1. Saya fikir tidak ada masalah bagi Bersatu untuk menerima ahli UMNO yang tidak mempunyai rekod jenayah atau terlibat dengan apa2 aktiviti yg tidak bermoral.

2. Boleh saja terima mereka ini yang insaf kerana tersalah sokong pemimpin. Bukanlah masalah yang besar pun.

3. Bukanlah menjadi rahsia lagi bahawa pemimpin2 PKR dan DAP bersama sebahagian UMNO sedang berusaha menjatuhkan Tun Dr Mahathir lebih awal dan mahu Anwar jadi PM segera.

4. Rakyat tidak mengundi untuk menjadikan bekas banduan yang dapat pengampunan ekspress sebagai PM.

5. Jika teringin sangat hendak jadi PM, kena dapat mandat semula. Bukan main bagi2 percuma macam tu.

6. Saya sedih dengan pemergian ahli bomba Muhammad Adib dalam isu kuil Seafield. Pembunuhnya mesti dihukum bunuh juga.

7. Sekali lagi saya ingin menyatakan bahawa Whayta Moorti mesti meletak jawatan. Dia adalah penyebab kepada ketidakharmonian kaum di Malaysia.

8. Kelemahan PBT dalam menangani isu rumah2 ibadat haram menyebabkan ketegangan kaum. Perlu ada ketegasan dalam isu ini segera.

dt rahman pekan said...

percaya lah. selagi d rabble rouser tak dpt pegang tahta, keadaan tak akan aman.

he needs 2 b neutralized once n 4 all.

how ? maaf saya tak ada jawapan nya.

tapi, olih kerana sistem politik kita adalah berdasarkan 'first past d post', maka numbers count.

buat masa sekarang PH (penyokong2 tun) wajib memastikan angka dlm parliament ada lah lebih drpd mencukupi.

Gemini said...

With UMNO in dire straits, the disillusioned members especially MPs naturally quit the party either individually or en masse on the ground that the current top leadership is directionless.The next best move for them is to turn to PPBM (Bersatu) for acceptance.
Bersatu and UMNO are in the same mould with common mentality. In fact Bersatu is the offshoot from UMNO whose image had been tarnished and tainted by its unscrupulous and toxic top leaders. As such, it is imperative to note that there should be a careful and systematic screening and vetting process on membership for these ex-UMNO members taking cognizance of its political necessity from the macro point of view.
Have faith that Tun Mahathir will guide them and confine them under new PPBM restricting rules."

Zalman A said...


We are hearing too much of this phrase "reform agenda, reform agenda, reform agenda".

With PH being in power for half a year, let's see real reforms.

It's quite clear that the rapidly shrinking PASUMNO party has nothing beyond howling on race & religion.

That does not solve real-life problems.

So let them howl, BUT....always, always point out their hypocrisy.

Look carefully at the issues of farmers, fishermen, FELDA folks and others where a lot of sabotage and dirty tactics are still used by the former UMNO dedak addicts who are hoping for a return of the "bad old days".

Anyway, those "bad old days" will be back quite soon if PH stoops to accepting Rahim, Pandikar, Shahidan and SS Keruak.

A line needs to be drawn for the sake of decency.

Ultraviolet said...


Kalau ada pendarahan, kita nak buat transfusi darah atau derma darah, kena tengok dulu pesakit itu. Layak ke tidak dapat derma darah. Kalau tidak biarkan saja.

Saya setuju dengan DAKJ, tak patut terima mereka yang mempunyai rekod tak baik.

Walaubagaimanapun, sekarang ini di Parlimen Pakatan masih lagi tak cukup 2/3. Oleh itu ada pembaharuan (reform) tak dapat dibuat.

Antaranya, PM tak boleh lebih 2 penggal. Ini perlukan 2/3 undi di Parlimen.

Ada juga perkara lain hendak dibuat, Peguam Negara dibawah Parlimen bukan di bawah PM. Adakan ini sudah dibuat?

Ada orang kata, kita boleh menggunakan pendekatan “bipartisan”. Tapi saya tak begitu yakin PAS dan UMNO sekarang ini sanggup bekerjasama.

Sekarang ini Tun M menjadi PM, negara dalam keadaan stabil, persediaan perlu dibuat supaya PM yang akan datang tidak terlalu berkuasa dan ada perpisahan kuasa antara eksekutif, legislative dan judiciary. Ini perlukan reform.

Pengundi Pekan said...

UMNO @ United Malay National Organisation. How irony it is..

Pemimpin bangsa Bugis menghancurkannya.

Pemimpin bangsa Jawa menguburkannya.

Dimana Melayu nya Umno.

OKJ said...

Salam Dato Kadir Jasin

Majority 2/3

Dato’ ingat Tun akan haramkan UMNO ke? Nampaknya Dato’ memang tidak boleh baca isihati Tun Mahathir. Biar saya terangkan sedikit sebab susah sangat nampaknya Dato’ nak baca pemikiran orang.

Memang benar Tun nakkan majority 2/3 dan juga tak nak majority 2/3 tu pada tempatnya. Saya ulang sekali lagi, pada tempatnya. Ini menunjukkan rasa sayang Tun terhadap kaum Melayu amat tebal bertepatan dgn isi kandungan Al Quran terutamanya yg selalu saya ingatkan kepada Dato’ berkali-kali. Pelase Dato’, tolong faham ye apa yg saya nak sampaikan ni secara tersirat. Tak sedap rasanya nak straight to the point memandangkan pembaca blog Dato’ ni pleural.

Strategy France vs Strategy Brazil

Alhamdullillah. Dato’ Zahid dah insaf semalam. Proses pembersihan parti akhirnya bolehlah bermula sekarang tapi mestilah berstratergi. Dikesempatan ini saya ingin mengesyorkan beberapa langkah pemulihan mengikut taktik France dan bukannya taktik Brasil. Brasil kuat menyerang tapi pertahanan lemah sebaliknya France pertahanan mereka kuat membolehkan mereka champion. Jadinya, UMNO kena kuatkan pertahanannya dulu dengan:

1. Hantar surat tunjuk sebab suruh Dato’ Najib berhenti bercakap dan concentrate kpd kes. Kalau masih berbunyi, pecat je. Jangan bagi beliau menumpang kesnya sebagai tuduhan politik UMNO. Berani kebas berani tanggunglah.

2. Juga surat yg sama kpd Dato’ Zahid, Concentrate > 40 kes melebihi 200 jutanya. Jangan bagi beliau menumpang kesnya sebagai tuduhan politik UMNO juga.

3. Minta YB KJ tidak tegakkan benang basah. Saya dengar YB KJ ni dalam bual bicara sebok cerita ttg keperluan GST. Tak Nampak lagi ke seluruh rakyat Malaysia tidak suka GST. Apa yg terhegeh-hegeh lagi. Ikut perkembangan semasalah YB.

4. Pecat ahli2 yg berotak carrot & masih bersekutu dgn Najib dan Zahid.

5. Hantar surat personal kpd setiap ahli UMNO dan minta maaf kerana kesilapan Najib and the geng dulu. Itu syarat bertaubat iaitu mengakui kesalahan yg telah lalu kepada setiap ahli akar umbi dan berazam tidak mengulanginya. Barulah taubat diterima.

Eh !!!! Panjang sangat pula. Akhir kata, bila pertahanan dah kuat, barulah UMNO menyerang balik. Contoh isu, dah terbukti fitnah tapi masih jadi Menteri. Dan banyak lagi. Sekian TQ.

Zalman A said...


It seems the major achievement of PH so far is the fact they are worse than BN when it comes to infighting.

So much so, that certain blog mouthpieces of PH leaders are dedicating their entire existence to attacking the leaders of other PH component parties.

Is this healthy?

Please do not assume the public do not notice.

It comes across as politicians putting their own agenda first.

(Does PH even have an agenda for the people? I'm currently lost on this point.)

At PRU15, the question will be "what did PH do to make my life better?"

In one sense, the BN model was more peaceful and more disciplined....

a) UMNO was in charge of stealing money from public funds.

b) They distributed this dedak to the other parties.

c) Everyone kept quiet.

Of course this is morally 100% wrong, but compared to the chaotic pasar malam shouting of Pakatan Harapan, it looks more organised.

Perception is everything.

We do not want another generation of kleptocrats, for sure, but still, at PRU15, the rakyat's question will be:

"What did PH do to make my life better?"

Quite simple.

Perhaps PH should get its act together?

ZAM tahfiz al karim said...


Apalah PPBM...pengutip "sampah" hnya ad 18 org..cukup ke "guni" nak muat "sampah" 40 tan tuuu..


Judge, jury and executioner said...

Rafizi loves to rock the PH boat, especially that he has no position.
In his latest comment, I quote someone who commented:
Rafizi the politician organizes the survey, collects the data and interprets the results. We have no idea of the rigor with which the survey was designed and done, to minimize bias, nor its statistical credibility.
Rafizi is judge, jury and executioner! "

Very true! And what else has he been writing out of spite, pique and what have you?

His boss should rein him in, that's not the way in steadying the PH boat.
Bring his so-called data, results, analysis to PH without trumpeting that he did this or that survey, and by the way, his INVOKE is so biaised that one cannot believe its output.

No further action, case closed said...

we need to understand why PDRM is still investigating Fadiah?

I’m tired of intimidation and harassment, says lawyer Fadiah
Lawyer-activist Fadiah Nadwa Fikri has questioned the government for giving the authorities a free hand to intimidate and harass human rights activists.

Fadiah said she was still under investigation for a police report based on her remarks at a forum last July about the history of the Malayan Emergency.

“I was just questioned again regarding my comments at the same forum by two police officers. I am being investigated under Section 504 of the Penal Code, which basically says that I am trying to provoke a breach of public peace, and also under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act.

Fadiah asked the home ministry if it was promoting the culture of pressuring human rights defenders, adding that she was scared following the threats on social media.

Amnesty International Malaysia executive director Shamini Darshni, who was also at the same press conference, said the treatment meted out to Fadiah was worrying.

“The forum Fadiah spoke at was an academic discourse to discuss the Malaysian history, and such debates should be encouraged,” she said.

“That is what the freedom of expression is. It is a place for debate where the voices of agreement and disagreement meet.”

Shamini urged the authorities to stop harassing human rights activists.

The rakyat hopes the Home Minister and IGP will see there is no threat to breach of public peace and close the case quickly.

Hush, silence is golden said...

please communicate immediately to all PH parties, their leaders and the rest.
For reasons clear to everyone, the rakyat wants a moratorium from them all, DO NOT speak in public their views, they assumed party views of all current events and issues. Zip up lips and do their jobs.

Azmin is doing the right thing, Minister Yeo is doing the right thing and a few other Ministers are doing the right thing.

Leave the speaking to PM Tun Dr M and his deputy and whoever Tun deputises to speak on his behalf.

What is now being bandied about by the news media is, he said this, she said that, they said this or that, they rebutted this, they denied this and all the nonsense that comes.


JB said...

Salam Dato.
Haha biasa party murahan party yang tidak berfungsi untuk rakyat.
Cili padi tu pedas Dato.
Tak banyak tergigit sedikit saja rasanya seluruh lidah pedas.😅

mecananga said...


Munkin tidak keterlaluan jika saya mengagak sukarnya bagi Datuk untuk mengeluarkan blog sekerap berlakunya "Breaking News" di Malaysia sekarang.
Kalau tidak setiap hari, setiap minggu ada saja berita sensasi di dada-dada akhbar atau pun di media alternatif dengan berbagai versi.
Bila baca berita-berita sebegini orang putih kata..."Take it with a pinch of salt"...
Hanya terjadi pada era pentadbiran PH..

Waullah hu'alam.

JB said...

Kena berhati2 kalau menyampah.
Menyampah adalah terbitan dari sampah.

Zalman A said...


I'm not a complete fan of Saudara Rafizi Ramli, who can be a loose cannon sometimes.

Unfortunately, even a loose cannon can sometimes hit the target.


He says this:

"The approval rating of the Federal Government since PH took over in May 2018 has been plunging, rather rapidly.

In June 2018, when asked to rate Tun Mahathir’s performance as the Prime Minister, 72% Malaysians approved his performance.

The Chinese rated him highest at 87% approval, followed by the Indians at 84%. Even the Malay respondents gave him a high 66% approval rating (given that PH did poorly with Malay voters during GE14).

In a similar survey conducted two weeks ago, Tun Mahathir’s approval rating as the Prime Minister has plunged to 53%. There is a consistent ~20% drop across all races – Malays (from 66% to 45%), Chinese (from 87% to 65%) and Indians (from 84% to 64%).

In some states, the newly elected Menteri Besar, whom some of the sampled respondents could not name correctly, got a higher approval rating than the Prime Minister."

Like I say, he's quite often wrong.

But my gut feel and a lot of recent conversations seem to indicate that yes - it's quite plausible he's correct here.

Why did this happen?

Zalman A said...

Rafizi continues:

"Out of the 97 seats that PH won in Semenanjung, only 42 are in the states where PH’s share of Malay votes exceeded 40%.

Fifty-five seats are in danger of going to other parties in the next general election if there is a significant shift among Malay voters.

You may ask me by now – what’s with these numbers? What’s the relevance of approval ratings and the share of Malay votes in GE14?

It is true that we did not win enough Malay votes in GE14.

But we still won the majority in Parliament because enough swing Malay voters in the marginal seats across the country voted for PH. They voted for PH primarily due to our economic promises to make their life better, not because PH has somewhat convinced them that we are more “Malay” than Umno or PAS."

He's 80% right here.

I think the Mahathir factor did assure Malays that they could vote PH with a greater sense of security.


Rafizi is right - "They voted for PH primarily due to our economic promises to make their life better".


He expounds a little...

"As political parties, what we can do is to articulate middle grounds and focus on policies, so that the public discourse revolves around voters’ livelihood. I repeated during the GE14 that PH could only win if we convinced enough Malays that a change of government could lower down prices, create more jobs and increase wages.

We can never become more Malay than Umno or more politically Islamic than PAS. Race and religion are Umno’s and PAS’ strength; the economic platform is our platform."

So, what now?

Zalman A said...

Rafizi concludes....

"After a while, the public is losing patience with what is seen as mere excuses on the part of the PH administration. We can’t fulfil all the promises immediately within the 100 days (trust me, the public does not even expect that), yet at the very least the PH administration must be seen to be solely focused on laying the groundwork to fulfil them (election promises) at some point in the future.

It is understandably a work-in-progress, but we do need to see some progress. After a while, it is no longer enough to charge former government leaders with cases of corruption, because so long as there is no marked improvement (concerning economic livelihood) on the ground, the restlessness will continue."

Again, correct.

The restlessness will continue.

So there is an URGENT need to...

a) Stop the character assassination of other PH leaders

b) Stop the disorganised bickering in the media

c) Clearly COMMUNICATE what is going to be done. I have pointed out before, the same leaders who use to do ceramah in the pouring rain now seem more comfortable in their Putrajaya ivory towers. This is going to be fatal.

d) Implement a path to policies. When money is tight, we should also remember that policies that strengthen accountability and good governance are FREE.

e) Communicate aggressively & consistently to the public. The Bugis Worrier's underground PR operation, using his former macai2 and operatives, is now more organised than the PH side. This is not good. It's time to fire back on all cylinders.

Unknown said...

Just a month ago, the pair, husband and wife made the front page of local papers, hugging and embracing each other's arms, sinking in their so-called difficult, enduring, painful, despairing.. memories of the past. Yesterday, the daughter, too, joined into the play, resigning all party posts. Tears flowed, attention caught, support gained, intention obtained.. their playbook encompassed all these elements. Well, they certainly played hard and girded themselves up for every single plot which then culminated in thunderous applause, leaving the audience agape with mouths wide open.

According to the info, the daughter's resignation was due to the hanky-panky going on in the 'frog-jumping' outcry, which made her sick and puke. If she is sincere and serious about the claim, she might as well give up her MP seat and distance herself entirely from politics. Of course, she could quit on a whim and also retract her rashness instantly as the party is made-known for its family business. However, this silent protest makes no difference in the case. So, why the fuss of throwing an unintelligible tantrum to trick people? What a low-down ruse! Instead, she should point finger at the father who had come up a conspiracy of silence with an UMNO MP which later wholly upset the apple cart. The family should also need to do some self-examine to look into the matter of nepotism and cronyism that has been widely circulated all this while in order to rectify for an U-turn. The public has now become the very eyes and ears of PH then.

Next, the 'crown-to-be'. I am not interested in reminiscing about his distant scandalous past. But, let me emphasize again, a topmost leader should lead by example. Before placing a leader, all relevant background and past history details must be taken into account. It is now an open secret that he is such a wily opportunist to chance at GE14 to make ton of requests, the 'record-obliterated-backdoor-release' was one of those. So far, he has displayed no merit to prepare himself to become the superior. Unfortunately and unabashedly, all he did was, via his loyal 'macai', Tun M was incessantly bombarded. Ironically, the leaders in the PH coalition were all tight-lipped until Bersatu leapt to Tun's defence. But, when the UMNO 'jump-ship' hogged the limelight, they immediately became jumpy and anxious. Obviously, the 'crown-to-be' acutely lacks self-esteem and confidence due to his self-destruction past. Sadly, he couldn't muster enough of courage to admit but opted to proclaim that he was politically victimized. All in all, he is definitely no where near Tun M's distinction and forte in all aspects. He hasn't got much up top and by far, still has aplenty to catch up with Tun's qualities and standards.

The little voice inside me is urging fiercely good UMNO MPs to cross over and join Bersatu in order to allow Bersatu to outnumber the incumbent dominant party and simultaneously to permit Tun to stay in power while planning for the next move, for a long-term prospects.

Lastly, not forgetting, Al-Fatihah to our unsung firefighter hero, allahyarham Adib. And also, my deepest condolences and takziah go to his beloved family and his fiancee. Be strong, always.

Hakimi Abdul Jabar said...


The transmission (by whatever means) of the letter and its contents to the CIA by the former director general of the Research Division in the then Prime Minister’s Department (hereinafter referred to as “the Letter”), must be seen as an action that has been taken and that the possibility of further action is threatened by a substantial body of persons both inside and outside Malaysia, namely the then Research Division of the then PM’s Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is a foreign intelligence service of the federal government of the United States of America, certainly has the ability to compromise Malaysia’s internal security. Declassified CIA Reports by the Foreign Subversion and Instability Center, a part of the CIA, denote the “purposely provocative” manner in which the CIA will subvert and destabilize a nation. The CIA is a world-renowned organization that has the legacy of covert U.S. involvement in the seven successful coups (not to mention a number of U.S. military interventions against hostile regimes and U.S.-supported insurgencies and failed assassination attempts).

The clear results of the 9th May 2018 Malaysian General Elections and the large majority win of the Pakatan Harapan coalition further discerns that the pre-elections transmission of the letter and its contents, e.g. para 14, pertain to an activity or activities detrimental to Parliamentary Democracy or an attempt or attempts to commit activity detrimental to Parliamentary Democracy, being criminal offences under sections 124B and 124C of Act 574 (the Penal Code). It is also a criminal offence under s.124I for the dissemination of false reports in relation to the first sentence of para 11 of the letter, as it is clear as the Sun that the Kleptocratic Regime did not win the 14th GE adequately to form the federal government.

Furthermore, the transmission of the letter and its contents must be seen as a sabotage of or an attempt to sabotage the well-enshrined constitutionally protected participatory democratic and electoral rights of the majority of Malaysian citizens in choosing their democratically-elected federal government, both being criminal offences under sections 124K and 124L of Act 574.

All of the above are security offences specified in the First Schedule of Act 747 (SOSMA) as Chapter VI offences of the Penal Code are classified under Sosma as "security offences", thus allowing the preventive detention law to be invoked.

Two Malaysian lawyers, Matthias Chang in his YouTube vidposé (video exposé) and Haniff Khatri in his Malaysiakini interview have pointed out the criminality of such acts.

Till date, the individual and others in her then Research division of the then PM's Department have not been detained and investigated under SOSMA.







AkuMelayu said...

Awat hang sayik sibuk dgn darah Umno... darah anak muda Melayu asal Kedah yg di hempuk sampai mati oleh Hindu hang “black out” dari blog hang. Apa hang sekongkol dgn depa bersama2 apak hang Tun ka?

PH hold fast, steady said...

Another DAP MP Ramkarpal Singh should be advised from speaking too openly in public.
These are the daily fare we receive from Bersatu, DAP, PKR.
So everyone STOP IT !!
By all means submit your messages to your respective leaders, do not undermine their leadership in public.
These are distracting attention from Pakatan Harapan’s real achievements and their opposition love them to death for these messsages.

Stupid people.

Headless chicken not wanted said...

I am sure PH Ministers Gobind, Kula, Waytha, Mazlee to name a few have learnt their lesson not to react to issues publicly before considering other ways to highlight concerns and resolve problems the PH way.
So zip your lips, we don't you to become a divisive factor and hindering our PM Tun Dr M in carrying out his agenda for the country.
You were elected to help him, not to go your separate ways.
Don't be stupid .

Take this message to your respective PH MPs and representatives, Rafizi, Ramkarpal, Syed, and others. Keep quiet, refrain from squabbling publicly like headless chicken.
The PH must stand together, work together and advance together against your common enemy UMNO and PAS.

Act of treason? said...

fully support Hakimi Abdul Jabar 1.36am

No compromise must be made, the female wannabe Mata Hari must be prosecuted to the fullest. She acted treasonably against the govt and country.

Btw, word is that she's the daughter of that retired ex judge Hamid, is this correct?

Keep quiet Mazlee said...

here this chap comes again
Education Minister Maszlee Malik said his comments urging religious teachers to use Sabah and Sarawak as their "medan dakwah" (field of propogation) had been misunderstood.

Maszlee said he had meant dakwah in the universal sense of inviting people towards good..

Just keep quiet Mazlee. Silence is golden.

You did irreparable damage to our universities by allowng politics on campus. Political parties should not be permitted to enter campuses, hold speeches and programs. These are places of learning. Not learning to be political.

Also some very important advice, keep that mufti from Perlis, supporter of Zakar Naik, away from you, more than an arm's length, no, more than a continent away.

budak jawa said...

Aslm wbt dakj,

Maaf, tapi saya rasa risau dengan ayat dalam perenggan kedua terakhir datuk yang berbunyi "Selepas tujuh bulan kita mentadbir negara, ke mana pun saya pergi, orang kita bersungut mengenai orang Umno yang masih menguasai jentera akar umbi dan membolot kontrak kecil".

Apakah maksudnya? Adakah sekarang ini masa untuk orang "kita" pula menguasai jentera dan membolot kontrak kecil? Jentera apa yang dimaksudkan? Saya fikir inilah amalan yang menyebabkan BN tumbang dalam pru14 walaupun kesannya mengambil masa yang panjang. Inilah amalan yang menyuburkan rasuah.

Kontrak hendaklah diberi kepada mereka yang selayaknya, yang memang terlibat dalam bidang yang berkaitan. Kalau tidak inilah yang menyebabkan berlakunya amalan ali baba, subkontral yang berleluasa, gate keeper, pelobi projek dan sebagainya yang menyebablam orang melayu gagal cemerlang dalam bidang ekonomi kerana yang benar-benar terlibat tidak mampu mendapat kontrak secara terus. Kalau orang kita yang betkelayakan dan berkemampuan saya tiada masalah. Itu pun perlu dihadkan untuk beberapa projek dan biarlah selepas itu mereka bersaing pula dalam pasaran dan beri peluang kepada orang kita yang lain pula.

Saya faham praktikal politik, tetapi kalau beginilah cara orang melayu menjaga kuasa politik, saya tak nampak orang melayu akan berubah menjadi rakyat malaysia yang lebih berdaya saing.

Maaf, tak dapat menulis panjang.


Zalman A said...


"Headless chicken not wanted" and "PH hold fast, steady" make valid points.

There is no need for the opposition to attack Pakatan Harapan.

Pakatan Harapan is hands down the best at attacking Pakatan Harapan.

In every news cycle, of 20 headlines, about half will be about some faction or some party within PH attacking another faction / party / leader.

Rakyat dah bosan dah.

Where is the discipline?

Why have a PH Council and still fight like children in public?

Aldeenor said...

"Yang terbukti bermasalah kerana terlibat dengan jenayah tentulah tidak boleh diterima apatah lagi bagi menduduki barisan kepemimpinan."

Statement cam ni is very dangerous coz not many readers can see how downright hypocritical it is. Apa maksud tersirat apa yang loosely tersurat tu Pak Kadiaq?

Macam la rakyat ni bangang sangat tak nampak. Hampeh...

How to "buktikan" if yang buat jenayah are not even charged. Maybe will never be charged sebab telah di filter masuk PPBM. Masuk PPBM ni dah jadi macam born again UMNO kah? Cam idea born again Christian pulak eh? Paderi Mahathir dah ampunkan dosa semua pemimpin UMNO, semua jadi OK.

Even the ones currently charged, yang tak diampunkan oleh Paderi Mahathir pun take forever to move forward to nail them. Hmmmm.....

About Me

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I was born in 1947 in Kedah. I came from a rice farming family. I have been a journalist since 1969. I am the Editor-in-Chief of magazine publishing company, Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. I was Group Editor NST Sdn Bhd and Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP Bhd between 1988 and 2000. I write fortnightly column “Other Thots” in the Malaysian Business magazine, Kunta Kinte Original in Berita Harian and A Kadir Jasin Bercerita in Dewan Masyarakat. Books: Biar Putih Tulang (1998), Other Thots – Opinions & Observations 1992-2001 (2001), The Wings of an Eagle (2003), Mencari Dugalia Huso (2006), Damned That Thots (2006), Blogger (2006), PRU 2008-Rakyat Sahut Cabaran (2008), Komedi & Tragedi-Latest in Contemporary Malaysian Politics (2009) and Membangun Bangsa dengan Pena (2009).